Club "live like everyone else." Parents' club, an effective form of supporting the family of a child with disabilities Club events for parents of disabled children

The family is the most significant factor in the socialization of a child and its influence in this regard exceeds the influence of all other social institutions. The role of the family increases immeasurably if a disabled child grows up in it. In accordance with the terminology legally enshrined in the Russian Federation, a disabled person is a person who has a health disorder with a persistent disorder of body functions, caused by diseases, consequences of injuries or defects, leading to limitation of life activities and necessitating his social protection. Persons under the age of 18 are assigned the category “disabled child”.

The relevance of considering club activities as a form of support for families raising a disabled child is due to the following:

Firstly, the annual increase in the country's level of disability among the child population. Thus, according to the Federal State Statistics Service, a total of 582 thousand children with disabilities under the age of 18 were registered as of January 1, 2014. A year later, as of January 1, 2015, there were 590 thousand disabled children, and as of January 1, 2016, 613 thousand children with certain health problems and persistent disorders of body functions. That is, over two years in Russia, rates of childhood disability increased by 5.32%. Of course, it is much more difficult for such children to realize themselves as equal citizens of the country - to get an education and make a professional choice, to be independent. On the one hand, disabled children are directly dependent on certain measures of state social policy, and on the other hand, on the help of relatives, who not only provide care, but also satisfy their needs.

Secondly, families raising disabled children (there are about 400 thousand of them in the country in 2016) face many diverse difficulties (medical, legal, economic, psychological, pedagogical, etc.) and are among the most socially vulnerable social group. Their income is not high, and their needs for medical and social services are much higher than the average family raising a healthy baby. Thus, in 2016, the average pension in the country for a disabled child registered in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation was 12,339 rubles, and the average monthly cash payment for disabled children from the federal budget of the Russian Federation was 1,765 rubles.

Thirdly, in order to adapt and rehabilitate families with a disabled child, various forms of support and social assistance are being created today. One of these forms is the organization of club associations.

Club activities with a disabled child and his family are one of the forms of socio-cultural activities organized within the framework of a voluntary association of children and parents who have common interests, needs and problems that are solved in their free time, both in the process of informal communication and specifically organized group and individual interaction with specialists implementing training programs and programs of correctional and rehabilitation assistance.

Clubs have become widespread since the mid-20th century. They, as a rule, were organized with the participation of specialists of various profiles (social worker, psychologist, social teacher). The specialist delegates his functions to the group, and the group member presents his case, which the group discusses, helping him rationally understand its essence, and thus, in the process of group work, the client’s problem was removed. As the club movement developed, the practice of activities and working methods expanded.

Today the club, as an association of families raising a child with special needs, more often sets itself the following tasks:

Providing mutual support;

Exchange of life experiences;

Exchange of information;

Exchange of individual ways to get out of difficult life situations;

Jointly obtaining information and assistance from specialists on typical issues of concern to group members;

Participants’ awareness and protection of their rights and interests;

Attracting the attention of society and government agencies to their problems;

Formation of positive motivation of parents for the rehabilitation of disabled children.

Any activity for its implementation must be attractive. Club activities are attractive for parents with disabled children due to the following features: 1) free participation in club events is possible, i.e. the parent himself can choose the event, the form of participation (to be present with or without the child); 2) variety of activities; 3) the similarity of family problems, which leads to open and non-judgmental discussion and communication; 4) psychological support from both specialists and Club members; 5) obtaining new information on a specific request; 6) children's development (communication skills, creativity, etc.).

Currently in the Russian Federation there are more than 300 clubs for families raising a disabled child. In large cities of Russia there are several clubs that are ready to help families raising a disabled child. Each club can approximately reach about 50 families who need support.

However, despite having some experience and practical developments in this area, social sector specialists still have many questions related to the mechanism for organizing this type of activity.

From the point of view of the authors of the article, it is most advisable to organize a Club on the basis of the social protection department of each district of the city. In this case, targeted assistance to each family is possible. A social work specialist can take on an organizing function.

The purpose of the Club may be to provide informational, psychological, and advisory assistance to parents raising disabled children in their families, and to resolve both personal problems and problems of relationships within the family.

It is reasonable to divide the work on organizing the Club into several stages:

The preparatory stage is necessary for selecting specialists interested in the work; attracting families raising children with disabilities; developing an action plan;

The educational stage is aimed at developing educational competence in parents through expanding the range of their pedagogical and defectological knowledge and ideas. It may include such forms of work as lectures, seminars, individual consultations with the involvement of teachers, defectologists and speech therapists;

The psychological stage is necessary to optimize and harmonize parent-child relationships in a family raising a disabled child, and to develop the creative abilities of family members. Its content may include socio-psychological trainings, consultations, joint creative activities of parents and children, play activities, dramatization games, festive events, etc. with the involvement of a psychologist, music worker, social teacher and social worker;

The social stage will help parents obtain legal literacy and social protection for both disabled children and the families raising them. At this stage, it is possible to use such forms of work as round tables, parent evenings, etc. with the involvement of a lawyer and a social work specialist.

When implementing club activities, it is necessary to organize information support. This will make it possible to attract unreached families with disabled children, as well as develop a tolerant attitude of society towards this social group. Throughout its activities, it is possible to post articles, recommendations and other information related to the Club’s topics in the media and on the Club’s website.

