Antiviral drugs for a 5 month old child. The best antiviral drug for children

  • Syrups
  • Pills
  • Nasal drops
  • Newborns and infants are practically defenseless against viruses. The immune system “learns” with age; with each new disease, the human body’s natural defenses learn to identify and destroy pathogenic “invaders.” Newly born babies still have very little knowledge and ability of their own immune system; it has not encountered viruses, unless, of course, the mother suffered a viral infection during pregnancy.

    In the first month after the birth of the child, residual maternal immunity partially protects. Then, if the baby is breastfeeding, he will receive some of the necessary substances for immune protection through mother's milk. If for some reason a child is bottle-fed or on a mixed diet, his ability to resist aggressive and ubiquitous viruses is significantly reduced.

    Parents often wonder whether antiviral drugs can be used for children under one year of age. Let's try to figure this out together.

    We also suggest watching a video release by Dr. Komarovsky about children's antiviral drugs.

    Medicines for viruses

    The pharmaceutical market today offers a huge number of antiviral drugs, but not all of them are approved for use in newborns and infants. The choice is great, but this is an illusion. In fact, The choice for the baby's parents is limited to several medicinal names.

    According to the method of action, all drugs in this group are conventionally divided into several types:

    • Interferons. Preparations containing an interferon protein prepared artificially in the laboratory, which in case of illness is produced in the human body independently as a necessary substance for the correct and rapid functioning of antibodies.
    • Immunostimulants. These medications act on the child’s immune system, causing it to quickly give an adequate response to the penetration of the virus.
    • Direct antiviral drugs. Such products contain substances that prevent the replication of the virus and its further spread.
    • Homeopathic medicines. They do not contain active ingredients, but they contain a large number of doses of various drugs diluted to negligible amounts, including molecules similar in structure to the virus itself.

    • Interferons can cause many side effects.
    • Immunostimulants and immunomodulators with frequent use, they cause immunodeficiency, when the child’s own natural defense system begins to fail and become “lazy.” It turns out that the baby is regularly treated with expensive, good medicine, but he gets sick more and more often.
    • Medicines that act directly on viruses affect all other systems and organs equally. As you understand, this impact is not gentle.
    • But only about homeopathic medicines It’s impossible to say anything bad, because they have no side effects, they are harmless, but, unfortunately, useless. Their effectiveness and efficiency have not been proven; traditional medicine is, to put it mildly, skeptical about them.

    In general, antiviral drugs have many problems with the evidence base. The laboratory was able to confirm only the effectiveness of some drugs, mainly related to drugs with a direct antiviral effect. 99% of other drugs exist and their existence raises a lot of questions. Many doctors tend to believe that they are completely useless. Manufacturers think differently because well-known brands bring them trillions in profit every cold season.

    Should I give?

    Antiviral drugs, according to established pediatric practice, are prescribed for two purposes. This is the prevention of influenza and ARVI and, directly, the treatment of viral infections, which in addition to influenza include chickenpox, measles, scarlet fever, herpes, enterovirus infection along with rotavirus, and many others.

    Remember that their immunity still has major development to do, he needs to recognize viruses by sight, so that when infected, he can quickly recognize and destroy them. Without the use of medications, this process of “raising” the immune system will go more correctly and quickly. Therefore, it is better to refuse treatment with such drugs, if possible.

    Judge for yourself, drug manufacturers claim that their medicine “effectively relieves the symptoms of influenza and ARVI in 5 days.” You cannot convict them of deception, but, alas, it is impossible to prove the correctness of such statements.

    After all, the immunity of a somatically healthy person copes with viruses on its own, without pills, in approximately the same period of time.

    In some cases, antiviral medications are still recommended for the child. This primarily concerns children with congenital immunodeficiency (HIV), premature babies, whose immunity is very weak. Such drugs are justified in case of very severe viral infection, accompanied by high fever, symptoms of intoxication, which is extremely dangerous for infants.

    In any case, the decision to take an antiviral drug should be made by a doctor.

    So, what can be prescribed for a child from 0 to 12 months?

    List of drugs 0+

    Anaferon for children

    Russian homeopathic medicine, which is available in a single dosage form - lozenges. Since our babies cannot dissolve pills until they are a year old, it is recommended that they dilute Anaferon in a small amount of chilled boiled water. The dose for children from 1 month to a year is no more than one tablet per day for the prevention of influenza.

    If the baby is already sick, then in the first couple of hours after the onset of ARVI symptoms, they give a tablet every half hour, and then a tablet three times a day. Be careful, the pills contain sugar. If your baby is prone to diathesis, inform your doctor about this fact, perhaps he will select another drug for your child.


    Homeopathic medicine, which is available in tablets “under the tongue” and in the form of drops. It is logical that for a child under the age of one year we will choose drops, since a sublingual pill can cause a baby to choke. Dosage - 1 drop per day.

    If you nevertheless bought the drug in tablet form, dilute one fourth of the tablet for 1 dose. “Aflubin” is recommended for the prevention of influenza if there is someone in the family who is sick, as well as for the treatment of an infection that has already begun.


    This is a drug that belongs to the group containing interferon. It is produced in the form of rectal suppositories; this is a fairly convenient form for newborns and infants. The dosage in the first year of life should not exceed three suppositories per day. Most often, doctors recommend administering 1 suppository into the child’s rectum three times a day.

    This is no longer a homeopathic remedy, and therefore the list of side effects of the medicine is quite impressive: the development of severe systemic allergies, the appearance of local allergic itching, the likelihood of autoimmune diseases, etc.


