Rivanol is a reliable hair removal product. "Rivanol" for hair removal: reviews, price, instructions

Thin, sparse hair or complete absence. Could this be a dream? Maybe! If we are talking about unwanted hair on the body or face. Modern women they are not happy with the excess vegetation, and they are diligently trying to get rid of it. For this purpose they use various means, one of these is called rivanol.

What is Rivanol?

Rivanol is a drug with an antiseptic effect. Previously, it was actively used in surgery and gynecology, used to treat skin diseases and inflammation. Rivanol is especially effective against streptococci, gonococci and other elements of the coccal flora. The main active ingredients are boric acid and ethacridine.

Rivanol is effective and safe remedy for hair removal

The drug is produced in the form of tablets, ointments, solutions and powders. The choice depends on the purpose of use and the disease. For some ailments, rivanol is taken orally, for example, for inflammatory bowel diseases. The drug is contraindicated in diseases and pathologies of the kidneys. Sometimes it causes an allergic reaction in the form of itching, redness of the skin and rashes.

Is Rivanol effective for hair removal?

The drug is used less and less as an antiseptic and has been replaced by analogues. Today, rivanol is actively used for and body. It has a destructive effect on hair follicles and gets rid of excess hair. Many women have already appreciated its effect and were satisfied.

Advantages of hair removal with rivanol:

  • Effective, the results are stable and long lasting.
  • The procedures are painless, the skin remains clean, without irritation or pustules.
  • In addition to hair removal, rivanol will clear the face of pimples, make the skin smooth, and remove greasy shine.
  • There is no problem of ingrown hairs, which is typical for some other types of hair removal.

The disadvantages include the fact that hair removal using this method takes a long time. To obtain epilation results, you will need to apply the product daily for a long time.

But this does not scare many girls, since the prospect of parting with the hated hairs flashes ahead. The thinner and lighter the vegetation, the faster you can get rid of it. Rivanol is used to remove hair on the face, legs, arms, armpits. When removing in the bikini area, especially deep, care must be taken so as not to accidentally burn the mucous membranes.

How to use Rivanol correctly? Directions for use

Even the safest product can cause an allergic reaction. Before starting the procedure, you need to do a sensitivity test. For this small quantity apply the product to the inner area of ​​the elbow and leave for 4-5 hours. With normal tolerability of the product there should be no skin manifestations.

Preparation of the product

Rivanol is available in various forms, but for depilation you need a 1% solution. It is difficult to find such a concentration in pharmacies. Therefore, it is best to prepare it yourself. It is more convenient to use powder, which will need to be dissolved in clean water. For 10 gr. Rivanol you need to take 1 liter of water. The solution can be stored at room temperature.

How to use rivanol

  1. The area with unwanted vegetation is cleared. It is more convenient to apply the solution in the evening after bathing procedures.
  1. Apply the solution with a cotton pad or sponge.
  1. The skin is massaged for several minutes to ensure better penetration of the product into the hair follicles.
  1. There is no need to rinse off the solution.

Attention! The skin on the face is delicate and it is not recommended to use the product for more than 2 weeks. To avoid dryness and flaking, you need to take a break for 5-7 days and then continue if necessary.

The first results will appear in 7-10 days. The hairs will become noticeably thinner, and some will begin to fall out. It is more difficult to remove hair on your legs than on your face. But under no circumstances should you stop and stop the course. Even if the hair is very hard and thick, the result will still be there. But a little later. For only 5% of women, rivanol does not help completely get rid of hair. But they still note that the hair grows much slower and becomes less coarse.

Rivanol will not help if:

  1. Hair growth increased dramatically and suddenly. Most likely the reason is hormonal background and initially you need to solve this problem, and then deal with excess vegetation.
  1. The drug was applied irregularly or the concentration was insufficient. For a lasting and visible effect, you need to take a course.
  1. During pregnancy and lactation. In addition, experiments on the body during this period of life are unacceptable, even with such apparently safe drugs.
  1. There is a genetic predisposition to increased hairiness. The peoples of Asia often suffer from this. For them, it is better to choose other means of combating vegetation.

