If the stitch hurts after abdominal surgery. The stitch hurts after a caesarean section - what to do? Treatment of pain in postoperative scars and scars - is surgery necessary and when?

Pain after caesarean section- women remember them for a long time after the operation. For some, they go away in the maternity hospital, while for others they persist for months, or even years. What to do if such a negative situation affects you and how long does the stitch hurt after a cesarean section - 1 month, 2 months or more, what is considered normal?

Pain that appears in the first month after surgery may be associated with poor hygiene and excessive physical exertion. By the way, they need to be excluded for at least 1.5, and preferably 3, months after surgery, since this can lead to suture divergence. And if the suture hurts after a cesarean section during the second pregnancy, then this may be a long-term consequence of female recklessness. It is advisable to arm yourself for the first month physical assistance relatives at home and childcare.

Caring for sutures after a caesarean section is carried out by nurses in the maternity hospital. There is also a course of antibiotic therapy as a preventive measure. inflammatory process. And a woman is discharged only if the stitch is in good condition. But why does the stitch hurt after a cesarean section? There can be many reasons.

1. Poor-quality suture material that has not completely dissolved (in most cases, a cosmetic suture is applied during delivery surgery). This often happens if the inner seam is made using silk threads. If the threads have dissolved, and this should happen within 1-1.5 months, the suture on the uterus after a cesarean section should not hurt. If the thread remains, the woman shows signs of inflammation. Scientifically, this is called a ligature abscess. It causes a painful swelling with pus. This pus must be removed. A thread is usually found in the center of the abscess. The surgeon removes it and cleans the wound. Then you need to take antibiotics for several days. Usually all this happens in inpatient conditions. You need to stay in the hospital for several days, as complications after the procedure are possible and rehabilitation is necessary.

2. If the internal suture hurts after a cesarean section, then the cause may be an adhesive process in the pelvic area. Some doctors who suspect their patient this pathology, an MRI is ordered to confirm it. But more informative in in this case There will be a laparoscopy. This way the doctor can see the adhesions with his own eyes and cut them. This way, the patient will not experience pain in the future, and reproductive function will not be harmed. After all, adhesions are the most common cause ectopic pregnancy and infertility. Intestinal obstruction may also be a consequence of them. Can the suture hurt 6 months, a year, 2 years after a cesarean section? Yes, if the problem is the adhesive process.

3. Problems with gynecology. Sometimes like this discomfort are not at all associated with the presence of a suture on the uterus. Painful sensations may be associated with inflammation of the uterus - endometritis, inflammation of the ovaries - adnexitis. And sometimes pathologies of the urinary system. A gynecologist will be able to accurately answer the question of where and what hurts after an examination in a gynecological chair. He will answer the question - the suture hurts and is inflamed after a cesarean section, what to do or give directions for additional research, for example, an ultrasound of the pelvic organs, a urine test, a vaginal smear, if you think that it is not the stitch that is causing the pain.

4. The seam has come apart. This often happens when physical activity, contraindicated in the first weeks after surgery. What should I do if, after a planned cesarean section, the suture hurts a lot due to its divergence? You should not do anything on your own. You need to contact a surgeon who will clean the wound. There will be no re-suturing. But they will probably appoint antibacterial therapy. As a rule, the sutures come apart in the first days after surgery. If possible, stay in the hospital for 7-10 days after surgery. Do not rush to be discharged, because if problems arise after discharge, you and your child will not be returned to the maternity hospital. And you will have to lie without a child in the surgery department.

Here are just a small part of the reasons why stitches hurt after childbirth surgically. Only a doctor who examines and palpates the suture can determine the specific cause for your case. Trying to find the cause of pain on your own, with the help of virtual consultations with doctors, is futile.

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A caesarean section is a surgical procedure during which the newborn is removed by cutting the uterus and peritoneum. In progress surgical procedures The woman in labor feels almost nothing, thanks to anesthesia.

However, during the rehabilitation period and some time later, women say that the stitch after a cesarean section hurts quite a lot. Why is this happening?

