A way to collect dog and cat hair. How to get rid of cat hair in an apartment

Once a pet appears in the house, it often becomes a full-fledged member of the family. Our hearts are so attached to our four-legged friend that we can forgive him almost any pranks. In the end, a beloved dog or cat eventually learns order and becomes disciplined. But some inconveniences of living under the same roof with a furry animal inevitably remain: where can you escape, for example, from banal molting? And therefore, sooner or later, tired of the ubiquitous “hairiness”, the owners begin to look for ways to get rid of hair in the house. It turns out that there are not so few methods!

Why does a dog shed?

The dog's body is no different from other mammals: natural organic processes constantly occur inside it, one of which is the renewal of hair and skin. If daily hair loss from 50 to 150 hairs is considered normal for a person with more modest (compared to a dog) hairiness, then what intensity should the animal’s fur renewal have?

In females, shedding occurs intensively even after she has stopped feeding the puppies. The reason for this process is a change in the dog's hormonal levels.

It is a mistake to believe that there are breeds that are not subject to shedding. All individuals that grow hair on their bodies shed them many times during their lives. It’s just that for some they fall out without any problems, while for others the fur needs to be carefully combed to avoid the formation of tangles.

Breeders note that dogs that spend most of their time outside change their coat more intensively, while domestic dogs can shed all year round in a sluggish manner. And this becomes a real headache: where to get away from the ubiquitous fur and is it even possible to escape from it without parting with your beloved animal?

Basic methods of dealing with hair

With cats in the house there are no less problems with lost hair, especially if we are talking about long-haired breeds. Most of all, animals leave traces where they especially like to spend time - on beds, sofas, and their owners’ clothes, but since cats love to rub against their owners’ feet and upholstered furniture, the scale of the fur disaster takes on a wider scope.

And yet, there are ways to get rid of lost cat hair in an apartment. Below we will look at cleaning the house in more detail regarding different surfaces. Here we will only talk about the general principles of maintaining hygiene.

  • Problems associated with shedding can be significantly reduced by regular brushing of the animal. This way you can at least somehow control the process. You will see: the amount of uncontrollably scattered wool in your home will become several times smaller.
  • When cleaning, use rubber brushes and sponges, which most effectively remove hair deposits from surfaces.
  • During your next visit to the pet store, ask what products are available to prevent cat and dog hair from sticking to home textiles, upholstery and carpets. Effective products can also be found in the budget price category.
  • Another trick to help prevent pet hair from sticking to surfaces in your living space is to use a humidifier. Especially in winter, when central heating dries out the air. Hot and dry air also stimulates the animal’s body to get rid of excess hair. Therefore, do not forget to ventilate your home: it is useful for both the owner and the pet.

How to clean a blanket

The favorite place for pet purrs is the owner's bed. Covered with a blanket or blanket, the sleeping place is so attractive and cozy that it is almost impossible to wean the animal off it. Even if the animal does not do this in front of you, then in your absence the stubborn four-legged creature will not miss the opportunity to bask in your blanket, which means that the need to clean it of cat fur will certainly become urgent.

It is very difficult to remove fluff from a wool blanket or other pile materials. It can only be removed in the washing machine. Before putting it into the drum, try to clean the fabric from any wool that can be removed by hand or using a sticky roller, making the work of your machine easier.

Removing wool from clothes

A house where clumps of dog or cat hair are scattered everywhere, where this fluff is even in the air, looks untidy. The situation is the same with clothes: going out in public in such clothes is just as indecent as in wrinkled or stained ones. If suddenly, before leaving the house, you find that your pet has left traces of shedding on it, you should first get rid of this fur on your clothes: let’s take a closer look at how to do this quickly.


The good old way to remove any surface stains on any type of fabric. Just tear off a small piece and stick it to the problem area, smooth it out, pressing it against the surface of the fabric, and then sharply peel off the tape. Hair and dust will not remain on it. For convenience, it is recommended to wrap tape with the sticky side outward around cylindrical objects (for example, a rolling pin), simulating a roller. If you have the video itself at hand, this is the best way out of the situation.


Not the one that is used to remove rough skin on the feet, but the one that is intended for caring for knitted items and fleece items. This pumice creates a light backcomb, but is also suitable for removing hair and fur from the surface. It must be used delicately and not overuse the procedure, since during it the top layer is removed from the surface of the fabric. This device cannot be used on cotton.

