Electrophoresis preparations for carrying out. Electrophoresis: what is it, indications and contraindications for the use of modern techniques

What happens during electrophoresis, what are its advantages over other methods? MirSovetov will help you understand this issue.

General information about electrophoresis

The word “electrophoresis” includes two parts: “electro” - that is, it means using in some way electric current, and the second part is “phoresis”, it can be translated from Greek as “transfer”. During electrophoresis, a certain movement of ions (charged particles) occurs in the environment created by an external source. electric field. It is the direct electric current that helps deliver the medicine to a particular area. This is one of the physiotherapy procedures and is widely used not only in the medical industry, but also in cosmetology. Doctors also call this method ionotherapy, iontophoresis, and ionogalvanization. And the basis of electrophoresis is the reaction of electrolytic dissociation. In this case, the drug substance disintegrates into aqueous solution to ions. When a drug solution is passed through an electric current, the drug ions move through the mucous membranes and skin penetrate the body. The medicine is delivered directly to the tissues through sweat and sebaceous glands. Once in the cells and intercellular fluid, the medicine then enters the epidermis, and from there it is absorbed into the blood and lymph. Then it can flow to the organs, but the highest concentration remains in the area where electrophoresis was performed. The following positive effects can be obtained from the procedures:

  • anesthetic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • relieving swelling;
  • vasodilator;
  • calming;
  • relaxing;
  • normalization occurs, tissue nutrition improves;
  • formation and release of biologically active components into the bloodstream.

What are the advantages of electrophoresis compared to other known methods of drug administration?

  1. The drug acts for a longer time, since a kind of depot is created in the skin, from where it is slowly released into the bloodstream.
  2. You can significantly reduce the dose of the drug, it will also work effectively.
  3. The medicine can be delivered exactly to the area or zone of the body that needs it.
  4. Medicinal substances are delivered in activated form.
  5. The drug is administered painlessly.
  6. Tissues are not damaged when the drug is administered.
  7. Much less risk of unwanted (side) effects.
  8. The medicine leaves the body more slowly.

Scope of application

Electrophoresis is used in complex therapy many diseases, for example, cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous system. It is prescribed by ophthalmologists, therapists, otorhinolaryngologists, gynecologists...

MirSovetov will list only some of the indications for these procedures:

  • pathologies of the heart and blood vessels - calcium solution;
  • scars formed after injury or surgical operations– solutions of lidase, ronidase, iodine;
  • adhesions, keloid scars;
  • ankylosing spondylitis, intervertebral hernia, polyarthritis, ;
  • , tonsillitis, ;
  • eye pathologies, for example, clouding vitreous body, low-grade inflammation of the choroid;
  • colpitis, endometriosis, endocervicitis and other gynecological problems;
  • neuralgia, plexitis, radiculitis;
  • migraine;
  • sprains, bruises, burns.

In cosmetology, electrophoresis helps in the fight against. Electrophoresis helps enhance the activity of the substances contained in face masks. For example, fruit juices, hyaluronidase, collagenase and other enzymes, plant extracts, vitamins, therapeutic mud, aminocaproic acid, bee products. The procedure can have an anti-inflammatory, drying, tonic or absorbable effect - it depends on the components used during the session.

Are there any contraindications?

Despite many advantages over other methods, electrophoresis is not allowed to be used in a number of cases:

  • presence of tumors;
  • heat, acute stages inflammation;
  • heart failure;
  • tendency to bleeding, problems with blood clotting;
  • for dermatitis, eczema;
  • wounds, skin lesions in places where medicinal pads are applied;
  • allergies or hypersensitivity to the medicine that was supposed to be administered;
  • intolerance to electric current;
  • the presence of metal dentures in the oral cavity;
  • disturbances of normal skin sensitivity.

The essence of electrophoresis and basic techniques

The procedure lasts from 10 to 30 minutes. The dosage and density of electric current are different, it all depends on age and diagnosis. The patient does not feel pain during the session, only a tingling sensation is acceptable. A course usually requires 10-20 sessions, which are done every other day or daily. Sometimes it is necessary to repeat the treatment after two or three months. The essence of this method is as follows: it is necessary to apply the drug between the electrode and the skin, that is, perpendicular to the direction of the current flow. In Russia, drug solutions are most often used for these purposes, while doctors abroad have long preferred gels.

