He will strongly express his affection for the person. How to determine whether it is affection or serious feelings

Eleanor Brik

Attachment is a strange feeling of need to communicate with a person with whom you do not have a loving, mutually beneficial or material relationship. On the one hand, it will seem that there is nothing negative about attachment to a person, but on the other hand, the desire to see and hear the object of dependence can develop into a real obsession.

The problem is that attachment is a form of destructive dependence on external circumstances.

How does attachment arise?

Attachment is normal and obsessive form. In normal dependence there is emotional connection V right moment, but as soon as it passes, the need for a person disappears. When the absence of a person causes emotional distress, it is quite possible that attachment has acquired an obsessive, unhealthy appearance.

Neurotic attachment - . This is a kind of withdrawal, but not at the physiological level, but at a subtle – spiritual level. Dependence on a person deprives you of freedom, prevents you from living happily and interferes with emotional peace.

Initially, addiction takes the form of a habit. This is the result of long-term contact, communication, meetings and a feeling of closeness. When large-scale experiences tend to be repeated, addiction develops. If unfamiliar people communicate, date, spend time or live together, over time the relationship will inevitably lead to dependence and attraction.

Attachment is a type of emotional support from another person to improve one’s own condition.

How to get rid of attachment?

like this psychological dependence Time doesn't heal. A person attached to anyone does not perceive life adequately and acts irrationally. If the addiction arose due to love relationship, then getting rid of it is not so easy. This is explained by the fact that love is a strong experience, “the highest pleasure.” This is why difficulties arise. A person subconsciously does not want to give up this feeling. And who would refuse? Especially if the relationship ended recently, the memories are fresh, and the loss is unusual.

How to get rid of neurotic attachment? The algorithm is like this:

Concentrate on current events. As soon as an attraction to the object of addiction arises, at the same moment transfer your thoughts and attention to what is happening at the present time. Enjoying life here and now is the most important thing for achieving harmony with the world and your own self. The skill of switching attention to the current moment of life will eliminate most problems. At the moment of digging through your memory, you are living in a past that no longer exists. Calculating what will happen in 10 years - in the future, which does not yet exist. This is fantasy and... Real life happening right now, at this very moment.
After thinking about the object of emotional attraction, answer the question: “What do I want?” It happens that we interpret it incorrectly. If you are honest with yourself, the answer will be: “I feel an inner, emotional emptiness. I need to fill it out. Apart from attraction and dependence, I have nothing to fill the void with.” This is proof that the person to whom there is an inexplicable attraction does not need you as a person. It is advisable to find something to fill the inner emptiness and apathy. These are things that help personal growth: books, a new business, a passion, a hobby. Do what brings you joy. Once you fill the void and eliminate boredom, the attachment to the person will decrease or disappear forever.

Everything seems simple, but it was not so! Attachment is an insidious feeling. Often we don’t want to get rid of it at all, but living like this becomes unbearable. What to do?

What to do when you don’t want to get rid of it?

Don't get attached to anything, because everything is temporary.

The state when you don’t want to forget and let go of the object of dependence is quite normal. This is not surprising, because the state of love is close to the state of nirvana, and who would want to voluntarily give up this?

However, you need to realize that nothing happens in life by chance. Problematic situations help people develop and grow as individuals. from another person makes you ask questions and find answers to them. This is what happens.

If you don’t want to get rid of attachment, then the choice is small: either realize that the situation creates a problem and solve it by freeing yourself from dependence, or continue to suffer and naively believe that it is possible to return the old relationship with the attracting person.

By the way, those who have become a springboard for the emergence of addiction and attraction will not succeed. And here's why:

Nothing in life happens for nothing. This situation was not given to you by chance. You develop, grow, change. The hope of returning the relationship is resistance to the events of one’s own life. Look at the clock - the hands only go forward, and what happened a week/month/year ago no longer matters. No matter how painful, offensive and unpleasant it is to let go of a person, you will have to let him go.
A dependent person lives in a world of illusions and his own fantasies. He completely surrenders to the pictures that the insidious brain draws. Let's face it. In fact, these relationships have already outlived their usefulness; you don’t need them. The truth is that there is an inner emptiness that needs to be filled.

Give up addiction. Realize that this state is just own desire receive something from the outside, fill an emotional void, bring to life the need for love and care. You can alleviate the “withdrawal syndrome” by getting carried away with what you love, filling the void with what you really like. As soon as this happens, the need to communicate with the object of dependence will go away by itself, it will become unnecessary ballast and an obstacle to self-improvement.

