Rennie – active composition, action, effectiveness. How to replace Rennie: choosing cheaper analogues

Heartburn attacks can be eliminated without the use of medications, but when they become intense or regular, other types of special medications become the only salvation from the burning sensation.

Modern remedies for heartburn have a wide range.

In pharmacies you can select the most popular and expensive medicines, their cheap analogues, as well as special complexes based on natural ingredients, the purpose of which is to prevent attacks in the presence of deviations in the functioning of the digestive organs.

The principle of action of all drugs is almost identical - the drugs normalize acidity gastric juice.

  1. Firstly, it is important to determine the cause of the burning sensation. If heartburn is caused by a medical condition gastrointestinal tract, then the course of treatment with the main drug is supplemented with means to normalize the performance of the digestive organs.
  2. Secondly, not all medications can be taken during pregnancy, so it is important to carefully read the instructions on the pills. Thirdly, you should not take medications too often. Otherwise, addiction or acid rebound syndrome (increased intensity of attacks) may occur.

The most common heartburn pills:

  • « Almagel"(average cost - 190 rubles, normalizes the acidity of gastric juice, is used to eliminate symptoms of diseases of the digestive system, including heartburn; during pregnancy, the drug can be taken only on the basis of doctor’s recommendations);
  • « Maalox» (the average cost of tablets is 270 rubles; an antacid drug intended to relieve heartburn is approved for use during pregnancy);
  • « Rennie"(the price of the drug is approximately 170 rubles, the product is available in the form chewable tablets With different tastes, belongs to the group of antacids);
  • « Gaviscon» ( approximate cost tablets - 210 rubles, alginate product, which is especially popular as a means of eliminating heartburn during pregnancy, contains natural ingredients);
  • « Vikair"(the price of one package is 25 rubles, an inexpensive analogue of other heartburn tablets, and is not inferior in effectiveness to expensive drugs for getting rid of the burning sensation that occurs after various reasons, including as a symptom of gastrointestinal tract diseases);
  • « Rutacid"(the price depends on the number of tablets and averages 130 - 350 rubles, antacid, distinctive feature the drug is its use in cases of established diagnosis of diabetes mellitus);
  • « Bellalgin"(the maximum cost of the drug is 70 rubles, an antacid, belongs to the category of cheap tablets with high degree efficiency);
  • « Gastal"(the price of chewable tablets without taste is approximately 75 rubles (12 pcs.), with different flavors - up to 270 rubles (48 pcs.), an antacid drug with a complex effect on the digestive organs, approved for use during pregnancy);
  • « Omez"(average cost is 180 rubles, the drug belongs to the group of inhibitors proton pump, not suitable for eliminating heartburn during pregnancy).

The effectiveness of such medications is evidenced by numerous positive reviews of these groups from not only patients, but also doctors.

If you experience a regular burning sensation in the stomach, you should not use the same medications. Otherwise, the degree of their impact may decrease, and the attacks will increase their intensity.

Antisecretory tablets

Medicines for heartburn, like medicines for other diseases, are divided into several categories. Experts in most cases recommend limiting yourself to taking medications belonging to the groups of antacids or alginates.

In the absence of their effectiveness, it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment of burning attacks with antisecretory drugs.

Antisecretory drugs are expensive and inexpensive tablets and their prices:

  • « Esomeprazole» (the cost of the product is on average 500 rubles);
  • « Rabeprozole» (the average price of the drug is 1,300 rubles, it belongs to the category of proton pump inhibitors and antisecretory agents, one package of medication is required for a full course of treatment);
  • “ ” (maximum price of the drug – 45 rubles);
  • « Nexium» (minimum cost of the drug – 1500 rubles);
  • « Emanera» (minimum price of the drug – 280 rubles);
  • « Zulbex"(the cost of the medicine is from 390 to 1400 rubles, depending on the number of tablets and the name of the manufacturer; the drug is an expensive analogue of the drug "Rabeprozol");
  • « Omitox"(average cost of medication is 140 rubles).

Antisecretory drugs should not be taken without the advice of a doctor. Such drugs are considered potent medications. The advantages of drugs in this group include the duration of the effect, the prevention of repeated attacks of heartburn, and a complex effect on the digestive organs.

Uncontrolled use of them can cause migraines, diarrhea, apathy or loss of appetite. In addition, these drugs cannot be combined with many medications.

Pills during pregnancy

Introduces serious restrictions to the list of medications that can be used to get rid of heartburn attacks. The condition itself, accompanied by a burning sensation in the stomach during pregnancy, is in rare cases considered a deviation.

Most often it is the result of natural hormonal changes in the body. expectant mother and deformation of the digestive organs by the increasing size of the fetus.

Pregnant women should take heartburn pills only when emergency situations, and not at the first symptoms of discomfort.

Drugs approved for use during pregnancy:

  • « Gaviscon"(the cost of tablets does not exceed 210 rubles);
  • « Laminal» ( approximate cost drug – 450 rubles);
  • « Talcid"(the cost of the product is 150-315 rubles, depending on the number of tablets);
  • « TAMS"(the price of the medicine ranges from 450 to 550 rubles);
  • « Rennie» » (the maximum cost of the drug is approximately 180 rubles);
  • « Almagel"(average cost - 190 rubles).

It is one of the main periods in the life of every woman. That process is associated with specific nuances. When choosing medications to treat heartburn, it is important to pay attention not only to their price, but also to the degree of impact on the body. If side effects occur after taking pills for burning attacks, you should stop taking them immediately, and be sure to tell your doctor about the situation.

When purchasing medications to eliminate a burning sensation, it is important to fully study the composition of the medications, their side effects, as well as other nuances indicated in the instructions. In addition, if regular heartburn occurs, you should consult a gastroenterologist. If serious abnormalities in the functioning of the digestive tract are detected, the course of treatment will be supplemented with special medications.

Rennie is a heartburn remedy containing a combination of Calcium carbonate and Magnesium carbonate as an active ingredient. Rennie is an effective symptomatic remedy used in therapy various diseases digestive tract, manifested by heartburn. The medicine is produced by the German company Bayer. Registered in the State Register of Medicines of Russia Russian analogues drugs that have identical composition.