We list the most commonly used methods of electrophoresis:

  1. Galvanic - special pads, consisting of four layers of gauze or filter paper, are moistened in a solution with a drug of a certain concentration, followed by a protective pad, and an electrode is installed on it. The other electrode from the device is placed on the opposite side of the body. This is necessary in order to create a line for the movement of the drug.
  2. Bath - a solution with a drug is poured into a special bath, it already has built-in electrodes. The person then immerses the diseased body part in this liquid.
  3. Cavity - first, the drug in the form of a solution is introduced into the vagina, rectum, stomach or other hollow organ, then an anode or cathode is placed there, and a second electrode is placed on the surface of the body.
  4. Interstitial – most often used in treatment respiratory system. A person first takes a pill (or is given an injection), and then electrodes are placed on the area where the inflammation is located.

There are many techniques for performing the procedure:

  1. Ionic collar. It is applied for hypertension, neuroses, cranial brain injuries, sleep disorders.
  2. Ionic belt (upper or lower). Indicated for sexual disorders and gynecological diseases.
  3. Ionic reflexes (developed by Shcherbak). Good effect noticed at peptic ulcer, hypertension, neuroses and many other pathological conditions.
  4. Vermeule method (general electrophoresis). Gasket with medicinal solution placed between the shoulder blades, then an electrode is applied, and the other two are placed on back calves of both legs. This technique shows excellent results for atherosclerosis, cardiosclerosis, migraine, and hypertension.
  5. Orbital-occipital electrophoresis, also called the Bourguignon method. Small pads with a medicinal solution are used, they are placed on the orbital area when the eyelids are closed. Another pad is placed on the back of the neck. The procedure is prescribed for injuries and inflammation of the brain, neuritis of the trigeminal (or facial) nerve, and eye diseases.
  6. Nasal electrophoresis. Cotton swabs soaked in a solution of the drug are inserted into the nasal passages, and another electrode is placed on posterior region neck. It is carried out in case of violations metabolic processes, ulcer in digestive tract, brain pathologies.
  7. Ratner method, two spacers are used with different substances: the first (with aminophylline) is intended for the cervical vertebrae, and the second (with papaverine) is placed to the right of the sternum on the ribs. Such sessions are carried out for cerebral palsy, after birth injuries in newborns, circulatory disorders in the cervical spine spinal column.
  8. Bath electrophoresis is used for polyarthritis, plexitis, and arthritis. Diseased limbs are placed in a special container.
  9. Electrophoresis with Karipazim. This treatment gives good results with serious illness– herniated intervertebral discs. There should be 20 sessions, and after one or two months the treatment should be repeated. And it is advisable to conduct three such courses per year.

Electrophoresis is carried out in physiotherapy rooms equipped for this purpose. IN lately There are devices that can be purchased at Medtekhnika, they are intended for use at home. For example, “Solnyshko”, “MAG-30”, “Potok”, “Eleskulap” and others. But trust holding medical procedures only possible for people who have medical education and adequately proficient in electrophoresis techniques.

Electrophoresis for infants is a fairly common procedure that is prescribed for treatment certain diseases. This frightening name for manipulation in practice turns out to be a rather simple and very useful component of treatment for the child himself. Electrophoresis has a number of advantages for the treatment of children under one year of age, and it is a pity if its use is unacceptable when there are corresponding contraindications.

Using the electrophoresis method in children's body are introduced medical supplies in liquid form, with the medicines delivered directly to the diseased organ. To do this, use a minimal current discharge that is not capable of causing pain or harm to the baby’s health.

The whole point of the procedure is that metal plates are attached to a certain area of ​​the body, through which an electric current is supplied, which in turn facilitates the penetration of the medicine into the body, directly to the organ in need.

Is this dangerous for the child?

At correct use equipment and compliance with the dosage of medications will not cause any harm to the baby. It is also necessary to exclude contraindications for undergoing this procedure.

On the contrary, electrophoresis makes the treatment more painless. This makes it possible to avoid injections that are painful for the baby, and also to avoid possible complications as a result of oral use of medications.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to carry out this manipulation; there is a clear established contraindications. But more on that a little later.

Parents may be a little confused or even frightened by the behavior of babies under one year old during electrophoresis physiotherapy. Many children cry or even scream, demanding an end to such manipulation. This is an understandable reaction, because he may be scared.

The unpleasant sensations that a child may experience are coolness from metal plates, as well as napkins moistened with a healing substance, and a slight tingling sensation at the site of contact with the skin.

When is electrophoresis needed?

The indications for prescribing electrophoresis for infants are quite varied. This procedure can be attributed to:

  1. If a child is diagnosed with dysplasia hip joints.
  2. Available various pathologies or birth defects heart (use of calcium).
  3. For the treatment and prevention of birth injuries.
  4. Various pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.
  5. There are pathologies of the respiratory system (ENT, bronchitis, etc.).
  6. Vision pathologies.
  7. Diseases of the nervous system.
  8. Cerebral palsy.
  9. Stomatitis.
  10. Eye diseases.

