Useful and healing properties of potatoes - potato treatment. Potatoes for the pancreas

Still think that newfangled syrups, lollipops and pepper patches are the best way to remove phlegm? But no! Any experienced pediatrician will advise you on a completely different time-tested remedy - a potato compress for cough. Rest assured: best result It just doesn't happen. How does this remedy work on respiratory tract?

What are the benefits of potatoes in the treatment of non-productive cough?

Potatoes are good for the body not only because they are rich in potassium food product. It helps get rid of severe cough. In our century, pharmacology is developing with increasing intensity - diversity medicines on the shelves makes you forget about many effective folk remedies. However to a small child curing a cough is not so easy - most medications are prohibited for it. Advanced bronchitis very dangerous for the baby - in children the sputum drops very quickly, otherwise you can wait for pneumonia. In older children, an incompletely cured cough can trigger asthma, and this is not something to joke about.

Treatment of cough with a potato compress has no contraindications. Get rid of unpleasant symptom thus recommended for both children and adults. Potatoes have always been the number one remedy for coughs. It was not only applied to the chest, but also inhaled. Inhaling the vapors of hot boiled potatoes helped to liquefy mucus and remove it from the respiratory tract.

Basic rules for using a compress

Before you start applying a potato compress for a dry cough, you need to know a few rules and precautions. The principles of treatment are:

  1. Do not apply potatoes to the skin immediately after cooking - let them cool slightly! Do not forget that a child has more sensitive and delicate skin, and a compress that is too hot can cause a burn. Besides, beneficial properties The potatoes are hidden in the hot steam, so the pan should be covered immediately, and after the tubers have cooled, they should be quickly crushed and wrapped in gauze.
  2. Never apply potatoes directly to the skin. It’s not for nothing that the procedure is called “warming up with a compress” - the potatoes should be wrapped in gauze.
  3. Lubricate the application site with oil, and after the compress, rub a little cream into the skin. Avoid the heart area - you cannot warm it.
  4. Do not allow the child to go outside immediately after the compress - it should take at least three hours. In addition, if the potato has cooled down, it must be removed from the body immediately. Even if this happened in the middle of the night, the child will let you know when the compress has cooled down - this is usually felt.
  5. Making a compress by any means is ineffective. Potatoes are used for these purposes for good reason - they retain heat for a long time and, as it were, draw out phlegm, softening it.
  6. One potato compress persistent cough cannot be cured. Do not self-medicate, especially when it comes to a baby. Complex therapy using medications will give the best result.

Potato cough compress recipe

How to prepare potatoes for a compress and apply them correctly? The recipe for this medicine couldn’t be simpler, and any housewife can find a couple of potatoes at home. So, to make a potato compress for cough, you will need:

  • two or three medium potatoes;
  • a small piece of gauze or thin cotton fabric;
  • clean towel.

The compress is placed as follows:

  1. The potatoes are boiled directly in their skins until they are completely soft. It is then taken out of the water and crushed directly into the skin.
  2. The crushed potatoes are wrapped in gauze and placed on the patient in front and behind the chest in the bronchi area. Important! The compress should be applied away from the heart, to the right and above, since warming the heart muscle is harmful.
  3. The gauze must be fixed so that it does not move. A paper-based patch is suitable for this. Note! Instead of gauze, you can use polyethylene, for example, wrap potatoes in cling film. This option is less successful, since the skin does not breathe under the film, and when the compress cools down, the cellophane can cause discomfort.
  4. The patient needs to be wrapped in a warm towel and put on warm clothes so that the warmth is retained for a long time.
  5. It is better to make a potato compress for children before bed and leave it overnight - potatoes retain heat for a very long time. After removal, do not swim or go out for 3-4 hours. The application site should be wiped with a napkin and, if necessary, applied with cream so that the patient’s skin does not dry out.

Due to the fact that the compress remains on the skin all night, it warms up the respiratory system as much as possible and thins the mucus. The next morning the cough will be much softer and wetter, and the patient will begin to cough. No pepper plaster or mustard plaster can give such a result. These products can be left on the skin for only half an hour to an hour, and if you forget and fall asleep with any of them, the skin will burn.

It is worth noting that a potato compress helps to cope with a cough, both residual phenomenon after respiratory infection or sore throat. It warms the chest and removes mucus during bronchitis and tracheitis.

As for the nervous allergic cough or cough of any other etiology, then potatoes will not help here - in this case it is impossible to do without adequate treatment with the prescription of tranquilizers, antihistamines and other appropriate medications.