Surround yourself happy people. Stop communicating and meeting with the object of attraction. It hurts, but constant contact is much more painful. Fill your life with new events that have value here and at this moment. Plunge into your current life headlong and stop living in the events of the past. Over time, the absence in a person's life, addictive, will not be perceived with such acuteness.

March 14, 2014

Has it ever happened to you: you met a person and felt such an instant and amazing force of attraction that you immediately decided that he was your one and only?

You are so close and feel so comfortable that you think you have finally found your soul mate.

But is this true? Has love come? Or is it a simple attachment to a person? Do you love him or do you desperately need him? What, you ask, is the difference?

Waiting for happiness

We often absorb the feelings and moods of other people, we get used to their way of life, their beliefs. Attachment is a deep emotional connection with another person.

The tendency to form such connections is a universal trait human life. And the possibility of losing a partner can cause fear, despair, uncertainty, and become destructive.

If you have an irresistible connection with a narcissistic person, you find it difficult to separate yourself from him, you have become his prey. But you don't realize it until it's too late. Instead, you think you've fallen in love.

For example, moving to new city, new job, discomfort in a new environment. Big changes life always causes stress. And at this time you become vulnerable.

But then the meeting takes place. He is friendly, cheerful, and wants to help. He shows you a safe place to get your car repaired, he invites you to the bar for coffee after work. He even helps you arrange the furniture in your new apartment.

He offers the help and companionship you have wanted and needed. He also makes you laugh and tells you how good you are, how he has been waiting for you all his life. You feel appreciated, it's flattering. You were relieved to find that you could rely on someone. You feel loved.

A relationship begins

But soon everyone around is wondering what these two saw in each other. You have nothing in common.

However, an attachment arose. And you stay together, even if this person begins to demand more and more, even when you cease to be comfortable with him.

No matter what, you don't break up because the thought of loss is terrifying. But you have to wonder what it is, affection or love? The only thing that really unites you is the need for someone, the need to feel that someone cares about you.

This is attachment. It is needed to raise self-esteem, to fill the void. He- like a port in a storm. But this is not enough for love. Love is not need or desperation.

Any port will come in handy during a storm. But you don't have to stay there. If he is not your man, you should not even drop anchor. No attachments - no suffering. You just need to not give up and keep sail.

Remember that you can handle this on your own, you will weather this storm. And when it ends, you are sure to meet someone who also weathered their storm. You will be able to face life with courage and count on true love.

New sensations or nostalgia

We tried to explain what attachment to a person is and how it differs from love. In fact, these concepts are so close that it is not always possible to separate them.

Sometimes affection disguises itself as love. But it's just caring about someone and being grateful for the time we spent together. If a physical element is added to the relationship, then these concepts become even more difficult to distinguish.

Often affection is considered love by those who have not yet experienced true love. Spending a lot of time together, getting used to each other, young people think that this is the same feeling...

It is important to keep in mind that love has all the components of affection, but not the other way around. It is much deeper than attachment, more stable and more intense.

Another feeling that makes it even more difficult to separate love and affection is nostalgia. Sometimes you feel longing for the time you spent with someone and mistake it for love. You feel sentimental about your relationship with your ex. It is not necessary to continue your relationship in the future if it ended for objective reasons.

When you're evaluating a current relationship or thinking about pursuing one in the future, it's important to stop and consider what's going on. Are you in love or experiencing affection?

Perhaps you're just feeling nostalgic for times gone by? There is no shame in either situation, but it is important to differentiate between them. Love is measured by the measure of forgiveness, affection by the pain of farewell.

Or maybe it’s still Love?

So, we see how close the concepts of affection and love are. Romantic attachment can flow into love, or it can become a burden and an obstacle to real feelings. Let's name some signs of true love.

  1. You are unable to stop thinking about this person.
  2. You can talk for hours, forgetting about time.
  3. You want to make each other happy.
  4. He brings out the best qualities in you.
  5. You accept him as he is, with his quirks, family and friends.

Maintain a balance between love and passion. Don't rush to get attached to each other, let the relationship develop naturally. The more you are willing to bring love, honesty, passion and romance into your relationship, the easier it will be to attract someone who shares the same qualities.

Is it possible to distinguish between feelings?

There are many different methods and tests that help you understand yourself. Let's try to understand how to distinguish affection from love. The test below will help you come to an opinion.

