Tampon toxic shock syndrome: symptoms and treatment. Toxic shock syndrome: symptoms, treatment, causes What causes toxic shock syndrome

Syndrome toxic shock is called a severe multisystem condition of a person, distinctive feature which is suddenness. Given this pathological process There are sudden attacks of vomiting, diarrhea, and fever.

Toxic shock syndrome from tampons is a rare phenomenon, but it occurs in medical practice. The disease is life-threatening, sudden signs pathological condition can affect various organs and systems of the body, including the kidneys, liver and lungs. Therefore, in this situation, you should be vigilant and immediately begin drug treatment.

Not everyone knows what toxic shock is. This is a life-threatening condition that occurs under the influence of living organisms and biologically active substances(bacteria, viruses).

Wears a whole series pathological changes in the body, affecting all vital functions (breathing, blood clotting, circulation, nervous system). Develops against the background of bacterial, viral and fungal infections.

Table No. 1. Bacterial and viral infections, which are a provoking factor for the development of toxic shock:

Type of microorganism Representatives

  • anthrax;
  • dysentery;
  • plague;
  • meningococcal infection;
  • typhoid fever.

  • hemorrhagic fever;
  • flu.

Important. In people over 60 years of age and in children state of shock may appear as a result of complications of chronic inflammatory processes caused by Aerobacter, Klebsiella, Bacterioides, Proteus or Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Tampons as a cause of the development of a pathological condition

As we have already explained, toxic shock is a shock condition provoked by the destructive effects of fungi, viruses and bacteria. In women, this condition is caused by a strain of staphylococcus.

Note that all mucous membranes in small quantity contain staphylococcus, so when using tampons during menstrual cycle a failure may occur, and the bacteria will begin to actively produce toxins (see).

And blood and oxygen are the components that are vital for staphylococcal bacteria. Toxic shock from tampons also threatens our body.

Provoking factors

Shock syndrome is mainly the result of negative impact bacteria:

These bacteria are the most common and often cause infection of the upper respiratory tract and skin. The treatment proceeds without complications, in in rare cases they fall into circulatory system and cause a characteristic reaction immune cells blood. This reaction causes symptoms of toxic shock.

Table No. 2. Causes of damage by streptococci and staphylococci:

Genus of bacteria

Reason for defeat

In frequent cases, it appears after childbirth, chickenpox, flu, surgical interventions, for cuts.

Causes shock syndrome, divided into types:
  • menstrual syndrome (with prolonged use of tampons);
  • nonmenstrual syndrome (after operations, using dressings).

The main risk factors include:

  • use of tampons;
  • presence of wounds and burns;
  • sepsis occurring after childbirth;
  • infection during surgery;
  • closed wounds (for example, in the ears or nose);
  • intravenous drug use;
  • HIV or AIDS infections;
  • sinusitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • allergic contact dermatitis.

Interesting fact. Cases of toxic shock from the use of tampons appeared in the early 80s. Scientists conducted a series of observations and came to the conclusion that it was tampons that caused the development of shock and in 16% of cases led to death. Despite the fact that a direct relationship between the use of tampons and the pathological condition has not been established, the instructions for the hygiene product from all tampon manufacturers indicate the likelihood of TSS.


The pathogenesis of toxic shock is characterized by entry into the bloodstream large number toxins released by bacteria as a result of their vital activity. This circumstance is characterized by a sharp release of cytotoxins, adrenaline and other biologically active substances, which contribute to the appearance of spasm of post-capillary arterioles and venules.

In this case, the blood no longer fulfills its direct purpose, and as a result, tissue hypoxia develops, which contributes to the development metabolic acidosis. This condition is the cause of TSS symptoms.

Classification of shock states

In medical practice, there are several types of shock.

Table No. 3. Classification of shock states:

Name of the shock state Description
Toxic-septic shock Occurs due to exposure to toxins cardiovascular system, brain, liver, kidneys, lungs. In this case, an anaphylactic type reaction appears. For similar condition characterized by two phases:
  1. Hyperdynamic.
  2. Hypodynamic.

As a result of toxic-septic shock, dysfunction of vital organs appears, which requires immediate assistance emergency care and conducting intensive care.

Endotoxic shock The risk group includes urological patients over 60 years of age with concomitant diseases, such as:
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • chronic pulmonary failure;
  • chronic heart failure;
  • latent hepatopathy.

This condition is a serious complication inflammatory process. Mortality accounts for 70% of all cases. Provocateurs are gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms. Endotoxic (bacteremic) shock is a consequence of exacerbation of urosepsis.