And this is still an incomplete list of diseases for which it is advisable to prescribe electrophoresis.

The most common indications for the use of electrophoresis in children under 1 year of age: hip dysplasia, increased tone muscles, musculoskeletal disorders, cerebral palsy.

When electrophoresis is contraindicated

Like any medical intervention, this procedure has its own indications and contraindications, in the presence of which it is unacceptable to carry out this physiotherapy procedure.

Electrophoresis is contraindicated:

  • If the child has an increase in body temperature.
  • If there are tumors in the body.
  • For heart failure.
  • During acute inflammatory processes.
  • With a tendency to bleeding and any bleeding disorders.
  • For diathesis and dermatitis in a child.
  • If the skin is damaged in the places where the plates are attached.
  • If you have bronchial asthma.
  • If you are allergic to the medications used or have an individual intolerance to their components.

These contraindications are absolute and cannot be ignored.

Is it possible to carry out the procedure at home?

By and large, electrophoresis can be carried out at home. However, there is one big BUT: incorrect implementation of the procedure, failure to observe the time of exposure to current, and violation of the dosage of the administered medication can lead to harmful consequences.

Therefore, the electrophoresis procedure at home should be carried out by a trained person to avoid possible errors and make the procedure safe for the child. Especially when we're talking about about children under one year old.

It is unacceptable to prescribe this physiotherapy procedure on your own. There must be clear indications for it, which are established by the attending doctor.

Treatment of hip dysplasia

For DTPS in children under one year of age, electrophoresis with paraffin and calcium, therapeutic massage and gymnastics are often prescribed as part of complex therapy. In some cases, if there are indications, distributing mechanisms are prescribed (stirrups, Freik's pillow, plaster in serious cases and mainly for children older than one year).

Electrophoresis methods

The corresponding indications allow the use various techniques electrophoresis.

  1. In modern medical practice Electrophoresis with magnesium lotions is widely used. Indications: respiratory diseases. At the same time, magnesium helps improve blood circulation in damaged tissues, restores emotional and mental state baby. In addition, magnesia anesthetizes and relieves spasms.
  2. The indications for which electrophoresis according to Ratner is prescribed are mainly the following: disorders normal blood circulation in the cervical spine and cerebral palsy.

The combined use of papaverine and aminophylline helps improve blood circulation in the cervical region.

The essence of the manipulation according to Ratner is as follows: on the ribs right side An electrode with papaverine (1%) is attached to the chest, aminophylline (0.5%) is attached to the neck.

  • Calcium gluconate and calcium chloride widely used together with vitamin C. Indications: gingivitis, paralysis, muscular dystrophy.

Contraindications to these methods are common for electrophoresis in children.

In cases where there are clear indications, this procedure is in many ways preferable to treatment with tablets, since high doses the drug does not enter the baby’s stomach. This helps reduce the load on the kidneys, liver and spleen. In addition, auxiliary components to which allergic reactions often occur do not enter the child’s body.

In addition, with this treatment method there is no need intravenous administration medications and painful injections.

The above contraindications make the physiotherapeutic procedure of electrophoresis unacceptable.

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To supply direct current to the patient, electrodes made of metal plates (lead, staniol) or conductive graphitized fabric and hydrophilic fabric pads are used.

The latter have a thickness of 1-1.5 cm and protrude beyond the edges of the metal sheet or conductive fabric by 1.5-2 cm.

There are other types of electrodes: glass baths for the eyes, cavity ones - in gynecology, urology. Hydrophilic pads are designed to exclude the possibility of contact of electrolysis products (acids, alkalis) with the skin and are made of white fabric (flannel, flannel, fleece).

Do not use pads made of wool or dyed fabric. Hydrophilic gaskets are sewn together from 5-6 layers of fabric (for ease of rinsing in water, boiling and drying), a pocket is sewn from one layer of flannel, into which a lead plate is inserted, connected to a current-carrying wire, a metal clamp or soldered directly to the wire.

In the office it is advisable to have a set of lead plates of various areas from 4 to 800-1200 cm2 or carbon graphite plates of the same area. IN recent years They produce disposable electrodes. Use electrodes special form(in the form of a half mask for the face, a “collar” for the upper back and shoulder girdles, two-bladed, round for the eye area, etc.).

You should know that lead ions have a harmful effect on the body, so nurses who constantly work in this office should receive pectin or marmalade. Lead plates must be periodically cleaned with sandpaper and wiped with alcohol to remove lead oxide deposits, and also thoroughly smoothed with a metal roller before the procedure. The electrodes are fixed using elastic bandages, bags of sand or the weight of the patient’s body.

