Seeing little kittens in a dream. Dreaming of a blue kitten

IN ordinary life Everyone really likes little kittens. Little fluffy balls play and frolic, purr on their laps and evoke only the most positive emotions.

But in a dream many little kittens more often - bad sign, denoting minor troubles and . To find out exact value, you need to carefully remember all the details of the dream and read the meaning according to the interpreter.

A woman saw newborn kittens

If you had such a dream, this is a bad sign; you are on the wrong path, which will give rise to large quantity problems. The business that has been started will not succeed.

If a young lady saw such a dream- it’s better to postpone until better times, some misfortune may happen.

If the kittens are black or striped, wait. Kittens purring on their knees - premature birth may begin.

Vanga's Dream Book

If a woman saw a lot of small kittens, changes will soon occur in her destiny, and they will not be joyful. A serious illness of one of your loved ones is possible.

If kittens scratch your hands– there is a lot of hard work ahead. Kittens meowing is a very bad sign, it brings trouble. Be extremely careful.

If kittens sleep peacefully on your lap, everything will be calm at home and at work. If they dig, it means the loss of family and friends. If they were white - problems will pass you by. If black - betrayal of your best friend.

Miller's Dream Book

For a woman, many kittens mean minor squabbles and troubles., it could be a quarrel at work or with neighbors.

If they meowed - expect bad news from afar; if they scratch before - troubles due to relatives, problems with the division of inheritance are possible.

If the kittens were red - this good sign , pleasant and cheerful news that you do not expect.

White kittens - an unexpected gift from. If you dreamed of a lot of black kittenslong journey on a sad occasion.

Family dream book

If a woman saw a lot of little kittens- everything will be fine in her life, problems will bypass her. If they played - cheerful and carefree life, financial well-being. If they sit on your hands - .

If she hissed and protected them, your enemies are preparing a trap for you, be careful, do not trust strangers.

If kittens are sitting in a litter box, this is a very good sign; your family will soon experience financial well-being and money problems will fade into the background. If they rumble- comfort and peace will reign in the house, there is no reason to worry.

Ancient French dream book

Many small kittens - a sign of love affairs. If the kittens were red, the woman will have a young and handsome lover.

Black kittens - k. White kittens are an unexpected pleasure. If you dreamed about kittens, the woman will have many admirers, but none of them will bring happiness.

Kittens wash themselves- there will be a big holiday in the house and many guests. Kittens scratch their hands - gossip and slander from relatives. Kittens run away - you may miss your happiness, do not reject a person who is very devoted to you.

Chinese dream book

Many little kittens mean noisy fun on a rich table. White kittens– a very good sign, it brings happiness in love and family life. Red kittens- to the birth of twins in the family. Black kittens– tears and troubles in the family and at work.

Kittens broke the dishes - for the arrival of distant relatives whom you have not seen for a long time.

They sit on their knees- to bright changes, better times will come soon.

Lunar dream book

If you dreamed that a cat gave birth to many kittens– the same in your family. If the kittens were large, a healthy and strong baby will be born.

If they were small and weak, the child may be born unhealthy. If a young girl saw a dream, she will soon have a passionate admirer.

If an elderly lady saw a dream, no big problems related to finance.

For business, many small kittens mean difficult times, postpone concluding an important deal and signing a major contract. In general, kittens portend anxiety and worry.

Ancient Jewish dream book

For a woman, many kittens mean family troubles. If you dreamed about them in the kitchen, it means worries about the arrival of distant relatives.

If you dreamed about it in the bedroom, it means a family quarrel over money. Kittens playing in the garden- your friends will support you in difficult times. You dreamed of kittens in a dark corner - you have a secret ill-wisher, he wishes you harm, be careful and circumspect.

Dream Interpretation of Azar

A lot of playing kittens portends difficult trials. that you will have to overcome. If they sleep peacefully, the global crisis will bypass you, and you can even get some benefit from it.

The kittens were with the cat- big and small troubles at work.

Autumn dream book

Many affectionate kittens - to bright beginnings that will soon come in your life. What you have in mind will soon come true.

Kittens play happily - your life will be easy and joyful. If they sit on your lap, your main dream will come true, a stranger will come to your aid.

Black kittens are a rich and generous patron. - a sign of prosperity, your labors will not be in vain. Black - to a lot of work, which will not soon bear fruit. Snow-white - to meet a wonderful stranger with whom a whirlwind romance will begin.

Dream book of the fortuneteller Mary

Kittens are guides to subtle worlds, they can bring both bad and good. If I saw a dream unmarried woman- then she should be afraid, they wish her harm.

If the dream was very beautiful woman- she will soon have a rich and generous patron.

I saw a dream elderly woman - gossip and minor troubles, children will cause a lot of trouble and anxiety.

