The IUD as a method of contraception. Intrauterine device: types, principle of operation Intrauterine device how it works

Anna Mironova

Reading time: 9 minutes


Is it worth or not to install a spiral? This question is asked by many women who choose a method of protection against unwanted pregnancy. Intrauterine device is a device (usually made of plastic with gold, copper or silver) that serves as a blocker of fertilization and (if fusion does occur) as a barrier to the penetration of the egg into the uterine cavity or its attachment to the walls of the uterus.

What types of intrauterine device are offered today? , what is better to choose, and what might the installation entail?

Types of intrauterine devices today

Of all the known contraceptives, the spiral is today one of the three most effective and popular. There are more than 50 types of spirals.

They are conventionally divided into 4 generations of this device:

  • Made from inert materials

An option that is no longer relevant in our time. The main disadvantage is the risk of the device falling out of the uterus and extremely low degree protection.

  • Coils containing copper

This component “fights” sperm that has entered the uterine cavity. Copper creates an acidic environment, and due to inflammation of the uterine walls, the level of leukocytes increases. Installation period is 2-3 years.

  • Spirals with silver

Installation period – up to 5 years. Very high level protection.

  • Spirals with hormones

The leg of the device is in the shape of a “T”, and it contains hormones. Action: a certain amount of hormones are released into the uterine cavity every day, as a result of which the process of release/maturation of the egg is suppressed. And due to the increase in the viscosity of mucus from the cervical canal, the movement of sperm slows down or stops. Installation period is 5-7 years.

The shapes of the intrauterine device (IUD) are an umbrella, a direct spiral, a loop or a ring, the letter T. The latter is the most popular.

The most popular types of IUDs today

  • IUD Mirena

Features: T-shape with levonorgestrel hormone in the shaft. The drug is “thrown out” into the uterus at a dose of 24 mcg/day. The most expensive and effective spiral. Price – 7000-10000 rub. Installation period is 5 years. The IUD contributes to the treatment of endometriosis or uterine fibroids (plus), but also leads to the formation follicular cysts ovaries.

  • IUD Multiload

Features: oval shape with spikes-protrusions to reduce the risk of falling out. Made from plastic with copper wire. Cost – 2000-3000 rubles. Prevents fertilization (sperm die due to the inflammatory reaction caused by copper) and implantation of the embryo (when it appears) in the uterus. It is considered an abortifacient method of contraception (as, indeed, any other IUD). Use is permitted for women who have given birth. From side effects: increased duration and pain of menstruation, pain in the lower abdomen, etc. The contraceptive effect can be reduced when taking antidepressants.

  • Navy Nova T Cu

Features: shape – “T”, material – plastic with copper (+ silver tip, barium sulfate, PE and iron oxide), installation period – up to 5 years, average price– about 2000 rub. For easy removal The spiral at the tip has a thread with 2 tails. The action of the IUD: neutralizes the ability of sperm to fertilize an egg. Disadvantages: does not exclude the possibility of an ectopic pregnancy; there are known cases of uterine perforation during installation of the IUD; it causes heavy and painful periods.

  • Navy T-Copper Cu 380 A

Features: shape – “T”, installation period – up to 6 years, material – flexible polyethylene with copper, barium sulfate, non-hormonal device, German manufacturer. Action: suppression of sperm activity, prevention of fertilization. Recommended for women who have given birth. Special instructions: possible heating of fragments of the spiral (and, accordingly, negative impact them onto surrounding tissues) during thermal procedures.

  • Navy T de Oro 375 Gold

Features: contains 99/000 gold, Spanish manufacturer, price – about 10,000 rubles, installation period – up to 5 years. Action: protection against pregnancy, reducing the risk of uterine inflammation. The shape of the IUD is a horseshoe, T or U. The most common side effects are increased intensity and duration of menstruation.

The pros and cons of intrauterine devices

The advantages of the IUD include the following:

  • A long period of validity - up to 5-6 years, during which you can (as the manufacturers say) not worry about other methods of contraception and accidental pregnancy.
  • The therapeutic effect of some types of IUDs ( bactericidal effect silver ions, hormonal components).
  • Savings on contraceptives Oh. Buying an IUD is cheaper for 5 years than constantly spending money on other means of contraception.
  • No side effects that occur after taking it hormonal pills– obesity, depression, frequent headaches, etc.
  • The ability to continue breastfeeding. The spiral will not affect the composition of the milk, unlike tablets.
  • Restoring the ability to conceive from 1 month after removal of the IUD.

