Why do you dream about cards? Various explanations for the plot. Things to check

When asked why cards are seen in dreams, different dream books They answer completely differently. Therefore, it is almost impossible to interpret such a dream without a complete analysis of reality. To decipher a dream, all the nuances of night dreams are important. You need to pay attention, first of all, to the appearance of the dreamed deck, as well as to the manipulations that are carried out in the dream.

IN real life Different decks of cards can be used for different purposes. But often such a dream focuses the dreamer’s attention on the fact that his life resembles a house of cards. Analyze your actions in reality to understand whether you could destroy your own life in some careless way.

Why do you dream about Tarot cards?

Most a common question is what Tarot cards mean in dreams. If you dream of fortune telling on cards, then most often this indicates that you are not happy with the state of affairs in real life and want to change your destiny. But if in your night dreams your attention is focused on a good situation, then this is a good sign. It indicates that everything will work out well for you in the near future. But if the alignment seen in the dream is not very good, then in reality you will soon encounter many difficulties.

Playing cards - dream book

Quite often, dreamers are interested in the question of why they dream playing cards.In this case, to correctly interpret the dream, you need to remember the suit of the cards you dreamed about:
    Hearts are directly related to the love sphere. If you see a lot of cards of this suit, then a fun period awaits you, filled with joyful events. Maybe someone from your circle is in love with you, but you don’t notice it. Clubs focus attention on the material side of life. Often you dream of club cards with pictures before a promotion or before receiving a bonus. And cards with numbers foreshadow material losses associated with wasteful spending. Peaks always warn of the machinations of enemies or the emergence of various obstacles in reality on the way to their goals. After you dream about the cards of spades, all decisions in real life must be balanced and thoughtful. You should also be wary of deception in real life. Diamonds reflect events taking place in the business sphere and reflect your professional level. Cards with pictures may portend a conversation with your boss or intrigue among colleagues.
If a woman dreams of playing cards, then she will be at the center of intrigue in reality. There is a high probability that envious women will weave a conspiracy against her, and it may also be that she will have to hide a secret romance. For a man, playing cards portend life success. But at the same time, such a dream emphasizes that for this you will have to show all your courage and determination. Very often, with cards in a dream, things are done certain actions. And this is precisely the starting point for correctly deciphering dreams.

When you dream of playing cards with friends for fun, this indicates that your hopes will become a reality in the near future. For sick people, such a dream is a harbinger of complete recovery. But if, according to the plot of your night dreams, you happened to play for money, then in reality you will face difficult trials. If you lost at cards in a dream, then in real life you will face a serious conflict. You will have to protect your reputation and your own property. But if you managed to win, then you will be acquitted, and any charges will be dropped. In accordance with the interpretation of dream books, it is very good to play cards in a dream in public places. This portends receiving financial profit. Also good sign is the plot of night dreams in which you watch people playing. This indicates that in the near future you will be able to meet an influential person who will provide you with real help in life. It should be understood that you should hardly try to decipher a dream in which you played cards if you were engaged in this activity, for example, during the evening. In this case, night dreams are just a reflection of reality.

Fortune telling on cards

According to the interpretation of Miller's dream book, fortune telling on Tarot cards on your own is a good omen. You begin a cheerful and carefree life. You will have time to do everything and confidently move towards your goals. If you have to tell fortunes to someone based on the plot of your night dreams, then in real life major difficulties will arise. To minimize their consequences, you should think through your every step and make only informed decisions. The question of why you dream of telling fortunes on cards is also very relevant. Most often, such a dream is interpreted in dream books as your uncertainty in certain vital issues. The dream emphasizes that due to indecision, it will be difficult for you to find a way out of the current situation in reality. Often one dreams of a fortune-telling layout of cards before important event, which may affect your destiny.

Why do you dream about fortune telling cards?

If according to the plot, dreams are just dreams fortune telling cards, but you are not going to guess at them, then this indicates that you will be able to accept the right decision. But if you catch yourself thinking that you are still going to tell fortunes, then this portends that you will have to turn to strangers for help.

Gypsy fortune teller

Be careful if you dreamed that a gypsy was reading your cards. Perhaps in reality you will be given advice that will mislead you, and you will make a completely wrong decision. Such a dream focuses attention on the fact that at this moment life period It’s better to listen to your own intuition than to the opinions of other people. Cards in a dream are an ambiguous symbol. Therefore, it is not always easy to explain their appearance in night dreams. It is necessary to remember the smallest nuances and compare them with various interpretations available in dream books. In addition, you also need to analyze the situation in real life and try to intuitively understand which areas of life can be affected by the cards seen in a dream.

