How to earn 10,000 in an hour. Why investing a little money is better than spending it

Hello, dear readers! With you is the creator of the website Igor Eremenko. And today we will talk about how to earn 1000 rubles in an hour without investments right now.

If you are faced with such a situation, then most likely one of two things: you urgently need money and have nowhere to get it, or you just want to learn how to earn a lot of money.

In any case, this article is for you!

Of course, earning 1000 rubles per hour right now is not so easy, but who said that it is impossible?

1. Is it possible to earn a lot of money without investments right now?

This is quite real - I checked it from personal experience! But don't think that no effort will be required on your part. Somewhere you will need to work with your head, somewhere with your hands. But most importantly, you will get results!

We will talk to you exclusively about legal ways to make quick money.

We will not consider black and illegal ways of earning money (often they allow you to earn big money, although they contradict a person’s moral values).

Let’s immediately decide in which directions you should move and where to concentrate your efforts in order to quickly earn 1000 rubles:

  1. selling your skills and abilities
  2. getting rid of old things
  3. earnings from partnership
  4. earnings on special services
  5. provision of services
  6. selling your knowledge

We will discuss all these methods in detail in this article. I just want to add that by working in the above areas, I earned more than 500,000 rubles! You can also earn similar amounts of money; the main thing you need is to start taking action.

Here are some of the ways I managed to earn this money:

  • Selling your skills and abilities. Developed advertising campaigns in Yandex Direct for customers (online stores).
  • I negotiated with sellers of goods for a certain commission on sales of 10-20% and placed ads on Avito.
  • Getting rid of old things. I sold an old laptop, several phones and other unnecessary things on Avito.
  • Earning money from services on the Internet. One of these popular services is Vktarget, where you can earn small money by completing simple tasks.
  • Creating your own website. Developed my own profitable project on the Internet -

Many of my friends earn decent money in other ways, which we will also talk about in this article. In any case, know that it is possible to earn 1000 rubles per hour without investment right now!

2. What does it take to make a lot of money quickly?

So here's what you need to make a lot of money:

  1. Learn about proven and really working methods of earning money. Many beginners do not know where exactly to start earning money and, as a result, waste their time on ineffective ways of earning money.
  2. Get practical knowledge, recommendations and do what others are already doing. You don't need to reinvent the wheel - just do what's already working good profit.
  3. Act now, don't wait for the perfect opportunity. There will never be an ideal situation, trust my experience. There is always some, at least small, “but”. If you want to achieve financial freedom, act now!

This is all you need to remember to succeed! Now let's get down to business!

3. How to earn 1000 rubles per hour without investment right now - 5 proven ways

The methods described below will suit almost everyone. You don't need to be a genius and be the smartest or have any outstanding skills.

Some ways of earning money will allow you to earn money using the Internet, others - “in real life”. So, if you know how to use a computer at least at an average level, then this is a huge plus for you.

Method 1: Making money from partnerships

This is one of the easy ways to make money quickly.

Take a look around and you will notice that there are a huge number of people who want to sell their products and services.

Surely, everyone has a similar list of unnecessary things.

Among the unnecessary things may be (using my example):

  1. An old laptop (for example, I have two of them lying around) can easily be sold for 5 000 7,000 rub. every.
  2. Used phones that are more than 2-3 years old - the approximate total cost is about 8,000 rub.
  3. Tires (almost new) and wheels from a sold car - estimated cost 17,000 rub.
  4. Kitchen electronics, old cabinet and kitchen set- you can earn about 12,000 rub.

As you can see, these are seemingly unnecessary things that have been lying around gathering dust for a long time, and the amount turned out to be quite considerable! 🙂

There are several quick ways to sell it all:

  • Take it to your local consignment store
  • Post free ads in the newspapers
  • Post advertisements at bus stops and poles
  • Place advertisements on the Internet for free on bulletin boards (Avito, Iz Ruk v Ruki...)

One of the easiest ways is to simply advertise on Avito, which is visited by millions of people every day. This site is the largest in Russia and here you can sell almost anything.

To submit an ad on, you will first need to spend a few minutes registering. After this, prepare a selling text for your ad in order to sell the unnecessary item as quickly as possible.

When writing an ad, try to make the text emotional. Describe the characteristics and advantages of the item, its significance for you!

Another final detail is to take high-quality and live photographs of the product.

All you have to do is place an ad on the Internet and consider that you have already sold your product.

As for Avito, you can also sell new products there and build your business on it.

I know a lot of people who make money on Avito this way: 1-3 thousand rubles per day, selling popular products.

I advise you to watch a video about how the guys got out of a debt of 400,000 rubles and started earning 300,000 rubles a month selling hoverboards through ads on Avito:

Method 3: Part-time work on

Another good way to earn 1000 rubles is to do a part-time job. A fairly well-known website in Russia can help you in this matter.

Every day, customers post various tasks on it, completing which you can earn money. In this case, tasks can be either remote or tied to a city.

Among the remote tasks, for example, the following can be noted: writing coursework, various online consultations, translating interviews (audio format) into text, designer and programmer services, and much more.

Yudu - type of tasks

In large and medium-sized cities you can find the following part-time jobs: walking courier (or courier by car), loader, cleaner(s), tutor, carrier, “husband for an hour”...

It must be said that the payment for completing tasks is decent in most cases. Depending on the task, you can immediately earn on average from 500 to 2000 rubles. And there are quite a lot of orders every day!

In order to be able to take orders, you need to register on the site, fill out a form and pass a simple test. Yudu even has free application to your phone, where you can conveniently and immediately track orders that you can complete.

Method 4: Making money betting on sporting events

Another way to earn 1000 rubles is by betting on sporting events.

To be honest, I myself have not yet tried to make money on this, but I know people who earn quite serious money on bets.

However, you still need to understand that trying to make money on bets without the appropriate knowledge is a very bad idea, since most people always lose (otherwise how will bookmakers make money).

Therefore, it is important here to have an advantage that will allow you to earn money with a high probability, and not rely on chance - we know what it leads to!🙂

In fact, there are not many strategies that actually allow you to make money on bets.

For example, there is one stable and extremely effective strategy making money on bets - these are the so-called “Forks”. Most other betting strategies are usually too risky and do not provide a guaranteed win.

The essence of the Fork strategy is that the coefficients on LIVE matches in different bookmakers can differ significantly and this makes it possible to earn almost 100% on bets.

