Causes, symptoms and treatment features of allergic psoriasis. What to do in case of exacerbation of allergic psoriasis

How to distinguish ringworm from allergies

Allergic diseases are widespread nowadays. The clinical manifestations of allergies are very diverse. For diagnosis and timely treatment, it is necessary to distinguish skin diseases from each other.

Human skin is a mechanical barrier to external influences of various factors. Upon contact with foreign substances to which the body has developed sensitization, an inflammatory reaction develops.

All allergens are different in their structure and morphology. By origin the following groups can be distinguished:

  • Animal origin (animal hair, fluff, saliva);
  • Plant allergens (pollen, sap, pigments);
  • Synthetic substances (cosmetics, household chemicals);
  • Drug sensitization (various medications);
  • Food products (chocolate, fruits).

The mechanism of development of a skin reaction to exposure to an allergen is associated not only with the direct effect of a foreign protein. An important role is played by the detoxification function of the skin, as a result of which many harmful substances are eliminated through the pores.

With a food allergy, a certain allergen enters the bloodstream and spreads throughout the body, so rashes can appear in different parts of the body.

A characteristic feature of allergies is the polymorphism of the disease, the result of which is the involvement of other organs and their systems in the pathological process.

In allergic diseases, a pathological process can be observed in the following organs:

  • Dermatitis;
  • Conjunctivitis;
  • Rhinitis and sinusitis;
  • Pharyngitis, tracheitis;
  • Allergic bronchitis;
  • Atopic reactions in the form of angioedema, bronchial asthma and anaphylactic shock.

All pathological processes in immediate type reactions are accompanied by pronounced processes of tissue infiltration, abundant secretion of serous fluid and the development of edema.

The first hallmark of rubella is an increase in body temperature and inflammation of the lymphatic formations. Such symptoms are not observed in allergic syndrome.

In addition, skin lesions caused by the body's hypersensitivity to antigen have a clear localization of the rash. When the pathogenesis is caused by rubella, the rash in the first stages concentrates on the skin of the face, then spreads throughout the body.

Chicken pox always begins with a fever and a feeling of severe weakness. Next, rashes occur throughout the body: first, single light red blisters with watery contents appear on the body, then their number increases within 2 days, after which the rash gradually subsides.

The allergy occurs without fever and can progress as long as the antigen affects the body.

Respiratory pathologies often manifest themselves with fever and myalgia, then these signs are accompanied by symptoms typical of a cold (runny nose, cough), which disappear within a week.

Allergies, especially to household dust and pollen, are characterized by a long period of disease, and when a person is in unfavorable conditions for him, a repeated exacerbation will always occur.

It is not difficult to recognize lichen: it affects the skin in a special way - large round pink spots appear on the body, within which small pimples are concentrated. The affected skin peels and itches.

Lichen spots have clear dark pink borders. Dermatological signs of allergies are scattered fine-bubble rashes, watery blisters, papular formations without clearly defined outlines.

Psoriasis is characterized by a convex papular rash, usually round in shape, on top of which there is a whitish scaly coating framed by a pink ring. At the time of remission, traces of psoriasis remain on the skin - pigment spots. The main affected areas of the epidermis are the scalp, elbows, knees, back, nail plates, palms and soles.

When a person experiences any symptoms that are misleading about the nature of the origin of the pathogen, there is no need to hesitate and engage in fortune-telling; it is necessary to urgently go to the hospital for examination and diagnosis. Only a specialist can accurately determine what is associated with dermatological or respiratory pathogenesis.

Clinical picture

Clinical manifestations of allergic psoriasis have some features. The differences are related to the key influence of the allergen on the development of the disease.

Distinctive features Psoriasis Allergy

Multifactorial vomiting:

  • Irritants;
  • Skin microtraumas;
  • Exposure to toxins;
  • Stress factor.

Predominant influence of a specific allergen:

Morphology of rashes

  • Flat-shaped with the presence of scales (80% of cases);
  • Papule;
  • Vesicle;
  • Erythematous.

