Is it possible to inject Imunofan? Approximate cost of the medicine

There are many pathologies against which the patient’s immune system cannot cope on its own. pathological process, as a result of which pharmacological support is required - the use of specialized drugs. In this case medical specialist may prescribe the medicine Imunofan. The medication stimulates the activity of the immune system, helps protect the liver, binds free radicals and toxic substances in the body. Composition, indications and contraindications, description of the drug, instructions for use of Imunofan - we will look at it in the article.

Composition and release form

Arginyl-alpha-aspartyl-lysyl-valyl-tyrosyl-arginine (imunofan) – active ingredient medicinal product with biological activity, in particular, immunostimulating effects. Manufacturer: Bionox company (production is located in the Russian Federation).

Dosage forms:

  • Imunofan injections. The product is sold in ampoules, the solution is transparent. Sold in 5/10 ampoules in one cardboard package;
  • Imunofan suppositories are suppositories of a homogeneous structure, the color is white - a slightly yellowish color is allowed. Sometimes there is a faint medicinal smell - this is normal. There are five or ten pieces in one package;
  • Imunofan spray is a slightly transparent yellowish liquid with a slight specific odor.

The medicine is not available in tablets. The injection solution contains the active ingredient in a dosage of 50 mcg - contained in one ampoule. Auxiliary ingredients include sodium chloride, sterile water and glycine. Suppositories contain 10 mcg of active ingredient + sterile water, solid fat, Tween (80). In sprays active substance+ sodium chloride, sodium edetate, glycine and pure water.

Pharmacological action

The medication refers to pharmacological group immunomodulators. The medicine stimulates the activity of the human immune system and has a positive effect on the oxidative/antioxidative system. During use, a beneficial effect on detoxification function is noted, liver functionality improves.

Worth knowing! The immunomodulator begins to act 120-180 minutes after the start of therapy. The effect on the human body is carried out in three stages.

Stages of influence on the human body:

  1. Fast phase. It develops 120-180 minutes after using the medicine and lasts for three full days. At this time, the medicine inhibits the production of arachidonic acid, stops inflammatory mediators, which stops inflammatory process any expression. In case of liver damage, the drug reduces the concentration of bilirubin, the content of organ enzymes, and reduces the clinical manifestations of cytolysis.
  2. The middle phase occurs after three days of treatment. Its duration is ten days. During this period, phagocytosis is activated, they die pathogenic microorganisms inside cells. At this stage, an exacerbation of chronic pathology is often observed.
  3. Final (slow) phase begins on the 10th day of treatment, its duration is 4 months. At this time, IgA is actively formed, which actively regulate humoral and cellular immunity person. Under the influence medicinal drug and the concentration of specific antibodies aimed at combating the pathological process increases.

The distinctive advantage of the drug is that in 95% clinical pictures it allows you to achieve the desired therapeutic result, while very rarely leading to the development negative phenomena, has few contraindications.

Indications for use and contraindications

The pharmacological actions of the drug make it possible to prescribe Imunofan for the treatment of immunodeficiency in an adult or child. Suitable for use in complex therapy chronic hepatitis, AIDS, HIV infection. Recommended for use when rheumatoid arthritis, brucellosis, psoriasis, diphtheria, bacterial endocarditis, severe burns and wounds that do not heal over a long period of time.

Important! Imunofan is used in complex therapy of oncological diseases. The drug reduces the resistance of cells to drug effects, making them more susceptible to the effects of chemotherapy drugs.

Application features depending on the release form:

  • Instructions for the use of Imunofan injections. Injections are made subcutaneously or intramuscularly. Frequency – once a day. For cancer, injections are given every other day, and a course of treatment is given before chemotherapy. Before surgery, a course of several injections is recommended. For HPV in an adult or child, one injection is given. At chronic form hepatitis dosage is 1 ml - administered intramuscularly. For a burn that does not heal for a long time, 1 ml is administered; in severe cases, the dosage varies from 7 to 20 ml over several days;
  • Instructions for use Imunofan (suppositories). Treatment of psoriasis requires the administration of one suppository per day. As a rule, with other skin diseases chronic course the dosage is similar;
  • Instructions for use of Imunofan spray: single nasal spray into each nasal passage. In other words, one drop should go into each nostril. The dosage, frequency of use, and duration of the treatment course are determined individually by a medical specialist.

Contraindications: it is strictly forbidden to use Imunofan in the form of suppositories, sprays or injections during pregnancy, which occurs with a conflict regarding the Rh factor. Do not prescribe to children under two years of age with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Side effects

The immunostimulating drug Imunofan is well tolerated by patients, in 99% of clinical cases side effects do not arise. If the patient is intolerant active substance, then when intravenous administration Possible symptoms: redness of the skin, burning, severe itching. When used nasally, a burning sensation is felt in the mucous membrane, and when the suppository is administered, itching and burning in the rectum.

