Anastasia Volochkova threw her father's common-law wife out of the apartment. The healing properties of mother and stepmother and method of use Stepmother punishes the guy

Olya sat in the police department and waited for her father to arrive. The policeman occasionally looked at her with pity; her own mother must have turned her in to the police and accused her of theft.

An hour before, Olga's stepmother discovered her earrings were missing, immediately jumped up.

Olga! - Her scream was heard throughout the house.

Olya abandoned the album in which she was drawing a sketch of a dress for her test work and ran headlong to her stepmother.

Yes, mom! - the girl said quietly.

Where are my earrings? - the stepmother asked menacingly.

“I don’t know,” Olya answered fearfully.

Look,” the stepmother ordered.

Olga began looking for earrings in the closet, on the shelves, between books, then she got down on all fours and began looking on the floor under the closet and rug. The earrings were nowhere to be found.

Thief,” the stepmother squealed when Olga stood up and pulled the girl by the ear with force.

“I didn’t take the earrings,” Olya was even more frightened.

Thief,” the stepmother continued to squeal, “to the police, write a statement, quickly!”

Olya went to get dressed, not understanding what was happening. Upon arrival at the police, the stepmother wrote a statement against Olga about the theft of earrings and left her at the police station as a thief.

The girl was sitting on a chair and shaking like a leaf. The policeman poured some tea and took out a box of chocolates from the table.

“Girl, go have some tea,” he turned to her.

Olya obediently sat down at the table and began to drink tea; she did not touch the candy. The policeman took the candy and gave it to the girl. She put it in her mouth.

Why did she accuse you? - he asked

Mom said I stole the earrings!

Did you take them?

No, why do I need them! - The girl shrugged.

Have you been looking, maybe you got lost somewhere? - asked the man.

“I looked, but I couldn’t find it,” Olya sighed.

AND dear mother did she immediately turn you in to the police? - The policeman didn’t believe it.

She’s not my own, dad married her six months ago,” Olya answered melancholy.

Wow, evil stepmother, that means,” the man summed up, “what should I do with you?”

“I don’t know,” said the girl.

Then the door swung open and appeared on the threshold tall man, very stylishly dressed.

“Dad,” Olya whispered.

And then she cringed because she saw her stepmother behind her father’s back.

Olya, how could you,” the father began from the threshold.

“Nothing has been proven yet,” the policeman stood up for the girl.

Where did they go then? - Olya’s father asked angrily.

“I don’t know,” Olya and the policeman answered in unison.

“Sit down and tell us everything in detail, what the earrings look like, when you noticed it was missing, who was the last to enter the room, maybe there is a photo of the earrings, who else lives in the house with you,” the policeman blurted out.

The girl’s father sat down on a chair and looked at his wife, “Tell me, Lyusenka.”

Lyusenka turned red, went up to the table and began to tell who lived in the house with them.

Then she decided to take her phone out of her purse to show a photo of her wearing these earrings. And then something fell on the floor and clanged. Lyusenka quickly picked it up, but both the policeman and Lyusenka’s husband noticed that it was some kind of decoration.

“Put on the table what you picked up from the floor,” the policeman sternly ordered.

Olya's stepmother looked hopefully at her husband, but he nodded his head,

Put it down, Lyusenka! - he said.

Earrings lay on the table.

Now show me the photo,” the policeman said.

In the photo, Olya’s stepmother was wearing exactly these earrings.

How do you explain this? - Her husband asked her sternly.

“I thought, I thought, I thought,” stepmother Lyusenka began to stutter.

Well, what did you think? - asked Olya’s father.

I thought they’d put her in prison or send her to a colony for juvenile delinquents, and you and I would be left alone,” Lyusenka pointed her finger at her stepdaughter.

“I see,” said her husband. He stood up and approached Olga.

Daughter, I’m sorry for thinking so badly about you, let’s go home! - he apologized to his daughter.

What about me? - Olya’s stepmother shouted.

And you go wherever you want! She deceived me, she turned my daughter over to the police, don’t you understand what you almost did? — the man said angrily to his wife, “I’ll file for divorce myself, don’t bother.”

Won't you write a statement? - asked the policeman.

About what? — Olya’s father was surprised.

About giving false testimony and moral harm,” the policeman explained.

No, don’t, we’ll go, but if you want, let her go, if you want, fine her, it’s distracting you from your work! - the man said and left the office, hugging his daughter by the shoulders.

Olya’s stepmother sat down on a chair and cried bitterly, such good plan and everything failed.

And Olya and dad went home.

Yuri Fedorovich has been bedridden for ten years due to paralysis. The dancer supported her parent and his family. Every month they received 30,000 rubles. Over time, the star’s new relatives began to perceive help as a salary. They also forgot that the apartment was a gift for only the prima’s father.