    As the name suggests, this is a medicine that contains interferon. It has a great variety of release forms, but for children under one year of age the drug is used exclusively in the form of nasal drops. There are two ways to use it - drop 1 drop into the nostrils 5-6 times a day or insert small cotton wool flagella soaked in Interferon solution into the nose.

    At the height of the period of colds, antiviral drugs for children become the first remedy for the treatment and prevention of the most common diseases - acute respiratory infections and. Despite the widespread use, only a doctor should prescribe even such seemingly harmless drugs; self-medication is unacceptable.

    Symptoms of the virus in a child

    Very often, an ordinary virus in a child can be caused not so much by a collision of the body with an infection, but also due to hypothermia and weakened immunity. It is important not to miss the onset of the disease in order to help the baby cope with it as quickly as possible. The main treatment at the initial stage is a children's antiviral, which will gently adjust the immune system in the right direction. The very first and main symptoms of the virus are:

    • muscle weakness;
    • headache;
    • a sharp increase in body temperature;
    • apathetic behavior of the child;
    • occasionally vomiting/nausea or diarrhea.

    After 2-3 days the following symptoms are added:

    • sore throat and sore throat when swallowing;
    • cough;
    • hoarseness of voice;
    • , sneezing.

    How to treat a virus in a child?

    Therapy or ARVI is simple. Treatment of the virus in children is carried out with medications in parallel with traditional methods, which have proven themselves to be the best. A good antiviral drug for children should be given literally in the first hours from the onset of the disease. In this it will be effective. If you start taking it for 3-5 days, the effect will be unnoticeable.

    In parallel with taking the medicine, you should adhere to the following rules:

    1. Provide your baby with plenty of fluids in the form of fruit drinks, decoctions, and herbal teas.
    2. Maintain indoor air humidity at 65-70%.
    3. Carry out wet cleaning twice a day.
    4. Reduce the load on the body by giving more drink, but less food.

    Should I give my child antiviral drugs?

    Without exception, all parents who are concerned about the health of their children are concerned about the question of whether to give their children antiviral drugs. After all, there are different positions on this issue, when it is believed that the effectiveness of such therapy has not been proven, or there is simply no point in it. Doctors insist that children's antiviral medications can significantly alleviate the condition of a sick baby and even strengthen his immunity, but the choice to give or not give the drug remains with the parents.

    Before offering a child this or that drug that affects the immune system, you should find out about its effect on the child’s body. All drugs belonging to the antiviral group contain human or genetically modified interferon. The effect of the latter has not been fully studied, and therefore one should be careful with drugs that interfere with the activity of the immune system, not exceeding the dosage and not giving it too often, citing benefits for the body.

    When foreign interferon enters the body in the first three days from the onset of the disease, it acts similarly to its own – it kills viruses. Its own interferon begins to be actively produced only on the fourth day from the onset of the disease. This means that if you regularly “help” the immune system, fight the invasion of viruses artificially, the immune system will not be able to fight on its own, because it is simply not used to this. That is why it is better to help children cope with the disease on their own by giving plenty of fluids, not lowering the temperature and ensuring humidity in the room.

    What antiviral drugs can children take?

    Since it is better not to start treatment with medications if the temperature has not exceeded 38°C, an antiviral drug for children is the best thing that can be offered to a child at the moment. For children under seven years of age, it is optimal to offer homeopathic or interferon-containing dosage forms. They are safe for younger age groups. Drugs to combat viruses come in the form of:

    • candles (suppositories);
    • syrup;
    • nasal or oral drops;
    • capsules and tablets;
    • nasal ointments.

    All of them have approximately the same effectiveness and should only be prescribed by a doctor; self-medication even with such seemingly harmless medications is undesirable. Suppositories and drops are usually prescribed to children under three years of age, because other forms of antiviral drugs are more difficult to give (syrup, tablets). after three years, you can use any type of these medications according to the age-specific dosage.

    Antiviral drugs for children under one year of age

    Babies in their first year of life are the most vulnerable group of children. That is why an antiviral drug for children of this age group should not only be effective, but also as safe as possible. Antiviral drugs for children used in medicine for this category are as follows:

    • Imupret;
    • Vibrukol;
    • Viferon;
    • Anaferon.

    Antiviral drugs for children over 1 year of age

    Whatever medications the parents give the child for the virus, all of them must be prescribed by the attending doctor. After all, most antiviral drugs for children can negatively affect the baby’s development, instead of bringing benefit. After the age of one year, the range of medications used expands slightly and already includes:

    • Tamiflu;
    • Aflubin;
    • Cytovir-3.

    Antiviral drugs for children over 2 years of age

    When prescribing antiviral drugs for children 2 years old, the doctor is guided by the fact that the child’s body is already sufficiently strong and stronger drugs can already be used. At this age, it is customary to prescribe syrups and drugs in the form of rectal suppositories, because the tablet form can cause problems with administration, since the child is still very small. Arbidol is added to the list of approved drugs at this age.

    Antiviral drugs for children over 3 years of age

    The best thing that can be offered to children against the virus are drugs that not only force the body to produce its own interferon, but also stimulate the immune system. Children at the age of three begin to attend kindergarten en masse and the incidence increases sharply. To prevent this from happening, in the autumn-spring period, it is necessary, in addition to vitamin complexes, to take antiviral drugs for children as prevention and treatment. They simultaneously increase resistance to disease and provide healing. These include:

    • Kipferon;
    • Derinat;
    • Bronchomunal;
    • Imudon;
    • Immunal.