Localization of the rash

  • Outer surface of joints;
  • Back;
  • Inner thighs;
  • Other places on the body that are subject to friction.
  • Location of pathogen exposure;
  • With systemic influence of the allergen, nonspecific localization of rashes may occur.

Duration of the pathological process

Periods of relapse and remission are distinguished depending on the influence of various provoking factors.

The relationship between allergen exposure and the appearance of rashes is determined.

How to recognize psoriasis at an early stage

Reddish-pink rashes on the body, covered with rough silvery scales, are characteristic manifestations of the inflammatory process of epidermal cell division. You can take a closer look at the structure of changes in keratinocytes in photographs on the Internet.

Each type of disease has its own varieties. For example, some people at the stationary stage of the disease develop a Voronov's rim - a soft, rounded ring along the edge of plaque-like spots that may shine.

Signs of psoriasis

Psoriasis belongs to a group of chronic skin lesions. In almost all patients, psoriasis, once it appears, begins to progress and covers increasingly large areas of the skin. To stop the development of the disease, it is necessary to notice the first signs of psoriasis in time and begin its treatment.

In order not to start the disease and prevent it from developing into a chronic, difficult-to-treat form, you should contact a specialist - a dermatologist - for prescriptions. The specialist will assess the severity of symptoms and the need to use certain medications.

Against the background of psoriasis, one should be extremely careful when using any medications, since they can provoke a relapse and aggravate the course of the disease. You should not use dietary supplements and vitamins uncontrollably, and if you are prescribed medications for another disease, be sure to inform your doctor about the presence of psoriasis.

Immediately after discovering psoriatic changes on the skin, try to spend more time in the fresh air, the sun, swim and sunbathe in the summer, trips to the sea are very useful. Take care of your skin using special products and protect it from injury.

A diet that excludes alcohol, limits fats and sweets, smoked foods and foods containing preservatives will be very useful for preventing the development of exacerbation of the disease. It is important to take care of stabilizing the neuropsychic state, since it is stress that provokes severe exacerbations of psoriasis and significantly aggravates its course.

Try to avoid conflict situations in the family and at work, provide yourself with the opportunity to have proper rest and sleep. Walking in the fresh air and warm baths with sea salt are extremely useful in terms of relaxing effects and improving skin health.

  • Allergy 325
    • Allergic stomatitis 1
    • Anaphylactic shock 5
    • Urticaria 24
    • Quincke's edema 2
    • Hay fever 13
  • Asthma 39
  • Dermatitis 245
    • Atopic dermatitis 25
    • Neurodermatitis 20
    • Psoriasis 63
    • Seborrheic dermatitis 15
    • Lyell's syndrome 1
    • Toxidermy 2
    • Eczema 68
  • General symptoms 33

To begin with, it is important to note that allergic psoriasis is not a recognized disease. That is, it does not officially exist as a pathology in medicine. But doctors consider allergies to be one of the main causes of the occurrence and development of scaly lichen or psoriasis.

This disease can manifest itself on the nails, abdomen, legs and arms, in the area of ​​the elbows, etc. Psoriasis also occurs regardless of age. In one person, the first signs may appear in childhood, while in others after 25 years and even in old age. The majority of patients diagnosed with psoriasis range in age from 15 to 45 years. There are fewer cases of the disease in younger and older adults.

In total, scaly lichen affects about 4% of the entire population of our planet.

Key Features

Medicine believes that psoriasis is an allergic disease. That is, its development occurs under the influence of certain irritating factors. The body responds to their influence with such a reaction, manifested in the form of rashes, redness, itching and other symptoms.

But the nature of psoriasis is not fully understood. There are theories and partial evidence that lichen planus manifests itself due to severe stress, mechanical damage to the skin, and exposure to other external and internal factors.

Although modern medicine is actively studying pathology, specific answers to a number of questions regarding (psoriasis) have not yet been found.

This is leading to a range of new and old treatments. Some can really help and lead to stable remission, while others cause adverse reactions and do not provide proper recovery. Each body is unique and responds differently to different treatment regimens.

When you notice the first signs of dermatosis, be sure to visit a dermatologist for a comprehensive examination. This will help to identify disorders in a timely manner, make a diagnosis and begin treatment at an early stage.