Arguments against the use of the IUD - disadvantages of the IUD

  • No one gives a 100% guarantee of protection against pregnancy (maximum 98%). As for ectopic pregnancy, the IUD increases its risk by 4 times.
  • No IUD guarantees the absence of side effects. IN best case scenario– pain and increase in the duration of menstruation, abdominal pain, discharge (bloody) in the middle of the cycle, etc. In the worst case – rejection of the device or serious health consequences.
  • Risk of spontaneous removal of the IUD from the uterus. Typically after lifting weights. This is usually accompanied by cramping pain in the abdomen and elevated temperature(if infection occurs).
  • The IUD is prohibited if at least one item from the list of contraindications is present.
  • When using an IUD, regular monitoring of its availability is required. More precisely, its threads, the absence of which indicates a shift in the spiral, its loss or rejection.
  • One of the most significant disadvantages is the risk of prematurity in the future due to depletion of the endometrium in the uterus.
  • Experts advise terminating a pregnancy that occurs while using an IUD. Preservation of the fetus depends on the location of the IUD itself in the uterus. It is worth noting that when pregnancy occurs, the IUD is removed in any case, and the risk of miscarriage sharply increases.
  • The IUD does not protect against venereal diseases and penetration of infections into the body various kinds. Moreover, it promotes their development, because the body of the uterus remains slightly open when using the IUD.
  • When inserting an IUD, there is a risk (0.1% of cases) that the doctor will puncture the uterus.
  • The mechanism of action of the spiral is abortive. That is, it is equivalent to an abortion.
  • Any pathology of the pelvic organs.
  • Diseases of the pelvic and reproductive organs.
  • Tumors of the cervix or the uterus itself, fibroids, polyps.
  • Pregnancy and suspicion of it.
  • Cervical erosion.
  • Infection of the internal/external genitalia at any stage.
  • Defects/underdevelopment of the uterus.
  • Tumors of the genital organs (already confirmed or if their presence is suspected).
  • Uterine bleeding of unknown origin.
  • Allergy to copper (for IUDs containing copper).
  • Adolescence.

Relative contraindications:

  • Ectopic pregnancy or suspicion of it.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Poor blood clotting.
  • Endometriosis (whether past or present).
  • No history of pregnancy. That is, for nulliparous women, the IUD is not prohibited, but is categorically not recommended.
  • Menstrual irregularities.
  • Little uterus.
  • Venereal diseases.
  • Scars on the uterus.
  • The risk of catching a sexually transmitted disease. That is, several partners, a partner with diseases, promiscuity, etc.
  • Long-term treatment with anticoagulants or anti-inflammatory drugs, which continues at the time of installation of the spiral.
  • It is not uncommon for a spiral to grow into the uterus. Sometimes women simply forget about it, and as a result they have to cut out the spiral along with the uterus.

Doctors' opinions about the IUD - what experts say

After installation of the IUD

  • Not a 100% contraceptive method whose benefits outweigh the side effects and risks serious consequences. Definitely not recommended for young nulliparous girls. The risk of infection and ectopic infection increases significantly. Among the advantages of the spiral: you can safely engage in sports and sex, obesity is not a threat, the “antennae” does not interfere even with your partner, and in some cases there is even healing effect. True, sometimes it is crossed out by consequences.
  • There have been many studies and observations regarding the IUD. Still, there are more positive aspects. Of course, no one is immune from the consequences, everyone is individual, but to a greater extent spirals today are quite by safe means. Another question is that they do not protect against infections and diseases, and if there is a risk of developing cancer, their use is strictly prohibited. It is also worth mentioning the use of medications in combination with the use of hormonal IUDs. For example, regular aspirin significantly reduces (by 2 times!) the main effect of the IUD (contraception). Therefore, when treating and taking medications, it makes sense to use additional contraceptives(condoms, for example).
  • Whatever you say, regardless of the elasticity of the IUD, it is foreign body. And accordingly, the body will always react to the introduction of a foreign body according to its characteristics. One has increased pain during menstruation, the second has abdominal pain, the third has problems with bowel movements, etc. If the side effects are severe, or they do not go away after 3-4 months, then it is better to abandon the IUD.
  • The use of an IUD is definitely contraindicated for nulliparous women. Especially in the age of chlamydia. The spiral can easily provoke an inflammatory process, regardless of the presence of silver and gold ions. The decision to use an IUD must be made strictly individually! Together with a doctor and taking into account ALL nuances of health. The spiral is a remedy for a woman who has given birth, who has only one stable and healthy partner, good health in the female part and the absence of such body features as allergies to metals and foreign bodies.
  • In fact, making a decision about an IUD - to have it or not to have it - must be done carefully. It’s clear that this is convenient - once you install it, you don’t have to worry about anything for several years. But there are 1 – consequences, 2 – wide list contraindications, 3 – a lot of side effects, 4 – problems with bearing a fetus after using the IUD, etc. And one more point: if the work involves lifting heavy objects, you should absolutely not mess with the IUD. It would be good if the IUD turns out to be the ideal solution (in any case, it is better than an abortion!), but you should still weigh everything carefully possible problems and pros.

Possible consequences of intrauterine devices

According to statistics, most refusals from the IUD in our country are for religious reasons. After all, the IUD is actually an abortifacient method, because most often the fertilized egg is expelled at the approaches to the uterine wall. The rest refuse the spiral out of fear (“unpleasant and a little painful procedure installations), due to side effects and possible consequences.

Is it really worth worrying about the consequences? What can the use of an IUD lead to?

First of all, it is worth noting that complications of various types when using the IUD are associated with an illiterate approach to decision-making, both by the doctor himself and the woman: due to underestimation of risks, due to negligence when using the IUD (non-compliance with recommendations), due to low qualification of the doctor who installs the spiral, etc.

So, the most common complications and consequences when using an IUD:

  • Infection/inflammation of the pelvic organs (PID) – up to 65% of cases.
  • Rejection of the IUD by the uterus (expulsion) – up to 16% of cases.
  • Spiral ingrowth.
  • Very heavy bleeding.
  • Severe pain syndrome.
  • Miscarriage (if pregnancy occurs and the IUD is removed).
  • Ectopic pregnancy.
  • Depletion of the endometrium and, as a result, a decrease in the ability to bear a fetus.