Thus, club activities with a family raising a disabled child provide an opportunity to receive help for families who find themselves in difficult situations. After all, how much parents feel responsible for the path of their child, how much they understand his real problems, depends on both the possibility of positive dynamics in the condition of a child with disabilities, and simply a fuller and happier life for his family.

Marina Skopintseva
Parents' club, an effective form of supporting the family of a child with disabilities

One of the main tasks of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education is to ensure equal opportunities for the full development of every child during preschool childhood, regardless of psychophysiological and other characteristics.

Children with disabilities experience an increased need to rely on adults; their fate largely depends on the position of the family and the adults around them. The family is a reliable foundation in solving certain issues: raising children, including them in social spheres, developing children with disabilities as active members of society. Therefore, in our work we use a person-oriented, humane and personal approach to children and parents.

In my work I actively use non-traditional interactive forms of working with parents, based on cooperation and interaction. The use of interactive methods can significantly deepen the teacher’s influence on parents. New forms of interaction with parents implement the principle of partnership and dialogue.

In 2016, it began its work on the basis of a preschool institution resource center, where one of the effective forms of interaction with parents is the organization of work "Let's Help Each Other" club.Parents Club– this is a promising form of work with families, taking into account the current needs of the family, contributing to the formation of an active life position of participants in the process, strengthening the institution of the family and transferring experience in raising children.

Purpose of the club: increasing the pedagogical competence of parents in matters of education, development, promoting the health of children with disabilities, as well as assistance to families in adapting and integrating children with disabilities into society.

Club objectives:

providing psychological and correctional pedagogical support to families in matters of education, upbringing and development of children;

development of parental skills in caring for and raising a child, including protecting his rights and health, creating a safe environment, and successful socialization;

the formation of mutual trust in the system of relations between the educational institution and the family;

increasing the legal competence of parents in matters of state guarantees for families raising children with disabilities and familiarizing themselves with the basics of legislation in the field of protecting children's rights;

educational work on the problems of developmental disorders in children and their correction;

promoting positive family education experiences.

Specialists from the preschool institution (educator-psychologist, teacher-speech therapist, music director, physical education instructor, pediatrician) make their contribution to the organization of the club’s activities. Thanks to networking, we attract employees from the Rodnik social service center.

Teachers and specialists of preschool institutions teach parents to better feel and understand their child, build relationships competently, and be able to use the necessary tools and techniques.

To effectively cooperate with parents, we take into account their personal problems, first of all, in order to earn their trust, liberate them, and receive an emotional response, which traditional forms of working with parents do not always allow. Communication within the family club creates a positive emotional atmosphere for both teachers and adults.

As part of the parent club, I organize meetings of parents interested in solving the problems of their children. In informal communication, club members get to know each other, share their own experience of interacting with their child, meet with specialists, exchange thoughts about themselves and their work, and participate in trainings and research.

I use various shapes holding a parent club “Let’s Help Each Other” such as:

Round table “Child Health”, “Hello Baby”;


Psychological living rooms “Trust”;

Discussions and mini-trainings, “What I imagined him to be like before birth and what he is like now”;

Workshops with specialists”;

Joint festive events with tea drinking;

Lekoteka game sessions;

Participation in competitions;

Use of information technologies: production of brochures, booklets, memos.

At these meetings, I talk about the small achievements of children in the field of emotional communication and development. Parents, in turn, talked about their problems, asked questions, made joint decisions, which helped parents acquire skills in resolving conflict situations with their child, they learned how to effectively interact with him, understand and optimize their parental position.

During meetings in the Help Each Other club, parents have the opportunity to meet each other, exchange experiences and provide support to each other, and this gives parents the feeling that “they are not alone.”

The result of the club's work is:

Inclusion of parents in the life of the kindergarten, cooperation with teachers in matters of education and correctional work;

Parents see that there are families around them who are close to them in spirit and have similar problems;

They are convinced by the example of other families that the active participation of parents in the development of the child leads to success;

An active parental position and adequate self-esteem are formed.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the work of the club helps strengthen the position of a family with a child with disabilities or a disabled child as a partner and active subject in the educational environment of a preschool institution.

Educational project “We and our children”

The role of the family in the upbringing and development of a child is undeniable. It is noted that the greatest success is achieved by children whose parents have not only mastered pedagogical techniques and tactics, but also managed to understand and accept the characteristics of their child. One of the most vulnerable categories of families in this aspect are families raising disabled children.

According to modern research (V.V. Tkacheva, I.Yu. Levchenko, O.G. Prikhodko, A.A. Guseinova), qualitative changes that take place in families raising disabled children manifest themselves at the psychological, social and somatic levels. The fact of the birth of a child “not like everyone else” is the cause of severe stress, experienced primarily by the mother. Stress, which is of a prolonged nature, has a strong deforming effect on the psyche of parents and becomes the initial condition for a sharp traumatic change in the way of life formed in the family (the style of intrafamily relationships, the system of relations of family members with the surrounding society, the peculiarities of the worldview and value orientations of each of the child’s parents). Often a family cannot cope with the emotional load, the consequences are very diverse - violations of marital, child-parent relationships, often the family system, unable to withstand the stress, falls apart. In families with disabled children, there is a huge percentage of divorces and single-parent families, in which the entire burden, both social and emotional, falls on the mother, who is not able to fully contribute to the socialization of the child. In this case, there is an even greater increase in anxiety, the family becomes vulnerable and less functional.