Electric pellet remover

Few people realize that this compact invention for renewing the surface of fabrics prone to pilling can help when your dog or cat is shedding at home. It removes wool from clothes no less successfully than rolled lint. Due to the small size of the device, it is inconvenient to use over a large area, but it can save a sweater, skirt, trousers or coat from wool “plaque”. All that remains is to empty the container in which everything that the machine managed to collect from the product accumulates.

To prevent surface contamination from harming your clothes, do not neglect the use of aerosols that remove static electricity

Removing wool from the carpet

Carpets and rugs bear the brunt of collecting any dirt in the house; their fleecy surface allows for this. Animal molting products are no exception and sometimes cling tightly to the carpet. Although it is not easy, it is possible to deal with the problem, and there are several clever tricks that make the cleaning process easier.

  • To collect wool from the carpet, you can use the traditional method of cleaning the house - walk through it with a vacuum cleaner. The best way to do the job is with a turbo brush attachment, a washing vacuum cleaner or a robot vacuum cleaner.
  • For a traditional model of vacuum cleaner to do the job, sprinkle a thin layer of soda on the carpet, it will soften the fur deposits from the cat’s shedding and speed up the cleaning process. Fabric softener works similarly. Dilute it with water in the same proportions as when rinsing clothes and spray it onto the surface to be cleaned using a spray bottle. And then use a vacuum cleaner.
  • It will not be superfluous to walk over the carpet with a damp cloth after using dust collection equipment.
  • Cleaning with a damp brush is especially effective. This process is time-consuming, but helps even in the most advanced cases. All you need is a bowl of water, a brush with stiff bristles and an hour or two of free time.
  • Pet stores sell special brush mittens for combing cats and dogs. They are also suitable for carpet hygiene.
  • During intensive shedding of fur in autumn or spring, regularly clean the carpet so that fluff and hairs from your pet’s fur coat are not trampled into the surface, otherwise cleaning it will be problematic.

Getting off the sofa

Wet sponges and brushes will help you get rid of cat hair on furniture in your apartment, as well as on any other surface. Due to the static properties of rubber, rubber brushes and special rubberized gloves collect wool lint well. Sticky rollers or regular tape are convenient for these purposes.

If you don’t have the desire and time to rack your brain every day about how to get rid of dog hair on your sofa or chair, protect them with a blanket that can be easily washed in the washing machine, and do this cleaning once a week.

There are products that prevent animal hair from sticking to upholstery. They operate on the principle of antistatic, and you can buy them at a hardware store or pet supply store. After spraying, simply go over the sofa with a vacuum cleaner. Often, special attachments for furniture are sold complete with equipment; use them for more effective and hygienic cleaning.

Which vacuum cleaner is better against fur?

This section is not about specific manufacturers or models. Many vacuum cleaners that meet the following characteristics are suitable for solving hygiene problems in a home with animals:

  • power not less than 2000 Watt;
  • no dust bag, models with a cyclone filter are suitable;
  • presence of a turbo brush included. It differs from the traditional type of nozzles in that it has intensively rotating rubber blades, which perfectly collect hair, wool and other dirt from the surfaces of carpets and upholstered furniture. If your vacuum cleaner was not equipped with such a device, you can buy it additionally at any household appliance store.

A washing or vacuum cleaner works best for cleaning. But there are some “buts” that may prevent you from purchasing such equipment. Firstly, these vacuum cleaners are much more expensive than traditional ones. Secondly, they take up a lot of space in the house. In small-sized apartments, this circumstance becomes decisive.

Robotic vacuum cleaners are excellent compact and flexible room cleaners. But whatever option you choose, remember the need to regularly clean your equipment and replace filters.

Prevention and treatment of shedding

When they plan to have a pet in the house, responsible future owners study the characteristics of each breed: character, ability to train, susceptibility to diseases. Some choose a dog or cat solely for reasons of hygiene: how easy it will be to maintain it while living under the same roof as the animal. Getting rid of the hair of an adult Labrador, for example, will be more problematic than getting rid of the hairs of a Jack Russell terrier.

And yet, as mentioned above, do not delude yourself: all breeds of dogs and cats shed. To minimize cleaning problems, during the molting period, bathe the animal with a special shampoo, then the fur should be thoroughly combed. It’s better to repeat the procedure, and then you can save yourself from the exhausting cleaning of lost hair throughout the apartment. Long-haired breeds require regular grooming.