The drug rivanol tends to accumulate in tissues, so if itching or redness appears over time, you should immediately stop using it. Maybe, we're talking about about overdose. Sometimes dry skin and flaking can be caused by high concentration active substance. You need to dilute the powder according to the dosage, otherwise you can say goodbye to beautiful skin instead of hair.

Rivanol – price in Russia?

Most women are concerned about the price of rivanol for hair removal. There is no clear answer to this question. Initially, the product was cheap, but its high popularity and effectiveness in the fight against excess vegetation did their job. The cost depends on where to buy, the price is different. In Moscow you can buy it for 500 rubles. 10 gr. powder, and the finished solution costs about 2000 rubles per 100 ml. In Chelyabinsk you can buy a solution for 1800 rubles, and a powder for 440. Rivanol is classified as a scarce medicine and is not available everywhere.

"Rivanol" for hair removal

Hair growing in places on the body where they shouldn't be is a delicate and unpleasant problem. Removing unwanted hair will help get rid of it. There are many ways, but some are ineffective, others are expensive. Sometimes women use unusual means that are not intended to eliminate such a problem. So, many people choose Rivanol for hair removal. Is it really effective? this solution?

What kind of remedy is this?

In general, “Rivanol” is not intended for hair removal; this drug is used for completely different purposes. He belongs to the group antiseptics to prevent tissue infection. Doctors began using Rivanol quite a long time ago, back in the last century. The drug was widely used in the surgical, gynecological, urological and ophthalmological fields. But, as you know, many medications are also used in cosmetology, which is associated with the activity of the substances included in their composition.

"Rivanol" - an antiseptic


The Rivanol solution contains only two active components: ethacridine lactate, and boric acid.

If you want to improve the condition of your scalp hair, the first thing to do is pay attention to the shampoos on the shelves in your bathroom. You may have heard that 98% of shampoos contain very harmful substances for hair and scalp.

What should you be afraid of?! The main enemies are sulfates, parabens, silicones. The main components that cause hair and scalp damage are designated on labels as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate, paraben.

We advise you not to use shampoos that contain these substances. Recently, our editors conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos. First place was taken by products from Mulsan cosmetic.

This is the only manufacturer that has switched to a natural base without adding harmful to the body chemical components. The company's cosmetics have a shelf life of 10 months, since they do not contain aggressive preservatives, unlike the composition of other manufacturers, whose shelf life reaches up to 3 years. We recommend visiting the official online storemulsan. ru.


The instructions for use of the Rivanol solution contain data that this drug, first of all, has an antimicrobial effect, that is, it fights infections that have entered the tissue. The activity of the components is observed mainly against coccal microorganisms.

As for the removal of unwanted hair, it becomes possible thanks to some properties of the substances in the composition. So, getting to hair follicle, they begin to gradually destroy it, as a result of which the hair gradually breaks down and then falls out.


Used for tissue disinfection

The instructions do not contain information that it is possible to use the drug “Rivanol” for hair removal. But, as reviews show, in this case it is quite effective.

The main indication for use is tissue disinfection. Thus, the product is widely used in urology, dermatology, ophthalmology, gynecology, and otolaryngology. The solution can be used to treat mucous membranes, as well as internal cavities, affected areas of the body.

The product is effective for conjunctivitis, cystitis, urethritis, furunculosis and others inflammatory diseases mouth, mucous membranes, nasal cavity and skin.

The drug is also used to prevent infection of various tissues; it is often used to treat surfaces after damage.


The Rivanol solution is contraindicated only in two cases: in case of individual intolerance to the substances included in the composition, as well as in case of kidney disease, accompanied by the presence of protein in the urine (this condition is called albuminuria).

Side effects

The drug is often well tolerated, but allergic reactions may develop, which can manifest as rash, itching, burning, and redness at the treatment site.

Release form

The product is available in the form of tablets, powder or ready-made solution. The last option is the most convenient, since when preparing a mixture using powder or tablets, it is important to maintain the proportions, and this is quite problematic. In addition, the prepared solution may lose its properties when exposed to light. Concentration active substances may be 1% or 0.1%.

