Elimination of diastema. How to close the gap between teeth? Methods of complex treatment of dental diastema

Beautiful teeth are the key to a dazzling and beautiful smile. But sometimes it can be disturbed by a diastema or gap between the front teeth, its size ranges from 1 to 10 millimeters.

More often, such an anomaly occurs between the front teeth on the upper jaw, less often on the lower jaw. This condition not only affects the attractive appearance, but also affects the clarity and pronunciation of speech.

A similar condition also occurs between the incisors, then it is called false. During this time, the defect can close on its own.

Types of defect

In total, there are three types of diastema depending on the position of the teeth in relation to each other:

  1. In the first option the crowns of the incisors located in the center are deviated to the side. The position of the roots in this scenario remains normal.
  2. In the second option The central incisors are completely displaced to the sides. This condition is hereditary and often occurs in children and their parents or close relatives.
  3. With the third option the central incisors along with the roots are displaced medially. It is very rare to encounter such a condition.


Diastema is often inherited; the main reason is that the frenulum of the lower lip is attached too low. Exactly this the anomaly becomes a prerequisite for the formation of a gap between the front teeth.

But there are other causes, among which the first place is the early loss of the front row of baby teeth. Permanent incisors may grow incorrectly or are small (microdentia), which leads to the development of anomalies.

Due to the anomaly of the incisors, which grow on the sides and are ultimately smaller than the normal size, they lead to the formation of a gap. The resulting space is occupied by the central teeth.

Also factors provoking the violation:

  1. Bad habits, when a person constantly bites his nails, pencils, seeds or crackers, also lead to the development of diastema, in particular, lateral deviation of crowns.
  2. Reason turning teeth sideways serve as additional teeth or low attachment of the frenulum of the lower lip. This is also facilitated by excessive compaction of the bones in the area of ​​the palatal suture, abnormal position of the lateral incisors and canines.
  3. When turning inward The cause is extra teeth.

Knowing the causes of holes between the front teeth, you can successfully fight diastema, especially since there are many methods for this.

Remedies: a full range of measures

In order to say goodbye to diastema forever, there are many techniques that are used depending on the indications and clinical situation.

If an excessive gap has appeared between the front teeth and it causes discomfort, then this can be corrected using the following methods:

The photo shows how the diastema disappeared after wearing braces

The doctor’s choice when eliminating the disorder depends on the reason why it appeared. What matters is the expression and desire of the person being offered treatment. Not every person will agree to wear unattractive braces or undergo surgery for several years.

Features of eliminating defects in children

If dysthema or trema occurs in a child, treatment should begin as early as possible. First, the doctor needs to establish the true cause of the appearance and nature (false or true).

Additionally, an x-ray is taken; in case of a true diastema, the suture will be traced between the roots or a groove will be formed. When filling the seam with connective or bone tissue, a plastic surgery is performed. Surgery is painful, and the wound takes a long time to heal.

If the reason lies in baby teeth or their excessive size, they are simply removed and then they do not interfere with the normal growth of the central incisors.

Trema, as a type of diastema, requires special attention.

Trema is also a crack, but not the same

Another type of gap between teeth is called trema. Similar defects are located between the front and side teeth in the upper and lower jaw. Trema is a not too wide gap and is located between any teeth.

The cause of the disorder may be excessive development of the jaw bones or an anomaly in the size of the dentition, which is manifested by excessively small sizes. A similar state is developing. It is during this period that the jaws are in a state of active growth and development.

The normal distance for a trema is considered to be 0.7 mm; if the distance exceeds a millimeter, then we can talk about dental pathology.

A large gap between teeth is more of a cosmetic problem. Such a violation can lead to speech impairment, soft gum tissue is constantly injured, and gum pockets are formed.

In an adult, this condition is a risk factor that increases the likelihood of pathology affecting the dentition.

Very often it develops, the gums suffer from and. In this regard, defects are not so harmless and can cause not only discomfort, but also cause dental pathology. Treatment and consultation with a dentist is required immediately.

For prevention purposes

There are several rules for preventing the development of dental disorders. First of all, it is necessary to completely eradicate bad habits and actively fight them in your child. Constant oral care will allow you to avoid many diseases, in particular, or those that will contribute to the development of gaps.