Please note: the combination of alcoholic beverages and an immunostimulating drug has been little studied, so it is recommended to refrain from drinking alcohol during the treatment course.


Due to various reasons when it is not possible to use Imunofan, drugs that have a similar therapeutic effect. Structural analogues medicine does not exist.

Analogs for pharmacological effects:

  1. Anaferon - tablets for sublingual use - a method of using the medicine by placing it under the tongue until completely dissolved. The immunostimulant is recommended for colds, flu, chronic skin diseases in order to increase immune status. Contraindications: breastfeeding, pregnancy, hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
  2. Immunal - drops for internal use and tablets. The immunostimulating drug includes components plant origin, increasing the barrier functions of the body. Prescribed to strengthen the immune system for patients with acute infectious diseases, including those of the skin.

Other analogues of the immunostimulating drug Imunofan include Pyrogenal, IRS 19, Timogen, Groprinosin, Arbidol, Derinat, Wobensin. Independent replacement is strictly prohibited; this is the prerogative of a medical specialist.

In most cases, reviews of Imunofan are favorable. Patients note an improvement in their well-being. Good effect from therapy is detected in pediatric practice. Due to ease of use, suppositories are popular for rectal administration. How much does the medicine cost? At the pharmacy, suppositories cost $8-9, solution for injection – $7-8, nasal spray – $14-15.

Thank you

Today, there are a number of diseases in which the human immune system cannot cope with the disease on its own and requires pharmacological support, i.e. use of appropriate medications.

The drug has been widely used in medicine for humans and in veterinary medicine for animals. Imunofan, which stimulates the immune system, protects liver cells, binds free radicals and many other toxins in the body.


Composition of the drug

Active ingredient immunomodulator Imunofan is arginyl-alpha-aspartyl-lysyl-valyl-tyrosyl-arginine – hexapeptide, a synthetic derivative of thymopoietin.

Pharmacological action

It has pronounced immunostimulating, antioxidant, detoxification and hepatoprotective (protects liver cells) properties. Imunofan is able to suppress the development of cell resistance to antitumor drugs.

Release forms

Arginyl-alpha-aspartyl-lysyl-valyl-tyrosyl-arginine – amorphous powder white odorless, on the basis of which the following dosage forms are prepared:
1. 0.005% solution 1 ml in ampoules for administration into the muscle and under the skin (corresponds to a dosage of the active substance of 50 mcg). The package may contain 5 or 10 pieces. The solution is a clear, colorless liquid.
2. Rectal suppositories (candles) 100 mcg, 5 or 10 pieces per package.
3. Intranasal dosed spray: 8.5 ml bottles (in one dose - 50 mcg of active substance).

There are no other forms of release, such as tablets or drops for oral administration.


  • Imunofan is used for the prevention and treatment of immunodeficiency conditions of various origins in children and adults;
  • combined treatment of various tumors;
  • papillomavirus infection of the oral cavity, pharynx and larynx;
  • various infections (CMV, virus herpes simplex, toxoplasmosis, chlamydia, pneumocystis and others);
  • as part of complex therapy for HIV infection;
  • chronic viral hepatitis B or C;
  • treatment of burns;
  • septic endocarditis;
  • non-healing long time wounds;
  • various purulent-septic complications;
  • syndrome bronchial obstruction;
  • cholecystopancreatitis;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • psoriasis;
  • diphtheria.

Instructions for use of the drug Imunofan

The drug is used for intramuscular, subcutaneous, intranasal and rectal administration.

The method of administration, duration of treatment and required dosage are selected individually, taking into account indications and contraindications.

Imunofan injections are prescribed in courses, single and daily dosages are 50 mcg.

Rectal suppositories are placed into the rectum once a day, 1 suppository of 100 mcg.

The nasal spray is sprayed in each nasal passage, 1 dose. Maximum daily dosage- 200 mcg.

For oncology different localization as part of a combination treatment (for example, surgery in combination with chemotherapy), Imunofan is prescribed for the entire treatment period in courses of 10 days, followed by a break of 20 days. Method of administration:
1. 1 ml into the muscle or under the skin 1 time per day.
2. 1 candle 1 time per day.
3. Intranasally 1 time per day, one dose.