Choose the form that is convenient for you

How to use the product to get rid of unwanted hair?

So, if you decide to use Rivanol for hair removal and purchased powder or tablets, then first prepare a solution. For the procedure, it is recommended to use a non-concentrated 0.1% solution, so you will need to take the required amount of the product and dilute it with water. For example, 0.1 grams of powder will need to be dissolved in 100 ml of water. As reviews show, this is very difficult, so it is still worth purchasing a ready-made Rivanol solution and using it.

So, the solution is ready for use. First you need to conduct a test that will reveal an allergy to the components of the drug and avoid unwanted consequences. Take a cotton swab, soak it in the solution and treat a small area of ​​skin. Monitor your reaction throughout the day. If the skin remains clean and no alarming symptoms is not observed, you can start using it.

Using the drug “Rivanol” for hair removal is very easy, reviews confirm this. You just need to apply the composition daily problem areas using a cotton swab. A single application is required, which is very convenient. Try to rub the composition into the skin so that it quickly penetrates the hair follicles and begins to act.

Areas that can be treated include the legs, arms, chest, and face. Especially effective remedy will happen if the hairs are thin and light. If they are quite hard and dark, then there will probably be an effect, but it will not come soon.

Feedback from a user:

Review by delly2013

Studying reviews of the product, we can conclude that after about a week of using Rivanol, the hair becomes less noticeable, as it becomes thinner and gradually brightens. And after about a month of regular use, the hairs begin to break down and fall out.

Please remember that failure to comply with the indicated dosages or instructions for use may lead to undesirable consequences, so follow the directions given above.

Where to buy?

If you decide to buy this remedy, then go to the pharmacy. Bottle price a solution with a volume of 100 milliliters is about 400-500 rubles.


We suggest you read reviews about this product:

  1. “Because of unwanted hair all over my body, I began to feel complex, since this problem has been tormenting me for a long time. And so, I decided to start using Rivanol. I used it regularly, following all the rules. After a week or two, the hairs became thin and light, almost invisible. I continued to use the product and after a month I noticed that in some places the skin became completely smooth. I’m very pleased!”
  2. A friend recommended Rivanol to me, it helped her. I started treating my upper lip. After a few days, the hair began to lighten, it was noticeable. A month passed, the hairs became invisible, but still did not fall out. I’ll try to continue using it to get rid of the problem completely.”
  3. “I decided to buy the product after visiting one of the forums. It was Rivanol that was recommended there. I didn’t believe in the effect, but I used the solution regularly. And how surprised I was when after three weeks I almost didn’t see the hated hairs! This is great, the drug helped me.”

Feedback from a user:

Use the drug correctly, and you will forget about such a problem as unwanted hair.

Latin name: Rivanolum
ATX code: D08AA01
Active ingredient: lactas aethacridini
Manufacturer: Sorbent, Russia
Conditions for dispensing from a pharmacy: Over the counter

The drug Rivanol is an antiseptic that leads to the death of pathogenic strains. It is most active against streptococcal infections. Used for external processing, V given time does not contain boric acid. You can also apply Rivanol to remove facial hair.


The medicine is used for the following pathologies and problems:

  • For the treatment of infected epithelial lesions
  • When washing cavities with peritonitis and pleurisy
  • In gynecology for douching for cystitis
  • To combat skin diseases in the presence of exudate
  • For dermatoses and psoriasis
  • For the treatment of mucous membranes of the mouth and throat
  • For conjunctivitis and infection with pathogenic bacteria in the eye area
  • For the treatment of arthritis
  • Orally for inflammation of the digestive system
  • To eliminate excess vegetation on the body.


The product contains ethacridine in lactate form as the main active ingredient. Rivanol solution is prepared using purified water.

Medicinal properties

The product has bactericidal properties and is active against pathogens belonging to the cocci group. Rivanol is an antiseptic of the acridine category, which is synthesized from hydrochloric acid into lactate form. The drug relieves the painful syndrome, provides primary healing during the healing of injuries, accelerates the limitation of inflammatory areas with the subsequent development of granulation tissues.

In high concentrations, the solution coagulates protein compounds, in small concentrations it inhibits the enzymatic activity of pathogens.