The nature of painful sensations

How long will the stitch hurt after a cesarean section and why does discomfort occur? The duration of the rehabilitation period, as well as discomfort in the abdominal area, is largely determined by what kind of incision the surgeon made. In the process of recovery after abdominal surgery Complications may also arise, which also affect the duration recovery period, and the intensity of pain in the area of ​​the incisions.

What types of incisions can a surgeon make to remove a newborn?

  • Horizontal. During the planned surgical intervention laparotomy is performed. In this case, a relatively small transverse incision is made above the pubis. After healing, the scar on the skin is located in “unison” skin fold. Therefore, the cosmetic seam is practically invisible on a woman’s body and, as a rule, does not cause discomfort after complete healing;
  • Vertical. Vertical cuts are made in in case of emergency with fetal hypoxia or heavy bleeding in a woman in labor. With a corporal section, an incision is made from the navel to the pubic area. After tissue regeneration, quite noticeable scars of a nodular nature are formed, which often hurt for several months after healing;
  • Interior. In the case of vertical or horizontal dissection, internal sutures may be placed differently. While performing the operation, the surgeon knows on the spot exactly how to close the incision in order to reduce blood loss and the likelihood of complications. During corporal dissection, longitudinal sutures are applied, and during laparotomy, transverse sutures are applied.

During the period when the suture is healing, the woman will inevitably feel discomfort and pain. Still, caesarean is enough major surgery, after which a large wound remains on the stomach. Many doctors claim that pain in the scar area can be observed for another two to three weeks, and sometimes even months. Discomfort is a completely normal tissue reaction to the incision made.

Main causes of abdominal pain

How long will the scar hurt? After Caesarean women They almost always complain of pain, which can go away within a month or “linger” for another six months.

What factors influence the duration of discomfort?

  • The seam. The sutures put pressure on damaged tissue, which provokes pain or discomfort. To alleviate the patient’s plight, the doctor prescribes special painkillers that can be taken during the entire rehabilitation period;
  • Scar. Why does it hurt so much in the suture area after a cesarean section a month later? An inelastic scar with abdominal tension can cause tissue tension, which, in turn, provokes discomfort. As a rule, it takes a woman from 3 to 6 months to completely get rid of discomfort;
  • Intestinal problems. Often after surgery, patients complain of constant flatulence. During the operation, the integrity of the peritoneal tissue is disrupted, which causes disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. As gases accumulate, unpleasant tingling sensations may occur in the seam area. Therefore, if you are faced with a similar problem and feel that the internal suture is very painful after a cesarean operation, consult a specialist. He will prescribe medications to improve intestinal motility;
  • Formation of adhesions. When the uterus and peritoneal walls are dissected, damage to both tissues and organs inevitably occurs. In some cases, this leads to the appearance of internal adhesions, which can provoke discomfort for another one and a half to two months after surgery;
  • Contraction of the uterus. Severe and throbbing pain also occurs when the uterus contracts in the first days after the birth of the baby. IN postpartum period the size of the uterus decreases, which causes contractions. However, damage to the integrity of tissues simultaneously provokes painful sensations.

If you feel discomfort in the incision area a month after your cesarean section, there is no need to worry too much. But to exclude the possibility of developing any complications, it is better to undergo examination in a clinic.

Early complications

How long will your stomach hurt?

If a hematoma or swelling appears on the abdomen after surgery, the recovery period will most likely be prolonged. Such phenomena most often occur due to medical errors. Bleeding and pain occur due to improper truncation of blood vessels.

A similar complication can occur if the dressing is improperly applied, compressing the incisions. Pressure on fresh tripe causes severe discomfort and tingling, which can last for months.

Infrequently, but still, suture divergence occurs, in which the incision increasingly increases in size. As a rule, this phenomenon occurs in the first days after surgery (6-10 days). It is during this period that the sutures are removed, which causes the risk of discrepancies.

In the first few weeks after cesarean section, pain can be caused by endometritis, an inflammatory process in the mucous membranes of the uterus. The pathology is usually accompanied by pain in the abdomen, fever and the appearance of bloody discharge.