Yuri Fedorovich did not receive care. The roommate did not care about the premises either, having neglected it. Seeing a broken toilet and cracked walls in the apartment donated to her father, Anastasia Volochkova became furious. Rumors circulating around the house added fuel to the fire that his husband was raising his hand against the helpless old man. Having sent her parent to a sanatorium and evicted Elena and Anna, the ballerina hired a team of workers. Within a few months, the builders completed a major overhaul.

Anastasia Volochkova - relationship with her father

Anastasia Volochkova is known primarily as a ballerina. But for more than ten years she has been working on other projects. The dancer appears more often on TV screens.


Volochkova’s father also once had fame. Yuri Fedorovich won the USSR table tennis championship in 1983. After finishing his career as an athlete, he became a recognized athletics coach.

But Yuri Fedorovich and his daughter were difficult relationship. The man left the family when Nastya was not yet fifteen years old. The ballerina found the strength to forgive her father, support him financially and even buy a home.

The stepdaughter-stepmother quarrel did not turn into a quarrel between father and daughter. Bolshoi Theater Star recent months spent taking care of her dad.

Renovated apartment - new life

At the Opeka sanatorium, doctors were able to get the former athlete back on his feet. Returning from treatment, Yuri Fedorovich was very happy when he saw completely renovated apartment. The disease deprived him of speech, but his gestures and emotions spoke of gratitude.

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Anastasia Volochkova also thanked the RVT company for quickly and efficiently renovating her father’s apartment. Yuri Volochkov returned to a clean, well-kept apartment. The daughter, despite all the grievances against her father, helped him in difficult times and shows by her actions how much she loves him.

Coltsfoot has been known since ancient times as a plant with many healing properties.

It was used in both folk and official medicine for the treatment of external and internal diseases.

Many recipes were compiled by ancient Roman healers. It is no less popular in our time.

On the shelves of pharmacies are preparations and preparations that include coltsfoot. We will describe below what medicines you can prepare from it at home.

Biological description of the plant

Coltsfoot (family Asteraceae) is a perennial herbaceous plant.

It has a creeping rhizome and fluffy stems covered with pink scales extend from it.

They are decorated with baskets of bright yellow flowers.

The Latin name is Tussilago farfara L., which translates as “cough reliever.”

The Russian name is explained by the special structure of the leaves of the plant - the lower side is soft (“mother”), and the upper side is smooth and cold (“stepmother”).

They are round, with jagged edges, dark green, up to 20 cm in diameter.

Grows everywhere - along ravines, embankments, river banks; prefers illuminated places. The flowers appear first, in March–April, then the leaves appear.

Chemical composition

Leaves and flowers differ somewhat in the set of elements:

Such a rich composition explains beneficial properties And wide application coltsfoot.

What do you know about kidney tea, the instructions for use of which are written in useful article? Read how to take and for whom orthosiphon is contraindicated.

Read about the treatment of prostatitis with a magnet at home on this page.

Medicinal properties and indications for use

This herb, as part of drugs and home remedies, has a complex therapeutic effect:

  • emollient (the effect is similar to buckthorn bark or castor oil, instructions for use of which are here) and expectorant;
  • enveloping;
  • disinfectant and anti-inflammatory;
  • astringent;
  • diaphoretic.

Mucus coats the airways, which prevents irritation; saponins and organic acids dilute dry secretions and facilitate expectoration.

Tannins inhibit the development of pathogenic bacteria and promote fast healing fabrics. Essential oils tone, glycosides normalize heart function.

Coltsfoot is prescribed for a number of diseases for external and internal use as an aid. Main indications:

  • “dry” and “wet” cough;
  • sore throat, tuberculosis, bronchitis, influenza, pleurisy;
  • toothache, stomatitis, gingivitis;
  • gastrointestinal diseases, bladder, kidneys (the benefits of lingonberry leaves are written in this article);
  • skin diseases, purulent infections, burns and wounds;
  • hair loss and dandruff;
  • mastitis;
  • heart disease, hypertensive disorders, atherosclerosis;
  • nervous disorders and epilepsy (melilot officinalis can be used to treat it);
  • increased fatigue and decreased immunity;
  • allergy;
  • malaria.

Harm and contraindications

You need to use only high-quality raw materials to prepare home remedies, and when purchasing ready-made ones, check the expiration date.

There is also information about carcinogenic effect alkaloids, which is why in some countries coltsfoot is not available for free sale. It should not be taken:

  • For pregnant and lactating women, the herb can disrupt fetal development or cause miscarriage.
  • Women suffering from delayed menstrual cycles.
  • People with liver diseases (cirrhosis, hepatitis). Alkoloids contained in the plant destroy its cells.
  • Children under 2 years old.
  • At simultaneous administration antipyretics, some biologically active additives and vitamins.
  • In case of individual intolerance to the plant.