Possible complications from using copper-containing IUDs:

  • Long and heavy menstruation– more than 8 days and 2 times stronger. In most cases, they can be normal, but they can also be a consequence of an ectopic pregnancy that has been interrupted. normal pregnancy or perforation of the uterus, so don’t be lazy and go to the doctor again.
  • Cramping pain in the lower abdomen. Similarly (see point above) - it’s better to play it safe and get checked by a doctor.

Possible complications from using an IUD containing hormones:

  • The most common complication– amenorrhea. That is, the absence of menstruation. If the culprit of amenorrhea is not an ectopic pregnancy, but an IUD, then the reason is reversible atrophy of the uterine epithelium.
  • Downed menstrual cycle, the appearance of spotting in the middle of the cycle, etc. If such symptoms are observed for more than 3 months, pathology of a gynecological nature should be excluded.
  • Symptoms of the action of gestagens. That is, acne, migraines, breast tenderness, “radiculitis” pain, vomiting, decreased libido, depression, etc. If symptoms persist for 3 months, gestagen intolerance can be suspected.

Possible consequences of violating the IUD installation technique.

  • Perforation of the uterus. Most often observed in nulliparous girls. In the most difficult cases, the uterus has to be removed.
  • Cervical rupture.
  • Bleeding.
  • Vasovagal reaction

Possible complications after removal of the IUD.

  • Inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs.
  • Purulent process in the appendages.
  • Ectopic pregnancies.
  • Chronic pelvic pain syndrome.
  • Infertility.

This is a small device placed in the uterus in the form of a spiral or the letter T, at the end of which there are antennae. The presence of a foreign body in the uterine cavity does not allow the egg to attach and makes it possible to prevent pregnancy.

This phenomenon was discovered a long time ago, even by camel drivers in the Middle East. During long treks through deserts, they inserted a small stone or pebble into the females' uterus in order to avoid unwanted pregnancy. Let's talk more about intrauterine device- types, principle of action and installation in the body.

There are a large number of spirals different shapes And different sizes. All are made of plastic, some have a copper or silver thread, others contain a reservoir of progesterone.

It is generally accepted that the spiral causes inflammatory processes and promotes the penetration of microinfections into the uterine cavity. For the purpose of self-defense, the uterus produces a large number of leukocytes designed to destroy the pathogen, in in this case These are sperm or a fertilized egg.

Annoyed by the presence of the spiral inner surface The uterus creates and maintains in constant readiness an environment unfavorable for the egg or sperm. The spiral can also help to increase the mobility of the tubes, which leads to the release of the germ cell before the fertilized one and doubles the speed of sperm movement.

As a result, the level of prostaglandin increases, which prevents the egg from attaching to the walls of the uterus. The copper compound released from the copper threads changes the mucous membrane, making it harmful to sperm.

The effectiveness of this contraceptive. In terms of reliability, the spiral is in second place after birth control pills. The effect is achieved in 96% of cases. For 100% safety, spermicides should be additionally used.

Reversibility of the process. The spiral can have adverse effect on the female body and its reproductive ability. Its consequences:

  • Disease and infection pelvic organs.
  • Perforation of the uterus.
  • Ectopic pregnancy.

However, in most cases such problems do not arise and residual effects impossible.

How to install a spiral?

Insertion of the IUD is a routine medical procedure that is performed in the office and does not require anesthesia or special preparation. However, in order to identify possible contraindications you must pass a preliminary gynecological examination and take a smear.

If possible, in addition to this, it is advisable to go through clinical examination, talk with a doctor, do a cytobacteriological analysis of vaginal discharge and tissue, and a blood test to identify possible sexually transmitted diseases.

During the first visit, the doctor examines the depth and position of the uterus in order to select the spiral needed in a particular case. If the uterus is small or the woman has never given birth, his choice will be a small spiral. In the decision, the doctor indicates the number of the spiral and the medications that must be brought with you on the appointed day.

And now this day has come. You are nervous and even afraid. In practice, it turns out that the insertion of the spiral occurs very quickly, in 3 minutes, and is absolutely painless. The doctor inserts a surgical speculum into the vagina. Then he disinfects the cervix (first tangible touch) and places forceps on one of her lips (a slight tingling sensation is felt) to penetrate through the cervix to the body of the uterus.

The doctor inserts a small probe through the cervical canal and measures the depth of the uterine cavity (hysterometry). This way he knows what size spiral to choose. Immediately before installation, the spiral is placed in a small tube of small diameter, penetrating into which it is deformed and becomes tense, like an elastic band.
Now you need to act very quickly to prevent its shape from changing.

Having installed the device in place, the gynecologist moves the inserted part a few centimeters into the uterine cavity. This forces the spiral to return to its original shape.

The doctor carefully removes the pusher and device for inserting the coil. The procedure is completed.

This really simple operation may be accompanied by mild, dull pain or simply discomfort. Women who gave birth naturally, consider the insertion of the IUD to be absolutely painless. Those who have never given birth or have a very narrow cervical passage are more sensitive. Some women experience painful cramps within a few minutes.

