A sixteen-year-old girl has a late period. A sixteen-year-old girl has a delay and it is being solved

In the modern world there is a tendency to “rejuvenate” the processes occurring in the body. Menstruation is no exception to this rule. If previously the age of onset of puberty was approximately 15 years, now by this time girls are in the middle of puberty. However, despite the fact that girls have to deal with this phenomenon at a fairly early age, not everyone knows how the cycle should normally form. For example, a delay in menstruation in a 16-year-old teenager causes panic in some people, while others consider it normal. Who is right? Let's look further.

Delayed menstruation in girls 16 years old

Teenagers' periods may be irregular, but whether this is considered normal or pathological can be determined by knowing the age at which the girl's first menstruation began and the girl's general health. It is only worth noting that the first menstruation, called menarche, usually occurs in girls aged 11–15 years. The absence of menstruation at the age of sixteen most often indicates a malfunction of the adolescent’s endocrine system. When determining the degree of their severity, attention should be paid to the development of secondary sexual characteristics (female-type hair growth, “softening” of body shape, growth of mammary glands).

If a girl looks mature in appearance, but has never had a period, this is a signal that the humoral regulation glands are working abnormally, which is why the level of follicle-stimulating hormones, which are responsible for the maturation of eggs and, as a result, the onset of menstruation, remains low. In this case, you need to contact a gynecologist-endocrinologist to prescribe therapy.

This needs to be done as soon as possible, because in adolescence the causes of “problems” can be more accurately determined, and the chances of successfully eliminating the problem remain high.

Causes of delayed periods in teenagers

If there have already been critical days, but the schedule for their occurrence remains unstable, this may be due to several reasons.

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A delay in menstruation at 16 years of age may be due to the following:

  • lack of hormones. Hormonal imbalances in adolescence are not uncommon, and in most cases indicate that the body is simply adapting to its new functions;
  • sudden weight gain or loss. Do not forget that the proper functioning of all body systems is largely based on balance and regularity. Any “impacts” that disrupt the balance and disrupt metabolic processes also affect the menstrual cycle;
  • emotional stress. The reproductive system is also very sensitive to changes in the emotional background, so overwork, increased physical and mental stress, insufficient sleep - all this can cause a delay;
  • onset of pregnancy. If a girl is sexually active and uses unreliable contraception or does not use it at all, then the most obvious reason for a missed period may be pregnancy. According to a common misconception, many believe that since the cycle has not yet been established, then conception is unlikely to occur. This is fundamentally wrong, and therefore, when starting sexual activity at an age when menstruation is still irregular, it is extremely important to use contraceptives;
  • the presence of diseases of the pelvic organs. Also mainly concerns girls who are sexually active. But virgins are also at risk of contracting bacterial (cystitis) or fungal (candidiasis, also known as thrush) infections.

Doctors consider the acceptable period for delaying menstruation in adolescents to be six months. If after this time the menstrual cycle has not returned to normal, this is a good reason to consult a doctor.

Absence of menstruation for more than two months

As we said earlier, a delay of up to six months is quite acceptable. So, if you haven't had your period for 2 months, don't panic.

In order to decide what to do in such a situation, pay attention to the following quality of life indicators:

  1. Alternation of work and rest. A tired body simply has nowhere to get the strength to work “as it should,” so overwork can be a very real reason. You can eliminate it by diversifying your working day with hobbies, sports, or at least walking.
  2. Nutrition. A lack of vitamins or, conversely, an excess of some substance in the blood additionally loads one of the most important organs of the endocrine system - the liver. Improper nutrition leads to metabolic disorders and, as a consequence, menstrual irregularities.
  3. Diseases and medicines. An organism that has not recovered from an illness needs time to restore its resources, and it is this time that becomes a delay. In addition, taking antibiotics, in turn, can affect the cycle.

