Money: what prevents you from earning more. What's stopping you from making money?

The fact that you can earn real money on the Internet is no secret to anyone today. More and more people are excited about the idea of ​​working online without leaving home. But 90 percent give up this idea almost immediately. Why? There are several main reasons that prevent you from making money on the Internet.

1. Lack of faith in success.

You haven't tried it yet, but after reading a lot negative reviews unfortunate workers, they decided not to even start, because they only earn pennies on the Internet. But don't the ratings of successful bloggers say the opposite? Or perhaps you don’t know how much income the social network in which you spend hours brings to its owner?
The owner of the largest Internet company selling goods and services, Jeff Bezos, is today one of the three richest people in the world. And he started with a work table made from entrance doors. Maybe this fact will serve as an incentive for you to believe and start?!

Make money on the Internet

2. Reluctance to learn.

If your skills as an Internet user are to log in and out of your account in social network, then you will earn accordingly. But... if you already know how to log in and out of your social network account, then you can learn something else.

make money on the Internet

3. Inability to wait.

Quickly, no matter how trite it sounds, only cats can conceive a kitten. Whatever you decide to do on the Internet, success comes with experience and after fruitful work. All the calls that you can be showered with diamonds by working a couple of hours a day are nothing more than a myth. Maybe, of course, someone hits the jackpot on something, but such working formula He definitely won’t share his success with you.

make money on the Internet

4. Hackwork.

According to statistics, 36% of Internet users admit that they spend time online working hours for personal needs. If you are one of them, then you must remember that, unlike working in the office for your uncle, working for yourself and being distracted by personal needs, you will hit YOUR wallet.

make money on the Internet

5. Laziness.

The same as point 4 applies to absenteeism. Without doing work for one day, you can break the entire chain that you have so fruitfully built.

make money on the Internet

A colleague at work is buying a brand new sports car, but you don’t even have the money to repair a life-worn sedan? An old friend is going on a cruise, but you are not able to take your family to the sea? Best friend showing off an expensive brand bag while you take yours to be repaired? Why some people have money, while others absolutely do not know how to earn it, explains psychologist and radio host Anetta Orlova.

Reason No. 1 “Big money is not for me”

Often people earn little money not because they do not have any competence or qualifications: they are simply convinced that decent earnings and good money are not for them. Usually the roots of such an attitude come from childhood. For example, the following phrases were constantly uttered at home: “We have never lived richly, it’s better not to start”; “rich people are bad”; “You’re stupid, it’s unlikely that anything will come of you”; “You will, of course, be deceived.” Having such deep-seated convictions, a person sincerely believes that material success is the prerogative of other people, more successful and intelligent, and he is not worthy of having what he wants. Alas, the inner feeling “I am not worthy” actually has a fairly clear equivalent in amounts.

I recommend doing a very simple but revealing experiment: imagine a salary that seems natural to you. You will see that there is a certain “ceiling” and order of amounts that initially seem out of reach to you. This feeling is the very obstacle that prevents you from moving forward. You are internally convinced that you cannot claim big money.

Reason No. 2. “I am not him”

The second reason is the endless and absolutely unconstructive comparison of oneself with others. Usually, having such a habit, people begin to act according to two scenarios. Some, looking at the successes of others, move forward even more actively, a competitive spirit awakens in them. This does not mean happiness and satisfaction with life; such individuals have their own difficulties. However, in terms of social success, they achieve quite good results, because they have benchmarks to look up to.

The second category - people compare themselves with others and are simply envious of other people's successes, but do nothing. They are convinced that they themselves are not capable of achieving something (very often this is a consequence of the first point that I mentioned above). Constantly watching the victories of those around them, envious people usually devalue their actions in every possible way, explaining other people's successes by an ordinary coincidence of circumstances, luck, assertiveness, etc. They in different ways they are trying to prove to themselves that if they were as lucky as the conventional Petya (Tanya, Masha), they too would be able to achieve a lot. This type of people usually intensely expects that life itself will do something for them.

Reason No. 3. “I want everything at once”

The third type is endless spotlights. In fact, they are deeply convinced that they can earn a lot, are not envious and are really determined to make a lot of money. Incredible projects and plans are constantly born in their heads. But at the same time, such people want everything at once, and are not at all ready to go towards the goal gradually, i.e. they have no system, but they have endless fantasy and a desire for gigantism. When getting a new job, such a person immediately wants to be the head of a department large company or the head of the cool advertising agency. Just going and starting to do something within the department is not for him. At any job, a projector usually has the feeling that he is being used, so he cannot sit in one place for a long time if there is no immediate rapid career growth (and there is no such thing immediately!).