Cough cake made from potatoes, vodka and vegetable oil

Vodka compress is one of the most effective remedies for dry cough. It is applied not only to the chest area, but also to the neck, as it warms the throat and relieves pain in the tonsils. However, such treatment is clearly contraindicated for a small child. But potato cake with butter and vodka will not do any harm at all, but, on the contrary, will soften the cough and remove phlegm. How to do it?

  1. Potatoes are boiled in their skins, peeled and kneaded with a spoonful of butter and vodka.
  2. Next, everything is similar to a regular compress - a ball is formed, which is crushed into a flat cake, wrapped in gauze and applied to the patient’s chest. Rib cage should be well wrapped.
  3. The whole procedure lasts 2-3 hours - there is no need to leave such a compress on all night. Immediately after removing the cake, the patient should be well dressed to consolidate the effect of the procedure.

These potato cough cakes also have contraindications, especially for children - since the compress contains alcohol, it cannot be made at high temperatures. Although the product is harmless, it is better to consult a therapist or local pediatrician before using it.

Potato cake with butter, honey and mustard for cough

What is the main advantage of potatoes? He is unable to provoke allergic reaction, which cannot be said about honey. Honey is a good helper for bronchitis and tracheitis, but it is often simply contraindicated for humans, as it is a strong allergen. If there are no adverse reactions is not observed, potato cake can be made with honey and mustard. To do this you will need:

  1. Boil the potatoes and mash them into a flat cake, adding one spoon at a time vegetable oil, honey and mustard.
  2. Wrap the product in gauze. The recipe contains mustard, so it is better to wrap the flatbread three times so as not to burn the skin.
  3. Secure the compress to the chest, wrap the patient in a warm blanket and leave until the morning.

Mustard is needed to retain the heat inside the gauze longer. Honey and potatoes will have a softening effect, and the next morning the patient will begin to gradually cough up the mucus that has dropped.

During the day, you can also treat yourself with other means, for example, breathing in steam. Inhalations moisten the airways and quickly turn a dry cough into a productive one. Once again, boiled potatoes will come to the rescue. For inhalation you will need:

  • Boil several potatoes without skins in a large saucepan and after cooking, drain the water completely;
  • sit in front of the pan, bend over it and cover your head with a towel so that the steam does not escape;
  • inhale hot air as slowly as possible so that all bronchi and lungs are filled with hot steam.

Such procedures are absolutely harmless; even pregnant women can do them without fear for the health of the baby.

Obviously, there is nothing wrong with a potato compress: such a remedy has only one benefit. Potatoes retain heat for a long time, warm the bronchi and turn a dry cough into a productive one. By applying potatoes daily, you can get rid of bronchitis much faster than with syrups and tablets alone. Inhalations also won’t hurt – they dilute mucus and provoke coughing. Both pregnant women and children can safely treat a cough with boiled potatoes - this remedy has no contraindications or side effects.

Potatoes are a perennial or annual herbaceous plant. The flowers are white, pink or purple. Blooms in July. The fruits are spherical multi-seeded berries. Ripen in August. Potato - most important source vitamin C. It is rich in lysine, leucine, starch, potassium and sugars (mainly sucrose and glucose). Potatoes contain 32 microelements, of which potassium is considered very important (there is 1.5 times more of it in the peel). All organs of the plant are used for treatment, but most often the tubers. Tubers have antiulcer and anti-inflammatory effects.

Treatment folk remedies(potato):

Let fresh potato juice sit for 1 hour, drain, combine with cranberry juice and drink 1/2 cup 3 times a day.

Periodically carry out “potato days”, consuming mainly potato juice, potato water or baked potatoes.

Drink 1/2 cup of raw potato juice 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

1) Take 14 days in a row on an empty stomach 30 minutes before meals, monitoring blood pressure, 1 tablespoon of grated raw potatoes or a solution of 15 g of starch in 1/2. glasses of boiled water.
2) Drink a decoction of potatoes boiled in their skins (1-2 glasses daily), and also eat baked potatoes in their jackets with their skins.
3) Drink a decoction or infusion from potato peels: rinse the potato peelings thoroughly, pour boiling water, boil for 10 minutes, leave and drink 2 tablespoons 4 times a day before meals. The dosage can be increased.

Drink 1 glass of raw potato juice daily on an empty stomach, then do not eat anything for 1 hour, preferably lie down for 30 minutes. The course of treatment is 10 days.

Reduced potency
There are baked potatoes.

Cancerous tumor
For a cancerous tumor (regardless of its location), drink an infusion of potato flowers. Brew 1 tablespoon of dried potato flowers with 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave in a water bath for 3 hours (you can leave for 3 hours in a thermos). Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Thus, during the course of treatment you need to drink 4 liters of infusion.

