Who will become the new head of the Rosreestr? Head of Rosreestr: cadastral value will never equal market value

Parviz Tukhtasunov, who was born in Dushanbe and moved with his family to Russia, was appointed director of the Cadastral Chamber of Rosreestr. His appointment, or rather, his nationality and first place of work, caused heated discussions on social networks.

By order of the head of the Ministry of Economic Development, Maxim Oreshkin, Tukhtasunov will be responsible for the development of the department’s Internet services. In addition, he will have to make the chamber “one of the leading service companies for maintaining IT infrastructure in the public sector.”

Parviz Konstantinovich Tukhtasunov was born on July 11, 1985 in Dushanbe. Then the family moved to Moscow. After school, he graduated from the Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy, combining his studies with work as a nurse. According to a photograph of him that appeared on social networks curriculum vitae, after university, from 2008 to August 2016, he was temporarily unemployed.

Photo source: Facebook

Then he held the position of Deputy Director of the Management Office of the Federal State Budgetary Institution Rosselkhozzemmonitoring. In October 2016, Tukhtasunov was appointed advisor to the head of the Federal Service state registration, cadastre and cartography. In 2017, Tukhtasunov graduated from the Open Institute and the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics.

During his two years of work at Rosreestr, he implemented a number of department projects in the field of IT technologies, for example, “Electronic registration factory” and “3D cadastre”. Tukhtasunov launched a system for using blockchain technologies when registering equity participation agreements in Leningrad region. He also led the Rosreestr project with Sberbank, thanks to which it is now possible to submit documents for registration of property rights at bank branches or developer offices, bypassing a visit to Rosreestr.

After the publication of photos of his biography, a number of media outlets, as well as Internet users, focused attention not on professional qualities Tukhtasunov, but on his nationality and work as a nurse. These two facts have generated numerous discussions on social networks and publications.

In good standing

Znak.com special correspondent Ekaterina Vinokurova studied in the same class as Tukhtasunov at Moscow school No. 1253. The journalist told “360” that during her studies the new cadastral head was in good standing with teachers and classmates.

“We graduated from school in 2002. He studied in a parallel medical class. It was impossible to enter there through connections or money, because it was a much heavier class in terms of load than the general ones. Not everyone survived their studies there,” she added.

According to Vinokurova, mass trolling, attempts to find a skeleton in someone’s closet, public discussions of someone in the media and social networks have long become not just a Russian, but a global trend.

“I think this signals a generally quite neurotic state Russian and world society, who are trying to find some standards by which they want to live. And the groping of these norms is accompanied by such rather painful stories,” Vinokurova explained.

"Racist smell"

When reporting on Tukhtasunov’s appointment, some media outlets tried to outdo each other, drawing readers’ attention to the nationality and first place of work of the new head of the Cadastral Chamber.

The whole story has a racist smack to it because the emphasis is on nationality rather than the fact that his full biography has not been published. A very yellow scandal. It’s very unpleasant and painful for me to see headlines like this from my colleagues.

Ekaterina Vinokurova journalist.

According to the journalist, the first publication on this topic appeared on the entertainment resource Pikabu, which is not yet a source of high-profile political insights. The special correspondent did not rule out that the material was specially prepared to disrupt the appointment.

“He worked as a nurse during his institute practice. And saying that he cannot work in a new place is the same as saying that I cannot work as a journalist because at the age of 17 I was a distributor of theater tickets. This doesn’t make me a distributor of theater tickets in life!” - said the journalist.

In addition, the special correspondent emphasized, even in the published excerpt of the appointee’s biography, a second education and several years of specialized work are indicated. But in general, Vinokurova is sure, in order to remove all questions and doubts, Rosreestr needs to publish Tukhtasunov’s full biography and answer all questions addressed to the department.

Dirty nationalist card

TV presenter Vladimir Solovyov considered the discussions a manifestation of “absolute incompetence.” Tukhtasunov, he said, received an excellent education, graduating first medical school, and then the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics. According to him, the information that Tukhtasunov was unemployed is untrue. For many years he worked in various private structures. Has proven itself excellently for recent years work according to the profile.