And finally, all that remains is to cut the thread. The head of a man's penis risks getting tangled in threads that are too long, and too short ones can get pricked! The doctor cuts the threads at a distance of 2-3 centimeters from the entrance to the cervix. Usually the woman is too excited to feel for these threads, indicating the presence of a spiral, so this can be done later, in a calmer environment.

How to make sure that the spiral is in place?

Check the availability of the IUD immediately before the first sexual intercourse after its insertion (if you lack the courage, ask your partner to do this); check how it stands every time after your period ends, and then from time to time. This can be done with your finger:

  • Pull your feet as close to your buttocks as possible to reduce the length of your vagina.
  • Insert the previously disinfected middle finger. The finger spreads the vaginal lips and touches the convex part of the cervix.
  • Feel for the hole (small depression) where the threads are located.
  • IN certain days The uterus may move in such a way that it is very difficult to locate the cervix or find the opening.

Try repeating the operation the next day. If you cannot feel the protruding threads after several days, or if they seem shorter or longer than they should be, or if you feel a protruding plastic part with your finger, make an appointment with your doctor.

It is advisable to have a special mirror at home and periodically conduct self-examination. With its help, you can also examine threads. Typically, a month after insertion of the IUD, you must undergo a medical examination. Then it is advisable to see a doctor every six months.

Possible reaction of the body to the establishment of a spiral

Minor bleeding without complications is observed. If it does not stop or turns into severe open bleeding, consult a doctor.

By prescribing a simple treatment, he will stop it. Cramping or intrauterine pain may occur. They will disappear after using antispasmodic drugs prescribed by the doctor, and after 2 months they will completely go away on their own.

There is always a danger of the spiral coming out. It is for this reason that self-monitoring is recommended. The body has a unique ability to reject foreign bodies. If he cannot tolerate the IUD, then rejection will occur within the first three months. This often occurs during menstruation. Sometimes a woman does not notice that the spiral has fallen out.

Observe yourself carefully and pay attention to the bottom of the toilet or sanitary napkins.

Using hygienic tampons, it is impossible to inadvertently remove the IUD. The coil cannot get tangled or caught on the tampon. Signs of rejection are:

  • Unusual vaginal discharge.
  • Spasms and severe pain.
  • Bleeding.
  • Too long threads when palpated with a finger or a heightened sensation of the presence of a foreign object in the cervical canal or in the vagina.
  • Partner complaints (irritated tip of the penis).
  • Painful sensations during sexual intercourse.

Symptoms indicating the presence of an infection (fever, unusual bleeding, colic, pain in the pelvic area) should make you contact your gynecologist immediately.

When to install a spiral?

This is usually done before or at the very end of menstruation. It all depends on the doctor and his skill.

Those doctors who prefer to insert the IUD during or immediately after the end of menstruation believe that the cervical passage is slightly open during this period, which allows the IUD to be inserted with less pain.

Moreover, you can be sure that there is no pregnancy. Is it possible to insert an IUD immediately after childbirth or abortion? That's what they did before. But now many doctors are afraid of infection, or perforation of the uterus, or rejection of the device, since the cervix at this time is softer and the uterine cavity is enlarged.

Thus, it is better to insert the IUD 2-3 months after the birth of the child and a month after an artificial termination of pregnancy or a delay in menstruation. Advantages of the spiral:

  • The IUD provides very effective and permanent protection against pregnancy from the very moment it is inserted.
  • The IUD has little effect on the body’s natural hormonal balance.
  • The spiral allows you to lead a carefree sex life: no need to take, administer spermicidal capsules and ointments, or measure body temperature.
  • The presence of a spiral facilitates the process of familiarization with the genitals, since it requires constant palpation with a finger.
  • The spiral does not need to be changed often. Plastic IUDs are changed every 3-4 years in order to prevent and eliminate the possibility of inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs (if not for this danger, one IUD could be installed for life).
  • If desired, immediately after removing the IUD, you can think about conceiving a child.

Spirals with copper wire are also removed every 3-4 years. They probably lose their reliability after this period, since the beginning of oxidative processes does not allow copper ions to be active. And sometimes it simply dissolves and is absorbed by the body when it is deficient. IUDs containing progesterone last for a year.

What are the contraindications to installing an IUD?

Absolute contraindications:

  • Pregnancy.
  • Acute or chronic genital infection.
  • Underdeveloped uterus.
  • Unreasonable bleeding from the genital tract of unknown origin.
  • Postpartum period (recent birth).

General contraindications:

  • Coagulation problems (poor blood clotting).
  • Cardiovascular diseases.
  • Diabetes mellitus.

Relative contraindications:

  • Fibroma.
  • A woman who has not given birth (the spiral is placed only after the consent of the woman, who has been warned about possible consequences, and only in case of a complete ban on the use of contraceptive hormonal drugs). The patient's condition is being closely monitored.
  • Some malformations of the uterus.
  • Previous operations on the uterus (presence of scars).
  • Cases of ectopic pregnancy or plastic surgery on the uterine lips in the past.

Pregnancy with an IUD, fortunately, is quite rare. If your period is late, take a pregnancy test immediately.

At positive result undergo an ultrasound examination to clarify the location of the spiral in relation to the uterine cavity and embryonic sac.