Allergic psoriasis manifests itself in the form of skin rashes. But they may have different features. It depends on what type of dermatological pathology a particular patient is faced with.

  1. Point type of allergic psoriasis. This form of dermatosis is characterized by the appearance of small neoplasms. They are no larger than the eye of a pin. Resembles small pimples with a bright red color. The similarity to other skin lesions makes independent diagnosis difficult.
  2. Drop-shaped. With this type of allergic lichen squamosus, the neoplasms take the form of droplets. The size is comparable to grains of wheat. These growths are bright red and may itch.
  3. Coin-shaped allergic dermatosis. The plaques are larger and have a rounded shape. They reach 5 millimeters in diameter, which is why the form of the skin disease received its name.

Also, other signs may appear in parallel, which are important to pay attention to. Their joint manifestation makes it possible to speak with a high degree of probability about allergic squamous lichen:

  • flaky scales easily fall off under the influence of minimal mechanical effort;
  • under the scales there is red, smooth and glossy skin;
  • the surface of the skin is easily injured, which is why droplets of blood are often observed on the reddened areas;
  • gradually small neoplasms unite into one large plaque, creating large lesions of the dermis;
  • accompanying symptoms are itching, hyperemia and pain;
  • Some people may experience hair loss, including lesions on the scalp;
  • the general condition worsens, the person feels weak and unwell;
  • in addition to the skin, internal organs and the lymphatic system are affected;
  • the body’s protective functions decrease, that is, the functioning of the immune system deteriorates;
  • the person becomes irritated and nervous;
  • often psoriasis entails stress and psychological disorders provoked by a changed appearance.

Such things greatly disturb a person on a psychological and physical level. Any careless movements lead to additional damage, which provokes the spread of pathology to other parts of the body. Therefore, it is important to start treatment in a timely manner by contacting a qualified specialist.

Psoriasis and allergies

Since the allergic form of psoriasis is not officially recognized, some difficulties arise in differentiating lichen planus and allergies.

They have a lot in common. Allergies and dermatosis occur as a response of the immune system to provoking and irritating factors. The result of this reaction is inflamed skin.

But cases are different. Depending on the individual characteristics and the allergen (provocateur), the immune system reacts to their influence in its own way. When the body comes into contact with a trigger (allergen), the immune system begins to actively produce a substance called histamine. It is released into the circulatory system and serves to fight against the irritant. The injection of histamine leads to swelling and itching on the body. These are characteristic signs of allergic reactions.

If we talk about psoriasis, then in this situation the immune system is in a state of increased activity. This leads to accelerated growth and death of healthy epidermal cells. The body perceives them as enemy cells, actively attacking them. The cells die, creating a layer of tissue on the surface.

In a normal state, cells are also born and die. But when a person is healthy, this does not happen so quickly, so the exfoliation process goes unnoticed. If normally the life cycle of an epidermal cell is approximately 30 days, then with psoriasis it is reduced to 3–4 days.

Our body is not adapted to quickly get rid of dead cells, which is why they accumulate on the surface. This manifests itself in the form of red, inflamed areas, keratinized tissue and scales. For treatment, antihistamine drugs are used, which block receptors that stimulate the production and release of histamine into the circulatory system.

The problem is that antihistamines do not have the desired effect in treating psoriasis. They are rarely part of complex therapy. The only objective way to accurately distinguish an allergic skin reaction from psoriatic rashes is histological examination.

Features of manifestation

The appearance of allergic psoriasis can be recognized by its characteristic external signs. There are several nuances that can help in diagnosing a dermatological disease:

  • if psoriasis affects the scalp, it looks like a severe manifestation of dandruff;
  • the allergic type of psoriasis often affects the head in areas where there is no hair (neck, ears, behind the ears, etc.);
  • if dermatosis, it can be identified by keratinized thickenings of the skin;
  • Fungus-like growths and depressions form on the nails of the extremities;
  • lesions on the body have individual manifestations, therefore there are no universal instructions on this matter.