But, as often happens with us, we are too lazy to check information; we want to chase sensations. So we got into trouble. If we have come to the point where we begin to determine the size of skulls, race, nation and draw conclusions based on them, then this is a shame. Those media outlets that are starting to play this dirty nationalist card must ask themselves whether they are working in the right country. Are they sure that this complies with current Russian legislation?

Vladimir Soloviev TV presenter

In order to give any ratings to an employee, you need to communicate with him according to the type of his activity. Solovyov did not have the opportunity to cross paths with Tukhtasunov, but he more than once communicated with the head of Rosreestr, Victoria Abramchenko, who approved the candidate for the post of head of the Cadastral Chamber. The TV presenter knows her well and respects her as a competent and outstanding specialist.

“If the proposed candidate did not meet the highest requirements, he would not be approved. The question is who paid to be vilified. Perhaps they tried to appoint their own person, but this did not work. Well, Telegram channels are an inexpensive thing, so the wave began,” he added.

Backward views

In a conversation with 360, Nazar Mirzoda, chairman of the Tajik diaspora in St. Petersburg and development director of the Baltic Humanitarian Institute, recalled that after the collapse of the USSR, official representatives of the republic were the first from other states to come to Russia and join the CIS. In the 90s, many Russian-speaking citizens left the country for the Russian Federation.

“We have several deputies in St. Petersburg who are Tajiks by nationality: professors, athletes, good scientists, there were deputies in the State Duma. And in the regions there are many of our Russian speakers, Jews, Germans, Koreans - everyone who came here. They were also our citizens, and their surnames were Tajik,” he said.

Mirzoda said that now there should not be such an attitude towards people, because the world has long become civilized. He recently visited Finland. In the parliament of this country, according to him, there are Turks, Kurds and Afghans. And the new mayor of London is Sadiq Khan of Iranian origin.

“Nowhere in the world is there such a thing where people look at who is of what nationality. Our officials and politicians studied here, graduated from universities, and worked in Russian government agencies. I also teach, I have Russian citizenship, I represent the country in Germany, Finland, and other countries. My relative is the Russian Ambassador to Qatar, I was an honorary consul for six years,” added the head of the diaspora.

According to Mirzoda, those discussing the appointment of Tukhtasunov and harping on the issue of his nationality express backward nationalist views. Russia, he emphasized, is a multinational state, where the head of the chamber graduated from school and institutes.

“He is a very talented and worthy person. Before that he had already worked for leadership position in Rosreestr. He is an excellent professional in this field, a person who has the necessary skills and knowledge,” he concluded.

Critically appreciated current state system, emphasizing that the situation there is very difficult.

“We are concerned about what is happening in general with the Rosreestr system in the country. And we wanted everything to end up the same as with the Federal Tax Service, so that subjective judgments and official intervention would become minimal, a lot would be done by the machine,” - he specified.

Shuvalov emphasized that it is necessary to “stop the situation in which every appointment in the subject regional head Rosreestr, accompanied by a “deadly battle”. And he particularly focused on the problem of performing cadastral functions, noting that “a lot of money was wasted, and there is still no information resource.”

The head of the Ministry of Economic Development, Alexey Ulyukaev, also focused on specific tasks. “I would ask to sort out the duplication of functions with the Federal Cadastral Chamber, with the transfer of some tasks to the regional level,” he listed.

Victoria Abramchenko, speaking to Rosreestr employees, was also extremely specific. "We want the service to be transparent and effective. We must short term, in 2.5 months, ensure the implementation of Law 218 (on state registration of real estate - “RG”). Another key date is January 1, 2018, when the quality of data and their quantity in the Unified State Register of Real Estate will determine whether it will become a brake or a catalyst for market development,” she said.