All this causes an urgent need to provide socio-psychological and correctional-pedagogical assistance to families in the process of socialization of disabled children. In this situation, it is important to provide assistance through the creation of a friendly environment, psychological support for parents, individual support for families in difficult life situations, and the involvement of families of disabled children in collective forms of interaction: joint creative events, exchange of experience, specially organized classes. Such work can be organized by uniting families into a club.

Since 2008, the institution has operated a Club for families raising disabled children, VERA. This name of the Club was not chosen by chance. In difficult life situations, FAITH is necessary:

FAITH in your children, their capabilities and abilities;

FAITH in yourself, your patience, your love for our children;

FAITH in people, in their understanding and desire to help.

These principles became the basis of the Club's activities. The purpose of the Club is defined as: strengthening and development of families raising a disabled child.

This goal can be achieved provided that the following tasks are solved:

    promoting the formation of a favorable microclimate in family relationships;

    disclosure of the child’s personal, creative and social resources;

    creating a positive image of the family, developing a tolerant attitude in society.

The starting point for organizing the Club’s activities was a meeting with a group of parents whose disabled children attended correctional and developmental classes and received advisory, treatment and preventive assistance at the institution. The needs and requests of parents, their wishes and interests, forms of interaction were discussed and a work plan for the Club for the year was drawn up. This group of parents became the Club Council. Then the Club’s business card, Regulations on the Club for parents of disabled children, and a program to support families raising children with disabilities appeared.

Why the Club?

Analysis of the situation showed that this form of interaction is attractive to parents:

    free participation in Club events (a parent can choose an event, a form of participation, be present with or without a child, etc.);

    variety of events (the club form does not limit the choice of topics, method and location, number of participants, etc.);

    the similarity of family problems, the possibility of open and non-judgmental discussion and communication;

    psychological support from each other and from specialists, development of organizational and communication skills of parents;

    obtaining new information on specific requests (joint work planning);

    child development (communication skills, creativity, fine motor skills, etc.);

    created conditions (opportunity to attend leisure and cultural events, participate in excursions, trips).

for establishment:

    attracting families raising children with disabilities to the institution;

    attracting the attention of social partners and the public to the activities of the center;

    there is no additional burden on specialists;

    minor financial costs.

Based on the problems and tasks, the Club’s activities are developing in three directions. First direction "We and our children".

The purpose of the activities carried out within this area is to promote the harmonization of parent-child relationships and the formation of a favorable microclimate in the family. One of the leading forms of work is the organization of special psychological classes with parents. An example of such work can be the implementation of the psychopreventive program “Seven-Ya” for parents raising children with disabilities.

The main objectives of the program are to provide assistance to parents:

In recognizing one’s own unconstructive behavioral reactions, developing the ability to consolidate adequate forms of behavior and respond to the child’s problems;

In mastering the basic functions of the family and its members;

In improving interpersonal interaction and positive communication in the family system and the space surrounding the family.

The program consists of 8 classes, which are held once a week with a duration of 40-60 minutes.

Work with a group of parents is carried out in several stages.

During the first stage, the educational psychologist clarifies parents’ ideas about upbringing (its goals, methods of influence, influence on the child’s personal development and behavior, the adequacy and dynamism of the parental position). Further work is aimed at increasing the emotional acceptance of the child, increasing the effectiveness of parental control and requirements, and understanding the child’s behavior. At the last stage, parents are trained in effective ways to communicate with their child, adequately express their feelings, and reflect on the work of the program.

Practice-oriented technologies are used as the main methods and techniques of work: discussion, role-playing, solving problem situations, psychotechnical exercises.

The following criteria are considered as criteria for the effectiveness of the group’s work: whether parents have an adequate understanding of the character, personality and actions of the child (determined by the parental attitude questionnaire test by A.Ya. Varga, V.V. Stolin); the positive nature of family dynamics (studied using the projective test “Sociogram “My Family”” by V.V. Tkacheva).

The experience of implementing the program has shown that after participating in classes, parents note an increased interest in the feelings, plans and needs of the child, a desire to trust and cooperate with him, and an understanding of the causes and consequences of the child’s actions.

The next form of work is the participation of parents in correctional work. The main indicator of parents’ involvement in correctional and developmental work is an increase in activity, understanding of the child’s problems and victories. Outwardly, this is expressed in the fact that the family begins to study regularly, follow the specialist’s recommendations, make their own manuals, and bring them to classes.

To achieve this goal, classes were organized in the “Child-Parent-Specialist” system, aimed at correcting and developing the cognitive, emotional-volitional sphere and speech of children. The classes vary in complexity and intensity, which allows them to be used in working with children with various developmental disabilities. All classes are conducted in a sensory room using special equipment: fiber optic fibers, air bubble tubes, sand table, rotators, dry pool, mats, paths, etc.

Duration of classes is 15-20 minutes (depending on the individual, age and typological characteristics of the participants and the goals of the exercises).

Job objectives:

Help parents analyze the age and specific characteristics inherent in children with disabilities;

To train parents in techniques and forms of work on the development of mental processes, correction of speech development deficiencies in disabled children;

To form a child’s ideas about the world around him; develop visual, auditory and tactile sensations; develop sensorimotor skills; stimulate the child’s imagination, correct attention, emotional-volitional sphere.