  • In children with malignant lesions of the hematopoietic and lymphoid systems Imunofan is prescribed in the form of rectal suppositories 100 mcg once a day, for a course of 10-20 days.
  • At HPV in children with damage to the larynx and oropharynx - 1 ml intramuscularly or 1 rectal suppository 1 time per day for 10 days.
  • For chlamydia, herpes and other similar infections - 1 dose of nasal spray 2 times a day, lasting 10-15 days, or 1 ml by injection into the muscle or subcutaneously, for 15-20 days. It is recommended to repeat the course of treatment after 2-4 weeks.
  • For the treatment of psoriasis - 1 suppository once a day into the rectum or 1 ml into the muscle for 15-20 days.
  • For colds occurring against the background of a pronounced immunodeficiency state, and accompanied by intoxication symptoms, as well as in the complex treatment of acute and chronic infectious diseases inflammatory diseases, Imunofan is prescribed 1 dose of nasal spray 1 time per day, for 10-25 days.
  • For chronic viral hepatitis - 1 suppository into the rectum once a day, for 15-20 days, or 1 ml intramuscularly or subcutaneously once every three days, for a course of 10 injections. In order to prevent relapse, the course is repeated 2-3 months after the start of treatment.
  • For diphtheria - 1 suppository rectally 1 time per day, 10 days.
  • For HIV infection - as part of complex therapy, 1 suppository rectally 1 time per day, for 15-20 days. Repeat the course in 3-4 weeks.
  • At bronchial obstruction syndrome , cholecystopancreatitis, rheumatoid arthritis - 1 rectal suppository or 1 ml intramuscularly, 1 time after 3 days, in a course of 8-10 suppositories (injections). If necessary, extend treatment to 20 suppositories (injections).
  • For burns of 3-4 degrees of severity, surgical purulent-septic complications, septic endocarditis - 1 suppository rectally once a day for 10-20 days.

For prophylaxis, the drug is administered once, on the day of vaccination.

In gynecology, the drug Imunofan has not been used for the treatment of diseases of the female genital organs.

The combination of Imunofan with alcohol has not been sufficiently studied to date, however, it is necessary to refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages for the entire course of treatment with the drug.

Imunofan is a domestic original immunostimulant. It has an immunomodulatory and detoxifying effect, has a positive effect on liver function, and neutralizes aggressive free radicals. Throughout the life of its “owner,” the human immune system has to regularly face challenges from a host of unfavorable factors. environment: these are bacterial and viral agents, poor ecology, low quality food, exhausting physical labor, emotional stress, excessive medication load, bad habits. To do this, she sometimes requires a certain pharmacological “feed”. A real breakthrough in the treatment and prevention of immune system disorders was the discovery peptide hormones immunity produced by the thymus ( thymus gland). This motivated scientists to search for new peptide drugs acting on inflammatory mediators and the neutralization system free radicals. The drug Imunofan is a representative of a new generation of immune peptides. Its action develops in three directions: correction of the immune status, restoration of the redox balance internal environment body and suppression of multiple drug tolerance mediated by transport pump proteins located in cell membranes. The action of Imunofan is divided into fast (from the first 2-3 hours to 2-3 days), medium and slow (up to 4 months) phases. During the fast phase, the drug primarily exhibits its detoxification effect: the synthesis of multifunctional glycoproteins (lactoferrin and ceruloplasmin) is stimulated, and the primary antioxidant enzyme catalase is activated. Imunofan streamlines the course of fat peroxidation reactions, suppresses the destruction of membrane phospholipids, inhibits the synthesis of arachidonic acid, which results in a decrease in plasma cholesterol and inhibits the synthesis of prostaglandin inflammatory mediators. During the middle phase, lasting up to 7-10 days, activation is observed phagocytic reactions and the death of intracellular pathogens - bacteria and viruses.

In the slow phase, the immunomodulatory effect of imunofan begins to appear with complete or partial restoration indicators of tissue and humoral immunity: the immunoregulatory index returns to the “pre-crisis” level, the formation of specific immunoglobulins increases. The effect of the drug on the production of antibacterial and antiviral antibodies can be compared with the effect of therapeutic vaccines. Imunofan is also in demand in the complex treatment of oncological diseases: it increases the sensitivity of cells cancerous tumor to the action of chemotherapy drugs.

Imunofan is available in the form of a nasal spray. When injecting the drug into the nose, the bottle (as well as the head) must be held strictly vertically. Before first use, press the wide rim of the spray nozzle 3-4 times to fill the dosing pump. One dose contains 50 mcg of the active substance of the drug. The maximum daily dose is 200 mcg. The scope of application of the drug is by no means limited to complex treatment and prevention of viral and bacterial infections(although, it should be admitted that it is in demand for the most part in this direction). Yes, expressed clinical effect from the use of imunofan was observed in patients with chronic hepatitis B, AIDS-marker diseases. The drug performed well in combination treatment gastrointestinal form of salmonellosis: when used in acute phase infection was managed to mitigate and shorten the duration of symptoms of intoxication, normalize stool and ensure quick removal pathogen. Imunofan can be successfully used for diphtheria, a number of ophthalmological diseases. Some sources mentioned the effectiveness of the drug in patients with psoriasis, in whom the reduction of total duration treatment, the remission period increased and the subjective state improved.