The second type is a solution of 0.1 and 1 percent, less stable, it is recommended to use immediately. The liquid is poured into 100 ml glass or polypropylene bottles. She has a rich yellow tint. The box contains instructions and one bottle.

Methods of application

The product is often used externally. The composition must be prepared immediately before application. If treatment requires a solution purchased at a pharmacy, then after uncorking it cannot be stored for a long time. When treating damaged epithelium, in gynecological and urological practice, for douching, the drug is diluted with water in the following proportions:

  • 0.1% - 1 in 1000
  • 0.2% - 1 in 2000
  • 0.05% - 1 to 500

To treat wounds, boils, burns, apply a moistened swab to the affected area 3-4 times a day until signs of healing occur.

Douching for cystitis is carried out once every 24 hours for two weeks.

At oral administration Prescribe 0.05 g of solution three times a day, not more than 0.15 g per day.

The throat and oral cavity are rinsed with a 0.05% prepared solution twice a day. Eye rinsing is carried out in the same way. Or use in the form of drops, 2 pieces 4-6 times a day.


The product is available in the form of a fine, yellow powder that is odorless but has a bitter taste. The substance is poorly soluble in alcohol and cold water. The cardboard box contains 10 sachets weighing 1 g with instructions on the back.

Directions for use

Rivanol is prepared from the powder for hair removal. To do this, 10 packets of 1 g (1%) are dissolved in one liter of water. Every day, areas with unwanted vegetation are treated with cotton swabs or gauze wipes soaked in liquid. After leaving the product for 30-40 minutes, it is washed off. The course of treatment is 2 weeks, subject to treatment twice a day - morning and evening. Before application, the epidermis should be cleaned and degreased. Mild cosmetic lotions are suitable for this.

It is important to conduct a preliminary test for allergic manifestations, applying the composition in the area of ​​the wrist or elbow.

Use during pregnancy


At increased content protein elements in the urine the drug is not prescribed. Do not use if you are intolerant to the components.

Interaction with other medications

All types of Rivanol are incompatible with alkalis, salicylic, chloride, benzoate and sulfate compounds, since when used simultaneously, an insoluble precipitate forms.

Adverse reactions

IN in rare cases may appear during treatment negative effects: redness, itching, burning of the skin. When taken orally, nausea and indigestion occur. Subject to availability characteristic symptoms use should be discontinued until directed by a physician.

Storage rules


An absolutely identical drug is Ethacridine. There are drugs that are similar in medicinal action to Rivanol, but have a different composition:

HRV plant, Russia

Price: balm 50 g – 130-150 rub. 100 g – 250-300 rub.

Anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial agent, providing an enveloping effect, promoting accelerated healing and cleansing of damaged and abscessing epithelium. The drug is made on the basis of polyvinyl butyl ether, which prevents the growth of pathogenic bacteria and leads to the death of their cells. The medicine makes scars soft after healing and prevents the formation of rough crusts.

Intended for the treatment of injuries with exudate, festering wounds, burns, frostbite, cuts, abrasions. Prescribed for furunculosis, mastitis, dermatitis, hemorrhoidal ulcers. Actively used in gynecological and dental practice, effective for gastritis with increased acidity, colitis. The balm is not used for severe kidney and liver pathologies or during pregnancy. Prohibited for oral administration children.

The medicine is a very thick, light yellow mass in a liquid state with a specific smell and taste. The composition does not dissolve in water, does not dry out or thicken in air. Available in dark brown glass bottles with a nylon cap and a plastic or aluminum cap. The pack is cardboard, light, with orange or blue designs, contains an instruction sheet and one bottle.


  • Quickly heals damaged skin
  • Reasonable price.


  • Very sticky, best used at night
  • Pungent odor and unpleasant taste.


Montavit, Austria

Price: spray 80 ml – 350-400 rub.

A drug that has an antiseptic and healing effect. The product removes pain syndrome and inflammation. Helps eliminate infection and epithelize tissue. When used externally, it is not absorbed into the blood. The composition is safe during pregnancy and for the treatment of children, non-toxic.