In addition, parents learn in classes:

Listen to the child;

To be helpful to the child in gaining self-confidence, and not to force him to act as he wishes;

Be ready to accept the child’s feelings without judging or judging them;

Believe in the child, his ability to solve his problems himself;

Perceive the child as an independent person.

Work in the “Child-Parent-Specialist” system involves two stages: organization of individual lessons; transition to subgroup work.

In individual lessons, a specialist implements a person-oriented approach aimed at identifying, revealing and supporting the positive personal qualities of each parent necessary for successful cooperation with the child. Depending on the characteristics of the family, the teacher chooses one of the behavioral tactics:

Parents are only required to repeat tasks at home, copy the teacher’s actions and their sequence, sometimes adopting his behavior, intonation, etc.;

Parents are invited to participate in individual episodes of a lesson with a child conducted by a teacher, with all three actively participating (the specialist together with the child as one unit; the parent as a play partner);

The specialist actively involves parents in the lesson, offering to finish the exercise he has started; further, explaining its purpose, he offers to complete the task independently.

At the final stage of working with parents, the teacher conducts subgroup classes when two children and their parents meet. The specialist organizes such classes only after it is possible to form cooperation between the parent and his child in individual classes.

Parents raising problem children often report that they have difficulty walking their child. Conflict situations arise both between children and between adults themselves. It happens that parents of normally developing children are unhappy that such a child will play next to their child (the lack of information about problem children gives them fear). Parents of a child with psychophysical developmental disorders are afraid that there will be a conflict situation between their child and other children; they do not know how to get out of it or how to prevent it.

Taking all this into account, the specialist aims to teach parents the ability to establish cooperation with another child, children with each other, and adults with each other. To more effectively achieve the set goal, a teacher-psychologist is actively involved in conducting subgroup classes (it is possible to use play therapy, etc.).

Assessment of the effectiveness of classes in the “Child-Parent-Specialist” system is monitored during the general diagnosis of the child, monitoring his behavior in various situations, tracking his educational activities; diagnosing parents' satisfaction with the content of classes.

Expected result: increasing the level of development of attention, imagination, sensorimotor skills, cognitive and emotional-volitional spheres of the child; mastery by parents of available techniques and forms of correction of the child’s mental processes.

The second direction of club work is "Our talents".

The goal of the events carried out within this area is the social self-realization of parents and their children, changing attitudes towards them in society.

Forms of work are various sociocultural activities that allow disabled children to adapt to standard sociocultural situations: engage in feasible work, find and use the necessary information, expand their ability to integrate into ordinary sociocultural life.

All sociocultural events can be divided into two groups. The first group includes activities for organizing leisure time for families:

Excursions, trips, hikes are associated with communication with nature, getting to know your hometown and its attractions. For a child with developmental disabilities, the opportunity to stay in nature is extremely necessary to expand their living space, gain environmental knowledge, and improve their health. Nature is a rich environment for the development of a child’s sensory systems (hearing, vision, smell, touch, taste). Mastering natural landscapes effectively develops children’s perception of space and teaches them to move and navigate the external environment without fear. Communication with nature provides many positive emotions to parents and children, gives them the opportunity to communicate, establish emotional mutual understanding, forms a commonality of feelings, moods, thoughts, views, cultivates aesthetic feelings, love for their native land;

A performance game, a theatrical game, helps a child learn the rules and laws of adults. The participation of disabled children in play activities forms the correct model of behavior in the modern world, improves the child’s general culture, introduces him to spiritual values, introduces him to children’s literature, music, fine arts, etiquette rules, rituals, and traditions. In addition, theatrical activity is a source of development of feelings, deep experiences of the child, developing the emotional sphere of the child, forcing him to sympathize with the characters and empathize with the events being played out;

A holiday is an artistic activity, a show in which every child must actively participate (independently or with the help of an adult). The holiday provides an opportunity to unite children and adults into a large team, organizes them, unites them (charged with common action and emotions, the child begins to act in the same way as his neighbors and surrounding people). In the process of planning a holiday, a reasonable approach and taking into account the characteristics of children are important. It is unacceptable to overload the holiday with special effects, costumes, and bright attributes - all this will distract children from the holiday itself. Music, songs, 2-3 small joint games - all this can be implemented within the framework of a small one-dimensional plot. All elements are united by a common rhythm; types of activities replace each other. The main requirement is that the level of complexity should not be excessively high. At the end of the holiday, a surprise moment is very important - a gift, a small souvenir.

The second group includes events that stimulate the disclosure of the creative potential of families: participation in city, district, regional and federal competitions of children's and family work. Such events increase the interest and creative activity of children and their parents, help them see the unusual in the ordinary, and demonstrate their talents and abilities. At the same time, it is important to create a situation of success, stimulation, encouragement for creative experience, so that children and their parents want and strive to be proactive, active and creative. The main form of work is art therapy - any creative activity (drawing, fantasy, design), and, above all, one’s own creativity, no matter how primitive and simplified it may be. Every child and parent can participate in art therapy work, which does not require any visual ability or artistic skills.

These activities help expand the creative potential of a disabled child and his parents and are aimed at developing communication skills, gaining experience in social interaction, and expanding their social circle.

The third direction of work is “Here we are”(Appendix 4).

