Names for kittens for girls and boys are fluffy, fold-eared, colorful. How to choose a name for a male kitten of any breed and color. What name can you give to a white cat?

Original names | nicknames for white cats

What to name a white cat if it has just appeared in the house, and nothing is yet known about its habits and tastes? Of course, based on the appearance of the purr. White color is associated with something pure, beautiful, sparkling. If the kitten is boy, such nicknames as Snowball, Kefir, Belyash, Pelmen, Snow are suitable for him. girl can be called Snowflake, White, Squirrel, Asterisk, Moon, Lightning.

The appearance of the animal matters. Fluffy pets, for example, the Turkish Angora breed, with long snow-white fur, can be given the nickname Rapunzel, Barbara, Chewbacca, Spaghetti, Eyelash, Mane.

You can see more here!

Some go the other way, choosing the antipodean name for a white cat: Coal, Malevich, Ink, Ninja, Tar, Fuel Oil, Cockroach, Pepper, Soot, Woland, Hippopotamus, etc.

Cool names (nicknames) for white cats | The mystery of the name

Small children, if there are any in the house, will tell you what name to give the white cat. Babies' brains work differently than adults', and they can come up with a truly unique nickname for a new family member. By choosing a funny name, the owner of the animal will receive double pleasure when communicating with him. Here are cool nicknames for girls’ white cats, created from the names of precious metals and stones: Platinum, Iridium, Serebryanka, Almazka, Khrustalinka, Agate, Jade.

From the names of shades of color or jewelry you can also come up with for white male cats cool: Biscuit, Almond, Bezhik, Jade, Selenite, Diamond, Opal, Onyx. Rhodium.

Plump fluffies are given nicknames: Fat, Glutton, Zhorik, Puffy, Nyama, Saucepan, Tummy, Hamster, Carlson, Winnie the Pooh, Funtik.

White cat

Names (nicknames) for white cats for girls with meaning

For white purebred cats girls choose aristocratic nicknames. For example, British women are called by English names: Brittany, Bella, Wendy, Julia, Catherine, Eleanor, Diana, Sally, Dana, Rachel, Marilyn. This has already become the norm, and no one is surprised by such nicknames anymore. But the Italian names, the list of which is given below with their meaning, sound unusual:

  • Alba - dawn
  • Allegra - happiness
  • Bambina - little girl
  • Diamanta - diamond
  • Donna is a lady
  • Gina is the queen
  • Isabella - oath
  • Aurelia – golden
  • Lucia - light
  • Nerina - water
  • Perla - like pearls
  • Elletra - diamond
  • Mirabella - beautiful

Little girls will probably tell you the names of heroin from their favorite cartoons, which can become nickname for a girl's white cat. Blonde Disney characters: Aurora, Alice, Anna, Daisy, Cruella, Elsa.

  • Alaska
  • Belyanka
  • Squirrel
  • Snow White
  • Mitten
  • Whitey
  • Blanca – white (Spanish)
  • Blondie
  • Businka, Busya
  • Gardenia
  • Star
  • Marshmallow
  • Safeda – white (Tajik)
  • Levana - Hebrew for "moon"
  • Weasel
  • Snezhana
  • Petunia
  • Curdled milk
  • Snowflake
  • Sour cream
  • Cream
  • Sindella
  • Sahara
  • Blizzard
  • Blizzard
  • Estrella - star (Spanish)
  • Stella - star (Italian)
  • Cold
  • Fresco – coolness (Spanish)
  • Snow Maiden

White cat

Nicknames (names) for white male cats with meaning

For white purebred male cats we need solid names. It is unlikely that the nickname Barsik or Vaska would suit an important and proud Persian. But people like Mister, Hamilton, Gabriel, Harold, Dorian, Kilian, Christopher may well become a nickname for a purebred aristocrat kitten. Snow-white pets have always enjoyed universal admiration. Even in ancient times, purrs of this color became a symbol of purity and innocence.