Exotoxic shock Occurs against the background of acute heart failure, accompanied by certain severe forms intoxication of the toxicogenic phase. Symptoms develop as a result of acute chemical influence, characterized by a violation metabolic function, nervous regulation and dysfunction of almost all vital organs. The causes of exotoxic shock include:
  • intoxications resulting from the use of wound cauterizing agents;
  • poisoning with chlorinated carbohydrates;
  • intoxications caused by taking psychotropic drugs and organophosphate insecticides.
Bacterial toxic shock This condition is caused by an acute reaction of the body to the sudden penetration of bacteria and toxic products into the blood. In gynecology, bacteriotoxic shock occurs after abortion and after thrombophlebitis of the hip veins.

Currently, cases of shock developing after the administration of antibiotics have been recorded. wide range application, or the administration of large doses of penicillin. Shock may also be caused by intravenous administration non-sterile solutions, blood and blood substitutes.


Toxic shock causes sudden appearance characteristic symptoms, are distinguished by suddenness. Signs of shock depend on the severity of the pathological condition and the cause of the onset of shock.

Shock phases

In medical practice, toxic shock is divided into three phases:

  1. Compensated.
  2. Subcompensated.
  3. Decompensated.

Table No. 4. Phases of toxic shock:

Toxic shock phase Description of symptoms
Compensated shock The patient has clarity of consciousness, but at the same time there is motor restlessness, an inexplicable feeling of anxiety, rapid breathing, increased heart rate(up to 120 beats per minute).
Subcompensated shock Patients become lethargic, depressed, and apathetic. There is pallor skin, extremities are cold. A decrease in body temperature to subnormal prevails. Shortness of breath, tachycardia (up to 160 beats per minute), and low blood pressure appear. Anuria, a blood clotting disorder, may develop. Gastrointestinal bleeding is possible.
Decompensated shock This phase is considered the most difficult. The patient is in complete prostration, cramps in the limbs, shortness of breath, decreased blood pressure, threadlike pulse, anuria. In some cases, patients fall into a comatose state.

Signs of toxic shock

The nature of the manifestation of symptoms depends on the cause of shock and the severity of the pathological condition. Often, a state of shock leads to death within 2 days after blood intoxication.

Signs of streptococcal nonmenstrual syndrome develop:

  • in women after childbirth, a few days later;
  • in persons with infected postoperative wounds;
  • in people with respiratory infections.

Signs of staphylococcal menstrual syndrome develop in women as a result of using tampons during the menstrual cycle. Symptoms appear after 3 days.

Symptoms of staphylococcal nonmenstrual syndrome occur within 12 hours after surgery where surgical dressings were used, such as nasal surgery.

Table No. 5. Symptoms of toxic shock:

Attention. The symptoms of toxic shock are very similar to those of a severe case of the flu. Therefore, it is very important to understand that if symptoms begin to progress, you should immediately contact medical institution. Only a doctor can recognize the signs of toxic shock and provide qualified assistance to the patient.


Toxic shock can lead to the most serious complications. This:

  • acute pulmonary failure;
  • necrosis of tissues of internal organs;
  • multiple vein thrombosis;
  • renal failure, up to complete failure kidney

Diagnosis, treatment and prevention

Due to the fact that shock syndrome develops very rapidly, treatment is carried out in accordance with the existing symptoms, without waiting for test results. First of all, a powder is prescribed to remove toxins from the body. After laboratory diagnostics complex drug treatment is prescribed.


If toxic shock is suspected, several types of diagnostics are prescribed.

Table No. 6. Types of diagnostics:

Type of examination Description
Full clinical analysis blood It is carried out to determine the number of red and white blood cells, platelets, leukocytes, and erythrocytes.
Culture of blood, organ tissues, mucous membranes It is carried out in order to recognize the type of bacteria that contributed to the development of the shock state. During a woman's menstrual cycle, a culture of vaginal fluid is taken.
Fluorography Determines signs of lung damage, identifies possible syndrome pulmonary failure.
Laboratory tests to determine other infections They are carried out to identify possible infections that contribute to the development of shock. For example:
  • blood sepsis;
  • American tick-borne rickettsiosis (transmitted by ticks);
  • typhoid fever.

Depending on the nature of the shock state and accompanying symptoms it is possible to assign additional laboratory tests.


First of all, exposure to the toxin should be excluded (see). If the cause of TSS is a tampon, it must be removed immediately; if it is contraceptives, then be sure to notify your doctor about this so that medical conditions carry out extraction.