An important aspect for the existence of the Club is the presentation of its work experience in the media. Children and their parents, teachers publish articles based on the results of classes and events in district, regional and federal publications. Dialogue with the media allows parents to express their position in raising children with disabilities, talk about their positive experiences, and promote family values. Publications in the press are a way to reflect impressions of participation in holidays, exhibitions, excursions, and to express thoughts and suggestions on various issues.

Active presentation in the press of the achievements of Club members effectively solves the problem of attracting new families of disabled children in need of socio-psychological and correctional pedagogical assistance to the institution. Parents, receiving information about the work of the Club, getting acquainted with the achievements of others, are convinced of the need to interact both with specialists of the institution and with families, members of the Club, who have positive experience in raising a disabled child.

A significant aspect of promoting the Club’s experience is attracting the attention of the public, enterprises and organizations, services and departments to the problems of family education of children with disabilities. Thanks to the reflection of the Club's events in newspapers and magazines, the institution has permanent social partners who provide the opportunity to organize festive events, thematic meetings, and promotions without financial investments from the institution.

In total, over the years of operation of the Club for families raising disabled children “VERA”, 9 articles have been published in regional publications, 2 articles in regional and federal publications.

An effective practical form of work to attract public attention to the problems of children with disabilities, the formation of a tolerant attitude in society, and the solution of individual problems of families is the organization of various events.

When necessary, the “Help a Friend” campaign is organized. In cases where the treatment of a disabled child requires expensive medications and special equipment, an initiative group of Club members seeks help through the media, holds meetings with managers and teams of enterprises, organizations, and individual entrepreneurs. The funds collected in this way are donated to a needy family.

The annual campaign “Child and the Road” is interesting. Its organizers are pupils of the city’s orphanages and traffic police inspectors. During the event, thematic games, competitions, and practical exercises aimed at improving road safety are organized with disabled children and their parents. Traditionally, each disabled child receives a reflector and a guardian angel made by the pupils as a gift.

The institution’s specialists pay special attention to disseminating the experience of club work among teachers of educational institutions. For this purpose, publications have been prepared in the all-Russian scientific and methodological journals “Bulletin of psychosocial and correctional and rehabilitation work” (1/2011), “Education and training of children with developmental disorders” (8/2012). The published materials reveal in detail the main forms and directions of accompanying children with disabilities within the framework of the club’s work, reveal the role of parents in the process of consolidating acquired knowledge in correctional and developmental classes with specialists at home, and present experience in organizing leisure activities.

Teachers of the institution regularly participate in scientific and practical conferences: All-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation “Medical-psychological-social-pedagogical support for disabled children and their families” (Krasnoyarsk, 2010); I All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference “Correction and Prevention of Behavior Disorders in Children with Disabilities” (Moscow, 2011); III International Scientific and Practical Conference “Family in the context of pedagogical, psychological and sociological research” (Penza, 2012).

During the speeches and reports, the experience of organizing the Club was presented and summarized: the problems of families that arise in the process of education are identified; the stages of work on psychoprevention of behavioral disorders in children with disabilities through organizing cooperation with parents and increasing their parental competence are described in detail; forms and directions of club activities are presented.

Thus, today the institution has created special conditions that help solve the problems of families raising disabled children. The main objectives and prospects for the club’s work are planned to consolidate positive forms of family communication and interaction with the child and others, create conditions for revealing their personal, creative and social potential, organize informal interaction between parents to overcome their isolation and gain new communication experiences. Both the possibility of positive dynamics in the child’s condition and simply a fuller and happier life for his family depend on how much parents feel responsible for their child’s path, how much they understand his real problems.

As the actual results of the project implementation, we present the following data:

- 35 families, members of the Club, use rational models of family education;

- there is an annual attraction of new families to the work of the Club;

- 20 disabled children annually undergo correctional and developmental training;

20 parents of disabled children were trained in effective techniques for the development and correction of the child’s cognitive sphere and behavior;

- 15 families raising disabled children present creative works at regional, district and city exhibitions and competitions of children's works;

- annually 5 materials from experience of raising disabled children in the family.

Project "We and our children"

In modern socio-economic conditions, the problems of social adaptation and rehabilitation of persons with special needs have become significantly worse. Despite the many proposed forms of education and upbringing of children with disabilities, a family raising a disabled child faces difficulties in solving pedagogical, socio-psychological and legal problems.

A family cannot raise a child in isolation from other educational institutions, since a child with disabilities attends a preschool, school, various centers and other educational institutions.

A family with a child with special needs is a family where family relationships are disintegrating. A child’s illness often changes the entire habitual way of life in the family. Uneven, conflictual relationships arise between spouses and other family members. Also, the appearance of a disabled child in a family can cause parents to strive for isolation from society.

Parents find it difficult to determine their role in new difficult conditions; they do not always know how to create conditions that allow the child to develop, learn and self-realize normally. Many families are unable to change the current situation on their own. It is difficult for a parent who is not included in the correction and habilitation process to change the existing stereotypes of their interaction with the child, which slows down the process of correction and habilitation itself. By providing timely psychological and pedagogical assistance, the chances of successful adaptation of disabled children and their families to public life and strengthening the moral and psychological climate in such families increase.