The drug has an immunoregulatory, detoxifying, hepatoprotective effect and causes inactivation of free radicals and peroxide compounds. Pharmacological action is based on achieving 3 main effects: correction of the immune system, restoration of the balance of the body's oxidative-antioxidative reaction and inhibition of multidrug resistance mediated by proteins of the cell transmembrane transport pump.

The effect of the drug begins to develop within 2-3 hours (fast phase) and lasts up to 4 months (medium and slow phases).

During the fast phase (duration - up to 2-3 days), first of all, the detoxification effect appears - it increases antioxidant protection the body by stimulating the production of ceruloplasmin, lactoferrin, catalase activity; the drug normalizes lipid peroxidation, inhibits the breakdown of cell membrane phospholipids and the synthesis of arachidonic acid, with a subsequent decrease in blood cholesterol levels and the production of inflammatory mediators. In case of toxic and infectious liver damage, the drug prevents cytolysis, reduces the activity of transaminases and the level of bilirubin in the blood serum.

During the middle phase (starts after 2-3 days, duration - up to 7-10 days), the reactions of phagocytosis and death of intracellular bacteria and viruses intensify.

During the slow phase (begins to develop on 7-10 days, duration up to 4 months), the immunoregulatory effect of the drug is manifested - restoration of impaired indicators of cellular and humoral immunity. During this period, a restoration of the immunoregulatory index is observed, and an increase in the production of specific antibodies is noted. The effect of the drug on the production of specific antiviral and antibacterial antibodies is equivalent to the effect therapeutic vaccines. Unlike latest drug does not have a significant effect on the production of reagin antibodies of the IgE class and does not enhance the hypersensitivity reaction immediate type. Imunofan stimulates the formation of IgA in case of congenital deficiency.

Imunofan effectively suppresses multidrug resistance of tumor cells and increases their sensitivity to the effects of chemotherapy drugs.

Release form

40 doses - plastic bottles with a dosing device (1) - cardboard packs.


Intranasally. When using, the bottle should be held vertically, with the sprayer facing up. Remove the protective cap from the sprayer. Before first use, fill the dosing pump by pressing the wide rim of the spray nozzle 3-4 times. Insert the spray into the nasal passage when vertical position heads. Press the wide rim of the spray nozzle once until it stops. One dose of the drug contains 50 mcg of imunofan. Daily dose should not exceed 200 mcg.

In the complex therapy of acute and chronic infectious diseases accompanied by symptoms of intoxication and immunodeficiency, Imunofan is prescribed 1 dose (50 mcg) in each nasal passage 2 times a day, daily for 10-15 days.

For opportunistic infections (cytomegalovirus and herpetic infections, toxoplasmosis, chlamydia, pneumocystosis, cryptosporidiosis):

  • 1 dose (50 mcg) in each nasal passage 2 times a day, daily, course of treatment is 10-15 days. If necessary, the course can be repeated after 2-4 weeks.

For chronic viral hepatitis and chronic brucellosis:

  • 1 dose (50 mcg) in each nasal passage 1 time / day, daily, course of treatment is 10-15 days, to prevent relapse, repeat courses should be carried out after 4 - 6 months.

In the treatment regimen for patients with HIV infection:

  • 1 dose (50 mcg) in each nasal passage 1 time/day, daily, for 10-15 days. If necessary, the course can be repeated after 2-4 weeks.

When treating cancer patients in a radical combination treatment scheme (chemo-radiation therapy and surgery):

  • 1 dose (50 mcg) in each nasal passage 1 time/day, daily, for 8-10 days before chemo-radiation therapy and surgery, followed by continuing the course throughout the entire treatment period.

In patients with advanced tumor process (III-IV stages) various localizations in terms of complex or symptomatic therapy:

  • 1 dose (50 mcg) in each nasal passage 1 time/day, daily, for 8-10 days. If necessary and in the presence of severe symptoms of toxicosis, it is recommended to repeat the course.


Increases the effectiveness of other types drug therapy: the use of Imunofan helps to overcome resistance to GCS therapy. Prescription of Imunofan is possible in combination with GCS and NSAIDs.

Side effects

Individual intolerance is possible.

The drug Imunofan is intended to correct the immune system, and also has an antioxidant and detoxification effect.


The injection contains imunofan itself, as well as excipients in the form of sodium chloride, glycine and water.

Candles. Contains imunofan, solid fat, glycine, water and Tween 80.

In spray - more excipients. Of course, the main thing is the imunofan itself, as well as sodium chloride, glycine, water, sodium edinate.

Within three hours, the action of the drug Imunofan begins to develop in the rapid phase, and lasts up to four months in the other two phases, which sometimes require continued treatment. During the first days of administration (fast phase), the antioxidant effect of the drug increases, the level of cholesterol in the blood decreases and the activity of bilirubin in the human blood decreases.

