Atlanta edit: reviews of the procedure and doctors’ opinions. Editing the atlas Restore 1 cervical vertebrae of the atlas

It is believed that it is because of the displaced first cervical vertebra (atlas) that people suffer from headaches, back and neck pain, and only with the help of hardware treatment can these problems be eliminated. Osteopath and cranioposturologist Vladimir Zhivotov talks about how safe the method is for health.

Atlas is not only the mighty titan from the myths of Ancient Greece, holding the heavenly dome on his shoulders. This name usually refers to the first cervical vertebra. And the method of treatment and recovery is called “Atlas correction”. What is its essence? In order for our body to function well, it is necessary that the spine is straight and the bones and internal organs are in their proper places. Very often, upon examination, it turns out that the first cervical vertebra is displaced. In order to return it to its place, the atlas is edited.

"For" and "against"

How does this work? A special device uses vibration to influence the short muscles that surround the atlas and hold it in a displaced position. During the procedure, a straightener will slightly adjust the position of your head in relation to your spine. After a few minutes of correct action, the muscles themselves “put” the vertebra in its proper place and fix it there.

Experts who practice this method of treatment believe that all problems with the musculoskeletal system are associated with the displacement of the first cervical vertebra. This is partly true. But this theory overlooks the fact that if the atlas is displaced, after it, as if in a chain, all the other cervical vertebrae are displaced - right up to the pelvic bones. The first cervical vertebra can be displaced due to a birth injury, a sharp fall, a blow to the head, trauma from an accident, etc. All this entails a lot of unpleasant consequences.

Simple truths

We all know that without balance the body cannot be healthy - it’s hard to argue with that. However, editing the atlas is not only an ineffective method, but also dangerous. And here's why: the fact is that the first cervical vertebra is connected to the occipital bone, which is the leading bone in this ligament, and it, in turn, is connected to all the other bones of the skull. Therefore, it is the atlas that always adapts to the skull and occipital bone, and never vice versa. It's hard to imagine a situation where the sky adjusts to Atlanta, isn't it? This is also true for the human body. This is an axiom: if a person’s bones at the base of the skull are displaced, then the first cervical vertebra is also displaced. Displacement of a vertebra is always a consequence, and no matter how diligently the atlas is adjusted, without restoring the correct position of the bones of the base of the skull, of which the occipital bone is an integral part, it will still return to its original position. Therefore, the result of such a procedure will be unstable.

The rotation of the first cervical vertebra is an adaptive reaction to the displacement of the bones of the skull. If you interfere with the adaptive changes that the body has been making for a long time in order to optimize its work in conditions of mechanical damage, then everything collapses. Therefore, very often after the procedure of “reduction” of the atlas, exacerbations and complications occur. The situation is aggravated by the fact that the work is performed by a device that can never compare in sensitivity and gentleness with human hands.

To treat or not to treat?

In order to effectively “correct” the human body, when working, it is important to take into account the entire complex of information emanating from tissues: heat, humidity, hardness or softness, displacement, direction of tension. The machine is not capable of this. This requires very sensitive and specialized receptors. The device does not sense absolutely anything, so you should not trust it to affect such an important area as the upper cervical spine and the first cervical vertebra.

An osteopath, restoring the correct position of the bones of the base of the skull, indirectly affects all vertebrae and the body as a whole. I can say with confidence that this is a long process with many nuances, and each person reacts to manipulation differently. Therefore, trust the restoration of your body to a person, not a mechanism.

In addition to working in medicine, I maintain a health blog on Instagram (@vladimirzhivotov). At one time he developed a manual direction - cranioposturology (patented). It is more effective than classical osteopathy. I plan to regularly share my knowledge with Marie Claire readers. Sincerely yours, Vladimir Zhivotov.

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Small vertebra - big impact

Have you tried all types of treatment, but your back pain and symptoms persist?

Do you just want to be healthy without the constant need to visit doctors?

Do you want to get rid of your pain forever? Then you need to stop treating the symptoms and eliminate the true cause of the disease!

The body can heal itself if the conditions are created. Start the process of self-healing in the body, without the use of drugs and surgery!

Find out how correction of the atlas (the first cervical vertebra) will help you get rid of the problem of headaches, dizziness, migraines, discomfort in the neck and spine, pain in the neck and back, as well as dozens of other diseases and problems with the body.

When studying the materials on this site, you will understand why subluxation of the atlas can cause a huge number of diseases and how this happens mechanically. You will learn why treatment for these symptoms is not effective and why you need to undergo treatment again and again. You will also understand how to eliminate the main cause of the disease so that it disappears forever.