Consult your doctor before adding coltsfoot to your medications. medicines, because you may not know that you have these contraindications.

Do you know what a laxative is? fast action Is the tablet based on herbs? Read this helpful article before visiting the pharmacy.

Read about the beneficial properties of honey with mumiyo here.

On the page: find out the benefits of white linden honey.

Side effects

They may appear as:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • abdominal pain and intestinal disorders;
  • temperature rise.

In these cases, stop using coltsfoot immediately!

Methods of using coltsfoot

All above-ground parts of this herb have medicinal properties. Previously, roots were also used for treatment, but this is no longer practiced.

Yellow baskets of inflorescences are harvested in early spring, leaves - in the first months of summer. It is necessary to collect strong, undamaged parts of the plant and only in clear weather.

The raw materials are dried in the open air or in a special oven at a temperature of 50 - 60°C, this way all the useful substances are preserved.

Then they are separated, since flowers last for 2 years, and leaves for 3.

Store in a closed container or linen bags.

Based on herbal collection prepared: infusions, tinctures, decoctions, teas, fresh gruel and juice, medicinal “cigarettes”, powder, tablets, mixtures and syrups.

Folk recipes

  • collection of coltsfoot leaves - 1 teaspoon;
  • boiling water – 1 cup.

Brew the raw materials in an enamel bowl and cover with a lid. Place in a water bath or low heat and heat for 15 minutes, stirring constantly.

Take 1/3 cup, 3 times a day before meals. Duration – 2 days. The decoction is useful for inflammation of the throat and lungs, bronchitis.

This is an effective expectorant that helps soften and remove mucus.

It is also prescribed for inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract and heart disease, dosage – 1 tbsp. spoon 6 times a day, before meals.

Externally – to strengthen hair (rinse) and treat wounds (rinsing and compresses).

Water infusion

  • dried flowers – 20 g;
  • boiling water – 1 liter.

Fill the baskets and leave to steep for 1 hour.

Take the strained infusion 100 ml 3 times a day for stomach diseases.

It normalizes the acidity of the stomach (about the treatment of gastritis with folk remedies is written here), soothes the irritated mucous membrane and promotes its healing.

It is used externally to gargle. Widely used in the treatment of laryngitis in children using folk remedies.

Medicinal "cigarettes"

  • powder from the leaves of the plant - 2 teaspoons;
  • cigarette paper.

They make a pipe and fill it with grass, then smoke it like a cigarette. You can scatter the powder over a hot frying pan and inhale the rising smoke.

The product helps with suffocating cough.

Fresh plant juice

To obtain it, young leaves are used, which are doused with boiling water and minced in a meat grinder.

Squeeze out the pulp and add an equal amount of water, heat and boil for 2 minutes. Take 1 tbsp. spoon, three times a day (after meals).

The juice is useful for vitamin deficiency. To get rid of a runny nose, put 2 - 3 drops into the nose.

Vodka tincture

  • raw materials from dried flowers of the plant;
  • vodka.

Take the components in equal volumes and mix in a glass bottle. Place in a dark place for a week.

The dosage is 30 – 40 drops, once a day. The tincture stimulates metabolism and strengthens the immune system.

Useful advice

Despite the healing composition, coltsfoot is used only as additional remedy treatment.

Being a potent plant, it requires careful use, so you should not use it uncontrollably, considering it a harmless herb.

To avoid making a mistake with the dosage and harming yourself, consult your doctor.

How and when to collect, what diseases they will help with folk recipes from coltsfoot - watch the video below.

Medicinal plants (herbalist) Anisimov A.M.

2018-05-03 Coltsfoot blooms with yellow flowers in spring. Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Coltsfoot - common medicinal plant, helping in the treatment of colds, coughs, tuberculosis, scrofula, purulent wounds and even hair loss. Preparations based on coltsfoot act slowly, but without side effects for human health.

Traditional medicine recognizes and widely uses coltsfoot to treat many diseases of various natures. Popular names for coltsfoot are: butterbur, horse's hoof, hemlock, camel grass, and rosemary grass. WITH therapeutic purpose grass and coltsfoot flowers are used.

Coltsfoot flowers are harvested in the spring, immediately after yellow flowers appear on the soil surface - in April-May. And the grass, the young leaves of coltsfoot, is collected immediately after the dandelion-like achenes ripen. The grass and flowers are dried by laying them out in a warm place with good ventilation.

Botanical description of coltsfoot

Coltsfoot (Latin Tussilago farfara, English Coltsfoot) is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Asteraceae family, growing everywhere along the banks of reservoirs, in ravines, ditches, etc.

