The bank is obliged to return the loan insurance. Refund of insurance premium upon early repayment of loan

Thinking about buying own apartment? Have you found a suitable option, but you don’t have enough money? Or have you decided not to invest a lot of personal savings, but to use a lending service? Then a mortgage is what you need! What is it and how does it differ from a consumer loan.

How is a mortgage different from other types of loans?

The most important difference is the interest rate. For mortgage loans it is much lower than for car loans, consumer loans, etc. And this can be explained very simply. As a rule, people take out mortgages for quite large amounts, because... real estate is not cheap. And they are charged on the entire amount of debt. And if the rate on a mortgage was the same as on a consumer loan, people would not have enough 1 life to pay cash on loan. And then this debt would be inherited by their children. Because the amount of overpayments would exceed the mortgage amount by 3 or even 4 times.

For greater clarity, consider an example. Initial data: you want to buy an apartment with a mortgage for 5,000,000 rubles. You are not ready to make a down payment, but are ready to pay 86.5 thousand rubles. If the mortgage rate was even practically equal to the minimum rate on a consumer loan, then you would have to pay money for the mortgage for 20 years, and you would overpay by 315%, which is equivalent to 15.7 million rubles! That is, you would pay the cost of 4 of your apartments!

Pay attention when you select mortgage program for the loan term. That is, with our initial data, the overpayment for 20 years is 315%, and if we increase the payment by only 2.7 thousand rubles, then the period will decrease by as much as 5 years! And the overpayment will be reduced by 91%! Do you feel the global difference?!

And with a term of 10 years and a payment of 98 thousand rubles per month, your overpayment will be 135%, because 6.7 million rubles.

If you follow the trend, it becomes clear that for every 5 years of the mortgage, the amount of interest is equivalent to the cost of your apartment!

But this is at a rate of 20% per annum. In our country, according to mortgage programs, it is usually lower and fluctuates around 13%. Let's make calculations for similar periods and compare the results.

If we consider a term of 20 years, the monthly payment is 59.5 thousand rubles, which is 27 thousand lower than at a rate of 20%. Do you feel what role the difference of 7% plays?! The total amount of overpayments is 9.3 million rubles, i.e. 185% in 20 years. Do you understand how big the difference is??

If the term is reduced by 5 years, the payment increases by only 4.5 thousand, but the overpayment is reduced by 55%! And it amounts to 6.5 million rubles!

With a loan term of 10 years and a payment of 75.3 thousand rubles, the overpayment will be 81%, namely 4 million rubles. As you can see, the difference is very noticeable.

For clarity, we will display all the results in a summary table so that you can finally understand why mortgage programs have a lower rate.

Pivot table

At a rate of 13%

At a rate of 20%

Hedgehog. payment, rub.

Overpayment, million rubles.

% overpayment

Hedgehog. payment, rub.

Overpayment, million rubles.

% overpayment

Hedgehog. payment, rub.

Overpayment, million rubles

% overpayment

  • The package of documents required for a mortgage differs significantly. So, let's look at what documents are needed for an apartment mortgage.
  • Borrower's passport.
  • A certificate of income, as well as about the organization in which you work (a copy of the work book).
  • Documents confirming the deposit (if any).

What do you need for an apartment mortgage? List of documents

When attracting a co-borrower or guarantor, the list of documents expands. They will be required to provide the same documents as you. Those. their passport, as well as a document confirming income (as a rule, this is a personal income tax certificate 2).

You may also need a number of other documents. More detailed information The bank employees will tell you, because each case is individual, there are many mortgage programs. This means that you will need to collect the package of documents that is right for you. The initial data is taken as a guide.

Requirements for the borrower

They differ in each bank, but there are a number of criteria that are the same in all banks. Let's look at them:

1. Age. Many banks have a minimum age of 21 years to consider an application. And this is understandable. As a rule, in this time period a person finishes educational institution and has a certain amount of work experience.

2. Work experience is the second criterion by which banks determine how reliable a borrower is.The minimum work experience at the last place of employment must be at least one year. In addition, employees pay attention to the fact that an indicator of a person’s reliability is the frequency with which he changes jobs. If a person does not stay anywhere for more than 1 month, then this fact can hardly indicate his reliability.

3. Credit history.Positive credit history will go only for your benefit. Because you have shown yourself to be a responsible person and it is easier for the bank to approve you for a mortgage loan.