The desire to get the maximum and the inability to invest often lead to the fact that truly talented individuals are left with nothing. Yes, sometimes their ambitions work out, but if you look at the statistics, you will understand that this is very rare. Over time, such people become passive-aggressive individuals who are dissatisfied with everything, sad and do not realize their own potential. Naturally, this is reflected in the character. They may even be prone to scams because thanks to similar actions there is a chance to achieve a quick (and usually short-term) rise.

Reason number 4. “Back to the past”

Another reason: a person tends to focus on the negative, focusing on what did not work out for him. For example, he walked his life path beautifully, achieved a lot, but then there was a failure that provoked a breakdown. Instead of surviving a difficult moment, getting up and moving on, a person falls into a state of failure, stops believing in himself, and at some point completely and completely goes into the past - living his life again and again. negative experience, devalues ​​the positive aspects of the present and is absolutely unable to give his all in the here and now. This is the main mistake, because in order to achieve results and financial achievements, energy must be directed to the present, to the activities that you have here and now.

Reason No. 5. “Money is a limitation”

People with low internal meaning of earnings earn little. For example, a person has deep-seated beliefs that money is a limitation; for him it is not an instrument of power (if it were, the picture would be exactly the opposite) and security. IN in this case We are dealing with individuals for whom a fairly calm, balanced lifestyle is more important than the bonuses that material benefits provide.

In order to earn more, it is important to have some kind of goal, an understanding of why you are doing this. If a person has only instrumental motivation “I want to earn a lot”, but he does not understand why, of course, there is no need to talk about any outstanding result here.

Today I would like to talk about making money. Many people ask each other: where and how to make money? Some ask, others readily answer. There are even people who have made such lectures their specialty. They make money professionally by telling people how to make money.

A very interesting business... In fact, there are wonderful coaches among them, such as Robett Kiyosaki, for example. They give great advice. And it would be a sin not to follow their advice. But when people listen to such great business coaches, I get the feeling that they are sitting like in a movie. We came to watch the film. An interesting and useful film. They like it. But they perceive passively. They sit and something pours into their ears. Here the lecturer speaks, here his assistant hands him a marker, here he draws something on the board. If the assistant is pretty, then there is generally something to look at.

Learned - apply!

Most people don't get to the heart of the matter. There is one well-known specialist in the field of information business on the Internet. He conducted his seminars online in a conference format. Gave homework. Trained. Then I stopped doing it. In an interview, he explained: I don’t understand why this is necessary if people pay money to participate in a seminar, and then don’t learn any knowledge, don’t do homework, don’t start their own business? They don't even try!

People subscribe to numerous mailing lists with useful information, people buy information products (e-books, video courses, etc.). And often they don’t even insert the purchased disc into the computer. Do not unpack the ZIP archive from e-book. Or, having opened it, they scan their eyes diagonally. And they put it off until tomorrow: they say, I’ll start tomorrow new life, and today it’s better to relax playing your favorite solitaire or some other game.

Tomorrow the same thing will happen again. It's just terrible. Vicious circle. Where is the activity, where is the willpower?! What kind of business can you build like that?!

What's stopping you from starting to make money?!

Let's be honest.

  • Firstly laziness.
  • Secondly - fear of selling something.

Do you know what “laziness” is in this case? This is not enough motivation. There is no real need to earn money. At least some money! One is witty, but very evil man once joked:

Why are things better with business in America than in Russia?
Answer: because the American sits and thinks: how can I earn 50 dollars? And our man sits and thinks: what would have happened if Russia had taken a different path in 1905?

I repeat once again that this is a cruel joke. I don't like her at all.

However, note that in this joke one sets himself a specific and achievable goal. (earn $50). And the other poses an abstract question to someone unknown. What do you think is more important to be able to stage?

For a philosopher, it seems more important to be able to pose an abstract question. And for a business person - a specific goal.

What could be more specific than fifty dollars? Only one hundred dollars!

I want money, but I don't want to trade

As you remember, I said: the second obstacle to making money is unwillingness to sell anything.

Why? Yes, because money comes to a person in exchange for goods. This is the law of economics. And most people only think about money. How to attract money, how to save money, how to make money out of thin air, and so on.

It seems to be a simple truth: money is given in exchange for something. But when a person begins to dream about big money, he imagines anything: a fat wallet, gold bars, an expensive mansion, a villa, a yacht, a car, the office of his company, a platinum credit card... You never know! Every dreamer is to the best of his imagination.

And it doesn’t occur to you that this imaginary money will remain a fantasy. If you don't think about the matter. If it works, the money will come. Business is the sale of goods. The product can be different: a bunch of radishes (if you trade at the market) or a CD with a recording of your new album, if you are a popular artist.