This is possible due to the positive mathematical expectation of winning. IN in this case your earnings will depend on turnover cash- the higher the turnover, the more you will earn.

On the Internet you can even find special programs, which automatically compare a large number of odds from different bookmakers and find significant discrepancies. However, this must also be approached thoughtfully!

Let's say we found a discrepancy in bets on the same tennis match between bookmakers A And B with the opportunity to earn 5% . As a result, we place 2 bets at the same time: at the bookmaker A we bet on victory, and the bookmaker B- to defeat.

Regardless of the outcome of the match, we earn 5% from invested funds (bank).

In the very near future I will try to find time and write a full-fledged article about making money on bets. In the meantime, on the Internet you can find more detailed information about this earning strategy.

And remember that betting is a very risky activity, so if you do not have the appropriate experience and knowledge, then you should not bet on real money at all. It’s better to practice on virtual accounts at first (until you can earn money consistently).

Method 5: Earning money from consulting and information business

If you know something or can do it better than others, then you can teach it and advise other people and still earn money.

The information business is one of the most profitable businesses in the 21st century! It is capable of bringing in hundreds and even thousands of percent from the funds you invest in its development.

For example, you can record a video course on a certain topic or write a short book (step-by-step guide) and sell them online.

A huge advantage of the information business is that you can prepare your information product once and sell it an unlimited number of times. This is how you can earn money 2-3 thousand rubles per day and even more!

Another advantage of the information business is the opportunity to earn money from anywhere in the world.

The key element, as in any business, is persistence and strong desire do this. Only in this case will you make 100% good money from the information business.

Start small and develop step by step in this direction and over time all your investments will be more than justified and your dream will become a reality!

Method 6: Earn money from affiliate programs on the Internet

I, in turn, divided this method of earning money into 3 subtypes:

Option 1: We sell links

The value of links is that they help webmasters promote their site in search engines. Others make money from this by selling links from their sites.

You can find many medium and large sites that are interested in selling links from their sites. Agree with webmasters on a certain percentage (10-30%) that you will receive from the cost of selling the link.

Option 2: We participate in affiliate programs

Most goods and services that are sold on the Internet have their own affiliate programs. In other words, you may be offered commissions on average from 5% to 80% from the cost of the product (service).

In order to become an affiliate and receive an affiliate link, you must first register on the affiliate program website.

When people who clicked on your affiliate link buy a product (service), you will automatically receive a commission in the established amount. You can transfer this money to an electronic wallet or bank card.

Such affiliate programs can be found on so-called affiliate program aggregators or on the product (service) website itself in the “ Affiliate program«.

Among the affiliate program aggregators, the following can be distinguished:


Option 3: We help you sell or buy a website

Since you can make money on websites, you can sell and buy them as a business. A high-quality small website can provide income to its owner commensurate with at least the average salary in Russia 25-30 thousand rubles.

In this option, you can also act as an intermediary - find buyers and sellers of sites. For your services, you will receive a percentage of the site's sale price. This percentage averages 7-15% . I assure you, this is not a small amount.

If the site brings in 30-40 thousand rubles monthly, then the cost of its sale can be 720 - 960 thousand rubles. Even 7% of this amount is 50-70 thousand rubles.

However, in order to make money from this, you must have a good understanding of sites and correctly assess their value based on key site indicators. In some ways, this profession is reminiscent of a realtor who sells real estate.

Method 7: Earn money from Freelancing

If you are good at something, let’s say you know how to develop websites, create designs, work with Photoshop, set up advertising on the Internet (like me 🙂), etc., then you can make decent money from freelancing.

Even if you say that you don’t know how to do any of this, you can learn it by watching videos on YouTube. For example, I myself learned how to set up advertising in Yandex Direct and work with Photoshop. The main thing is to choose what you like to do.

Many people can start by writing articles (rewriting or copywriting), since you do not need special knowledge for this. And as you work, you will gain experience, and each time you will write articles faster and better.

Option 1: Article writing

This option is suitable for almost everyone; even schoolchildren can start writing articles and make money from it. For beginners, I recommend starting with rewriting (rewriting the source text in your own words), since it is usually easier to do than copywriting.

On average, for one simple article of size 5000 characters you can earn 150-250 rubles. For articles of a commercial nature (of the same size) they may even pay 500-750 rubles .

If this option suits you, you can find many orders for writing articles on various topics on the sites:

Option 2: Website development, design, etc.

As I wrote above, you must have some special skills for this. You can find work on the following sites:

— the site presents a huge number of orders from the creation of logos, pictures to technical assistance in creating websites and setting up advertising. You can also find relatively easy tasks: downloading pictures from websites, posting ads, filling an online store, etc. also a large exchange for freelancers, you won’t be left without work!

Method 8: Receiving money as collateral from a pawnshop

If you urgently need money, but have nowhere to get it, then you can quickly get it as collateral from a pawnshop.

Almost anything of value can be used as collateral: jewelry, phones, watches, cameras, cars, household appliances etc.

There is also the opportunity to sell your item to a pawnshop. However, keep in mind that pawn shops value items significantly below their market value. If you still need this thing, it is better to simply take money as collateral with the possibility of redemption.

Typically, it will take you no more than 15 minutes to get money from a pawnshop. Don't forget to also take your passport with you. Pawn shops require it to insure themselves against stolen items.

Of course, a pawnshop is not the best solution if you urgently need money, since sometimes it’s easier to borrow the necessary amount from your acquaintances and friends (and without interest!).

With this, we have looked at all the main ways to make quick money on the Internet. To conclude this article, I want to tell you how to avoid fraud and deception on the Internet.

4. Deception and fraud on the Internet - how to avoid it?

Beginners (and not only!) who are looking for quick ways Making money on the Internet often without knowing it falls into the hands of scammers.

From scammers main goal one is to get money out of you! But the ways to do this are completely different!

Fraudsters very professionally take advantage of our desire to earn a lot on the Internet and try in every possible way to benefit from it. To do this, they carefully disguise the deception as a very quick and easy method of earning money.

If you are offered some kind of regular "Super new way earnings from 5,000 rubles per hour with a 100% guarantee"- then this is with a 99.9% probability a scam. Don't believe such promises!

On such "Super profitable ways" Only their authors make money, who are trying to profit from the naivety of other people and sell them their miracle course.

Also beware of financial pyramids (HYIPs), which promise you crazy profits of almost 100% daily.