“I would first of all expect reform related to registration chambers in the regions,” says Elena Ivankina, dean of the Faculty of Real Estate Economics and Land Use Problems at RANEPA. If in Moscow, she continues, multifunctional centers have solved many problems in this area, then in the regions people still line up almost from five in the morning.

Besides this there is much more internal issues, the expert believes. “There are areas where the combined efforts of geographic information and real estate technologies are needed to take into account all real estate, even if people for some reason do not want to register it,” the expert outlines the range of tasks.

Business card

Victoria Valerievna Abramchenko was born in 1975.

Has higher education, graduated from Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University in 1998, in 2004 - Russian Academy civil service under the President Russian Federation.

Her biography also includes the Committee on Land Resources and Land Management of Roskomzem, from which Victoria Abramchenko began her professional career. labor activity, Federal State Institution "Land Cadastral Chamber", Roszemkadastr, Rosnedvizhimost and the Ministry of Economic Development. Victoria Abramchenko returns to Rosreestr for the second time - in 2011-2012 she already worked as deputy head of the federal service.

Acting State Advisor of the Russian Federation, 3rd class.

Illustration copyright www.probusinesstv.ru Image caption Two years ago, Tukhtasunov unexpectedly began to appear in the role of “adviser to the head of Rosreestr”

Doctor Parviz Tukhtasunov, who had nothing to do with real estate registration until 2016, became the new head of the Cadastral Chamber of Rosreestr. The BBC discovered that his friend's company has been receiving tenders for several years with the help of a competition commission where Tukhtasunov's mother works.

Former journalist of Izvestia and the Life portal Alexandra Bayazitova was the first to attract attention to the new head of the Cadastral Chamber. In her Telegram channel, she published two scans - supposedly the official personnel certificate of 33-year-old Parviz Tukhtasunov and the order of his appointment, signed by the minister economic development Maxim Oreshkin back on November 22.

Soon after the publication, information about the new appointment appeared on the Rosreestr website: “By order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation dated November 22, 2018, Parviz Konstantinovich Tukhtasunov was appointed director of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Cadastral Chamber of Rosreestr.”

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The Federal Cadastral Chamber (FKP) reports to Rosreestr and is responsible for the registration and assessment of real estate. Both departments fall under the responsibility of the Ministry of Economics.

According to a certificate published by Bayazitova, Tukhtasunov graduated from the Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy in 2008, and then did not officially work for eight years. In 2016, the recently unemployed man became an adviser to the head of Rosreestr, so that two years later he would sit in the chair of the head of the cadastral chamber.

This meteoric career leap from unemployed to CEO federal institution attracted the attention of bloggers and the media.

Tukhtasunov’s biography, published on the FKP website after Bayazitova’s post, looks more detailed: from 2008 to 2012 - residency and internship medical academy, from 2011 to 2016 - work in “various commercial structures.”

Its purpose "is related to personal and business qualities“, as well as “professional merits,” the press service of Rosreestr told the BBC.

The Russian service of the BBC followed Tukhtasunov's career path and discovered that a company owned by his friend wins multimillion-dollar Rosstat contracts, and the namesake of Tukhtasunov's mother participates in the meetings of the competition commission.

Raincoats from my son

Parviz Tukhtasunov was born in Dushanbe, but spent his youth in Moscow, according to a certificate published in Bayazitova’s telegram channel “Hell Grandmas.” These data were confirmed to the BBC by a source with access to the personal data bases of Russians.

From the archived version of his Odnoklassniki page (now deleted) it follows that Tukhtasunov studied at a Moscow school. The press service of Rosreestr and the Ministry of Economics did not provide information about his place of birth.

According to a certificate published by Bayazitova, his mother Saphia Tukhtasunova works at Rosstat, which, like Rosreestr, also reports to the Ministry of Economic Development. The mother’s full namesake is indeed listed on the Rosstat website as the head of the department of logistics for censuses and comprehensive surveys.

On duty, Saphia Tukhtasunova is present at a meeting of the Rosstat competition commission, when we're talking about on the purchase of office supplies or souvenirs necessary for conducting various public surveys.