If you happened to tell fortunes with cards in a dream, then perhaps in reality you are interested in the outcome of a certain matter, or you are confused and cannot find a way out. The dream book will sequentially examine the dream plot and tell you why it is dreaming.

Look around!

Did you dream that in a dream you happened to guess with cards? The dream book is sure: it is vital to think carefully about what awaits you.

Why do you dream that you made a card layout yourself? IN real world You may experience a sudden insight and make a fairly accurate prediction based on your personal intuition.

After such a dream, pay attention to various signs and signals for at least a week.

Tough choice!

Why else do you dream that you happened to guess on cards in a dream? The dream book believes that you doubt making a certain decision and want its correctness to be confirmed by an invisible judge.

In addition, you purely subconsciously feel that fate at the current stage depends on some force, and not on your own actions.

If in reality you often have to guess on cards or resort to predictive practices this kind, then the interpretation of sleep is more important.

Miller's Warning

Mr. Miller notes in his dream book: a dream card prediction is a reminder that you clearly did not complete some task, simply brushing it aside.

Remember everything!

Seeing such a vision for a young woman means that she will have to choose one of two suitors. Moreover, you will have to use exclusively prudence and intuition.

If in a dream you had a chance to guess on cards yourself, then the dream book is sure: you need to listen to the signs given by unearthly forces in the real world.

If you dreamed that a fortune teller was telling you fortune, then you should abandon the dubious undertaking. In any case, remember what exactly the cards predicted for you and how you personally reacted to it.

How to interpret?

Why do you dream about fortune telling with Tarot cards? Any picture that appears symbolizes the dreamer’s attitude towards certain real events. Therefore, the appearance of even an extremely negative Tarot card does not promise something terrible and inevitable.

However, the dream book claims that it is the Tarot cards that contain the most accurate prediction. The dream alignment can be interpreted in the usual way. Moreover, the appearance of any major arcana in a dream is interpreted as a description of the situation or a guide to action.

Check it out!

Did you dream of fortune telling using ordinary playing cards? The dream book thinks that in real life everything will turn out exactly the opposite. In addition, the playing deck symbolizes deception and intrigue.

Seeing that someone is making a layout for you is a sign of doubt. Try to check the veracity of the previously received information. Fortune telling on cards yourself in a dream means that you will regret having learned some secret.

A vision in which a person had a fortune-telling dream can be considered very mysterious and unusual. The dream book interprets its meaning differently. Although, there are many books of interpretations. And, accordingly, there are just as many explanations for this or that dream plot. To understand what it may portend, it is worth turning to different dream books.


Fortune telling usually symbolizes an important matter, but postponed for later. If a person himself tried to find out what awaited him, with the help coffee grounds- it means he is wasting his life. fortune-telling on Tarot cards - to the fact that it’s time to start changing reality for the better. Most likely, the dreamer is not happy with his life. And it's time to fix it.

When a girl sees herself trying to bewitch someone she likes, it means unhappy love. If it consists of at the moment, in a relationship, then most likely it will end sadly. But seeing a prediction on the runes is a good sign. A protector and patron will soon appear in the dreamer's life.

But watching from the sidelines as someone is being told fortunes on stones means the emergence of some kind of brilliant idea that will help solve all the problems. If the dreamer himself casts a spell on someone for the future in a dream, this means that he is admired. And finally, seeing a gypsy woman in your vision is a sign of disturbing doubts.

According to Miller

This one can tell you a lot of interesting things. famous dream book. young people often see in their dreams unmarried girls. She usually has a lot of good friends. But here is a man who would feel towards her serious feelings, will not appear soon. If the same vision appeared to a married lady, then it means she has many admirers. And envious people. And when a girl sees how she herself casts a spell on someone, they will soon come to her for advice.

This is not all that fortune telling can dream about. The dream book assures that if a girl tries to bewitch herself with her love, it means that in reality she believes too much in Fate. And, most likely, she is worried about her personal life. If this is really the case, then it’s worth taking a break. Stop looking for love and relationships. Then the faithful will find her himself.

By the way, fortune telling about a lover is a reflection of the dreamer’s dreams of love from the subconscious. And if the young lady saw who exactly was the object of her admiration in the vision, it means this person will move closer.

Eastern dream book

Fortune telling in a dream by clothing usually means only one thing - the sleeper is not completely honest and sincere with his family, friends and relatives. He should open up, at least to those who really love him. And if such a vision was dreamed by a sick person, it means that he will soon recover.

When a girl in her vision watches herself casting a spell on wedding dress- this is for a quick marriage. But if her friend was wondering about the groom, then the dreamer will introduce her loved one to the person who may turn out to be her Destiny.