Prescribed for burns, scratches, cuts, insect bites. It helps well with injuries with exudate that do not heal for a long time. Treat the affected areas with the solution and apply bandages 3-4 times a day. After scars appear, the dosage is reduced to 1 time per day. Contraindication is intolerance to the components.

Available in plastic bottles with a sprayer. Contains apple and salicylic acid provides light smell. The pack and bottle are presented in a white shade with a green pattern. The box contains instructions and one bottle.


  • Ease of use
  • Cleans well and heals quickly.


  • May cause dermatitis
  • Slightly irritates skin upon application.

To remove unwanted hair, you can use not only specially developed products, but also ordinary ones. medical supplies. Some of them contain chemicals, negatively affecting the hair cuticle. They can lighten or even destroy it. A Rivanol solution used to cleanse the skin of hair has a similar effect.

Description and action

Rivanol is a drug that is used in many areas of medicine. He has strong antiseptic properties, therefore it is used mainly for disinfection. It is also widely used to combat inflammatory processes. The advantage of this substance is the absence side effects on the body.

The active compounds of this drug are ethacridine and boric acid. These substances have a detrimental effect on the hair cuticle, softening it. They also penetrate the hair follicle and destroy it, destroying the hair root. If this process occurs continuously, the follicles die and new vegetation does not appear.

Therefore, Rivanol is successfully used to get rid of unnecessary hair on any part of the body. It can be used to remove small hairs in the facial area: above upper lip, near the eyebrows, on the cheekbones. The drug is especially successful in combating light-colored hairs of weak and medium hardness.

To remove hair, you can use a ready-made solution, which is sold in pharmacies. It can also be obtained from powder or tablets. The powdery substance looks like yellowish crystals, tastes bitter, and has no odor. Both forms of this medicinal product react with alcohol or cold water pretty bad. Therefore, it is better to use hot water to prepare the solution.

The drug may also be available in the form of an ointment. It has a different composition than the solution, so its effect on the hair is not effective. Based on this, it is not advisable to use an ointment for hair removal.


Rivanol for hair removal is very easy to use. You just need to apply the solution to the area of ​​hair growth that you want to get rid of. To do this, take a ready-made 1% preparation or make it yourself.

To prepare it, you need to take 10 grams of the finished powder or crush the tablets into powder. Then pour 1 liter into a container with powder hot water. Stir well until completely dissolved and cool. The water mixture is unstable and quickly loses its properties. Therefore, it is advisable to prepare a new solution each time. Since there is too much of it for one application, it is better to do less based on the ratios indicated above.

The instructions for use advise conducting an allergy test before starting treatment. Lubricate a small area of ​​skin near the elbow with Rivanol solution. To check the skin reaction you need to wait a few hours (5-6). If there is no irritation, you can carry out a course of treatment.

To ensure that the drug works effectively, follow these rules:

  • Soak in medicinal solution cotton pad and apply to the scalp and skin around it.
  • Carry out the treatment once a day for one to two weeks until a positive result is obtained.
  • If after the specified period no changes have occurred, then this drug is not suitable for you. Stop using it and use another product.
  • Do not allow product to come into contact with eyes or scalp.

In many cases of using Rivanol for hair removal, the hair became thinner and lighter. In some cases, hair stopped growing. Adverse reactions Judging by people’s reviews, there were no problems with the drug.


The drug is an antiseptic and is used to treat tissues and mucous membranes, so it can be used even if the integrity is damaged skin. Rivanol for hair removal is suitable even for people with sensitive skin y and with a tendency to allergic reactions. Despite this, it has several contraindications.

  • the instructions for use of the drug indicate that this solution should not be used by people with kidney disease;
  • during pregnancy and lactation, it is better to refrain from using the product or use only as prescribed by a doctor;
  • The drug should not be used if there is an intolerance to any substance in the composition of the drug.


The instructions for use indicate that by analogue means this medicinal substance are drugs called Ethacridine and Ethacridine lactate. They contain exactly the same components, so they have the same effect.