In the second middle phase, the effect of which begins after three days of taking the drug and lasts about 10 days, chronic diseases may begin to appear. This occurs due to the fact that phagocytosis is activated, due to which some bacteria in the cells begin to die.

The third phase, which begins its effect after 10 days of administration and lasts up to four months, is the most important. It is at this time that the cellular immune system begins to regulate. While taking Imunofan, the number of specific antibodies begins to increase.

Doctors note that Imunofan combines well with drugs that fight inflammation and which can be taken at the same time. This tool also provides positive influence for the treatment of cancer. Thanks to this medication, cancer cells become more vulnerable to the effects of chemotherapy, which is necessary during the disease.

Indications for use

Imunofan is prescribed to adults and children, primarily to strengthen the immune system to make it more resistant to external factors. But there are other indications for use:

  1. Immunodeficiency.
  2. Treatment of hepatitis B and C. It is necessarily intended for complex treatment together with other medications.
  3. Treatment of HIV infection and AIDS must also be comprehensive. It is taken together with other medications.
  4. Treatment of oncology as a complex therapy. The drug does an excellent job of increasing the sensitivity of cancer cells to chemotherapy. Due to the use of Imunofan, they become more susceptible to various influences that are aimed at treating cancer.
  5. Tumor.
  6. Arthritis.
  7. Psoriasis.
  8. Burns and wounds that cannot heal for a long time.

Thanks to good immune system All mechanical damage The skin tightens well in a short time. But, if there is a problem with the immune system, then additional exposure to the body with drugs that strengthen the immune system is required. Imunofan is just designed for this.

Important. It is also prescribed for vaccination against viral diseases that may occur. Thus, you prevent the development of some unpleasant diseases.


Each drug has contraindications that should be studied in advance to avoid any problems. This medicine should not be taken by pregnant women and children under 2 years of age. And also, it is worth refraining from taking it for those people who are sensitive to excipients contained in the composition.

Side effects

Imunofan is not a medicine that has many side effects. Very rarely, an allergic reaction may occur. But, it is primarily due to the fact that a person may develop sensitivity to the substances contained.

How to use: method and dosage while taking the drug

You need to know the application features different forms drug.


One injection per day should be administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly.

  1. In the treatment of cancer caused by malignant neoplasm. The medication is administered once a day, and the administration should be repeated every other day. Before you start a course of chemotherapy or radiation, you need to administer about 5 injections. If surgery is required, 2 injections must be given.
  2. For hepatitis. In total, up to 15 milliliters of the drug is needed. Thus, 1 ml is injected. once a day. The next injection is given after 3 days.
  3. Diphtheria. Once a day, the drug is administered intravenously or intramuscularly daily. The course is prescribed in 10 ml. Sometimes it can be more, but it all depends on the state of the disease.
  4. For the treatment of arthritis. 1 milliliter of the drug is administered intravenously or intramuscularly once a day. At the same time, application should be once every 4 days. A total of about 8 injections are required.
  5. For healing wounds and burns. Imunofan is administered once a day in the amount of one milliliter. In total, up to 20 milliliters of medicine will be required.


In the form of a spray, the drug is administered intranasally. The sprayer should be held with the dispenser facing up. For one-time use per day, one press all the way is enough. If a person has intoxication or signs of immunodeficiency, the doctor prescribes one application in each nasal passage, 2-3 times a day. Should be taken daily for two weeks. Sometimes fewer days of treatment may be needed. It all depends on the disease and general condition person.

If the drug was prescribed as an additional complex treatment HIV infection, then one press should be made into each nasal passage daily for two weeks. If necessary, the treatment can always be repeated. But at the same time, you should wait 14 days, but better month. It is worth starting from the doctor’s testimony.

For the treatment of oncology as additional methods during chemotherapy and radiation, one press is prescribed in each nostril daily. The course is conducted over two weeks. After which, the drug must be used for some more time, which will be prescribed by the doctor himself. As a rule, the drug is taken until the end of treatment.


The medication is administered rectally.

For combined treatment of oncology along with chemotherapy and radiation, the doctor prescribes 1 suppository daily. The course lasts in the form of 10 suppositories before each radiation or chemotherapy. They should also be taken before surgery, if required.

When the tumor process has spread, which is at stage 3 or 4, 1 suppository is prescribed every day. The course lasts in the form of 8 candles. Next, you should take a break of 2-3 weeks and then continue until complete recovery.

Candles can also be used for children who have cancer blood or lymph. One suppository is prescribed once a day. The course can last in the form of 20 suppositories, depending on the degree of the disease and the nature of the lesion cancer cells. The drug should be used during courses of radiation and chemotherapy. After which, the doctor may prescribe medication as a preventive measure. possible development toxicosis.