Decreased vision
Pour 1 tablespoon of potato tuber sprouts - sprouted in the cellar - with 1 glass of vodka. Leave for 1 week. Take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.

Pulmonary tuberculosis
Eat potatoes cooked whole with their skins on, and also drink raw potato juice from July to February.

Grate green tops, potatoes and squeeze out the juice. Drink juice, starting with 1/2 teaspoon and increasing to 1/2 glass.

Gastric ulcer and duodenum, hyperacid gastritis, headache, spastic constipation
1) Grate raw potatoes and squeeze out the juice. Take 1/2 cup 1 hour before meals, then lie down without getting up for 30 minutes. The course of treatment is 1 week, then take a break for 1 week and drink the juice again for a week.
2) Take 1/2 cup of potato juice with 1 tablespoon of honey in the morning on an empty stomach and at night (also on an empty stomach) - 3/4 cup of potato juice with honey.
3) Peel the potatoes, cut into cubes and boil without salt. Take 1/2-1 glass of decoction 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Alcohol intoxication
To sober up, it is recommended to eat raw potatoes grated (preferably in their skins) on a fine grater.

Take small potatoes (tubers with sprouts and even potato peelings are suitable). Wash the tubers thoroughly and cook in a small amount of water so that steam comes from the potatoes and not from the water, until a typical potato smell appears. Inhale the steam through your nose and mouth for 10-15 minutes (you can add 2 validol tablets). After inhalation, you should immediately go to bed to avoid hypothermia. If inflammatory processes are particularly acute, procedures can be carried out in the morning and evening.

1) To relieve pain in the joints and legs, it is recommended to apply compresses from green potatoes crushed on a grater or in a meat grinder to sore spots. Wash the potatoes thoroughly and chop without removing the skins. Place the resulting mass in hot water and heat to a temperature just above 38°C. Then, without squeezing, place the potatoes in a bag made of burlap. Moreover, the bag itself should be shaped like the shin, ankle joint or fingers, depending on where you need to put the compress. You should first place an oilcloth under the bag. The thickness of the potato layer should be 1.5-2 cm. Wrap the sore spot with this bag and cover it with oilcloth, then bandage it so that nothing leaks out of the compress. You should go to bed with the compress, placing your foot on a pillow. Sleep comes quickly as soon as you feel warm. If the compress does not heat, it means it is poorly made. The pain goes away within 20-30 minutes and does not recur until next exacerbation. Apply the compress daily at night. This must be done within 7 days, and after that - according to the result. If the pain disappears in the first 2-3 days and then does not reappear, there is no further need to apply a compress.
2) Drink potato decoction in the morning on an empty stomach, then during the day and before bed. It is also recommended to eat 1-2 potatoes - raw, finely chopped on a grater along with the peel.
3) Indians use next way treatment: whole potato tubers are applied to the sore joints, and if the joints of the fingers are swollen, then the potato is played in the hand like a ball, and at night a glove with a potato is put on the hand or the potato is tied to the sore joint.

Cut a raw potato in half and apply the cut side to the wart, then connect both halves together and bury them, but bury them so that the potatoes do not germinate. Some modern healers recommend not burying potatoes, but putting them in the freezer. In a few days the wart will disappear.

Varicose veins
Places with swollen veins should be soaked in fresh potato juice several times a day or applied with bandages? dipped in this juice. It is good to combine this procedure with drinking potato juice.

High temperature
Grate 2 raw potatoes on a coarse grater. Pour 1 tablespoon of vinegar into the resulting mass and place it on a clean cloth or gauze folded in several layers. The fabric should be as wide as possible so that the mashed potatoes can be wrapped in it. Apply the finished compress to the forehead, and after a while change it by preparing a fresh one. In the same way, a potato compress is prepared for a sore throat. Place the potatoes wrapped in cloth on your throat. Wrap your neck well with a scarf or handkerchief.