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Irregular periods at 16 years old

Irregular periods in sixteen-year-old girls are usually not a serious cause for concern. However, if there is a suspicion that, in addition to an unformed menstrual cycle, the teenager is experiencing other health problems, it is necessary to undergo a full medical examination. Also, do not forget that menstruation, which is still irregular, can begin at any moment, and, as usually happens, it will turn out to be “the most inappropriate.” To avoid unpleasant incidents, you should always have a pad or tampon with you. If during menstruation a girl feels pain in the lower abdomen, it will not hurt to also have a painkiller tablet.

When to see a doctor

It is necessary to sound the alarm in the event of a delay in menstruation in a sixteen-year-old girl when, in the absence of discharge, she feels characteristic pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. Also, a signal of possible significant problems, including insufficient production of the hormones estrogen and PS, may be a delay in the development of secondary sexual characteristics. Sometimes it happens that this process “freezes” at a certain stage, and along with it the menstrual cycle stops.

The problem caused by hormone imbalance can and should be solved. A gynecologist-endocrinologist can help with this. Therefore, you should not delay your visit to him.

Opinion of gynecologists

If the possibility of serious disturbances in the functioning of the body is excluded, the doctor may recommend the following:

  • add more fresh vegetables and fruits, red meat, fish to your food (they contain proteins and microelements that strengthen all body systems);
  • start taking vitamin tablets (recommended if there is a deficiency of vitamins obtained naturally, or if the absorption of certain substances is impaired);
  • moderate physical and mental stress (stressful studies or intense sports have a tremendous impact on the body and provoke fatigue);
  • spend more time in the fresh air (walking has a good therapeutic and preventive effect, relaxing and calming);
  • get more rest (to restore strength, it is extremely important to sleep a sufficient number of hours, that is, at least seven).

Sometimes, in cases where pathologies of the endocrine and reproductive systems have not been identified, it makes sense to seek the advice of a psychologist. Oddly enough, psychosomatic causes of delay are not uncommon among teenage girls. Often the menstrual cycle goes wrong due to the fact that the girl perceives changes in her own body too impressionable and painfully. In this case, there will be a deterioration in performance, appetite, fatigue, and depression. The task of parents in this situation is to notice that something is wrong in time and help the child cope with the problem.

We can talk about delayed sexual development when, before the age of fifteen or sixteen, a girl experiences underdevelopment of secondary sexual characteristics and rare irregular menstruation.


There are several reasons for delayed puberty:

Organic disorders: brain injuries, consequences of encephalitis or meningitis suffered in childhood.

Neuroses and stress. These include overwork at school and frequent conflicts. Even the intense anticipation of your first period can cause stress.

Problems with weight – both overweight and underweight (body weight 45 – 50 kg). This also includes anorexia nervosa, which is common among adolescents. In this case, when the cause is eliminated, sexual development quickly improves.

If outwardly everything is in order, and the reason for the delay in sexual development is unclear, you should contact a pediatric gynecologist. Sometimes, with mental retardation, you may also need the help of not only a gynecologist, but also a neurologist, and possibly a psychotherapist.

If a girl over 16 years old has neither menstruation nor secondary sexual characteristics, then we are no longer talking about a delay, but about the absence of sexual development. This is a rare pathology, the cause of which can be either the removal of the ovaries before the age of 10 years, or a genetically determined defect of the gonads (gonadal dysgenesis), which occurs no more often than one in 10-12 thousand newborns.

A couple of years after our adventures on Kauai, we went on vacation to Maui (an island in Hawaii for a civilized vacation).

The vacation went well, we lay on the beach, went scuba diving once: in general, no adventures, which of course should have raised our alarm bells. True, the parrot pulled my finger, but by the time it returned, the finger had almost healed. So, we understood that if there were adventures, they would be upon our return, and any delay in the flight meant being late. Unlike previous trips, this time the vacation was short - my wife was lecturing at the university, and the autumn holidays were very short. Therefore, we had to return in the evening before the morning lecture - we had no reserve of time.

On the morning of our last day in Maui, we boarded the plane, listened to a lecture on safety, and after the farewell “Aloha” the plane began to take off. True, he did not run for long. When the plane had almost taken off from the ground, suddenly all the electricity went out, the engines stopped and we continued to roll down the runway in silence. A tractor arrived, dragged us to the terminal, connected us to electricity, and the captain announced that we would now fix it and fly - there was no need to get off the plane, since if someone got out, then a bunch of documents would have to be filled out again.

