What can you do with hydrogen peroxide? Treatment with hydrogen peroxide

Good day! My name is Khalisat Suleymanova - I am a herbalist. At the age of 28, I cured myself of uterine cancer with herbs (read more about my experience of recovery and why I became a herbalist here: My story). Before being treated using traditional methods described on the Internet, please consult with a specialist and your doctor! This will save you time and money, since the diseases are different, the herbs and treatments are different, and there are also concomitant diseases, contraindications, complications and so on. There is nothing to add yet, but if you need help in selecting herbs and treatment methods, you can find me at my contacts:

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An effective medicine of the 21st century is hydrogen peroxide. Peroxide is universal remedy from most diseases. Peroxide is also a means of prevention, capable of protecting against heart attacks, strokes, and even the occurrence of malignant tumors. Thanks to the many years of experience and work of Professor Neumyvakin I.P. treatment of diseases with hydrogen peroxide has become more understandable and accessible. It should be noted that the professor experienced all the properties of this drug on himself, thereby proving that peroxide can protect and cure many diseases and give the body longevity.

You can see this for yourself, just watch the professor. Have you noticed that at over 80 years old, he easily speaks in front of large audiences, gives interviews, writes books and successfully runs his own wellness center? Let's figure out how you can be treated with peroxide in order to live a long and healthy life.

What does peroxide treat?

Treatment with hydrogen peroxide is carried out to destroy any viruses, fungi and bacteria. Peroxide fights almost all infections and ailments, and also supports everything vitally important functions human body. The product effectively stimulates the immune system and processes in the body. Using hydrogen peroxide you can get rid of:

Heart disease - vascular system;
chronic bronchitis;
diseases oral cavity and ENT diseases;
second type;
cancer cells, and from many more ailments, the list of which goes on and on...

Peroxide treatment methods

The general scheme of treatment with hydrogen peroxide and prevention is as follows: the first dose of the drug begins with one drop of 3% peroxide, which must be diluted in 50 milliliters of water; thus, it should be taken three times a day, on an empty stomach. Then, you should add a drop of the drug per dose daily, this means that on the second day of taking hydrogen peroxide you will need to dilute two drops in 50 milliliters of water three times a day, on the third - three drops, etc.

Once the number of drops per dose reaches 10, do not increase the dosage any further. Next, you need to drink hydrogen peroxide for ten days, and then take a three-day break. After the break, you can take 10 drops three times at once, then another three-day break, and then according to the same scheme.

Hydrogen peroxide treatment can be performed intravenously. To do this, draw a solution of peroxide and saline into a 20-gram syringe. For 20 milliliters of saline solution you need 0.3-0.4 milliliters of 3% hydrogen peroxide. The intravenous injection must be performed very slowly, over 2-3 minutes. And each subsequent injection is performed with an increase in the dosage of the product by 0.1 cubic meters, gradually increasing the dosage to one milliliter of hydrogen peroxide per 20 milliliters of saline.

Intravenous peroxide is administered daily, the course is 8-9 doses. Then you need to take a break from treatment for two to three weeks, and then give injections two to three times every seven days, with a dosage of 1 milliliter of the drug per 20 milliliters of saline.

Recipes from Neumyvakin

- At dissolve only 15 drops of hydrogen peroxide in one spoon of water, take the prepared solution with a pipette and drop it into both nostrils. After the procedure, you need to thoroughly blow out the mucus that will be released from the nose.
— For osteochondrosis apply a pain-relieving compress. To do this, moisten a piece of natural fabric with hydrogen peroxide, apply it to the sore spot, and cover the top with polyethylene. Let the compress remain on the body for 15 minutes. The pain will go away after several procedures.
- For sore throat dilute a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide in a quarter glass of water, use the prepared solution to gargle and gargle the mouth, while slightly retaining the liquid in the tonsil area.
— For periodontal disease You need to add 10 drops of lemon juice and 20 drops of peroxide to 3 grams of regular baking soda. You will need to brush your teeth with this mixture, and then do not drink or eat anything for 15 minutes.