What attracts you in a partner?Figure, beautiful face, achievements, careerPersonality in general
Do you remember the beginning of the relationship?Love at first sightSlow development
Is your interest constant?VariableConstant deep feeling
How does feeling affect life?Disorganizes. Abandoned things (not always)Most of the best qualities come out
Attitude towards others?Indifferent to everyone except the objectDarling - main man, but other people are not indifferent
How do breakups affect?Feelings fadeFeelings get worse
Do you often quarrel?Often because there's nothing to talk aboutQuarrels fade away over time
Positioning yourself in a relationship?Me and him, mine and hisWe, us, ours
Selflessness or selfishness?Will I be happy with him?I want to make him happy

It is important to remember that time is your like-minded person in resolving the issue of affection and love.

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Don’t rush to run down the aisle or break up, let some time pass. And the problem will solve itself.

Attachment is energetic, emotional and psychological attachment to a person, material object or sensation, based on a relationship of dependence. It would be a mistake to believe that bindings are a consequence of exclusively magical influence. Most often, we become attached to a person ourselves, putting ourselves in a position of dependence. (It should be remembered that attachments concern not only people - you can become attached to home, drugs, nicotine, delicious food, any emotions, etc.).

However, it is believed that magicians and sorcerers of all stripes can make a custom-made binding to a person - let's look at what happens in such a case how it works and what the consequences are.

From an energy point of view

What is the effect of anchoring in terms of energy? When we interact with someone, energy channels are formed between us and this “someone” - something like tubes through which energy flows. With healthy and adequate communication, when people treat each other kindly and without complaints, energy flows freely in both directions. In this case, we are satisfied with ourselves, our partner and the communication process itself. We give energy unselfishly because we want to do it, and we accept the flow of energy directed towards us with gratitude, but without claims or expectations.

Energy balance is disturbed when a state of dependence occurs. Most often, the reason is demands and expectations - if one of the two decides that the other “owes” something to him, energy exchange degrades to the level of energy vampirism. The demanding party can no longer imagine itself without this source of energy - this is how dependence appears and, as a consequence, binding. Often, attachments also annoy the objects of attachment, because energy channels are “double-edged swords,” but the “attached” themselves suffer most from them. Passionately wanting to receive the coveted energy and tormented by expectations, as a result they spend more mental strength than they receive anything.

Food for thought

Attachment and love are completely different things

If binding is most often " headache“For both sides, why do so many people ask the question - how to tie a person to you? Let's face it - attachment has nothing to do with love. And the one who decided to tie another person to himself is already tied himself - he wastes energy, tormented by expectations, and with the help of this ritual he simply wants to turn the channel in his direction. Many people believe that the strength of the binding and the very possibility of it depends only on the strength of the magician (well, or on the size sum of money- payment for his services), but this is not true.

The law of free will operates in the Universe, so it is almost impossible to forcibly bind someone to you. However this law applies only to those who are aware of their freedom from attachments and do not themselves enter into relationships of dependence. Everyone else is subject to the influence because at a deep level they consent to it. Is magical intervention justified in this case? Everyone decides for themselves, but before embarking on what they have planned, it is worth thinking carefully about where these actions will ultimately lead us (if they lead us anywhere at all).

What are the types of bindings?

Depending on the object of attachment, bindings are:

  1. Material means dependence on things, food, alcohol, etc.;
  2. Sensual – attachment to sexual sensations, drug euphoria, pain, etc.;
  3. Emotional – attachment to relationships, loved ones, position in society, etc.;
  4. Necrotic is a special case of emotional attachments in which the object is deceased people (in addition, some magicians use necrotic attachment to penetrate the afterlife);
  5. Mental – dependence on certain judgments, beliefs, ideas, attitudes;
  6. Spiritual – attachment to knowledge, abilities, talents, etc.

Energy bindings and connections

Connecting a loved one through a photograph. love spell

Binding, Calling a Loved One (Bassoon) Love Spells

PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION OF A LOVE SPELL: money euros dollars luck.

How to get your energy back from past events?

Types of energy information entities

Magical bindings most often cover the sphere of relationships. The most popular and in demand include:

  1. Love (or cordial) - when the object is “tied” to the “customer” at the level of feelings;
  2. Sexual (or "eguilet") - addiction to sexual relations with the “customer”;
  3. On thought - when the object cannot help but think about the “customer”;
  4. On rapprochement or “on the threshold” - when the object is “attracted” to the customer, falling into his social circle.