Before the procedure nurse should familiarize the patient with the nature of the sensations under the electrodes: uniform tingling and slight burning. When unpleasant painful sensations or an uneven burning sensation in a certain area of ​​the skin, the patient, without moving or changing position, must call a nurse. It is not recommended to read, talk, or sleep during the procedure. After the procedure, rest for 20-30 minutes is necessary.

Before the procedure, you should make sure that there are no scratches, abrasions, maceration, or rashes on the skin. Hydrophilic cloth pads are well moistened with warm tap water and placed on the patient’s skin, a lead plate with a current-carrying wire is located in a pocket. It is advisable to place filter paper on the skin under the cloth electrode to protect the pad from contamination.

The location of the electrodes on the patient's body is determined by the localization, severity and nature of the pathological process. There are transverse, longitudinal and transverse-diagonal techniques. With a transverse arrangement, the electrodes are placed on opposite surfaces of the body - one against the other (stomach and back, outer and inner surface knee joint etc.), which provides a deeper impact. With the longitudinal technique, the electrodes lie on one surface of the body: one more proximally, the other more distally (longitudinally along the spine, along the course of a nerve or muscle).

In this case, more superficial tissues are affected. The transverse diagonal technique is characterized by the location of electrodes on different surfaces of the body, but one is in its proximal parts, the other is in the distal parts. If they are located close together, the distance between the electrodes should be at least half their diameter.

Electrophoresis is the method most often used to introduce electrolyte drugs into the body, which dissociate into ions in solutions. Positively charged ions (+) are introduced from the positive pole (anode), negatively charged (-) - from the negative pole (cathode). For medicinal electrophoresis, you can use various solvents, the universal one and the best one is distilled water. If the drug has poor solubility in water, dimexide is used as a solvent, which also has an anti-inflammatory effect.

For electrophoresis of complex organic compounds(proteins, amino acids, sulfonamides) use buffer solutions. Drugs, for example, lidase or ronidase, dissolved in an acidic (acetate) buffer solution with pH = 5.2, are administered from the positive pole. Its prescription is: sodium acetate (or citrate) I.4 g, glacial acetic acid 0.91 ml, distilled water 1000 ml, 64 units of lidase (0.1 g of dry matter). 0.5-1 g of ronidase is dissolved in 15 or 30 ml of acetate buffer.

For electrophoresis of trypsin and chymotrypsin, a borate buffer with pH = 8.0-9.0 (alkaline medium) is used, which is introduced from the negative pole. Its composition: boric acid 6.2 g, potassium chloride 7.4 g, sodium (or potassium) hydroxide 3 g, distilled water 500 ml. 10 mg of trypsin or chymotrypsin is dissolved in 15-20 ml of borate buffer. Given the complexity of preparing these buffers, B.C. Ulaschik and D.K. Danusevich (1975) suggested using distilled water acidified with a 5-10% solution hydrochloric acid to pH = 5.2 (for introduction from the anode) or alkalized with 5-10% caustic alkali solution to pH = 8.0 (for introduction from the cathode).

Here is the table. 1, which indicates the required amount of caustic alkali or hydrochloric acid in various dilutions for alkalization and acidification. For example: we take 10 ml of a 0.5 solution of glutamic acid and add 0.16 ml of caustic alkali, we obtain a solution with a pH of 8.0 and introduce it from the negative pole. When adding hydrochloric acid, a pH = 5.0 is created.

Table 1. Required amount of caustic alkali or hydrochloric acid in various dilutions for alkalization and acidification

The concentration of solutions of medicinal substances used for electrophoresis most often ranges from 0.5 to 5.0%, since it has been proven that large quantities should not be administered. The consumption of medicine for every 100 cm2 of pad area is approximately from 10-15 to 30 ml of solution. Potent drugs(adrenaline, atropine, platiphylline, etc.) are administered from solutions in a concentration of 1:1000 or applied to the pad in an amount equal to the highest single dose.

Medicinal substances are prepared for no more than a week, potent ones - immediately before administration. To save money, medications are applied to filter paper, which is placed on the patient’s skin, and a cloth pad moistened with warm water is placed on top. Medicinal substances used for electrophoresis are given in table. 2.

Table 2. Medicinal substances used in electrophoresis with direct electric current

With electrophoresis of one medicinal product one hydrophilic pad of the appropriate polarity is moistened with its solution. When two substances of different polarity are simultaneously introduced (“bipolar” electrophoresis), both pads (anode and cathode) are moistened with them. If it is necessary to administer two drugs of the same polarity, use two spacers connected by a double wire with one current pole. In this case, one pad is moistened with one, the second - with another medicine.