    The best antiviral drugs for children

    Choosing antiviral drugs that are inexpensive but effective for children is not easy. After all, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the body of a particular child, the effect of the drug itself and many other nuances. Therefore, the price-quality ratio will not always be appropriate here. Basically, a children's antiviral drug for colds has a mild effect on the child's body and, if the dosage is correctly calculated, cannot harm. The most popular products that have proven themselves and are loved by mothers are:

    • Aflubin;
    • Amizonchik;
    • Ergoferon;
    • Oscillococcinum;
    • Gripferon;
    • Isoprinosine;
    • Kagocel;
    • Immunoflazid;
    • Imupret;
    • Immunal.

    Children's antiviral suppositories

    For those children who cannot drink syrup or its composition poses a risk of allergies, there are antiviral suppositories for children belonging to the interferon group. They can be used for any age group but are best suited for toddlers. In this case, there are no problems with their use, whereas older children do not like such treatment. Antiviral drugs for children in the form of suppositories must be stored in the refrigerator and taken out immediately before use. For the treatment of viral diseases it is recommended:

    • Viferon;
    • Genferon;
    • Kipferon;
    • Laferobion.

    Children's antiviral drug in syrup

    When using children's antiviral drugs in liquid form, parents need to understand that the baby may have an allergic reaction to some components included in the composition (dyes, sweeteners). This is why the first time you take a new medication, you should keep an eye on it and have an antihistamine on hand. In addition to the main active ingredient, antiviral syrup for children contains:

    • sucrose;
    • dibazole;
    • ascorbic acid;
    • dye E122;
    • sodium alginate.

    Antiviral nasal drops for children

    As an alternative to syrups, antiviral drops for children are widely used. They are easy to use, it is much easier to instill them than to give them in the form of syrup, and the cost does not exceed other dosage forms. Antiviral drugs for children in the form of drops contain interferon, which helps fight the virus immediately after entering the body. The earlier treatment is started, the more effective it is, but starting from the fourth day of illness, their use becomes meaningless. The following drops are recommended:

    • Nazoferon;
    • Laferon;
    • Gripferon;
    • Genferon;
    • Interferon.

    Children's antiviral tablets

    When the baby gets older (after 3-5 years), a children's antiviral drug in tablet form can be used for treatment. Its effectiveness will not be higher or lower, but it all depends on when to start taking the pills. It is better to do this from the first to the third day, because after that the body itself begins to produce its own interferon, which is necessary to fight the virus. The doctor may prescribe the following antiviral drugs for children:

    • Ergoferon;
    • Oscillococcinum;
    • Anaferon for children;
    • Arbidol;
    • Tsitovir 3;
    • Amizon;
    • Remantadine.

    Prevention of viruses in children

    In addition to therapeutic effects, interferon-containing drugs are used to prevent diseases. Antiviral drugs are prescribed for prevention to children before the start of the season of respiratory diseases. In addition, they are needed when a child begins to attend kindergarten or school, where he will definitely encounter numerous viruses and bacteria. Two weeks before this, you should start giving the selected drug, according to the age dosage.

    In addition to the usual syrups and nasal drops during a flu epidemic, oxolinic ointment has been used for many years to lubricate the nasal passages. It contains the active substance oxolin, which has high activity against a large army of viruses. Paraffin-based ointment is practically not absorbed, and therefore it is safe even for small children. It is used immediately before leaving the room, and then wiped with a napkin.

    Children are more prone to various viral infections than adults. This is due to the fact that the small, not fully formed organism still has very weak immunity. In order to choose high-quality and effective ones for children, you need to know how the child’s immune system functions and what means can really help cope with the infection.

    What is immunity

    The human immune system is a complex mechanism that rids the body of various infections and diseases. Lymphocytes contained in the organs of the protective system (tonsils, thymus, lymph nodes, spleen) are produced in the required quantities in order to fight genetically foreign objects. An increased level of these substances in the blood means that there is an infection in the body.

    Another very important component that the immune system produces is interferons. These are special proteins that are released in the body when a virus appears. Interferons are able to fight both various types of infections and cancer cells. A low amount of such proteins in the body means that the person's immune system is weakened.

    Decreased immunity is one of the most important reasons why children get sick so often. Interferon proteins are produced very poorly in the body; phagocytosis (absorption of foreign particles) does not occur, which means the ability to fight the virus is reduced. One might assume that with a good immune system, antiviral drugs are not needed, but this is not entirely true. If immune cells are needed to fight the virus, then drugs are needed to stop it from multiplying in the body.

    Virus is living matter

    Surely many have wondered what a virus is. Let's try to figure this out. From the school biology course we know that a virus is a microparticle that can infect living organisms. It consists of DNA or RNA molecules enclosed in a capsid (protein shell). Flu is just one of its varieties.

    The influenza virus consists of ribonucleic acid and a protective envelope. It is transmitted by airborne droplets and affects the upper respiratory tract. This disease is classified as an acute respiratory viral disease (ARVI).

    How do viral infections work?

    In order to choose effective antiviral drugs for children over 2 years old, you need to know how infection occurs. As a rule, children suffer from ARVI. The virus enters the body through the respiratory tract and infects one cell there. It integrates into its genetic structure and multiplies very quickly. During this period of time, the child may have a swollen red throat and a stuffy nose. As a rule, after a certain time the baby’s temperature rises. This happens because the body activates all its protective properties. High temperature (up to 38 C°) enhances phagocytosis and stimulates the formation of interferon. Once the virus or infection subsides, a decrease in temperature may be observed.

    Is it always necessary to use antiviral drugs for children?

    Children aged 2 years and older often get sick, but does it always make sense to “feed” them with various medications? The fact is that immune cells have a very good memory. After successfully defeating bacteria, they remember them and fight them even more effectively next time. If a mild virus enters a child’s body, he is able to cope with it on his own. For some reason, some parents believe that this is dangerous and prefer to give medications immediately.