Some dog breeds do not shed hair as visibly as their long-haired four-legged counterparts. But the process of coat change still occurs, and it needs help. For example, the coat of a Jack Russell terrier is combed in a special way; it itself is almost incapable of leaving the pet’s fur coat. In the process, the skin on the animal’s body is also renewed, getting rid of dead cells.

Do not ignore the continuous molting all year round. If the house is not hot, the air is humidified, and the animal is still losing hair, there is a reason to contact a veterinarian for a diagnosis of diseases and a review of the pet’s diet.

Household cleaning when there is a dog, cat or any other shedding animal in the house is not just a matter of aesthetics. This is taking care of your own health. If fluff floating in the air settles on the mucous membranes of the nose, this can lead to undesirable consequences in the form of allergic reactions. This is not what you dreamed about when you got a cat or dog, right? So let the presence of a furry friend in the house bring only joy and a feeling of comfort, and then both you and your pet will be happy and healthy.

Seasonal shedding is a familiar problem for those who have a pet. During this period, the house turns into a downy carpet. Wet cleaning is an effective way to quickly get rid of cat hair in an apartment. Methods will vary depending on the type of surface.

Cat hair sticks firmly to the carpet, making it difficult to remove.

The easiest way to get rid of cat hair on the carpet is to use a vacuum cleaner. Models with a turbo brush will provide the best results and remove the most tenacious hairs. Detergents humidify the air and do an excellent job of removing clumps of fur. Unlike conventional models, you can use them every other day. Robot vacuum cleaners are good at cleaning floors from hair, saving time on cleaning.

Baking soda sprinkled on the carpet and left for 5 minutes will soften the hairs. After this, it will be easier to sweep them up with a broom or remove them with a regular vacuum cleaner. At the end of cleaning, you can walk over the surface with a damp cloth or brush.

Treating the room with an antistatic spray after cleaning will prevent the accumulation of hair. It can be prepared by dissolving 2 tsp. soda in 250 ml of water.

It is worth buying a special hard mat on which the pet will roll, leaving excess fluff on it. Pet stores also sell devices that the cat can rub against and groom himself.

How to clean wool from upholstered furniture

You can remove hair from the sofa with a stiff brush.

Cats love to lie on sofas and armchairs, after which hairs and fluff from the animal’s fur coat accumulate on them.

To remove them, you can use one of the following methods:

  • Vacuum upholstered furniture with a special attachment.
  • Clean the upholstery with a stiff brush pre-moistened with water.
  • Remove hairs using a sticky roller, which is usually used to clean clothes.
  • Use special sponges or rubber rollers.

As a last resort, you can use wide stationery tape or walk over the furniture with wet palms.

Hairs and pieces of fur stick well to rubber brushes. They are convenient for tidying up sofas and armchairs.

How to remove hairs from clothes

There is a special sticky roller for removing hair from clothes.

A lot of hairs from the cat remain on the owner's things. You can remove it with your palms moistened with water. Run them from top to bottom over the soiled clothing. Then wash your hands and repeat the procedure if necessary.

Will also help:

  • Clothes brush. Moisten it with warm water. Lightly move over the item from top to bottom. If you press too hard, you may ruin the fabric.
  • Special sticky rollers. Removes animal hair from clothing. It is better to buy models with replaceable nozzles.
  • Vacuum cleaner with turbo nozzle. It will help remove cat fluff from items made of thick fabric, jackets, and coats. First you need to treat the item hung on hangers on all sides with a vertical steam iron. Then you can use the vacuum cleaner, turning it on at medium power.
  • Design of two small combs with rare teeth. They need to be connected using an elastic band or thread, slightly moving one relative to the other. The device is suitable for thick fabrics. It needs to be moistened in warm water, then passed from top to bottom along the surface to be cleaned.

Wide stationery tape can be used to clean clothes. It must be glued to the item and then removed with a sharp movement.

How to clean laundry

An antistatic conditioner will protect the bed from sticking wool

Cats love to sleep next to their owner. To reduce hair accumulation on your bed, you need to change your sheets, duvet covers, and pillowcases once a week.

When washing, you must add antistatic fabric softener or a special cloth. It is better to choose a double rinse mode.

You should iron the bed through gauze or using the steam function so that fluff and hairs do not stick to the fabric.