Late complications

Discomfort and pain after the recovery period can also arise late complications, which include:

  • Ligature fistulas. Sometimes small gaps form in the area of ​​the incisions - fistulas, causing inflammatory processes. This happens when the body rejects a synthetic thread for suturing. A woman facing a problem feels pain, fever and constant weakness. Only a surgeon can cope with the problem;
  • Hernia. A rare phenomenon that usually occurs in the case of a longitudinal incision of the uterus or two operations in a row;
  • Coleoid scar. If tissue compaction is uneven after cesarean section, discomfort may occur due to “pulling” sensations. Often, such scars do not bother patients much.

Sometimes the stitches after surgery bother you for a long time. What are the reasons and how to get rid of painful sensations.

For any person, surgery is a serious step. The postoperative period that follows is no less complex and dangerous. Sometimes it lasts for a long time. If a long period The stitch hurts after surgery, you need to see a doctor.

Causes of pain

Unpleasant sensations and pain at the suture site can occur after any surgical intervention. Are damaged nerve fibers soft tissues, the sensitivity of the injured part of the body increases. This process is natural and understandable - damaged tissues grow together, sutures heal.

But if over time the pain only intensifies, and the temperature periodically rises, this is a reason to seek help. Internal tissue suppuration may occur even if the external incision is closed.

Why does the seam hurt after surgery and how long will it take for it to heal? This directly depends on the complexity and duration of the operation, the qualifications of the surgeon, and the cleanliness of the instruments and materials used. Pain may occur for the following reasons:

  • the seam area has been rubbed by clothing;
  • formation of adhesions, hernias;
  • inflammation at the site of the ligature - the body rejects the threads;
  • divergence of internal seams due to muscle tension;
  • aching pain as a reaction to sudden change weather conditions.

Duration of pain

How long can a stitch hurt? Unpleasant sensations may be constant or occur periodically, for example, when muscle tension, coughing, sneezing. Pain and swelling around the wound may be accompanied by other symptoms. The stitches may leak fluid or pus. Characterized by general weakness and lethargy, sleep and appetite disturbances, decreased concentration.

It is impossible to say exactly how long the stitch will hurt after surgery. Everyone's deadlines are different. Typically, pain in the suture area lasts a little more than a week, depending on the characteristics of the body. The average healing time for surgical wounds depends on their location:

  • for wounds from abdominal surgery - about two weeks;
  • sutures after appendicitis and laparoscopy are tightened after 7 days;
  • circumcision involves a regeneration period of up to 15 days;
  • The sutures in the chest area take a long time to heal;
  • healing of the postpartum suture occurs within 10 days;
  • external sutures after cesarean section are removed on the 6th day.

Seams can be internal and external. The first ones are applied using catgut made from sheep intestines. They dissolve independently in the body. The outer ones are more durable; they are made with natural (silk, linen) or synthetic threads. Through certain time such stitches are removed. Metal staples are also used. At the same time, you need to understand that connective tissue completely increases within 2–3 months.

Painful stitches after cesarean section

After the intervention, the wound is present on the skin, fatty tissue, muscles, and uterine wall. Women often complain that... Pain makes it difficult for a woman to recover and care for her baby.

The pain is sharp, does not subside, lasts two days, is relieved medications. It gradually decreases, discomfort and itching can be observed for about two weeks. The sensitivity of the skin is impaired, and numbness of the abdomen in the area of ​​the incision may occur. Symptoms disappear completely within six months. Regular inspection of the condition of the seam by a specialist is necessary.

When the suture hurts after a cesarean section for a long time, or complications arise - the suture diverges, swelling, redness appears, the temperature rises, purulent discharge- A visit to the doctor is required. Sometimes the consequences take a long time to make themselves felt. In a few years, fistulas may form from suture material. The scar thickens, its color changes, and the fistulas periodically fester.

Features of seam care

Restoration of the skin and healing of sutures depends on the body’s immunity and the skin’s ability to regenerate. After laparoscopy, small incisions remain; they are not sutured, but glued together with adhesive tape. A postoperative scar may be large sizes, have drainage, it takes a long time to heal, requires quality care.