    This is a misconception. After using antiviral drugs, addiction occurs, and the immune system will cope worse each time. If a weak virus has entered the body and the child does not have a high fever, then such drugs can be dispensed with. In addition, scientists have proven that at an older age, children are exposed to ARVI much less frequently, precisely due to the fact that by this time they have developed immunity to these viruses.

    What is an antiviral drug

    This is a medicine that is known to help fight the virus. But what is the principle of its action? It turns out that there are various antiviral drugs for children from 2 years of age. All of them are classified according to the active substance and mechanism of combating the virus. For example, adamantane and its derivatives are substances that block the penetration of viral RNA into the body's cells. Interferons can enhance immunity, and aminocyclohexenecarboxylic acid suppresses the proliferation of viruses. There is another separate series of medicines called homeopathic. Such medications have a small dose of the infection itself, which helps suppress it. Each of these groups of drugs is indeed capable of fighting viruses, but which one should you choose? Let's look at them in more detail.

    Interferons (IFNs)

    This group includes various antiviral drugs for children 2 years of age. The list presented below is just a small part of those medications that exist throughout the world. Antiviral drugs with interferon:

    • "Laferobion".
    • "Reaferon".
    • "Viferon".
    • "Grippferon".
    • "Genferon Light".

    These drugs contain IFN. This is an analogue of the interferon that the human body produces. This substance prevents the virus from reproducing by disrupting the synthesis of viral ribonucleic acid. This is an absolutely natural component that does not cause allergies. IFN has virtually no contraindications for use and is excellent for both children and adults. On the packaging of a medicinal product containing interferon, its method of preparation (recombinant or human leukocyte) and the molecular weight of the IFN molecules (alpha, beta, gamma) must be indicated.

    Leukocyte interferon is made from donated human blood and is extremely rare. The more common form is recombinant IFN. It is produced in biochemical laboratories by synthesizing a clone of Escherichia coli and human genes. These for children 2 years old are inexpensive and quite effective. They are excellent immunomodulators that help protect the child's body from viral infection. If ARVI is already in an advanced stage, and the child has a high temperature (above 38 C°), then these medications will be a good help in the fight against the virus.

    Homeopathic remedies

    • "Anaferon".
    • "Neotonsilar".
    • "Immunokind".
    • "Engystol".
    • "Aflubin".

    They are widely used, especially for prevention. Unfortunately, not all parents know about the properties of homeopathic remedies and their methods of influencing the body. The most important principle of these drugs is that if large doses of a certain substance cause a certain symptom, then small doses produce the opposite effect (like cures like). Antiviral drugs for children over 2 years old based on homeopathic remedies contain very small doses of substances similar in their properties to viruses. Thus, getting inside the body, they force it to quickly turn on its protective functions.

    Their high effectiveness has not been scientifically proven, but the demand for these medications in pharmacies speaks for itself. Almost every country produces certain antiviral drugs for children (2 years). Russia has also been very successful in this matter. Almost everyone has heard about such a drug as Anaferon. This homeopathic remedy is used to prevent influenza in many families.

    Doctor Komarovsky and ARVI

    Many parents know such a wonderful doctor as Dr. Komarovsky. His advice and recommendations are both simple and effective. Surely many are interested in what this expert says about ARVI. Naturally, in order not to get sick, you need to try to reduce contact with infected people. Unfortunately, this does not always work out. Another solution is antiviral drugs for children 2 years old. Komarovsky advises using medications such as Oseltamivir and Rimantadine. But this must be done only if the child is forced to come into contact with people with the flu (in kindergarten, school).

    Substances that slow down the action of enzymes

    It is this group that includes antiviral drugs for children (2 years old). Good parents always try to choose not only the most effective medicine for their baby, but also the most gentle one. Most likely, this is why Dr. Komarovsky recommends this group of drugs (Ozeltamivir and Rimantadine) for the prevention of ARVI. Such drugs are called. They slow down the process of viral reproduction by affecting a component of the virus shell, which is called neuraminidase.

    Oseltamivir is the active ingredient of Oseltamivir, which can be found in medications such as Tamiflu and Flustop. Amantadine is the active ingredient of Rimantadine and has similar properties to oseltamivir. Amantadine derivatives are resistant to influenza viruses type A. Oseltamivir, in turn, inhibits the action of influenza enzymes type A and B.

    Dosage forms of drugs

    The best antiviral medications for children come in a variety of forms. Let's try to figure out what the difference is and which of them are more effective. Young children are not always willing to take medications. Most often, this event is accompanied by whims and tears. Manufacturers of medicines try in every possible way to please both the baby (so that it is not painful and tasty) and the parents (so that the drug is effective). The most common forms include: tablets, drops, syrups and suppositories. Of course, there are also injections, however, as a rule, they are used not by parents, but by doctors. Each such product, regardless of its appearance, contains the required amount of active substance.

    Antiviral drops and tablets for children

    In order for the baby to happily take the medicine, it must be tasty. These are exactly the kind of tablets that modern manufacturers are trying to make. By adding various components (for example, lactose monohydrate), they obtain antiviral drugs for children - inexpensive and quite tasty. Lactose is used as a sweetener in various foods and medicines. Surely even the most people will not refuse a pill with such an ingredient.

    For a form such as drops, no sweetener is needed. Of course, kids don’t really like having nose drops put in their nose, but sometimes it’s a necessary measure. When a child has a profuse runny nose, the absorption of the tablet may not be effective enough. In this case, use nasal drops. First, the nasal cavity is washed with saline solution in order to get rid of excess mucus, and then a few drops of medicine are dripped into the baby’s nose. Although young patients do not like this idea, many parents approve of such antiviral drugs for children 2 years old. Reviews on various forums indicate the effectiveness of nasal drops specifically for a runny nose and stuffy nose.