How to prevent hair buildup

Normal air humidity prevents cat hairs from scattering throughout the house. It is important to maintain it during the winter. Due to central heating, the air is drier than in summer. A comfortable microclimate will be provided by special humidifiers. A budget option is to place wet towels on window sills and radiators.

Regular cleaning begins with wiping down surfaces - shelves, tables, cabinets. Adding a little antistatic floor cleaner to the water will help prevent hairballs from forming in the corners. Window sills need to be wiped once a week, floors – every day.

When wet cleaning, it is important to thoroughly rinse heating radiators and the space under furniture, as microparticles of wool accumulate there. And they can provoke allergies.

The following recommendations will help you remove cat hair from your apartment:

  • In the room, spray water with the addition of fabric softener or liquid antistatic agent, and then begin cleaning.
  • You can remove scraps of cat fur using a foam sponge soaked in warm water. The method is suitable for clothing and upholstered furniture.
  • A homemade roller with an adhesive attachment can be made from double-sided stationery tape and a rolling pin. It needs to be wrapped with adhesive tape.
  • You can remove hairs from clothes or furniture using a piece of old nylon or a nylon sock. They need to be passed over the surface to be cleaned; due to static electricity, the wool will stick.
  • Outerwear, jackets and suits, items made from delicate fabrics are best stored in special cases. Bed covers should be chosen from non-electrifying materials.

When choosing a kitten, check with the breeder about the specifics of caring for its fur. How often should it be combed, what shampoo is best to wash it with. There are breeds that shed evenly throughout the year, not just in spring and fall.

Cats with thick undercoat can be brushed with a furminator once a week. This significantly reduces the number of hairs and pieces of fur on furniture and clothes.

Proper cat hair care

The cat needs to be combed with special brushes so that the hair does not fly around the house

Vitamins included in the pet's diet reduce hair loss from the cat's coat. If an animal loses a lot of fur over the course of a year, it is worth taking it to the veterinarian. There may be health problems that cause it to shed profusely. It can also be caused by an incorrect diet.

Comfortable humidity in the house prevents off-season shedding.

Combing is the main way to deal with cat hair in the apartment. It is necessary for any breed during shedding. On average, the procedure takes 5 – 10 minutes.

How often it is needed depends on the breed. Long-haired animals with a thick undercoat are scratched every day. Cats with short fur and no fluff - once a week.

Brushes for your pet can be purchased at a pet store. For smooth-haired cats, rubberized models or special gloves are suitable. They are easy to remove dead hairs. For long-haired animals, you need two combs. One with natural hard bristles, the second metal for the undercoat. Some breeds can simply be stroked with damp hands to collect hairs.

Proper care will prevent the appearance of tangles and the loss of large tufts of fur.

If the cat sheds a lot, you can wash it with a special shampoo. After that, the pet needs to be wrapped in a terry towel, dried for at least 5 minutes, then combed thoroughly.

Every person who has cats or dogs in their home has encountered the problem of animal hair sticking to their clothes. This happens even if the pets are smooth-haired or almost bald, because during molting, hair of any length falls out and rises into the air with dust, clinging to clothes. Cleaning tools, which you can buy in a store or make yourself, can solve the problem.

Store-bought clothes cleaning tools

The most effective tools for removing dog or cat hair from clothing are store-bought Velcro or brushes. They can be purchased at almost any hardware store or specialized pet market. The main feature of these tools is that they are safe to use on clothing; they are not capable of damaging or staining the fabric. The most effective cleaning products are:

  • sticky roller. It is a cylindrical hollow body made of thick cardboard, onto which paper is glued, coated with a thin layer of glue. The device has a comfortable handle, which makes caring for clothes easier. By rolling the roller over the fabric, you can get rid of most contaminants (dust, threads, wool). This is the universal and most common method of hair control;

    A sticky roller is the simplest and most popular tool for removing hair from clothes.

  • brush. This device for removing hair from clothes resembles an ordinary massage comb, but instead of teeth it has short bristles. The small and soft fibers of the device allow you to catch hairs and threads that are tightly embedded in the weave of the fabric. You can purchase the tool at a hardware or textile store for relatively little money. The brush is very popular, safe for use on any type of fabric, guarantees effective removal of external contaminants;

    A fine bristled brush allows you to pick up fur from the surface of fabrics without damaging them.