Regular visits to the dentist will allow you to establish an early diagnosis and prescribe timely treatment. In a child under one year old, a gap between the teeth is an extremely rare occurrence; in adolescence, everything can become very apparent. This is especially likely if the pathology is missed at an early stage of development.

The beauty of your teeth and smile in general depends on how you treat it. Diastema or trema can disrupt this beauty if they were not given due attention at an early stage of development.

Great responsibility falls on the shoulders of parents, who must regularly take their child to see the dentist. Sometimes the choice may be between further progression of the hole between the teeth and wearing braces.

So maybe it’s better to wait a little and then have healthy teeth for the rest of your life? Everyone must find the answer to this question for themselves.

A person has to deal with various defects. Some people are afraid of birthmarks, while others panic because of an incorrect bite. There is another problem known as diastema. Does it need to be treated?

What is diastema

Diastema is a dental anomaly represented by a small gap between the front incisors. The width of the gap varies from 1 to 6 mm, but there are also large pathologies - about 1 cm. A defect is a gap whose dimensions exceed 1 mm. Smaller formations are not considered pathological

The cutting edges of the incisors tilt towards each other, resulting in a triangle-shaped gap. There is another variant of diastema, in which the cutting edges diverge in different directions from the beginning to the edge of the tooth.

For some people, the defect is a cosmetic problem. However, pronunciation is often impaired - a lisp occurs.

If the gap does not occur between the front teeth, then this phenomenon is called trema.

Diastema - gap between the front teeth

The presence of a pathological distance between teeth leads not only to speech defects. The main danger of diastema is damage to the soft tissue of the gums and the formation of pockets. This increases the likelihood of developing dangerous oral diseases -, and, since pieces of food will get stuck in the resulting cavities. It is difficult to clean out the remains; after a while they will begin to rot. This will create favorable conditions for the development of pathogenic bacteria.

Diastema also occurs in children. Its appearance is associated with improper development of baby teeth. After some time, the situation will change by itself, as the fallen milk teeth will be replaced by permanent ones. Parents should monitor this process to avoid the formation of defects. If the diastema does not disappear after the loss of baby teeth, then you need to consult a doctor.

Types of diastemas

There are 2 types of diastema:

  • false;
  • true.

False diastema is typical for children with baby teeth. No specialist intervention is required, since replacing teeth will eliminate the problem. They visit a doctor only if there is a gap between the permanent teeth - this is the true form of the defect.

There is another classification of pathology:

  1. Lateral deviation of the crown: the roots of the tooth are positioned correctly, but the incisors themselves are deviated.
  2. Medial inclination of crowns. The roots of the teeth diverge, and the incisors are directed towards each other.
  3. Corpus lateral displacement (tortoanomaly). The teeth unfold, the degree of defect can reach 90°. The reason is crowded teeth or short frenulums.


The formation of diastema is associated with two types of reasons - objective and subjective. Objective factors are characterized by anomalies in the structure and development of teeth:

  • heredity - in 80% of cases parents have a similar problem;
  • deviation of the shape of the lateral incisors and their size;
  • anatomical structure of the median suture;
  • abnormal location of the tooth opening - close to other incisors;
  • abnormal attachment of the labial frenulum;
  • small lower jaw and large upper jaw - malocclusion;
  • insufficient number of lateral incisors;
  • late loss of baby teeth;
  • discrepancy between the sizes of the jaw and teeth;
  • early eruption of molars, which leads to the displacement of the remaining teeth into empty space;
  • periodontal diseases.

More subjective reasons are external influence factors:

  • habit of chewing hard objects;
  • tongue, lip, finger sucking.


The diagnosis is made during a dental examination. The doctor finds out the reason that led to the violation, so the following methods are used:

  1. Cast and model of the jaw. Using this method, the size of the diastema is assessed.
  2. Orthopantomography and x-ray. The condition of the bone tissue and root system is assessed.
  3. Determination of midline and occlusion.

Be sure to take into account the nature of the malocclusion, the degree of inclination of the incisors, the condition of the frenulum and the size of the gap. To eliminate the problem, different doctors are involved: an orthodontist, a surgeon, an orthopedist and a dentist.


