Laser for treating herpes at home. Laser treatment of herpes - “How to cure herpes in a short time? Laser treatment of herpes: where to do it, cost, description, photo.”

Translated from Greek, the term “herpes” means “to sneak.” It was in 100 BC that the legendary Herodotus named a viral disease characterized by the appearance of small blisters filled with a clear liquid on the skin and mucous membranes. Today, science knows 8 types of herpes virus that can infect humans.

What is herpes

Herpes, or herpes infection, is a group of viral diseases that can affect almost all systems and organs of the human body. The causative agent of infectious diseases is HSV (herpes simplex virus) from the Herpes viridae family. Based on its gene structure, the family is divided into serotypes responsible for the occurrence of various forms of the disease.

Types of herpes virus

  1. HSV type I (labial) affects the skin and mucous membranes of the face, causing blisters to appear on the lips. In 15% of cases, type I herpes simplex is found on the genitals.
  2. HSV type II affects the genitals.
  3. HSV type III is the causative agent of chickenpox and herpes zoster.
  4. HSV type IV, or Epstein Barr virus, is the cause of mononucleosis.
  5. HSV type V is a cytomegalovirus that affects the genitourinary system and respiratory tract.
  6. HSV types VI, VII and VIII are poorly studied viruses. According to experts, types VI and VII of the herpes simplex virus can cause chronic fatigue syndrome, and VIII can cause the development of cancer pathologies.

The first three serotypes of the herpes virus are so widespread in nature that they can be considered a global pandemic (according to statistics, about 90-99% of the adult population of the planet is infected with herpes). At the same time, symptoms of the disease are found in only a fifth of those infected. It should be noted that infection with one type of HSV does not exclude infection with another or even several serotypes of herpesvirus.

HSV classification

  • According to clinical signs, herpes virus infection is divided into 2 main forms: typical (with visual manifestations in the form of characteristic blistering rashes of herpes on organs) and atypical (with mild manifestations);
  • According to the nature of the course: primary and chronic, acute and recurrent;
  • By severity: mild, moderate and severe;
  • According to the localization of the infectious process (damage to the central nervous system, skin, eyes, mucous membranes of the mouth, genitals, etc.).

Routes of transmission of the virus

The herpes simplex virus is very contagious, that is, it can be easily transmitted through close contact from a sick person to a healthy one.

Routes of transmission of infection include:

  • airborne;
  • sexual;
  • contact, or transcutaneous (through the skin);
  • transplacental;
  • intrapartum (during childbirth, through contaminated amniotic fluid).

Despite the fact that there are many risk factors and routes of transmission of infection, there is only one cause of herpes - the penetration of the virus into the human body.

Clinical manifestations of infection

The herpes virus quickly penetrates cells and integrates into their genetic apparatus, thus protecting itself from the effects of the immune system. Then the pathogen begins to actively reproduce, using the available resources of a healthy cell. Through the blood and lymph, the herpes virus spreads throughout all systems of the body, “settling” mainly in the endings of nerve fibers. It can “sleep” for years in the cells of the nervous system, making itself known only under factors unfavorable to the human body (hypothermia, stress, decreased immunity, exacerbation of chronic pathologies, etc.).

The average incubation period for herpes simplex is 6 days.

  1. At the earliest (prodromal) stage, lasting 24 hours, a burning, tingling and itching sensation occurs at the site of subsequent rashes. It is during this period, in order to avoid further development of the disease, it is necessary to begin treatment of herpes.
  2. Subsequently, in the classic course of herpetic infection, the stage of inflammation occurs. Small painful blisters (1 or several) appear on the skin and mucous membranes, filled with transparent contents, which subsequently become cloudy. In addition to the occurrence of characteristic symptoms of herpes, deterioration of health, chills, and increased body temperature are possible.
  3. At the ulceration stage, the vesicles open (the fluid flowing from them contains billions of viral particles). It is during this period that a person is most contagious.
  4. At the stage of scab formation, the ulceration site dries out and becomes covered with a crust.

Depending on the serotype of the virus, rashes can be localized on various parts of the skin, in the eye area, on the red border of the lips, and quite often you can find simple herpes on the organs of the genitourinary system.

With the development of a herpetic infection caused by HSV type III, the rash, which is extensive, spreads from the midline of the back along the sensory nerves, usually on one side of the body. This condition is accompanied by high fever and severe pain. In the absence of adequate treatment for herpes zoster, destruction of the nerve sheath and the development of chronic neuralgia, often leading to disability, are possible.

The herpes virus can provoke inflammation of the mucous membrane of the pharynx, eyes (causing persistent clouding of the cornea), damage to the medulla and meninges. There are also known cases of infection of other systems and organs of the body.

In HIV-infected patients, herpesvirus infection is characterized by a malignant course, accompanied by frequent relapses and necrosis of certain areas of the skin.