Antacid drug

Heartburn medicine Rumney

Ramni is a medicine produced by the Russian manufacturer Tatkhimfarmpreparaty OJSC. The drug is an absolute analogue of Rennie, since it also contains a combination of Calcium and Magnesium carbonate as an active ingredient.

Ramney neutralizes excess amounts hydrochloric acid and protects mucosal cells from the aggressive effects of acidic contents.

The effect of the medicine appears quite quickly - 4-5 minutes after taking the drug. After Ramni interacts with gastric secretions, part of the drug is excreted by the kidneys, the rest with feces in the form of soluble salts.

Indications and contraindications for taking the drug

The drug is used in the treatment of diseases associated with increased acidity of gastric juice, as well as to relieve symptoms of reflux esophagitis: heartburn, nausea, heaviness in the epigastrium. In addition, Rumney is used for dyspepsia in pregnant women and to relieve symptoms associated with overeating, alcohol abuse, and smoking on an empty stomach.

Ramni is contraindicated in cases of elevated calcium levels in the blood, hypophosphatemia, severe kidney disease, and nephrocalcinosis. In addition, the medicine is not prescribed for individual intolerance to the components of the drug and metabolic disorders associated with fructose intolerance, isomaltase deficiency, and sucrase. Also, the drug is not prescribed for the treatment of children under 12 years of age.

Features of administration and adverse reactions

The active ingredients of Rennie and Ramney are similar

Ramni is taken, if necessary, one tablet at a time, chewing or sucking. If symptoms persist after taking the medicine, you can repeat taking the medicine after 2-3 hours. You can take up to 11 Rumney tablets per day. The drug is prescribed to pregnant and lactating women, but daily dose Ramni should not exceed 5-6 tablets.

Like anyone pharmacological drug, Rumney is capable of causing adverse reactions such as: skin rash, urticaria-type rashes, Quincke's edema and anaphylactic shock. Apart from allergic reactions, as a rule, no other side effects, Rumney does not show.

If signs of intolerance to the drug occur, you should stop using Ramni and immediately consult a doctor to decide on replacing the drug.

In the practice of using the drug, cases of overdose are known, which can manifest as nausea, vomiting, muscle weakness, general malaise and other symptoms. Blood tests in cases of overdose will show increased content magnesium and calcium, especially in people with impaired kidney function. Specific treatment There is no such thing as an overdose of Rumney. It is enough to stop taking the medication and do a gastric lavage.

Interaction of Ramni with other means

The drug can interact with other drugs, so before prescribing Ramni, you must inform your doctor about all medications you are taking. Rumney is able to interact with tetracycline antibiotics, fluoroquinolones, iron preparations, cardiac glycosides, fluorides, phosphates and drugs containing hormones thyroid gland. By interacting with these drugs, their absorption decreases and, accordingly, the concentration of these drugs in the blood decreases.

The doctor collects anamnesis from the patient

Special instructions

  • When taking Ramni continuously, it is necessary to monitor the concentration in the blood serum of indicators such as magnesium, calcium and phosphorus.
  • Subject to availability serious illnesses kidney disease, the drug should not be prescribed in long courses.
  • The medicine can provoke the development urolithiasis in people predisposed to this disease.
  • The sugar content in one Rumney tablet should be taken into account when used against the background of diabetes mellitus.
  • The effect of the medicine does not affect the ability to drive vehicles and does not reduce attention and ability to react when working with other sources of increased danger.

In addition to the drug Rumney Russian manufacturer OJSC Tatkhimfarmpreparaty, previously a drug under the trade name Inalan, produced by OJSC Nizhpharm, was registered in Russia. Inalan, like Rennie and Rumney, contains Calcium carbonate and Magnesium carbonate. State registration Inalan products ended in 2010 and to date the manufacturer has not carried out the procedure for re-registration of the drug. In this regard, Inalan is absent from the pharmaceutical market.

Other analogues of Rennie

Rumni and Inalan are analogues of Rennie in chemical composition, that is, the drugs have identical contents, but are produced under different trade names. In addition to chemically identical drugs, Rennie's analogues can conditionally include drugs with a different composition, but with the same pharmacological properties and effective against heartburn.

A drug that reduces gastric secretion

Gastal is an antacid containing aluminum hydroxide and magnesium hydroxide. Gastal is able to reduce the acidity of gastric secretions and eliminate heartburn. Gastal, like Rennie, protects stomach cells from the aggressive effects of hydrochloric acid. The use of Gastal is indicated for diseases of the digestive tract, the symptom of which is heartburn. Gastal, like Rennie, can be prescribed for heartburn that occurs during pregnancy.

Phosphalugel is a drug in the form of a gel for internal use, containing aluminum phosphate. Phosphalugel is able to neutralize excess hydrochloric acid and has an adsorbing and enveloping effect in the stomach and intestinal lumen. The drug is used in pediatric practice starting from the age of one month. The disadvantage of the drug is its ability to reduce intestinal motility and cause constipation.

Almagel is an antacid containing aluminum hydroxide and magnesium. Almagel is available in the form of a suspension for internal use. Almagel, like the above antacids, neutralizes excess hydrochloric acid. In addition, Almagel has enveloping properties and the ability to adsorb toxins and other substances.

Heartburn is an extremely uncomfortable sensation that causes bouts of burning in the upper esophagus. Heartburn can often be accompanied by unpleasant symptoms such as nausea and belching. Currently, a disease such as heartburn is quite widespread. This is not surprising - the modern rhythm of life with its constant stress, as well as the huge amount of allergens and harmful substances in the foods we eat, have taken their toll.

Those people who periodically have attacks of heartburn, even without knowing the reasons for its occurrence, always know how, and most importantly, how quickly the attack can be relieved with the help of antacids medical supplies. One of these is “Gastal”.

Although Gastal is one of the most famous antacids among people suffering from heartburn, it is not the only drug from a group of similar medications. In this article we will briefly study the instructions for using Gastal, look at what Gastal helps with, and also consider its most popular analogues. But, before doing this, it is worth understanding what the group of antacid drugs is, with the help of what chemical substances in their composition they have a positive effect, what have general characteristics, and what side effects may arise from their use.