You've probably already heard about one of the largest pyramids in Russia - MMM, created by Sergei Mavrodi. So, millions of people took part in it! A small part of which received huge profits, and 95% of the rest lost their money (very often even their last).

  • You are promised a huge return on your investment
  • You do not fully understand what the company/person’s sources of income are
  • You are offered a unique program for automatic earnings on the Internet
  • They offer you a way to earn huge money without doing anything.

Also, do not purchase various strategies for making money by beating casinos. Often these strategies are offered by the casino owners themselves (or their partners) in order to attract new players and make good money from them.

5. Conclusion

This concludes the article. Finally, I want to invite you to watch a video about how to earn a lot without investing from scratch:

I described all the main ways to earn 1000 rubles per hour without investment right now. If I missed something important, be sure to write it in the comments below to the article.

I am sure that every person can learn and start earning money in the ways described. All you have to do is decide which way to earn money to choose.

Wishing you great earnings and success in any endeavor!

Dear friends, if you found this article useful, then share it with your friends on social networks. Thanks in advance!

Today, there are several ways to earn 10,000 rubles a day without leaving home. However, you need to understand that without special skills it is quite difficult to earn such an amount in one day.

Website creation

You can create a simple website without special skills using special Internet constructors

Your own website, for example, an online store, will help you increase your budget. You can sell things, information, services and much more. The main thing is to find your clients, who will become a source of stable income.

It is important to monitor product updates in the store, create good advertising and ensure necessary consultation clients. This type of income is suitable for both students and mothers on maternity leave.

Another option for generating income on your website is advertising from third-party companies. However, in this case, you will have to take care of promoting your resource and adapting it to popular search engines, and this requires certain investments. If you try, then over time the money spent will pay off due to increased sales. In this case, earnings can bring even more profit than 10,000 rubles a day.

Sale of personal items

Most often, women are the buyers of used personal items.

If the question arises about how to quickly make money, you can sell things that have not been used for their intended purpose for a long time. In this case, books, clothes and much more are in particular demand. By selling what you don’t need, you can not only get rich, but also free up space in your home.

Both young people and pensioners can earn money in this way.

Blog creation

The best way to blog is to choose not only a popular area, but also one that sparks your interest.

To earn a stable income from your own blog, you will have to spend more than one day. Texts or video content should be interesting and useful for people. Only in this case can a positive result be achieved. This is a good way to earn money for those who have a large number free time.

Income from Forex

It hardly makes sense to use Forex as a one-day income; to generate income on the foreign exchange market you need to delve into the system and study a large amount of information

This method of earning money has conflicting reviews.

Some argue that it is impossible to earn income in the foreign exchange market and that it is only deception and fraud. Others believe that this way you can get good money, even more than 10,000 rubles a day.

The main thing is not to invest your last savings in Forex. Everything related to foreign exchange transactions is risky. This requires certain skills, experience and knowledge.

According to statistics, about 95% of the funds invested in Forex by beginners are lost forever.

Earnings from games

Selling a pumped up game character can bring more than 10,000 rubles

In this case, there may be several options for earning money:

  • if available good experience in this or that game, you can help those who have just begun to master it;
  • selling upgraded characters in the game also brings in good income;
  • Having completed the game to a certain level, you can sell your account and receive a decent reward for it.

This type of income is suitable for those who devote most of their time to games.

Photographer services

Today, for filming various events, you can purchase an inexpensive DSLR camera for around 25,000 rubles

If in stock good camera, earning 10,000 rubles a day is quite possible. You can receive much more than the specified amount per day. For example, if you photograph a baptism (5,000 rubles), which is usually held in the morning, and a child’s birthday (from 5,000 rubles), then the cost per day is exactly 10,000 rubles. If it is a wedding, then the photographer, photographing the newlyweds, earns at least 17,000 rubles. Experts say that the most profitable and promising option is investing in PAMM accounts. That is, a person invests his money in traders who know their business and know how to get a good income. If everything goes well, the investor can receive up to 120% profit per year, which is a fairly high rate of return.

Any adult can engage in this type of activity.

These are just some ways to earn 10,000 rubles in one day. Everyone can test their strength in other areas, the main thing is not to stop before achieving their goal.

Hello, dear readers of the business magazine website! There are situations when you need money right now. Not everyone has deposits or nest eggs where you can urgently take the required amount of money, for example, for a wedding, an apartment, a house, or to open your own business from scratch.

Many have no idea where to quickly get (find) these funds and frantically go through all their friends in their minds, remembering which of them they can borrow from. It’s good if you have at least a few days to find money. What if just a few hours? Even if money is needed quite urgently, it can be obtained through legal means.

From this article you will learn:

  • Where to get money right now;
  • Who can you borrow money from?
  • Where can I get money for free and is it possible to get it for free?
  • Where can I get money if all banks and microloans refuse?

So, let's start in order!

What to do if you need money? Let's look at the main ways you can get money, even if all banks and microloans refuse

1. Where can you get money right now - 8 useful tips 📌

Some people mistakenly believe that in order to find money, you need to work as hard as possible, and the only destiny of the unemployed is to beg. But this is absolutely not true.

There is an opportunity to get money from an unemployed person Always. It is possible, for example, receive an inheritance or win the lottery. We talked about this in one of our articles.

In the first case you need to have rich relatives who are ready to die in case of urgent financial difficulties of the heirs. A in the second - you need to be very lucky. Both of these happen very rarely, so they are not suitable as a way to quickly make a profit.

So how can a person quickly get money without working? Next you will find simple tips that will suit most people.

Tip #1. Get rid of unnecessary things

In the cartoon “Prostokvashino” the cat Matroskin convinced: “to sell something unnecessary, you must first buy something unnecessary”. You just need to think carefully about what things have not been used for a long time, but are in good working condition and can be useful to others. For example, for some reason you do not use your personal car, you can sell it. we already wrote in our last issue.

On the Internet there are many free bulletin boards where sales advertisements are posted without leaving your home.

The main thing in this method is to do more high quality photos things you plan to sell. After all, no one needs a pig in a poke.

Pay attention!

Of two advertisements, the buyer will always choose the one with the photo, even if its price is a little more expensive.

You can sell used equipment, clothes, shoes, crafts and anything else.

Selling online is not the only way to get rid of unnecessary things for a fee. You can also take them to a flea market, have a garage sale, or use thrift stores.

If you don’t want to part with things forever, you can always pawn them at a pawnshop and get a loan.