Infection with the herpes simplex virus during pregnancy is fraught with intrauterine infection of the fetus, miscarriages and congenital deformities.

Treatment methods for herpes

Unfortunately, there is no panacea for the herpes simplex virus. Therefore, treatment and control of the spread of infection throughout the body is quite complex, but nevertheless a solvable task. Therapy for herpes virus infection is carried out in a complex that includes the use of antiviral drugs, immunostimulants, restoratives, as well as therapeutic optical radiation.

Medications used in the treatment of herpes are divided into 3 main groups:

  • palliative agents intended to relieve symptoms of the disease (itching, burning and pain);
  • drugs that slow down the spread of infection and/or speed up treatment;
  • agents that prevent the formation of herpetic ulcers.

Antiviral drugs

  1. In 1974, the antiviral drug Acyclovir was synthesized. Being an artificial analogue of a nucleoside and having a suppressive effect against HSV types I, II and III, Acyclovir interrupts intracellular DNA synthesis, thereby stopping the reproduction of the pathogen. The drug, which is highly selective against cells infected with the herpes simplex virus, does not affect healthy cells of the body, is well tolerated and has low toxicity. Analogues of Acyclovir are Valaciclovir, Famciclovir, Ganciclovir and Valganciclovir. Acyclovir preparations are intended for local and systemic use.
  2. Foscarnet is an alternative to Acyclovir. It binds much more quickly to the enzyme system of the herpes simplex virus and selectively accumulates in infected cells. In addition to affecting HSV types I-III, it is able to fight other serotypes, that is, it is effective where Acyclovir fails. Based on Foscarnet, topical preparations, tablets and injection solutions are produced.


When treating herpes simplex to relieve pain, itching and burning, it is recommended to use external anesthetics, which contain active ingredients such as lidocaine, tetracaine, camphor, benzyl alcohol, benzocaine, etc. Also, if necessary, painkillers and antipyretic non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs of systemic action can be used.

Auxiliary agents that slow down the formation of herpetic ulcers and accelerate their scarring

This group includes ointments, sprays and creams containing zinc, phenol, lysine, tannic acid, etc. (Panthenol spray, Depanthenol and their analogues). They enhance epithelization of the skin and accelerate wound healing.

Emollients and moisturizers

Ointments and creams that improve hydration. They contain lipophilic and hydrophilic components that prevent drying and tightening of the skin and reduce its sensitivity to irritating agents. Most often, when treating the herpes virus, petroleum jelly and external agents that contain white liquid paraffin are used.

Antiseptic drugs

They are recommended for use in case of extensive skin lesions, in order to avoid the addition of a secondary bacterial infection. Herpetic rashes can be treated with zinc ointment, Chlorhexidine, Streptocide, Miramistin.

Preparations of interferons and immunoglobulins

Immunotherapy cannot completely replace antiviral drugs, but, at the same time, the simultaneous use of immune drugs significantly increases the effectiveness of herpes treatment, reduces the duration of medication use, and also prevents the development of resistance to Acyclovir and its analogues.

In the treatment of herpes simplex virus, α-interferon drugs are used. By acting on the intracellular virus, they have an etiotropic and pathogenetic effect, and also act as a basic therapy for isolated deficiency of T-lymphocytes, which are natural killer cells.

Immunoglobulin preparations, unlike interferons, act on virions (extracellular viruses). Just like interferons, they have a pathogenetic and etiotropic effect and are a means of basic therapy for primary immunodeficiencies that activate herpesvirus infection.

Laser therapy

Treatment of herpes with a diode laser (wavelength 810 nm) is the most progressive and safe technique, approved for use at almost all stages of the development of inflammation. At an early stage, laser radiation inactivates the herpes virus and eliminates pain. At the rash stage, this technique stops the further spread of infection and accelerates the formation of a crust. At the stage of ulceration, the laser beam helps eliminate pain and inflammation and reduces the risk of infection to those around the patient, and at the stage of crust formation it has a biostimulating and sterilizing effect. To achieve the maximum therapeutic effect, laser treatment of herpetic eruptions should be carried out in combination with other therapeutic techniques.

Stages of treatment

  1. In the acute stage, therapeutic tactics are aimed at stopping the local inflammatory process. In this situation, for rapid treatment of herpes, antiviral agents for local and systemic use, as well as drugs and interferon inducers, are prescribed. For severe symptoms of herpes, it is recommended to take inhibitors of prostaglandin synthesis (peripheral pain mediators). On average, treatment lasts 1-2 weeks.
  2. In the remission stage, immunomodulatory and immunostimulating therapy is carried out. In parallel, short courses are prescribed to take adaptogens of plant origin (ginseng, cat's claw preparations, rosea radiola, eleutherococcus, astragalus, etc.) The duration of treatment is 2-3 weeks. Also, if necessary, sanitation of a secondary bacterial infection is carried out.
  3. To prevent relapses of herpes infection, experts recommend getting vaccinated against herpes simplex 2-3 months after an exacerbation. Today, the most commonly used vaccine is Vitagerpavac. This immunobiological drug, which contains inactivated viral antigens, is effective against HSV types I and II. It stimulates cellular immunity and reduces the degree of immune disorders. Vaccination should be carried out in a medical institution under the supervision of a specialist.
  4. For patients who experience frequent exacerbations of herpesvirus infection (more than 4 times a year), clinical observation is recommended. Every 2–6 months, a routine examination and laboratory diagnostic tests should be performed to determine the likelihood of relapse. If there is an increased risk, a course of preventive treatment for herpes simplex is prescribed, aimed at strengthening the immune system.