Among the available drugs in any home medicine cabinet release hydrogen peroxide. He is universal drug for the treatment of various ailments, it is characterized by simplicity and versatility, low price. It is useful to know how to treat with hydrogen peroxide to cope with the uncomfortable symptoms of diseases.

What is hydrogen peroxide

First, you should find out what hydrogen peroxide is. Its chemical composition contains 2 atoms of hydrogen and oxygen. It is sold in the form aqueous solution with concentration active substance 3 or 5%. In appearance, it is a colorless liquid that either has no odor at all or has a weak, barely perceptible aroma. It has an unstable formula and decomposes in light, releasing oxygen. Other concentrated forms are hydroperite in tablets and perhydrol - used as hair lighteners or room disinfectants.

Medicinal properties

Very wide beneficial properties hydrogen peroxide for humans, because this drug is universal, beneficial in many medical purposes. Concentrations up to 0.3% are bacteriostatic, and up to 3% are bactericidal. The same concentration has a deodorizing effect; if you expose the skin or organs to a pure concentrate of up to 30%, you can get burns, irritation, and depigmentation.

The principle of action of the product is the release of molecular oxygen when interacting with human tissues. They contain the enzyme catalase, which breaks down the composition, and the released oxygen participates in the oxidative process, accompanying it with active foaming. This foam cleans mechanically damaged surfaces, removes germs, pus, dead cells, stops bleeding.

Traditionally, the product is used for:

Unofficial traditional medicine uses the drug for:

  • cancer treatment;
  • teeth whitening;
  • cleansing the body;
  • treatment of rashes, acne, papillomas.

Hydrogen peroxide - instructions for use

The drug is a medicine, and therefore carefully study all the information before using hydrogen peroxide - the instructions for use include a lot useful information. The drug is an antioxidant, antiseptic without sterilization function. The most popular hydrogen peroxide solution is 3%, available in bottles of different sizes.

Or you can choose a felt-tip pen in a convenient format for quick and convenient use and disinfection. Indications for use are:

  • inflammation of the mucous membrane;
  • wounds with purulent contents, capillary bleeding;
  • nosebleeds;
  • stomatitis, sore throat, tonsillitis, gynecological diseases.

For weight loss

You can use hydrogen peroxide for weight loss, but in order not to cause harm to the body, it is worth learning more about the rules for taking it. The use pattern dictating how to drink peroxide is questionable for traditional medicine. However, reviews recommend starting renewal processes within the body. Losing weight involves taking peroxide 30 minutes before meals or 120 minutes after. Dilute 4 drops per glass of water, but you cannot drink more than 30 drops of the product per day. You should be careful about the method if you have diseases of the stomach or intestinal tract.


Gynecologists suggest douching with hydrogen peroxide for disinfection. The procedure involves the use of a 3 percent solution, which is inserted into the vagina. special tool- gynecological douche. You can douche after unprotected intercourse to cure inflammation and damage to the mucous membrane.

In a comprehensive manner, you should douche and take lactobacilli from the prescription prescribed by the doctor - this will help restore the pH of the vagina and prevent the occurrence of colpitis. In order for the treatment to proceed correctly, a course of 7-10 appointments will be required. Do this:

  1. Take one and a half glasses of warm boiled water, in which 100 ml of 3% peroxide is diluted.
  2. Pour the solution into a syringe, insert the tip into the vagina while in the bath or lying on the bed and spreading your legs.
  3. Squeeze the syringe and inject liquid in a stream.
  4. The procedure lasts up to 15 minutes. Do it twice a day, if there is improvement - every two days, and to consolidate the result twice a week.

Find out more about the symptoms and treatment of the disease.

Mouth rinse

For cold symptoms, it is useful to rinse your mouth with hydrogen peroxide. For a cold or gum disease or toothache, dilute up to 3 teaspoons of the drug in 50 ml of warm water and rinse the mouth thoroughly. If a person is suffering from bad breath or periodontal disease, then Professor Neumyvakin’s recipe can help him. You need to mix 5 g of soda with 2 drops of lemon juice and 15 drops of peroxide. Brush your teeth with the mixture, leave it in your mouth for 15 minutes after the procedure, then rinse with clean water.