The treatment regimen consists of several stages:

  1. The site of infection is thoroughly cleaned disinfectants, or this procedure carried out with the help lung surgical interventions.
  2. From the first days of visiting a doctor, broad-spectrum antibiotics are prescribed to destroy pathogenic bacteria. The period of taking antibiotics is at least 10 days.
  3. Intravenous infusion of immunoglobulin. Prescribed for the purpose of recovery immune function body.
  4. Powder is prescribed for intoxication. The product promotes rapid elimination pathogenic toxins from the blood.

At timely treatment The patient's condition improves already on the 3rd day.

Attention. If a woman has experienced TSS from tampons once, then the next time during her menstrual cycle she should stop wearing them and use pads. After all, taking risks in this case is quite dangerous. We must not forget what the price of your life depends on.

Many ladies use tampons, this hygiene product allows them to feel comfortable and comfortable in special period their lives. You should not immediately succumb to general panic and believe that a terrible intoxication shock awaits you.

Simple rules of hygiene in critical days reduce this risk millions of times. The video presented in this article will allow our readers to familiarize themselves in more detail with clinical picture tampon toxic shock syndrome.

This serious illness from the group of polysystemic ones has an acute onset and requires immediate treatment medical care. It is rare, threatens not only health, but also life - it blocks the functions of the liver, respiratory, cardiovascular and urinary systems. The first signs of the disease are the appearance of high fever, drop in blood pressure, vomiting, diarrhea and multiple skin rashes.

Information about the disease

Toxic shock syndrome occurs when introduced into the body pathogenic flora various groups– group A streptococcus or staphylococcus. During their life, they constantly produce toxins. If immune reaction the introduction of negative microorganisms is expressed excessively intensely, then symptoms of toxic shock syndrome appear. Signs of shock during the introduction of microflora different types differ from each other.

Contact of the body with streptococci and the immune reaction manifests itself in the form of complications after suffering from influenza or chickenpox, after difficult childbirth and operations, but the introduction can be provoked by small microtraumas - bruises - which do not even cause a violation of the integrity of the skin surface.

Staphylococcal syndrome is caused by contact with dressing material that is applied to open wounds. Staphylococcal toxic shock syndrome is classified as menstrual and non-menstrual - in the first case it is caused by surgical dressings, in the second by the use of intravaginal tampons.

Signs of the disease can be divided into primary and secondary.

Primary, most acute:

  • muscle spasms;
  • acute stomach pain and headache attacks;
  • temperature rise above febrile values;
  • vomiting and diarrhea;
  • dizziness.

There may be disturbances of consciousness, rapid or slow heartbeat.

In certain parts of the body the skin turns red and the mucous membranes swell oral cavity. If the shock is caused by an injury, severe pain is felt at the site of the injury.

Secondary symptoms of toxic shock:

  • sepsis;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • tissue necrosis localized in certain areas;
  • dysfunctions of the urinary and respiratory systems.

In streptococcal nonmenstrual toxic shock syndrome, signs may appear after implantation pathogenic microorganisms within 2-5 days, but incubation period can sometimes reach 10-12 days.

This picture is possible after a difficult birth or surgery, which - at first glance - proceeded without complications.

Symptoms of toxic shock syndrome from tampons appear 3-5 days after the start of menstruation and increase sharply.

The same symptoms of nonmenstrual shock occur after surgery no later than 12 hours later.

Diagnosis and treatment of the disease

Drug therapy for toxic shock syndrome begins before laboratory test results are obtained - the diagnosis is made based on symptoms. If you wait for confirmation of the disease, the patient may no longer be saved.

However, tests are still taken to accurately identify the pathogen and to clarify the purpose medical supplies– therapy must be precisely aimed at the targeted destruction of pathogenic flora that has entered the body.

The following types of tests are required:

  • expanded general analysis blood;
  • tank. blood and urine culture to identify the type of pathogenic flora;
  • X-ray for syndrome respiratory failure;
  • blood tests from a vein to identify concomitant infections.

If it is suspected that toxic shock syndrome is caused by the use of tampons, a vaginal smear must be taken; in the case of non-menstrual syndrome, a sample of fluid or part of tissue from the infected surface.

Since the onset of the disease is quite acute and poses a threat to the patient’s life, intensive care measures are immediately taken after hospitalization - the volume of plasma in the body is restored using a dropper. Without hospitalization, it is impossible to save the patient; if respiratory failure develops, intubation of the lungs may be required.