  • Snowball
  • Little squirrel
  • Casper
  • Dumpling
  • Albus - "white" in Latin
  • Sugar
  • Angel
  • Angel
  • Blonde
  • Morozik
  • Frost - frost (English)
  • Oleander – white flower
  • Lupine
  • Seal
  • Light - light (English)

White cat with blue eyes

Name for a white cat with blue eyes

For cats and white cats with blue eyes Various nicknames will do. Both colors are associated with tenderness and purity. Since cats are often credited with a connection with magic and the other world, you can call your pet one of the angelic names. A nickname in honor of a flower or plant will sound beautiful.

  • Amaliel - protector of the weak
  • Angelos - heavenly being
  • Azazel - teaches people how to mine precious stones. stones
  • Gabriel - Guardian of Paradise
  • Cassiel - angel of tears
  • Duma - angel of silence
  • Nephilim - a huge half-angel
  • Onafiel - moon angel
  • Seraphim - a being of the highest rank in heaven
  • Sineglazka
  • Lobelia – blue flower
  • morning glory
  • Forget-me-not
  • Brunner
  • Aster

- these are “white and fluffy” names: Snowball, Fluff, Zephyr, Belysh, Fluff, Pooh, Push, Shusha. Names consonant with white, but directly “non-white”: Sibelius, Belmondo, Dubel.
Many people, on the contrary, decide to call a white cat the opposite, “black” name, for example: Murzik, Chernysh, Ugolek, Gudron, Moor, Chernomor and even Chernomyrdin! An interesting name in honor of the black cat from Bulgakov’s work “The Master and Margarita” - Behemoth.

It is not necessary to emphasize the fact that the cat is white. Traditional cat names - perhaps this is exactly what your pet needs: Marsik, Sonic, Casper, Vaska, Elisha, Matvey, Tima, Tisha, Topaz, Filya, Shurik, Yasha.
White cats are especially suited to names and titles: Sultan, Prince, Marquis.

Original names for a white cat: Buyan, Joker, Hare, Korzhik, Kompot, Leopold, Muscat, Pate, Jerboa, Bassoon, Citramon, Aspirin, Yusha, Yakhont.
If nothing seems to fit, take a closer look at your white cat. Perhaps he has yachon eyes? Then the name Yakhont is suitable for him. Or is he serious and thoughtful? Call him Diogenes. A restless and lively person will learn the name Sniff well.

Recently, cats are increasingly being named after great people. For example, names such as Einstein, Pascal, Solomon, Tutankhamun are suitable for a white cat. You can even name the kitten Newton, but then keep apples away from him. You can use not only the names of great scientists, but any figures you personally like, for example Celentano, Schumacher and others.
Simple human names may be perfect for your white cat: John, Jack, Arthur, Boniface, Benjamin, Dennis, Gino, Julien, Ziggy, Lavrentiy, Sigismund, Spiridon. Various mythological and book heroes can also give your kitten a great name: Perseus, Leon, Mephistopheles, Nemo.

If your kitten is purebred, then the rules of the cube may stipulate that kittens of this litter must have names beginning with a specific letter. But if you have chosen a name for your pet with a different letter, then you can give it a double name - the first is “aristocratic”, starting with the desired letter, and the second for the soul is the one you chose for him.
If you can’t decide on a name for the kitten, then wait a day or two. Perhaps some trait of his character will soon become noticeable to you, then the difficulties with choosing a name will disappear by themselves.

Cats must have their own name. The color, habits, and preferences of the owner will help in choosing a nickname. Don't overlook the breed. If it is rare, then the pet must be named accordingly. Be guided by external signs. For example, blue eyes. It is worth paying attention to the character. Don't know what to name a white male or female kitten? This review is for you.


Choosing a nickname for a white cat

I want to come up with something complex, beautiful, original. And going through nicknames doesn't help. Cat names don't seem to be what you want. I want to use an American nickname, calling him, for example, Bernard. Then doubts appear. It's starting to seem too pretentious. Russian names are not particularly welcome. And there is a kind of logic in this. By calling cats Vaska or Mishka, you can give them the fate of a person. Naturally, these are signs of ancient superstitions. But it's worth listening to them.