So, let's summarize, what do you need to get a mortgage for an apartment? Good credit history, at least one year of work experience and the borrower’s age 21+.

Mortgage and maternity capital

Can I use maternity capital to pay off the mortgage and how to do it? What do you need to buy an apartment with a mortgage? Using equity to pay off a mortgage is a common practice. But not many people know how to do it correctly. At some banks you can use it as a down payment.

To do this, you need to notify bank employees in advance that you will be making the down payment not in cash, but with a certificate. You will also need to collect an extended package of documents.

You will need to obtain some certificates from the Pension Fund, for example, a certificate about the status of your account. And submit some documents to Pension Fund, because everything is carefully checked, because there are many cases when people just wanted to cash out their maternity capital.

Money in an envelope when accounting for income - myth or reality?

Some people receive money from multiple sources of income. And it happens that part of the salary is given to people in envelopes. What to do in this case? Since 2014, many banks have simplified the issuance of mortgage programs. That is why you can provide the bank with a standard certificate in which the employer will indicate the full amount of your income, along with bonuses and any incentives. There are banks that issue mortgages with just two documents! But in this case you need to have an ideal credit history, extensive experience in the organization.

What other costs should people consider when looking to take out a mortgage?

Is it necessary? This question worries many borrowers. Yes, you definitely need to insure your apartment. This is the bank’s requirement and its “safety cushion”. Because if something happens to the apartment, not all borrowers will have the money to pay the mortgage and restore the apartment at the same time, hence late payments and other troubles will follow.

Do you need an apartment appraisal for a mortgage? This question interests many borrowers. Yes, this procedure must be carried out, and after the apartment has been appraised, the documents must be submitted to the bank.

How to choose an apartment?

Initially, you need to decide what kind of housing you want. Secondary or want to participate in shared construction, or are ready to purchase new apartment in a finished house, but already finished. Based on your wishes, you will need to select a mortgage program. As a rule, such programs differ in terms and conditions. And the main criterion is what kind of housing the borrower wants to purchase.

If you decide to participate in shared construction, be sure to read reviews about the company that is the developer. To be sure that the apartment will be delivered on time and you don’t get into trouble.

Do you want to take out a mortgage from Sberbank?

What do you need for an apartment mortgage? You can find the answer to this question on the bank’s official website. Instructions: Sberbank - mortgage - what documents are needed for an apartment?

  • Agreement of intent.
  • Your passport.
  • 2 personal income tax.

Please note that this bank only takes into account the confirmed income of the borrower, so if your official income is not very large, it is better to purchase a guarantor or guarantors (there may be several of them). You can also attract a co-borrower. He will need the same package of documents as you.

Have you purchased an apartment with a mortgage? What you need to know

Every citizen Russian Federation Once in a lifetime, you can get back part of the money spent on buying an apartment, paying interest on the mortgage and renovating the premises. How can this be done? You need to submit to the tax service once a year a certificate of income, documents confirming the existence of a mortgage, and others. With more detailed list You can find it on the website of the Federal Tax Service or directly at the inspection itself.

How much money will be returned? You will be refunded the full amount of taxes you paid in the previous year. Please note that there is a limit to this amount. You can return a maximum of 260 thousand rubles for the entire period and only 1 time in your life.

What documents does an apartment seller need for a mortgage?

  • rights.
  • The document on the basis of which this right arose.
  • Statement of absence of debt for utilities.

How to apply for a mortgage?

We have already figured out what is needed for a mortgage on an apartment. Now we just need to figure out how to apply for it. What do you need for an apartment mortgage?

  1. Select the property and the bank where you want to get a loan.
  2. Contact the selected bank for consultation, selection of the necessary program and to receive a list of documents that must be provided.
  3. Collect a package of documents and contact the bank to submit an application.
  4. After the application is approved, sign a mortgage agreement with the bank and a purchase and sale agreement with the developer.
  5. Get a certificate of state registration encumbered rights.
  6. Insure her. This can be done at any company with which your bank cooperates. You can view the list either on the bank’s website or obtain it at a bank branch. And also this information can be provided to you by phone hotline.
  7. Enjoy your own apartment!

What should you pay attention to?