Treatment for toxic shock syndrome is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. The source of infection is removed. All bandages are removed, tampons are removed;
  2. The surface of the wound or skin at the site of possible infection is cleaned. More often this procedure is carried out under local anesthesia– dead or infected inflamed tissue may need to be removed promptly;

Usually, after the source of infection is eliminated, the patient's condition begins to improve.

  1. Treatment of complications caused by toxic shock begins - therapeutic measures depend on their manifestations;
  2. Antibiotics are required - each type of pathogenic flora requires its own group of antibacterial drugs. Antibiotic therapy is specified after the strain is isolated in the laboratory;
  3. To normalize pressure, be sure to use medicines– at low pressure, organic systems cannot function to the required extent;
  4. If the patient's condition does not improve after the administration of antibiotics, immunoglobulin may be required. It stimulates the body's production of antibodies, which help heal itself.

From medical workers an immediate response is required - streptococcal toxic shock syndrome leads to death in 50% of cases. Its complications are extremely serious: sepsis or necrotizing fasciitis, a disease that destroys the skin.

In this case, it is necessary to resort to surgical intervention to complete removal areas of implementation.

Staphylococcal syndrome is less dangerous; death is recorded in only 5% of cases of infection.

Even if the patient’s condition has returned to normal, the therapeutic course of antibiotics must be completed in full - toxic shock syndrome can recur. When docking serious complications and proper treatment, patients’ recovery occurs 10-12 days after the start of intensive therapy.

Prevention of toxic shock syndrome

To prevent the occurrence dangerous condition, it is necessary to take certain measures.

All wounds and injuries to the skin surface should be treated with antiseptic agents, and care must be taken not to scratch the injuries. The risk of infection can be completely eliminated by applying sterile dressings if the wound is bleeding.

Skin wounds include:

  • scratches;
  • microtraumas;
  • hematomas from bruises;
  • postoperative sutures at the healing stage;
  • insect and animal bites;
  • papules from chickenpox, scarlet fever and measles.

Women have an increased risk of developing toxic shock syndrome. postpartum period if her family has a sore throat or is experiencing an exacerbation chronic tonsillitis. In this case, she needs quarantine conditions.

After childbirth for containment bloody discharge– lochia – only sanitary pads are used. You can switch to more “reliable” methods of protection - tampons - when menstruation appears only when 4-6 months have passed after the birth of the child.

Other names: infectious-toxic shock

Toxic shock syndrome (TSS)– this is rare, but serious infectious disease, most often caused by the bacterium "staphylococcus" (Staphylococcus). This bacterium is present in people in the mucous membrane: nose, throat, vagina, perineum.

In most cases, this bacterium is not dangerous. But in people with low immunity, bacteria can multiply, causing infection and spreading toxins. These toxins enter the bloodstream and attack various organs: the liver, kidneys and lungs.

The infection is similar to the flu and in rare cases can lead to death.


The main cause of toxic shock syndrome is the use of vaginal tampons or menstrual cups for too long long period(more than 4-6 hours).

During menstruation, the pH of the vagina changes. It becomes alkaline (less acidic). This medium provides a favorable culture medium for Staphylococcus aureus. So, if blood sits in the vagina for too long, bacteria can develop and cause an infection.

TSS came to public attention in 1980 when North America More than 700 women were infected.

Toxic shock syndrome is not always associated with tampon use and can occur after surgery or accidental injury.


Symptoms of toxic shock syndrome appear suddenly:

  • Confusion, dizziness.
  • Severe fatigue, weakness.
  • High temperature between 39°C and 40.5°C.
  • Headache.
  • Redness of the eyes, vagina.
  • Acute diarrhea, vomiting.
  • Sore throat.
  • Extensive rash accompanied by redness.

At the primary stage of infection, symptoms resemble flu (pain in muscles, joints, throat, fever). Then red rashes appear. Added to this is indigestion (diarrhea, vomiting). Only after this the shock manifests itself low blood pressure, tachycardia, confusion. After 1-2 weeks, the skin begins to peel off, especially on the palms and soles of the feet.


Diagnosis of TSS requires a clinical examination. Blood or tissue tests may be performed to look for microorganisms. Other tests may be performed, such as an electrocardiogram, x-ray, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).


If these symptoms occur, your first instinct is to remove your tampon or menstrual cup.

Second reflex: go to the hospital.

People suffering from toxic shock syndrome require intensive care. Treatment consists of oral and intravenous therapy to maintain blood pressure.