Diastema before treatment and after procedures

The condition is corrected using several methods. The choice of treatment method depends on various factors:

  • patient's age;
  • development of concomitant diseases and pathologies;
  • condition of the incisors and root system.

Can diastema disappear on its own? The answer is yes, but only for young patients whose baby teeth have not yet fallen out and whose permanent teeth have not grown in. With natural tooth replacement, the gap may disappear.

Troubleshooting problems in children

Treatment in children is a special situation in which a thorough diagnosis is carried out, since it is necessary to identify the type of diastema. With a false form, intervention is not always required. When the true form develops in children, x-rays are prescribed. In the picture, the doctor sees that there is a small seam between the teeth. When filling it with connective and bone tissue, surgical intervention is used - corticotomy. During the operation, the density of the palatal suture is disrupted by excision of connective tissue.

In this place, wounds take a long time to heal, which causes a lot of inconvenience for the child. Another method is often used - installing rubber devices. A retainer is then placed to prevent the teeth from returning to their previous position.

If the defect is not characterized by anomalies in the development of teeth, and the desire to eliminate the diastema is caused by cosmetic necessity, then a therapeutic and orthopedic method of treatment is used.

For children under 12 years of age, the orthodontic method is perfect, since the technique involves eliminating the diastema by moving the incisors, and at this age correction is easy.

The development of abnormalities of the frenulum associated with its attachment and shape requires surgical intervention with subsequent correction.

Methods to correct the defect

The following treatment methods for diastema exist:

During therapeutic treatment, the gap between the teeth is closed with special onlays. Componers are used for this - composite veneers made of photopolymer. Componers not only eliminate the gap, but also correct the color, and also relieve the patient of uneven teeth. The event is carried out as follows:

  1. Assess the condition of the teeth.
  2. Select the color of the filling material.
  3. The surface of the front teeth is partially ground.
  4. A composite veneer is applied to the treated area.
  5. Polish the result of the work.

Video about installing veneers on front teeth

The orthopedic technique consists of eliminating the diastema using ceramic veneers and artificial crowns. A ceramic plate is glued to the front of the tooth, leaving the inner surface unchanged:

  1. Grind down the front of the teeth.
  2. An impression is made to make the veneer.
  3. A temporary onlay is placed on the tooth to protect the tissue from external influences.
  4. They try on and adjust the finished material.
  5. The plate is fixed with a special compound.

Crowns are also a means of masking a defect. For production, solid ceramics and metal ceramics are used. The difference between crowns and veneers is that they cover both sides of the tooth, not just the front. The product is also prepared according to the dimensions obtained as a result of measurements. During installation, the teeth are ground down on all sides, which ensures a tight fit of the product.

In the orthodontic method of correcting diastema, special devices are used - removable (vestibular plates) and non-removable (braces). Vestibular plates are more suitable for children. The product corrects malocclusion and also relieves the child of bad habits, which often cause diastema.

The braces system is a chain consisting of several locks connected by an arc. The method is suitable for patients no older than 25 years, since during this period the body is forming, so it is easier to carry out the effect. There is one caveat - to correct the problem, braces are worn for a long time (from 6 months to 2 years). The duration of wearing depends on the type of diastema, as well as the material used. The doctor determines what type of braces and how long to wear.

Braces are effective for eliminating diastema, but have disadvantages - prolonged wear and deterioration in appearance

The following types of bracket systems are distinguished:

  • ceramic;
  • plastic;
  • metal;
  • sapphire;
  • lingual (installed on the inner surface of the teeth);
  • non-ligature (with a system of sliding clamps).

Braces and features of wearing them - video

If the patient is embarrassed to wear braces, then aligners can be used - the product is a transparent mouthguard that helps correct the abnormal position of the teeth. Aligners are removable devices, but they are worn constantly. The product is removed for eating and performing hygiene procedures.

Aligners are removable devices for eliminating dental defects

A common cause of diastema formation is an abnormal frenulum of the upper lip. It is corrected using plastic surgery. To correct the pathology, the following methods are used:

  • excision of the frenulum - frenectomy;
  • dissection of the frenulum - frenulotomy;
  • relocation of the attachment site - frenuloplasty.

The event lasts 15–20 minutes. During the intervention, local anesthesia is used. After the operation, the patient is left with stitches, but they dissolve on their own.