1. On the interest rate. Bank employees often resort to tricks and print out an agreement with a higher interest rate in order to earn money. more money on this deal. They are counting on you not to read. And if you notice a mistake later, you won’t be able to prove anything..

2. For the loan term and monthly payment amount. Because the longer the term, the greater the overpayment, as we saw earlier. Be careful! Read all documents. Ask anything you don't understand. Don't be shy. If something is confusing, you can always call the hotline number and clarify all questions.

A similar step should be taken if the insurance company requires, in addition to the already collected package of documents, certain papers that are not included in the policy/contract. The company has 10 days to consider the claim. It should be remembered that the bank still requires timely loan payments. It is advisable to send the claim by registered mail with notification.

Most often, the outcome of a claim is refusal or silence from the insurance company. In this case, the next stage is the trial. The claim should demand:

  • collection of insurance compensation in favor of the bank;
  • compensation for moral damage to the plaintiff;
  • collecting interest from the insurance company for using someone else’s money;
  • payment of a fine in favor of the plaintiff for violation of consumer rights provided for by law (refusal of pre-trial payment after filing a claim).

Practice shows that with the proper package of documents, courts meet citizens halfway, obliging insurance companies to make payments.

When clients receive a loan from a bank, they are offered to take out insurance. The service reduces the risk of non-refund. Moreover, it applies to mortgages and consumer loans. When an insured event occurs, the insurance company transfers funds to the bank. These relations are regulated by an agreement, which stipulates the rights and obligations of the parties.

But many clients repay their loans early, eliminating the need for insurance. Not everyone knows how to return loan insurance. This procedure has some features that all bank clients need to take into account.


In 2009, the Presidium of the Higher arbitration court a resolution was approved according to which bank commissions related to measures that violate consumer rights. For several years, cases regarding the return of illegally paid money have been considered. Banks decided to abolish commissions, which were considered important income.

Over time, rates for lending money have increased. When the Federal Law “On Consumer Loans” came out, new problem- imposing insurance when borrowing funds. Many clients began to submit statements that if they refuse the service, loans will not be issued. Moreover, the price of insurance is quite high, and a refund cannot be made under every contract.

This increases fees, and clients do not know their rights. Due to fears about being denied a loan, people take out insurance. Even if the contract has been concluded, you need to know how to return the loan insurance.

Who needs it?

There is still a need for insurance. Banks receive security for the return of money in different conditions. When an insured event occurs, the insurance company transfers funds to the bank. If the amount exceeds the balance of the debt, then the amount is paid to the debtor. If there are insufficient funds, the bank will withhold money from the client.

Usually life and health insurance is taken out. This service is provided to protect real estate from adverse factors. They are specified in contracts. When advancing insured event the client must notify the insurance company so that compensation is provided. And after the loan is paid off, the insurance is returned according to special rules.

Types of insurance policies

The insurance provides compensation for losses in the event of the client’s death or injury to health, which causes problems with fulfilling obligations. The service is the most common in banking sector. Upon death or injury, the insurer pays the bank the balance of the loan, and the bank is the beneficiary.

Another type of policy is property insurance. It is considered mandatory when applying for a mortgage or purchasing vehicles on credit. In case of loss, damage or deterioration of the purchased property, the insurer pays the amount of the loan. That is, by law, insurance of an apartment against fires and floods is considered mandatory. But whether to choose insurance in case of death and health problems is up to the client to decide for himself. In this situation, the law is on his side.

Features of insurance

By law, citizens are not required to take out insurance. It turns out that the bank cannot force the service to be formalized as mandatory, but the law says that loans cannot be issued without life insurance. This applies to obtaining a mortgage and a car loan. If the document is drawn up, payments are transferred continuously, then the question arises: how to return consumer loan insurance?

The beneficiary in this case is the bank. But, as we have already said, if the debt has been paid in full, then the client can issue a refund. The bank recalculates and transfers money. The insurer can only receive compensation. Its size is proportional to the validity period of the document.

If it was possible to return the insurance? Yes, in this case a refund is possible. But if the debt is repaid on time, then it will not be possible to return the funds.

The insurance procedure is different in each case. Everything is determined by the type of loan. It can be consumer and collateral. In the first case, the client's life is insured, and in the second - property.

Saving options

You can hear from many bank clients that they were forced to take out loan insurance. How can I get her back? In fact, the client can only register voluntarily. If this does happen, then the price of the service does not need to be included in the loan, since interest will be charged on this amount.