Pay attention to the breed and size

When choosing a nickname, be guided by the breed and size of the cat. The Persian cat Shurik or the Siamese Pinky will look ridiculous. When looking through the options, choose a name that matches the image. Naturally, no one forbids showing imagination. You can go against the standards. However, you should not expect admiration. There will be an ambiguous reaction if you call a yard cat, for example, Benjamin.

Please be patient. When choosing the best option, consider them from the position of an adult and adequate person. Names cannot be given at random. Remember that the fate of the pet will depend on this. Often the character coincides with the nickname. And this is a serious reason to think about whether to name the cat Dirty.

The nickname should not be long

A rare and original nickname is remembered. Accordingly, the cat will respond to it much better. Choose a short nickname. And the pet will remember it faster, and it will be easier to call him. You can write a long name in your passport. However, in everyday life it is better to reduce it. For example, Gerald can be called Ed. If you have some ingenuity, then coming up with a nickname of several letters will not be difficult.

What to name a white kitten? Watch your pet. The boy's actions will help you come up with a nickname. It can be fast or quiet. Or eats something that other animals refuse. Take a closer look to see the details of your pet's behavior. Use a book that contains the meanings of nicknames. Then it will be easier to choose a name that matches your character. Astrologers usually write what an animal should be named. But remember, there can be many names. But not all of them correspond to the character of the cat.

Nickname for cats

You can give your cat a name that doesn't match its color. For example, you can name a white pet Hippopotamus in honor of a character from Dostoevsky’s famous novel. Let's list popular names for boys.

AAbram, Apricot, Archie,
Almaz, Ajax
TOBoar, Chris, Kotya, Kotovsky, CornetFFlint, Franz, Falk, Fakir, Francho
BBaguette, Basalt, Bars,
Buran, Batyr
LLaurel, Love, Luke, Lefort, LapulyaXHort, Piggy, Hippie, Khan
INVaryag, Wagner, Vulcan,
Walter, Volny
MMoor, Magellan, Mutya, Mutant, MasonCTsar, Tsianth, Citramon
GGosha, Hertz, Gudron,
Grail, Grim
NNadir, Notty, Nukt, Nur, NewtonHChaid, Chunya, Chucha, Chang, Chubais
DDobrik, Dagir, Dymok,
Joker, Jack
ABOUTOkhlamon, Orion, Horace, Oliver, OrlanShShpunya, Shah, Shustrik, Shurik, Sherlock
EEvrik, Yenisei, Erofey,
Hedgehog, Ephrat
PSqueaky, Fluff, Pegasus, Pif, PersianEEurus, Elf, Edmond, Eric, Eros
ANDGeorges, Beetle, Jacques,
Zhaur, Zhenya
RRadar, Romka, Raif, Robin, RexYuEugene, Yut, Julius, Jung
ZCorral, Zenith, Hare,
Zet, Nibbler
WITHSnowball, Snowman, Sam, Savva, SpinogryzIYarik, Yakhont, Yasha, Jaguar, Jason
ANDIvan, Irzhik, Iron,
Irtysh, Inar
TFog, Toshka, Jerboa, Til, Timka
YYosif, YoskaUUmka, Gloomy, Ushastik, Wales, Ulf

Choosing a name for the cat

For a white cat, you also need to carefully select names. There is an opportunity not to strain when choosing, paying attention to traditional nicknames. For example, Murka. But you should understand that white cats are graceful, gentle pets. Therefore, it is worth showing your imagination. You can call her Bianca. From Italian this name translates as “white”.

Appearance and breed of girl

If you don't know what to name your cat, take a closer look at its appearance. Maybe she has blue eyes, an unusual shade, spots, high fluffiness. There can be a lot of features. Based on this, choose a nickname. You can call the cat Pushinka, Snowball, Snowflake. For pets with blue eyes, the nickname Marquise is suitable. The breed of the cat plays an important role. It is not recommended to forget about this. The name can be chosen so that it is consonant with the title. For example, Sima or Perseus.

Behavior and addictions

A cat's nickname is not just a set of certain sounds. This is fate. It can affect character and manners. Therefore, you need to take a closer look at the behavior of cats in order to give an appropriate name. Verta, Nezhka, Laska – there are many options. Don't give up your gastronomic preferences. Waffle or Toffee - such pseudonyms are quite original. You can name your cat after a character from a cartoon or movie (Jasmine, Alice, Assol).