  • Sponge for removing hair. This device can be purchased at almost any pet store. These specialized products differ from classic kitchen sponges in that they are made of 100% rubber. With their help, you can easily remove wool not only from clothes, but also from upholstered furniture. To clean the fabric, rub a dry sponge over the dirty area. After this, all the hair will be on the washcloth. Upon completion of the procedure, the sponge should be washed with soap and left until completely dry;

    A sponge for removing hair from fabric will be useful for owners of cats and dogs of long-haired breeds, as it is a reusable and effective tool for removing lint and hair from any textile products

Folk remedies

If you don’t have a sticky roller or brush at hand, and you urgently need to put things in order, you can use a number of improvised means. The most effective folk methods for removing hair from clothes are:

  • scotch. The adhesive tape is wrapped around a rolling pin or any other round oblong object with the sticky layer facing out. An improvised roller is used to roll things covered with wool, after which all the fibers stick to the surface of the tape. You can also wrap it around your fingers and remove lint by hand by sticking and then peeling the tape off the surface of the garment. Using this method will require a lot of time, but provides high efficiency in removing hair;

    Regular tape wrapped around a rolling pin or fingers can replace a special adhesive roller

  • pumice. In some situations, you can use a special pumice stone, which allows you to remove not only adhered hair, but also pellets. It is sold in hardware stores and is used for processing dense fabrics. Pumice is not recommended for cleaning wool, cotton, silk and satin. The principle of operation is that the device removes the top layer of a textile product, thereby removing surface contaminants;

    To avoid damaging the product, use a pumice stone along the fabric from top to bottom.

  • antistatic cloth. Such sticky devices are used to prepare surfaces for painting. They can be found in auto stores or paint shops. The product is a gauze base coated with a thin layer of glue. It can be used to remove hair and dust from clothes. To use an antistatic wipe, simply wipe the item with light movements from top to bottom;

    Antistatic wipes, which every motorist is sure to have, will help you deal with fur on clothes.

Preventing hair sticking

To reduce the risk of pet hair and woolen products sticking to your clothes, you can use some recommendations for the care and storage of items:

  • during washing, add rinse aids with an antistatic effect;
  • if things strongly attract wool, treat them with antistatic sprays after washing and ironing;
  • use special fabric or polyethylene covers for vertical storage of things;
  • regularly carry out wet cleaning of the premises;
  • do not store clothes on hangers and chairs, put them in a closet to protect them from dust and wool that are constantly in the air;
  • regularly carry out hygiene procedures for pets, comb and bathe them in a timely manner (animals require special control during periods of active molting in late spring and autumn).

Video: simple ways to clean clothes

Good day. If you choose a pet, you will have fur in your home and on your clothes. You can usually wear items in colors that match your pet's coat and color, so the attracted fur on your clothes will not be noticeable.

The first step in reducing pet hair on clothing is to prevent your pet from shedding excessively.
You can also choose breeds that are less prone to shedding.

As you know, no matter how hard you try to care for your pet; he will still shed. Clothing that has a fuzzy texture (corduroy, wool, suede) or produces static electricity (any man-made fiber) will attract wool. How to remove dog and cat hair from clothes and upholstery.

I offer several ways to reduce the amount of wool on clothes:
Reduce static cling by using an anti-static spray, such as Static Guard, on clothing to help loosen the fur and make it easier to remove with a brush.
Place the item in the clothes dryer with a few damp microfiber cloths (wool will stick to the microfiber cloths). Remove from dryer and use a clothes brush or lint roller to remove any remaining lint.
If you have woolen clothes that are covered in lint, use a clothes steamer or even hang them over steam in the bathroom before using a clothes brush. Humidity helps the fibers release pet hair, making it easier to clean.
A tack roller is often best for removing fur. If you don't have one (or can't find it), use strong duct tape wrapped around your hand, sticky side out. This works great!
If you don't have a roller or clothes brush, look in your kitchen sink for some dishwashing gloves. If you lightly dampen them and rub them over your clothing, you will remove static buildup and the texture of your palms will cause the wool to cling to your gloves. Once they become covered in hairs, rinse them and start again.

How to Remove Pet Hair from Upholstery
When cleaning pet hair from upholstery, start with a vacuum cleaner. Empty the vacuum cup or bag periodically to ensure the vacuum maintains maximum suction. Next, spray the fabric with anti-static spray (Static Guard is a brand name). Clean the upholstery with a microfiber cloth or cellulose sponge. Finally, vacuum again and finish with a tack roller.