1) To relieve pain and relieve inflammation, it is recommended to use potato suppositories. Before the procedure, you can sit for 30 minutes in a warm bath, then insert into anus potato candle, cut from raw peeled potatoes, the size of a finger (6-8 cm). To facilitate the procedure, a potato candle can be greased with sunflower oil. You can leave it on all day - it does not interfere with walking. If you need to go to the toilet, the candle should be thrown away, and after cold washing the anus (or better yet, cold douching of the rectum with a small enema with 1/2 glass of water), insert a fresh candle. If you carefully and carefully apply this method, then hemorrhoids will disappear in a few days, but the procedure should be done within 10 days. If necessary, the course of treatment is repeated after 1-2 months.
2) Grate a raw potato, squeeze the juice into 1 tablespoon and use a small syringe to insert into the anus overnight. This procedure should be carried out for 10 days. Be sure to squeeze juice from whole potatoes (with skin).
3) Fill a 3-5 liter saucepan with potato peelings, add water so that the peelings are just covered, and boil. Pour all the contents into a suitable vessel such as a chamber pot and, sitting on it, take steam “inhalation” for 15-20 minutes. To reduce heat transfer to environment and keep the steam in this way longer, place the vessel with cleaning in a basin with hot water. In this case, after defecation, you should definitely wash yourself with cold water.

If the torn hangnail begins to tear, then you should take potato peelings and apply the white side to your finger, tying it. Change the potato wrapper several times a day.

1) Cut hot potatoes in their jackets and place them on the chest, greased with turpentine.
2) Boil 4-5 potatoes in their skins, but so that they do not boil. Place several sheets of paper on your chest or back, and place hot potatoes cut in half on them. Wrap yourself up from above. As they cool, remove the sheets of paper. Carry out this procedure in the evenings.
3) Apply cut hot potatoes to your throat for a throat cough.
4) Boil the potato pieces (or peel them), drain the water, put them in a double plastic bag, tie them, then wrap them in a linen towel (2-3 layers) and secure them on the chest. Be careful not to get burned. Warm up your chest for 1 hour. Several such procedures - cough and hoarseness disappear. Potatoes “take over” the negative field of the disease, and soft heat promotes good blood circulation in the diseased area. This method is especially good for a child with allergies, for whom mustard plasters are contraindicated.

Mix in 1/2 cup potato starch and 1/2 cup sunflower oil. Place the mixture in a gauze bag and tie it to your chest for 1 hour.

Bags under the eyes
Apply a warm potato cut in half to your eyes; boiled with peel. Keep for 30 minutes. It is advisable to lie down at this time.

1) A mask of mashed potatoes mixed with boiled beans helps remove wrinkles around the eyes.
2) For early neck wrinkles, it is recommended to add 1 teaspoon of liquid honey to 2 tablespoons of soft warm mashed potatoes and mix quickly. Place on a piece of cloth and wrap it around your neck. Cover with wax paper and bandage or bandage with a scarf. Keep this compress for at least 30-40 minutes, then rinse with water at room temperature. The compress can be used 2-3 times a week.
3) Boil a large tuber in its peel, peel and mash. Add 1 tablespoon of warm milk to warm mashed potatoes. Heat the resulting mass in a water bath. Apply a thin layer of the hot mixture onto your face, cover with a thick napkin or towel and leave for 15-20 minutes. After the procedure, if the skin is dry, carefully remove the mask with a linen cloth moistened with hot (40-45°C) milk, if oily - cool boiled water. Apply nourishing cream, which matches your skin type. After such a potato mask, the skin becomes elastic, smooth, soft, and wrinkles disappear.
4) With aging, dry, sluggish, loose skin Add 1 yolk and 1 tablespoon of milk to warm mashed potatoes. The mask is applied to the face and neck and then washed off with an infusion of mint and linden flowers, taken in equal parts.
5) Grate raw potatoes, mix them in equal parts with wheat flour and milk and apply to the skin of the face and neck. This mask is used by many American actresses who want to avoid even minor signs of skin aging.

Runny nose, sinusitis
1) Boil the potatoes in their skins, drain the water. Wrap yourself up and breathe over the steam of potatoes. The potatoes can be mashed additionally.
2) Quickly roll a hot potato over the forehead, nose, ears, and then cut it and apply one half to the forehead and the other to the wings of the nose. You can “roll” 3-4 potatoes in this way per day. After the procedure, be sure to wear a bandage made of soft woolen fabric on your forehead.

If the skin of your hands is red from frost, it is enough to hold your hands in warm potato water several times. A potato compress is used to treat frostbitten areas of the skin on the face. The tubers boiled in their skins should be quickly mashed and immediately, while the puree is hot enough, applied to the affected area on a piece of gauze or cloth. Hold the compress until it cools down, and then wipe the frostbitten area several times with cotton wool dipped in lemon juice diluted with water.