Involve your cat in the process of choosing a nickname. Start listing a variety of options out loud and watch your cat's reaction. She can listen, turn her muzzle, look at you with her beautiful eyes. Or she might just leave if she doesn’t like the name. It is not recommended to select too long aliases. They are not very easy to pronounce.

You can purchase a cat with a nickname. In such a situation, not everyone comes up with a new name for the girl, believing that she is used to the existing one. And this is a wrong opinion. It will take a cat three months to forget what it was called before. Therefore, do not be lazy and name the girl what you like.

Searching for names for pets

What do you call a white cat? There are many options for what to name a girl. The most popular names for your cat should be listed.

AAbi, Alicia, Iris, Asta, AlexaLLady, Leila, Paw, Liana, LindaXHerry, Holly, Hannah
BBonya, Busya, Brina, Bretta, BlancaMMunti, Michelle, Masyanya, Milady, MaxiCTsapa, Tsita, Tsenzi
INBlizzard, Valda, Veysey, Venus, VirtaNNyusha, Nyusa, Nancy, Nelly, NixaHChucha, Chelsea, Chica, Chita
GGabi, Gaida, GrettaABOUTOsta, Orsa, Olsi, Oleri, OlfiShShusha, Fizzy, Shelly, Sherry
DDaira, Delta, Jackie, Donya, DymkaPCannon, Passion, Psyche, Peri, PushinkaEAlice, Esta, Eri, Eli, Earley
EFidget, Christmas tree, ElonkaRRummy, Lynx, Race, Roxana, RiskaYuYusi, Yuksa, Yulia
ANDZhanna, Zhuli, ZhuzhuWITHSelena, Sandra, Scully, Sekki, SusieIYanneta, Yara, Java
ZFun, Tease, Trick, Zita, ZurnaTTasya, Thais, Tavra, Tosha, Trisha
ANDSpark, Isolde, IvaUUlli, Uza, Ulsi, Ulfi, Ushana
TOKalinka, Kama, Camellia, Christy, BabyFFabby, Frosya, Farry, Owl, Chip

Video “Nicknames for white cats and male cats”

This video will list the most popular nicknames that are suitable for white girls and boys.

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The white cat is a real miracle of nature. It can be huge or miniature, fluffy or smooth-haired - the appearance of this animal will not leave anyone indifferent. An original and beautiful name, chosen with love and attention, will help to emphasize the unusualness and charm of a snow-white cat.

Nicknames for white male cats

When choosing a name for a white kitten, you can also take into account its breed.

When choosing a name for a kitten, it is worth considering its breed, appearance, size, coat length and other important features. An animal with a pedigree has not one, but two or even three names, including the name of the kennel or derivatives of the names of the parents. It is important that the nickname chosen by the new owner fits harmoniously into this composition. A long construction should be euphonious, easy to pronounce and not cause unnecessary associations.

It is convenient if the chosen name can be shortened or slightly changed. For example, a baby Flowerfield can be called Filet, Fly or Flyusha at home. Usually cats understand and accept such abbreviations.

When choosing a name, it is worth considering the breed of the cat.. For example, a snow-white Persian kitten can be given the nickname Percival (Percy), Maharaja or Shah. English-language names are suitable for a white or Scottish breed: Snowball, Christmas, Snowman, Snoopy, Santa Claus or simply Santa.

An interesting option is to consider the names of cats of famous people and historical characters. For example, you can name your pet in honor of the snow-white cat Moussa, who, according to legend, belonged to the Prophet Muhammad, or give the cat the magnificent name Don Pierro de Navarra: that was the name of the white cat of the French writer Théophile Gautier.