What are antacids used for?

Antacid group drugs are quite actively used in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases that are acid-dependent. Such diseases are caused by the fact that gastric juice has an aggressive effect on the mucous membranes of the human gastrointestinal tract, including the lining of the esophagus and duodenum. Such diseases include gastroesophageal reflux disease, when it occurs, the process of constant reflux of acidic contents from the stomach into the esophagus begins, as well as dyspeptic disorders, gastritis, stomach ulcers, and pancreatitis.

In fact, heartburn may have no connection with similar diseases. It can occur periodically, only during or after eating various foods, or when smoking. It is in such cases that various antacids, for example, the drug "Gastal", can come to the rescue. Instructions for use and reviews will be presented below.

Function of antacids

Antacids neutralize those excess hydrochloric acid that can appear in the gastric juice and cause heartburn. Neutralization occurs as a result of a primitive chemical reaction that occurs under the influence of antacid drugs. Taking an antacid, including Gastal and any of its analogues, significantly improves the patient’s condition, while relieving him of such unpleasant symptoms as heartburn, nausea and stomach pain. Also some of modern drugs This group also has adsorbent and enveloping properties, which significantly improves protective properties mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. However, the cheapest analogues of Gastal may not have additional properties, having only one focus - to neutralize the acidic environment in the stomach as quickly as possible.

After we have learned by what principles the group of antacid drugs operate, we can take a closer look at the properties of a medication such as Gastal and find out what direct analogs it has in composition and mode of action.


"Gastal" refers to antacid drugs. The main active ingredients in its composition are hydrotalcide and magnesium hydroxide.

The positive effect of taking the product is observed immediately, and the effect lasts for up to two hours. When Gastal enters the body, the concentration of phospholipids increases, as well as the negative effects of bile acids are inhibited.

What does Gastal help with? This drug can be used for digestive disorders, heartburn, stomach ulcers and pancreatitis of various natures. The price for a package of twelve tablets fluctuates around 150 rubles. This antacid can be taken by children over 6 years of age and pregnant women, but with extreme caution.


Advantages: this drug has a reasonable price, quickly and effectively copes with stomach pain and heartburn. In addition, it is quite convenient to use. In general, we can say that it fully complies with all the stated requirements. This is confirmed by numerous reviews.

Disadvantages: the drug, unfortunately, has a too short period of action and does not have a very pleasant taste. It should also be noted that Gastal may cause some side effects, such as constipation or exacerbations chronic diseases. According to the manufacturer's instructions, Gastal is contraindicated for use by people who have liver dysfunction, as well as those suffering from Alzheimer's disease.

Patients who have used this drug note its effectiveness, but are not entirely satisfied with the pronounced unpleasant taste.

Gastal has a number of direct analogues. Let's look at some of them.


This drug is available in the form of a suspension. One bottle contains 170 ml of product. The main active ingredients of this antacid are algeldrate, magnesium hydroxide, simethicone, and excipients. When taking the drug, hydrochloric acid is absorbed, the process of gastric juice production is normalized, and the gastric mucosa is protected.

"Almagel" should be taken twice a day - two measuring spoons, or two pills. The price of the drug fluctuates around 150 rubles. That's enough cheap analogue"Gastala." “Almagel” has several varieties: regular, green, A, Neo. Each of them is aimed at eliminating specific problems, such as constipation or pain.

The advantages of this antacid include the fact that it is convenient to take, it is approved for children, has quick results and an affordable price.

In addition to its advantages, it also has certain disadvantages, such as the fact that it is contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and also has enough wide range side effects. So, when using it, nausea and vomiting, signs of dizziness may appear, and exacerbation of chronic diseases may occur.

Patients who have used Almagel note its rapid response to stomach pain and heartburn. They also consider it an advantage that the drug is not addictive and effectively normalizes the digestion process, like Gastal heartburn tablets.


When this drug is taken orally for 10 minutes, the acidity in the stomach decreases to normal levels. It also has an adsorbing effect, which has a positive effect on the removal of gases, waste, viruses and toxins. The active ingredient is aluminum phosphate.

The spectrum of action of “Phosphalugel” is quite extensive. Its use will not only eliminate an attack of heartburn, but will also help cope with diarrhea, poisoning of various natures, ulcers, gastritis chronic form, proctitis and many other ailments associated with the gastrointestinal tract.

The drug is available in powder form, and its daily dose consists of 1-2 sachets three times a day. This antacid should be taken immediately after finishing a meal. Should be used with caution this remedy children under 12 years of age and pregnant women. The cost of the drug fluctuates at 15 rubles per sachet. It is one of the cheap analogues of Gastal.

Advantages and disadvantages of the drug

Advantages: the drug is not contraindicated in patients with diabetes, since it does not contain sugar. In addition, in small doses it is not contraindicated in infants, and can also be used in long courses. The effect of the drug is quick and lasts up to 12 hours. Side effects and allergic reactions when using the drug occur extremely rarely. An undoubted advantage is that the drug can be purchased in one dose.

The disadvantages of the drug are the following: some patients are dissatisfied with the form of release of the drug and the taste is not entirely pleasant. In addition, patients do not note any other shortcomings and consider Phosphalugel an indispensable remedy for gastrointestinal disorders.


This drug has two forms of release - in tablets (the package can contain from 10 to 40 tablets, packaged in a blister) and in the form of a suspension (in 250 ml bottles or 15 gram bags). The main active ingredients are algeldrate and magnesium hydroxide, as in the composition of the drug "Gastal". This medication is used for heartburn, belching, gastritis, exacerbation peptic ulcer.

Before you start using Maalox, a mandatory consultation with a specialist is required. This antacite is contraindicated in pregnant women and children under 15 years of age. It is also undesirable to use in the presence of renal failure and diabetes. The drug is prescribed in a dosage of 1-2 pills three times a day, or 15 ml after each meal. If required individual scheme treatment, then it is developed by a doctor. The price of the drug fluctuates around 230 rubles for a package of 20 tablets or 20 rubles for one sachet of suspension.

Advantages and disadvantages of the drug "Maalox"

Advantages of the drug: effectively copes with the elimination necessary symptoms, and also helps eliminate the root cause of their occurrence. It tastes good and quickly neutralizes heartburn. Thus, it is identical to the testimony of Gastal.