Treatment prognosis and preventive measures

Although diastema is not considered a dangerous formation, experts recommend getting rid of it. The presence of a cavity in which food debris accumulates and pathogenic bacteria multiply will lead to caries or periodontitis.

You shouldn’t hesitate to see a doctor either - it’s easier to remove the gap between your front teeth at a young age. As for correcting pathology in adults, a favorable outcome depends on the actions of the patient. If you follow the doctor's instructions, there are no complications.

Preventive measures are necessary to prevent re-formation of the diastema. However, their effectiveness decreases if the cause of the gap is a hereditary factor.

  • get rid of bad habits: biting or sucking pens, pencils and other objects;
  • promptly eliminate developmental anomalies (correction of frenulum length);
  • visit the dentist for a preventive examination.

Some people come to terms with their defect; for others, the gap between their teeth becomes a disaster. The development of diseases, incorrect pronunciation and changes in appearance are just a small list of troubles that diastema owners face. You should visit a doctor to make an informed decision about closing the gap - the dentist will point out possible risks and give recommendations.

- a visible interdental space separating the central incisors of the upper (less often lower) dentition. Diastema not only represents an aesthetic defect, but also contributes to speech impairment, communication and psychological difficulties. Clarification of the causes and accompanying anomalies of the diastema is carried out using a dental examination, intraoral radiography, orthopantomography, and the study of diagnostic models of the jaws. Treatment of diastema can be carried out by therapeutic (aesthetic restoration), orthopedic (crowns, veneers), surgical (plastic frenulum of the upper lip or tongue), orthodontic (vestibular plates, braces) methods.

General information

Diastema is an abnormal position of the central incisors, characterized by the presence of a free space between them. The interdental gap with diastema can reach values ​​from 1 to 10 mm (on average 2-6 mm). Diastema is one of the most common dentoalveolar deformities, which occurs in approximately 8-20% of the population. In most cases, the interdental gap is located between the upper incisors, but it can also occur in the lower dentition. Diastema is often combined with other anomalies in the position, size and shape of teeth and therefore requires an integrated approach to solving the problem from therapeutic and surgical dentistry, orthodontics and orthopedics.

Causes of diastema

Analysis of clinical observations shows that the most common cause of diastema formation is heredity: in families with a genetic predisposition, about 50% of relatives have this dentition defect.

A significant role in the appearance of diastema is played by anomalies of the frenulum, such as a short frenulum of the tongue, low attachment of the frenulum of the upper lip, massive frenulum of the upper lip, etc. In addition, diastema can occur in the presence of supernumerary impacted teeth, microdentia, partial or multiple edentia, late eruption permanent teeth, jaw tumors (odontoma), alveolar cleft.

Various bad habits (prolonged sucking of pacifiers, biting pens, pencils and other objects, onychophagia, the habit of gnawing seeds, etc.) can cause not only diastema, but also rotation of the central incisors along the vertical axis.

Diastema classification

First of all, a distinction is made between false and true diastema. False diastema is characteristic of the period of change from a temporary bite to a permanent one. This is a normal, natural condition for childhood. Usually, by the time the teeth change, the diastema closes on its own. True diastema is observed in the permanent dentition and does not disappear without special dental care.

Taking into account the location of the interdental space relative to the midsagittal plane, the diastema can be symmetrical or asymmetrical. With a symmetrical type of diastema, both central incisors are displaced laterally by the same distance; with asymmetrical - one incisor is located normally, and the other is significantly displaced in the lateral position.

According to another classification, there are three types of diastema:

  1. with a lateral inclination of the crowns of the central incisors; the roots of the teeth are positioned correctly;
  2. with lateral corpus displacement of the central incisors;
  3. with medial deviation of the crowns and lateral deviation of the roots of the central incisors.

With all types of diastema, there may be a normal position of the incisor crowns (without rotation along the axis), rotation of the incisor crowns along the axis in the vestibular or oral direction.

Symptoms of diastema

All forms of diastema represent a defect in the dentition, expressed to one degree or another. However, some owners of diastema tend to consider it not an aesthetic defect, but rather a kind of “highlight” of appearance and do not see the need for dental care.