    Antiviral suppositories

    This form of medicine became known relatively recently. It is precisely because parents do not know why antiviral suppositories are produced that they often make a choice that is not in their favor. And in vain. It turns out that such antiviral drugs for children 2 years old are inexpensive and fast-acting. Entering the body rectally, the active substance of the drug (in this form it is usually interferon) is very quickly absorbed and enters the blood. This allows IFN to quickly exert antiviral and immunomodulatory effects.

    We found out that there are a huge number of antiviral drugs for children. They are available in different pharmacological forms and differ in composition. In each individual case, some medicine may be less or more effective. The choice of antiviral drugs for children is best coordinated with the attending physician, and then their use will only benefit the child.

    Why do doctors often diagnose ARVI in infants? Treatment and symptoms, prevention are the main issues that parents are interested in.

    Carrying a child inside herself for 9 months, the mother protects him from various infectious and viral diseases thanks to her immune system. As soon as the baby is born, his body must protect itself, adapt to the viruses and infections that affect it.

    Since the baby’s immune system is not yet fully formed, parents are faced with a problem: their infant has a cold. What to do? How to help your baby? Which effective antiviral drug should I choose? Let's consider these questions.

    What diseases are included in the ARVI group?

    Having diagnosed ARVI in an infant, the doctor selects treatment individually in each case. This situation can be explained simply. ARVI is the name of a group of diseases caused by viruses in the respiratory tract.

    As medical reference books show, the ARVI group includes the following diseases:

    • Adenoviral infection. It affects the eyes, upper respiratory tract and intestines of the child.
    • Influenza and parainfluenza. General intoxication of the body and inflammatory processes in the larynx occur.
    • Inflammatory processes in
    • Respiratory syncytial infection, which causes inflammation in the lower respiratory tract.

    As medical statistics show, babies get ARVI from 1 to 7 times a day. And here it is very important to receive qualified help and proper treatment, since the consequences of ARVI in infants can be serious. It has also been proven that excessive use of drugs can block the production of one’s own antibodies to the virus.

    Features of the course of ARVI in children under six months

    In the first six months of life, it is important to think about how a mother can avoid infecting her infant with a cold. Basically, contact with viruses occurs through the mother or guests who come to the house.

    ARVI in infants, symptoms and treatment have their own characteristics. Firstly, the disease manifests itself gradually. The child becomes lethargic, may be capricious, and the body temperature rises slightly. The symptoms of ARVI are not clearly expressed, and many parents associate such manifestations with teething, changes in weather, and mild hypothermia.

    If you do not consult a doctor in a timely manner and start treatment, the clinical picture becomes clearer. The baby refuses to eat, stops breastfeeding, and rapidly loses weight. A weak cough and nasal congestion may begin, which manifests itself as snoring during sleep. Vomiting will also be a common symptom.

    Features of treatment

    Having established the development of ARVI in an infant, treatment should begin as soon as possible, since serious inflammatory processes may begin in the ear or lungs, bronchi. Inflammatory processes in the larynx are also common. This is caused by the anatomical characteristics of children under one year old, when a strong and paroxysmal cough does not allow the child to breathe fully.

    Komarovsky regards the presence of ARVI in an infant in the first 6 months of life as a positive, natural stress that helps the immune system in the future fight viruses and bacteria.

    What young mothers need to pay attention to in the first 6 months of their baby’s life with ARVI

    When treating ARVI in an infant, Komarovsky draws the attention of parents to the following:

    What medications can be used for a baby in the first 6 months of life?

    An effective antiviral drug for a baby in the first 6 months has not yet been found. Doctors advise not to use medications at all, especially antibiotics, as they can cause allergic reactions and intestinal disorders.

    Medications are used only when the baby’s condition is critical and cannot be cured in any other way.

    Doctors say that ARVI drugs are not needed for children of the first year; it is enough to create optimal conditions and seek qualified help in time.

    1. Optimal air temperature and humidity in the room. This helps protect your baby from overheating, sore throat and dry cough.
    2. You should not force feed your baby.
    3. Use as much liquid as possible. If the baby refuses water, then it is better to use
    4. Clean your nose regularly. A saline solution can be used for this. By regularly removing accumulated mucus, you can not only reduce the concentration of viruses, but also improve the baby’s breathing, sleep and nutrition.
    5. You should not use vasoconstrictor drugs for the nose, they can quickly become addictive.
    6. An acute respiratory viral infection always accompanies a baby's temperature, but it is necessary to fight it with the help of medications only when the readings are above 38.5 degrees. All means to reduce fever should be based on paracetamol or ibuprofen.

    Features of treatment for children from 6 months to one year

    In the period from 6 months to a year, the chances of ARVI in infants increase. Treatment in this case will already include certain medications prescribed by the doctor. But each of these drugs is highly effective if used in the first 2 days after infection.

    The incubation period for ARVI in infants can vary from 1 to 3 days, with symptoms gradually appearing.

    A high temperature is always an indication for hospitalization in a child whose age does not exceed 1 year. Delay is dangerous for his life.

    What parents need to know!

    At this age, it is already necessary to bring down the temperature from 38 degrees, since many children have a high convulsive threshold. If a child has a history of severe diseases of the nervous, cardiovascular or respiratory systems, a temperature increase above 37.5 is very dangerous.

    To reduce the temperature, it is better to use paracetamol-based suppositories. Medications containing these components are strictly prohibited and may cause serious and severe side effects. The most dangerous is Reye's syndrome or agranulocytosis.

    Doctors can prescribe nasal drops for children of this age group, but for no more than 2-3 days. They will be effective only if the baby is given a nasal rinse with soda or saline solution.