According to reviews from patients who have taken Maalox, it is an effective and efficient remedy, but some do not like its taste.


The product contains malhydrate. This substance effectively reduces pain in the abdomen, has a normalizing effect on acidity and digestive processes. The drug is available in the form of pills and suspension. The pills should be chewed and washed down with a small amount of water. A maximum of 8 pills can be taken at one time. The suspension is packaged in a sachet, and the daily consumption rate can reach two packages.

The drug should not be used by children or while pregnant. No specific side effects were identified, only rare manifestations nausea and diarrhea. The price for the suspension is 120 rubles for 880 ml, and 60 rubles for one package of tablets. This is the cheapest analogue of Gastal.

The advantages include reasonable cost, ease of use, quick response to heartburn, regardless of its cause - from drinking coffee to gastritis.

The disadvantages include the following features: the drug acts very quickly, but the effect is short-lived. It also perfectly improves digestion, which greatly increases appetite.


"Gastal" or "Rennie" - which is better? The main active ingredients of this antacid include calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate. These substances are alkaline salts, which, when entering the stomach, enter into a neutralizing reaction with hydrochloric acid. In addition, “Rennie” promotes the process of producing specific mucus, which helps protect the walls of the stomach from the effects of enzymatic substances.

Like integrated approach contributes to the rapid manifestation of the effect, but this drug only eliminates the symptom in the form of heartburn, and does not treat its root cause. Should be carried out comprehensive examination see a specialist and undergo the appropriate course of treatment.

In addition to the main active ingredients, Rennie also contains excipients. They give the drug a pleasant orange or menthol taste. Thanks to it, the tablets dissolve easily and do not cause unpleasant taste sensations.

The release form of "Rennie" is chewable tablets with various flavors. The package may contain a different number of tablets; the price per package of the drug depends on this - from 100 to 350 rubles.

Indications for use

The main indications for the use of this drug are:

  • Heartburn, regardless of its origin.
  • Erosive damage to stomach tissue.
  • Gastritis in chronic form.
  • Stomach ulcer or duodenal ulcer.
  • Digestive disorders, which are accompanied by belching and heartburn.

Also this drug, like domestic analogues"Gastala" can be prescribed by a doctor to restore the gastric mucosa after undergoing a course of treatment with medications that could harm it.

The list of side effects is minimal. In rare cases of individual susceptibility, diarrhea or allergic-type skin reactions may occur.

You should not take this antacid if you have kidney problems or diabetes, as it contains sugar.

The Rennie tablet should not be taken with water, as this reduces its effectiveness. The pill must be dissolved. The daily dose is no more than two pieces, if the drug does not provide positive influence at this dosage, you should immediately contact a specialist.

The drug is suitable for use during pregnancy, but it cannot be done without consulting a doctor. Also, if you are taking Rennie, you must exclude heavy foods from your diet.


"Gaviscon" or "Gastal" - which is better? Gaviscon is also an antacid. Good relief from heartburn, heaviness and discomfort in the stomach. Available in tablets.

As we can see, there are enough analogues of the drug “Gastal” on the modern pharmaceutical market, and there are also those whose price is quite acceptable.

Instructions for Rennie tablets, reviews of them and analogues

People often feel a sudden “fire” in their stomach. This condition can last a long time. If you don’t have a suitable antacid at hand, then the painful sensations will disturb you for a long time, preventing you from concentrating on work or doing what you love. It was to get rid of the symptoms of heartburn that the drug Rennie was created. Now it is irreplaceable and unique remedy has become a part of many people's lives and has taken up residence in home medicine cabinets and desks.

Description of the drug Rennie

Rennie is a drug rapid response. It was created in the 30s of the last century by the ordinary English pharmacist John Rennie. In those days, the inventor joked that his medicine would be sold in every pharmacy kiosk.

Rennie is the most popular remedy for heartburn.

On at the moment Rennie is the most popular drug for heartburn all over the world. Despite the large number of analogues, this product has gained popularity in 50 countries around the world.

Heartburn is an unpleasant condition that can occur against the background of various gastrointestinal diseases and during pregnancy due to changes in female body.

Even absolutely healthy people may experience painful attacks of heartburn after eating very spicy foods, large quantity fatty or sour.

Rennie renders effective action, miraculously providing symptomatic therapy. In this case, the disease itself (if any) is not treated, but the symptoms are eliminated. The relief that Rennie brings comes within minutes.

The principle of action of the drug is based on the neutralization of excess hydrochloric acid formed for some reason in the stomach. Each chewable tablet of the drug, regardless of the additional flavor, contains:

  • Calcium carbonate in the amount of 0.68 grams;
  • Magnesium bicarbonate – 0.08 grams.

When chewed or absorbed with saliva into the stomach, the drug breaks down into calcium and magnesium salts. They react with gastric juice, relieving heartburn syndrome. Unlike traditional soda, which consists of sodium bicarbonate, calcium and magnesium salts have long-lasting effectiveness.

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In the process of its impact on the human body active substances The drug neutralizes excess stomach acid, relieving pain, increasing mucus formation, protecting the walls of the stomach and esophagus from irritation and inflammation. Rennie tablets provide comprehensive protection in a matter of minutes from the aggression of the intragastric environment.

Subsequently, the substances enter the bloodstream and are gradually excreted with fluid through the kidneys or with dense masses through the rectum.

Instructions for use of the medicine

At frequent manifestation heartburn is prescribed by a doctor for symptomatic treatment Rennie tablets, the instructions remind you of this and strongly recommend not to use the product yourself, without consulting your doctor.

All this is due to the fact that there are some special instructions when treating patients suffering from other diseases.

Special instructions

Rennie is contraindicated for people with kidney disease

People suffering from kidney disease, particularly kidney dysfunction, should limit their use of Rennie. If the risk of using the drug is justified, then the content of magnesium and calcium in the blood plasma should be regularly monitored.

Rennie, when used frequently in large doses, can cause the formation of kidney stones. Patients have restrictions on the use of the drug diabetes mellitus, since Rennie tablets contain 0.475 grams of sucrose.