Therefore, in the activities of any educational institution where disabled children are raised and educated, it is necessary to develop cooperation between specialists and parents, intensify forms of work on interaction between the educational institution and the family, and improve the system of comprehensive psychological and pedagogical support.

For specialists and teachers, establishing cooperative relationships with parents and interacting with families presupposes a change in the perspective of professional activity, gives a feeling of relevance for one’s own activities, awakens resources for creativity, searching for new forms of work, choosing a methodological approach, and increases the efficiency and effectiveness of activities.

For parents raising children with disabilities, cooperation with a teacher expands the understanding of their own competence, gives confidence in their abilities, promotes understanding of their capabilities and the compensatory capabilities of the child, active participation in the learning and upbringing process, and helps the parent and child adequately interact with each other.

The program includes activities aimed at supporting families raising children with disabilities, at developing a system of psychological and pedagogical support for children with disabilities and their parents in the conditions of the State Educational Institution for Children's Social Welfare, at the active use in the activities of specialists of new forms of work on interaction with families and cooperation with parents .


Purpose of the program– ensuring interaction between an educational institution and a family raising a disabled child with multiple disabilities, involving parents in the correctional, habilitation and educational process.

Program objectives:

  • training parents in corrective and developmental interaction with the child;
  • formation of an effective parental position,
  • providing timely psychological and informational assistance to families raising a disabled child;
  • formation of parents’ interest in the child’s personal development based on his compensatory capabilities,
  • formation of a positive image of the child, his future through changing the level of parental aspirations.

Target group– parents raising disabled children with multiple disabilities aged 4 to 12 years.

Implementation deadlines:

  • 18 hours with a frequency of classes 1-2 times a month.
  • Lesson duration: 3 hours.

Forms and methods of work:

  • The number of participants in the group is no more than 5-7 people.
  • During the implementation of the program, individual and group forms of work with all participants in the educational process are used.
  • The forms of work vary depending on the type of family upbringing, the type of educational institution, the length of time the child stays there, the conditions of detention, and the nature and degree of the child’s developmental disorders.
  • Practical classes are organized with each family individually, together with parents and disabled children.
  • Working methods: seminar, lecture, group training, practical training in groups and individually.

Expected results of the program:

  1. Awareness of the role of the family and its influence on the formation of the personality of a child with disabilities.
  2. Creating conditions to ensure the psychological safety of families raising a child with special needs.
  3. Increasing the level of knowledge about the state of development and health of children with disabilities, real opportunities and mechanisms of their adaptation in society.
  4. Mastering the skills of correctional and developmental interaction with a child.
  5. Formation of emotional acceptance of the individuality of a child with disabilities and changes in the level of parental aspirations.

Basic requirements for program implementation:

The goals of parental education and enlightenment in an educational institution are significant and varied. It is they who determine the special role of parents as the main allies in an educational institution, among other subjects of the educational process.

Interaction with parents is a very special type of pedagogical activity, requiring special psychological knowledge, tact, and tolerance. The education of parents is characterized by a certain sequence, gradual development of knowledge, stages, which determines the specifics of the forms of work of parental comprehensive education, and the characteristics of the contingent of students, and the forms of classes conducted.

Education and enlightenment of parents of disabled children is focused on current problems in the life of a child with multiple disabilities, on the psychological safety (safe family, safe school or kindergarten, social environment) of the family and its interaction with the educational institution.

It should be taken into account that the greatest effect is achieved when training is combined with solving practical problems of raising children with special needs, taking into account their individual characteristics and capabilities.

To successfully organize training, we need specialists and teachers who will carry out this work. Specialists of various profiles take part in the implementation of the program: educational psychologists, speech pathologists, speech therapists, medical specialists, social educators, who will help expand the knowledge of parents in certain issues of social adaptation, integration, and development of disabled children with multiple disabilities.


p/p Event theme Number of hours Organizational form Objectives of the event
1. Organization of psychological, medical and pedagogical support in an educational institution. 3 Seminar Increasing the level of parental competence in matters of teaching and raising children, developing a common view of the educational institution and the family on the essence of the process of psychological, medical and pedagogical support in order to create optimal conditions for the development of the child’s personality.
2. Family and its role in the development and upbringing of a child with disabilities 2 Lecture Getting to know the psychological climate in families raising disabled children. Adequate assessment of the role of the family and its influence on the formation of the personality of a child with disabilities.
3. Adults and children Appendix 1 3 Group training
(1 lesson)
Awareness of the differences between the inner world of a child and an adult, perception, emotional experiences. Motives, needs, behavior. Acquiring skills in analyzing the causes of a child’s behavior based on the child’s own perspective. Group cohesion.
4. Features of family education of children with developmental disorders and ways to overcome them 2 Lecture Acquaintance with family opportunities in raising children with intellectual disabilities.
5. Communication with a child Appendix 2 3 Group training
(1 lesson)
Introduction of the concept of “acceptance”.
Familiarization with the characteristics of accepting and non-accepting behavior of parents.
Improving the emotional state of participants.
6. Show me love Appendix 3 3 Group training
(1 lesson)
Formation of ideas about unconditional acceptance as the main condition for satisfying the child’s need for love. Development of skills for expressing negative emotions towards a child.
7. Methods of pedagogical influence on a child in the family 1 Individual consultation
8. Organization of assistance to families raising disabled children 2 Round table Increasing parental competence in legal and legal matters
9. Training “Parental effectiveness” 9 Group training
Formation of trusting relationships. Awareness of the parental position and goals of education. Introducing parents to forms of child control, expanding ideas about discipline.
Formation of the ability to regulate control functions in accordance with the areas of control over the child. Providing emotional support to parents.
"I am a parent" Appendix 4
Appendix 5
"Happy Family"Appendix 6
10. Thematic workshop “Parenting skills class” 10 Practical lesson
(5 lessons)
Increasing the general pedagogical competence of parents (legal representatives), developing practical skills in the development, training and education of disabled children.
“Formation of motor skills and self-care skills in children with disabilities”
“Development of the communicative sphere in disabled children”
“Formation of mental processes in children with disabilities”
“Formation of play activity in children”
“Formation of learning motivation in preschool children”