Dream Interpretation Maya

If a woman saw a lot of kittens, this means conflicts. If they play happily, the conflict will be difficult and bloody.

If they are sleeping, the world crisis will soon end, it will come favorable period. If they scratch their hands, the world will be covered with diseases and epidemics, but scientists will find the right medicine. Kittens meow loudly– a major man-made disaster, release of radiation and contamination of the territory.

For a woman to see a lovely, fluffy, white kitten in a dream - an omen that through clever deception she will be lured into a trap set for her, but her common sense and prudence will ward off troubles from her and she can avoid the ruin that threatens her.

If the kittens are dirty or colorful and skinny, then in reality she, blinded by shiny tinsel, will become a victim of someone’s unseemly act.

Seeing kittens means minor troubles and irritations that will haunt you until you kill a kitten in a dream, and only after that your misadventures will stop.

Seeing snakes killing kittens in a dream is a sign that your enemies, looking for ways to harm you, will end up harming themselves.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Small

Seeing in a dream is incongruous small nose, mouth, ear, in general any organ of the body is a warning against indiscriminate choice of friends.

If you dream of a small animal, insect, bird or fish, such a dream warns that someone's treachery can cause serious harm to you if you do not exercise due diligence.

If your clothes are small or tight in a dream, this is a sign of bitter disappointment in love. A pillow or blanket that is too small foretells that you will soon awaken an interest in the profitable side of life and a desire for self-improvement.

Find yourself in a dream small house or a small room - in reality you will feel short on funds.

Receiving a small amount of money in a dream instead of a large one due means unforeseen circumstances that will dramatically change the measured course of your life.

Interpretation of dreams from

Small defenseless animals evoke feelings of tenderness and tenderness in almost every person. Few people can associate any negative things with them. The same can be said about dreams in which small kittens took part. Now we will figure out what kind of information load such symbols have. To correctly interpret a dream, it is necessary to take into account not only the main object, but also other details of the plot. Great value It also has an emotional load.

Why do you dream about little kittens?

Many dream books are inclined to believe that such a dream promises the emergence of numerous problems and troubles. It could also be a harbinger of betrayal. Interpretations depend on the color of the animal's skin. For example, if the kitten was black, then you should prepare for minor problems in reality. White animals predict joy. If the kitten was red, this is a harbinger of problems that will concern personal life. A dream in which a two-colored animal appeared indicates that life will be filled with both pleasant and sad events. If the babies had a smoky color, this is an omen of minor losses in the material sphere. To see small kittens of an unusual color in a dream means that an unexpected surprise awaits you. If you stroked them, this is a harbinger of deception.

Night vision in which you saw newly born babies indicates the onset of a favorable period for confronting unpleasant and unfavorable circumstances. The dream book says that if you do not make any attempts to change the situation, you can provoke the development of serious problems. A dream in which small kittens appeared in your house serves as an indication that you should better monitor your own behavior, since rash steps will significantly ruin your life. for a long time. If you pick up a kitten on the street, this is a symbol that you are the culprit of your own problems. The dream book says that by recognizing your own mistakes, you can correct the situation.

A dream where you saw many little kittens and they were sleeping is a symbol that the existing problems are not so significant. If the animals were active, this can be taken as a recommendation that you should be more attentive to the people from your own environment, as someone is making plans to harm you. Aggressive animals are a warning about increased enemy activity. A dream where kittens wanted to scratch, but you drove them away - this is auspicious sign, which indicates that you will be able to defeat your enemies and successfully resolve all existing problems. Seeing small kittens still blind in a dream means that the time has come perfect time to deal with enemies. If you do nothing, it will lead to serious problems. Night vision in which a girl is holding in her arms little kitten, serves as an indication that it is worth carefully analyzing own behavior, because thoughtless actions can cause shame.

For a woman, a dream in which a small child appeared fluffy kitten, is a warning about fraud, which can lead to various troubles. They can only be overcome through logic and common sense. A dream in which dirty or thin animals appeared indicates that you will become a victim of someone else's thoughtless act. Seeing a small dead kitten in a dream means you can breathe a sigh of relief, since enemies and troubles will soon recede. If a child is hit by a car, it means that the existing problems will be solved by themselves.

Any representatives of the cat family in dreams have a double meaning. Definitely, small fluffy kittens are a good sign.

Numerous dream books will tell you why you dream of a gray kitten.

What does it portend?

We are most interested in strange dreams with an unusual plot. And although sometimes the interpretation may be upsetting, the dreamer will be warned and, perhaps, will be able to prevent troubles awaiting him in the future. This is exactly the situation that unfolds with the dream of gray kittens. A small fluffy cub is a symbol of confusion in business and minor everyday troubles. A dream about cats is always a warning that in reality you should be careful, be more attentive to your affairs and be more willing to take upon yourself problems and misunderstandings. Why do you dream of a gray kitten, what does it mean in the dream book?