It happens (extremely rarely) that this remedy does not give the desired effect, then a replacement medication is necessary. To do this, you need to see a doctor.

It is worth noting that Rennie does not affect concentration, so when using it there are no restrictions on driving or playing sports.

Restrictions and contraindications

The instructions for this antacid indicate that Rennie is not recommended for use in following cases:

  • The patient's age is up to 12 years;
  • Kidney failure;
  • Hypercalcemia;
  • Hypophosphatemia;
  • Nephrocalcinosis;
  • Alkalosis;
  • Fructose and sucrose intolerance;
  • Hypersensitivity to components.

If the patient has a suspicion of the above diseases or conditions, then it is necessary to inform the doctor about this, otherwise possible severe consequences.

Methods of using Rennie, dosage

There are standard ways to use the medicine, according to the instructions. The tablet is placed in the mouth and dissolved or chewed slowly. The drug has a pleasant taste: mint, orange, menthol.

If there are no other instructions from the attending physician, then when obvious symptoms appear, adults and adolescents are recommended to use 1-2 tablets; if necessary, repeat the medication after 2 hours.

It is not advisable to immediately take the tablet with water. Maximum quantity tablets per day - no more than 16 pieces.

With constant use of the drug, monitoring by a doctor of the patient’s health condition is required.

Side effects and interactions with other drugs

To avoid weakening the effect of medications, it is recommended to use other medications 2 hours before using an antacid or an hour after taking it.

Simultaneous use Rennie and antibiotics entail a decrease in absorption of the latter. You should adhere to the prescribed dosage, as exceeding it may cause the following side effects:

  • Vomit;
  • Bloating and flatulence;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Increased belching;
  • Edema;
  • Rashes on the skin and mucous membranes;
  • Anaphylactic shock;
  • Erythema.

Therefore, you should not abuse Rennie. If the above effects occur, you should stop using the medicine and consult your doctor.

Indications for use Rennie

As is already clear, the drug Rennie is one of the best means from heartburn. It is recommended by practicing doctors all over the world. However, in addition to eliminating heartburn, this drug is often used in complex therapy in the treatment of many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and stomach.

Rennie is prescribed for various pathologies, accompanying conditions of increased gastric acidity, which is associated with hypersecretion of hydrochloric acid.

Such pathological conditions are:

  • Heartburn during pregnancy;
  • Chronic gastritis during exacerbation;
  • Stomach ulcer;
  • Acute duodenitis;
  • Gastroesophageal reflux;
  • Erosion of the gastric mucosa;
  • Bulbit;
  • Dyspepsia, accompanied by pain and belching.

In addition, Rennie is often used after long-term use of drugs that negatively affect the gastrointestinal mucosa, for example, after treatment with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

The duration of treatment corresponds to the presence of symptoms.

To relieve heartburn, you should adhere to some dietary restrictions during treatment with Rennie. To do this, you should not eat black bread, tomatoes, lemons, green tea, hibiscus, mayonnaise, garlic, ketchup, alcohol.

Proper Use The drug will help you cope with diseases and pathologies faster.

Use during pregnancy

If heartburn occurs during pregnancy, doctors often prescribe Rennie. This drug has no contraindications for use during pregnancy from 2 months.

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Rennie has no effect intrauterine development the fetus does not affect the health of the unborn child. The maximum number of tablets per day during pregnancy is no more than 12 pieces. In this case, you should definitely consult with your doctor.

The circumstances surrounding the possible prescription of medications and vitamins during pregnancy should be taken into account. If a woman is prescribed iron supplements, then Rennie is not compatible with them.

It should be remembered that Rennie is not a harmless remedy, but a medicine that requires monitoring in its use by a doctor.

Analogs and reviews

Rennie's antacid is not a cheap drug. Its manufacturer is the famous German pharmaceutical company Bayer. Manufacturing plants are located all over the world: in Switzerland, France, Russia. It is the cost that often forces patients to resort to searching for cheaper analogues. Among antacids there are structural analogues and substitutes for the pharmacological group.

Drugs Tams and Andrews are similar in action to Rennie

Thus, Tams and Andrews are drugs similar in structure to Rennie, but they contain more content magnesium carbonate – 0.125 grams.

The most popular antacids are:

  • Almagel;
  • Gastal;
  • Gaviscon;
  • Alumag;
  • Maalox;
  • Talcid;
  • Gastracid;
  • Phosphalugel;
  • Magnatol;
  • Iberogast.

In addition to antacids, they have a positive effect on the state of increased secretory function stomach, relieve irritation and heartburn with antisecretory drugs. They prevent excess formation of gastric juice and hydrochloric acid. These are Ranitidine and Orthanol.

You cannot self-medicate and replace one drug with another on your own, because not all analogues are structured the same. Accordingly, they have various contraindications and indications for use. And unlike many of its analogues, Rennie helps to quickly get rid of heartburn.

Based on numerous reviews about the drug, the final conclusion can be drawn:

  • The effectiveness of the drug is very high;
  • Small range of contraindications;
  • Easy to use;
  • Pleasant taste of tablets;
  • Availability in the pharmacy network;
  • Possibility of use for heartburn during pregnancy;
  • Rare side effects;
  • Speed ​​of therapeutic action.

Learn about the treatment of heartburn in this video.

In general, Rennie positions himself as absolutely high-quality, effective and affordable drug against heartburn. Regardless of the reviews about the drug Rennie, before you start using it, you need to undergo a medical examination to identify the cause of heartburn. A the right medicine the doctor will prescribe!

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Rennie - eliminates heartburn, protects the stomach

Rennie belongs to the group of antacid drugs that neutralize excessive acidity of gastric juice, but differs more favorably from them in the absence of aluminum, which provokes constipation.

After administration, the medicine dissolves quickly and begins to act immediately, bringing relief to a person within 3-5 minutes after use. Rennie successfully eliminates the symptoms of heartburn, pain, feelings of fullness and heaviness in the abdomen, helps with dyspepsia and flatulence.

Instructions for use

The active ingredients of Rennie are magnesium and calcium carbonates; when they enter the stomach, they interact with the acid of gastric juice, forming chlorides.