How to Reduce Pet Hair in Your Home
Vacuum your home and furniture frequently. Most of the pet hair on your clothes comes from furniture.
Wash your pet bedding frequently. After washing, do an additional rinse cycle to make sure there is no hair in it. Check the washing machine after washing the bedding. If you see any hair in the drum, run a clean cycle to rinse it completely out so it doesn't stick to your next load of laundry.
If you dry your pet bedding in the dryer, clean out the lint filter halfway through the cycle so it can catch extra hair when the bedding finishes drying. If you don't clean a clogged filter, hair may stick to your clothes.

To wash clothes or bedding covered in pet hair, run the items through the air/no heat dryer first before washing them. The tumbling action of the dryer will loosen most of the hairs and they will be sucked into the dryer drain trap. Be sure to clean the trap immediately after this step to prevent odors and increase air flow.
Add 1/2 cup white distilled vinegar to the rinse cycle when washing items with a lot of pet hair. The vinegar will help the fabric fibers relax and “free” them.
When washing clothes, do not overload the washing machine. Clothes need space to move freely in the water so that hairs can be loosened and washed down the drain.

Tinting clothes in the dryer—even for a short time—will help remove more hair than air-drying clothes. Keep all dry vents clear so there is enough air flow to pull hairs away from fabrics.
Using liquid fabric softener in the final rinse coats the clothing fibers and reduces static electricity.

A person who gets a pet does not think about the fact that he will have to deal with the pet’s fur during the molting period. However, you will have to fight and this cannot be avoided. This article will discuss what measures to take during the molting period in animals.

Causes of loss

Before you take any measures to eliminate your pet's hair loss, you should be aware that hair loss can be caused by shedding.

  • Seasonal. This type of molting occurs in spring and autumn. This is not a disease, but a natural phenomenon through which the animal’s coat is renewed. Don't be afraid of this period, it will pass, and you just need to fight a little with the fur.
  • Constant shedding. This is a fairly common occurrence, just like humans, the animal constantly loses some amount of hair. Constant shedding is characterized by slight hair loss.
  • Sudden shedding. This may cause any disease. Be sure to contact your veterinarian to determine the cause and prescribe treatment.

How to deal with cat hair loss?

So, when you are sure that your animal is shedding seasonally, you can begin hair control methods.

Here you must understand that bathing is useless. Why? Because by bathing the animal constantly, you simply keep it clean, but this will not get rid of shedding. Remember that this period cannot be avoided. This is a natural process of the life of any animal, so washing is not enough.

As you already understand, it is impossible to get rid of molting. During this period, you need to take more care of the animal’s fur and the cleanliness of the apartment. Let's look at the main methods of dealing with pet hair:

Proper grooming (combing hair)

The animal's fur must be combed using special combs. This must be done daily (during the molting period). By combing, you will not only get rid of excess hair on furniture and carpets, but also give proper care to the animal, saving its “fur coat” from getting tangled.

For combing it is best to use special tools:

  • metal comb,
  • slicker brush,
  • brush glove,
  • tangle cutter (if tangles appear),
  • furminator (fur destroyer). This is a universal tool with which you can achieve the effect of using all the above tools.


No wool - no problem. Quite a good method for getting rid of excess hair. You can cut your pet's hair yourself. But it’s better to contact a specialist who will make your pet handsome. However, before you trim your animal, make sure that its shedding is not the result of any disease. If you cut your animal's hair before visiting the veterinarian, it will be more difficult for him to identify the cause of shedding.

Cat nutrition (proper food)

Plays a huge role for the animal, especially during the molting period. Very often, hair loss in pets is associated with a lack of fatty acids such as Omega 3 and 6. You should also add age-appropriate vitamins to your pet’s diet. Give your pet brewer's yeast and sulfur preparations. In any case, if possible, consult your veterinarian about the best vitamin complexes to take.

Constant cleaning of the apartment

Cleanliness is the key to health. Clean your apartment more often, especially where your pet lives. Keep carpets and upholstered furniture clean. Whether you like it or not, the molting period cannot be avoided. Therefore, try to approach this period with understanding and patience. If you maintain cleanliness every day, it will not be difficult for you. If you are lazy by nature, then buy a modern robotic vacuum cleaner that will do all the work for you.