Treatment of the wound in a hospital is carried out by medical staff. After discharge, the patient takes care of the suture at home, in accordance with the doctor’s recommendations. In order for the seam to tighten quickly and well, you need to:

  • follow doctor's orders;
  • maintain personal hygiene;
  • adequate sleep is necessary;
  • proper nutrition.

For the first 10 days it is not recommended to take a bath; you can wash in the shower. The scar is carefully dried with a bandage, then treated with an antiseptic. Iodine, brilliant green, Fukortsin, alcohol and others are suitable. You should not use cotton wool for processing, as fibers may remain on the seams. A protracted seam can be lubricated sea ​​buckthorn oil or Levomekol ointment. If the wound is clean and dry, a bandage is not needed.

Circumcision is the most frequently performed procedure by urologists. After the operation, the patient independently makes dressings with Furacilin solution at home. Before removing, the bandage must be soaked in hydrogen peroxide so as not to injure the wounds. When the bandage is easily removed, the dressings are stopped. The wounds can be lubricated with brilliant green or applied antiseptic ointment. To avoid complications and pain in postoperative sutures, circumcision should be performed by an experienced and qualified urologist.

How to get rid of pain

After any violation of the integrity of the skin, scars form. Sometimes they cause not only physical pain, but also emotional discomfort, being cosmetic defect. In the affected area, connective tissue cannot replace healthy skin, since it does not have greasy and sweat glands. Changes also occur in the nerve endings located in the skin. Painful formations – neuromas – appear in the thickness of the suture.

Neuropathic pain syndrome. Pain occurs not only in the scar, but also around it. It can be burning, shooting, and can get worse after coughing or sneezing. In addition to analgesics, they use hormonal drugs, antidepressants. Patients do not tolerate physiotherapeutic procedures well, since the suture is very sensitive to touch. If drug therapy does not have an effect, the scars are removed surgically.

Over time, the seam fades and becomes less noticeable. To restore skin, food must contain enough protein, vitamins and microelements. In summer, the seam should be protected from sun rays, thin delicate skin can get burned. There are drugs in pharmacies that promote the resorption of sutures. The scars can be massaged daily, while rubbing in vitamin E or “Star” balm.

Pain in the suture area after surgery may not be associated with the sutures themselves; it depends on many factors, for example, if the suture hurts after surgery performed in abdominal cavity, then the pain can be caused by such reasons as healing of sutures, tissue fusion. Such pain is normal, but if the pain increases, this may indicate the presence of an inflammatory process, which requires an immediate visit to the surgeon.

Why does the suture hurt after appendectomy?

The reasons why it hurts can be very diverse, from banal friction of clothes to serious complications, such as a ligature abscess or hernia. But these are not all the reasons. Only a doctor can determine what exactly caused the pain in the sutures, therefore, at the first manifestations of pain after surgery, you must consult a doctor to find out the cause of this phenomenon, as well as to eliminate it.

The stitch hurts after childbirth

It doesn't matter what kind of seams we're talking about– whether in the perineum or as a result of a caesarean section, stitches placed anywhere can cause pain. Stitches after childbirth may be accompanied by pain for a month (or longer) after they are placed. Pain is inevitable if a woman often sits down after childbirth, carries heavy weights, the seams in the perineum can hurt if there is constipation, which often accompanies young mothers when breastfeeding.

It may also hurt, in which case it is simply necessary to consult a gynecologist. It is considered normal if the suture hurts after a cesarean section for several days, after which for another two weeks a slight tingling sensation brings discomfort in the area where the sutures were applied. Also, a woman after a cesarean section should eat well, that is, eat food rich in vitamins and useful substances for wound healing and pain relief. Vitamin E promotes healing, so it is recommended to take it orally and lubricate the wound. may also bother a young mother for other reasons: problems with stool, uterine contractions, careless movements, complications.

How long does the stitch hurt after surgery?