If these things are good and you market them well, then a lot of people will pay money for them. They will pay you money.

It's obvious, you say. Yes, obviously. But for some reason this simple truth turns off when a person starts dreaming of big money.

Paradox: when you give money, you give it quite specifically, for something specific. For example, for a carton of milk in a store. But when you receive money in your dreams, you receive it in the abstract. Not as payment for goods. Because you don't have any goods. That's why you don't get money in life. Only salary.

And we are also shy

Yes, many people are embarrassed to sell. It's just kind of awkward. It's better to give it that way. Selling is “somehow ugly.” Inconvenient. I remember my grandfather, who spoke in similar cases: “It’s inconvenient to put trousers over your head.” It's rude, I agree. But to the point.

This kind of “money shyness” is our heritage Soviet era. Even if you were not yet alive in the 80s of the last century, your parents already were. And they lived according to the rules of a society in which there was no private property. And for private entrepreneurship they were sent to prison. And a person who bought something cheaper and sold it more expensive was called a speculator. And he deserved universal condemnation.

These oddities have been going on ever since. When, for example, instead of advertising: “Women's demi-season coat for sale (price such and such)”, the lady calls her friend and offers to give away this very coat for free, which she no longer needs. Like, maybe it will suit my daughter, I should try it on... It seems like a good friendly gesture. But in fact, she wouldn’t refuse the money. He's just afraid of something. Afraid to say: I'm selling!

There are, of course, these “sharks of capitalism” who are ready to trade anything, even for desert island will find a buyer. But many, especially intelligent people, are afraid to sell.

But keep in mind:

Anyone who avoids selling avoids money.

“Do you want checkers or go?”

So, we got to the truth that making money means selling something. Selling is profitable. For money.

And here is another paradox. The topic of making money on the Internet is very popular. How to make money online? People ask this question with manic persistence.

Strange. I would like to ask: why on the Internet, my friends? Do you need money? Or - only money earned on the Internet, and no others.

I understand that the Internet is an excellent tool for making money in “autonomous navigation” mode, regardless of full-time work, bosses, etc. Yes, that's true. But do not forget that the Internet is only a tool, not an end in itself.

Use the Internet, its endless possibilities. But remember that the main thing is to make money in life. And with or without the use of the Internet is a matter of technology.

The following factors most often prevent people from making money. Although in reality there are many more of them.

Lack of self-confidence. Even if no one else believes in you, you should. Then you will calmly accept other people’s criticism, stop wasting time on doubts, and you will find it faster and easier. necessary solutions. And you will begin to perceive problems as a challenge, and not as a reason for despondency. And be prepared for the fact that the more successful you become, the more criticism you will have to fend off.

A tendency to analyze and fear of action. Try to reduce the time spent on doubts and thoughts and take more action. How more people reflects on a problem or task, the more difficulties and obstacles he sees on the way, including imaginary ones. This is how you waste time. And on the contrary, the sooner you begin to implement your plans, the faster you find solutions to related problems and the more soberly you see the situation. You are more likely to succeed in one of several started projects than in just one. Start as many projects as possible. In the process, you will learn whether they have a chance of success, but be prepared to accept failure in stride. This does not mean that you need to act recklessly and constantly take risks.

Trampling in one place. There is an opinion that a person either develops or degrades. In a fast-changing world of huge competition successful person must strive to be in the forefront. This means constantly striving to improve in your field. The more professional knowledge and skills you have, the more you can give to clients and the more you will earn. However, knowledge alone is not enough, try to constantly apply new information in practice.

People who mind their own business rarely succeed. And this is understandable. A favorite activity gives rise to enthusiasm and interest, the brain involuntarily begins to generate new ideas, you even want to free time spend on it. And the more time and effort invested in something, the greater the return. With something you don't like, the result is the opposite. Therefore, it is worth spending time and understanding what really brings you joy, and trying to move in that direction.

The opinion of oneself as a person unworthy of material things. Many people are subconsciously afraid of having more money, but not everyone realizes this. This could be a feeling of guilt, a view of money as something bad, low self-esteem from childhood, or poverty in children of poor parents. Until a person internally accepts the amount he would like to have, he will not be able to earn it, or will quickly lose it. He will refuse opportunities and avoid successful situations. Very important psychological work above yourself, which will develop in you a calm, friendly attitude towards money and at the same time reduce its excessive importance in your eyes. Something that has too much emotion attached to it is difficult to get.

The habit of being a loner. Try to expand and develop your connections with other people. They are especially important in business. Successful people always have a lot useful acquaintances. You cannot know when exactly your connections can bring you benefits and financial gain. And the better your reputation as a reliable and positive person, the easier it will be for you to make new connections.