For electrophoresis of antibiotics and enzymes, in order to avoid their inactivation by electrolysis products, special multilayer pads are used, in the middle of which 3-4 layers of filter paper are placed, moistened with a “safety” solution of glucose (5%) or glycol (1%). You can also use regular hydrophilic pads, but their thickness should be at least 3 cm.

After each procedure, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the pads with running water at the rate of 8-10 liters per pad to remove medicinal substances from them. There should be 2 sinks in the “kitchen”: one for indifferent pads, the other for active pads, that is, moistened with a medicinal substance. For potent drugs It is more advisable to have separate pads on which the name of the medicine can be embroidered.

Pads soaked in different medicinal substances should be washed and boiled separately to avoid contamination with ions harmful to the body. At the end of the working day, hydrophilic pads are boiled, wrung out and left in the drying cabinet.

The introduction of medicinal substances onto dimexides using current is called superelectrophoresis. Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) has the ability to enhance the effect of many drugs and increase the body's resistance to damaging effects. low temperatures and radiation. DMSO has a pronounced transporting property. DMSO is considered bipolar, but transport towards the cathode is more pronounced.

Dimxide can be used in the form of applications to the skin, since it is detected in the blood within 5 minutes. The maximum concentration is observed after 4-6 hours, the drug is retained in the body for no more than 36-72 hours. 70-90% solutions have a pronounced effect, but they are rarely used due to a pronounced allergic reaction. Pure dimxide is best used in the form of compresses, and used as a solvent during electrophoresis.

sparingly soluble medicinal substances, prepared in DMSO, penetrate into more and to greater depths (dermis and subcutaneous fat). At the same time, they enter the blood faster, and their pharmacological effect increases significantly.

For electrophoresis of water-soluble drugs, it is recommended to use 20-25% aqueous solutions of dimexide, and for poorly and water-insoluble drugs - 30-50% aqueous solutions. For cooking latest cure first dissolve in a concentrated solution of DMSO, and then, with constant shaking, add distilled water to the desired concentration.

For electrophoresis from a DMSO medium, use a 5-10% solution of aspirin in 50% DMSO, a 5-10% solution of analgin in 25% DMSO, a 1-2% solution of trypsin in 25% DMSO, 32-64 units of lidase in a 25% DMSO solution, 2-5% solution of adebite in 25% DMSO. All of these drugs are administered bipolarly. Dimxide causes an allergic reaction in some patients, so before the first procedure, apply a 25% solution of the drug to a small area of ​​skin and observe the reaction after 30-40 minutes. If swelling, redness, or itching appears on the skin, then DMSO should not be used.

Appointment procedure. The prescription indicates the name of the method (galvanization or electrophoresis with the designation of the concentration of the solution and the polarity of the ion), the place of exposure, the technique used (longitudinal, transverse, etc.), the current strength in milliamps, duration in minutes, sequence (daily or every other day), number procedures for a course of treatment.

Bogolyubov V.M., Vasilyeva M.F., Vorobyov M.G.


Used as part of physiotherapy, this method of hardware administration of drugs helps to painlessly deliver the right remedy directly to the pathological focus. Find out what medications can be transported into the body using this procedure.

What is electrophoresis

The topic of the beneficial effects of current on human health has been raised by the scientific community for a long time. Drug electrophoresis, which in medicine is also called galvanophoresis, galvanization or iontophoresis, involves the transformation under the influence of electrical impulses of various medications into tiny particles– ions with further delivery of the latter to problem areas. When drugs are administered via hardware, most of them remain in the layers of the dermis. The remains are transported with blood and lymph throughout the body.

Indications and contraindications

This procedure effective against a number of diseases. Confusion regarding what electrophoresis is occurs in many patients who are about to undergo this procedure for the first time. Hardware administration of drugs is recommended for many diagnoses: from musculoskeletal disorders to ophthalmological problems. For this reason, the question of why electrophoresis is needed cannot be fully answered. Meanwhile, there are some limitations for the hardware administration of medications. Contraindications to electrophoresis are as follows:

  • pathologies of blood vessels and heart;
  • oncological diseases;
  • elevated temperature;
  • inflammatory processes in the acute stage;
  • eczema and dermatitis manifestations;
  • allergies to medications administered during the procedure

Electrophoresis with aminophylline

Hardware administration of ions of this medicine helps to achieve bronchodilator, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. Eufillin for electrophoresis is used in the form of a 2% solution, which, under the influence of current, penetrates into the layers of the patient’s dermis. The sedimentation of the drug in the subcutaneous fat promotes its gradual, dosed entry into the body.