After the loan is repaid, the insurance is required to be returned by law. The client must submit an application, which will be considered by the bank. Please note that funds are not transferred automatically. Only after writing an application, submitting copies of documents and making a decision, money is paid.

The condition for transferring funds is an application. It is possible to return insurance for a Sberbank loan if the client has a disease for which documents cannot be signed. The list of exceptions is in the contract. But there are no medical examinations before signatures, and the client may not be aware of the exceptions, which is why he pays for the services. In such cases, it is necessary to submit an application for recalculation and compensation of money. But the client will not be given the full amount, but 87%, since the tax is calculated - 13%.

Insurance at Sberbank

How is insurance returned after repaying a loan from Sberbank? The client has the right to refuse to participate in the loan program. To do this, we repeat, you need to contact the department within a month after completing the documents and write an application.

But is it possible to return the insurance after repaying the loan if several months have passed? Yes, but then the funds will be transferred to the client minus registration costs and taxes. This is about 50% of the down payment. You can also return part of the premium if the loan is paid in full and ahead of schedule.

Before returning consumer credit insurance, you must complete an application in two copies. At the same time, the client’s copies are marked with the date of execution of the document.


How is insurance refunded after paying off a mortgage? The pledge is considered a guarantee of compensation for damage after termination of obligations. Termination of such a document without repayment of the loan is impossible.

But the refund occurs in cases where the loan is paid ahead of schedule, and the insurance is paid for the entire period. You need to contact the insurance company and submit the following documents:

  • statement;
  • passport;
  • contract;
  • certificate of debt repayment.

Then a recalculation is performed, after which the balance is transferred to the client.

Insurance return principles

Such issues are regulated by the law on the return of insurance after repayment of the loan. There are 2 methods to solve this problem. The first one is pre-trial settlement. When the loan is repaid, the insurance funds are returned through the company that handled the registration. You should not contact the bank. The financial institution is considered an intermediary. He is paid interest for attracting clients.

After the loan is repaid, the insurance is returned to the insurance company. The client must write an application in two copies, after which they are registered. If the company is located far away, you can send registered letter. The document must indicate the period during which a response will be expected. At the same time, you need to order an extract from your personal account, which indicates how the money was distributed.

What if there was no answer?

If you do not receive a response, you need to contact Rospotrebnadzor. You must send a letter to this organization, enclosing a copy of the application, an inventory, and notification of receipt of the letter. If there is no response from there, then you should go to court.

The consideration of the case can last months. If the price of the issue is up to 50,000 rubles, then you should contact the magistrate’s court. Along with the application, you must submit a contract, loan payments, an insurance agreement, determination of the amount of the claim, an application to the insurance company, a mail notification, and a response. It is necessary to calculate the amount of the claim. It may be lower than legal costs. You can try to recover through court, but this does not always help. Applications are accepted for three years.

If bank employees require you to take out consumer loan insurance, they must provide an alternative. Usually it is a program with increased interest rates and SMS notifications.

Return with a valid contract

To make a refund, first submit pre-trial claim to a financial institution. It is advisable to use the services of a professional lawyer. The bank will provide a response no later than 10 days from receipt of the claim. When filing a claim, you must review all loan documentation.

If the bank gave a negative answer, then it is important to file a statement with the court. It is better to entrust this procedure to a lawyer. In addition to the court, you need to contact Rospotrebnadzor. There may be 2 types of claims: in one, the applicant must be present in court, and in the other, he does not need to appear. The trial takes about 3-8 weeks from the date of filing the application.


There is no insurance company in this scheme. It turns out that the principles of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation do not apply to such agreements. If the loan has been paid off, the insurance cannot be returned.

The premium transferred by the financial institution is payment for additional services. It can be returned upon early repayment. In this case, only the bank can pay part of the amount to preserve its reputation.


How will the insurance be refunded after the loan has been repaid? You should not deal with this issue yourself - it is better to contact a lawyer. There are usually some principles involved. So, it is necessary to focus on the wording in the loan document that is related to insurance. The contract states that it is valid for the entire period of use of the funds. It turns out that if the loan is paid ahead of schedule, then the obligations to the bank are fulfilled.