One of the winners of these competitions is the Moscow company "PK Group". For example, in 2018, this company won two Rosstat tenders - for the supply of raincoats and umbrellas with symbols of the trial census (4.6 million rubles) and pens with folders for surveys (6.8 million). In both cases, Tukhtasunova was invited to participate in commission meetings, the minutes indicate.

In just three years, PC Group provided services for Rosstat for a total amount of over 33 million rubles. In addition, PK Group used the same email address, as the company "Triumph Plus" (contracts with Rosstat for almost 200 million rubles) and "Post Tariff" (contracts with Rosstat for 25 million). At the same time, outwardly there is nothing in common between these three companies.

But the sole owner of PK Group, Muscovite Konstantin Gusin, apparently knows Parviz Tukhtasunov well. Judging by his Instagram account, they went together, for example, to a Moscow Spartak match.

“An arrogant look,” commented the future head of the cadastral chamber on Gusin’s photo on his fan passport, which the entrepreneur posted on social media on the eve of the 2018 FIFA World Cup. “This is how those who have a football ticket look at those who don’t,” Gusin answered.

Moreover, Parviz Tukhtasunov could participate in one of Gusin’s business projects. In 2014, PK Group opened the European Beauty and Health Clinic in Moscow. Talking about it on his Instagram, Gusin emphasized that this is his joint project with Parviz Tukhtasunov (in the post he indicates his nickname).

In the Roszdravnadzor license to carry out medical activities was specified for this clinic mobile phone. The same number on the Sotovik.ru website was used by a person with the same nickname that Parviz Tukhtasunov uses on his Instagram.

The clinic is now closed.

Signs of conflict

In Rosstat's purchases from PK Group, one can indeed detect signs of a conflict of interest, says Ilya Shumanov, deputy director of Transparency International - Russia. Due to his duty, the namesake of Tukhtasunov’s mother can participate in the preparation of technical specifications. "We are often faced with the fact that technical specifications are compiled for the technical supplier. This is the talk of the town,” he notes.

One of the signs of preliminary collusion between the supplier and the customer can be a slight reduction in price at the auction, says Shumanov. At the 2018 Rosstat auction, in which PC Group won, the starting price decreased by only 2-2.5%, as follows from the relevant protocols.

Tukhtasunov did not answer calls from the BBC Russian Service. Gusin read the VKontakte message, but also did not comment on the activities of his friend. Rosstat did not respond to the request; the Cadastral Chamber of Rosreestr told the BBC that they do not comment on “personal and business connections of employees.”

It seems that in the unofficial competition for the title of the most corrupt and scandalous government department in our country, a clear favorite has emerged. This is Rosreestr - the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography. It seems that they are sabotaging the implementation of the EGRN system in the Russian Federation, and employees of the structure continue to mock ordinary citizens, businesses and even their own management. Fortunately, the names of the group members have been established for certain. Who is faster: will they run away or will the law enforcement officers collect their cases?

The whirlwind of events around Rosreestr cannot but fascinate. Not a day goes by without the media reporting another incident related to it: “Ex-employees of Rosreestr are accused of theft of land in the Tyumen region”, “An employee of Rosreestr in Surgut deprived a veteran of housing”, “The commission found that information on income and expenses was presented by the head of the St. Petersburg division of Vladimir Korelin incomplete and unreliable, he did not comply with the requirements for resolving conflicts of interest, and in general performed “other paid work”, which he did not report in in the prescribed manner. Today they punished... with a reprimand.”

However, these are all minor things. The main scandal occurred two months ago: on January 1, the Unified State Register of Real Estate did not work (USRN), costing taxpayers 2 billion rubles. This prevented the entry into force federal law No. 218 “On state registration of real estate.” This incident can be called an unprecedented case of sabotage. After all, not only did the money allocated for the implementation of the system disappear, but real estate transactions were paralyzed throughout the country.