Fortune telling in a mirror is not a good sign. Unfortunately, after such a vision they usually come bad news about dear and a loved one. If a person guessed on two mirrors, then in real life something will happen that he will greatly regret.

Modern dream book

This book of interpretations gives more interesting and detailed explanations of certain visions. Why, for example, do you dream of fortune telling on mirrors using this dream book? If the process of fortune telling is successful, and the person even saw someone’s silhouette in the reflection, then after some time (usually in the shortest possible time) he will become aware of information that was previously hidden from him. There will be no regrets. But indignation will flare up with a bright flame. But! There is no need to rush into action. It's worth waiting for the emotions to subside. And then it will be possible to make a decision regarding how to react to the revealed truth.

If fortune-telling does not give any results in a vision, the dream book assures that most likely the person will soon regret that he allowed himself to be fooled. Or about your excessive kindness.

A good ending to a dream is considered to be the moment when a person This means that his “black streak” will soon end.

Fortune telling by candles

The astroscope dream book tells a lot of interesting things. Fortune telling on two candles, for example, can mean the emergence of a new goal in life. But this is only if the flame burned evenly and brightly. If such a vision came to a person engaged in business, then he should know that he can only rely on himself and his two comrades in business.

But when the flame barely burns, you should expect worries and changes in plans. Has one candle gone out? It’s okay, it only promises minor troubles and checks at work. But if in a vision a person breaks a candle (or even two) himself, failure awaits him. Either in some significant project or in an exam. In general, the event will be important in any case. And if something like this is really planned, it’s worth preparing for it as much as possible in order to avoid a puncture.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Seeing yourself in the process of fortune telling is not a good sign. A person should be attentive to his surroundings, and also carefully check any information received from people. Almost all astrological sources advise doing this - books of interpretation, horoscope, dream book.

Fortune telling has no equal in symbolism if we consider it as a sign. That's why they attach so much importance to it. If there was also a fortune teller in the dream, this vision is worth listening to. And it is important to remember what she was like. Calm and friendly? This is good. This means that all problems will soon be resolved. Was the fortune teller wary and suspicious? Then the dreamer in real life should also take a closer look at his surroundings.

And if a person receives a frightening prediction from a sorceress, it’s time to take on all the things that were previously put off for later. And preferably without fuss. Excessive excitement will not do any good.

Combined dream book

They say that if a girl in a vision observed herself in the process of fortune telling, then she is too worried about some important matter. This is true? This means that we need to show as much caution and caution as possible in order to complete everything successfully.

If she observes the process from the outside, it means that there are a lot of rumors, gossip and suspicions floating around her. This is what the dream book says. Fortune telling by hand usually promises the appearance of new male friends and acquaintances in life. And this is good, if not for one thing - the other girls will condemn her for this, and consider her not a completely pious person. However, this is most likely due to envy.

Fortune telling by cards

Finally, a few words about why such fortune-telling occurs in dreams. The dream book assures that if a girl sees someone else laying out cards in front of her, then she will soon find herself in the center of a female conflict. To avoid it, you need to minimize communication with girls in your team. But sitting in front of the table and laying out the cards yourself means career growth.

If a guy dreams of such a vision, then they are waiting for him big changes in the near future. This could be a salary increase, or success in your personal life.

As you can see, there are many interpretations regarding what fortune-telling dreams mean. They are all different, and portend something special. And, of course, you can take this into account, but you shouldn’t betray too much of great importance dream After all, these are often just pictures from our subconscious.

Fortune telling in a dream is a reminder to you that some important postponed matter is bothering you. But when deciding to go through with it, be careful.

If a young lady sees this dream, it means that fate forces her to make a choice between two admirers. But in this choice, she must rely on herself in everything - on her intuition and prudence.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

What does the dream mean? Fortune telling

If a girl dreams that she is telling fortunes, it means that she will have to make a choice between two suitors. In this she will have to rely only on herself, her feelings and intuition.

A dream in which you turn off the gas promises the destruction of relationships with your loved one, loneliness and the collapse of hopes.

Interpretation of dreams from the Love Dream Book

See in a dream Fortune telling

Fortune telling in a dream means being worried about something important matter, which requires a decision, but in order to make it, you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons.

For a young girl, such a dream means that she is faced with a choice of which of two admirers to prefer and which to resign. This decision also requires her to be subtle and slow.

If someone tells fortunes for you in a dream, it means that in reality you will be disappointed by dubious pleasures. If you are guessing, in real life you are overcome by doubts with and without reason.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

What do dreams mean? Fortune telling

Fortune telling in a dream indicates that you are worried about some important pending matter. When returning to this matter, exercise caution.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

What does Fortune telling mean in a dream?