It is important to understand! Psoriasis of any kind, including allergic dermatosis, is an individual pathology. This speaks to its ability to manifest itself differently in different people.

There are no universal drugs, folk recipes or treatment regimens that are equally effective for all patients. Squamous lichen has been studied extremely insufficiently, which complicates the process of treatment and bringing the problem into a state of long-term stable remission.

For some, treatment takes several days or weeks, while others, using a wide variety of tactics and treatment regimens, cannot get rid of tumors for many years.

Doctors can say one thing for sure. To get rid of allergic and any other form of scaly lichen, it is imperative to cleanse the body of harmful toxins. It is not necessary to use medications for this.

Let's look at a few basic solutions used in the treatment of allergic dermatitis.

Treatment should be mandatory. But only after agreement with a dermatologist. After prescribing an individual treatment regimen, continue to visit your doctor periodically. This is necessary to track dynamics and check the body’s response to the chosen treatment tactics. If necessary, the dermatologist will adjust and amend the therapy if some medications or procedures do not give the desired effect.

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As such, allergic psoriasis is not officially recognized by medicine, but allergies are identified as the main cause of psoriasis. This disease manifests itself in various places on the body: on the nails, under the hair on the head, on the stomach, in the elbows, on the legs, etc. It can occur at any stage of life - from adolescence to the elderly. The majority of patients with psoriasis are aged 15-45 years, and in total about 4% of the world's population suffers from it.

Features of psoriasis

It is believed that psoriasis is an allergic disease that occurs as a reaction to certain irritants. But it can appear due to other reasons, for example, experienced stress, as a result of injuries or pathologies. Despite the fact that this disease is one of the most common and studied, all its features have not yet been fully revealed.

Treatment of allergic psoriasis involves the use of medications and traditional methods. But remember that self-therapy can lead to the disease becoming chronic or other skin diseases developing. That is why, when you detect the first signs of dermatosis, you must immediately consult a dermatologist or venereologist.


The following symptoms of allergic psoriasis are distinguished, which manifest themselves in the form of rashes, depending on the type of disease:

  • Spot psoriasis – small formations, no larger than the eye of a pin;
  • Drop-shaped - rashes are the size of a grain and have the shape of a drop;
  • Coin-shaped - large round plaques with a diameter of 3-5 mm.

The shiny scales are easily removed, revealing a smooth, almost glossy reddish surface that bleeds easily. The formations tend to clump together, as if merging together and forming extensive foci. Patients may complain of itching, hair loss and general deterioration of the body. It is no secret that psoriasis affects not only the external areas of the skin, but also the internal organs and even the lymphatic system. There is also a deterioration in immunity, metabolism, nervousness, and even mental disorders may occur.

What does psoriasis look like?

You can see what allergic psoriasis looks like in the photo. Psoriasis on the scalp accumulates in the scalp area and is very similar to profuse dandruff. The formations can also affect places where there is no hair, for example, behind the ears or on the neck. The skin of the feet and palms affected by psoriasis feels like a horny thickening in the affected areas. Nail psoriasis is determined by the appearance of depressions on the nail plate or formations similar to fungus. As for skin diseases on the body, they manifest themselves purely individually and can have a different character - in the form of intense redness, horny or scaly formations.

Psoriasis is a disease that manifests itself differently in each person. There are many recommendations on how to treat it, but none can be considered ideal for every case.

Sometimes recovery can last decades, while in others it will resolve in just a few days. All doctors agree on one thing - with psoriasis, the body needs to cleanse itself of toxins and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

A rash is one of the manifestations of many diseases, from allergies to serious infections and viruses. Based on the nature of the rash, as well as accompanying symptoms and examination results, the doctor can recognize the cause of its appearance. Sometimes making a diagnosis can be quite a difficult task, because distinguishing psoriasis from dermatitis in some situations is difficult even for a qualified specialist.

Both diseases are very similar in appearance. But the causes and therapy can be opposite to each other. Psoriasis is a chronic disease with alternating periods. Dermatitis is most often a local reaction to some unfavorable factor. Therefore, patients in the initial stages of psoriasis often do not attach importance to the rashes that appear and delay visiting the doctor. As a result, the disease takes on forms that are difficult to treat. To reliably distinguish psoriasis from dermatitis, the doctor must not only visually examine the skin, but also study the medical history and analyze the examination results.