1) Grate the peeled potatoes. Apply the resulting mass onto a gauze napkin folded 4-5 times and bandage it to the affected area of ​​the skin. After 2 hours, remove the potato mixture and replace it with fresh one.
2) Immediately after a burn with boiling oil or a hot frying pan, as well as after scalding with boiling water, apply fresh potatoes to the sore spot. The potato should be cut lengthwise and applied to the burn site. Apply new potato slices every 2-3 minutes until the pain subsides. Thanks to potatoes, blisters will not even appear at the burn site, the pain will be softened and the wound will be covered with a protective layer of starch.
3) Apply the pulp of grated raw potatoes to the affected area, squeezing it slightly and wrapping it in cotton fabric. This procedure must be carried out several times a day and at night, combining lotions and compresses with ingestion of raw potatoes.
4) Moisten the burn areas several times a day with fresh potato juice or apply bandages soaked in this juice. It is good to combine this procedure with drinking potato juice, taking part of the juice from the portion to lubricate the burn.
5) Sprinkle the burn with potato starch mixed with baking soda in a 1:1 ratio.
6) Apply a compress of cooled water to the affected area. oatmeal jelly, mixed with potato starch.
7) If the esophagus is burned by caustic substances, it is necessary to prepare potato juice as soon as possible (in a juicer or meat grinder) and drink 1/2 cup immediately and after 30-40 minutes another 1/2 cup.
8) If your facial skin is burned, it is recommended to make a potato mask: boil the potatoes in their skins, peel them, grind them with sour cream and apply the resulting warm paste to your face.

Take grated raw potatoes and honey in equal proportions, put the paste on a napkin and apply to the spine for 2 hours. The pain goes away.

Apply compresses of grated raw potatoes or thinly sliced ​​raw potato slices to swollen areas.

Polyarthritis, rheumatism
Carry raw potatoes with you throughout the day. After some time, the potatoes will turn black and should be thrown away immediately.

Renal colic
Whenever renal colic The patient benefits from a warm bath for 20 minutes. After the bath, go to bed and put a poultice of mashed, boiled potatoes in their skins on your stomach.


1) Do inhalations over boiled potatoes. Place potato peels in a saucepan with water, cook and breathe over the steam for 10 minutes. Carry out the procedure daily 1-2 times a day until cure.
2) If the temperature is high, apply a potato compress to the forehead - the heat will subside within 1 hour. The compress is prepared as follows: grate 2 raw potatoes with skins on a coarse grater, add 1 tablespoon of vinegar, wrap the resulting mass in a clean cloth or gauze.

1) Grate 1 kg of raw potatoes (preferably pink). Fold the linen fabric in half, spread the potato pulp in the middle, fold it, and wrap it around the sore spot. It’s good to tie something warm on top. Cover the patient with a blanket all night. Apply compresses every other day. At the same time, take 5 drops of aspen tar, diluted in 1/4 cup of vodka, daily orally at night. Drink for 1.5 months. Used for rheumatic pain.
2) Good effect gives the combination of external use of Potatoes with the intake of raw potato juice - at least 1/2 glass per day. The course of treatment is 1 month, sometimes to consolidate the treatment a second course is carried out after a week's break.
3) Boil broth from potato peels, drink it and apply compresses to sore spots.

Apply a compress of potato starch on cotton wool to the affected areas.

Apply raw potatoes, mashed into pulp or cut into slices, to the inflamed gums.

Chronic tonsillitis
Boil 1 tablespoon of potato flowers in 1 glass of water. Gargle with this decoction 3 times a day for 10 days. Take a break for 1 month and repeat the course.

Insect bites
Apply a slice of raw potato to the bite site; the itching from the bite will soon go away.

Apply baked onions and baked potatoes to the boil alternately to ripen the boil.

Inhale the vapors of potatoes boiled in their jackets. Apply cut, boiled potato tubers to the chest, greased with turpentine or goat fat.

Today I want to talk about my treatment experience raw potatoes. You will be surprised, but they can cure many things, even cancerous tumors.

Raw potatoes contain the following useful substances, like phosphorus, potassium, sulfur. This is why raw potato juice is so beneficial. When heat treated, potatoes lose their medicinal properties.

There is a variety of potato called sweet potato. It has a sweeter taste, which is a consequence high content natural sugars. It also contains three times more calcium, two times more sodium, more than two times more silicon, and more than four times more chlorine. If you want to try this remedy, keep in mind that there should be no smudges or rotten spots on the potatoes.

When I was still very young, one unpleasant incident happened to me, which, nevertheless, revealed to me healing power potatoes.

How to cure an abscess on your leg with potatoes

It all started with a bump under my knee that made it difficult to walk. I don’t like things like this on myself and they always beckon you to do something with them. Well, I picked it up. The next day the abscess grew larger and began to fester. I had to go to the hospital because things were taking an unpleasant turn. The doctor was horrified by the state of affairs and scared me no less. They gave me several injections to stop the infection and sent me home.