    If the cough is severe, medications may be prescribed to thin the mucus and expectorate it. To speed up recovery, children are recommended to drink juices and fruit drinks made from the following plants: viburnum, black radish (with honey), lemon (with honey), raspberries.

    The stage of natural stimulation of the immune system will be important. Doctors recommend the use of multivitamin complexes, ascorbic acid, echinacea tinctures, and ginseng.

    Any treatment should only be prescribed by a doctor! It is strictly forbidden to use medications at your own discretion; you cannot treat ARVI with medications that were used in previous times of the disease. Their effectiveness will be low, because the body always gets used to and adapts the virus to certain drugs.

    In what cases is it necessary to immediately call an ambulance?

    A baby under the age of one year cannot talk about his feelings during ARVI. Parents can only see the symptoms, whims, and apathy of the baby. But there are cases when it is necessary to immediately call an ambulance, otherwise the child may develop serious complications. We list the most common cases:

    1. Severe chills, high temperature, which has not been brought down by medications for more than 45 minutes. This condition can trigger seizures.
    2. Sudden loss of consciousness.
    3. Rapid breathing, accompanied by wheezing, inability to breathe deeply.
    4. Diarrhea and vomiting that does not stop. Many parents associate such symptoms with poisoning, but they can also be a sign of intoxication during ARVI.
    5. Severe inflammation of the throat, which is accompanied by swelling of the larynx.
    6. Purulent discharge that appeared with sputum.
    7. Increased cough, paroxysmal nature.

    What serious complications can ARVI lead to?

    Unfortunately, not all parents understand how serious the consequences of ignoring medical care for ARVI can be. Self-treatment, the use of medications at your own discretion or on the advice of a pharmacist, traditional medicine can cause the development of the following complications:

    • False croup. Before the age of one year, such a complication can pose a threat to the baby’s life. Due to the fact that the lumen in the larynx narrows, the normal passage of air is blocked. The baby may develop asphyxia.
    • The most dangerous has always been allergic stenosis. It develops rapidly after taking a certain medication. The most important task of parents is to cope with their own panic. The child should be taken out into fresh air and an ambulance should be called immediately.
    • Bronchiolitis. This reaction is a common occurrence in infants with ARVI. In children, severe respiratory failure may occur in the first 5 days of illness. There is a viscous discharge from the nose that does not drain well. The cough is dry and paroxysmal. The child cannot breathe deeply, and exhalation is long and intermittent. In its course, bronchiolitis resembles an attack of bronchial asthma in an adult. Treatment of such children is carried out only in the hospital, since the baby may urgently need oxygen therapy.
    • If the baby develops infections, the condition worsens sharply, and the inflammatory process descends into the lungs. Treatment is carried out only in a hospital setting.
    • Otitis and sinusitis. This complication usually occurs after ARVI has been cured. A healthy child develops anxiety, screams, shakes his head, and the temperature rises again. Treatment will also be carried out only in a hospital setting under the supervision of a doctor.
    • Sinusitis. It appears on the 6-7th day after ARVI. The child begins to cry, twist his head, and his sleep is disturbed. Discharge with an unpleasant odor and impurities of pus begins to come out of the nose. The face clearly shows signs of puffiness. With light pressure on the sinuses and cheeks, the baby begins to cry. Sinusitis always requires emergency treatment, since the anatomical structure of a newborn is the minimum distance from the nasal and ear sinuses to the lining of the brain. With a strong inflammatory process, there is always a high probability of inflammation of the meninges.

    Prevention of ARVI in infants, how to protect a child from infection

    You don't have to wait until your child gets sick. Prevention of ARVI in infants always helps solve several problems. Firstly, the risk of infection is minimized, and secondly, the body gains resistance to re-infection. By choosing an integrated approach, you can protect your baby not only in infancy, but also in subsequent years in kindergarten and school.

    1. Minimize the amount of contact your baby has with sick people. You need to understand that infection of a baby is possible not only at home, but also when traveling on public transport, in queues at a hospital or store. It is also worth protecting the child if one of the relatives gets sick. In this case, the sick person should wear a bandage that will reduce the number of viruses spread by coughing and sneezing.
    2. Regular ventilation of the room. At any age, fresh air from the street is beneficial for a person. It will help humidify the air in the room, reduce the temperature to optimal levels, and avoid stagnation.
    3. Viruses have the ability to persist for a long time indoors, not only in the air, but also in things and interior items. The key to health is daily wet cleaning. Frequently used items should be wiped every day: door handles, switches.
    4. Before contacting the baby, you must wash your hands with soap.
    5. If there is an infant in the family, it is recommended that all other family members undergo preventive vaccination. Many doctors recommend that parents get vaccinated before planning a pregnancy. This will help develop the child’s powerful immunity against ARVI viruses.

    ARVI in an infant, symptoms and treatment, preventive measures - these are the basic concepts that all parents should know. Awareness, the ability to identify the symptoms of the disease in a timely manner and qualified medical care are the basis for a quick recovery and good health subsequently.

    Every year in the autumn-winter period, every parent begins to worry about how to protect their child from acute respiratory viral infections and influenza. And if the child does encounter a disease, then what therapy should be used to achieve the fastest recovery without complications. The article provides a detailed overview of popular antiviral drugs for children from 3 years of age, since it is at this age that children begin to actively communicate with society - attend preschool institutions and developmental clubs.

    Symptoms and course of viral diseases in children: how to distinguish a virus from a bacteria

    When a pediatrician announces a diagnosis of acute respiratory infections, it is important to immediately figure out what caused the disease - a virus or a bacteria. The treatment of such ailments is fundamentally different, since antiviral drugs are used for acute respiratory viral infections or influenza. When treating bacterial infections, it is mandatory to undergo a course of antibiotic therapy to avoid complications.