Subluxation of the atlas

hidden cause of numerous symptoms, illnesses and health complaints

Atlant(definition on Wikipedia) is the first cervical vertebra, other names: C1 or Atlas. This vertebra plays a very important and responsible role in the spine.

A malfunction of this particular first vertebra can cause a chain reaction and affect all vertebrae in the entire spine, and also have a negative impact on the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems. Such disorders do not appear immediately, but tend to gradually and imperceptibly accumulate in the body in the form of small changes and deterioration in health. This leads to the fact that with age, the quality of life deteriorates significantly.

Many experts attribute this to age-related changes and simply aging of the body, but this is not at all true. You must understand the main idea: age and health are in no way related things. Yes, yes, I know that you will say that as we age our health invariably It’s getting worse and any doctor will tell us about it. But the fact of the matter is that any doctor says what he was taught. He cannot observe and draw conclusions. Modern medicine, unfortunately, has lost the ability to observe and draw conclusions. All outstanding discoveries were made in past centuries. Now medicine is essentially marking time, slipping more and more into the sale of chemical drugs and turning into a business.

Medical diagnostics are not able to identify the cause of the disease with 100% accuracy; as a result, only symptoms and manifestations are treated, while the true cause remains.

In the video below, you will learn about one of the technologies that can significantly improve your health by eliminating one of the main causes of our diseases.


6 important facts about Atlanta,
first cervical vertebra

you should know

in most cases, the person is injured during birth. This birth injury consists of the fact that during the birth of a child, the first cervical vertebra is displaced or otherwise changes its location.

Also, displacement of the atlas is noted during road traffic accidents and sports injuries in the head and neck area.

It was found that subluxation of the atlas in most cases was the cause of diseases of the skeleton, internal organs and even some diseases of the human psyche.

in official and traditional medicine, subluxation of the atlas is not considered as a possible cause of diseases and disorders in the body.

MRI or CT allows you to diagnose and identify existing subluxation of the first cervical vertebra of the atlas.

neither official medicine, nor chiropractors, osteopaths or chiropractors have the technology to place this vertebra in its anatomically correct place.


Health complaints

do you think they are just psychosomatic?

Many hospital patients hear from their doctor that the cause of your pain or suffering does not have an accurate diagnosis and is psychosomatic in nature or has the prefix idiopathic, that is, one whose cause has not been clearly established.

Chronic pain in the cervical spine or recurring headaches and migraines are a consequence of subluxation of the atlas. This is proven by the fact that after correction of the atlas, these symptoms in 90% of cases disappear completely and completely.

Correction of the atlas is also a preventive procedure for scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis, pelvic distortion, different leg heights, and so on.


Health problems go away

What symptoms go away after correction of the atlas?

The negative consequences of subluxation of the atlas can manifest throughout the body.

Below I have compiled a list of the most common health problems due to the displacement of the first cervical vertebra. All these diseases and symptoms can be completely or partially eliminated thanks to the procedure for correcting the subluxation of the first cervical vertebra of the atlas.

It is important to understand that not all of these listed symptoms may completely or partially disappear. The cause of the disease may also be different.

It would be a misconception and a mistake to believe that the procedure for editing the atlas is a panacea for all diseases. It is important to understand that the purpose of this procedure is not to permanently treat you, but to eliminate the problem of subluxation of the atlas.

The procedure is aimed at putting the atlas in the correct position and thereby giving the body a chance to correct all the deviations that have arisen as a result of such a displacement of the vertebra. However, miraculous healing of the body is also possible, which is most often achieved as a result of correction of the atlas.



Neck pain

Stiff neck - stiff neck

Different shoulder heights

Different leg heights

Tennis Elbow - Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Radiculitis - lumbago


Hip pain

Joint pain

Constantly cold hands and feet

Hearing impairment - ringing in the ears.

Gastrointestinal symptoms - stomach acidity


Chronic fatigue

Difficulty concentrating




How can I independently determine the displacement of the atlas?

Of course, the best option for this is to contact a qualified atlas specialist who will conduct a series of tests.

You can also diagnose it through an MRI procedure at your local clinic.


How many sessions are needed?
to fix Atlanta?

Correction of the atlas consists of only one session. Purely technical action lasts from 10 to 15 minutes.

It is worth noting that, of course, there are very, very rare exceptions. For a number of reasons, the procedure is sometimes required to be repeated, but it is done free of charge.