However, the interdental space between the central incisors is rarely relatively narrow and parallel. Much more often, due to the deviation of the central incisors, it has a triangular shape with the apex facing the gum or cutting edge of the teeth. In addition, the diastema is often accompanied by a powerful frenulum of the upper lip, the fibers of which are attached to the crest of the alveolar process and woven into the incisive papilla, as well as dental anomalies (trema, microdentia, adentia, rotation of the incisors along the axis), malocclusion (distal, mesial, open, deep, cross). Therefore, many people with diastema experience psychological and physical discomfort and are embarrassed about their appearance and smile. The presence of a diastema favors the development of periodontitis in the area of ​​the anterior teeth.

Diastema may be accompanied by a violation of sound pronunciation (mechanical dyslalia) - whistling, lisp, which in turn creates difficulties in speech communication, limits the choice of professional activity and requires the help of not only a dentist, but also a speech therapist.

Diagnosis of diastema

The presence of a diastema in a patient is revealed during a visual examination of the oral cavity. However, to clarify the causes and type of diastema, a number of additional diagnostic procedures are required: determining the bite, targeted radiography, orthopantomography, taking impressions, making and studying diagnostic models of the jaws. When analyzing data, the position, shape, inclination of the incisors and roots are taken into account; condition of the bridles; the size of the interdental space and the symmetry of the diastema; nature of the bite, presence of impacted teeth, etc.

The problem of choosing the optimal method for eliminating diastema should be solved collectively, with the involvement of various specialists: dental therapists, surgeons, orthodontists,).

If the causative factors of the diastema are abnormalities in the shape and attachment of the frenulum, surgical treatment is performed - plastic surgery of the frenulum of the lips or tongue. In some cases, it is necessary to remove impacted and dystopic teeth, perform interradicular compactosteotomy, followed by orthodontic correction. The orthodontic method of eliminating diastema consists of moving the position of the incisors using removable devices (vestibular plates) or fixed equipment (brackets).

Forecast and prevention of diastema

The variety of clinical forms of diastema dictates the need to draw up an individual treatment plan in each specific case, a clear justification of the criteria for choosing optimal methods and the sequence of treatment stages. This approach makes it possible to achieve optimal aesthetic results in the treatment of diastema, eliminating deficiencies in sound pronunciation and psychological complexes.

The basic rules for preventing diastema boil down to eliminating bad oral habits, eliminating associated maxillofacial anomalies, and regular dental check-ups.

Closing the diastema with composite material

At all times, a smile decides a lot. A beautiful smile conquered cities. And if earlier she did not receive so much attention, then today everything has changed. Positive emotions and good mood help people not only feel healthy, but also become more successful in business, work and life.

Happiness hormones: endorphins, dopamine, serotonin are released when a person is happy and laughs. People with a wide smile and beautiful teeth always look attractive and have great success.

But not many are so lucky. Due to the irregular shape of teeth, many people are affected by complexes. They cannot show their good mood or even smile. And they become withdrawn and gloomy.

In this article we will consider just such a case.

A guy, 30 years old, approached us. He complains of a large diastema. And he is embarrassed by his smile.

Photo 1. – Before proceeding with dental restoration, we must take intraoral photographs to better assess the situation.

In this clinical case, we decided to use the free-hand technique, focusing on the gold standard of tooth sizes.

Photo 2. – From a different angle

Photo 3. – And one more angle. We can see a class 4 cavity in the lateral incisor.

Tooth restoration is the gold standard

Photo 4. – Using a caliper we measure the size of the teeth. We determine the interapproximal size of each tooth in the widest part of the crown.

Photo 5. – We need to know the length of the dental arch. And after performing the calculations, focusing on the gold standard, we will get a new size for each tooth.

Photo 6. – We started selecting colors using the classic VITA scale. In this photo we can see that it is not easy to find the right color using a regular flash.

Polarizing filter in dentistry

Photo 7. – The best option to choose the right color is to use a polarization filter (cross Polarization Filter). For this we can use a camera with a filter or a mobile phone using Smilelite. In this case, color A1 was chosen.

Choice of composite color

Photo 8. – To make sure that we have chosen the right color, we place a 1.5 mm thick composite button on the surface of the tooth and illuminate it. The A1/B1 shade from the new submicron hybrid composite "Billiant Everglow" fits better than its A2/B2 shade.