On the same day, having learned about this problem, a neighbor came to us. She brought some gruel from ungrated potatoes with her and wrapped it around my leg. After some time I felt better, the pain subsided and I fell asleep. In the morning it turned out that the infection had gone away and only a small trace remained of the terrible abscess.

Potatoes for burns

A few years later, another incident happened. One day my mother, while removing a cast iron pot from a hot stove, scalded her hand. The neighbor who heard the screams did not have to wait long. Quickly realizing the reason for these heartbreaking sounds, she grated several potatoes in a bowl and plunged her mother’s hand into it. Immediately after this, she began to make a second portion of the paste, where she placed the victim’s hand. They did several such changes and in the end there weren’t even any blisters on the hand. There was only redness, which disappeared after a few days.

Potatoes for colds

There's another one interesting fact about “potato magic.” During the war and after its end, women treated their children for colds by covering them in a blanket and bending them over a cast iron with hot potatoes.

The therapy of “stomping” hot potatoes also deserves attention. The point is that you need to boil the potatoes and... start stomping them! But I thought it was quite harsh and I decided to do it a little differently. I minced the potatoes in a meat grinder and tied a kind of flatbread to my leg. After a few days the leg began to feel better, and after a week it felt great.

For those who were inspired by the idea of ​​potato treatment, it must be said that such dressings need to be changed every two hours, since this, like any method of external use, is useful only during this time.

Potato flowers for cancer

When cancer occurs in internal organs, use an infusion of potato flowers. The recipe looks something like this: pour three tablespoons of potato flowers with 1.5 cups of boiling water and leave in a warm place (you can, for example, use a thermos for this) for three hours. You need to take half a glass three times a day half an hour before meals for 14 days.

Potato juice cleanse

Potato juice also cleanses the body well.

Fresh potato juice, grown without the use of artificial fertilizers, is quite tasty in itself, and when mixed with carrot juice (no less healthy) it gives very good results.

For example, it helps with digestive disorders and nervous diseases. I recommend mixing: 100 grams of potato and celery juice and 200 grams of carrot juice. If any ingredient is initial stage causes you discomfort, reduce the amount and increase gradually.


Finally, it must be said that raw potatoes contain easily digestible sugars, which turn into starch when cooked. Prone to sexual arousal, as well as those suffering venereal diseases, it is better to refrain from consuming it.

How to store potatoes at home

Before sending potatoes to fallow areas, you need to sort them. If it is completely spoiled, throw it away, and if the situation is not advanced, then you can make starch from spoiled potatoes at home.

Ideal places storage - underground, cellar and basement with sufficient ventilation. For convenience, it is better to arrange the potatoes by variety in wooden boxes so that it is convenient to control the condition of the product.

The temperature should be about 16-18 degrees, and the humidity at 80-90%.

It is important to comply with storage conditions during the first 20 days, then the tubers are practically in no danger.

At high temperatures the tubers will begin to sprout very quickly. To avoid this, you need to maintain the temperature at 1-2 degrees. But, unfortunately, this is often impossible to do at home. Therefore, you sometimes need to ventilate the room with potatoes with cold air. Then the potatoes can store cold for some time.

Seed potatoes

Before planting, seed potatoes need to be germinated in daylight (direct rays should not fall) at a temperature of 16-19 degrees. There is no need to bury the seeds deeply (more than 20 centimeters).

If you plant seeds with green sprouts already emerging, then in about a week the potatoes will already sprout.

Hello friends!

It would seem that we know everything about potatoes and consider this our favorite vegetable to be primordially Russian. Potatoes are our second bread. But, in addition to eating it, you can also use potatoes for treatment. And today’s publication is about treatment with raw potatoes, potato juice, as well as potato sprouts and flowers. Personally, I always remember potatoes first if something happens.

A little history. Already in the 4th century AD, potatoes were consumed by Indians South America. Not only was it their main food, they revered potatoes as a deity.

Potatoes came to Europe from South America around 1551.

And Peter I is already in late XVIII centuries brought to us the first potato fruits from Holland.

Now we have potatoes on our table almost every day. In the Kemerovo region, in the city of Mariinsk, they even erected a monument to potatoes. Here's a positive one:

Although China, not Russia, still occupies the lead in potato production in the world.

Why are potatoes valuable?

Potatoes contain a lot complex carbohydrates in the form of starch, fiber, dietary fiber, a lot of vitamin C. Here it should be noted that vitamin C is absorbed only in its raw form; it is not preserved in either boiled or baked potatoes.