No earlier than one month after the procedure, you must come for a re-diagnosis. As a result, you will have 2 visits to an atlas specialist.


Atlas correction

How dangerous is this?

Many experts believe that intervention in the neck and working with the vertebrae is an extremely dangerous activity and they are absolutely right! However, it is worth noting that the atlas correction procedure does not have any direct effect on any of the vertebrae, as is done in the same manual practice or chiropractic practice.

In the atlas correction method, only the soft tissues are affected and the atlas is put in place by the body itself, thanks to a certain effect on the muscles.

In Russia, the technique can be found under the names atlas-standard, correction of the atlas vertebra, freedom atlanta, atlas correction, atlasprof, satin effect, proatlant, atlasprophylax and so on. However, these names have nothing to do with the actual method of correcting the atlas and the 100% result, which manifests itself in improving your well-being and health.

How to distinguish the original method of staging the atlas from the unoriginal one. Firstly, the procedure is done while sitting. It cannot cost less than 17,000 rubles. on the territory of the Russian Federation. The effect is partially felt immediately after the procedure, and some improvements are added during the first month. The procedure does not use any heat, drugs or massage. After the procedure, in the first month, a person often feels (but sometimes ignores) the natural need to exercise, eat right and lead a healthy lifestyle. If you ignore this, then after a month this desire goes away.


Osteopath or chiropractor

can also do atlas correction?

Some medical professionals or even traditional healers may believe that they are adjusting the first cervical vertebra and putting it in place. However, this is a deep misconception.

The technique for correcting the first cervical vertebra was discovered by Rene Schumperli in Switzerland only about 25 years ago. He trained and produced many good and excellent specialists. However, after his death, the technology began to become greatly distorted. Specialists began to train other specialists with the addition of changes that began to lead to a lack of results.

As a result of this, we began to deal with lost technology, which is only in some places still provided as standard by those specialists who received their training from the founder of the method.

Initially, the technique was called Atlasprofilax.

In my experience, I can say that neither chiropractic nor chiropractic nor osteopathy or chiropractic care can actually correct first cervical vertebral subluxation. All their attempts lead only to temporary results, and at best to no result.

Those who find it difficult to believe this can conduct an experiment on their own and interview all those patients to whom I personally performed the procedure and inquire about their health and the results achieved. There are those here who agreed to provide them. You can always contact these people and chat about the technique.

I myself have personally performed more than 5,200 procedures and can give you plenty of contacts of people, even in your city. I am sure that in your city there is someone who contacted me and had my atlas corrected.



Treating a disease or its symptoms is, of course, the wrong approach to your health. It is much more effective and easier to prevent the development of the disease in advance.

Correction of the atlas can be carried out in children almost immediately after birth, if a birth injury or subluxation of the atlas is detected, which will preserve his health from a very early age. A cheerful and healthy child will delight his parents with good health.

Atlanta reduction is a procedure that requires high medical qualifications and extensive experience. Inept manipulations can be useless and even harmful. A safe way to put the cervical vertebrae in place are neck stretches and special exercises that can be performed at home.

Let's look at how to straighten a cervical vertebra yourself without dangerous manipulations and expensive procedures.

The structure of the first cervical vertebra differs from other vertebral discs. It is larger, its lateral processes are elongated, and the vertebral foramen is much wider than that of other cervical vertebrae. Changes in structure and special shape are associated with an important function. Atlas supports the human skull and ensures its movable connection with the spine.

Atlas performs a unique function: it provides a flexible and strong connection between the head and neck - the most mobile vertebral section, in which the brain is located, vessels, nerves, and lymphatic ducts are intertwined.

The spinal cord passes through the central vertebral foramen. Arteries and nerve fibers extend through small openings in the transverse lateral processes. Fiber plexuses provide communication between the brain and internal organs. They transmit signals that control the functioning of organs and cells, contract or relax muscles, compress or relax blood vessels.

Muscle fibers are attached to the surface of the protruding processes. They keep Atlas in the correct position, do not allow it to turn, move, and pinch nerves and blood vessels.

Offset result

The correct position of a person’s joints and vertebrae is determined by the development of the muscular corset. The muscles of the neck and shoulders hold the Atlas, Axis and other cervical vertebrae in the correct position. The stability and correct position of the spine depends on the development and formation of the muscle corset.