A dream about fortune telling reminds you of some important and long-delayed, forgotten matter.

If a young girl sees this dream, she will have to rely on her intuition and make a choice between two admirers.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

Meaning of dreams Fortune telling

A sign of doubt and emotional distress.

Often this is a reminder of some important task that you have put off, but is gradually bothering you.

If the fortune teller in a dream is friendly, and her words fill you with confidence and calm: such a dream suggests that things can soon work out on their own.

This is very auspicious sign, urging you to get rid of worries and trust in fate. Nevertheless, you should not take the results of fortune telling literally - they may only contain a hint of certain events.

If, instead of calm confidence, you feel impatience and excitement: such a dream is most likely false.

Receiving a frightening prediction in a dream means that you better not let things take their course. Rely on your strengths and try to avoid unnecessary fuss.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 20th century

What does Fortune telling mean in a dream?

A sign of unreasonable worries and torment during the search for truth. Surprise, possible losses due to excessive haste, the need to solve the problem facing you.

A fortune teller predicts your fate - such a dream promises you happiness in love.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 21st century

Interpretation of sleep Fortune telling

If they are telling you fortune, then wait unexpected turn in life, the nature of which is not yet clear.

If you are guessing yourself, listen to your inner voice, especially in the coming week.

Fortune telling If you dream that someone is telling fortunes to you, this means that unexpected changes in fate await you, which may or may not be favorable.

Interpretation of dreams from the Gypsy dream book

What does Fortune telling predict in a dream?

If you dream that you are being told fortunes, this means that unexpected changes in fate await you, which may or may not be favorable.

If you yourself know how to predict the future, this means that sudden insights about the future await you.

You should pay special attention to the premonitions that you may have within a few next days.

Interpretation of dreams from

Numerological Dream Book

Fortune telling in a dream using two mirrors- means that you will regret something very much.

If fortune telling in a dream- proceeds successfully and you see someone’s reflection in the mirrors, then after 2 weeks you will learn some information that has been hidden from you until now, and your regret will turn into indignation. However, do not rush to act, wait until your indignation subsides. Trust the person you met 2 days ago after a long separation, and you won’t go wrong.

If fortune telling in a dream proceeds sluggishly and unsuccessfully- you will regret that over the past 2 months you have allowed yourself to be fooled by those around you.

If in a dream at the end of fortune telling you break mirrors- in 2 months the period of your suffering will end and you will enter a new phase of your life. Don't forget to summarize.

If you are telling fortunes using two candles, then pay attention to the flame- if both candles burn evenly and brightly, then in your life you will have new goal, and you will be able to achieve wonderful results if you rely only on yourself and 2 like-minded people.

A flame barely visible and about to go out- this is a sign of future worries associated with a change of plans. Perhaps your bosses will be especially demanding of you in the next 20 days.

If one of the candles goes out- there is no reason to worry, the bosses are just studying you inside and out, checking whether they can entrust you with a new responsible task.

If at the end of fortune telling on two candles you break both or one of them- in 11 days you are in danger of failing the exam if you are studying, or being admitted annoying mistake during public speaking. Women have this dream- promises disappointment in the gentleman.

Miller's Dream Book

Fortune telling in a dream- this is a reminder to you that some important pending matter is bothering you. But when deciding to follow through with it, be careful.

Fortune teller in a dream- a sign of unreasonable worries and torment during the search for truth.

Lunar dream book

Guess- don’t rush, everything will happen in due time.

Chinese dream book

You approach a person who is engaged in fortune telling using the I Ching.- portends a disease, illness.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Guess- to be deceived; surprise, sometimes a form of intuition.

Dream book of a gypsy

If you dream that you are being told fortunes- this means that unexpected changes in fate await you, which may or may not be favorable.

If you can predict the future yourself- this means that sudden insights about the future await you. You should pay special attention to the premonitions that you may have over the next few days.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

Fortune telling, bewitching- losses will not help your grief / grief.

Guess- surprise.

Esoteric dream book

Guess to yourself- seek advice in matters, do not decide everything yourself.

To you- be careful, treason is possible.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Guess- to loss of money; warning not to rush.

Collection of dream books

If you are wondering in a dream- this is a reminder that some important pending matter is bothering you, but you need to be careful and beware of troubles and problems if you decide to complete this matter; for a young girl a dream about fortune telling- means that fate forces her to make a choice between admirers and in this choice she must rely on herself in everything - on her intuition and feelings.

Fortune telling on cards- such a dream means that you should think seriously about your future.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds in a dream- waste your time.

Dreams from Saturday to Sunday

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Tell in open window: “Where there is night, there comes sleep. All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn it inside out bed sheets inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.