Additional information

Treatment of herpetic infection is a rather complex and lengthy process that can last for several months and even years. Achieving compliance will help to facilitate it, that is, the patient’s compliance with the prescribed therapy regimen and the formation of a partnership between the doctor and the patient. Also, with a protracted recurrent course of herpetic infection, the help of a qualified psychotherapist will not be superfluous.

Herpes is the most common viral disease. It is expressed as a rash on the mucous membranes and on the skin, causes discomfort and, if it appears once, it will not be possible to get rid of it. A person becomes a carrier of this virus, and under certain circumstances, signs of the disease reappear in the form of an unpleasant and painful rash on the mucous membrane.

There are several types of infection, and the most common is herpes simplex, which appears on the lips. Today there is an effective way to get rid of this problem using a laser.

How does the disease occur? It is transmitted by airborne droplets and when the bubbles begin to burst, the chance of infecting others increases many times over. The carrier of the infection may not remember the disease for years, and it becomes active only in case of decreased immunity, in stressful situations or lack of vitamins. There is also a high probability that the herpes virus is activated during injury.

There is no point in waiting for the disease to go away on its own. If herpes is not treated, then on the 3-4th day the blisters begin to burst and painful ulcers appear in this place, which can no longer be masked by any cosmetics. You can treat with ointment, but a laser copes with this task much more effectively. If you start treatment at the first stage, then there is a chance to prevent the moment when the bubbles burst. Itching and pain are reduced and, thanks to laser exposure, the spread of rashes throughout the entire mucous membrane is prevented. The procedure takes only 5-10 minutes and laser treatment significantly reduces the likelihood of relapse. The size of the rash is localized and becomes minimal, the wound dries out and heals quickly. This procedure is safe and only requires 1-3 visits to a medical facility.

It is important that when undergoing a herpes treatment procedure, the laser causes minimal discomfort and no pain. A specialist will not only relieve unpleasant rashes, which often cause a lot of negative emotions in the patient, but will also provide advice. Also, if necessary, he will prescribe medications that will boost immunity and prevent the disease from reoccurring.

Laser treatment for herpes is becoming increasingly popular, as it not only helps to cope with this problem in a short time, but also significantly reduces the likelihood that the virus will become active again over time. In this case, laser is clearly the most acceptable option.

To date, there is no medicine that completely destroys the herpes virus.

What can help in the treatment of herpes?

When treating herpes at home, special antiherpetic ointments have proven themselves to be effective. The use of such ointments shortens the course of exacerbation of the disease.

As we wrote above, high immunity can cope with the herpes virus, and with good immunity, herpes will be in an inactive state. What should you do to boost your immunity? Let's try to briefly list what increases immunity or prevents it from declining.

The first thing that is necessary to maintain immunity is a healthy lifestyle.

In short, this is:

  • limiting or completely eliminating alcohol consumption;
  • complete nutrition rich in vitamins, minerals and all necessary substances;
  • good sleep;
  • active lifestyle, physical education;

The second is the exclusion of overload, hypothermia, stress, injury, severe restrictive diets and other factors that lead to exhaustion of the body.

The third is boosting immunity with the help of special nutritional supplements and medications.

The fourth thing you can do to boost immunity is to use special devices that restore immunity by influencing the body from the inside - at the cellular level.

We will talk further about devices that can increase immunity.

Milta laser devices for the treatment of herpes

Milt laser devices affect the human body using three natural factors:

  • light laser radiation,
  • infrared LED radiation
  • magnetic field.

All these three types of effects, combined in one device, cause acceleration of metabolic processes in tissues, improvement of blood flow, strengthening of cell walls and increasing their resistance to viruses.

By affecting only a certain area of ​​the body, the beneficial effects of the device also extend to the entire body.

The use of Milta lasers in the treatment of the initial stages of the disease interrupts its development. In advanced states of the disease, Milta devices promote faster healing.

The best results in the treatment of herpes can be obtained with the combined influence of Milta devices and antiherpetic ointments.

For the treatment of herpes, the Milta BIO device with a power of 0-10 W is ideal.

If you want to order a Milta device, or simply ask a question about this device, call us!

Expansion of the range of laser devices

We have expanded the range of laser devices we offer.