If the IUD is located under the embryonic sac and the pregnancy is progressing normally, the gynecologist may carefully remove it to avoid infectious complications(this, of course, applies to women who want to continue their pregnancy).

If the IUD is located above the embryo sac, it must be left in place and ensure normal pregnancy. It is necessary to make an appropriate entry in the patient’s personal card so as not to forget to remove the IUD from the placenta after birth.

One midwife even witnessed a newborn baby holding the coil in his small clenched fist. And finally, if a woman does not want to continue the pregnancy, you can resort to artificial termination in the appropriate manner.

The most common cases of spontaneous miscarriage are early stages pregnancy. The incidence of ectopic pregnancy is 2.9%. This is very serious and dangerous complication. If it is not detected in time, then first a hole appears in the fallopian tube, then it ruptures (the fallopian tube is too narrow to accommodate a growing egg), after which bleeding opens, inflammatory processes worsen, infection occurs and as a result - loss of the tube, which leads to infertility, and sometimes (in the past) to death.

The symptoms are the same as in early pregnancy (fatigue, vomiting, breast pain). Sometimes there are continuous spotting black, lack of menstruation, pain in abdominal cavity varying degrees intensity (light, dull, cutting), increasing as pregnancy progresses.

One or all of these symptoms occur suddenly, so you need to be very careful and consult a doctor as soon as possible. An ectopic pregnancy is a “bomb” inside that will explode at any moment.

Perforation most often occurs during insertion of the IUD due to clumsiness or lack of experience on the part of the physician. A poorly installed IUD rests against the wall of the uterus, with part of the IUD halfway passing through the mucous membrane of the uterus, or the IUD “goes” into the abdominal cavity.

What happens next? The spiral can move from organ to organ and penetrate them, which, naturally, requires urgent surgical intervention. Unfortunately, perforation does not have any special symptoms that would allow it to be detected.

Therefore, the first signal for concern may be too short threads or complete absence during self-examination. The second sign of perforation, paradoxically as it may seem, is pregnancy. The fact is that once the spiral has disappeared, the woman is no longer protected.

So, if the threads of the spiral cannot be felt and are invisible when examined with a mirror, it means that either the spiral has fallen out, which was not noticed, or perforation has occurred. The doctor has a number of tools for a more accurate determination.

He may examine the uterine cavity using a probe or a biopsy instrument. It is necessary to undergo fluorography (all plastic spirals are coated with barium so that they can be detected using X-rays), or even better - echography.

If the IUD is still in the uterus, after opening the cervix (which is painful in itself), you can pull on the threads to remove it. If the spiral has settled in the abdominal cavity, it must be removed, since in this case there is a danger infectious disease, as well as difficulties in the functioning of organs that encounter a spiral, the presence of which leads to tingling and even pinching (for example, the intestines).

IN similar situation necessary surgery, the operation is often performed using abdominal endoscopy. Inflammatory processes in the uterus and pelvic organs are the most common complication and one of the least treatable, which in the future will affect the full functioning of the reproductive organs.

On average, when using a spiral, this danger increases 3 times, 7 times if a woman has not given birth, and 1.7 times if she already has more than three children. It is for this reason that many doctors refuse to insert the IUD into young women who do not have children and have irregular sex lives with multiple partners, which increases the risk of infection or sexually transmitted viruses.

The prospect of entering sexual maturity with an infection of the fallopian tubes, which will ultimately lead to complete infertility, cannot satisfy either the doctor or the woman herself.

There may be cases where the uterine mucosa accumulates around the IUD, partially covering it, which prevents the IUD from performing its functions. Removing an encapsulated coil is very painful; sometimes you have to resort to curettage.

Inconveniences when using a spiral

They are not systematic, and in most cases they are completely absent. But nevertheless, under certain circumstances they can bother a woman. During installation of the IUD, rupture of the cervix with forceps is not possible if all actions and stretching are performed carefully. If the cervix is ​​damaged, it is first treated. Perforation (perforation) of the uterus is very serious complication, especially not pleasant, since it cannot be detected immediately, since it is painless. Perforation occurs due to inaccurate hysterometry or careless insertion of the spiral. In case of complications, the woman needs rest, ice on the stomach and a course of antibiotic treatment.

Among modern women many people use the intrauterine device to prevent unwanted pregnancy in their body. But not everyone fully understands principle of operation of the intrauterine device.

The principle of operation of the intrauterine device

An intrauterine device is a gynecological device that mechanically prevents unwanted fertilization of a woman:

The spiral accelerates the movement of the fertilized egg along fallopian tubes. For such short term the fertilized egg does not have time to be enriched with all the necessary qualities. These qualities, in turn, during natural conception contribute to the further consolidation of the embryo inside the uterine cavity.

In addition, the intrauterine device mechanically prevents the penetration of the egg into the uterine cavity. The fertilized egg, not finding a cozy place for itself, dies over time and is released from female body during menstruation.

The components that make up the intrauterine device reduce the ability of the sperm to perform its functional duties. This greatly enhances contraceptive effect this type of female contraception.

Benefits of the intrauterine device

What are the advantages of the IUD:

First positive thing When using an intrauterine device, this method of contraception is highly effective. About 97% guaranteed.

Spirals are very convenient to use and do not require preliminary preparatory activities before sexual intercourse.