  • Kitten with blue eyes who runs and meows - put off important matters and making deals. Failures will follow you on your heels, any undertaking will result in failure;
  • Carrying a kitten in your arms means trouble in the family or with loved ones. To help them, you will have to spend a lot of time and effort, but your efforts will not be appreciated;
  • Kittens attack a person - your enemies wish you trouble. If you managed to drive them away in a dream, it means that you will win a victory over your ill-wishers;
  • Kill gray kitten- deal with problems in life;
  • A dirty and thin kitten is a deception;
  • Dead kitten - you are creating problems for yourself that you cannot solve on your own. Perhaps it's time to change something in your life.

If a young girl dreams of a gray kitten, then most likely she will be deceived, which will lead to problems. However, if a woman manages to use common sense, then she will be able to avoid troubles.

The meaning of a kitten's color

The color gray doesn't bother anyone positive emotions. Such a coloring of a kitten also does not bode well in a dream. As a rule, gray color is a symbol of fatigue and depression. A dream in which a gray kitten dreams can foreshadow many troubles that, despite their small scale, will unsettle you for a long time. In addition, a furry animal can be a warning of a serious illness. In this case, interpreters advise taking a time out and taking a good rest from work and household chores.

If the animal in your dream was unkempt, intrigues are woven behind your back. Your ill-wishers may involve you in an unpleasant matter, be careful. But even a beautiful and well-groomed small pet does not guarantee positive changes in real life. Such a dream may bring with it disagreements and misunderstandings in relationships with loved ones and lover.

Gray kitten - other meanings of sleep

In one of the dream books, gray kittens serve as the personification of boring everyday life. Probably, nothing interesting has happened in the dreamer’s life for a long time, and monotonous work has simply become a routine. Household responsibilities make life “gray” and uninteresting. Such a dream should be regarded as a warning that it is time to change something. Move forward, learn new things and enjoy life.

If you dream of a gray kitten being drowned, this may predict shame or getting rid of the child. For a person in love, these cute and fluffy animals promise quarrels and discord in personal relationships. It is even possible to break ties with your partner or divorce. A thin kitten in a dream is a sign of an approaching illness or cold. Be careful.

Gray kitten according to zodiac signs

Many dream books try to pay attention not only to the details of the dream itself, but also to what day the gray kitten dreamed. In addition, the interpretation of the dream may also depend on what zodiac sign the dreamer was born under:

  • Aries – illness and troubles;
  • Taurus – material wealth and prosperity;
  • Gemini – short-term success;
  • Cancer – deceptive desires;
  • Leo – financial difficulties;
  • Virgo – new home: moving to new home or purchase of real estate;
  • Libra – illness;
  • Scorpio – radiance in life;
  • Sagittarius – desire for satisfaction;
  • Capricorn – material well-being;
  • Aquarius - deception;
  • Pisces - to the pedigree.

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Beautiful and white kittens that a woman dreams of warn her. In reality, the dreamer needs to be very careful, because enemies and envious people will try to deceive her into their laid out nets. Here Gustav Miller recommends relying only on your own intuition and common sense.

If kittens in a dream are dirty, skinny or multi-colored, in reality the dreamer may become a victim of her own carelessness. In general, Miller is sure that any dreams with kittens are a bad sign, indicating future difficulties in life. A change of professional activity is possible.

Why do you dream about kittens? Modern dream book

If the kittens are red, cash flows are coming in reality. White kitten portends an unexpected turn in life or bad news. Seeing a kitten in a dream gray- to daily chores around the house. In principle, this dream does not bode well, since troubles in life are commonplace. It is curious that a favorable dream is one in which you can see black kittens.

Aesop's dream book: kittens

Dreams in which you can see a cat with kittens promise unexpected and big problems with children. Perhaps some kind of hidden secret a child who will bring disappointment and discord into the family. If in a dream a kitten runs away from a dog, climbing a tree, in reality the dreamer should be extremely careful. If a kitten sees angry dog, stealthily runs to the roof of the house, in real life the dreamer should beware of the dangers and tricks prepared by his envious people.

I dreamed about kittens. Interpretation of Phelomen

Kittens in a dream are a symbol of loneliness, depression and indifference on the part of people around you. A man playing in a dream with a kitten, which scratches and tries to bite, foreshadows unpleasant news: the dreamer’s other half has an evil disposition and a terrible character. She is not at all who she says she is. White fluffy kittens seen in a dream advise you to be on guard in relationships with this or that person.

Flea-covered kittens in a dream speak of a strange situation in the professional sphere: the fact is that in reality only the dreamer will be satisfied with the result of his work, the rest of his colleagues will feel disappointed and offended. Dreaming of blind kittens speaks of the dreamer’s importance in the professional sphere. Receiving a kitten as a gift in a dream means suffering certain losses from a stranger.