This largely depends on the complexity of the operation, the reason for it, the material of the sutures, compliance with the doctor’s recommendations for suture care - these are not all the factors that can affect the occurrence of pain after the operation. It is generally accepted that pain bothers the patient for a week after surgery, but this is not at all an indicator. It’s much worse if the stitch hurts after surgery through for a long time. This may indicate the occurrence of adhesions, inflammation, etc. If the pain is unbearable and painkillers are unable to help, consult a doctor immediately.

The suture hurts after surgery. The causes of pain can be different, including those not directly related to the suture. If the operation was performed in the abdominal cavity, then it is quite natural that the suture hurts after the operation, because, firstly, the sutures heal, and secondly, the tissues grow together. All these processes are accompanied by pain, but if their intensity increases and they become unbearable, then this indicates serious inflammation at the operation site; in this case, it is best not to take independent measures, but to seek help from a doctor. The suture hurts after appendicitis surgery. Soreness. postoperative suture in the area of ​​the lower corner of the p/o scar after appendectomy, it may be the result of the fact that the elastic of the panties has rubbed, or a hernia or ligature abscess may form (the thread has not taken root). Between these conditions there are about a dozen other reasons. In addition, the treatment of these dozen diseases is completely different and individual. If you do not know how many days later the stitches are removed, then the pain caused by the stitches may persist for a long time. Caring for postpartum sutures The doctor examines the genital tract after childbirth and applies internal or external sutures if necessary. Internal seams They practically heal without pain, but the external sutures hurt after childbirth for 1-2 months. Abdominal pain in women after childbirth if surgery has been performed. Sutures after cesarean section have a number of aspects that we will not dwell on now. If a woman had an episiotomy during childbirth, and there were tears in the tissue that required surgical intervention, then, of course, the stitches will hurt (as after any operation), most often the pain, of course, is concentrated in the perineum, but it can also radiate to the stomach, especially bottom part. The sutures gradually fuse together, and the pain goes away on its own. If a woman has a stomach ache after a cesarean section, then it is necessary to follow the hygiene rules prescribed by the doctor, avoid strain, monitor the condition of the suture, after a while the suture will heal and the pain will go away. Why do stitches hurt after childbirth? Many women are concerned about this issue within a month after childbirth. We will give several recommendations to alleviate the condition and reduce pain: Painful sensations make themselves felt constantly if you have to sit down or lift weights often - limit the weight of the objects you lift if possible and try not to sit on both buttocks; The stitches hurt after surgery on the perineum, if you suffer from constipation. In the first month after childbirth, a woman’s body is rebuilt; lactation requires consumption more fluid, but there is not enough fluid for normal bowel movements. A nursing mother should drink more warm milk, green tea, juice or herbal infusion. Read more about constipation after childbirth. Sometimes the stitches hurt after childbirth during sexual intercourse due to vaginal dryness and natural stress on the perineum. In this case, doctors recommend using a moisturizing gel. Sometimes changing the position to a non-painful one reduces pain. The sutures hurt and pull after childbirth due to tissue inflammation, then redness and purulent discharge appear. In this case, consult a gynecologist, but under no circumstances self-medicate. The stitches after childbirth hurt because postpartum discharge form a breeding ground for the proliferation of microbes that cause inflammation. On forums for young mothers, reviews about childbirth contain many questions: why do the stitches hurt after childbirth; how to care for stitches; what to do if the seams come apart? Only a gynecologist can give an answer in each specific case, who will conduct an examination and prescribe treatment if necessary. Stitches hurt after childbirth: what to do and why do they hurt? Oncology Surgical removal cancerous tumors in the abdominal cavity, this and malignant neoplasms in the kidneys, liver, bladder, intestines. Oncological operations are always a complex and responsible process. After them, the patient is always tormented by pain in this area, in addition, after such operations a course of chemotherapy is still carried out, all this together leads to severe pain in the abdominal area. The suture hurts after a mastectomy. The area around the suture will still hurt for some time - this is normal, do not be afraid of it. There, sensitivity is restored after surgery. A skin bump is a so-called tuck, as if you sew up a hole in clothing; over time, it decreases.