Hydrogen peroxide for gargling will help with sore throat and flu. Due to its oxidative actions, it mechanically cleanses infected organs, while simultaneously acting as an antiseptic. Peroxide effectively removes plaque from the tonsils, which supports the body in the fight against infectious manifestations - the number of microbes and the degree of damage are reduced. You can gargle only with a diluted solution - a tablespoon for half a glass of water.

Rinsing the mouth is carried out up to 5 times a day, but not more often than every 3 hours. It’s worth finding out what to replace the solution with between doses - you can use plain warm water, soda solution, sea ​​salt, decoctions of herbs or potassium permanganate. In case of purulent inflammation of the tonsils, you can lubricate the glands themselves with a concentrated solution - take 3 tablespoons of peroxide in half a glass of water, dip a cotton swab and apply to the surface.

Treatment of a runny nose

Doctors may prescribe hydrogen peroxide treatment for a patient's runny nose. This procedure will help not only with common cold, but also with viral or allergic rhinitis. A 3% solution diluted with two parts water is instilled into the nose. Each nostril should take up to two drops, then they should blow out the complete discharge. After the procedure, you cannot eat for 10-15 minutes.

Treatment of the wound

Treatment of a wound with hydrogen peroxide differs from an iodine solution or brilliant green - the child does not experience discomfort or tingling. The advantage of using peroxide is the absence of color, the inability to get dirty and the ability to stop bleeding. To treat the wound yourself, you should moisten the swab and briefly apply it to the skin. If the wound is large, it can be washed with a jet.

Fungus treatment

Home conditions involve treating the fungus with hydrogen peroxide. You should trim the nail, clean it and soak it in a 1:1 solution of peroxide and water for half an hour. After the procedure, the nail is dried and left free - it should not be covered with shoes and socks. The process is daily and lasts until the symptoms disappear completely. If skin progression or irritation occurs, treatment should be discontinued.

Another option for getting rid of fungus is to use 5% vinegar and 2% peroxide. On the first day, the nail is soaked in vinegar, the next in peroxide. The soaking time in both cases is 5 minutes. The procedure lasts 3 weeks, stops when burning occurs or the effect is achieved. The technique is used for steaming, then the substances penetrate into the dense layers of the nail plate.


The use of the substance internally is prohibited, but traditional medicine claims that an enema with hydrogen peroxide relieves diseases of the pelvic organs. For treatment, you need to cleanse the intestines, take 4 teaspoons of the active substance per liter of boiled water and hold medicinal solution inside for up to 3 minutes so that it is absorbed into the intestinal walls. Such enemas are prohibited for diseases of the rectum, anus, inflammation of the intestines. The procedure cannot be performed if you have appendicitis, acute pain or after abdominal surgery.

With soda for teeth

Professor Neumyvakin developed a recipe that included baking soda and hydrogen peroxide for teeth. According to his data, the method is effective for whitening enamel and strengthening gums. Neumyvakin suggests brushing your teeth with a mixture of soda and peroxide, mixed to a paste. You need to clean the enamel for 3 minutes, and then rinse your mouth with peroxide diluted with water. However, dentists warn that the aggressive method can negatively affect the condition of the enamel.

For otitis media

If you have an infection in your outer ear, hydrogen peroxide may help. To get rid of it, you need to dilute 15 drops in 30 ml of water, lie with your ear up and pour half of the solution into your ear. After 10 minutes, slowly tilt your head and let the residue flow out. This recipe will help with hearing loss - it will soften sulfur plug which may interfere with normal hearing.

Treatment of sinusitis

For hydrogen peroxide to help effectively against sinusitis, you need to use only a 3% solution, otherwise you can burn the mucous membrane and worsen the condition even more. You need to drip a solution of two drops of peroxide per teaspoon of water into your nose. This will remove headache, which is caused by the pressure of mucus accumulating in the nasal passages and sinuses.

Against cancer

Traditional medicine suggests treating cancer with hydrogen peroxide intravenously or orally. Doctors give negative reviews because it's not scientific method. However, patients resort to it when all else fails. Intravenous administration is possible using a dropper or syringe.

The latter actively suggests using Neumyvakin - his method involves injecting 20 ml of saline solution mixed with 0.35 ml of peroxide into a vein. The mixture is slowly introduced in 5 ml increments, then a multiple of 5 ml over 2-3 minutes.