Potatoes are rich in a variety of microelements, so it is very important to include them in your menu, and especially for people involved in physical activity, athletes, to strengthen muscles, as well as to strengthen nerves and the heart, since this product contains such a useful element as potassium.

Potatoes are not only useful to eat, but can also be used for treatment. This is such a miracle that cures almost everything! I have already mentioned it in many blog posts. Now it’s time to tell you more about potato treatment.

In all recipes, however, as well as for food, we only use potatoes good quality, in no case turned green or with sprouts, such fruit contains dangerous poison. Most often, it becomes such by February. So it is preferable to treat with potatoes from May-June to December-January.

Treatment with raw potatoes

Probably the most famous method of treatment with raw potatoes is its external use.

These could be:

  • burns
  • boils
  • papillomas and warts
  • bruises
  • swelling
  • calluses
  • cracked heels
  • eczema, ulcers, hives, lupus and other skin diseases
  • fungal infections
  • purulent lesions
  • insect bites
  • osteochondrosis and rheumatism
  • and others

To treat affected areas, raw potatoes (often with the peel) are grated, placed on several layers of gauze and attached to the affected area of ​​the skin.

Change the bandage as it dries. It can be done as many times a day as you like.

Potatoes reduce pain and swelling, and healing occurs faster.

In some cases, as emergency assistance You can even just cut a small raw potato in half and apply the cut to the sore spot.

One day I poured boiling water on myself and after cooling my leg with water, I immediately applied grated raw potatoes - the first thing that came to my mind. And then when further treatment I alternated it with ointments. I think he was a huge help to me.

The anti-inflammatory properties of potatoes are greatly enhanced by the addition of.

For the skin diseases listed above, one teaspoon of honey is enough for half a glass of grated potato pulp.

To relieve pain due to osteochondrosis, potatoes and honey are mixed in equal proportions.

Back in 1956, Czechoslovakian scientists found that potatoes are the best blood purifier of all vegetables in the world.

And the method of cleansing with raw potatoes is as follows: every morning on an empty stomach you need to eat half a glass of finely grated, literally mashed, raw potatoes, not chewing, but swallowing, washing down with water.

In an hour and a half you can have breakfast.

There are no time limits for taking potatoes, listen to your body. In a few weeks, according to herbalist Vitaly Ostrovsky, whose recipe I found on YouTube, all your diseases will disappear.

I must say, I was curious about who Vitaly Ostrovsky was, watched his videos, got acquainted with the tips and recipes on his website and I think that his treatment method, which is based on proper nutrition, is completely worthy of attention and can be trusted.

Treatment with potato juice

Potato juice has been used for treatment for a long time.

Since potatoes contain a lot of alkaline elements, their use normalizes the acid-base balance in the body. Therefore, potato juice helps treat gastritis with increased acidity, it is drunk for stomach and duodenal ulcers.

Potato juice inhibits secretion gastric glands, relieves pain, promotes scarring of ulcers.

How to make potato juice

3-4 potatoes are washed, peeled (but not necessarily) and grated on a fine grater. Then squeeze the juice through cheesecloth. Let it sit for a couple of minutes so that the starch settles and drink it immediately. The juice must be prepared fresh each time and cannot be stored.

Treatment of gastritis

People suffering from gastritis with high acidity are recommended to drink potato juice 2-3 times a day. This should be done 30 minutes before meals. Moreover, you should start taking it with 1/4 glass and gradually increase the dose to half a glass. For preventive purposes, it is useful to drink potato in spring and autumn. The course of admission is two weeks.

Ulcer treatment

I've heard a lot of comments about complete cure stomach ulcers in people who drink potato juice.

It should be taken for 20 days, ½ cup 4 times a day (three times - half an hour before meals and the 4th time before bedtime).

They say that relief comes already on the second day of use.

Headache, hypertension

Take 50 ml juice. twice a day before meals.


Mix potato juice with the same amount of beet juice, take 100 ml three times a day.

Runny nose

Since potatoes contain vitamin C, as well as substances that strengthen vascular wall, it is useful for a runny nose. Squeeze some juice from potatoes and put it in your nose.


It is often more convenient to treat burns with juice lotions than with grated potatoes. They need to be changed every three hours.


  • gastritis with low acidity
  • renal failure
  • diabetes mellitus

Treatment with potato decoction

I think that many in childhood had to treat a runny nose, sore throat and cough with potato decoction. I do this very often!

To do this, set the potatoes in their jackets to cook in a saucepan. Then we remove the saucepan from the heat, place it in front of us, cover ourselves with a large towel and do inhalation - breathe over the vapors. We perform this procedure once a day before bed for 5-10 minutes.