Hydrogen peroxide has a similar effect on hair. The difference is that Rivanol for hair removal destroys the hair follicle and it stops growing over time. And hydrogen peroxide only produces a lightening effect on the hair without destroying the follicle. Therefore, using peroxide you can make the hair more invisible, but not remove it completely.


The cost of the drug can vary greatly depending on the region and pricing policy pharmacy point. In Russia, a ready-made solution can cost about 400 rubles per 50 ml bottle. In Ukraine, the price for a similar volume can range from 20 to 40 hryvnia.

A one percent solution of the drug may not be available in all pharmacies; in this case, it can be ordered online. When purchasing it, pay attention to the expiration date.

"Etacridine" ("Rivanol") is an antiseptic. It is used to combat microorganisms that cause various diseases. The solution is used to treat wounds, for inflammation of the mucous membranes, boils, and psoriasis.

Forms of release of the drug:

  • Paste.
  • Solution.
  • Powder.
  • Ointment.

The solution for use is prepared immediately before use.

To remove unwanted hair

The drug solution is used for It is inexpensive, painless, and effective. Below are instructions for the drug "Rivanol". The analogues described below, as is easy to see, are much more difficult to use:

  1. For 10 grams of Rivanol powder, 1 liter of water is required - you get a 1% solution.
  2. Soak a cotton swab in the solution and wipe the areas with unwanted hair. There is no need to keep the product on one area for a long time; applying it once is enough.
  3. The procedure is repeated daily for 7 days (extension of the course is possible, but not recommended, to avoid drying out the skin; in any case, it should be determined individually).

During treatment with the drug, unwanted hair becomes thinner and lighter, then falls off.

Before use, an allergy test is required: a drop of the prepared solution is applied to the skin with inside bend of the elbow and observe for 2 hours (it is highly advisable to wash off the drug after this time and continue observation for another 48 hours).

How the drug works

The active substances of "Rivanol" (2-ethoxy-6,9-diaminoacridine lactate) gradually destroy the hair itself and the follicle, thereby eliminating not only existing hair, but also future ones. IN best case scenario unwanted hair will not bother you for a month, then hairs may grow back, but they will be much lighter, thinner and more inconspicuous than the previous ones.

The product is usually used for light-colored (vellus) hair, for example, on the face. It is worth noting that the drug does not help everyone, however, it is impossible to say in advance who will be among the lucky ones, so it is worth trying.

If after two weeks of use there is no result, then the drug is not suitable and its use should be discontinued.

Many people are interested in whether the effective and convenient “Rivanol” has analogues?

Let us immediately note that complete analogues does not exist, but there are many products whose effects are somewhat similar (lightening hair and affecting hair follicle). Let's look at them below.

Let us immediately note what is important to know in order to effectively use Rivanol analogues, a description of which is given below.

To influence the follicle, it is important to open the path to it, that is, the hair must be removed from the root. In addition, on the surface of the skin we see, as a rule, only 25% of all existing hair. The rest are in a dormant state, so for really effective result (smooth skin months), the procedures must be repeated periodically, and not just for one week. It is also advisable to steam the area for applying the product; this allows you to open the pores, but it should be borne in mind that this makes the skin more sensitive and increases the risk of burns.

Almost all of the remedies described below are very strong and at the same time unpredictable, therefore they are capable of:

  • remove unwanted hair;
  • have no effect;
  • spoil the skin, which will require long-term treatment after this.

Above, you already had the opportunity to see how simple the instructions for the drug “Rivanol” are. Analogs, reviews of which are quite numerous and allow one to evaluate the effectiveness and labor intensity of each product, are much more difficult to use and are rarely able to give such a quick effect.

Hydrogen peroxide

Does Rivanol have any analogues among pharmaceuticals? Hydrogen peroxide is the only drug with a similar effect. This remedy is much weaker, although with good tolerance and persistence it can help get rid of hair. Although it is not recommended to use it on sensitive skin such as the face. Typically, peroxide is used to remove hair from the back of the neck, arms and legs. How is it used? The desired area of ​​skin is wiped daily for 2-3 weeks. selected individually, although in any case pharmaceutical solution 3% will not work; hair bleaching and destruction is possible only with a solution of 5-10%. Also, do not use too much strong solution: 30% peroxide will definitely cause changes on the skin that are unlikely to please anyone. The dermis burned with peroxide has a characteristic white coating.