Magic rituals

Every person by nature has access to some magical abilities, so he can do the simplest binding himself. However, this will require the ability to focus consciousness, concentrate, at least temporarily distancing yourself from feelings and desires. Otherwise, the person will only strengthen his own attachment to the object of adoration. For the ritual you need a candle and a photograph of the person you are going to “bind”.

You need to light a candle and meditate on it a little, clearing your consciousness. Then, looking at the photograph, you need to recreate the image of a person in your imagination, clearly imagining all of his characteristic features- not only external, but also concerning spiritual qualities. Now imagine that every quality, ability or hobby ultimately gives rise to his affection for you. However, it should be remembered that neither a simple nor a very strong attachment will change the essence of the relationship - the person will feel the need for you, but not love.

There are other ways to inspire affection in a person. They are operated by experienced magicians and sorcerers, using spells, personal belongings and various magical attributes. The rituals may differ depending on the gender of the person they want to bind. Thus, a man is often tied to food, to blood, to a red ribbon, to knots. Tying a woman to a red rose, a comb, sweets, etc.


The consequences of bindings are not difficult to predict - both for one and for the other side. Even if a magician performs the ritual, this does not relieve you of responsibility, because you create the intention yourself. The degree of responsibility directly depends on the intention: binding to ensure that a frivolous lover does not forget about you over long distances (for example, on business trips) differs from binding to complete submission with the intention of making him a slave. To avoid punishment (the so-called “kickback”), which inevitably comes sooner or later, experienced sorcerers set magical protection. However, the protection is not eternal - it needs to be renewed from time to time, and in addition, it does not eliminate karmic responsibility for encroaching on free will.

To put it bluntly, you cannot envy a person who is “tied.” According to many reviews of those who have experienced the power of binding themselves, magical intervention often leads to depression, deterioration of health and mental disorders. The “attached” person does not understand where the craving for another person came from in spite of his own will. The attachment makes him feel and act according to an alien program, which inevitably results in internal conflict, and sometimes in the destruction of the psyche.

The person who acted as the “customer” sometimes also has a hard time. Most often, attachment does not bring the desired satisfaction - over time you want more and more, while magical influence has its limits. Attachment does not create love, but only aggravates the relationship of dependence. In addition, the feeling for the “attached” person can be lost even before the ritual ends. In this case, he will seem very intrusive and completely uninteresting, but it will not be so easy to get rid of him.

Attachment is an invisible emotional connection that attracts and holds a person close to another person, situation, location or object.

People tend to get attached. This could be an attachment to work or place of residence, or to an old dress. Majority modern people tied to comfort, to TV, the Internet, mobile phone.

People quickly get used to their comfort zone, and therefore a domestic attachment arises. But often a person becomes emotionally attached to another person. For example, the attachment of a child to his mother and vice versa. Moreover, as the child grows up, attachment should give way to a feeling of love.

What does attachment to a person mean?

Psychological attachment is an emotional connection between people, which manifests itself in the desire for constant closeness and a feeling of security next to a certain person.

Psychologists distinguish between healthy manifestations of psychological attachment and unhealthy forms of its manifestations.

So a healthy form of attachment is a close emotional connection between people, which manifests itself when another needs it. Such affection gives a feeling of lightness and freedom in relationships and the person realizes that he can let go of the other without causing pain.

A neurotic and unhealthy manifestation of attachment is a rigid psychological connection, when even the idea of ​​existing without an object of attachment causes fear and pain, mental anguish and anxiety. If a person is deprived of the object of his emotional attachment, he experiences real suffering from which he wants to get rid of

It is illusory to assume that you will find a recipe that will get rid of attachment to another person in one evening. It will take time to completely overcome emotional attachments. After all, psychological attachment is formed gradually as a habit or as a result long term relationship, in which there is a repetition of significant emotional experiences.

However, if your feelings for another person bring only pain and suffering to both of you, and communication has ceased to bring joy, then most likely you have begun to experience an unhealthy attachment to another. Moreover, the feeling of attachment and the feeling of love have nothing in common. These feelings can be conditionally called love affection

What is love for a person?

Love affection is special kind emotional attachment, which manifests itself in unhealthy manifestations of feelings for another and even dependence on another person. Main feature love affection- this is not joy or care associated with the object of love, but love suffering that a person enjoys.

A strong psychological attachment is very similar to the feeling of love. Moreover, we can experience both love and affection for the same person. However, an unhealthy attachment to another person is closely connected with the fear of loneliness, with the fear of not being needed by anyone.