Potato steam helps to expectorate mucus and reduce inflammation.

Potato broth is also used for frostbite.

After the sensitivity of frostbitten limbs is restored, it is useful to keep them in warm potato broth for about 30 minutes.

Treatment with potato sprouts and flowers

You cannot eat potatoes that have sprouts because of the formation of corned beef poison not only in the sprouts themselves, but also in the peel, but the potato sprouts themselves can even be used for treatment. After all, such a poison in small doses, subject to the rules of administration, removes viruses and fungi, heals wounds, and even fights cancer. Corned beef is also found in potato flowers.

At chronic tonsillitis For colds, make a decoction of potato flowers (one tablespoon per glass of water) to gargle a sore throat.

But the use of infusions or tinctures from potato sprouts and flowers internally raises my doubts. I don’t want to simply rewrite recommendations from the Internet, especially since the recipes are somewhat scattered, and I haven’t found any other material on this topic.

The method of application alarmed me. Since it is still a poison, albeit diluted with water, there can be no errors in the dosage regimen. And the recommendations are as follows: take both a teaspoon and a tablespoon; sometimes there is a method of administration, starting with one drop dissolved in 50 ml of water with a gradual increase to 20 drops, which is closer to the truth, as it seems to me. But here, after bringing the number of drops to 20, it is advised to interrupt the intake for several days. Maybe this is how it should be, I won’t argue, I’m not strong in this topic. I had the opportunity to take various useful poisons, and I know that usually when taking poisons there is a scheme with an increase in the number of drops and their accumulation in the body, and then the same gradual withdrawal of poisons with a decrease in the number of drops taken. It was this moment that raised my doubts. If anyone has taken sprout tinctures, please share your results and recipes.

At severe cough and bronchitis effective means to alleviate the condition of the patient and his full recovery are various compresses. They are good because this method can be used as an alternative to treatment with medications, which often cause side effects.

Mechanism of therapeutic effect

The therapeutic effect of using compresses is obtained as a result of the following processes occurring in the body under the influence of heat:

  • vasodilation;
  • activation of blood supply to blood vessels;
  • development of immunity to viral infections.

As a result of active blood circulation, overall well-being improves. Accelerated blood flow helps remove the virus from the body faster.


There are many options medicinal compresses. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. The most common way to treat cough using compressive methods is a potato compress. Its popularity is due to the following advantages:

  • availability of ingredients. Potatoes will always be found at home; you don’t have to run out to get them;
  • ease of use. Making a compress does not require much effort and time;
  • potatoes retain heat for a long time and provide deep heating;
  • Suitable for treating both adults and children. This product is non-allergenic, odorless and does not cause discomfort when applying.
  • The effectiveness of treatment has been tested for more than one generation.

How to prepare and apply correctly

To prepare a potato compress for coughing you need:

  • take several small potatoes (those that you won’t mind throwing away after use);
  • Boil them in a saucepan with water directly in the peel until soft;
  • After finishing cooking, drain the water from the pan and, without allowing the potatoes to cool, transfer them to a small plastic bag and tie them tightly. The package should be tight enough so that it does not tear;
  • press the potatoes inside the bag. There is no need to mash the potatoes, you just need to give the potatoes a flat shape;
  • prepare two fabric strips. It is better to use natural fabric - linen or cotton. This will help avoid skin irritation and provide better thermal conductivity;
  • Alternatively, you can make a potato compress using vegetable oil. After mashing the potatoes, place them on gauze bandage and add small quantity sunflower oil. There is no need to put the ingredients in the bag, just cover the entire structure on top. This option will allow you to retain heat longer.

It should be remembered that when elevated temperature body, the use of hot compresses is prohibited. Since this can cause an even greater increase in temperature and lead to a deterioration in well-being.

After the compress is ready, we begin to apply it. To do this, we need to decide on the place where we will apply the bandage - the chest area or the back.

When applying a compress to the chest, avoid the heart area. It is better to place it a little higher, closer to the throat.

The compress application process is as follows:

  • apply one cloth bandage to your bare body;
  • on top of the bandage, place a bag of potato cakes or gauze with crushed potatoes soaked in oil;
  • cover the bag or gauze with a second cloth bandage;
  • wrap a warm scarf around the top.

The application time of the compress is approximately 1.5 - 2 hours, or until it cools completely. It is not recommended to leave the bandage on all night and fall asleep with it on. Cold compress has the opposite effect and can provoke a new coughing attack.

Relief from using this method of treatment occurs after the first procedure. However, it is worth remembering that only complex use All treatment methods will have a significant effect and bring complete recovery.