A popular solution is to give the cat a name starting with the letter “B.”. Offer your cat the names Belyak, Belyash, Biser, Belek, Bogdan, Billy, Bonnie, Baton, Barberry, Basti, Bartholomew, Boniface. You can also consider an associative series, using Russian or foreign words denoting white objects as nicknames. It is important that the nicknames turn out euphonious. Try these options: Umka, Marshmallow, Sugar, Refined Sugar, Snowball, Kefir, Tide, Lily of the Valley, Lotus, Ice, Ice Cream. Long-haired kittens can be nicknamed Fluffy or Fluffy, and depending on the shade of their eyes, they can be named Topaz, Sapphire, Emerald or Amethyst.

Names (nicknames) for white female cats

Names starting with the letter B are good for cats.

Snow-white cats often receive names that hint not only at their color, but also at their beauty.. Nicknames often play on the names of historical and fairy-tale characters, queens, actresses and even goddesses. Suitable names would be Bella, Beatrice, Belladonna, Marilyn, Francoise, Juliet, Maya, Aphrodite, Cleo, Clotilde, Sophie, Marianne, Violetta, Ariel, Fiona.

Cats with white fur are suited to names that begin with the letter “B,” hinting at a connection with the word “white.” Try offering them the names Blondie, Blondin, Blanca, Blanche, Bonita, Brigitte, Bast, Bertha, Bozena. You can play with derivatives from the word “snow”: Snezhinka, Snezhka, Snezhana, Snegurochka.

Consider names associated with the color white. These can be the names of flowers, fruits, products, natural phenomena. Suitable nicknames for a snow-white cat are Vanilla, Jasmine, Cheryomukha, Zimushka, Blizzard, Flannel, Bun, Angel.

When choosing a name, it is worth taking into account the opinion of felinologists. They believe that cats like nicknames with a lot of repeated vowels, as well as soft sibilants. Discuss the name with family members and only then try to suggest the chosen name to your pet. If the cat responds with pleasure, it means he liked the nickname. Well, the lack of reaction suggests that you need to look for other options.

A white cat is a beautiful and graceful animal that needs an appropriate name. Brick or Loaf are not the best nicknames for a fluffy creature with luxurious snowy fur. In the first days of a kitten in the house, it is necessary to choose a name for it that reflects not only the preferences of the owners, but also the characteristics of the cat.

First of all, you should select what is convenient for the animal’s perception. Kittens are better at remembering names that:

  • not complex;
  • ends in “and”;
  • contain hissing sounds;
  • consist of more vowels than consonants.

The next step is to assess the cat's appearance. An ideal snow-white pet without spots or impurities would be well suited for names that reflect this feature:

  • Snow, Snowball, Snow.
  • Sugar, Suga.
  • Bella, Crystal.
  • Alba, Albina, Elina, Ginevra.
  • Arctic, Ice, Iceland.

The third feature is eye color. Suitable names for a blue-eyed pet are Sapphire, Yakhont, Bloom, Poseidon, Mercury, Ocean, Sky, River, Lake, Moana. A pet with green eyes can be called: Forest, Cersei, Taxi, Elf, Jungle, Taiga, Esmeralda, Smaragd.

If your cat has spots, you can try to think of what they look like and name her by association with them. Pets often take on the character of their name, so you should think carefully before naming your cat Chikatilo or Cannibal.

Selection criteria and rules

Pedigree kittens with a pedigree must meet certain requirements adopted in the club or nursery. Often, babies born in a cat's first litter are named with the letter “A”, the next litter with the letter “B”, and so on. In addition, the full name includes the name of the nursery. Breeders usually give them to their kittens themselves, often huge and long, like Count Jupiter's Favorite of Summer Rain. The owners must come up with a homely diminutive, for example, Peter or Doge. It often happens that the nickname in the documents does not match the one given by the owners.

A pet's nickname may reflect the breed. may bear names from the characters in The Wizard of Oz, where the word “munchkin” first appeared: Dorothy, Toto, Woodman, Oz. may be called: Mac, Duncan, Scot, Edinburgh, Stuart, Caledonia, Scotia. - bear Japanese names, due to the proximity of the homeland of cats and the Land of the Rising Sun: Murakami, Kyoto, Mikado, Osaka, Kitsune, Neko (cat in Japanese) and others.