For various infections, such as chlamydia or herpetic infection, the drug is used once a day. The course of therapy is 10 suppositories, which are administered rectally daily.

Complex therapy of HIV infection. One candle per day is used every day. One course requires up to 20 suppositories applied rectally. After which, you need to take a break of 2 weeks and start a second course again. It should be understood that this drug can only be prescribed by a doctor. You should not self-medicate. Imunofan is taken in certain dosages, which are set individually depending on the situation with which the patient consulted a doctor.

Viral hepatitis. The doctor prescribes 1 suppository per day. The course is up to 20 candles. It is advisable to carry out preventive courses after a couple of months. In this way, relapse can be avoided.

During skin damage due to burns or wounds, one suppository is prescribed every day. At the same time, the course lasts up to 10 candles. But in case more is required long-term treatment, the doctor can prescribe up to 20 suppositories. Everything is selected strictly individually.

Arthritis. One suppository is prescribed every three days. The course of treatment should not exceed 10 suppositories. But if an urgent need arises, the doctor can double the course of treatment, up to 20 suppositories.

Important. For psoriasis, 1 suppository per day is prescribed. The course consists of 15 candles.

Taking the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Suppositories and injections should be avoided, especially for those whose pregnancy occurs with Rh conflict. But you can use the spray with caution during pregnancy and breastfeeding. In this case, you need to consult a doctor and also undergo additional examination, which can show whether there is intolerance to any components. This is very important, since complications and side effects can affect the baby’s health.


This drug can only be taken by children over 2 years of age. At this age, the immune system is already quite developed. And in case of deviations, this drug in moderate dose will not harm, especially if it is necessary for medical reasons.

Important point

While taking the drug, some chronic diseases may become more active due to its action. The lesions are supported by viral antigens, which cease to be produced normally during administration. But don't worry or panic. The doctor will prescribe additional therapy, which will be aimed at suppressing unpleasant situations.

Interaction with other drugs

Imunofam works well with other anti-inflammatory drugs non-steroidal drugs. In this case, what happens greatest action during therapy. Therefore, you should not be afraid to combine the medicine with other medications.

Use with alcoholic beverages

Doctors have not fully studied the effect of the drug along with alcoholic drinks. But for safety, it is recommended to refrain from drinking alcohol during treatment.

Shelf life

Imunofan is valid for 24 months from the date of manufacture. You should carefully study this point when purchasing. Use after the expiration date may lead to negative consequences. This point applies to absolutely any medication that is sold in pharmacies.

The medicine is sold only with a doctor's prescription, as it has a fairly strong effect. Therefore, before taking it, it is necessary to mandatory visit a specialist who will assess the condition of the body and prescribe the required amount of medicine.

This product can also be used on animals. As a rule, it is administered subcutaneously or into the conjunctiva of the eye, in the form of drops. For animals, the drug is prescribed only if there is a problem with the immune system. Apply once every ten days. Often used as a preventive measure for certain infectious diseases. During treatment it is used once a day. Requires 8 uses. But it is the veterinarian who is treating the animal who will provide details. Without its appointment, you cannot do everything yourself by reading instructions or information on the Internet. Also, it is forbidden to follow the advice of friends who have used this drug.

Important. Everything is prescribed individually, depending on the type of disease and at what stage it is. Otherwise, a person risks harming his four-legged friend.

Analogues of the drug

As a rule, Imunofan has no analogues in its composition, but there are huge amount drugs that are very similar in action. For example, these include:

  1. Actinolysate.
  2. Echinacea.
  3. Helixor.
  4. Tubosan.
  5. Thymogen.
  6. Ruzam.
  7. Ribomunil
  8. Panagen.
  9. Lycopid.
  10. Immunal. Even from the name of the drug, its purpose is clear. The medicine is in sufficient demand, and doctors readily prescribe it to strengthen the immune system, which has weakened significantly due to various diseases.
  11. Derinat.
  12. Gepon.
  13. Galavit.
  14. Arpeflu.
  15. Arbidol.

This list does not include all analogues of the drug. As a rule, their number is quite large. These medications are very similar in action to Imunofan. But the choice of medicine depends entirely on what disease the person has. In more severe cases, Imunofan is prescribed, since it has more strong effect due to the substances that are included in the composition.

Impact on driving

Doctors note that the use this drug does not negatively affect the management of transport, as well as the performance of work that requires special concentration or mental activity.

The human immune system does not always work without failures. An unhealthy lifestyle, constant stress, and illness weaken the immune system. Sometimes the body cannot cope without outside help, and then various medications come to the rescue. The instructions describe the drug “Imunofan” as a drug belonging to the group of immunomodulators. In this article we will look at the features of its use, indications, contraindications, and also find out what it consists of and reviews of patients and doctors about it. Read carefully this information to protect yourself as much as possible.