The thought of losing the object of affection causes a deep sense of despair. Such affection, of course, is not love, but the fear of being left without the attention of a particular person. This feeling helps to raise self-esteem; it, like nothing else, fills the spiritual emptiness

When we fall in love or a person becomes very dear to us, a feeling of attachment often arises. This is a feeling of closeness and devotion, a desire to be together always and everywhere, caused by strong sympathy and positive emotions.

On the one hand, there is nothing wrong with him, at least as long as you have the opportunity to be with this person. But if for some reason you can no longer be together or love has begun to turn into an obsession, a dangerous attachment, then the time has come for your benefit to get rid of it.

When a person experiences pain and suffering due to the absence of the object of his attachment, it means that a painful attachment has taken root in his psyche.

Affection is characteristic of a child, and love is characteristic of a mature person.

Most people, one way or another, become attached to their loved ones and friends, to animals, to their place of work, to their place of residence, to a car... Having become attached to someone or something, we are afraid of losing the object of our attachment.

Binding, attachment... These words are associated with the action of binding, with binding and connection. What is this? Lack of freedom and fetters of habit? Or is it still love? How does affection manifest itself in a relationship? How is it related to addiction?

This is what I want to talk about in my article.

Characteristics of Attachment

Affection has to do with closeness, devotion, sympathy. Its basis is emotions and habits. And it takes time to form - it is impossible to become attached to someone at first sight. In its development it goes through certain stages.

How is attachment formed? Here we can talk about two sides of the coin: in this connection there is always the one who is attached and the one to whom they are attached.

To bind another person, you need to become necessary for him. How to do this? Well, for example, if you solve all his difficulties, fulfill his desires, quietly (and maybe without hiding it) fence him off from the world and other people.

In this case, the attached party becomes weak, helpless and dependent on its benefactor.

There are many types of attachments in life. When people get used to comfort and technology: to mobile communications, social networks, computer, TV, beautiful clothes, certain furniture, etc. And at the same time, a person suffers if his favorite things or “advanced toys” suddenly disappear from his life.

People become attached and attached to their relatives, loved ones, friends, partners - these are friendly and loving attachments.

A person can get used to certain living conditions and other household amenities. For example, some women are ready to live with an unloving and sometimes rude husband only because they are unable to refuse to live in a good apartment or big house. These are the so-called worldly attachments.

Emotionally, attachment is expressed as the desire to possess someone or something. For example, to be one with a partner, to see in him a source of help, a feeling of security.

Do these aspirations remind you of anything?

Yes these are needs small child addressed to the mother. And psychologists say the following about this: as the child grows up, you need to learn to distinguish between his attachment to his mother and his love for her. And the older the children are, the more love should prevail in their souls over attachment.

That is, affection is inherent in a child, and love is inherent in a mature person.

Love and affection: differences

A person attached to someone cannot do without the object of his obsessive interest. He needs another.

Affection is expressed by phrases like: “I love you so much that I can’t imagine life without you.” This is not the case in love, because this feeling is characteristic of mature people who do not make their lives dependent on their partner. Such a person will say: “I feel bad without you, but I won’t be lost.”

What psychological age do you correspond to in relationships?

In life, it is very easy to confuse love and affection, and, moreover, both of these manifestations can be present in a person’s soul at the same time.

How to distinguish love from affection?

When we depend on someone, then we're afraid lose this person. Therefore, we take care of him and fulfill his wishes only out of fear of being left alone. This kind of love is “forced”.

In this case, the boundaries between our needs and the needs of others are blurred. A person merges with the thoughts and life of a partner, losing himself.

When experiencing love, people do something for their loved ones because they like it and it brings pleasure.

Attachment goes side by side with constant suffering, with forcing oneself to take care of the object of dependence. And a person can even perceive and present his sacrifices and torments as his virtues.

Childhood Roots of Attachment

When should affection in a child’s soul begin to flow into love?

At three years old, the child first declares his sense of independence, separation from his parents and tries to defend his rights and desires, his “I”. He begins to show character. At this moment, it is very important that parents respect his needs, boundaries, his personality. Then the baby will develop healthy performance about yourself and adequate self-esteem. And it is at this stage that the child switches to new level relationships where affection transforms into love. During this same period, his dependence on his parents also weakens.

The child develops a perception of relationships with another person as “I” and “You”. At this age, the mother should delicately explain to the baby that she has her own own life, your own affairs and interests, and that’s normal.