The attractiveness of this method is the speed of its implementation. They won’t check your income certificate or find out for what purposes they were needed.

But the disadvantage is that pawn shops don’t take everything. Preferably jewelry, household or office equipment.

Pay attention!

It is almost impossible to sell clothes or shoes to a pawnshop; they are considered slow-moving goods and are not in demand.

The estimate of the cost of the item is also not encouraging, real price They won’t offer you an item at a pawnshop. They will carefully calculate wear and tear and even jewelry with a tag they will lower the price.

To redeem goods from a pawnshop, a certain period is set, after which the item is put up for sale.

If you need the pledged item and want to return it over time, but this cannot be done on time, you can only pay interest on the loan and extend the pledge period.

It is important to be able to assess your chances; regular trips to renew the collateral relationship at the pawnshop will lead to the fact that a person will not earn money, but, on the contrary, will only spend money.

Tip #3. Create something you can sell

It’s worth approaching the issue of selling unnecessary items creatively and do something truly unusual.

You can, for example, create a notebook of ten wishes, beautifully design each page and think of unusual texts on each.

Any representative of the fairer sex will be delighted with such a useful and creative hand-made product. This means that buyers this kind the goods will definitely be found.

This method is especially good on the eve of International Women's Day or Valentine's Day.

A good way for those who have financially secure friends. But you need to be prepared to receive a refusal and not be offended by them.

Modern people rarely keep money at home, they understand that it is safe and profitable to deposit funds and receive a stable income. Accordingly, few people will want to withdraw their deposit ahead of schedule and lose interest just to help out a friend.

Take note!

If friends are not rich and lend their last money, then there is a high probability that the lender will demand that the funds be returned to him earlier specified line.

In order to use this method, you need to prepare a convincing story (or legend) about why you needed the money so urgently.

No one wants to borrow for unimportant purposes.

In addition, nothing spoils a relationship more than debts not repaid on time. The borrower risks losing friends forever, and they, as you know, are more valuable than money.

Tip #5. Rent out real estate

It all depends on where you live and the availability of an alternative place of residence.

Here are some suggestions:

1) If you have a dacha outside the city, you can move there during the warm season.

Of course, this will create some inconvenience, but financially this decision will be immediately justified. After all, housing is rented out only on an advance payment basis and often several months in advance.

Don’t forget that you can also rent out the dacha itself. If it is located in an ecologically clean place, near a pond or forest, there will be many people who want to spend the summer there.

If there is no dacha, the option of renting out the property still remains.

2) You can rent out one of the rooms of the apartment.

This, of course, will introduce some inconvenience into a measured life, but you can monitor the condition of your property every day and not think about how carefully your tenants treat it.

3) If the apartment is located in a prestigious area, then you can rent a house on the outskirts and rent out your own.

The difference between the cost of renting apartments in different parts cities can differ from each other by two to three times, the main thing is to carefully monitor the prices in advance.

Tip #6. Recycling of materials

The first thing that comes to mind is homeless people collecting bottles. This, of course, is also an option, but far from the only one. A couple more tips:

1) You can collect waste paper.

Every apartment has deposits of old newspapers, magazines, books and other paper products that will never be useful again. As a favor, you can help your neighbors get rid of such junk.

People are happy to get rid of trash and give it to strangers, just so as not to carry it themselves.

2) You can collect plastic, glass, scrap metal, wood, etc.

But you need to store it somewhere; it’s simply inconvenient to hand it over to the collection point every day a little.

How to quickly find a job, complete it urgently and get paid right away - 5 great opportunities

It is a mistake to believe that work is limited to payment wages once a month. There are many ways to get paid straightaway after completing the task.

Possibility 1. We distribute flyers or advertising booklets

The pay for such work is low, but this occupation does not require skills and experience.

Salaries are paid every day upon completion.

Good oratorical skills will be a plus if a person knows how to interest passers-by and beautifully talk about the advertised product - such an activity will take a few hours.

But the lack of a well-delivered speech will not be a hindrance; flyers can be distributed silently. This will take a little longer, but will not affect payment.

Possibility 2. Cleaning

Organizations that provide cleaning services charge dearly for their services.

Full apartment cleaning pays well. Therefore, having worked hard for a day, you can earn from several hundred to several thousand rubles It all depends on the amount of work.

And if the owners really like the quality, it is possible that they will invite the person on an ongoing basis or recommend using his services to friends, which will provide a stable income.

Possibility 3. Furniture assembly

At first glance, the task is complicated, and without experience it is impossible to do it yourself. But furniture assemblers very often require helpers.

This kind of work, in addition to daily income, is also good for useful skills.

After working as a helper for some time, a person will learn the intricacies of assembling furniture and, over time, will be able to provide this type of service himself.

You can also get a job as a helper at a construction site. The work is hard, but in demand.

Possibility 4. Care

It is a mistake to think that only older people can be cared for.

When going on vacation, many people need to find someone who will take care of their house plants, pets, and aquarium fish.

Doing this kind of work is easy and profitable.

Possibility 5: Speculation

In simple words – buying with the aim of selling at a higher price. You can resell anything that is in demand.

For those who are able to wake up at dawn and own a vehicle, the ideal option would be to buy groceries in the village and resale them in the city.

Residents of megacities love to shop homemade milk, eggs and other products, but they are too lazy to go buy them.

This work will take hours 5-6 per day. If you work hard every day, soon all your products will be bought up only by regular customers.

You can resell household, office equipment or cars. Is it true You can’t do it without investments, for the first purchases of goods you will definitely need money.

Tip #8. Make money on the Internet

2.1. Advantages of microloans

Let's look at the main advantages and nuances of the microfinance system:

  1. Processing speed. There is no need to wait several days for approval from different specialists. Funds are issued almost instantly, usually within an hour from the moment of application.
  2. A passport is enough. Microloan company does not require proof of income or other documents. It is enough to provide the only document - a passport.
  3. No hidden fees. All amounts that are subject to refund are specified in the contract. Payments are divided in equal parts for the loan period. At the time of registration, the borrower clearly understands how much he needs to pay monthly to fully repay the loan.
  4. Availability. There are quite a lot of pick-up points in any city; there is no need to travel from one end of the locality to the other.
  5. Confidentiality. The borrower does not ask for what purposes the money is needed. It doesn't matter. Besides this no guarantor required, which means that no outsider will be privy to the history of lending. The loan will be known only to those persons whom the borrower deems necessary to personally inform.
  6. Possibility of receiving online. Some companies offer microcredit without the client's presence in the office. The application is submitted online and is also considered, and the funds are received to a bank card. Repaying a loan using this method is also possible; you can transfer funds from a bank card while sitting at home at your computer. Read about the features and stages of obtaining in a separate article in our magazine.