Displacement of the vertebrae can occur due to muscle weakness or as a result of injury. Often, displacement of the first spinal disc occurs during childbirth, when the baby's head passes through dense tissue. Displacements can also be the result of an unsuccessful fall or blow.

Displacement of the cervical vertebra during childbirth is also called birth trauma. It occurs in 95% of the population of post-Soviet countries. Such a high percentage of injuries is associated with the traditional delivery technique, which was abandoned in Western countries back in the 70s of the last century.

Traumatic displacements of joints in violation of their correct position are called dislocations and subluxations. When any of the cervical vertebrae is displaced, the flow of blood passing through the veins and arteries through the lateral processes is disrupted. The passage of nerve impulses is also disrupted. Severe displacement leads to compression of the spinal cord, disability or death.

Schematic representation of the Atlanta displacement

The proximity to the skull and the specific shape of the location provide the Atlas with a large number of nerve fibers passing through it. Even small shifts of the vertebra lead to disruption of the transmission of nerve impulses. This disrupts the functioning of many internal human organs, which receive incorrect, insufficient or untimely impulses-commands from the brain.

Also, the result of the Atlanta shift is various displacements in other parts of the spine. The Atlanta rotation “pulls” the cervical, thoracic and lumbar vertebrae. A person begins to develop scoliosis, kyphosis and other problems caused by a curved spine.

How to correct cervical vertebrae: general rules

The amount of displacement of the first cervical vertebra determines the nature of the manifestation of unhealthy symptoms. With small displacements, increased fatigue and periodic problems with the functioning of internal organs and digestion are possible. With significant displacements, the outflow of blood is disrupted, intracranial pressure increases, migraines and severe headaches form.

In order to put the joint in place, use the following general rules. The displaced joint is stretched and slightly rotated. The neck is lengthened and in this position, the chin and head are rotated. Such actions make it possible to restore the correct articulation and remove subluxation.

How to edit an Atlas - yourself or with a chiropractor

Manual therapy is a branch of medicine that works with various displacements and dislocations. However, the cervical vertebrae are so tightly intertwined with a large number of nerve fibers that only an experienced qualified specialist - a vertebrologist - can correctly put them in place.

Illiterate manipulations by a chiropractor can lead to disability. Moreover, the consequences of the displacement sometimes do not appear immediately, but within 2-3 weeks, after a temporary visible improvement.

A chiropractor is a doctor who treats patients with his own hands.

If you are not confident in the qualifications of the chiropractor, it is better to straighten the cervical vertebrae yourself - with a special massage, relaxation and certain physical exercises for the neck.

How to straighten the Atlas yourself: neck stretching

In order to put Atlas in place, use inverted hangs upside down.

What is important is fate:

The human head accounts for 7% of his weight, and this is up to 6-7 kg for an adult. Which is quite enough to stretch the Atlas joint and the base of the skull.

The displaced vertebra is held in the wrong position by spasmed muscles. Complete relaxation of the muscles leads to the fact that the vertebrae occupies the correct place. Based on this theory, the popular Atlanta editing technique, known as Atlasprofilaks or Atlasprofilaks, works. In this expensive procedure, the neck muscles are relaxed using a vibrating massage device. As a result of their complete relaxation, the vertebra painlessly takes its correct place.

Exercises for editing Atlanta - Makeeva gymnastics

For self-reduction of Atlanta, the head is turned, tilted, the neck is stretched and fixed in a rotated, inclined position. Fixation or delay is performed at the moment of maximum stretching. And a straight, elongated neck allows you to exclude all cervical vertebrae from rotation and concentrate bending loads on the area of ​​​​the connection between the Atlas and the skull.

The feeling of pain when performing exercises for editing Atlanta indicates the presence of pathology


  • Neck stretching, in which you need to stretch your head up, shoulders down, move your head back as much as possible, keeping your chin parallel to the floor.
  • Tilts of the chin down, in which the neck remains vertical and the crown continues to stretch upward.
  • Head tilts, in which the nose remains motionless and the head turns with the right or left ear up, rotating around the tip of the nose.
  • Lifting the chin to the sides from a lower position when the chin is pressed to the neck.

When performing these exercises, you may feel pain in the upper neck. Soreness indicates a pathological process, the presence of subluxation and inflammation of the cervical vertebra.

Each exercise is performed 8 times with fixation in the extreme rotated position for 10-15 seconds.

Reduction of cervical vertebrae using Dr. Makeev’s technique uses similar exercises to the technique of Dr. Shishonin, who developed a complex of gymnastics for cervical osteochondrosis.