To achieve the effect, subsequent procedures involve using an increased amount of peroxide in 0.1 ml increments. When the volume is brought to 1 ml, it is recommended to begin reducing the concentration again. As the professor says, by introducing a substance into the blood, it decomposes in the body, forms free oxygen and radicals that destroy cancerous tumors. The effect of the method has not been scientifically proven, so you should consult your doctor before using it.

Cleansing the body

Cleansing with hydrogen peroxide at home is allowed only after examination by a doctor, since there are many contraindications. To get rid of toxins and slagging, you need to start with the minimum - 2 drops per 2 tablespoons of water three times a day. The next day, increase the dosage by 1 drop until it reaches 10 drops; you should not take more than 30 drops per day.

You should drink the liver cleansing mixture on an empty stomach or 3 hours after meals. You need to wait 40 minutes from the moment you take the medicine and only then eat. Every 10 days you need to take a break of up to 5 days, then repeat the cycle again immediately with 10 drops from the first day. For beginners, reviews with information that in the first days of taking there may be severe intoxication and sharp deterioration well-being due to the effect of the drug on bacteria and microbes.

Gum treatment

An unconventional method of therapy is to treat gums with hydrogen peroxide. It is used if gingivitis is caused by Parkinson's disease, diabetes mellitus or dysfunction of the heart muscle. For treatment, rinsing or rubbing the gums is recommended. wet swab. To clean gum pockets, add a couple of drops to toothpaste.

Anti acne

In cosmetology, peroxide is used against acne, which disinfects, destroys pathogenic microbes, giving impetus to increasing the local immunity of the skin. It is important to apply the product only to damaged areas so as not to burn healthy skin. Here are some recipes for getting rid of acne and pimples:

  • add a couple of drops to a regular tonic, wipe your face twice every 7 days;
  • mix a tablespoon of honey and aloe juice with 2 drops of the preparation with iodine, cotton swab Apply directly to pimples, wash off the compress after 1-5 minutes;
  • you can lighten post-acne spots or get rid of hairs on the face; you can get rid of papillomas with a mixture of peroxide and ammonia, if the patient is not bothered by the smell of ammonia.

From worms


As with any other drug, it is worth knowing when starting treatment with hydrogen peroxide - contraindications can be very important. In order not to harm your health, you should not take the product if you are hypersensitive to the composition, with caution if you have liver or kidney diseases, dermatitis, or hypertension. Side effects After the expiration date, burning sensations and allergies may occur. However, the substance is approved for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.


Any online catalog or pharmacist at a pharmacy will tell you how much peroxide costs. This cheap remedy You can buy in an online store, order delivery or buy directly at retail. It is inexpensive: the price of a 40 ml glass bottle with a 3% solution is 4-5 rubles, a 100 ml plastic bottle is 8-10 rubles. The cost depends on the manufacturer and type.

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Leading experts in hydrogen peroxide treatment (W. Douglas, C. Farr in the USA, Prof. I.P. Neumyvakin in our country) believe that hydrogen peroxide has no specific contraindications, except perhaps for individual intolerance. In their opinion, confirmed not only by a number of studies, but also by extensive clinical practice, hydrogen peroxide - in one form or another - can be used to treat almost all known diseases.

W. Douglas especially insists on this position: in his book “ Healing properties hydrogen peroxide" he gives an extensive list of diseases, starting with a common cold, and up to such formidable and considered incurable ailments as lupus, cancer and AIDS.

In addition to his own observations, Dr. Douglas gives a whole series examples from clinical practice Dr. C. Farr, often simply fantastic: complete healing of a stroke that developed in a patient two hours after intravenous injection of hydrogen peroxide.

At the same time, both the above-mentioned and all other authors especially emphasize the point that so much wide range the impact of peroxide on a sick body has a clear scientific basis. The thing is that hydrogen peroxide is a regulator of all metabolic processes of any nature - both metabolism and hormonal, immune, respiratory, etc.

Here we give only a short list of those diseases that can be successfully treated using hydrogen peroxide.