Some salts are absorbed by the digestive system, while insoluble salts are excreted in the feces.

Magnesium additionally causes increased mucus formation, which helps protect stomach cells from the influence of hydrochloric acid - creating a gastroprotective effect.

Rennie is used for the symptomatic treatment of diseases, which reduces the acidity of gastric juice, but does not eliminate the cause of its excessive production. The purpose of using the drug is not to cure diseases, but to alleviate the patient’s physical condition.

Indications for use

Rennie is used for the following gastrointestinal diseases associated with high acidity of gastric juice:

Symptomatic therapy pain in the stomach due to poor diet, smoking and drinking alcohol, as well as medications that irritate the gastric mucosa.

Directions for use

According to the instructions, when used, Rennie is chewed or dissolved in the mouth until completely dissolved, without drinking water, as it reduces the concentration of active components in the stomach and makes the drug less effective. Patients over 12 years of age are recommended to take 1-2 tablets when appropriate symptoms occur. If necessary, a short-term increase in the daily dose to 5 tablets is allowed.

The course of treatment does not exceed 10 days; if the symptoms disappear, the medication is stopped. The drug should not be taken with a diet rich in milk and dairy products. Long-term use increases the risk of kidney stones. If it is necessary to treat Rennie in patients with ripercalcenuria, in this category of patients the blood plasma is constantly monitored for the content of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus.

Release form, composition

Rennie is produced in the form of white square chewable tablets, packaged in a blister of 6 pieces, of the following types:

Sugar-free (mint flavored);

With menthol flavor;

With orange aroma.

Each tablet contains:

  • Active ingredients: calcium carbonate (680 mg), magnesium carbonate (80 mg).
  • Auxiliary components: sucrose - 0.475 g (except for the sugar-free version), gelatinized corn and potato starch, magnesium stearate, light mineral oil, talc, flavoring.

Interaction with other drugs

Rennie's interaction with other drugs occurs as follows:

  • Other antacids are taken before or after 1-2 hours of taking Rennie.
  • At joint reception drugs with quinolones and tetracycline antibiotics, phosphates, iron and fluorine-containing products, cardiac glycosides, eltrombopag and levothyroxine sodium, the latter are absorbed noticeably worse.
  • Excretion of calcium in urine when using thiazide diuretics decreases and increases in plasma. When taken together with Rennie, the level of calcium in the plasma must be monitored.
  • With the following drugs and Rennie, take a break of at least 2 hours: GCS, antihistamines, methopronol, chloroline, diphosphonates, atenotol, fexofanadine, indomethacin, thyroxine, phenothiazide neuroleptics, diflunisal, penicillamine, digoxin.

Side effects

Rhenium is a safe drug and is well tolerated by most patients, but in some cases the following side effects may occur:

  • Allergies, including itchy skin and urticaria;
  • Diarrhea and change in stool consistency;
  • After a certain period of time after administration, there is a compensatory increase in acidity;
  • In patients with pathological renal function long-term use the drug can cause hypercalcemia and hypermagnesemia;
  • Patients with diabetes need to know that the tablet contains sucrose.

In most cases, an overdose of the drug causes diarrhea. Chronic overdose is dangerous due to hypercalcemia, which disappears after its withdrawal. There is no specific antidote against overdose; if necessary, symptomatic treatment is carried out.


Rennie is contraindicated for use in the following cases:

  • In case of renal failure.
  • With an increased concentration of calcium in the blood.
  • At hypersensitivity to the components of the medicine.

During pregnancy

Special studies to determine the effect of the drug on the body of pregnant women and the fetus, have not been carried out. There is often a formulation that a medicine can be used only when the benefits of taking it outweigh the risk to the mother and child.

The practice of using Rennie shows that it does not have a negative effect on the mother and fetus, since it is practically not absorbed into the blood and breast milk.

Doctors say that heartburn is harmful, especially during pregnancy. Folk remedies Not everyone consumes them in the form of milk, seeds and bread crusts, and they cannot be accepted everywhere. IN in this case The Rennie tablet is ideal, especially since it does not need to be washed down. But it is not recommended to take the drug before the first month of pregnancy, and in other cases it is used under the strict supervision of a doctor in case of allergic reaction.

Storage conditions and periods

The drug is stored in a dry place at a temperature not exceeding 25°C for 5 years.


Depending on geographical location and trade margin pharmacy chain, Rennie’s price will be as follows:

  • Average price in Russia – from 155 to 370 rubles;
  • The average cost in Ukraine is from 19 to 42 UAH.


Drugs similar in action to Rennie are aimed at neutralizing hydrochloric acid in gastric juice. The simplest analogue is baking soda. To modern and more safe analogues include the following drugs:

Video on the topic: Rennie's Medicine

Analogues of the drug Rennie are presented, in accordance with medical terminology, called “synonyms” - drugs that are interchangeable in their effects on the body, containing one or more identical active ingredients. When selecting synonyms, consider not only their cost, but also the country of production and the reputation of the manufacturer.

Description of the drug

Rennie- Antacid drug. Contains calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate, which provide rapid and long-lasting neutralization of excess hydrochloric acid of gastric juice, thereby providing protective effect on the gastric mucosa.

Achievement therapeutic effect within 3-5 minutes due to the good solubility of the tablets and the high calcium content.

List of analogues

Pay attention! The list contains synonyms of Rennie that have a similar composition, so you can choose a replacement yourself, taking into account the form and dose of the medicine prescribed by your doctor. Give preference to manufacturers from the USA, Japan, Western Europe, as well as well-known companies from Eastern Europe: KRKA, Gedeon Richter, Actavis, Egis, Lek, Hexal, Teva, Zentiva.

Release form(by popularity)Price, rub.
Sugar-free chewing mint tab N12 slim (Bayer Santé Familiar (France)177.80
Chewable tab Menthol N12 (Bayer Sante Familiar (France)182
Chewable tab Orange N12 (Bayer Sante Familiar (France)182
No. 12 chew the tab. orange (Delpharm Gaillard (France)184.10
No. 12 chewable sugar-free mint tabs (Delpharm Gaillard (France)186.80
Chewable tab Mint without sugar N24 (Bayer Santé Familiar (France)289.90
Chewable tab Orange N24 (Bayer Sante Familiar (France)290.70
Chewable tab Menthol N24 (Bayer Sante Familiar (France)293.50
No. 24 chewable tab. b/s mint (Delpharm Gaillard (France)295.40


Below are the results of surveys of site visitors about the medicine Rennie. They reflect the personal feelings of those surveyed and cannot be used as an official recommendation for treatment with this drug. We strongly recommend that you contact a qualified medical specialist to select a personal course of treatment.