At the same time, it is important to protect your child’s personal space from gross intrusions, pressure, commands and instructions on what and how to do. During this period, the child’s personal boundaries, his sense of self and perception of other people are formed. Healthy or, on the contrary, painful and traumatic passage of this stage affects the entire future life of a person!!! On his ability to build mature relationships and love.

Types of attachment in relationships

There are two main types of psychological attachment.


It manifests itself as a constant withdrawal of attention from another. If it is not possible to receive a dose of positive attention, the person begins to provoke anger and irritation in the object.

This kind of attachment usually affects people who grew up in an atmosphere of overprotection or, on the contrary, pronounced neglect.


This type of attachment is accompanied by constant sudden changes in mood and behavior. A person's relationship with another is like the swaying of waves in the sea: when the wave rises, the partner is adored and extolled, and when the wave subsides, he is rejected and avoided. At the same time, there is never a smooth surface of water: there are no compromises in such relationships, and jumps in emotional changes become more frequent and intensified. The person himself cannot explain the reasons for the appearance of his internal emotional turns and suffers from this.

People with this type of dependent behavior were brought up in families in which the father and mother had inconsistent, hysterical natures. They either praised and caressed the child, or pushed him away from them, scolded him, beat him, without explaining the reasons for what was happening. And the baby did not understand their behavior and could not adapt to them.

Painful attachment

When a person experiences pain and suffering due to the absence of the object of his attachment, it means that a painful attachment has taken root in his psyche. If at the same time he completely loses his freedom, then this is already a manifestation of dependence. Vivid examples such a state - bad habits: alcoholism, drug addiction, gluttony.

- this is Velcro in the human soul. And if the glue firmly glues its bearer to the object of desire and any attempts to “tear” them away from each other cause unbearable pain and inflict wounds on the soul - this is already addiction.

Painful attachments often replace love for couples. When people cannot truly love, these attachments give them a feeling of confidence and security. And it should be noted that attachment in this case indicates not so much a lack of love in the soul, but rather a loss of the meaning of life and interest in it.

And, of course, all this suggests that the period of formation of independence and letting go of attachments was passed by a person with complications. And the parents are not always so to blame for what happened - after all, they were treated the same way, and later no one taught them the rules of raising children.

Such an example. Babies want their mother to always be near them. And mothers, in turn, often perceive the child as a favorite toy.

When the mother leaves the room, the son shouts at her to come back because he feels bad without her. And she runs to her child, who is so happy about her return. But over time, games turn into manipulations. And the son learns the following behavior pattern: you want him to close person was with you - suffer. And he gets used to using suffering for his own purposes, he becomes capricious and whines. And mom struggles with him with all her might. And at the same time both are attached to each other.

Therefore, remember about the three-year-old crisis. Until the age of three, envelop your child with your love without any restrictions. But after three years, begin to build your child’s personal boundaries, showing respect for his interests and independence.

Affectionate people

To avoid suffering from morbidly attached relationships, observe your potential partners before entering into an alliance. Try to communicate with mentally balanced people who do not revel in suffering and can control their attachments.

People with a healthy mental organization usually remain in good mood, have a sense of humor, act, and do not fall into fruitless experiences.

Of course, when people meet and just start living together - this is the first 1-2 years - they merge into one for some time. But then comes a stage when you need to remember again about your hobbies, affairs, and friends. It is necessary that the partners each live their own lives again, without being confined to the small world of two. We need to let it in common space world.

But what if your partner suffers from painful attachment?

First of all, forget about the feelings of pity and guilt. Of course, the situation is not easy. An affectionate partner will cling to you and pester you with requests and calls until the last moment. But, you see, you cannot help another by feeling sorry for him.

His soul is sick. And he can only heal her himself. And parting is precisely the lesson that is so necessary for him, although it is very painful. He must accept the pain of parting, transform his unconscious, and grow up internally.

Or he will begin to look for a new object of affection. But everyone chooses their own path.

To avoid unnecessary and unnecessary suffering when breaking up with an affectionate person, avoid any contact with him. If necessary, change your phone number. Conversations and lengthy showdowns will not lead both of you to constructive results, but will only prolong unpleasant experiences.

If in this situation, the person suffering from sick attachment is yourself, then the best way out would be to complete a 6-month program: where you can go through the difficult path of liberating your soul.

Best wishes,

Irina Gavrilova Dempsey