Coltsfoot flower close up. Flowers are harvested in April-May. Photo: © 2018 Glen Mittelhauser

The height of the plant reaches 25 cm in height, the rhizome is creeping. Numerous scaly leaves grow on the stem of the coltsfoot, and the flowers are small and yellow. When the achenes ripen, the flowers turn into downy heads, like those of a dandelion.

The basal leaves of coltsfoot appear after flowering, round-heart-shaped, angular, unequally toothed, quite large (about the size of an open palm), of different sizes, similar in shape to bottom surface horse hoof.

A distinctive feature of the plant is that the leaves of coltsfoot are bare and smooth on top, and fluffy below (when you touch the leaf, it seems cold on top and warm below).

The healing properties of coltsfoot

Scientific medicine recommends using an infusion of coltsfoot leaves to treat diseases of the upper respiratory tract, as an expectorant, disinfectant and anti-inflammatory agent. An infusion of coltsfoot leaves is prescribed for the treatment of diseases gastrointestinal tract as an astringent.

Coltsfoot leaves are shaped like a hoof print. Photo: Pflanzenbestimmung

IN folk medicine Preparations from coltsfoot are used to treat:

  • Bronchitis, chronic and acute;
  • Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines;
  • Inflammatory processes in the kidneys and bladder;
  • Scrofula and general weakness of the body;
  • Skin diseases, in particular erysipelas;
  • Dandruff and hair loss;
  • Colds and coughs;
  • Pulmonary tuberculosis in the early stage.

Herbs and coltsfoot flowers have diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and expectorant effects in the treatment of acute and chronic bronchitis.

For inflammation mucous membrane of the intestines, stomach, bladder and kidneys, a decoction of coltsfoot is used as an anti-inflammatory and diaphoretic, taking 2-3 tablespoons orally 3-4 times a day.

Coltsfoot forms an achene similar to a dandelion. Photo: © 2018 Glen Mittelhauser

To diseased areas of the skin ( with erysipelas) apply crushed coltsfoot leaves, and take a decoction inside, one teaspoon 3 times a day.

For scrofula and general weakness of the body, drink tea from the coltsfoot herb.

To speed up ripening abscesses, for chronic wounds And toothache use fresh coltsfoot leaves - they give best effect than poultices. For toothache, it is recommended to suck the smoke of the coltsfoot herb into your mouth.

A runny nose is treated with fresh juice from coltsfoot leaves, instilling 3 juices into the nostrils and drawing in air after instillation.

The therapeutic effect of coltsfoot is slow, but positive and without side complications.

Drug recipes and methods of use

Infusion of coltsfoot herb: 5 grams (1 tablespoon) of herb per 200 ml of boiling water (1 glass). The herb is poured with boiling water, covered with a lid and heated in a water bath for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally, then cooled at room temperature, squeezed and filtered. The resulting infusion is brought to 200 ml by adding boiled water. Drink half a glass 3 times a day, an hour before meals as an expectorant. The shelf life of the coltsfoot infusion in the refrigerator is 48 hours.

Coltsfoot decoction: 10-15 grams of herb per 200 ml of boiling water; take 2-3 tbsp orally. spoons 3-4 times a day.

Alcohol infusion of coltsfoot: The flowers are mixed with alcohol in a 1:1 ratio, infused in a dark place for a week, and filtered. The infusion is taken before meals, 30 to 40 drops.

Fresh juice from coltsfoot prepared in June. Coltsfoot leaves are washed with water, doused with boiling water and passed through a meat grinder. The resulting mass is squeezed out manually or using a press. Before use fresh juice dilute with water one to one, and then boil for 3 minutes. The drug is taken 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day after meals. The duration of treatment with coltsfoot juice is 7-10 days.


Preparations based on coltsfoot are contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, children under 2 years of age, suffering from liver disease and alcoholism.

The duration of the general course of treatment with coltsfoot should not exceed 45 days per year.

Anyone who loves walks in the forest will observe the colorful and unforgettable flowering of coltsfoot in early spring. After the snow melts, thawed areas, clearings, secluded open corners of thickets and forest edges are covered with islands of bright yellow, pointed, reed flowers, pleasing to the eye and creating a joyful spring mood after long cold weather.

Did you know that this floral asteraceous crop, belonging to the Asteraceae family, is natural healer? The medicinal plant mother and stepmother, the medicinal properties and contraindications of which are determined by the biologically active phytonutrients present in it, has complex impact on foci of inflammation and the entire body as a whole.

Aqueous infusions of the herb make bronchial mucus more liquid, facilitating the process of sputum discharge, strengthen female body, help in the treatment of genitourinary diseases, lotions with infusion improve the condition of patients with dermatological diseases and damage skin, and mouth rinses soften the manifestation of dental problems.