Self-manual therapy

How to straighten the cervical vertebrae yourself? Here is a description of a technique that allows you to independently, without expensive manipulations, put your cervical vertebra in place. To perform this you will need a small soft roller with a diameter of about 10 cm (it can be rolled out of a blanket or purchased in a store). To edit, you need to lie on a trestle bed or floor on your back and place a cushion under your neck.

When self-medicating, you need to lie on a hard, flat surface.

The presence of a cushion in the area of ​​the cervical vertebrae ensures their bending and stretching. In this case, maximum tensile stresses will be formed directly above the roller. Therefore, to reduce Atlas, the roller is placed closer to the head - near the base of the skull.

We will describe the method of how to straighten the cervical vertebrae yourself, step by step:

  • Before the procedure, it is necessary to warm up the neck muscles - with a light massage or using a needle roller - the Lyapko iplicator.
  • Lying on a cushion, you need to turn your head to the right and left.
  • After 8-10 warm-up turns, they begin direct editing - they help with their hands to turn the head further. In this case, reciprocating movements are used, in which at the extreme point the head is pushed with the hand (by the chin) and returned a little back, after which it is pushed again, and so on several times. During the procedure, the roller is located under the neck - in the area of ​​​​the base of the skull.

The described Atlanta editing techniques are available, inexpensive and safe. They allow you to put the vertebra in place and maintain its correct position.

Also, performing exercises allows you to strengthen the neck muscles and prevent possible shifts and misalignments of the cervical vertebrae.

Atlanta reduction is a procedure that requires high medical qualifications and extensive experience. Inept manipulations can be useless and even harmful. A safe way to put the cervical vertebrae in place are neck stretches and special exercises that can be performed at home.

Let's look at how to straighten a cervical vertebra yourself without dangerous manipulations and expensive procedures.

The structure of the first cervical vertebra differs from other vertebral discs. It is larger, its lateral processes are elongated, and the vertebral foramen is much wider than that of other cervical vertebrae. Changes in structure and special shape are associated with an important function. Atlas supports the human skull and ensures its movable connection with the spine.

Atlas performs a unique function: it provides a flexible and strong connection between the head and neck - the most mobile vertebral section, in which the brain is located, vessels, nerves, and lymphatic ducts are intertwined.

The spinal cord passes through the central vertebral foramen. Arteries and nerve fibers extend through small openings in the transverse lateral processes. Fiber plexuses provide communication between the brain and internal organs. They transmit signals that control the functioning of organs and cells, contract or relax muscles, compress or relax blood vessels.

Muscle fibers are attached to the surface of the protruding processes. They keep Atlas in the correct position, do not allow it to turn, move, and pinch nerves and blood vessels.

The correct position of a person’s joints and vertebrae is determined by the development of the muscular corset. The muscles of the neck and shoulders hold the Atlas, Axis and other cervical vertebrae in the correct position. The stability and correct position of the spine depends on the development and formation of the muscle corset.

Displacement of the vertebrae can occur due to muscle weakness or as a result of injury. Often, displacement of the first spinal disc occurs during childbirth, when the baby's head passes through dense tissue. Displacements can also be the result of an unsuccessful fall or blow.

Displacement of the cervical vertebra during childbirth is also called birth trauma. It occurs in 95% of the population of post-Soviet countries. Such a high percentage of injuries is associated with the traditional delivery technique, which was abandoned in Western countries back in the 70s of the last century.

Traumatic displacements of joints in violation of their correct position are called dislocations and subluxations. When any of the cervical vertebrae is displaced, the flow of blood passing through the veins and arteries through the lateral processes is disrupted. The passage of nerve impulses is also disrupted. Severe displacement leads to compression of the spinal cord, disability or death.

Schematic representation of the Atlanta displacement

The proximity to the skull and the specific shape of the location provide the Atlas with a large number of nerve fibers passing through it. Even small shifts of the vertebra lead to disruption of the transmission of nerve impulses. This disrupts the functioning of many internal human organs, which receive incorrect, insufficient or untimely impulses-commands from the brain.

Also, the result of the Atlanta shift is various displacements in other parts of the spine. The Atlanta rotation “pulls” the cervical, thoracic and lumbar vertebrae. A person begins to develop scoliosis, kyphosis and other problems caused by a curved spine.

How to correct cervical vertebrae: general rules

The amount of displacement of the first cervical vertebra determines the nature of the manifestation of unhealthy symptoms. With small displacements, increased fatigue and periodic problems with the functioning of internal organs and digestion are possible. With significant displacements, the outflow of blood is disrupted, intracranial pressure increases, migraines and severe headaches form.