There are a lot of companies providing microloans. Your task is to choose an option with favorable conditions, spending a little time analyzing the microloan market.

Moneyman — the company serves customers entirely online. After registering on the website and filling out the application, the solution will be ready in 15-20 minutes. Loan terms: First loan amount up to 10 thousand rubles, subsequently up to 70 thousand rubles. Percentage per day – 1.85. Money is transferred at the client’s request to a card or account.

Kredito24 - the company provides microloans within 10-15 minutes. Simply fill out an application on the website. Early repayment or extension of the loan is allowed. Conditions: amount up to 30 thousand rubles. Up to 30 days. Credit history is not checked and proof of solvency is not required. The loan is provided with a passport.

Lime-Zaim - the company provides loans under the following conditions: amount up to 30 thousand rubles. (for the first application 9 thousand rubles).

The rate is individual for each client. The average rate per day is 2.16%. Quick decision making, instant loan issuance.

When making a decision, you need to remember the following:

  1. The interest on such a loan will be higher than for a regular bank loan.
  2. Large penalties for late payments. Payments must be made on time, or even better, a few days before the deadline. On the last day, payment may not go through for some technical reason and payment of a penalty will be inevitable.
  3. If possible to pay in full monthly amount no, you must pay interest. The amount of debt will not decrease, but no penalty will be charged.
  4. If you apply online, you must go through the registration procedure. This means that you will have to enter your personal data. Internet fraud is now gaining momentum every day, so there is always a risk that personal data may fall into dishonest hands. It’s better to spend a few minutes before applying for a microloan to verify the borrower's credibility: call the specified number, Google the address and find out whether this microfinance organization (MFO) is really located in the specified location.
  5. If credit funds are transferred to a bank card and not issued at the cash desk, the bank has three banking days to process the payment. And if the transaction takes longer, then interest will begin to accrue for the use of the loan before the funds are actually received.
  6. Don't borrow more than you need. The “extra” money will quickly be spent, but you will still have to pay it back, and with interest.

14 ways to get money quickly and legally

3. Where to get money for free and for free - 14 proven ways 💰

It is certainly possible to earn money without making any effort and without having certain abilities:

  • Can buy tarot cards, open chakras And start predicting a bright future for those around you;
  • You can become surrogate mother and bear a child to strangers;
  • Winning the lottery or gambling will be able to replenish the budget immediately and possibly without paying taxes to the state.

But all these ways illegal, and their use can lead to places not so remote.

Let's consider only those that will really help quickly and legally get money.

So let's get to them!

Method number 1. Donation

The method is suitable for physically healthy people.

This method can only be called free of charge, because the donor always gives his material in exchange for money. But it doesn’t require much effort or time to use it, with the exception of organ donation. But, Firstly, sell organs in our country forbidden, and this article discusses only legal ways to make a profit. A secondly, this is very long procedure, from passing the first tests until the selection of a suitable candidate can take several years.

But You can donate blood or plasma in a couple of hours. But you will also have to spend time searching for a clinic where they buy blood at an expensive price. Very often, such procedures are completely free or the cost is so low that there is no point in even spending money on travel to the transfusion station.


We must not forget that you cannot donate blood more than once a month, this harmful to the body.

You can sell your hair. But only those that grow on the head. The sale of vegetation from other parts of the body is not in demand.

Long, strong, healthy and most importantly undyed hair can be bought for a decent amount. Different salons offer different prices for hair. If you have time, it is better to monitor the cost in different places and choose the most expensive one.

The disadvantage of this method is that you can use it once every few years and then wait for the hair to grow back.

The most expensive method is sperm donation. IVF centers buy male seminal fluid at high prices. Women's eggs are also in demand, but for obvious reasons they are not as easy to donate as sperm.

When choosing this method, you need to understand that the biomaterial is taken for a reason, but for reproduction.

Method number 2. Experiments

For conducting scientific or medical testing on the human body pay large, and sometimes even very large amounts. But before starting this procedure, each person signs a document stating that has no claims to its consequences.

Pay attention!

Often, restoring normal functioning is more expensive than the amount that was earned in this way.

Method No. 3. Become a sitter

With this idea, you need to go to an art salon and offer them your beautiful body. A good way for those whom nature has endowed perfect figure . But if you can’t stay in shape without a gym, then the money you earn will only be enough to pay for sports activities.

Method number 4. Ask for money for free

Relatives, friends or just acquaintances can give a small amount of money not as a loan, but simply free of charge.

It is very important to be able to ask correctly and tell why you need money so urgently. It’s clear that no one will give anything for nothing to buy another handbag or pay for a game of tanks.

People around me willingly share money for treatment and all sorts of romantic things. But You shouldn't lie about your health This is unethical and vile. But it’s always appropriate to bring in amorous affairs. Many, not even as a favor, but with pleasure, slightly sponsor the implementation of unusual romantic ideas.

It is also worth mentioning the collection of funds through crowdfunding platforms. we wrote in one of our issues.

Method No. 5. Stretch your memory

There were not always financial difficulties. Perhaps “forgetful” debtors are a thing of the past and it’s time to remind them of themselves.

Method number 6. Ask the state

And this is not a joke. The main value of the state is people. Many programs have been developed to help the poor. Let's look at the most important ones:

  • The Federal Service for Labor and Employment guarantees help in finding a job. At the same time, the time of such searches is paid. You won't get much bang for your buck on unemployment payments, but it's better than nothing at all. This is not an option for the lazy. To register, you will have to run around for certificates, and then regularly come to check in at the service. After all, their goal is not to provide the unemployed with money, but to help them find a job in their specialty.
  • Subsidies. It would seem, what relation can they have to earnings? But if you calculate how much is spent on utility bills per month, perhaps the reason for the constant financial crisis will become clear. Subsidizing will help reduce the cost of housing services. This means there will be a little more money left in your wallet for other expenses.
  • Development of your own business. The state allocates start-up capital for the development of small and medium-sized businesses. It’s not enough to just have it in your head, you need to be able to present it correctly. Write, calculate expenses and planned income, payback period of the project. To receive a government loan for business development, you need to pay taxes in a law-abiding manner. If there are tax arrears, the business plan will not even be accepted for consideration.