Photo 9 – Rubber dam insulation provides the ability to create an aseptic and dry environment and improves manual control of the restoration.

Photo 10. – Isolation from premolar to premolar with 2 clamps N208. We used a heavy Nictone rubber dam for better gum retraction.

Photo 11. – Using a nylon brush and abrasive paste, we clean all surfaces of the teeth

Photo 12. – For better adhesion and to remove prism-free enamel, you can use a sandblaster (Aquacut or Rondoflex) with 27 micron aluminum oxide powder.

Photo 13. – In this case we used 35% etch gel. We etch the enamel for 30 seconds.

Photo 14. – Apply the etching with a brush.

Photo 15. – We etch only the edges of the enamel. To close the diastema in this case it is not necessary to cover the entire surface of the enamel.

We use a self-etching universal adhesive. Excess adhesive is removed using an aerator. When the adhesive layer stops moving under the action of the air stream—the thickness of the layer is close to optimal—you can expose it to light.

Photo 16 – Curing for 10 seconds with SPEC 3™ LED (Coltene)

Photo 17. – We begin to apply the composite. For better adaptation and smoothing of the surface, we always use brushes - this time it was Compo Brush (Smile Line)

Photo 18. – We use a caliper to control the new teeth sizes.

Photo 19. – Using the free-hands technique, we form a contact point using transparent matrices.

Photo 20. – All teeth were restored in one visit. Once we have finished layering the composite, we move on to finishing the restorations.

Photo 21 – After preliminary finishing, we contour the restorations. We use abrasive discs to remove excess material and recreate the contours of the tooth.

Photo 22. – There are only 3 stages of finishing: contouring, grinding and polishing. We use abrasive heads to grind all surfaces. Polishing is carried out using abrasive spiral discs. First pink. Then blue.

Photo 23. – Before and after restoration. The diastema is closed. The correct contact point has been created.

Photo 24. – Image with a polarizing filter. A good choice of color is visible.

Photo 25. – Final appearance of the restorations

Photo 26. – Microtexture of the restored tooth

Photo 27. – Before and after

Photo 28. – Photo with occlusion mirror

Photo 29. – Before and after

Photo 30. – New smile... and new emotions...


Every patient dreams of a perfect smile. And it is our duty, as a dentist, to do this with minimal damage to the teeth. Composites are a good choice in these situations, especially as new materials enter the market.

Translated specifically for the website website

Diastema Closure with Composite Material updated: February 22, 2017 by: Alexey Vasilevsky

Diastema is an abnormal position of the front incisors. The disorder manifests itself as a pronounced gap between the central incisors. Most often this pathology occurs on the upper jaw, but it can also occur on the lower jaw. This pathology is clearly visible to others and creates a pronounced cosmetic defect. In addition, the gap between the incisors can cause serious speech impairments.

Diastema in children may be a normal variant during the period of eruption of permanent teeth. At first, the incisors are kept at a distance, but after the remaining teeth erupt, they take their physiological position. Often, preschool children have gaps between their primary incisors. This does not mean that the same problem will occur with permanent teeth. This anomaly in the position of the temporary incisors is usually associated with rapid growth of the jaw.


There are many factors that cause tooth misalignment. But when diastema occurs, heredity plays a leading role. Long-term studies have shown that most patients with a gap between the front incisors have relatives with the same anomaly. The defect is transmitted from parents to children in about half of the cases. In such families, parents should carefully monitor the condition of the child’s teeth and, at the slightest sign of deviation, contact an orthodontist.

The position of the central incisors is significantly influenced by the length, shape and place of attachment of the frenulum of the upper lip. An excessively wide, low-attached frenulum creates an obstacle to the installation of teeth in a physiological position.

Diastema photo.

Diastema occurs in patients with small incisors and a large jaw. This phenomenon is due to hereditary factors.

Certain habits that place constant pressure on the front teeth can cause the front teeth to separate. If a person constantly bites nails, seeds, and various objects, the incisors can not only diverge to the sides, but also bend and turn around. This is especially true in children. Their teeth are the most pliable and easily change their position when exposed to various factors.

What types of diastemas are there?