Reasons for appearance

Any disease is preceded by certain factors and symptoms, after analyzing which we can make an assumption about the diagnosis. An analysis of possible causes and dermatitis will be the starting point in identifying the differences between these diseases.

With psoriasis, an inflammatory process occurs on the skin, resulting from a sharp reduction in the life cycle of cells. The regeneration process is disrupted, dead skin is layered with scales and forms plaques that gradually grow in size.

The main causes of psoriasis are:

  • dysfunction of the immune system;
  • previous viral or bacterial infections;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • hormonal changes;
  • unhealthy lifestyle;
  • long-term use of medications;
  • stress and mental stress.

The term "dermatitis" includes different types of inflammatory skin manifestations. This may be a reaction to a chemical or physical irritant, such as cold, insect bites, food and other possible negative factors. When compared with psoriasis, it is most often referred to as atopic dermatitis, which is a chronic allergic disease. However, irritating factors are often difficult to recognize.

The causes of dermatitis include:

  • consumption of highly allergenic foods;
  • direct contact with an allergen: a chemical, material or plant;
  • taking medications;
  • infections of a viral, bacterial or fungal nature;
  • seasonal pollen allergies;
  • heredity;
  • weakening of the immune system;
  • violation of personal hygiene regime;
  • errors in nutrition;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • unfavorable living conditions;
  • stress, emotional distress and disorders.

Dermatitis and psoriasis have both common causes and those specific only to a specific disease. By identifying the presence of specific causes, the doctor will be able to make a diagnosis faster and more accurately.


The similarity of symptoms often causes misdiagnosis. An experienced doctor is able to recognize psoriasis by external manifestations without additional examinations. But patients with skin rashes in many cases delay visiting the hospital until the last minute, which significantly complicates subsequent therapy.

Characteristic symptoms of psoriasis are:

  • red dry inflammation in the form of spots on the skin, called, that protrude above its surface;
  • the most likely localization of plaques is in areas subject to friction, but in general it can be any area of ​​the skin;
  • plaques can be round, oval and drop-shaped, gradually merging into conglomerates;
  • severe peeling, obvious signs of disruption of regeneration processes, the skin can be removed in layers;
  • change in nail color, brittleness, separation, deformation;
  • itching and burning;
  • joint damage and the development of psoriatic arthritis are possible.

The following symptoms are observed with dermatitis:

  • severe peeling, scales are white and usually small;
  • redness of flaky areas of skin.

With psoriasis, the boundaries between diseased and healthy areas are clearly defined. Dermatitis is often local in nature, while psoriasis can occur on different parts of the body. In addition, with psoriasis there is often systemic malaise, a feeling of lethargy and fatigue.

Comparison with psoriasis of different types of dermatitis

Most often, psoriasis is confused with seborrheic dermatitis. Redness, itching and flaking scales are common initial symptoms. There are practically no differences in external manifestations. The causative agent of seborrheic dermatitis is usually a fungus, while psoriasis is non-infectious in nature. The fungus actively multiplies in the presence of a favorable environment for this, the ducts become clogged, and the functioning of the sebaceous glands is disrupted. All this leads to worsening inflammation, sometimes to the formation of ulcers.

With seborrheic dermatitis, the skin is oily and the scales flake off easily. Psoriasis is characterized by painful removal. There is also a difference in the color of the scales themselves. With psoriasis it is gray, and with seborrhea it has a yellow tint. Psoriasis also differs in that it can extend beyond the boundaries of hair growth.

Another common type of skin disease is atopic dermatitis. It is allergic in nature, but looks very similar to the early stages of psoriasis. With it there is swelling in the affected areas, which is not typical for psoriasis. Also a distinctive feature is the presence of weeping ulcers. Deep red skin turns pale when pressed, unlike pink psoriatic plaques.