Method No. 7. Grace period for credit cards

To obtain a bank loan for a short term, it is not necessary to go to the bank every time. One time repayment is enough. If you return your Great Danes within this period in a disciplined manner, there will be no additional overpayments.

Initially, the credit limit usually does not exceed 10 000 rubles. But stable, timely repayment of debt leads to a gradual increase in this limit.

It's useful to know one trick: You can have several credit cards.

The scheme is simple: We withdraw funds from the first credit card, use the grace period, and when it ends, we withdraw from the second, pay off the debt on the first, and so on.

But you need to understand that an error in calculating the end of the grace period for at least one day will destroy the entire scheme. Interest will accrue on late payments and it will be impossible to avoid overpayment.

The best credit card offers:

Alfa-Bank offers several lending options: 1) “Classic” visa card with an amount limit of up to 300 thousand rubles. and the period of interest-free use of the card is 100 days. 2) If you need a large amount of money, you can issue a Gemini card. You can apply for a limit of up to 600 thousand rubles. Basic conditions are standard.

You can apply for a card online. Loan amount up to 350 thousand rubles. Installment is free. Issuance and account maintenance are also free.

Sovcombank offers a new installment credit card “Halva”. When interacting retail outlets and the bank provides the client with an installment plan for the purchase up to 12 months without an increase in the price of goods. Payments are made using the Halva card. With this card you can pay for all purchases without a down payment, the main thing is that the store is a partner of the bank.

Tinkoff Bank - issuing a credit card online. It is enough to register on the website and write an application. To consider the application, a passport and another document are required. The decision to open a credit limit is made within 15 minutes. The card can be obtained at the bank office or it will be delivered to the place of request (the service is free).

VTB Bank of Moscow offers to get a credit card with the cheerful Russian name “Matryoshka”. You can order a card on the website online.

Cash back is offered in the amount of 3% on all card payments. The limit on the card is 350 thousand rubles.

The first year of service is free, in the next two years free service for turnover on the card in the amount of min. 120 thousand rubles. per year. Interest-free period 50 days.

Method No. 8. Ask for help online

Do not confuse this method with fraudulent schemes that are replete with the World Wide Web! We are talking about a request, so we immediately discard any untrue, pitiful stories about a dying relative.

It is optimal to ask for women's forums , the contingent there is compassionate. The main thing is to think through your request to the smallest detail, to be able to interest your interlocutors, and to stand out from the rest.

There are quite a lot of people on well-promoted forums, and even if every third person sends 10 rubles each- the amount will be impressive.

This method is also good if you urgently need money to buy a certain item. For example, the only sneakers are torn, the baby will be born soon, but there is no crib, nothing to wear, etc.

If you correctly voice your problem on the forum, then a lot of site visitors will gather to help solve it. Surely someone will have extra sneakers the right size, an unnecessary crib that there is no one to take away for a long time, etc.

Method number 9. Find treasure

And this is not a joke. Will help with this metal detector. Of course, it is not in every person’s closet, but finding this device is not problematic; there are many offers on the RuNet for both sale and rental. And even if there is no money for rent, you can always agree on a temporary exchange for something from your own things.

This is one of the most enjoyable ways to earn money: took a metal detector and walked through the fields and meadows to breathe fresh air. The device beeped - the goal was achieved, all that remained was to dig up the treasure and, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, give half to the owner of the land in which it was located. But the second half remains, isn’t it a freebie?

Method No. 10. Begging

During the Soviet era, begging was a criminal offense, but now the law does not prohibit us from asking our neighbors for help, which means this is one of the legal ways to earn money. It also needs to be approached creatively.

Of course, you can just stand with your hand outstretched in the passage, but it won’t be as effective as picking up a guitar and showing off your talent or making up yourself as a living statue and amusing those around you.

Method No. 11. Participation in talk shows

This method of earning money is gaining more and more popularity. A person simply participates in the filming of a program; the cost depends on the role to be played.

They pay for participating in the filming of a TV show as a mass viewer. from 150 to 500 rubles.

There are practically no special requirements for extras; it is enough to look decent and listen to the director.

It is much more profitable to act as the main character; fees for this work range from a thousand to several tens of thousands rubles But it’s not easy to get such a role; you’ll have to go through a casting first.

Method No. 12. Marry for convenience

Most easy way get really rich. Suitable for both women and men. About getting rich from scratch, we have already talked about in one of our issues.

Along with decent money, you can get a bunch of additional bonuses: status in society, the opportunity to eat well, relax at expensive resorts.

But calling this method the most profitable method of earning money will not work, since it has one significant minus. Advertisements for searches for a poor life partner cannot be found either in newspapers or on the Internet.

Method No. 13. Become a YouTube star

A successfully filmed and posted video will allow you to turn from ordinary person into popular and recognizable.

Even teenagers know that for clicks on advertising when watching videos this resource pays money .

Cost per clicks depends on the age of the channel, the number of videos posted on it, as well as interested subscribers.

For more information about how much YouTube pays for watching videos, read one of our articles. It contains a lot of useful information for those who want to start from scratch.

Method No. 14. Take a bank loan

Most money is stored in financial institutions, namely in banks.

Banks are specially created to give interest.

Another purpose of the bank– storage of savings at interest, but in the context of this article there is no point in considering it.

Banks give loans for cars, apartments, furniture, vacations, repairs and even for treatment. By the way, we talked about this in more detail in one of our articles.

Benefits bank lending in comparison with a microfinance organization (MFO) are low interest rate And long loan term. The bank does not give money to everyone.

Main criteria for issuing a loan in Russian banks

The borrower must meet the following criteria:

  • Have an official stable income. Confirmed by a certificate of income for the last six months from the place of work. Without this document, the loan will not be issued unambiguously.
  • Having a positive credit history. However, not every individual bank maintains a credit history. All these institutions are combined into one register, and data on each loan is entered into it. It indicates whether the debt was repaid on time, whether there were any delays, and all negative nuances are displayed.
  • Guarantor. This is a person who guarantees to fulfill obligations instead of the borrower if the latter does not pay on time. If you take out a loan for a large amount, the bank may require you to find several guarantors. And this is quite problematic; even relatives do not want to take on the responsibility of fulfilling other people’s obligations.
  • Pledge. Not indicated in all, but only in loan agreements for large sums. Both real estate and vehicles. You need to understand that in case of non-payment of the loan, the bank will take the collateral for itself.
  • Insurance. It is important for the bank that the borrower is alive and well until the obligations are fully fulfilled. Therefore, loan issuance is often possible only after registration insurance policy. And these are additional costs.