It is worth saying that intense saturation occurs during the procedure. cartilage tissue sick active ingredients drug. This pharmacology of aminophylline is used in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system: osteochondrosis of the collar zone and lumbar region, intervertebral hernia. In addition, its hardware administration is used to improve cerebral and renal circulation and treat bronchitis.

With lidase

The specified enzymatic substance is involved in the breakdown hyaluronic acid, promotes more active movement of interarticular fluid. Lidase for electrophoresis is selected for the purpose of preventing and treating adhesions and inflammatory phenomena different localization. The procedure promotes resorption postoperative scars, skin restoration after burns.

Hardware administration of lidase is effective against the negative consequences of pneumonia, tuberculosis, and bronchitis. Treatment of otitis and other inflammatory lesions of the ears can be carried out through simultaneous use endoural cataphoresis and external anaphoresis. In this case, only the cathode is impregnated with the lidase solution. The anode is located on the neck.

With Karipazim

Galvanic current helps transport the active substance of the drug directly to the problem area. Electrophoresis with Karipazim is used to treat pathologies of the spine and joints. The procedure is especially effective when intervertebral hernia. The tissues that cause a painful protrusion in the spinal column soften under the influence of current, which reduces the irritability of the nerve roots and, as a consequence, the severity of the pain syndrome.

With novocaine

Hardware administration of this anesthetic medication is carried out to obtain an analgesic effect. Electrophoresis with novocaine is indicated for neuropathic syndromes, radiculitis, osteochondrosis and other joint pathologies. Particularly effective in this case is the use of physiotherapy together with therapeutic massage and other manual procedures.

With calcium

This nutrient is considered a universal substance for hardware administration. Thus, iontophoresis with calcium chloride is used to treat inflammation oral cavity, myositis, hip dysplasia. It is worth mentioning separately that doctors prescribe the administration of this mineral using a hardware method for blood clotting pathologies. Calcium is especially important for infants. If there is a shortage of this element bone tissue The child develops according to the wrong algorithm.

With hydrocortisone

Hardware administration of drugs from the group of glucocorticosteroids is used to relieve allergic and autoimmune conditions. Electrophoresis with hydrocortisone is often used in neurological practice. It is worth noting that this procedure helps to get rid of eczema and dermatitis. Depending on the degree of damage to the skin, it is recommended to use a cream or emulsion based on hydrocortisone for hardware administration.

With magnesia

Under the influence of galvanic current, magnesium sulfate easily penetrates the cell membrane. Sufficient quantity This nutrient in the body is the key to the health of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. This mineral is involved in many chemical reactions, the energy potential of the cell largely depends on it. Electrophoresis with magnesium fights inflammation, promotes normalization heart rate And blood pressure. Meanwhile, magnesium sulfate is prohibited from using stomach bleeding, pathologies of the kidneys and liver.

With proserin

In the instructions for this drug it is indicated that it has high anticholinesterase activity. For this reason, electrophoresis with proserin is used to treat many neurological pathologies that are accompanied by a decrease in muscle tone and impaired conduction of electrical impulses. It is important to note that bromine preparations, widely used in physiotherapy, have a similar pharmacological effect. Indications for the purpose of hardware administration of proserin are:

  • myasthenia gravis;
  • neuritis different parts bodies;
  • bladder atony;
  • recovery after stroke;
  • transferred viral neuroinfections.

With dimexide

The procedure helps to achieve an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. It is used to treat osteochondrosis, various joint pathologies, and abscess infections in remission. Electrophoresis with dimexide is especially useful for people who, for some reason, cannot be administered orally or by injection. antibacterial agents. It is important to note that the procedure has virtually no side effects.

With lidocaine

The method involves local hardware administration of an anesthetic for the purpose of pain relief. Comparing the effects obtained after transporting novocaine and the specified drug by electric current, we can say that electrophoresis with lidocaine has a less intense effect on tissue structures. The indication for such delivery of an anesthetic drug into the body is a pronounced pain syndrome of various etiologies.

With nicotinic acid

Hardware introduction of this water-soluble vitamin, or niacin, ensures the normal course of redox reactions. Electrophoresis with nicotinic acid can be carried out for different purposes. Niacin has been found to be very beneficial for patients suffering from diabetes mellitus And cardiovascular diseases. In addition, hardware introduction of ions nicotinic acid helps reduce the concentration of lipoproteins and triglycerides in the blood.

With dibazole

Myotropic antispasmodic is used to treat arterial hypertension, facilitating transmission nerve impulses V spinal cord. Electrophoresis with dibazole is often used as a method of forming nonspecific resistance of the body to the effects of exogenous irritating factors. In addition, the creation of a kind of dibazole depot in the patient’s dermis ensures the synthesis of his own interferon for a long time.