After 40 minutes, the captain joyfully announced that the cause of the problem had been found, after another 20 minutes, he announced that everything had been fixed and now, as soon as the repair documents were signed, we would fly. At the same time, he assured us that he was absolutely sure of his safety, otherwise he, of course, would not fly across the ocean. Half an hour later, the documents were signed (for some reason this took longer than the repair), we were again given a lecture on safety, they again said “Aloha” and the plane began to take off... . When the plane was almost off the ground... (see above). This time they announced to us that while the plane was being repaired, we could go outside and have lunch: food coupons were given out upon exit.

We had lunch and when we walked back to boarding, we met the crew who were walking towards the exit with their suitcases - they were running out of time that they could work without rest and today they could no longer fly. We were sent to arrange tickets for another flight. There were no other flights out of Maui today, so everyone was sent to the nearest hotel. But about 30 people, including us, said that we should be home by morning - no matter what. For these workaholics, a special local plane flight was organized to Honolulu, and from there to Los Angeles. Thus, the cabin of the plane was filled with people who had already heard “Aloha” twice today before departure and knew what this led to. The big guy sitting in the front row immediately told the flight attendant, who was going to instruct us about safety, that if she tried to say “Aloha,” she would be in trouble. She was very surprised, but upon hearing the approving cries of the other passengers, she gave up.

In general, we flew to Honolulu, boarded a plane to Los Angeles, where we arrived closer to the morning, then took the first plane to Denver, then by car to the university. We arrived quite early: there was still half an hour left before the lecture. My wife went to a lecture, and I passed out right in the car.

Then we vacationed in Hawaii again, but there were no adventures, and therefore, unfortunately, there were no memories left.

2010-09-08 23:43:13

Nadezhda asks:

Hello!! Help,!! I’m 20. I have constant delays in my periods. I went to the gynecologist, the reason is the climate and slight erosion of the cervix. I'm skinny. I live beyond the Arctic Circle (Murmansk). I came back from the summer, the days were supposed to begin and they still haven’t. 3 days of pain in the lower abdomen. I don’t understand what hurts! It feels like before your period, but it doesn’t start. Could this be a pain in the intestines? .

Answers Tovstolytkina Natalia Petrovna:

Hello, Nadezhda. If you are underweight (body mass index less than 20), menstrual irregularities are possible, the treatment of which consists of bringing the body mass index to normal. It is impossible to determine the cause of the pain in absentia.

2016-08-12 14:47:07

Katya asks:

Hello, I’m 15 years old, my period is 3 months late, I’m not sexually active, what’s the reason?


Hello, Ekaterina! Read about the possible reasons for a delay in menstruation and the actions that need to be taken in such a situation in the popular science article on our medical portal. Take care of your health!

2016-07-27 06:06:15

Maria asks:

Hello! I am 16 years old. My period is two months late. There had been failures before, but I thought that the cycle simply had not established itself. But I started getting my period 3 years ago. In June I was sick, had a severe cough and fever, and then went to the seaside. I also lost up to 45 kg with a height of 170. I had sexual intercourse, but it was protected. Could I be pregnant? Or is the reason something else?

Answers Medical consultant of the website portal:

Hello Maria! Read about the possible reasons for a delay in menstruation and the actions that need to be taken in such a situation in the popular science article on our medical portal. Take care of your health!

2016-04-08 18:44:40

Snowman asks:

Hello, I’m 15 years old, I’m a virgin, my period is late for 1.5 months, my breasts hurt, what should I do? and what could be the reason for all this?

Answers Medical consultant of the website portal:

Hello, Snezhana! Read about the possible reasons for a delay in menstruation and the actions that need to be taken in such a situation in the popular science article on our medical portal. Take care of your health!