Throughout all classes, program participants are provided with information and methodological materials and reminders for consolidating and studying the material independently.


Event 1.Practice-oriented seminar “Organization of psychological, medical and pedagogical support in an educational institution”

  1. Presentation of the program.
  2. The concept of “psychological-medical-pedagogical support”. Three-level system of assistance to families raising children with disabilities in the Murmansk region. Basic principles, goals and objectives of psychological, medical and pedagogical support in the context of the educational correctional and developmental process. Guaranteeing the rights of parents raising disabled children with multiple impairments to organize individual psychological, medical and pedagogical support within the framework of the educational process.
  3. Questioning parents to determine the level of civil legal competence as part of the implementation of the educational correctional and developmental process.
  4. Family and educational institution are partners in the upbringing and development of a child.
  5. Information about the types of educational institutions and forms of correctional and developmental education.

Event 2. Round table on the topic “Family and its role in the development and upbringing of a child”

  1. Types of family upbringing and their influence on the formation of a child’s personality.
  2. The main periods of family development and the functions of family members.
  3. Psychological safety (safe family, safe school, social environment) is a necessary condition for the normal development of a child.

Event 3.Group training “Adults and children”

  1. Warm-up “Flower of Mood”.
  2. Development and adoption of group rules.
  3. Exercise “Getting to know the family.”
  4. Independent work with the “Inner World” questionnaire form.
  5. Information block.
  6. Exercise “Understand the child’s feelings.”
  7. Exercise “I-message”.
  8. Reflection, feedback.
  9. Homework.

Activity 4. Lecture on the topic “Features of family education of children with developmental disorders and ways to overcome them”

  1. Family capabilities in the development of children with intellectual disabilities.
  2. Indicators of success of correctional pedagogical work.
  3. Family education of preschool children with intellectual disabilities (mental education, labor education, emotional and personal development, physical education)
  4. Family education of school-age children with intellectual disabilities.
  5. Questions and assignments.

Activity 5.Group training “Communication with a child”

  1. Greeting "Compliment".
  2. Discussion of homework.
  3. Information block.
  4. Exercise "Active listening".
  5. Exercise “Nobody knows that...”.
  6. Creative work “Portrait of my child.”
  7. Reflection of feelings.
  8. Homework.

Activity 6. Group training “Show me love”

  1. Greetings.
  2. Discussion of homework.
  3. Information block.
  4. Psycho-gymnastic exercise “Convey the emotion.”
  5. Exercise "Seekers".
  6. Exercise “I like about you...”.
  7. Reflection.

Activity 8.Round table on the topic “Organization of assistance to families raising disabled children”

  1. Information block on legal and legal aspects.
  2. Parent survey.
  3. Discussion on the main problems of disability.
  4. The role of public associations of parents of disabled children.

Activity 9.Group training “Parental effectiveness”

Lesson No. 1 "I am a parent"

  1. Greeting “Getting to know each other by hand.”
  2. Exercise "Pantomime".
  3. Group work “Educational goals”.
  4. Exercise "Parent-child".
  5. Exercise “The Blind Man and the Guide”.
  6. Exercise “Age regression”.
  7. Exercise “Dialogue of the sides of my Self.”
  8. Homework.
  9. Lesson reflection.

Lesson No. 2 “Learning to demand and control”

  1. Association warm-up.
  2. Exercise “Unclench your fist.”
  3. Discussion of homework.
  4. Information block.
  5. Work in pairs “Control zones”.
  6. Exercise “Parental requirements”.
  7. Exercise “Analysis of mother-child communication.”
  8. Exercise “Damaged phone”.
  9. Homework.
  10. Reflection.

Lesson No. 3 "Happy Family"

  1. Exercise "Eraser".
  2. Exercise "Hello"
  3. Exercise “Positive and negative qualities of a child.”
  4. Exercise “I am a child.”
  5. Exercise “Non-evaluative perception”.
  6. Exercise “I care...”
  7. Exercise “I-statement”.
  8. Exercise “Pass the signal.”
  9. Art therapy “My child”.
  10. Musical relaxation.
  11. Work on subgroups “Rights of parents and children.”
  12. Lesson reflection. Parting.

Event 10.Thematic workshop “Parenting skills class”(5 lessons)

  1. “Formation of motor skills and self-care skills in children with disabilities.”
  2. “Development of the communicative sphere in disabled children.”
  3. “Formation of mental processes in children with disabilities.”
  4. “Formation of play activity in children.”
  5. “Formation of educational motivation in preschool children.”