Diastema can be true or false. As mentioned above, when changing teeth, the incisors can remain at a distance from each other for a certain time, and after the final formation of the bite they take their physiological position. This type of diastema is called false. If after the eruption of all teeth the gap remains, we are talking about a true diastema that needs correction.

The anomaly can be symmetrical or asymmetrical. In the first case, both incisors are displaced from the midline by an equal distance, and in the second, one of them may be in a physiological position or displaced less than the second.

Diastema can be complicated by rotation of the incisors around their axis or their inclination. In order to remove the defect, it is necessary to assess the degree and nature of the displacement, and based on the data obtained, select the optimal correction method.

Symptoms of diastema

The defect of the anterior incisors is noticeable at first sight. Its width can vary from a few millimeters to a centimeter. The main problem for the patient is a cosmetic defect, although many do not have a complex because of the gap between the teeth. If this anomaly is not causing other problems and does not cause the patient's dissatisfaction, no action may be taken.

Diastema is often combined with malocclusion and speech disorders. Such patients definitely need dental care. The abnormal position of the incisors is a predisposing factor in development.

A disorder accompanied by rotation of the incisors around their axis is usually a serious external defect and causes difficulty in biting food.

Diagnosing diastema is not difficult. The problem is noticeable when examining the oral cavity. The specialist needs to assess the degree of the disorder, identify the presence of concomitant pathology and establish the cause of the disorder.

To clarify the diagnosis, the dentist may prescribe additional research methods such as radiography and taking impressions. These measures make it possible to clarify the degree of divergence of the teeth, evaluate the angle of inclination, obtain information about the condition of the roots and alveolar process of the jaw, and identify malocclusions and other anomalies in the position of the teeth.

Allows you to select the optimal treatment tactics to completely eliminate the defect.

How to treat diastema

Modern dentistry offers a wide arsenal of methods to get rid of clefts between teeth. The choice of tactics depends on the degree of diastema, the individual characteristics of the patient, his desire and financial capabilities. The price of restoration and correction using different methods can vary significantly, so specialists usually offer several alternative options.

The fastest way to solve the problem is to fix defects using . These structures are thin ceramic plates that are applied to the outer surface of the incisors and allow their shape to be adjusted. Looking at the photos of patients who used the technique, you will see a perfect smile. It should be borne in mind that veneers are thin, so it is not possible to correct serious deficiencies with their help.

An alternative to veneers is to install crowns made from modern materials. These permanent structures make it possible to cope with more serious deviations from the normal position of the teeth. This method is optimal if the front teeth have enamel defects, chips or carious lesions.

Diastema correction using sapphire braces.

If the cause of the diastema is a too massive frenulum of the upper lip, surgical correction of its shape and size is resorted to. This allows you to eliminate the obstacle that prevents the teeth from taking a physiological position.

A radical method of treating diastema is orthodontic treatment with. The technique allows not only to eliminate the gap between the incisors, but also to correct other anomalies in the position of the teeth and correct the bite. The only drawback of the technique is the long period of orthodontic treatment.

Orthodontic treatment of diastema using Star Smile aligners.

Leading Moscow clinics offer patients various ways to solve the problem. Based on your dentist’s recommendations, you can choose a method whose price suits you and whose external result matches your wishes.


Considering the large role of the hereditary factor in the appearance of dental diastema, it is quite difficult to prevent this pathology. If there are prerequisites for the occurrence of this pathology, it is important to visit the dentist regularly, especially during the eruption of permanent teeth. If a child has a false diastema, the position of the teeth should be monitored over time. This should be done by an experienced orthodontist who can distinguish a temporary disorder from a permanent one that needs correction. Know that the sooner you start treatment, the easier it is to cope with the problem.

In order to avoid the appearance of diastema, you need to take care of yourself and fight bad habits that can cause tooth displacement or malocclusion.

Gap between teeth is a problem for many patients. This defect gives rise to self-doubt, makes a person smile less often and communicate less with people. If there are speech problems, the situation gets worse; such a violation can become a significant obstacle in professional activity. You shouldn’t put up with diastema, which complicates your life. Modern dentistry offers many solutions to this problem in children and adults. Make an appointment with a good dentist and he will suggest a treatment that suits you.