When psoriatic plaques are scraped off, a bright red surface appears on which droplets of blood appear. And with atopic dermatitis, there is no damage to small blood vessels. With this disease, the skin becomes rough, and psoriasis is characterized by increased peeling. It is also distinguished by the fact that it is not typical for children, while atopic dermatitis is very common at a young age.

Diagnosis and treatment

The small number of differences in symptoms makes it necessary to conduct additional studies for an accurate diagnosis. The doctor may prescribe:

  • general blood and urine analysis;
  • biochemical tests;
  • scraping for the presence of bacteria and fungi;
  • skin biopsy.

Treatment in both cases is aimed at reducing external manifestations and itching. Medicinal and cosmetic products, including hormonal ones, may be prescribed. In case of dermatitis, special attention is paid to correcting nutrition and lifestyle. Psoriasis also requires restoration of the body’s immunity and vitality, and improvement of metabolic processes.

There are significant similarities between psoriasis and dermatitis and differences that are difficult to determine with a layman’s eye. In the first case, we are talking about a serious, poorly understood disease that can cause complications for the entire body as a whole. Dermatitis is more often an aesthetic problem and rarely has any consequences. To avoid mistakenly underestimating the situation, it is necessary to contact a doctor in a timely manner, who will make an accurate diagnosis and have time to provide assistance before the disease reaches an advanced stage.

Psoriasis is a chronic systemic disease characterized by a relapsing course. Periods of exacerbation of the pathology are protracted, accompanied by vivid symptoms, creating not only physical, but also moral discomfort for the patient with the appropriate diagnosis. The main identifying sign of psoriasis is characteristic skin rashes - convex, inflamed, raised spots of varying sizes, covered with flaky silver-gray scales. Foci of the disease can have different sizes, be located in different places, and their appearance is accompanied by intense itching.

Despite the fact that in most cases, psoriasis manifests itself exclusively as psoriatic plaques on the skin (this is what typical rash elements are called), this disease can spread to the scalp, nail plates, and affect joints (so-called psoriatic arthritis).

Moreover, psoriasis (especially in the early stages of its development) is extremely difficult to differentiate - thus, the primary symptoms of the disease are similar to dermatitis, allergic manifestations, fungal and infectious skin diseases. Only a specialist can correctly diagnose and select the correct treatment.

How does psoriasis differ from allergies?

Many patients faced with psoriatic manifestations are interested in the question: how do allergies and psoriasis relate? The thing is that some allergic rashes are very reminiscent of psoriatic plaques that cover the human body at a progressive stage of the disease. It is very important to determine as early as possible whether psoriasis is an allergy, since approaches to combating these diseases vary.

The main symptom that helps determine that the patient has allergic psoriasis, and not a true allergy, is the nature of the rash. Thus, psoriatic elements are inflamed, convex red spots with a silvery-white flaky surface. An experienced dermatologist usually only needs to slightly mechanically damage the scales, they fall off, and in return small blood droplets appear on the skin. In this case, it immediately becomes clear to the specialist that he is dealing with psoriasis and not an allergy.

Systemic signs characteristic exclusively of the body’s protective reactions also help to correlate the concepts of “allergy and psoriasis”:

  • Wheezing, whistling in the lungs (bronchi), impaired respiratory function;
  • Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating);
  • Tachycardia;
  • Pain in the eyes, profuse lacrimation;
  • Dyspepsia (nausea, vomiting, dizziness);
  • Diarrhea;
  • Weakness throughout the body, decreased performance;
  • Anaphylactic shock may develop - an extreme degree of severity of an allergic reaction, which is accompanied by acute respiratory dysfunction, loss of consciousness, hypertrophied swelling, and convulsions.

It is these symptoms that finally separate the concepts of allergy and psoriasis and allow the patient to select the necessary antihistamines.

About the disease

Allergic psoriasis is a rather vague and relative phenomenon. It happens that aggressive effects on the body of external (internal) allergen irritants cause not only typical allergy symptoms, but also cause an exacerbation of psoriasis.