The nickname may reflect the behavior of the pet. A nimble and dexterous baby can be named Typhoon, Tasman, Ataman, Flash, Mercury. Lazy and calm - Dream, Sonya, Morpheus, Morgana, Aurora. A kitten who shows himself as a thinker from the first days: Diogenes, Rodin, Tesla, Curie, Hepatia, Socrates, Hawking.

Size matters too. Large or can be called Svyatogor, Anika, Shrek, Atlant, Jotun, Loki, Thor, Dobrynya, Valkyrie, Ursula, Angara. Small and graceful pet: Atom, Boson, Micro, Quark, Mercury, Standard, Grace, Muse.

Features of white cats - color symbolism

The meaning of the animal's name can enhance the effect of the presence of a snow-white creature in the house. So, if the owners want to emphasize the peaceful meaning of the color, the cat can be named Teresa, Maria, Madonna, Yemanja, Saturday. The nicknames Zen, Dalai, Bodhi are perfect for a cat.

If owners want to focus on the pet’s luxurious coat and aristocratic manners, names such as Marquise, Roksolana, Feofano, Cixi are suitable. The courtier cat can be called Hamlet, Prince, Louis, Duke, Duke, Chancellor, Kolchak.

To highlight the mystical nature of the snow pet, you can use words from mythology and fantasy:

  • Game of Thrones characters: Daenerys, Snow, Sansa, Stark, Baratheon, Dracarys, Nymeria.
  • Ancient Greece: Apollo (light), Selene (moon), Hera (patron of marriage and family), Zeus (sky, thunder and lightning), Kronos (one of the Titans), Gaia (earth), Juno (marriage, birth and motherhood) .
  • German-Scandinavian mythology: Freya (love), Odin (war, death, heaven, wisdom and poetry, supreme), Sif (fertility), Siegfried (great warrior).
  • Ancient Egypt: Isis (femininity, motherhood, magic, moon), Ra (sun), Osiris (rebirth).
  • Slavic mythology: Makosh (female deity, blessings and abundance), Perun (thunderer), Yarilo (sun, fertility).

To enhance its beauty, you can give an animal a name that is associated with manifestations of beauty in world culture:

  • Venus, Dionysus, Cupid.
  • Lel, Lada.
  • Beatrice, Laura.
  • Vladi, Delon, Monroe, Taylor.

Names for white male kittens

The most common solution is a nickname that reflects the color of the coat:

  • Mont Blanc.
  • Opal.
  • Snow.
  • White.
  • Sugar.
  • Arkti.
  • Frost.
  • Winter.
  • Freezing.
  • February.

If the owner wants to take into account the character, you can choose the name of the character or person whose temperament is most similar to the cat. You can choose: Odysseus, Floki, Basilio, Renard. A large and lazy pet can be called Behemoth, Master, Bezukhov, Oblomov, Gargantua.

Some people find it funny to name pets after food, for example, Mayonnaise, Kefir, Sour Cream, Milshake, Icecream.

In addition, cats are given such funny names:

  • Aspirin.
  • Belyash.
  • Zipper.
  • Esaul.
  • Mamai.
  • Optimus.
  • Chubby.
  • Rimbaud.
  • Corkscrew.
  • Yandex.

Names for white female kittens

The nicknames that first come to mind for any owner of a white cat are related to its color:

  • Snowflake.
  • Snow White.
  • Squirrel.
  • Winter.
  • Antarctic.
  • Silveria.

If the owner wants to reflect the character of the cat, you can turn to art and culture. The cold and arrogant favorite can be called Scarlett, O'Hara, Tiffany, Guerlain, Dietrich, Chanel, Bardot, Lauren, Taylor. A sweet and calm cat can have names: Jasmine, Snow White, Cinderella, Belle. If the character is robber - Mulan, Merida, Maybelle, Leia, Arya, Xena.

What not to call a white cat

There are a number of prohibitions regarding cat names that should be followed. Not worth it:

  • name the cat in honor of relatives, friends, enemies and dead animals;
  • give pets negative names: Satan, Shaitan, Sin, Horror.
  • name the animal in honor of famous murderers and maniacs: Manson, the Ripper, Sanson.
  • call the cat Man, Dog, Cat.