  1. Psychological assistance to parents in raising children with developmental disorders / Manual for educational psychologists. – Moscow “Vlados”, 2008.
  2. Isaev D.N. Psychology of a sick child: Lectures. – St. Petersburg: Publishing House PPMI, 1993.
  3. Development of communication skills in children with moderate and severe mental retardation / Manual for teachers - St. Petersburg, Soyuz Publishing House, 2004.
  4. N.S. Efimova. Psychology of mutual understanding / Psychological workshop - Moscow, St. Petersburg, Voronezh, Minsk, 2004.
  5. Maller A.R. New in providing assistance to disabled children - Defectology No. 1, 1996.
  6. Smirnova E.R. Tolerance as a principle of attitude towards children with disabilities / Bulletin of psychosocial and correctional rehabilitation work No. 2, 1997.
  7. Schmidt V.R. Psychological assistance to parents and children: training programs - Moscow, Creative Center "Sphere", 2007.
  8. Markovskaya I.M. Parent-child interaction training. Goals, objectives and basic principles - St. Petersburg, “Rech”, 2005.
  9. Burmistrova E.V. Family with a “Special Child”: psychological and social assistance / Bulletin of practical psychology in education No. 4 (17), October-December 2008.

Explanatory note.


Club objectives : . providing psychological and correctional pedagogical support to families in matters of education and development of children; . development of parental skills in caring for and raising a child, including protecting his rights and health, creating a safe environment, and successful socialization; . the formation of mutual trust in the system of relations between the educational institution and the family; . increasing the legal competence of parents in matters of state guarantees for families raising children with disabilities and familiarizing themselves with the basics of legislation in the field of protecting children's rights; . educational work on the problems of developmental disorders in children and their correction; . promoting positive family education experiences. Forms of work :

  • round table
  • psychological living room
  • consultations
  • discussion
  • business game
  • thematic lecture
  • group classes

Attracting specialists: . educational psychologist. health workers. social educator

Form of conduct

Special child

psychological living room

New Year's Eve

joint holiday event

Skillful hands

exhibitions of children's hobbies and achievements

Let's make dreams come true...

business game

We are parents...

We are children...

seminar, group classes

Planned results: Children: . positive adaptation to the conditions of the educational institution; . positive dynamics in the development of the child’s personality, development of communication skills; . acquiring social experience outside the home. Parents: . are sufficiently informed on the issues of correcting problems in the development of children with disabilities; . receiving qualified psychological and pedagogical assistance in the upbringing and development of a child with disabilities; . adequate attitudes regarding the child’s prospects; . harmonious relationships between parents and children;

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“Project for the development of a parent club “We are together.” (For parents with children with disabilities).”

Parents' club "We are together"

Explanatory note.

Everyone knows that a child’s individuality is formed in the family and educational work at school should be organized only taking this factor into account. The creation of a unified favorable educational environment is necessary to reveal the potential capabilities of the child’s personal development. Parents with a child with disabilities need help from teachers and specialists. Various factors, such as disruption of emotional relationships in the family caused by the constant stress of parents, problems in communicating with others, hinder the formation of a child’s personality and lead to negative consequences in the development of the child. Parents need the knowledge necessary to raise children, the specifics of their behavior, the characteristics of their psychophysical development, etc. Teachers and specialists can provide invaluable assistance to parents on how to better feel and understand their child and how to build relationships correctly, and be able to use the necessary tools and techniques. The parent club is a link between teachers, various specialists, parents, and guardians interested in solving the problems of their children. In informal communication, club members not only get to know each other, but also share their own experience of interacting with their child and exchange thoughts about themselves and their work, participate in trainings and research.

Club meetings are held twice a school term on Saturdays.

Target : increasing the pedagogical competence of parents and optimizing interaction between the school and parents on issues of education, rehabilitation and assistance in the socialization of students with disabilities.

Club objectives :
providing psychological and correctional pedagogical support to families in matters of education and development of children;
development of parental skills in caring for and raising a child, including protecting his rights and health, creating a safe environment, and successful socialization;
the formation of mutual trust in the system of relations between the educational institution and the family;
increasing the legal competence of parents in matters of state guarantees for families raising children with disabilities and familiarizing themselves with the basics of legislation in the field of protecting children's rights;
educational work on the problems of developmental disorders in children and their correction;
promoting positive family education experiences.
Forms of work :

    round table

    psychological living room



    business game

    thematic lecture

    group classes

    exhibitions of children's hobbies and achievements

    joint holiday event

Attracting specialists:
educational psychologist
health workers
social educator

Work plan of the parent club “We are together” for 2016-2017

Form of conduct


round table meeting with specialists from the Tsvetik-Semitsvetik center


Types of family education of children with disabilities

Special child

psychological living room

New Year's Eve

joint holiday event

This is relevant (family problem)


Skillful hands

exhibitions of children's hobbies and achievements

Let's make dreams come true...

business game

We are parents...

We are children...

seminar, group classes

Planned results:
positive adaptation to the conditions of the educational institution;
positive dynamics in the development of the child’s personality, development of communication skills;
acquiring social experience outside the home.
are sufficiently informed on the issues of correcting problems in the development of children with disabilities;
receiving qualified psychological and pedagogical assistance in the upbringing and development of a child with disabilities;
adequate attitudes regarding the child’s prospects;
harmonious relationships between parents and children;