A few words about the composition and form of release

The instructions describe the medicine “Imunofan” as a product produced in the form of suppositories for rectal administration, spray, and also a solution intended for intramuscular injection. Active active ingredient The drug is arginyl-alpha-aspartyl-lysyl-valyl-tyrosyl-arginine, however, in addition to it, the composition also includes auxiliary components, the type of which depends on the form of release of the drug itself.

Please note that Imunofan prepapat is not available in the form of drops or tablets.

Suppositories for rectal administration are sold in cardboard packaging, each containing five or ten suppositories.

The solution for intramuscular administration is absolutely transparent. Placed in glass ampoules, each of which contains one milliliter of the drug. One package will contain five or ten such ampoules.

The medicine is also available in the form of a spray intended for intranasal administration. One bottle of spray contains 8.5 ml of the drug.

Pharmacological features

The instructions describe the drug “Imunofan” as a very effective immunomodulatory agent, which also has hepaprotective and detoxifying effects. The drug affects human body by improving metabolic processes, as well as increasing human resistance to various fungal, bacterial and infectious diseases.

The remedy begins to provide positive effect within two hours after its use. There are several phases of influence of this medicine on the body. The first one is called fast. It begins within a couple of hours after using the medicine. The fast phase is characterized by the occurrence of a detoxification effect, as well as cleansing the body of breakdown products and cholesterol.

Next goes average drug effect phase. It begins on the second day of using the medication and lasts about two to three days. At this stage, phagocytosis is stimulated, as well as the destruction of various pathogenic viruses and microorganisms by the body.

Next comes the slow phase, which begins approximately on the seventh day of use of the drug and lasts about four months. During this period, the body is able to significantly increase the level of the immune system, increasing the production of special specific antibodies.

In what cases can you take this medicine?

The instructions recommend the drug “Imunofan” not only for preventing the development of viral diseases and strengthening the immune system, but also for the treatment of many diseases. Quite often, doctors recommend using this medication not only for adults, but also for people over two years of age. So, the main indications for the use of the immunomodulator “Imunofan” (instructions, price, reviews are listed in this article) are:

  • serious poisoning of the body with toxic substances;
  • various inflammatory pathologies internal organs, having a chronic nature;
  • serious disruption of the immune system, frequent colds and viral diseases, state of immunodeficiency;
  • the medicine can be used for psoriasis, hepatitis, rheumatoid arthritis, as well as in the presence of long-term non-healing serious wounds;
  • The product can also be used as a restorer of the body's strength after the use of antitumor drugs.

Are there any contraindications to the use of this product?

Imunofan injections, the instructions for use of which are very important to study before starting to use this medicine, can be used by almost all patients, since this medicine has very few contraindications for use. However, please note that this drug is a very serious drug, so it should be used with extreme caution and only on the recommendation of a doctor.

You should not use this immunomodulator in the following cases:

  • children under two years of age;
  • patients who have increased sensitivity to any components included in the product;
  • The medicine is allowed to be used by pregnant women, but only if the pregnancy is not accompanied by Rh conflict.

Spray "Imunofan": instructions for use

If your doctor has prescribed you the drug “Imunofan” in the form of a spray, then in this case it should be used intranasally. To use the medicine, insert the nebulizer into the nasal passage and press down on the bottle. At the same time, keep your head vertical. It will be enough to make one press in each nostril. To provide a preventive effect, it will be sufficient to use the product once a day.

If you have colds and other diseases accompanied by reduced immunity, it is recommended to take the product twice a day. On average, the course of treatment lasts about ten to fifteen days. If necessary, the doctor may extend the treatment period or recommend the patient to take another course after a short break.

Using candles

Imunofan suppositories, instructions for use, recommend using rectally. In this case, the drug is administered into anal hole once a day. In this case, you should use one suppository at a time.

Most often, the course of using the drug is about ten to twenty days. However, if there are serious chronic diseases it can be extended for up to one or two months.

Usually suppositories are prescribed as additional therapy in the treatment of serious infectious diseases. The drug can be used for HIV infections, as well as in the presence of serious tumor processes. In any case, such a drug should be prescribed by an experienced doctor as a method adjuvant therapy.

Application of injections

Instructions for use recommend using Imunofan injections intramuscularly. The dosage is selected in the same way as when using candles and spray. To provide preventive measures It will be enough to administer eight to ten injections once a day. In the presence of serious inflammatory and tumor-like diseases, the treatment period should be about twenty days, with possible repetition.