This spice can make your skin smooth forever, at least that's the reputation it has in its homeland - India. At a certain concentration, turmeric substances affect the hair itself and, most importantly, the follicles, slowing down hair growth. With frequent use, hair stops growing, and the skin becomes very smooth and even. This analogue of "Rivanol" for hair removal also has an individual effect. Among the reviews, there are many stories where turmeric-based masks did not have any effect. Side effect- skin coloring yellow, irritation, redness. Turmeric is often used for permanent hair removal in the bikini area.

There are many recipes using turmeric. The most popular is a mixture of turmeric with cream, milk, and flour.

  1. With cream. Any suitable moisturizing (not greasy!) cream is mixed with turmeric in equal proportions and applied to the desired area. The proportion can be varied, it all depends on tolerance. The mixture is applied to the skin, left for 10 minutes (can be a little longer, this is also individual), washed off with warm water or sour milk to avoid staining.
  2. Turmeric mixed with wheat flour and milk, the proportions are also individual. It is optimal to mix the bulk ingredients and then add milk, achieving a consistency convenient for application. Flour is needed only to soften the effect of the spice.


Datura contains alkaloids that can have a depressing effect on the hair follicle. This is a very poisonous plant, so you should be extremely careful with it, much more careful than when using the drug "Rivanol". The analogues described here are also much safer than Datura. The only reason it deserves attention is that it can be used to completely stop hair growth. However, this process cannot be called fast. It will take about a year to see results, otherwise there is a risk of harm to the body as a whole. For hair removal use:

  1. Alcohol tincture - suitable for oily skin.
  2. Oil tincture - preferable for dry skin.

Use the mixture on prepared skin (hair removed from the roots) strictly no more than once a day, but regularly - daily or every other day.


A very risky and dubious drug (iodine tends to be absorbed through the skin and accumulate in the body, exposing the latter to intoxication), suitable only for those who have exceptional healthy skin, who is not afraid of staining the skin yellow, has already despaired of achieving a result more by gentle means, tried the Rivanol solution, analogues plant origin- and everything turned out to be in vain.

Recipes with iodine are also very diverse, the most popular is with castor oil and ammonia. It requires:

  1. Iodine - 1.5 ml.
  2. Ammonia - 2 ml.
  3. Castor oil - 5 ml.
  4. Medical alcohol - 35 ml.

Everything is mixed and left for a couple of hours until the mixture loses its characteristic yellow-brown color. Moisten a cotton swab with the prepared solution, wipe the areas with unnecessary hair 2 times a day, leaving for 15 minutes. The procedures are performed for 2-3 weeks until hair falls out completely (they begin to fall out after one week of use).

Walnut juice

Green walnut contains quite a lot of iodine, so it can be used to get rid of hair. The unripe fruit is cut in half, the half is rubbed on the prepared area, and left overnight. One week is enough similar procedures so that hair does not appear. You can also grind the shells of young walnuts, mix with water and rub the mixture on the skin with unwanted hair 3-4 times a day, repeat until the result is achieved (hair loss).

Nettle seeds

Does Rivanol have analogues? mild action? safe enough. They contain which and help to act on unwanted hair and follicles. To remove unnecessary vegetation, you can use a decoction, oil tincture or alcohol tincture(although the latter is undesirable). The oil tincture is prepared in the following way:

  1. Grind 40 grams of nettle, but not to powder, just mash.
  2. Mix the crushed mixture with 100 grams castor oil(you can use another soft oil, such as grape seed).
  3. Keep the mixture in a dark and cool place (but not in the refrigerator) for 2 months.
  4. Straining is optional.

Apply the tincture as follows: lubricate the required area, leave the oil on the skin, leave for 1 hour, wipe with a cloth or napkin. Repeat daily. The first result will be visible in a month - thinner, weaker hairs that can be easily removed with tweezers or your hands.

There are others folk analogues"Rivanol", in the article we indicated the most common ones. However, in any case, the drug "Rivanol" seems to be the most convenient to use.