    On the other hand, treating viral infections with antibiotics will be completely ineffective, since they are absolutely indifferent to them. The unnecessary use of antibacterial agents is also fraught with a number of complications, the easiest of which is considered to be intestinal dysbiosis.

    Index Virus Bacterium
    Frequency of manifestationsOftenRarely
    Incubation period (the time that has passed from the moment of contact with the carrier to the first signs of the disease)1-5 daysFrom 2 days to 2 weeks
    Constant presence of the pathogen in the respiratory tractAdenoviruses onlyCharacteristic of most infectious agents:
    • hemophilus influenzae;
    • meningococcus;
    • Pneumococcus;
    • streptococcus;
    • chlamydia
    Period of primary symptoms of the diseasePronounced and lasts up to 24 hoursDoesn't appear
    Onset of the diseasegrows very quickly, tallThe temperature rises slowly, does not rise above 38 degrees
    Locality of the lesionGeneral symptoms, not localizedManifest:
    • otitis;
    • sinusitis;
    • bronchitis;
    • pneumonia;
    • meningitis
    Allergic manifestationsThere is almost always (tearing, )Not typical
    Treatment with antibioticsForbiddenHas a positive result

    Use of antiviral agents

    How does the virus infection process occur?

    It penetrates the body thanks to special enzymes, integrates into the cellular genome and subjugates the cells to itself, in other words, forces them to work with errors.

    Next, the production of new viral cells begins, they grow and gather in infected cells until they waste their resources.

    Then the infected cells die, their shell collapses - the virus spreads further, infecting neighboring healthy cells.

    The immune system comes into play and its reaction can be of 3 types.

    1. Interferon is produced - a protein that appears in cells in the presence of inflammation and elevated temperature. It has a protective function, preventing the virus from entering the cell.
    2. A nonspecific reaction is the first phase of the immune response, when its cells (lymphocytes) attack and destroy virus particles.
    3. A specific reaction is the second phase of the immune response, it can be cellular (cytotoxic lymphocytes) and humoral (B lymphocytes). The virus is also attacked and consumed by immunocompetent cells.

    Based on the above knowledge, scientists have identified drugs with 3 different principles of influence.

    1. Vaccination. Healthy cells of the body become familiar with the weakened or “killed” virus, and accordingly, antibodies are produced.
    2. Based on interferon and its inducers. Strengthen the nonspecific immune response, help cells produce their own “fighters”.
    3. Etiotropic drugs. Inhibit viral enzymes and block ion channels. This group contains synthetic drugs, so their use must be agreed with the attending physician.

    Drug groups

    • interferons;
    • antiviral;
    • anti-influenza;
    • homeopathic;
    • inducers of endogenous interferon;
    • antiherpetic.

    It is worth considering that they should be used in the first 36 hours from the moment of illness, this will achieve the maximum therapeutic effect. After 3 days, such medications will be completely useless.

    Medicines with analgesic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects should not be classified as antiviral drugs. They can be used in combination, but do not treat the virus itself.

    Comparative table of antiviral agents

    The list of antiviral drugs for children sold in pharmacy chains is long. We present the 10 main ones that are most often used in domestic pediatrics.

    Name Age category Mode of application Average price, rub.
    TAMIFLU, capsulesfrom 6 monthsHypersensitivity to components / nausea and vomiting30-75 mg 2 times a day, 5 days1250
    RELENZA, powder for inhalationfrom 5 yearsHypersensitivity to any ingredient/allergic type reactions including anaphylactic and anaphylactoid reactions, swelling of the oropharynx and face2 inhalations twice a day, treatment duration - 5 days1025
    ISOPRINOSINE, tabletsfrom 1 yearHypersensitivity to components / temporary increase in uric acid levels in the blood serum and urineDaily dose - 50 mg/kg body weight, evenly distributed over 3-4 doses, up to 7 days615
    ENGISTOL, tabletsfrom birthSensitivity to components/hypersensitivity reactions including rash, itching, angioedema0.25-1 tablet 3 times a day, course - 2-4 weeks460
    OCILOCOCCINUM, granulesfrom 2 yearsFructose and galactose intolerance/skin rashes, itching1 granule 2 times a day for 3 days360
    AFLUBIN, dropsfrom 2 years2-9 drops 3 times a day for up to 7 days350
    CYTOVIR-3, powder for solutionfrom 1 yearDiabetes mellitus/short-term decrease in blood pressure2-12 ml 3 times a day, 4 days350
    ERGOFERON, tabletsfrom 6 monthsHypersensitivity to components / allergic reactions1 tablet 3 times a day until complete recovery320
    ANTIGRIPPIN, effervescent tabletsfrom 3 yearsSensitivity to components / nausea, vomiting, headache0.5-1 tablet 2-3 times a day, up to 5 days300
    Gripferon, nasal dropsfrom birthSevere forms of allergic diseases / allergic reactions2 drops in each nasal passage 4-5 times a day, 5 days260

    TAMIFLU is prescribed to patients who have flu-like symptoms, as well as during epidemics. Efficacy has been demonstrated when treatment is initiated within 2 days of symptom onset.

    Avoid taking RELENZA via nebulizer, since cases of death are known (see solutions that are used in nebulizers). The lactose contained led to blockage of the device, which impaired its functioning, therefore no treatment occurred. RELENZA should only be used using a device that dispenses powder.

    ISOPRINOSINE is a drug with immunomodulatory properties. Normalizes the deficiency of cellular immunity. The advantage of the syrup is its sweet plum taste, which any child will undoubtedly like. The medicine is indicated not only for ARVI, but also for mumps, herpes viruses, and viral hepatitis.