Wounds and all sources of infection are washed with water and thoroughly cleaned. Antibiotics are given intravenously to reduce the risk of recurrent infection.


Fortunately, toxic shock syndrome is less common now than it was in the 1980s, with the most dangerous tampon models being removed from the market. The following measures also help women reduce their risk of developing toxic shock syndrome:

  • During heavy menstruation Alternately use tampons and pads.
  • Change tampons and pads every 4-6 hours.
  • Maintain good general hygiene, especially in the vaginal area.
  • Use a pad at night.

Toxic shock syndrome during menstruation was documented back in the 1980s, but is now largely forgotten. Women are sounding the alarm: deaths have increased again.

Some researchers believe that toxic shock syndrome from tampons is at its peak. Despite warnings from manufacturers, many girls do not pay attention to the labels on the packages and violate the rules for using tampons. But trouble comes not only from ignorance. Some girls were so intimidated by their peers and certain ladies from anonymous women's forums that they are convinced that tampons should not be used, since they only cause harm, and can even lead to death.

Both are two extremes that should be avoided.

Toxic shock syndrome (TSS) from tampons. What is this?

You might have heard this in the context of the next scary stories about tampons. Toxic shock syndrome (or infectious-toxic shock) is a shock condition caused by certain bacteria in the body. IN female body TSS is caused by a strain of staphylococcus. This almost always occurs during menstruation. You probably know that staphylococcus is found in all the mucous membranes of our body in small quantities. If there is a failure, bacteria begin to release toxins that are dangerous to human health. Blood and oxygen are what you need Staphylococcus aureus for reproduction. The main risk factor is the use of tampons.

Outbreaks of toxic shock syndrome cases in menstruating women occurred in the early 1980s. Doctors found that most girls with this diagnosis used tampons. Yes, TSS is serious illness with possible fatal. The mortality rate is approximately 8-16%. The fact is that the medical community has not yet proven a direct link between toxic shock syndrome and tampons, despite forty years of observation. However, all tampon manufacturers always indicate the likelihood of TSS on their packaging.

Main symptoms of TSS:

  1. Increased body temperature (can rise to forty degrees);
  2. Low blood pressure;
  3. Muscle spasms, possible convulsions;
  4. Hallucinations, foggy consciousness;
  5. Chills;
  6. Nausea and vomiting;
  7. Red spots on the palms and soles of the heels.

You might think these symptoms are similar to having the flu. Remember the main thing: in any case, you must immediately consult a doctor! A patient with symptoms of toxic shock syndrome should be hospitalized immediately because the syndrome progresses very quickly.

I experienced toxic shock syndrome. What should I do?

If you have TSS, it is likely that your body is not producing sufficient quantity necessary antibodies. If you feel the above symptoms, first of all, remove the tampon. If you use contraceptives that you cannot remove on your own, be sure to warn your doctors about this. As already said, call a doctor, as you need to be hospitalized.

  • The infected area is cleaned either by washing the vagina or using a small surgical intervention. This depends on the severity of the disease. As a rule, after this initial procedure, patients feel significantly better.
  • The doctor immediately prescribes antibiotics to kill the toxic bacteria. It is important to note that antibiotics must be taken immediately in order to begin treatment immediately. Antibiotics are taken for two weeks, sometimes less. Most likely you will be prescribed something from this list: clindamycin, cloxacillin or cefazolin.
  • If you take antibiotics and your condition does not improve, your doctor will prescribe intravenous immunoglobulin. Medicine has not proven the effectiveness of treating toxic shock syndrome with immunoglobulin, but the fact remains that it helps the body produce the necessary antibodies to destroy toxic bacteria.

Patients who seek treatment on time recover within 1-2 days. Remember: self-medication is strictly prohibited!

If you have ever had toxic shock syndrome, then you need to alternate between using tampons and pads. Perhaps there is a reason to use tampons only in exceptional cases so as not to expose yourself to unnecessary risk. Barrier contraceptives such as a diaphragm, cervical cap, sponge or intrauterine device It's also better not to use it.

I'm afraid of getting toxic shock syndrome. How to prevent the development of the disease?

  • Women in labor are at risk. In the first twelve weeks, you should not use tampons or barrier contraceptives!
  • Before inserting a tampon, be sure to wash your hands thoroughly with soap! This is one of the most important conditions. If you are in public place where this is not possible, purchase antiseptic for hands: it kills up to 99.99% of bacteria and is inexpensive.
  • Never keep a tampon on for more than 8 hours. There are cases when girls wore the same tampon for several days without consequences, but still it’s not worth the risk. It is advisable to use pads at night.
  • American doctors note that when using super-absorbent tampons, the risk of menstrual toxic shock is very high. Give them up and use tampons with average degree absorbability.