Today the following banks offer the most favorable loan offers:

IN Sovcombank You can get a loan for various purposes: buying a car and apartment, for large expenses and urgent needs. Loans are issued with a minimum package of documents to working people and pensioners under 85 years of age.

Alfa Bank - one of the most reliable and stable credit institutions in the country. Powered by financial market more than 25 years. Provides up to 3 million rubles for any purpose for a period of 1 to 5 years.

VTB Bank of Moscow - a strong and reliable bank. Provides a wide range of different loans. Consumer loans individuals are provided in the amount of up to 3 million rubles. with an interest rate of 14.9% per annum.

We also wrote about this in a separate article - we recommend reading it.

How to apply for a loan correctly:

  1. Read the contract carefully. Even if a bank employee says that the agreement is standard, everyone signs it and no one has any problems. You need to read every line, especially what is written in small print. The borrower must understand the terms early repayment, is there additional services and how they are charged, late fees, etc.
  2. Choose the optimal loan program. Each bank has several lending programs. You just need to take a calculator and carefully calculate which one is most profitable to use.

Remember a simple rule: The easier and faster it is to obtain a bank loan, the worse its conditions and the greater the overpayment of interest.

Good advice: It is better to spend a few days on paperwork, but get money on more favorable terms.

Details about where and how are described in our separate article.

Where to borrow money urgently with a bad credit history if they refuse everywhere - more on that later

4. Where to get money if all banks and microloans refuse - 3 ways out of a situation when you urgently need money ✅

If your friends refused to borrow, your credit history was bad and they didn’t give you a loan, but you couldn’t make money on the Internet, don’t despair. There is always a way out and, as a rule, more than one. You just need to look for it well. What to do if financial institutions refuse to lend?

Exit 1. Ask for a loan from a private investor

Private investor– this is also a lender. Why not contact him? He also does not need income certificates, a passport is enough. But you will have to tell why the money is needed and from what income you plan to return it. Without a convincing story, you shouldn’t even contact private owners; there will definitely be a refusal.

Features of obtaining a loan from a private investor:

  • If there is a deposit– the chances of getting such a loan are high. But there are also risks. We talked about this in the previous publication.
  • It is very difficult to verify the investor's honesty. Fraud in this area is rampant. Worth a look

Survive in modern world, where money decides everything is not so simple. Get a job good job Not everyone succeeds, even if they have a higher education.

Therefore, many specialists are looking for part-time work and often their attention is attracted by the Internet. Millions of people already work here, and their income is not limited.

How to earn 10,000 rubles on the Internet in a day, week, month? The bar is not high; if you stretch out the collection of this money for a month, any beginner can cope with it.

If you shorten it to a week, some knowledge, development or investment will be required. It’s even more difficult to earn this amount in one day, but it’s also possible.

Is it possible to earn 10 thousand on the Internet?

Of course, there is a lot of money circulating online, and users earn it in different ways. It’s also possible to do without the Internet; there are plenty of options for part-time work in real life.

Surely, some people don’t want to sit in front of a monitor, These options will be useful to them:

  • provision of tutoring services;
  • child care;
  • rental of real estate;
  • delivery of taxi clients;
  • selling something;
  • part-time modeling;
  • sale of baked goods;
  • courier services.

There are many opportunities, at any age, with any free time schedule and regardless of the level of knowledge, it is possible to find a part-time job. Ten thousand rubles is not such a lot of money, but it is often not enough to bear all the expenses.

Ways to earn 10 thousand in a month

Before considering options on how to quickly earn 10 thousand rubles, you need to evaluate your abilities.

Beginners often overestimate their capabilities, try to collect this amount in an hour, but either stumble upon scammers or fail at all. It’s better to first try to collect that kind of money in a month, and the following methods are suitable for this:

  1. Perform simple tasks.

To raise tens a month, you need to earn 330 rubles a day. It is quite possible to receive such money from services with small orders.

We are talking about such simple actions as registration, posting comments, watching videos and much more. Just don’t think that this is a freebie, because they pay little for simple actions:

The form is filled out in the sidebar, all that remains is to click the red button (because we believe that the graph will go down). Let's check the result:

4200 rubles came out clean, and if we bet 13,000 rubles, then from just one transaction there would be 10,000 rubles in profit.

It’s a risky business, you need to have a good understanding of quotes, follow the news, read the opinions of experts, and so on. Those who learn how to trade options do much more in an hour.

2. Sports betting

Opening a bet on a sweepstakes takes less than an hour, and the result can exceed expectations. Don’t even think about using this option if you don’t understand anything about sports.

Here you need to calculate everything correctly, analyze teams and athletes, and make forecasts. You can get an amount of 10 thousand even from one bet:

3. Participation in lotteries

Earning 7 million in a month from scratch and without investments is more like advertising a scam. You can’t do without risks, so why not use the lottery right away.

Maybe you'll get lucky and your one hundred millionth chance of winning will work out. After all, some people are lucky:

Pay attention to the super prize; whoever hits the jackpot can forget about work, because the money will be enough for his grandchildren. Tickets from all state lotteries are sold. You will spend a couple of minutes registering and purchasing them.

Try your luck, you won’t be able to make money from this every day, but one lucky ticket can change your life.

How to earn 10 thousand dollars?

You can get about half a million rubles in the ways that we described above. With or without investment, this is quite possible.

If you haven’t found anything interesting or are serious and even ready to organize your own business, then We recommend these methods:

  1. – foreign auctions and various stores often offer goods at large discounts. This is an ideal option for making money on resale. Catch profitable lots, place orders, and even through ordinary bulletin boards you can then sell your products.
  2. – we have already talked about free altcoins and mining, but there is another way. You buy coins and leave them for a long time. If the story that happened with Bitcoin repeats itself, even a hundred dollars can turn into $10,000.
  3. – we also talked about selling digital goods, but you can also become their author. Write e-books, record video lessons, manuals, instructions, cases and unique techniques. Sales can be achieved with the help of partners without opening your own website.
  4. – to earn $10,000, you need huge starting capital. Or you will have to spend a long time scrolling through the money. They put in the work experienced traders. They open PAMM accounts, accept investments, trade Forex and distribute part of the income among investors.
  5. – it is obvious that such a serious business on the Internet can bring in more than $10,000. Again, it is not necessary to buy goods and create a warehouse. You can find a supplier with competitive prices. Accept orders and simply transfer them to another company, leaving the markup for yourself.