How is grass collected, dried and stored?

By the way, the plant is one of the very first and especially valuable spring honey plants, providing bees with nectar and pollen. Coltsfoot leaves are harvested in early spring. The collected raw materials are dried under a canopy, in the attic, in a barn or in electric dryers at a temperature not exceeding 50°C.

Keep coltsfoot like the rest medicinal herbs, in paper, cardboard or linen packaging, as well as in glass jars in a dark place with good ventilation. Healing properties raw materials remain unchanged for 2 years. Mother and stepmother is sold in pharmacy chains, markets, eco- and herbal shops.

The healing properties of mother and stepmother

Contains fresh and dried leaves coltsfoot and stepmothers present mucus, tannin, bitter glycosides, tannins, essential oil, phytoncides, sterols, organic acids (malic, gallic and tartaric), polysaccharides, alkaloids, vitamins (carotenoids, C, group B), mineral salts.

Internal reception of hoods, thanks to high concentration mucus, exhibits a pronounced enveloping effect on the walls of the mouth, larynx, throat, esophagus, stomach and intestinal mucosa.

The main properties of the medicinal plant include: diaphoretic, sanitizing, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, regenerating, enveloping, bronchodilator, immunomodulatory and antioxidant.

Purify blood, eliminate mastitis, heal in short terms burn surfaces, ease the course peptic ulcer and cholecystitis and get rid of erysipelas- not far full list diseases that coltsfoot helps with.

This flowering perennial has been widely known in folk medicine for a long time. It is used for many diseases, including respiratory system person. Traditionally, dried herb is included in chest and emollient mixtures; it helps get rid of all types of coughs by thinning mucus, especially with whooping cough, pneumonia, laryngitis, asthma, tuberculosis and bronchitis.

Local baths from the infusion and decoction of coltsfoot are prescribed in complex therapy for hemorrhoids and cystitis. Procedures lasting 15 minutes are performed by sitting in a basin with warm liquid 1-2 times a day. For bleeding in the colon, microenemas with a decoction are additionally used.

Cosmetologists, trichologists and dermatologists advise close attention on a unique coltsfoot plant. The healing properties for women lie in the ability of water extracts to stop hair loss, improve the condition of curls, cleanse the skin of rashes and acne, rejuvenate the face and smooth out wrinkles. Poultices with dried plant powder also heal mastitis.

Recipes for medicinal use

For a cold accompanied by a cough, protracted bronchitis, whooping cough, tracheitis, a decoction of mother and stepmother herbs is used, prepared by steaming a tablespoon of dried raw material with a glass hot water and simmer the liquid for ten minutes in a steam bath. After cooling, the broth is filtered and taken 15 ml three times a day before meals.

For alopecia, experts advise using the method of washing your hair with a concentrated decoction of the plant. 15 tablespoons of raw material are poured into 1 liter of hot water and boiled over low heat for about 10 minutes. The curls are washed with filtered liquid without shampoo, massaging the skin with fingertips, and rinsing is carried out with the same product.

Instead of a decoction for oral administration and local application, you can use an infusion. It is prepared by steaming a tablespoon of dry herb in 0.25 liters of boiling water in a thermos for 2-3 hours. Take up to 5 times a day, 30 ml before meals. The infusion is useful for gargling with laryngitis and sore throat and for gargling oral cavity for gingivitis, stomatitis, toothache, halitosis.

Mother and stepmother cough tea (wet and dry) is prepared like regular black tea, in a teapot, at the rate of 1 teaspoon of the plant per glass of boiling water. Leave for 5-8 minutes, add natural bee honey, for example, linden, alpine, raspberry or forest honey, to enhance the healing properties, drink warm.

Fresh juice from the above-ground part of the plant is unique remedy against rhinitis. It is instilled 1-2 drops into each nasal passage up to 6 times a day. The only drawback of the product is that it can only be consumed in spring and early summer, when the plant is at the beginning of the growing season. A runny nose goes away within 1-2 days, but treatment is continued for up to 5 days.

Coltsfoot: combination with other plants

According to the recommendations of experienced herbalists, a mixture of coltsfoot and thyme works great against coughs. 1 teaspoon of each plant is poured into 0.3 liters of boiling water, left for 45 minutes, filtered and given to the patient 1-2 sips every 30 minutes during the day. For kids medicinal mixture can be given from 2 years of age.

A composition of coltsfoot and stinging nettle works well to strengthen hair. Pour ½ liter of boiling water over a tablespoon of each herb, cook for 5 minutes under the lid, leave for 1 hour and filter. The healing elixir is rubbed into the scalp every evening and the curls are rinsed with it after each wash.