The presence of a spiral in the uterine cavity does not in any way affect the normal course of a woman’s life.

At the same time, the complete absence discomfort during intimacy and preventing unwanted pregnancies.

The intrauterine device does not affect the lactation period in any way and is perfect for women who have recently given birth and who are breastfeeding.

The principle of operation of the intrauterine device does not in any way affect the natural process of reproductive function of the female body. Namely: during ovulation, the egg continues to mature, and the grown layer of the intrauterine epithelium is periodically rejected. The latter is indicated by monthly menstrual bleeding.

After removal of the intrauterine device, a woman can easily become pregnant in the near future.

Disadvantages of the intrauterine device

But this method of contraception has disadvantages:

The spiral is one way or another a foreign body inside the female body. That is, the intrauterine device can be rejected by the tissues adjacent to it. This is evidenced by the occurrence of inflammatory processes in the uterine cavity after the installation of this contraceptive device.

The intrauterine device should not be used by nulliparous women. Due to a possible inflammatory process in the area of ​​the internal genital organs, a woman may remain infertile forever.

May provoke more painful menstruation with profuse bleeding.

Does not guarantee 100% absence of unwanted conception and can lead to ectopic pregnancy.

It should be noted that the installation of an intrauterine device should be carried out only by a gynecologist and after complete medical examination women. Come to our medical center in Moscow, and we are guaranteed to find you the best way contraception, taking into account all the characteristics of your body. Modern medical equipment and experience medical specialists our clinic will help identify the presence of diseases of your genital organs even on the most early stage. This will help preserve your women's health as much as possible and prevent undesirable consequences after installation of the intrauterine device.

A modern intrauterine device is a small device made of plastic and T-shaped. Often, spirals are coated with various metals; such spirals containing hormones are produced. Today this is one of the most popular means of contraception, as it gives enough reliable protection, and the price of an intrauterine device is affordable for any woman.

Many women choose the IUD without fully familiarizing themselves with the peculiarities of its effect on the body, which leads to problems in the future. Therefore, before choosing any method of contraception, including the IUD, you need to study all the information about it and carefully analyze all the pros and cons.

What is an intrauterine device and how does it work (Video)

The intrauterine device today is one of the most effective methods contraception. After its installation, the likelihood of an unwanted pregnancy is reduced to a few tenths of a percent. Modern spirals are very compact in size and very easy to install, without reducing their effectiveness.

The intrauterine device works in two directions at once. Its presence in the uterus makes implantation of the embryo impossible. Therefore, even if the egg is fertilized, pregnancy, or the actual consolidation of the cell and the formation of an embryo, will not occur. In addition, the spiral is often coated with various metals, for example, copper, silver or gold, which act on sperm, making them incapable of fertilization, this minimizes not only the possibility of implantation of a fertilized cell, but also the possibility of fertilization itself.

The spiral protects against unwanted pregnancy in several ways at once, guaranteeing an almost one hundred percent effect.

In addition, today there are spirals containing hormones, which, in addition to all the properties already mentioned, slowly release a hormonal drug that blocks the growth of the endometrium, reduces the permeability of the cervix for sperm and leads to the disappearance of menstruation. Such spirals are usually designed to last for several years.

What intrauterine devices exist - types and materials

Most modern spirals have the shape of the letter T, since this shape is the most physiological. The most popular are simple plastic coils coated with copper. Such a coil constantly releases trace amounts of copper, which negatively affects the condition of sperm. They are very effective, while the price of the intrauterine device remains very affordable. This is especially noticeable when you consider that such a spiral can remain in a woman’s body for up to 10 years. In addition to T-shaped copper spirals, Multiload spirals are produced, which have a semi-oval shape. They are more securely fixed in the uterine cavity and fall out less often, which makes them more reliable.

Some types of intrauterine devices with precious metals are quite popular these days. Such spirals may have a gold or silver coating, or a core made of precious metal. Such spirals are often chosen because noble metals supposedly protect against pregnancy more effectively, but this has no medical basis. As for the disinfecting effect of noble metals, gold and silver spirals are indeed capable of preventing the development of inflammatory processes. But the price of an intrauterine device with precious metals often scares off patients.

The most popular today are plastic coils with copper, but you can also choose hormonal systems or coils with noble metals.

The most modern look intrauterine devices are hormone-containing devices. Such spirals are very effective, and not only protect against almost one hundred percent, but also help cure endometrial hyperplasia, adenoma initial stage and strong menstrual pain. But you need to understand that such a device also has all the side effects of hormonal drugs.

Installation and removal of the intrauterine device

Many women refuse to use intrauterine devices because they are afraid of the process of inserting and removing them. In fact, everything is very simple and almost painless. Before the procedure for installing an intrauterine device, an examination is required on a gynecological chair. It is necessary to exclude the presence inflammatory diseases, STDs, a PAP test and colposcopy, as well as an ultrasound, are usually also performed. This helps to exclude the presence of contraindications to the installation of the IUD, as well as pregnancy.

The installation of the intrauterine device itself takes only a few minutes and does not require anesthesia. Some unpleasant sensations are, of course, possible; they usually occur in nulliparous women. But, if the doctor does everything correctly, then such sensations will be minimal. After installation of the intrauterine device, an ultrasound scan is required to monitor its position. Within 4 weeks after the installation procedure, you must visit the gynecologist again to monitor the position of the spiral and analyze possible problems.