Visitor survey results

Visitor Performance Report

Your answer about efficiency »

Visitor Report of Side Effects

Information has not yet been provided
Your answer about side effects »

One visitor reported an estimate of the cost

Dear1 100.0%

Your answer about the cost estimate »

One visitor reported the frequency of intake per day

How often should I take Rennie?
Most respondents most often take this drug 2 times a day. The report shows how often other survey participants take this drug.
Your answer about dosage »

One visitor reported an expiration date

How long does Rennie need to be taken to feel an improvement in the patient’s condition?
In most cases, survey participants felt an improvement in their condition after 1 day. But this may not correspond to the period after which you will begin to improve. Check with your doctor for how long you need to take this medicine. The table below shows the results of the survey on the initiation of effective action.
1 day1 100.0%

Your answer about the start date »

One visitor reported the reception time

When is the best time to take Rennie: on an empty stomach, before or after food?
Site users most often report that they take this medication after meals. However, your doctor may recommend a different time for you. The report shows when the remaining patients surveyed take their medication.
Your answer about the reception time »

Four visitors reported the patient's age

Your answer about the patient's age »

Visitor reviews

There are no reviews yet

Official instructions for use

There are contraindications! Read the instructions before use


Registration number:

Trade name of the drug:


International nonproprietary name:

Dosage form:

chewable tablets


white with a creamy tint, square tablets with concave surfaces, engraved “Rennie” on both sides, with a menthol odor.


1 tablet contains
active ingredients: calcium carbonate 680 mg
magnesium carbonate basic 80 mg
excipients: sucrose (475 mg), pregelatinized corn starch, potato starch, talc, magnesium stearate, light liquid paraffin, menthol flavor, lemon flavor.

Pharmacotherapeutic group:




Pharmacological properties

The drug contains antacid substances - calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate, which provide rapid and long-lasting neutralization of excess hydrochloric acid of gastric juice, thereby having a protective effect on the gastric mucosa. Achievement positive effect within 3-5 minutes due to the good solubility of the tablets and the high calcium content.


As a result of Rennie's interaction with gastric juice, soluble calcium and magnesium salts are formed in the stomach.

The level of absorption of calcium and magnesium from these compounds depends on the dose of the drug. The maximum absorption level is 10% calcium and 15-20% magnesium. Small quantity Absorbed calcium and magnesium are excreted through the kidneys. If renal function is impaired, plasma calcium and magnesium concentrations may increase. In the intestines, insoluble compounds are formed from soluble salts, which are excreted in the feces.

Indications for use:

Symptoms associated with increased acidity of gastric juice and reflux esophagitis: heartburn, belching, periodic pain in the stomach, a feeling of fullness or heaviness in the epigastric region, flatulence, dyspepsia (including those caused by errors in diet, medication, abuse alcohol, coffee, nicotine), dyspepsia in pregnant women.


Heavy renal failure, hypercalcism, hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Use during pregnancy and lactation.

Directions for use and dosage:

Adults and children over 12 years of age: unless otherwise recommended by your doctor, when symptoms appear, chew 1-2 tablets (or keep in your mouth until completely dissolved). If necessary, you can repeat the drug after 2 hours. The maximum daily dose is 16 tablets.

Side effect


Long-term use the drug in high doses in patients with impaired renal function can cause hypermagnesemia, hypercalcemia, alkalosis, which are manifested by nausea, vomiting, and muscle weakness. In this case, you should discontinue the drug and consult a doctor immediately.

Interaction with other drugs

Medicines should be taken 1-2 hours before or after taking antacids. Antibiotics of the tetreschikline series, fluoroquinolones, phosphates - with simultaneous use of Reiki, it reduces the absorption of these drugs.

Special instructions

Patients with impaired night function are not recommended to take the drug for a long time in high doses.
When prescribing the drug to patients with impaired renal function, the concentration of magnesium and calcium in the blood serum should be regularly monitored.
Taking high doses of Rhenia may increase the risk of kidney stones. Instructions for patients with diabetes: 1 tablet of RENNIE contains 475 mg of sucrose. If the use of the drug is ineffective, you should consult a doctor for advice.

Influence on the ability to drive a car and moving machinery.

No effect.

Release form:

6 tablets in a heat-sealed aluminum/PVC blister. 2, 4, 6, 8 and 16 blisters each along with instructions for use in a cardboard box.
12 tablets in a heat-sealed aluminum/PVC blister. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 8 blisters along with instructions for use in a cardboard box.

Storage conditions:

Store at a temperature not exceeding 25°C, out of the reach of children.

Best before date:

5 years
Do not use after the expiration date stated on the package.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies:

Over the counter.


Bayer Consumer Core LG (Switzerland), produced by Bayer Santé Familiar, France
Manufacturer's legal address:
Bayer Santé Familiar, F-74240, rue d'Ipdustrie 33, France.

Additional information can be obtained at the following address:
129010, Moscow, Grokholsky per. 13, p.2.

The information on the page was verified by physician-therapist E.I. Vasilyeva.

Rennie is a well-known drug for eliminating heartburn and sour belching in patients suffering from intestinal and stomach dysfunction. The cost of the drug is about 150 rubles, so there is a need to look for cheap Rennie analogues in order to save money.

Let's consider their advantages and disadvantages.

Rennie is available in the form of chewable tablets and belongs to the group antacids. Active components calcium and magnesium appear in the form of carbonates. Auxiliary compounds: starch, sucrose, talc, flavorings.

Available in six or twelve tablets in a blister, one, two or four blisters in one package with instructions from the manufacturer.

Indications for use

It is used to treat high stomach acidity, as well as the symptoms accompanying this pathology, such as belching, heartburn, temporary stomach pain. Also prescribed for reflux esophagitis.


Contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to any substance in the composition of the drug, as well as in case of hypercalcemia and severe renal impairment.

Side effects

Hypersensitivity reactions to Rennie have been reported extremely rarely. Among the symptoms side effects are noted skin rashes, Quincke's edema, anaphylactic reactions with intolerance.

Analogues of the drug

Rennie has analogues that are cheaper:

The attending physician must choose the most suitable analogue, since their composition may be different, despite the similar effect.


The closest analogue of Rennie is produced by a Ukrainian medicinal company.

Composition and release form

The drug is available in tablet form white, convex on both sides. There may be some marbling on the smooth surface of the tablet.

Active substances: calcium carbonates And magnesium. Auxiliary ingredients: sugar, mint oil, cellulose, stearic acid. Ten tablets in a blister, one or two blisters in a pack.

Who is the drug indicated for?

Indicated for acute or chronic gastritis with increased gastric secretion. It is used for non-ulcer dyspepsia, acute duodenitis, as well as peptic ulcers intestines and stomach.

It is used to eliminate symptomatic ulcers of various origins, as well as ulceration of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. Used in the treatment of reflux esophagitis, heartburn after alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, and medications.


Prohibited for use in case of an allergic reaction to the components of Anre, as well as in case of insufficiency renal function, hypercalcemia, phenylketonuria, multiple myeloma, sarcoidosis, bone metastases. Not used for hyperparathyroidism.

Features of the drug

Long-term treatment should be avoided in cases where renal function is impaired. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, short-term and periodic use of the drug for heartburn is possible.

Patients with nephrolithiasis and diabetes mellitus require caution in treatment. Headaches and digestive disorders may occur with a dairy diet.

The drug contains sugar, so caution should be exercised if you have diabetes.


The drug is in oral form gel, suspensions. Produced by a Bulgarian pharmaceutical company.

Composition and release form

One dosing container contains 5 ml oral gel. Active ingredients perform aluminum hydroxides And magnesium. Auxiliary components are sorbitol, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, sodium saccharin, lemon oil, and other compounds. The suspension is white; when stored for a long time, a colorless surface layer may form; when stirred, the contents of the jar become homogeneous again.

Available without a prescription in small bags or jars. The jar contains 170 ml, in one bag – 10 ml. One package contains one jar, or ten or twenty sachets.

When to use

Indicated for the symptomatic elimination of pathologies of the digestive tract, in which excessive secretion of gastric juice develops. It is used for esophageal hernia, esophagitis, acute and chronic gastritis, gastroduodenitis, peptic ulcer, heartburn.

As a preventive measure, it helps to reduce the erosive effect of certain drugs on the internal gastric and intestinal membranes, for example, non-hormonal pain relievers and corticosteroid pain relievers.

Who is the drug prohibited from?

Almagel is not recommended to be taken if you have a hyper-reaction to any of its components, as well as with constipation and illness. Alzheimer's. In addition, the drug is prohibited for acute pain syndrome in the stomach with unspecified reason, as well as if you suspect inflammation of the appendix, colitis. Do not take for chronic diarrhea, hemorrhoids, functional renal failure.

Prohibited during breastfeeding.

Adverse reactions

From the outside digestive system such unwanted effects such as constipation, diarrhea, dark stool, nausea, vomiting, stomach cramps.

Possible local and systemic reactions of excessive sensitivity, taste changes. With prolonged treatment, patients with kidney disease may experience thirst and decreased blood pressure.


Therapy is not prescribed for diverticulosis, changes in the acid-base reaction, cirrhosis, or toxicosis in pregnant women.

It is necessary to consult a specialist in case of weight loss, difficulty swallowing or prolonged discomfort in the stomach or intestines.

Sekrepat Forte

An Italian analogue of the drug Rennie, a representative of the group of antacids and complex compounds.

Composition and dosage form

The active ingredients are dihydroxyaluminum aminoacetate, aluminum hydroxide, calcium carbonate, magnesium trisilicate. Auxiliary components are represented by glycine, magnesium stearate, mint or anise essence, saccharin, sucrose.

Available in the form chewable tablets white with a stripe, anise or peppermint flavor.

When is the drug prescribed?

Intended for symptomatic treatment pain and heartburn due to pathologies of the intestines or stomach. Prescribed for peptic ulcers, gastroesophageal disease, gastritis, damage to the mucous membranes of the stomach caused by the abuse of sweets, coffee, alcohol or smoking. Also active when long-term treatment non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Contraindicated for whom

Contraindicated in case of allergic effects to the components of the drug, functional disorders kidney Also not used for Alzheimer's disease, hypophosphatemia, constipation, hypercalcemia, sharp pain in the stomach of unknown nature.

Adverse reactions

Among the side effects, only hypersensitivity reactions, rashes, itching, urticaria, and swelling were noted. Nausea and vomiting, discomfort, and discoloration of stool are possible.


The German analogue of the drug Rennie in its action, but has a different composition.

Composition and dosage form

The active substance is magaldrate anhydrous. Auxiliary components: sorbitol, polyethylene glycol, maltol, aromatic cream, calcium compounds.

Available in the form of chewable round tablets. Flat white or beige tablets, inclusions are possible, there is a line on both sides of the tablet.

When is it appointed?

Used for heartburn, sour belching, a feeling of heaviness and fullness in the stomach and intestines, indigestion.


Prohibited for use in case of excessive sensitivity to any components of the drug, as well as in patients with hypophosphatemia, common constipation, chronic diarrhea, and also when acute pain in the stomach of unknown origin. Prohibited for patients suffering from Alzheimer's disease.

Do not take if you are intolerant to sorbitol and fruit sugar.

Side effects

When consuming large doses, mild bowel movements are possible, and constipation or diarrhea is very rarely observed. There may be a whitewash taste and intoxication, especially in patients with kidney pathologies.

The drug may harm patients with porphyria on hemodialysis.

When choosing an analogue, be sure to consult with your doctor, since self-prescription of medications can seriously harm your health. The choice of an analogue is made exclusively after a thorough analysis of contraindications and drug interactions, as well as the characteristics of the course of the disease.