    ENGISTOL is a homeopathic medicine that is used in the complex treatment of influenza and other viral diseases. In case of acute onset of the disease, take a single age dose every 15 minutes for the first 2 hours, then switch to taking 3 times a day.

    OCILOCOCCINUM is also a homeopathy. If within 3 days from the start of treatment the condition has not improved or worsened, you should consult a doctor.

    AFLUBIN is a homeopathic remedy that stimulates the synthesis of interferon. It is considered the best antiviral drug for children and adults. When used for medicinal purposes, it reduces chills and normalizes temperature, reduces inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, runny nose and cough.

    AFLUBIN also reduces pain in muscles and joints, activates the body's defenses and prevents the development of complications. It is recommended to keep the medicine in your mouth for a while before swallowing. For ease of use for children, dilute in a spoon of water. At the beginning of the disease, take every 30-60 minutes, but no more than 8 times a day.

    CYTOVIR-3 is an immunostimulating therapy that has an indirect effect against influenza A and B viruses and other viruses that cause acute respiratory viral diseases. During repeated courses, periodic monitoring of blood glucose concentration is recommended.

    ERGOFERON also belongs to the group of homeopathic remedies, when used in permitted doses no side effects are observed. The first 2 hours are taken every 30 minutes, then during the first 24 hours - 3 more tablets at regular intervals. If necessary, the medicine can be combined with other antiviral and symptomatic agents.

    ANTIGRIPPIN is an antiviral drug for children over 3 years old. When taking it, it should be borne in mind that the paracetamol and ascorbic acid it contains may distort laboratory test results, such as the quantitative determination of glucose and uric acid in the blood plasma, and bilirubin.

    GRIPPFERON is a broad-spectrum medicine (rhinoviruses, coronaviruses, adenoviruses, influenza, parainfluenza, etc.). When administered intranasally, it provides prolonged contact with the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, acting at the site of primary introduction and reproduction of respiratory viruses.

    Among the antiviral drugs for children 7 years of age and older is AMIXIN IS, which has an immunomodulatory effect. It stimulates the formation of α, β, γ-interferons in the body and is intended for the treatment of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections.

    Ideal because it is compatible with antibiotics and means of traditional treatment of viral and bacterial diseases. For uncomplicated forms of influenza or ARVI, take 60 mg 1 time per day on the 1st, 2nd, 4th day from the start of treatment. If complications of influenza or ARVI occur, take 60 mg 1 time per day on the 1st, 2nd, 4th and 6th day from the start of treatment.

    Find out what should be in a first aid kit for a newborn.

    Cheap analogues

    If antiviral drugs for children are cheap, this does not mean at all that they may be ineffective. Below is an overview of 5 popular budget funds.

    Name Age category Contraindications/adverse reactions Mode of application Average price, rub.
    KAGOCEL, tabletsfrom 3 yearsLactase deficiency, lactose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption / possible development of allergic reactions1 tablet 2 times a day. In the next 2 days - 1 tablet 1 time per day220
    ALPIZARIN, tabletsfrom 1 yearSensitivity to components / nausea, vomiting, headache, allergic reactions0.5-2 tablet 2-4 times a day, 5 days190
    ARBIDOL, tabletsfrom 2 yearsHypersensitivity to components / allergic reactionsSingle dose - 50-100 mg 30 minutes before meals, 4 times a day, 5 days170
    HYPORAMINE, tabletsfrom 3 yearsHypersensitivity to components/increased blood clotting0.5-1 tablet 2-4 times a day, up to 5 days145
    ACICLOVIR, tabletsfrom 2 yearsHypersensitivity to components / anemia, thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain400 mg 4 times a day, 5 days30

    KAGOCEL is an inexpensive but effective antiviral drug and immunostimulant for children. The main mechanism of action is its ability to induce interferon production.

    To achieve a therapeutic effect reception should be started no later than 4 days from the appearance of the first symptoms viral disease. You should be aware that the product contains lactose, so it should not be used if you have hereditary galactose intolerance, lactase deficiency or glucose-galactose malabsorption.

    ALPIZARIN is active against DNA-containing viruses and is a fairly effective antiviral drug for children.

    ARBIDOL is an excellent immunostimulant. Refers to antiviral drugs for children for the prevention and treatment of influenza A and B, ARVI, including those complicated by bronchitis and pneumonia.

    Stimulates the production of interferon, humoral and cellular immune responses, the phagocytic function of macrophages, and increases the body's resistance to viral infections. Reduces the incidence of complications, as well as exacerbations of chronic diseases.

    HYPORAMINE is a herbal medicine that is active against various strains of influenza A and B viruses, adenoviruses, and paramyxoviruses. When prescribing to patients with diabetes, it should be taken into account that it contains sucrose.

    ACICLOVIR is one of the most inexpensive antiviral drugs for children. But, special attention should be paid to maintaining an adequate level of hydration in patients receiving high doses. Contains lactose, so it should not be used in patients with hereditary forms of galactose intolerance.

    Antiviral drugs for children aged 6 years and older include RIMANTADINE, the average cost of which is only 70 rubles. The medicine is effective against influenza A2 virus and influenza caused by type B virus. Application should begin immediately after the first symptoms of the disease appear.. Prescribed 50 mg 2 times a day, treatment duration is 5 days.


    Despite parents having access to an unlimited amount of information on the Internet, getting an answer to the question “How often can antiviral drugs be given to an individual child?” Only an in-person visit to a specialist for an individual consultation can give the answer to which drug is recommended, as well as the duration of the course of treatment.

    Don’t risk your children’s health; remember that viral infections can cause serious complications that will be much more difficult to cure.

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