You can install the IUD on almost any day of the cycle, but it is best to do this during the first 7 days of the cycle. This will completely eliminate the possibility of pregnancy at the time of installation. In addition, this reduces the possibility of unauthorized expulsion of the IUD from the uterine cavity. The IUD can also be used as an emergency method of contraception. If you install it within 5 days from the moment of sexual intercourse, it will help avoid pregnancy much more effectively than.

At the right approach and sufficient skill of the doctor, installation and removal of the spiral is almost painless.

Removal of the intrauterine device is carried out when a woman decides to become pregnant. In addition, the spiral is removed after the time for which it was installed has expired. It is best to remove the intrauterine device during menstruation. During this period, the cervix opens slightly, so removing the IUD will cause minimal discomfort. Removal of the intrauterine device is carried out using special threads attached to it. After removal, the coil must be shown to the patient to ensure that it has been removed accurately. An ultrasound examination is then performed to rule out the possibility that part of the device remains inside the body.

Advantages of the IUD over other methods of contraception

According to reviews, there are many advantages of the intrauterine device. The first thing that attracts most patients is the relatively low price of the intrauterine device when long term service, up to 10 years. This allows you to significantly save money when compared with barrier methods of contraception or taking hormonal contraceptive medications.

The second indisputable advantage of the IUD is the ability to put it on once and forget about protection for several years. This is very important for married women living an active and regular sex life. Thinking about pills every morning or being afraid of getting pregnant every evening is at least inconvenient.

Comfort and low price are the main advantages of intrauterine devices.

Today you can choose an IUD that will not only protect against unwanted pregnancy, but will also have medicinal properties. There are spirals with a bactericidal effect, as well as spirals with hormonal components. Although IUDs are also reported to cause side effects, they never cause obesity, bleeding disorders, or headaches like hormonal drugs. It is also important that IUDs (except hormonal ones) do not negatively affect lactation and are not contraindicated during this period.

Sometimes men complain of discomfort during sexual intercourse from the IUD, but most often this is self-hypnosis, and if they are not warned about it, they do not notice anything.

Side effects of using the IUD

Although most reviews about the intrauterine device are positive and reassuring of their safety and convenience, there is also information about negative side effects from using the device. To be fair, it should be said that all the troubles associated with the use of the IUD most often go away within a few months after installation, but not all women survive this period. If the discomfort does not go away, removal of the intrauterine device is required.

After choosing the best intrauterine device and installing it, pain in the lower abdomen may appear, sometimes spotting in the middle of the cycle appears, and menstruation may become longer and more painful. Sometimes the coils can spontaneously leave the uterus, this is especially common after lifting weights.

Majority side effects spirals pass within a few months.

In addition, when using the IUD, like any other contraceptive, there is a minimal chance of pregnancy. In this case, it is often ectopic. But even normal pregnancy against the background of a spiral, it often requires interruption.

Contraindications to the installation of an intrauterine device

Whatever type of intrauterine device you choose, you must take into account that they are not suitable for all women. Regardless of the quality and price of the intrauterine device, there are conditions in which it cannot be used. These conditions include any disease that deforms cervical canal or the uterine cavity. These include a narrowing of the canal in the cervix, a saddle-shaped or bicornuate uterus, and fibroids. The IUD should not be used by those who have been diagnosed with an ectopic pregnancy in the past.

Before installing an intrauterine device, it is very important to study the list of contraindications to them.

Although reviews of intrauterine devices are mostly positive, their use is not recommended:

  • with frequent genital infections and inflammatory genital organs;
  • in the presence of tumors of the genital organs and;
  • in adolescents and nulliparous women;
  • at frequent changes sexual partners.

Determine whether it is worth installing a spiral and select correct view A gynecologist will help you with an intrauterine device. Fortunately, situations where all types of intrauterine device are contraindicated or when they cause unpleasant side effects are rare; today this is one of the simplest and safe methods contraception.

It is necessary and important to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy. For women, this issue is probably more acute. It is she who will have to take very difficult decision– give birth or terminate the pregnancy? The latter option negatively affects her health and can cause complications. Modern gynecology has wide range contraceptive methods . Of the many contraceptives different mechanism actions gynecologists often recommend contraceptive IUDs.

The intrauterine device as an effective method of contraception

The principle of operation of the contraceptive device (or intrauterine device) is simple and effective. This is one of early methods contraception, which began to be used in gynecology. The reliability of its protection against unwanted pregnancy is up to 98%. Types of spirals (or IUDs) vary:

  • by form;
  • according to the principle of action;
  • by the presence of hormones.

The effect of the contraceptive device , unlike other contraceptives, it is based on the accelerated passage of the egg through the fallopian tubes, which prevents it from accumulating the necessary substances for implantation into the uterus. For further development– this is the first serious obstacle. The second is the lack of space for implantation, since it is occupied by a contraceptive. The third barrier is the substances released by the IUD (they are different and depend on kind spirals).
Anti-pregnancy spiral – effective remedy protection, but it has positive and negative aspects applications. The IUD is selected and installed individually, taking into account anatomical features woman’s body, her state of health, the results of the last medical examination.