  • Infectious diseases: ARVI, tonsillitis, influenza, bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia, etc.;
  • Diseases of the ENT organs: rhinitis, purulent inflammation paranasal and frontal sinuses, pharyngitis (both acute and chronic), purulent (external and middle) otitis;
  • Cardiovascular system: stroke, ischemic heart disease, varicose veins of the lower extremities;
  • Neurological diseases: multiple sclerosis, stroke, osteochondrosis;
  • Metabolic diseases: systemic lupus erythematosus, diabetes mellitus and immunodeficiencies of various origins;
  • Chronic respiratory diseases: bronchiectasis, emphysema, lung cancer;
  • Dentistry: stomatitis, gingivitis, caries, periodontal disease and periodontitis.
  • Skin diseases: fungal infections, eczema, cancer.

Let's now take a closer look at the various existing hydrogen peroxide treatment methods.

External use

To rinse the mouth, use a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide or (as an option) apply tampons soaked in peroxide to the sore spots.

For gum disease, as well as for periodontal disease, it is recommended to rub a mixture of baking soda with 3 percent hydrogen peroxide, mixed to a paste consistency, into the diseased gums. It is recommended to carry out this procedure twice a day (in the morning and at night) until complete recovery.

Peroxide also helps in whitening teeth and eliminating unpleasant odor from the mouth.

For sore throats, gargle with 3% peroxide, followed by gargling with a slightly pink solution of manganese.

The combination of peroxide with a manganese solution also helps well with rhinitis and sinusitis - but in this case it is necessary to use a 1 percent solution. To rinse the nose, use 10 ml of each of these solutions three times a day. The sequence is the same. It is recommended to administer solutions into the nasal cavity using a small syringe or a small syringe.

For inflammation of the middle ear, 0.5-3 percent peroxide is used to remove pus and enrich the tissues with oxygen, which leads to the death of pathogens. At acute otitis media Instillation is not recommended - it is better to administer the drug using gauze swabs. In chronic cases, you can also instill it (5-6 drops, 2-3 times a day).

About nosebleeds. The widely held belief that hydrogen peroxide is a hemostatic agent for nosebleeds is not entirely true. The introduction of large tampons with peroxide into the nasal cavity is accompanied by the release of heat (as the peroxide decomposes), which can increase bleeding.

But with minor capillary bleeding In case of cuts or abrasions on the skin, peroxide helps perfectly.

By the way, about the skin. At fungal infection or warts, lotions are made from a 6-15 percent solution of hydrogen peroxide, which after 8-10 procedures, as a rule, leads to a complete cure.

In compresses, such a concentration is unacceptable - burns may occur; use a 0.5-1 percent solution. Compresses with hydrogen peroxide are a proven remedy for arthritis and traumatic joint pain. Applied to the area of ​​the affected joint; You can keep it for no more than two hours.

But for tumors located close to the surface of the skin, even with signs of ulceration, hydrogen peroxide of a higher (up to 15%) concentration is used. Compresses placed on the tumor seem to “burn out” it due to the release of atomic oxygen.

Internal use

First of all, we remind you that treatment by taking hydrogen peroxide orally is not recognized by official medicine. Internal (and, especially, intravenous) use of peroxide in medicinal purposes not permitted by current law.

A similar ban is also in effect in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Cuba. In the USA, Canada and most countries of the British Commonwealth (i.e. Australia, New Zealand, etc.) the method is also not recognized, but the legislation is more lenient - which allows such treatment to be carried out in individual clinics.

In this regard, it seems impossible to provide completely definite and precise recommendations here. However, there are descriptions of individual author’s methods - both in printed and electronic (Internet) form. Based on them, you can get a general idea of ​​those methods of peroxide therapy with oral administration, which are supported by certain clinical experience.

According to W. Douglas and I.P. Neumyvakina, taking peroxide orally is permissible only with strict adherence to the dosages recommended by them. The recommendations of both specialists are almost the same.

Peroxide should be taken starting with 1 drop of a 3 percent solution per 30-50 ml of water. It should be remembered: take the drug only for empty stomach 30 minutes before meals or 1.5-2 hours after - and no more than three times a day. If there are no signs of intolerance, add one drop daily up to 10 drops on the tenth day. Then it is recommended to take a break for 2-3 days, and then take this dose at intervals of two to four days after every 2-3 days of administration.