Director of the Institute of Globalization Problems Mikhail Delyagin saw in inaction (or should I say actions?) Rosreestr "threat of destruction of property rights." “The situation of mass loss of information about the rights of citizens and the inability of these same citizens to prove their rights to own real estate and land is becoming quite real. But what space for activity? various kinds swindlers, plunderers of state property, various “black” realtors, which arose as a result of the activities of “effective managers” in relation to literally each of us”, - the economist emphasized.

To be fair, the same is obvious to some employees of the scandalous department. The text of their appeal to the President of the Russian Federation has circulated on the Internet Vladimir Putin and to the Prosecutor General's Office. The message not only lists examples of blatant and, most likely, deliberate sloppiness with which the “implementation” of the Unified State Register was carried out, but also directly speaks of the failure to implement the federal law “On the State Register of Real Estate.” There is an opinion that all of their current actions can be interpreted as “the creation of an unreliable real estate register, undermining all the fundamental principles of the formation of a single state register real estate."

However, despite the severity of the accusations, it is unlikely that the head of Rosreestr should be blamed for the impending collapse Victoria Abramchenko. Ex-deputy minister agriculture took up a new position only in October 2016. During the time remaining before the failed launch of the Unified State Register of Real Estate, it is possible that she physically did not have the opportunity to correct what was done during Igor Vasiliev, her predecessor. As they say in the film “Operation Y,” “everything has already been stolen before us.”

At present Vasiliev, hastily moved to the post of governor Kirov region, it would seem, is no longer in business. However, too many signs indicate that it was under him that corruption flourished in Rosreestr. This, in particular, is evidenced by the report of the Prosecutor General’s Office, which in June 2015 checked the implementation of budget legislation by the service. As established by the supervisory structure, the slave Vasiliev Rosreestr disrupted the deadlines for the GLONASS program by wasting part of the funds allocated for it to the wind (or rather, into the right pockets?), committed numerous violations in the work on the Federal Target Program “Development”, in government procurement and much more. There is also the following assessment: “If you believe information from internal sources Rosreestr, we can assume that 50% of illegally obtained in regional departments cash are redirected in the form of cash to the management of Rosreestr.” EGRN can also rightfully be included in the list of victims of Rosreestrovsky businessmen.

But who is among the latter? Perhaps, with the disappearance of Vasiliev from the department, these individuals no longer lived and the Augean stable began to cleanse itself? Not at all.

If you believe the Ruspres website, the names of officials of the Moscow department of Rosreestr have been identified - who could be associated with the implementation of probably even illegal actions in relation to citizens and entrepreneurs. Here is a list of them, but in fairness it is worth noting that whether to trust the information from this resource or not, everyone must decide for themselves: Alexander Bragilevsky, Yuri Zhitnikov, Alexander Matsnev, Konstantin Manyakov, Stanislav Nikolsky, Anton Vereshchagin, Dmitry Zuikov, K. Makeev, N. Gorbachev, D. Gindin, S. Lebedints, S. Lysenkova, N. Donskikh, I. Medvedeva, S. Kopan. All levels are represented here - “from ordinary employees in every district of Moscow all the way up to the deputy head of the department, Igor Maidanov.”

Interestingly, the scandalous information about the group members is confirmed not only by Ruspres. However, they are all free and probably didn’t give a damn about all the appeals to the head of state and the Prosecutor General’s Office, as well as to their immediate supervisor Maidanov, who, they say, is trying to the best of his ability to restore relative order in his area.

But one in the field, as a rule, is not a warrior. And here, for such chaos of the “cadastral” dealers, you can already ask the federal leader - Victoria Abramchenko. After all, if the head of the department is powerless in the fight against gray schemes, then we can assume that their activities are covered up by someone more senior.

Fine, law enforcement agencies sometimes they still don’t sleep. As it became known, last Friday in Moscow, a member of the group, acting as head of the legal department, was caught red-handed with that same cash.

It can be assumed that things have gone smoothly, and soon all members of the formation - and their names seem to have been established - will follow their accomplice.

Prison bars only look like a sieve. In fact, once you get behind it, it’s very difficult to get back through.