You can also refer to the fact that there is no risk. The document is drawn up so that when an insured event occurs, the funds are returned to the bank. If the money was given ahead of schedule, then such protection is not required. By law, the insurance document is valid until the period for which it was issued, or if there is no risk of an insured event. Then the company is obliged to return part of the premium.

Such arguments do not always work on insurance companies. Issues are usually resolved through the courts. The results are determined by the position of the judge. But the possibility of a refund exists. Insurers, wanting to work with regular customers, include clauses in the documents about the rules for the return of premiums if the loan is paid ahead of schedule. You also need to remember about the insurance rules, which you should familiarize yourself with in advance.

Judicial practice

How to get insurance if the insurance company does not want to accept documents? You must contact a consumer protection agency. The workers will deal with many issues and also defend your interests in court. Using this method, after the loan is paid off, the insurance will be refunded.

In practice, if financial institutions impose additional services clients, then the court decides the issues in favor of the applicant. In loans, the organization is the seller of the service, which offers to issue another document. And thus insurance is issued in almost every bank. To avoid any unpleasant situations in the future, you must first read all the rules. To do this, you need to study the terms of the contract and it is better to clarify any ambiguities immediately.

Given that all banks are actively imposing loan insurance on their borrowers, information on how to correctly refuse insurance after receiving a loan, how to return insurance if it has already been imposed, and how to return insurance in case of early repayment becomes no less important for Sberbank clients loan.

All about this in this article.

Loan insurance is an insurance product, exactly the same as compulsory motor liability insurance or property damage insurance, aimed at insuring the life and liability of the borrower to the lender (bank).

In accordance with this, if the insured borrower lost his job or disability, or life, the insurance company will be liable for his obligations to the bank.

Naturally, the cost of insurance increases in proportion to the increase in the loan amount. The insurance and banking systems as a whole are designed in such a way that none of them will remain at a loss, even if all the insured borrowers become incapacitated.

What can you insure your loan against?

  • getting disability
  • serious illness
  • job loss
  • deterioration in financial condition
  • death of the borrower

If you take out a consumer loan of any type (including a car loan), you will only insure your life and liability. If you take out any other secured loan, then you will insure not only your life, but also the pledged property against damage.

ATTENTION! Insurance based on the Civil Code of the Russian Federation consumer loans is not mandatory and is carried out at the request of the borrower. But Collateral insurance is essential if you intend to take out a mortgage, but it is your responsibility to in this case, you also don’t have to insure.

Why do you need to insure your loan?

It is clear that every bank is trying to protect itself as much as possible from non-payment of loans. Especially if we're talking about about Russia, where debt discipline is at a very low level, and therefore banks sell insurance of all types and other additional services to all clients. But the situation is even more cunning!

All large Russian banks themselves open their own insurance companies, which automatically become part of their holdings. Why?

The insurance business is also very profitable business. Thus, the bank takes two skins from one client– both loan interest for the use of other people’s money and the amount of insurance for a service that is questionable from the point of view of usefulness.

Is credit insurance beneficial for the borrower?

No, it’s not profitable - the full cost of the loan immediately increases by the cost of insurance, otherwise its usefulness is in question.

ATTENTION! Banks spread myths that credit insurance is cool and convenient! If you lose your job or become disabled, the insurance company will immediately cover your debt, and if you die, the debt will also be closed and not paid. But, firstly, no one will sit without work for a long time (after all, you need to eat something), secondly, no one specifically wants to get disabled and this happens very rarely (especially in at a young age), and thirdly, in the event of your death, the heirs may not enter into the right of inheritance and no one. So why and who needs credit insurance anyway?

Loan insurance at Sberbank can be divided into the following types:

  • from receiving 1st, 2nd and other disability groups
  • from job loss
  • from the death of the borrower
  • property damage insurance

Cost of insurance, terms

Perhaps the most important question In addition to the question of how to return insurance on a Sberbank loan, the question is, how much does all this happiness cost and for how long is the insurance issued?

Term insurance policy absolutely identical to the term loan agreement, that is, if the loan term is 3 years, then the insurance policy is issued for 3 years.

Sberbank has as its own insurance company (Sberbank Insurance), as well as 30 other insurance partner companies. Full list companies you can obtain directly from Sberbank.

All insurance companies have completely different tariffs and interest rates, but we will focus on the Sberbank Insurance company, since it is the company that Sberbank will impose on you in the first place. You must take into account that you have the right to choose any other insurance company you like, with which Sber does not even cooperate.