Electrophoresis during pregnancy

During the period of bearing a child, a woman’s immunity decreases, which can serve as a trigger for the development of many diseases. Most medications during embryonic development fetus is contraindicated for use, so electrophoresis during pregnancy is a kind of way out for expectant mothers. In addition, the undoubted advantages of this procedure are:

  1. safety for the child;
  2. ensuring a high local concentration of drugs against the background of their minimum dosage.

In gynecology

Achievement therapeutic effect during the treatment of diseases of the female genital area is associated with some difficulties associated with an accurate diagnosis and the characteristics of each individual clinical case. Widely used solutions for electrophoresis in gynecology are solutions of iodine, magnesium and lidase. Good results in the treatment of chronic inflammatory processes with pronounced pain syndrome helps achieve hardware introduction to bottom part women's belly potassium iodide.

For children

Young patients in most cases undergo the procedure using the Ratner method. The scientist proposed hardware administration of aminophylline and papaverine to infants with natal cerebrospinal injuries. Electrophoresis for older children is prescribed for the treatment of bronchitis and diathesis. The technique is often used for limb fractures. A runny nose and other problems with the nasal passages are treated with endonasal administration of solutions.

In dentistry

The main indication for hardware administration of drugs in this area of ​​medicine is infection of the dental canals due to periodontitis and pulpitis. The technique of electrophoresis in dentistry involves targeted transportation of drugs, due to which more active restoration of damaged dentinal tubules occurs. Through this delivery of antibiotics, the pathogenic bacterial background is eliminated, which prevents the occurrence of secondary caries on the filled tooth.

In cosmetology

Rejuvenation and healing of the skin using current can be carried out in different ways. Thus, electrophoresis in cosmetology, or iontophoresis, is carried out using stationary and labile electrodes. The main condition effective elimination Problems with the skin is maintaining the polarity of the injected substance. It is worth mentioning separately about phonophoresis. This procedure involves the introduction of vitamins and medications into the deep layers of the skin using ultrasonic waves emitted by the device.

Home electrophoresis

The procedure can also be carried out independently using special devices. Home electrophoresis eliminates the need for the patient to visit a medical facility. Devices for this purpose can be purchased at pharmacy chains at very affordable prices. It is recommended to carry out hardware administration of drugs at home only after the approval of the attending physician and familiarization with the instructions on how to do electrophoresis. The following devices are available for free sale:

  1. "Stream-1"
  2. "Potok-BR"
  3. "Elfor"
  4. "AGN-32"

Side effects

In case full compliance all conditions for the correct hardware administration of medications any negative consequences, as a rule, do not arise. Medicinal electrophoresis, side effects which are caused only by individual intolerance to the drugs used during the session, even infants are treated. As a result, there is no need to avoid iontophoresis. Needless to say, in addition to therapeutic effects, you will also feel the relaxation effect of the procedure.


Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give treatment recommendations based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Sometimes doctors prescribe medications to us. Each drug is delivered to the desired location or organ in a specific way. Some drugs are much more effective when given intravenously or into a muscle, some are injected into the rectum, and some are taken through the mouth. However, there are also those that are delivered internally using electrophoresis. We will tell you in more detail about what electrophoresis is.

General information about electrophoresis

Electrophoresis is a special procedure that is based on the use of electric current. A special device delivers the medicine to the required area. Electrophoresis is one of the physiotherapy procedures. It is used not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology. This method is called ionogalvanization, ionotherapy and iontophoresis. The basis of electrophoresis is the electrolytic dissociation reaction. In this case, medicinal substances disintegrate into ions in an aqueous solution. As soon as a solution with a drug is passed through an electric current, ions from the drug move through the skin and mucous membranes into the body. The medicine is delivered to the tissue through the sebaceous and sweat glands. First, the medicine enters the intercellular fluid and cells, then enters the epidermis, and from there it is absorbed into the lymph and blood. In small concentrations, the drug can penetrate to organs that are located near the place where electrophoresis was done. However, the highest concentration remains in the electrophoresis area.

The electrophoresis procedure has a number of positive effects:

  • relieves swelling;
  • relieves pain;
  • calms;
  • relaxes;
  • has a vasodilating and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • improves tissue nutrition and metabolism in tissues, which allows the medicine to penetrate better;
  • promotes release biologically active substances into the blood.