Why is it important for a woman to feel comfortable during menstruation?

You know that your period is the most vulnerable time in your life. In addition to constant mood swings, you sometimes (or not sometimes?) experience discomfort or pain in the abdominal area, headaches, and dizziness. You don't feel attractive. You have to comply with certain restrictions, for example, do not swim in open water, do not ride a horse, do not ride a bicycle, and so on. In addition to this, almost everyone has a set of underwear “for these days,” which sometimes further aggravates the depressed state of mind. You cannot afford to wear the underwear you want, as it may cause physical discomfort.

There is a way out of such situations. Your gynecologist will prescribe you suitable painkillers, and a tampon, unlike a pad, will help you feel attractive. Fortunately, humanity took care of this and invented tampons even before our era. It appeared in its familiar form in the first half of the 20th century. A tampon has many advantages.

  1. It is very convenient to use. Since it is located inside the vagina and not outside, the woman does not feel it, unlike a pad.
  2. It does not cause skin irritation.
  3. You can play sports, swim and ride a bike with it.
  4. It fits any shape of underwear.

Millions of women use tampons. Don't panic and give up on them forever. To avoid toxic shock syndrome, just remember the above tips and carefully monitor your health and hygiene during these days.

According to international requirements, each manufacturer of tampons in the instructions for their use is required to warn the consumer about the possibility of toxic shock syndrome (TSS). Fortunately, this disease is very rare, but it can be life-threatening.

Most often, toxic shock syndrome occurs in women aged 15 to 30 years who use tampons during menstruation. It should be noted that the existence of a direct connection between the disease and the use of tampons has not been proven, but nevertheless, most doctors, based on their professional observations, come to exactly this opinion. However, there have been cases where TSS also developed in women using vaginal contraceptives: caps, spermicidal sponges, diaphragms.

Symptoms of toxic shock syndrome:

Toxic shock syndrome usually begins the same way as typical shape flu, but later the course of the disease becomes extremely severe.
The development of the syndrome is provoked by strains of bacteria staphylococcus aureus that produce toxins. They “inhabit” the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, vagina, and skin, but in quantities that are not life-threatening. In addition, most people have antibodies in their bodies that neutralize the toxic effects of toxins.

According to doctors, almost every person, regardless of gender and age, is exposed to them at least once in their life. If, for some reason, the number of staphylococcus aureus increases, they begin to produce an increased dose of the toxin, which penetrates the blood, which leads to the development of infection. The situation can be greatly aggravated by various types of injuries to the vaginal mucosa and walls: microcracks, irritation, scratches, and so on.

The main symptoms of toxic shock syndrome are high temperature– up to 40°, chills, vomiting, dizziness, muscle spasms, convulsions, a sharp drop in blood pressure, foggy consciousness, rash on the palms and soles of the feet.
Unfortunately, many victims mistake these symptoms for the flu and begin to take measures to treat it.

The main difference between TSS and the flu is that the symptoms of the syndrome develop more rapidly, so sharp increase fever or sudden onset of nausea should cause serious concern. First of all, you need to remove the tampon and immediately seek help from a doctor. In most cases, the success of treatment depends mainly on how timely toxic shock syndrome was diagnosed.

If a woman uses vaginal contraceptives that cannot be removed independently, she should immediately call ambulance and inform the doctor about the use of these means of protection.


Treatment of toxic shock syndrome is carried out exclusively in a hospital, where the victim is given intravenous antibacterial drugs and solutions that remove toxins from the body.
Patients who have been diagnosed with TSS should never use tampons or vaginal contraceptives after recovery without first consulting with their doctor and gynecologist. Ideally, these ladies are generally contraindicated from using this menstrual hygiene product.


To prevent toxic shock syndrome, you should follow a few simple rules.
Firstly, from time to time give the vagina a “rest” from tampons, using only sanitary pads during every third menstruation;
Secondly, even during one menstruation, alternate different means hygiene: use tampons during the day, pads at night.
Thirdly, change the tampon no later than four hours after insertion, even if it is not completely saturated;
Fourth, always use tampons whose absorbency level corresponds to the amount of discharge.
Fifthly, if the degree of absorption of the tampon corresponds to the amount of discharge, but at the same time you feel discomfort, irritation, if its removal is difficult, then it is better to use tampons of less absorbency.