Expectorant collection

A mixture of mother and stepmother, linden color, bloodweed (elecampane), comfrey roots, wheatgrass rhizomes in the proportion (1:1:1:1:1) are poured with boiling water at the rate of 1 tsp. for 0.3 liters of water. The broth is boiled for 5 minutes, cooled and filtered through cotton fabric. Take 30-40 ml 3-4 times a day for complications of respiratory tract diseases and to speed up the rehabilitation process after injuries.

Recipe for mastitis

To apply a poultice to a sore area of ​​the mammary gland, prepare a dough using sour milk, to which add 1-2 tablespoons of a collection of crushed coltsfoot grass, mistletoe leaves and celandine (2:2:1).

Contraindications and precautions

Coltsfoot grass contains pyrrolizidine alkaloids and glycosides, the toxicity of which has not been fully studied. Therefore, experts do not advise continuing internal reception plant-based preparations for longer than one and a half months.

Infusion and tea from mother and stepmother leaves can be given to a child from 2-3 years of age. Extracts are contraindicated for pregnant and nursing mothers and patients with renal failure.

Use plant-based preparations with caution and only in consultation with your doctor. the following pathologies: delayed menstruation (needs to be excluded possible pregnancy), eczema, alcoholism.

If any side effects occur, be it allergies, skin rashes, nausea, vomiting, stool disorders, painful manifestations in the epigastric area, an increase in body temperature, taking funds from coltsfoot should be immediately stopped and contacted medical institution for advice.

Good health to you with time-tested herbal medicine recipes!

Tags: traditional herbal methods

Coltsfoot (in the composition description dosage forms you can meet Latin name Tussilago) belongs to a monotypic genus of herbaceous perennial plants from the Asteraceae family.

Blooms yellow flowers, located on low flowering shoots, even before the broad leaves bloom, smooth on one surface and rough on the other. Flowering season is early spring (April).

Flowers and leaves have medicinal properties. A concentrated extract is obtained from plant raw materials, and is also used in dried and fresh form.

Grows in Eurasia, Eastern Siberia, North Africa And North America, in mountainous areas Central Asia And Southern Siberia. Favorite places are areas free of turf, near water bodies, in meadows, clearings, and along roads.

Chemical composition of the plant

Active chemical composition defines medicinal properties coltsfoot:

Healing properties of mother and stepmother

  • Anti-inflammatory effect
  • Expectorant and sputum thinning action
  • Diaphoretic effect, helping to reduce body temperature
  • Antispasmodic effect - relieves spasms smooth muscles internal organs
  • Enveloping and regenerating effect
  • Hypotensive effect
  • Lipid-lowering effect
  • Antiseptic and antibacterial action.

Indications for use

Raw materials and coltsfoot herbs, the properties of which have long been studied, are used as auxiliary therapeutic agents during treatment the following groups diseases:

  • Inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system: bronchitis, pharyngitis, sore throat, pneumonia, pulmonary tuberculosis, asthma.
  • Acute respiratory diseases viral nature, including influenza.
  • Diseases of the gallbladder, liver and biliary tract, pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, urinary system, stomatitis.
  • Cardiovascular diseases: coronary artery disease, stage 1-2 hypertension, atherosclerosis, inflammation of the superficial veins of the lower extremities.
  • Diseases of the skin and its derivatives: burns, boils, purulent wounds, inflammatory rash, erysipelas, diathesis, scrofula, alopecia (hair loss).

Treatment with coltsfoot drugs


For one tsp. dry flowers, take 250 ml of boiling water, pour over the raw materials and cover with a lid, let it brew for 10 minutes. Helps with cough, and also promotes the thinning of sputum and its excretion. Take 100 ml twice a day.


  • Helps restore the body during illness;
  • Reduces high blood pressure;
  • Reduces cholesterol formation;
  • Helps relieve muscle spasm of internal organs during cholecystitis, gastritis;
  • Used as a mild expectorant;
  • Helps with sweaty feet, armpits, faces;
  • Effective for inflammation of the veins, wounds, boils, ulcers, herpes zoster;
  • Helps to cure inflammatory processes in the throat and intestines.

1 tbsp. dry, pre-crushed leaves, brew 250 ml of boiling water, leave for about 40 minutes, strain. Inside: take three tablespoons. before meals four times a day. Externally wipe the affected areas or make compresses with infusion. Gargles are effective in treating the throat, and enemas with infusion are used to treat the intestines.


1 tbsp. dry raw materials (leaves) pour 250-300 ml of boiling water and simmer over low heat for about 10 minutes, cover with a lid and leave for half an hour. Helps with diseases of the respiratory system and ENT pathology, scrofula, and general weakness. Drink one tbsp. before meals three times a day.