2016-04-07 13:58:34

Anna asks:

Hello! I am 16 years old. I saw a gynecologist because my periods were late, she sent me for an ultrasound, and they discovered a cyst on the left ovary. The doctor said that the cyst could be due to hormonal imbalance. My breasts began to hurt, as usual before my period, but when I squeezed my breasts, transparent and sometimes white discharge began to appear for about a month. I was prescribed duphaston, I have been taking it for the 6th day, the discharge does not go away and my chest hurts terribly. This is very scary..What could this be? Could there be breast cancer? Help, please, it's very scary!

Answers Medical consultant of the website portal:

Hello Anna! Changes in the breast (pain, discharge from the nipple) correspond to the diagnosis of hormonal imbalance. Restoring normal hormonal levels and the disappearance of changes in the breasts take time. Be patient and put the breast cancer nonsense out of your head. Remember that stress is one of the risk factors for the development of hormonal disorders. Take care of your health!

2016-03-14 11:03:12

Victoria asks:

Hello. I’m 23 years old, I’m sexually active, my period was delayed by 7 days, then I went, everything was fine, but on the 3rd day of MS, scanty brown discharge appeared, intercourse was interrupted, on the 5th day of the delay I took a test (negative), but this I had a very stressful situation this month. Please tell me what could be the reason for the scanty discharge? Thank you

2014-08-30 12:13:11

Alina asks:

Hello, I’m 31 years old. I recently had a delay of almost a month in my periods, only scanty discharge at the beginning of the month, then after taking duphaston my periods came with a delay, but proceeded as usual. Here again I had scanty periods. What is the reason for concern? There may be reasons. I have one child and am planning to have a second one.

Answers Bosyak Yulia Vasilievna:

Hello, Alina! Have you been referred for an ultrasound scan if your period is late? Have you determined the reason? I would advise you to undergo a pelvic ultrasound to assess the number of antral follicles and donate blood for FSH and AMH on the 2-3rd day of breastfeeding. After receiving the results, it will be possible to speak more specifically.

2014-08-20 06:41:53

Irina asks:

Hello, dear gynecologists. Again I turn to you for advice. I am 44 years old. I really want to get pregnant. My husband and I are trying to get pregnant; it will soon be like 2.5 years. Now I am 10 days late, no periods. Pregnancy test on the 4th day of delay and on the 9th is negative. Basal temperature remains at 37 degrees. During this cycle, I did not take any medications other than folic acid. Before this, I took esterlan for 6 cycles from days 5 to 10, vitamin C from days 11 to 20, progesterone 2.5% from day 17 No. 10. Please tell me if pregnancy is possible with negative tests (they don’t do a blood test for hCG in the district clinic). Also, on July 17, 2014, on the 5th day of the cycle, I took a blood test for anti-Mullerian hormone - 0.72, follicle-stimulating hormone -6.4. There is patency of the pipes.
Or are there no periods for other reasons? According to what? I am very worried that there will be hormonal imbalances or something else bad. I will be very grateful for your answer.

Answers Palyga Igor Evgenievich:

Hello, Irina! You must clearly understand that your age for conceiving a child is critical, your ovarian reserve is low and hormonal imbalances are quite possible. I don't think it's pregnancy. I advise you to undergo an ultrasound scan of the pelvic organs if it is not possible to donate blood for hCG. If you really want a child, then you need to urgently contact a fertility specialist and plan IVF, although it is not a fact that this will work with your own eggs.

2014-06-19 05:55:42

Svetlana asks:

Hello! I have had the IUD for 2 years now, after a long break (1.5 years), I began to be sexually active again. I used to feel the tendrils of the spiral, but now I don’t. I had sexual intercourse on June 11, my period was late for 1 week, I’ve already done 3 tests - the result is negative. Can the IUD become dislodged due to active sexual life and could this be the cause of a disruption in the menstrual cycle? Thanks in advance

Answers Bosyak Yulia Vasilievna:

First of all, I advise you to donate blood for hCG, its result will definitely tell you whether you are pregnant. Neither active sex life nor IUD can cause hormonal imbalance. I also advise you to undergo an ultrasound scan of the pelvic organs in order to establish the location of the spiral and the possible cause of the delay in menstruation.

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