You can earn much more than $10,000 a month on the Internet. But not from day one and not from scratch, which should be obvious even to a beginner. If it were so easy to make money online, no one would go to work at all.

Having trouble deciding what to do? First, explore a few interesting options, and then just test. People achieve success in different ways.

The sooner you start acting, the faster you can reach a profitability of 10,000 rubles per day. The goal is quite realistic, even if you achieve it even after a few years, it is better than spending your whole life in poverty and debt.

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Trading is a sure way to make good profits. Setting up an online store does not require large investments. You can trade at home. The easiest and most profitable way is to resell goods from Asia. These are clothes, jewelry, gadgets, etc.

When purchasing in bulk, you will significantly reduce the cost of items so that the markup on them ranges from 100-200%. In parallel with the store, it is worth developing and promoting communities on social networks in order to sell products through several channels.

After six months of active work, it is realistic to reach net income one hundred thousand. Some of the best shopping sites include:,,,

2. Profitable specialty or position

Such salaries are received by middle and senior managers: heads of departments (advertising, trade, production, etc.), top managers, directors. To obtain such a position, you need extensive work experience and deep knowledge in the chosen field. At the same time, young and ambitious people should not be afraid to propose their candidacy and prove that they are suitable for the given vacancy.

There are many profitable and in-demand professions that a person can master without education. Among highly paid specialties: programmers and application developers on iOS and Android, web developers and web designers, good advertisers and sales people, interior designers, engineers, chefs, real estate agents, blue-collar workers (like qualified builders or welders).

Options for girls with training as a manicurist, hairdresser, makeup artist, cosmetologist. For example, the cost of wedding or evening makeup starts at $40, and it is possible to receive about 4-5 clients per day.

3. Franchise business

One of the easiest options for earning 100,000 rubles a month is to purchase ready business. This eliminates the need to plan the organization of the business yourself, plus you are acquiring an already promoted brand.

It could be a fast food cafe, a clothing store, a toy store, a fitness center, etc. The amount required for the purchase is from $4,500. Acquisition large enterprise will allow you to earn a lot from the first month.

4. Own business

The best business ideas that will allow you to earn 100 thousand rubles. per month: grocery store, construction and repair company, beauty salon, private kindergarten, gym, cafe and dining room, tattoo parlor, manufacturing plant(beams, crumb rubber, fuel briquettes, etc.) After payback, the business will be able to bring in good money.

5. Work in the event sector

Current specializations in this niche:

  • Photographer and videographer (weddings, corporate events, video shooting);
  • Event host;
  • Decorator;
  • Rental of lighting and sound equipment.

For example, a presenter is able to start earning money with virtually no investment. Relevant skills, good advertising and useful acquaintances in the event sphere. The popular presenter's fee starts from $350 per evening. For photographers and videographers – from $400 for a full day. And it is possible to fulfill from five orders per month.

Lighting and sound equipment requires considerable investment to purchase, but pays off in less than six months with constant employment. Such services are in demand at weddings, corporate and city events.

6. Transportation

This includes freight and passenger transport. Having only one car (truck or minibus) in your fleet, you can make a good profit.

Truck or minibus services for a trip start at $20-25 and depend on the stated time or mileage. It is profitable to rent cars for a wedding procession or a limousine. Profit – $12-60 per hour.

7. Vlog

A way for creative individuals who know how to stand out. The income of popular video bloggers easily exceeds 100 thousand rubles. per month due to direct advertising (various brands, other channels, films, etc.) and due to the number of video views (for example, through AdSense) and clicks to the advertiser’s page.

Popular Topics: travel, reviews of films, gadgets, games (as well as walkthroughs of games - let's plays), beauty blogs, various experiments and educational channels.

8. Your own website

An Internet site allows you to earn thousands of dollars a month with the right approach. The main investments are intellectual. It is necessary to select a relevant topic, fill the portal with interesting and “catchy” content, and work on SEO promotion.

“Top” but also the most competitive topics: business and work, beauty and health, psychology and relationships, cooking, real estate, cars, applications and games.

Bulletin boards are very profitable, but you have to work hard to break through in a highly competitive environment.

Ways to earn income from the site:

  1. From direct advertisers on your topic (stores, agencies and other companies);
  2. Contextual, teaser, banner advertising.

In the first six months to a year you will need to work hard to ensure attendance, only then can you count on big incomes. The number of unique visitors should be at least 5-10 thousand people per day for good advertising revenue.

9. Forex and binary options

Exchanges are the place to earn 100,000 rubles a month if you have trading savvy, analytical skills and a fair amount of composure. The initial amount for trading is $5-10; if the outcome is successful, the deposit can be multiplied several times. Therefore, to receive one hundred thousand rubles you will need to invest more than ten dollars.

Choose reliable brokers with a good reputation and high performance profitability. For Forex trading they usually choose Alpari, Alpha Forex, Forex4you, to make money on binary options— GT Options, OptionFair, IQ Option.

If you don’t know how to trade and don’t want to risk money, invest in PAMM accounts and mutual funds. Professionals will be able to manage investments and increase your capital. By dividing your investments into several funds, create a portfolio of securities, stocks, currencies. This minimizes risks, and the total income can reach one hundred thousand.

10. Watch

Those who want to do a good job not on the Internet can look for vacancies for work on a rotational basis. Not every specialty will be so highly paid; forwarding drivers, engineers, electromechanics, surveyors, welders, etc. are “priced.” Try to get a job in oil and gold mining companies. It's hard work, but it pays well.

Also, elite Moscow mansions often require live-in staff. They can count on a salary of 100 thousand home cook, nanny, nurse.

11. Daily rent of an apartment, house, office

If you have your own apartment, house or commercial real estate, then they can be profitably rented out daily or even hourly (office). The rental price depends on the city. If you do good repair and bring the property to the status of luxury apartments, then it’s realistic to have 100,000 rubles per month.

12. Selling training courses

Selling your own knowledge (sewing and cutting, dancing, handling skills) will allow you to quickly reach large sums. computer programs etc.) You can sell video courses and electronic manuals on the Internet or do tutoring at home.

These are the main methods, 100 thousand rubles per month. In any case, you need to invest in your own training, start a business, or invest funds to increase them.