In order to put the joint in place, use the following general rules. The displaced joint is stretched and slightly rotated. The neck is lengthened and in this position, the chin and head are rotated. Such actions make it possible to restore the correct articulation and remove subluxation.

How to edit an Atlas - yourself or with a chiropractor

Manual therapy is a branch of medicine that works with various displacements and dislocations. However, the cervical vertebrae are so tightly intertwined with a large number of nerve fibers that only an experienced qualified specialist - a vertebrologist - can correctly put them in place.

Illiterate manipulations by a chiropractor can lead to disability. Moreover, the consequences of the displacement sometimes do not appear immediately, but within 2-3 weeks, after a temporary visible improvement.

A chiropractor is a doctor who treats patients with his own hands.

If you are not confident in the qualifications of the chiropractor, it is better to straighten the cervical vertebrae yourself - with a special massage, relaxation and certain physical exercises for the neck.

How to straighten the Atlas yourself: neck stretching

In order to put Atlas in place, use inverted hangs upside down.

What is important is fate:

The human head accounts for 7% of his weight, and this is up to 6-7 kg for an adult. Which is quite enough to stretch the Atlas joint and the base of the skull.

The displaced vertebra is held in the wrong position by spasmed muscles. Complete relaxation of the muscles leads to the fact that the vertebrae occupies the correct place. Based on this theory, the popular Atlanta editing technique, known as Atlasprofilaks or Atlasprofilaks, works. In this expensive procedure, the neck muscles are relaxed using a vibrating massage device. As a result of their complete relaxation, the vertebra painlessly takes its correct place.

Exercises for editing Atlanta - Makeeva gymnastics

To adjust Atlanta independently, turn/tilt the head while stretching the neck and fixing it in a turned/inclined position. Fixation or delay is performed at the moment of maximum stretching. And a straight, elongated neck allows you to exclude all cervical vertebrae from rotation and concentrate bending loads on the area of ​​​​the connection between the Atlas and the skull.

The feeling of pain when performing exercises for editing Atlanta indicates the presence of pathology


  • Neck stretching, in which you need to stretch your head up, shoulders down, move your head back as much as possible, keeping your chin parallel to the floor.
  • Tilts of the chin down, in which the neck remains vertical and the crown continues to stretch upward.
  • Head tilts, in which the nose remains motionless and the head turns with the right or left ear up, rotating around the tip of the nose.
  • Lifting the chin to the sides from a lower position when the chin is pressed to the neck.

When performing these exercises, you may feel pain in the upper neck. Soreness indicates a pathological process, the presence of subluxation and inflammation of the cervical vertebra.

Each exercise is performed 8 times with fixation in the extreme rotated position for 10-15 seconds.

Reduction of cervical vertebrae using Dr. Makeev’s technique uses similar exercises to the technique of Dr. Shishonin, who developed a complex of gymnastics for cervical osteochondrosis.

How to straighten the cervical vertebrae yourself? Here is a description of a technique that allows you to independently, without expensive manipulations, put your cervical vertebra in place. To perform this you will need a small soft roller with a diameter of about 10 cm (it can be rolled out of a blanket or purchased in a store). To edit, you need to lie on a trestle bed or floor on your back and place a cushion under your neck.

When self-medicating, you need to lie on a hard, flat surface.

The presence of a cushion in the area of ​​the cervical vertebrae ensures their bending and stretching. In this case, maximum tensile stresses will be formed directly above the roller. Therefore, to reduce Atlas, the roller is placed closer to the head - near the base of the skull.

We will describe the method of how to straighten the cervical vertebrae yourself, step by step:

  • Before the procedure, it is necessary to warm up the neck muscles - with a light massage or using a needle roller - the Lyapko iplicator.
  • Lying on a cushion, you need to turn your head to the right and left.
  • After 8-10 warm-up turns, they begin direct editing - they help with their hands to turn the head further. In this case, reciprocating movements are used, in which at the extreme point the head is pushed with the hand (by the chin) and returned a little back, after which it is pushed again, and so on several times. During the procedure, the roller is located under the neck - in the area of ​​​​the base of the skull.

The described Atlanta editing techniques are available, inexpensive and safe. They allow you to put the vertebra in place and maintain its correct position.

Also, performing exercises allows you to strengthen the neck muscles and prevent possible shifts and misalignments of the cervical vertebrae.