Electrophoresis has a number of advantages over other known methods of drug administration:

  • a kind of depot is created in the skin, from where the drug is gradually released and enters the blood, and also affects desired area;
  • the dose of the drug can be reduced, but the effect will not change;
  • the drug can be delivered exactly to the place where it is needed without harming other organs;
  • the medicine is eliminated from the body more slowly;
  • side effects almost never occur;
  • medicinal substances are delivered to already active form;
  • There is no tissue damage when the drug is administered.

When to use electrophoresis

Doctors prescribe electrophoresis as part of complex therapy for the treatment of many diseases: the cardiovascular system, the nervous system, for the treatment of internal organs, for damage to muscles and ligaments, and so on. We will list only some indications for the use of this physiotherapy:

  • for pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
  • with scars and after surgical interventions;
  • for ankylosing spondylitis, arthritis, intervertebral hernia, osteochondrosis, polyarthritis and the like;
  • for keloid scars and adhesions;
  • for otitis and tonsillitis;
  • for hypertension;
  • for problems with the eyes: inflammation of the choroid, clouding of the vitreous body, and so on;
  • for sprains, bruises, burns;
  • for neuralgia, radiculitis and plexitis;
  • for cystitis, pyelonephritis and prostatitis
  • for endometriosis, colpitis and other gynecological problems;
  • for sleep disorders, migraines, neuroses.

In cosmetology, electrophoresis is used to combat cellulite. This procedure helps increase activity useful substances, which are contained in masks. For example, plant extracts, vitamins, fruit juices, medicinal mud, bee products, acids and the like. The procedure can also have a tonic, anti-inflammatory and drying effect. It all depends on the components that are used for the procedure.

Contraindications for electrophoresis

Despite many advantages, the procedure has some contraindications. It cannot be carried out when:

  • presence of tumors;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • inflammation;
  • skin damage and wounds in the places where the procedure needs to be done;
  • for dermatitis;
  • heart failure;
  • problems with blood clotting;
  • skin sensitivity disorders;
  • allergic reactions on the drug used;
  • intolerance to electric current.

The essence of the procedure and basic techniques

The duration of the procedure on average takes from 10 minutes to half an hour. The density of the electric current, as well as the dosage of medications, depends on the diagnosis and age. During the session, the patient does not feel pain, only a slight tingling sensation is possible. Typically, doctors prescribe from 10 to 20 sessions, which are done every day or every other day. The procedure is very simple. The drug is applied between the electrode and the skin. Preparations in the form of gels and various solutions are used.

Basic electrophoresis techniques

  1. Galvanic - special pads that consist of four layers of filtered paper and gauze. These pads are moistened in a drug solution of the required concentration, then a protective gasket is put on, on which the electrode is installed. Another electrode is placed on the opposite side of the body. This is necessary in order to create a line of movement of the drug.
  2. Bath - a solution of a medicinal product is poured into a special bath, and special electrodes are placed in this bath. A person immerses most of the body in it and lies there for a certain time.
  3. Cavity - a drug in the form of a solution is injected into the rectum, vaginal opening, stomach or other hollow organ, and then a cathode or anode is inserted there, the second electrode is placed on the surface of the body.
  4. Interstitial - most often this technique is used to treat the respiratory system. First, the patient takes a pill or an injection, and then electrodes are placed on the area with the inflammation.

Procedure techniques

  1. Ionic collar - applied for brain injuries, neuroses, sleep disorders.
  2. The ionic belt is indicated for gynecological diseases and sexual disorders.
  3. Ion reflexes are indicated for neuroses, hypertension, peptic ulcers and other pathological conditions.
  4. Vermeule method - in this method, a medicated pad is placed between the shoulder blades, then an electrode is passed, and the other two are placed on the back of the calves of both legs. This technique is indicated for cardiosclerosis, atherosclerosis, hypertension and migraines.
  5. Orbital-occipital electrophoresis is prescribed for injuries and inflammation of the brain, eye diseases, and neuritis of the facial nerve. Small pads with the solution are applied to the eye socket area. Another pad is placed on the back of the neck.
  6. Nasal electrophoresis is prescribed for brain pathologies, metabolic disorders, ulcers in the ECT, and the like. Cotton swabs soaked in medication are inserted into the nasal passages, and an electrode is attached to the back of the neck.
  7. The Ratner method is used for cerebral palsy, for circulatory disorders in the cervical spine, and the like. Two pads with different medications are placed on cervical vertebrae and to the right of the sternum to the ribs.
  8. Bath electrophoresis is prescribed for plexitis, arthritis and polyarthritis. Diseased limbs are placed in a special bath with a medicinal solution.
  9. Electrophoresis with Karipazim is used to treat herniated intervertebral discs. About 20 sessions are prescribed. The course of treatment must be repeated after two months, and at least three such courses must be carried out per year.