Strong decoction

2 tbsp. dry coltsfoot and stinging nettle raw materials are poured with boiling water (300 ml), boiled for about 10 minutes over low heat, filtered and cooled. Effective when oily skin scalp and hair loss. Rinse your hair with the resulting decoction after washing.


A fresh leaf of the plant is ground to a pasty state and applied on sterile gauze to a problem area (calluses, erysipelas, inflammatory lesions on the skin, inflamed veins).


1 tbsp. Brew a mixture of dry leaves and flowers with boiling water in a volume of 200 ml, cover with a towel and breathe over the infusion. Accelerates recovery from bronchopulmonary pathology. Inhalation should not be done when elevated temperature bodies.

Fresh juice

Effective in the treatment of infectious rhinitis. The juice is squeezed out of the fresh leaves of the plant and one or two drops are instilled into each nasal passage 3 times a day. Juice is also used to treat acne, lubricating the affected skin 3 times a day.


  • Recipe 1. Freshly squeezed plant juice is mixed with powdered sugar in a 2:1 ratio. Store in the refrigerator. Helps in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis and pneumonia. Take 1 tbsp. five times a day before meals.
  • Recipe 2. Fresh leaves Place a 1 cm layer on the bottom of a metal thick-walled enameled dish, and pour a 1 cm layer of sugar on top. The layers are repeated until the dish is completely filled. Close with a tight lid and leave for 3 weeks in the cellar or refrigerator. The leaves and sugar should become a homogeneous green mass, which is mixed with honey (2:1 ratio). Used for the treatment of tuberculosis cavities: 1 tbsp. three times a day before meals.

Foot baths

Brew two handfuls of dry coltsfoot raw materials with boiling water in a volume of 2 liters, leave for 5 minutes and take a bath for 20 minutes without straining the raw materials. Contributes to the treatment of ARVI.

Alcohol infusion

The coltsfoot broth is diluted with vodka in a ratio of 4:1. Wipe the skin with the infusion 3-5 times a day. Indicated for the treatment of pustular skin lesions, boils, acne (see how to get rid of acne).


Dry leaves of the plant are ground into powder, which is used:

  • for oral administration, 1 g three times a day, washed down with hot milk. Helps in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and respiratory system;
  • externally: sprinkle on inflamed areas 2-3 times a day. Effective in getting rid of diathesis, sweating of the feet, erysipelas, furunculosis.

Leaves compress

Fresh leaves of the plant are poured with hot cream and the raw material is allowed to soften.

  • Helps prevent mastitis at its first signs (applied warmly to the mammary gland).
  • Reduces the severity of cough (warm leaves are placed on chest, cover with a towel).

Contraindications for coltsfoot

Healthy people should not take coltsfoot for more than 4-6 weeks in a row. The medicinal properties of coltsfoot are known to everyone, but few know the contraindications. The plant contains pyrrolizidine alkaloids (toxicity has not been fully studied), therefore it is contraindicated for:

  • Pregnancy;
  • Breastfeeding;
  • Severe liver diseases;
  • Individual intolerance.

Germany introduces restrictions on the sale of mothers and stepmothers after one case misuse this plant. A nursing mother drank tea with her mother and stepmother, which led to the baby's death from liver damage.

Side effects

Today many people turn to traditional methods treatment without first contacting a doctor, examination, installation accurate diagnosis and they believe that if you take a medicinal plant, then it is safe and it does not have side effects. This is a misconception. Folk remedies are not exposed modern research, there is no reliable information about the dangers and benefits of mother and stepmother and other medicinal herbs.

Any medicinal plant has a complex composition, and most of them contain microdoses of poisonous, toxic compounds that affect the liver and have carcinogenic properties (see carcinogens and oncology). In case of overdose or long-term use Such drugs may develop slow poisoning of the body.

Thus, coltsfoot is considered a relatively safe plant, but it can only be consumed in small quantities, short course, since the cumulative effect can provoke growth malignant tumors. In case of overdose or long-term use possible following symptoms and side effects:

  • nausea, vomiting
  • stomach ache

Preparation and storage

  • Leaves and flowers are collected separately.
  • The leaves are suitable for harvesting in early June. The most valuable are the leaves of medium maturity (young and overripe ones should not be picked). They are dried in the shade, in a ventilated place, spread on paper or fabric in 1 layer.
  • The flowers, or rather the yellow baskets without a stem, are collected in April-May and dried in the same way as the leaves.
  • Store dried raw materials in fabric or paper bags in a dark, dry place. The leaves can be used for 3 years, and the flowers for 2 years.