Cost of insurance:

  • accident insurance from 0.30 to 1% of the loan cost per year + many paid add-ons to the base rate
  • life insurance from 0.30 to 4% of the loan cost per year + paid additions to the base rate
  • cancer insurance from 0.10 to 1.7% + paid extras
  • collateral insurance from 0.70% per year of the loan amount + paid additions to the base rate

Accordingly, the amount of insurance directly depends on the interest rate for the service and the size of the loan. How more amount loan, the more expensive the insurance will cost you.


Sber does not and cannot have any requirements for the borrower who wants to take out insurance for a loan from Sberbank. Well, what can you demand from the borrower in such a matter?!

But the bank has many requirements for a third-party insurance company (this is in case you do not want to use the services of Sberbank Insurance or any other of the 30 partner companies).

Well, that's understandable! Who wants to give a client (his money) to a company with which you do not have a mutually beneficial relationship (you give me - I give you).

A short example of requirements for a third-party insurance company:

  • 3 years of experience in the insurance market
  • compliance with the norms and laws of the Russian Federation
  • availability of a state license
  • the company has no debts to the budget
  • absence trials in relation to an insurance company, which entail a decrease in equity capital by 10% or more
  • and so on

TO SUM UP! If Sberbank imposes insurance on you, and you don’t know what to do, then just refuse to formalize it, referring to Article 958 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. If this does happen, then you can easily start suing Sberbank, if, however, you have the time, energy and money for this. And if you refused credit insurance and Sberbank refused to issue you a loan in retaliation, then in this case you will not be able to force the bank to approve a loan for you.

How to get money back for insurance

Question: Do they refund money for loan insurance at Sberbank?

Answer: they refund if no more than 30 days have passed since the loan was issued; if more than 30 days have passed, but the policy has not expired, then only 50% of the cost can be returned, and the money for insurance can also be returned in case of full or partial early repayment of the loan (which does not affect the provisions on the return of the cost of insurance).

And now about how to return insurance on a Sberbank loan.

ATTENTION! There is a misconception among people that the return of insurance is possible only with early repayment of the loan from Sberbank, since the need for it has disappeared, and part of the money can be returned. This is a misconception! Insurance can be returned at any stage of the loan agreement and insurance policy. The only question is how much money you can get.

How to return insurance:

  • take a piece of paper and write an application for the return of insurance on a Sberbank loan in duplicate in the name of the insurance company that provides you with the service
  • collect necessary documents(more about them below)
  • submit the application and documents directly to the insurance office, and if you are served by Sberbank Insurance, you can also do this through a Sberbank branch
  • make sure the employee marks your application form
  • and wait for some movement from the insurance company
  • if your application is not accepted, they tell tales that they cannot do something, then start complaining to all authorities (start with the head of the Sberbank branch or with the director of the insurance company, then there is Rospotrebnadzor, Procurator and Central Bank of the Russian Federation)
  • if your application was accepted, but they still don’t want to return the money, then again start complaining to all departments

Waiver of insurance after receiving a loan

You have complete and legal right express your refusal of insurance after receiving a loan from Sberbank, and if everything is done in accordance with the law, then no one will be able to “take away” the loan issued from you, and even no one at the bank will look askance at you.

It's simply a matter of returning a product that doesn't fit, just like with clothes.

As written above, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation No. 958 gives you the right to refuse insurance after receiving a loan, as in any other bank in the country, within 30 days after receiving the loan, if more than 30 days have passed, then you have the right to return 50% of the cost of insurance, and if the insurance policy has expired, then there is no subject left for discussion.

NOTE! It turns out to be an interesting situation. Sberbank imposes insurance and without it can easily refuse a client, but with it the loan approval process is smoother. By doing so, you can agree to purchase the insurance and pay for it, and then you can cancel the insurance after receiving the credit within 30 days and get your money back. Thus, you ensured that the loan was approved and issued, and you did not spend money on insurance.

Refund of insurance upon early loan repayment

Insurance returns are much more likely to be relevant compared to other cases of insurance returns (read the article -). This is understandable - you have repaid the loan ahead of schedule, you no longer need an insurance policy, and there may be another 12 months until the end of its validity. Of course, I would like to get my money back for a service that is no longer needed.