Use in veterinary medicine

The drug "Imunofan", instructions, reviews, the price of which is described in this article, can also be used for the prevention and treatment of animals and birds. In this case, the drug is administered by injection intramuscularly or subcutaneously. The drug can also be used in the form eye drops for the treatment of conjunctivitis.

If you decide to use the drug for preventive purposes, it will be sufficient to inject it once. But during an epidemic, it is recommended to use the medicine once every ten days.

In order for the medicine to have a good effect healing effect, it must be used for eight days, administering the drug intramuscularly once a day, every other day. That is, a total of four injections need to be given to the animal.

Features of the use of the drug by pregnant and lactating women

The instructions for Imunofan suppositories allow use by nursing and pregnant women. However, this must be done very carefully, following all recommendations for use, and also under the strict supervision of the attending physician.

The medicine does not contain any components that could have a negative effect on a pregnant woman, as well as on her unborn baby. However, doctors still do not recommend using this remedy in the third trimester of pregnancy.

Despite such a healing therapeutic effect that the immunomodulator “Imunofan” can have (instructions for use, reviews are given in this article), it is allowed to be used only if the benefit from it for the mother significantly exceeds possible harm which he can inflict on the baby.

There is no necessary data on how the medicine will affect the baby's health during breastfeeding. Therefore, doctors still do not recommend using the drug for breastfeeding women. If there is an urgent need for this, then you will have to transfer the child to artificial feeding.

Is it possible for adverse events to develop?

The drug "Imunofan", instructions for which you can find analogues in this article, is usually very well tolerated by all patients. Only a few people who used the product in the form of rectal suppositories complained of itching and discomfort in the anus area. However, this phenomenon is temporary and goes away very quickly on its own. In this case, there is no need to stop using suppositories.

Also, sometimes patients complained of the occurrence allergic reactions against the background of using the drug "Imunofan". This only happens if the patient has hypersensitivity to any component of this medicine.

In general adverse reactions occur very rarely, which indicates the high safety of this drug.

Is it possible to overdose

Imunofan spray, the instructions for which are included in the cardboard package, just like the medicine in other forms of release, usually does not lead to an overdose. However, it is still not recommended to increase the dose recommended by your doctor, as this may lead to increased side effects, which we talked about in previous paragraphs. Take full responsibility for your health.

A few words about drug interactions

The drug "Imunofan" (price, instructions are indicated in this article) can enhance the therapeutic effect of drugs that have anti-inflammatory and antiviral effects. Therefore, the product must be used very carefully in combination with antibiotics, glucocorticosteroids and non-steroidal drugs. For treatment to be as effective as possible, try to give up alcoholic beverages. Also be sure to tell your doctor about the medications you are taking during at the moment. Only in this case will the treatment be as effective and safe as possible.

Important instructions

Before starting to use any medicine, it is very important to study all the features of its use. The medicine “Imunofan” is no exception. Instructions for use, price, reviews - this is very important information, which every patient should familiarize themselves with before using the medication.

Please note that at the very beginning of using this pharmaceutical product Cellular phagocytosis is significantly activated. This may contribute to the fact that at the beginning of treatment, diseases that are chronic in nature may worsen slightly. Don't be alarmed, as this is the norm. There is also no need to increase or decrease the dosage. The condition will stabilize within a few days. However, in any case, notify your doctor about your medical condition.

The product does not provide negative influence to the central nervous system, and also does not slow down psychomotor reactions, so you can use it even when driving a car or working with serious machinery.

Are there analogues

The drug "Imunofan", the instructions for which it is very important to read reviews before starting to use it, has large number analogues that have exactly the same therapeutic effect on the human body, but they all differ slightly in their composition. Doctors usually recommend using analogues in cases where it is not possible to use this medication. For example, the patient has excessive sensitivity to the components included in its composition.

Pay attention to such substitutes for the drug “Imunofan” as “Famvir”, “Immunomax”, “Povid”, “Acyclovir”, “Medovir”, “Flavozid” and many others. They all contain different active ingredients, and also have various shapes release. However, each of them has a similar effect on the human body.

Under no circumstances choose substitutes yourself, as you can cause significant harm to your health. Only a doctor can decide to replace a drug, even one that is so safe.

Price and storage conditions

The drug "Imunofan" (instructions, price, effect, reviews are described in this article) is not cheap. For one package of the product you will have to pay about four hundred to five hundred rubles. However, one package is usually not enough for the entire course of treatment. The product can be purchased at absolutely any pharmacy without having a prescription from your doctor. However, it is worth repeating once again that self-medication is extremely dangerous to health. Buy drugs that enhance immunity only on the recommendation of a specialist.

It is best to store the product in the refrigerator, away from children. The shelf life of the medicine is two years from the date of manufacture. However, keep in mind that if you store the medicine in the wrong conditions, its shelf life will be significantly reduced. Do not use the product under any circumstances if the expiration date has expired.