Dietary supplements and herbal remedies with coltsfoot

  • Dry coltsfoot leaves;
  • Syrup with coltsfoot and plantain from Evalar, Natur Product, Green Doctor;
  • Chest charges No. 1 and No. 2;
  • Anti-Cough tablets;
  • Powder in fat capsules from Econika;
  • A variety of herbal teas.

Often up to this point ex-spouses could still be found common language or coping based on previous patterns in the relationship, but with the arrival of new participants, a new portion of tension arises.

Who are the stepmother and stepfather?

Characters from scary fairy tales or ordinary people? If a person is attentive to his child, then one day he comes to the conclusion that there are no other people’s children. This is the evolution of the maturation of the soul. If a person is not attentive to his child, then strangers are even more unnecessary.

In reality, a stepmother or stepfather are ordinary people who often do not pretend to take the place of a real mother or father, but who “received” a child without asking, without a period of preparation and waiting, with or without the baggage of some kind of upbringing, with a history of family collapse and often in more or less hostile and suspicious. Taking on such a notoriously thankless job requires courage.

For the picture of the world to be complete, it must have at least points of contact, and at maximum – general territory. Start by building connections, because... By preventing contact with the “other” side, it is impossible to restore the picture of the world. Two pairs of parents can enrich a child. But the collapse of another family as proof that “nothing worked out there anyway” will not make you happier.

What is the reason for the hostility between the former and the present?

  • Jealousy, pain, disappointment, humiliation and desire for revenge - if the relationship between the parents remains unclear, and the divorce is still not internally accepted by one of them or both.
  • The memory of a previous betrayal and the fear of its repetition, which may occur in relation to the child.
  • Power vs feelings of inferiority – constant comparison of oneself with a new partner, fantasies about how things could be, “if”, assigning oneself to “those who know better.”
  • Fear of loneliness and fear of rejection by the child (as previously by the partner) - however, in this case, the child is assigned a substitute role (both boys and girls).

Most often, parents themselves forget that a mother or father cannot be replaced. Even the worst parents who neglect or abandon their children remain the most important. But it is precisely the fear of being bad that will encourage a parent to compete with any authority for the child outside the family. The appearance of any other important person is perceived as a danger to one’s power, rather than an opportunity to develop alternative view at the baby's.

Literally what to do?

Your guidelines: stability, clear rules and boundaries, clear and appropriate expectations, respect for elders and the ability to safely express any feelings.

  1. Give the child his own personal space in every home, absolutely inviolable during his absence.
  2. Agree with the “other” party on a stable schedule: who, when and how much time spends with the child, with whom and how long he lives, the format of joint holidays, events, common interests with the “other” party.
  3. Do not express “whatever you think” about “that” party in the presence of the child. Speak up or remain silent. And do not allow your child to show disrespect towards elders. This does not mean being silent, it means helping the child talk about himself and in every situation, turn his focus from the figure of an adult to himself and his feelings. Not “that idiot is my stepfather,” but “I’m scared and angry that he punished me.”
  4. Inflated expectations for the child, in in this case, to believe that the child will “outgrow”, that he is able to withstand the state of war between parents or is able to judge the situation at the level of adults and take someone’s side (no, even if the other parent neglects him).
  5. Allow a new future. Besides the confusion from own feelings anger, grief and disappointment, the child is confused: how to behave with the parent’s new partner. What will dad say about his stepfather and mom about his stepmother? Should I love them or hate them? If I love my stepfather, will I lose my father's love? And if I hate my stepfather, will I lose my mother’s love? It is important for parents to be transparent with their child that this choice is not expected of them.
  6. It is the responsibility of the adult - it is not the child who decides with whom the parent lives. Perhaps the child will be angry and hate his parents and their partners, take out the grief from the divorce on the parents' partners, “demand” the parent to make a choice in favor of the child, be jealous, take revenge and rebel, and will not be able to accept the relationship with him. stepbrothers, sisters. When a child grows up and realizes (or at least suspects) that the parent was left alone because of a child's demand, it will be extremely difficult for him to cope with feelings of guilt. And the parents may face accusations that they listened, did not stop him, and shifted responsibility onto him. Whatever one may say, the prospects are not rosy.
  7. Develop your life. This is a secret, but while the child is with the second parent, the first one frees up time to find interests in himself, communicate with friends, have a career or his own business, new challenges, change of profession, travel, sports and... dating!!! A child who replaces the whole world, a child who is the parent’s spiritual confidant, is an unhappy person who loses contact with himself and develops dependence.

Divorce is always a matter for adults at any stage, but it is impossible to live according to the scenario of non-divorced people. The experience of loss (the history of divorce) says that no one, nothing will ever be the same, that life and any relationships will have to be built differently and precisely taking into account the experience of divorce, but adjusted contact with the second parent will remove the extra burden of guilt towards the child for his spoiled childhood .