Types of intrauterine devices

There is no point in talking about the best intrauterine device, since a gynecologist should help you choose it based on the individual characteristics of the woman. There are about 50 varieties, which can be divided into two groups:

  • inert (they are made from polymer materials);
  • medicinal (it contains metals - copper, silver, gold and others).

Copper has a beneficial effect on a woman’s body, reduces pain, the risk of bleeding, provides effective protection. Women speak even better about IUDs with silver. Silver has a strong antimicrobial effect, prevents inflammatory processes in the uterus.
Installing a spiral with gold is considered an improved protection option, since this metal does not corrode, is biologically compatible with the body, and does not cause allergic reactions, after use does not affect reproductive function women. Gold intrauterine device made from 99-grade precious metal.

Differences between the hormonal IUD

The mechanism of how the contraceptive device works is similar, regardless of its type and design features. Hormonal differs only in the presence biologically active substance . The contraceptive with the hormone looks like the letter T, its dimensions are 3-5 cm. The hormone levonorgestrel is located in a special compartment and is dosed into the uterus.

Levonorgestrel is an artificial analogue of the pregnancy hormone progesterone and affects the attachment of the egg. Even if the egg is fertilized, pregnancy does not develop. The hormone affects several processes at once:

  • height epithelial tissue the uterus slows down;
  • there is a decrease in the secretion of the sex glands;
  • The mucus in the cervix thickens, which is why the egg cannot penetrate inside and gain a foothold in the uterine cavity.

Hormone spiral valid for 5 years Therefore, the T-spiral is considered one of the most reliable methods of contraception. Hormonal IUDs reliably protect against unwanted pregnancy and reduce the risk of complications when using this method contraception.

Types of hormonal IUDs

The most popular and in demand in gynecological practice are two types of hormonal IUDs:

  • Mirena - manufactured in Germany, installed for 5 years. In the first years, the hormone is supplied in an amount of 20 mcg per day, by the fifth year its amount decreases to 10 mcg. During use, the profuseness of menstrual bleeding decreases significantly, until it disappears completely.
  • Levonova - produced in Finland, has similar characteristics to Mirena, recommended for women who are contraindicated in taking medications with estrogen.

Positive aspects of using hormonal IUDs

To general positive characteristics This method of contraception includes:

  • protection against unwanted pregnancy 99.9%;
  • fast and convenient installation ;
  • local action hormone;
  • during use, the woman’s body weight does not change;
  • long service life;
  • During intimacy, partners do not experience any discomfort;
  • with fibroids, a therapeutic effect is manifested.

Negative aspects of using hormonal IUDs

At large quantities positive aspects The practice of using hormonal IUDs also describes the negative aspects:

  • manifestation of side effects (especially in the first time after installation);
  • there is a risk of infections in the uterine cavity (the risk of infections is reduced if there are precious metals in the design of the spiral);
  • can only be used by women who have given birth (there is an exception for women who do not have children, according to medical indications;
  • high cost contraceptive;
  • it takes time to get used to;
  • Some diseases may be a contraindication;
  • Do not take hormonal medications without consulting a doctor;
  • fertility is restored 6-12 months after extraction;
  • does not provide protection against sexually transmitted diseases.

Installation of a hormonal IUD after childbirth

During the recovery period, women after childbirth have irregular periods, so focus on the cycle in order to protection against unwanted pregnancy is unreliable, during lactation menstrual bleeding are missing. General period Restoring women's health after childbirth takes up to 9 months.
It is not uncommon for young mothers, absorbed in caring for the baby, to feel signs of a new pregnancy already at a considerable period of time. For the purpose of protection, gynecologists recommend inserting a hormonal IUD as early as 6 weeks after birth. It doesn't affect breast-feeding, does not change the composition breast milk.

Installation of an intrauterine hormonal device

To carry out a simple and short procedure for installing a hormonal IUD, you need preliminary preparation:

  • smear examination;
  • general analysis blood and urine;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs.

For some individual characteristics may be needed additional research and consultations narrow specialists.
Hormonal IUDs reduce the amount menstrual flow, prevent the development of fibromatous nodes. They are installed in women who have given birth, which is determined anatomically: the uterine cavity is smaller and the cervix is ​​longer.

The device is introduced in the middle of the cycle: at this time, cervical mucus has the highest antibacterial effect, which reduces the risk of rejection and inflammation. The surface of the cervix is ​​treated with gel for local anesthesia. More often painful sensations similar to premenstrual.

After installing the coil, you need to lie down for a while. On this day you cannot do heavy physical work, play sports, have sexual intercourse. During the period of adaptation, heaviness in the lower abdomen and bloody discharge are observed.

Removal of the hormonal IUD

The contraceptive is removed in a clinic if there are no complications. The removal process is more uncomfortable than painful. A woman may have seizures It's a dull pain, minor bleeding - all these manifestations are short-term. Gynecologist inserts a dilator into the cervix, treats it with an antiseptic and, with special forceps, removes the device from the uterine cavity.

Hormonal intrauterine device - modern reliable method contraception. It is designed to protect women who have given birth from unwanted pregnancy. The installation procedure is simple, but the woman receives reliable protection for 5 years. Before deciding to install a hormonal IUD, you need to analyze the positive and negative aspects of its use.