Treatment of allergic psoriasis, accordingly, should include antiallergic and antipsoriatic components. The main structural elements of therapy that helps overcome allergic psoriasis are:

  • Identification and exclusion of the allergen;
  • Cleansing the body of waste, toxins and other “pollutants”, the presence of which can not only activate the body’s defenses, but also cause further spread of psoriatic plaques throughout the body;
  • Taking systemic medications of various spectrums of action - in this case, antihistamine tablets and injections designed to stop an allergic reaction are of particular importance. In addition to them, patients with corresponding symptoms are prescribed cytostatics, immunosuppressants, sedatives and anti-inflammatory drugs, and, if necessary, painkillers.
  • Use of local products - creams, gels, ointments. When treating allergic psoriasis, patients are often prescribed medications that contain corticosteroids (hormones). Such medications not only relieve the itching and flaking characteristic of both psoriasis and allergies, but also quickly cope with inflammation, help remove existing psoriatic plaques, and prevent their further spread throughout the body. Needless to say, hormonal compounds are the best fighters against local allergic manifestations (rash elements and hyperemia).
  • Traditional therapy. It is symptomatic in nature, helps to improve the general well-being of the patient, and promotes the rapid onset of remission.
  • Diet. This point in the comprehensive fight against allergic psoriasis simultaneously solves several medical problems. First of all, it helps to exclude food allergens as potential causes of exacerbation of psoriasis. In addition, a proper diet makes the work of the gastrointestinal tract easier, helps cleanse the body of “pollution,” and has a positive effect on all metabolic processes. What do dermatologists recommend that patients with allergic psoriasis consume? The daily menu should be filled as much as possible with cereals, vegetables, fruits, and increase the daily amount of liquid consumed (herbal teas, freshly squeezed juices, purified water, fruit drinks). You should avoid carbonated and alcoholic drinks, fatty, salty, overly spicy foods, baked goods, and sweets.

Home treatment for allergic psoriasis

Usually, in order to cope with an exacerbation of a disease caused by the effect of an irritant on the body, it is enough to consistently perform three simple steps:

  1. Eliminate allergen;
  2. Cleanse the gastrointestinal tract and blood from “pollutants;
  3. Speed ​​up plaque removal and wound healing with topical treatments.

Let's consider several options for useful folk recipes that can be used at home to treat allergic psoriasis:

  • 6 g of fresh egg white are mixed with 3 g of May honey, 50 g of Vaseline and 1 g of regular baby cream are added. The prepared composition is used to treat affected skin lesions 1-2 times a day.

  • Therapeutic baths made from the herb soapwort help to cope with the symptoms of the disease. They are prepared as follows: 3-4 handfuls of crushed dry raw materials are poured with 2 liters of cold water, left for an hour, boiled for 15 minutes, left to leave again for 60 minutes. After this, the solution is poured into a pre-prepared bath of water (its temperature should be 37-38 degrees). The procedure is carried out every other day, the duration of manipulation is 10-15 minutes.

  • The crushed dried string herb is poured with 70% alcohol (until the consistency of the extract). Afterwards, the composition is carefully filtered and drained. 3 g of the finished product is mixed with 50 g of lanolin and petroleum jelly. The resulting mixture should be applied to psoriatic plaques once a day.

  • In order to relieve inflammation, cope with pathogenic microflora, speed up the healing process of wounds and microcracks in the skin, it is necessary to lubricate the affected areas with pure juice or pharmaceutical tincture of celandine 1-2 times a day.
  • 2-3 chopped medium-sized cloves of garlic are poured with boiling water (200 ml), left for 8-10 hours, filtered. Soak a piece of gauze or bandage with the prepared product and apply it to the affected areas instead of a compress.
  • Crushed soapwort roots are soaked overnight in warm water. After this, the foam is removed from the mixture several times, and the roots are dried. To prepare a medicine against allergic psoriasis, you will need 1 tsp. crushed dry raw materials (6 g). Pour 200 ml of boiling water over it, boil for 15 minutes and leave for 12 hours. The finished product is used for medicinal lotions.

In the case of allergic psoriasis, timely diagnosis is extremely important - it is necessary, first of all, to identify the allergen and isolate the patient’s body from its harmful effects. Further treatment of the disease is carried out according to the standard scheme.