Thus, the following doses are considered safe: single - no more than ten drops (not in pure form, but only dissolved in water!); daily - should not exceed thirty drops of a 3 percent solution.

At the same time, it is emphasized every time that the best option is treatment under constant medical supervision.

In the same cases when any adverse reactions- then, depending on their nature, it is strictly recommended to either stop taking the drug altogether or reduce the dose to the minimum.

Intravenous use of H 2 O 2

Getting started with the discussion this method the use of hydrogen peroxide for medicinal purposes, I would like to immediately clarify one point.

First of all, official medicine is still this method does not recognize it, and many authors of scientific articles speak about it either with disdain or simply with open hostility.

At the same time, the method of therapy using intravenous administration of H 2 O 2 is far from new, as evidenced by the fruitful clinical work of many, both Western (C. Farr, W. Douglas clinics) and domestic (I.P. Neumyvakin) medical practitioners. An increasing number of doctors are leaning in favor of this method, examining the results obtained in the above-mentioned and other clinics by their colleagues. And, nevertheless, take a fundamentally new point of view - abandon the usual pattern in which hydrogen peroxide is in best case scenario a good antiseptic and a means for primary surgical treatment wounds - it turns out to be quite difficult. Why?

Studying the literature on this issue - both foreign and domestic - I came to the conclusion that there are several reasons for this, but the main one is still the same - doctors’ fear of putting the patient’s life at risk due to the development of gas embolism (blockage) of blood vessels, primarily , pulmonary arteries. And there are very good reasons for this, considering that a liquid with an active gas-forming effect is injected into the lumen of the vessel.

I won’t remind you of scenes from action movies when air (that is, gas) is injected into a vein of an unfortunate victim, after which the person dies - although this is precisely a classic example of a gas embolism. But remember how hydrogen peroxide foams when it hits a fabric surface. The same thing happens when it comes into contact with blood.

Indeed, there is reason for concern, especially since there are sad examples. Let's say, a case is described when, when hydrogen peroxide is introduced into the cavity purulent abscess in order to cleanse it, the solution entered the lumen of a large vessel, causing a gas embolism in the patient.

In my opinion, one of the letters that he publishes in his book “Hydrogen Peroxide. Myths and reality” Professor I.P. Neumyvakin (St. Petersburg: Dilya, 2004).

That is, it is always quite difficult for a physician or doctor to have the first experience of intravenous administration of hydrogen peroxide, especially with a syringe.

Without exception, all Western authors and, first of all, the already named leaders of peroxide therapy, C. Farr and W. Douglas, take a firm position: intravenous hydrogen peroxide can be used for treatment purposes only by a doctor and, at the same time, one who is well acquainted with the mechanism of its action, as well as those recommendations for percentage solution and administration features, which have been confirmed in practice. Professor Neumyvakin never ceases to repeat the same thing.

So, it is the doctors who would like to remind us that they have already for many years Such a promising method of treating the most various diseases like ozone therapy. Moreover, the method is recognized by official medicine.

Meanwhile, one of the universally recognized methods of ozone therapy today is intravenous administration ozone, which, in fact, is a molecular form of the same oxygen, like peroxide, is unstable, along with the same tendency to gas formation.

Unusual use of familiar things is what we often focus on modern people. And if, for example, an old lamp turns into an attractive and cheap coffee table, that’s great, but in the case of unconventional use of medicines, you can’t help but think about the dubious benefits of such new methods of therapy. Thus, the use of hydrogen peroxide is now being promoted for unconventional methods of treating all kinds of diseases and cleansing the body.

Let's find out what hydrogen peroxide is, what it is intended for, in what cases this product is used and whether there are safe unconventional methods its use.

What is hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide belongs to the peroxide family and is its simplest representative. And if everyone is used to hearing about peroxide only as a means medicinal purposes, then chemists also know about its non-medicinal properties. At its core, hydrogen peroxide is a strong oxidizing agent that very quickly reacts with many substances, including those of biological origin. That is why it is often used in industry.

According to their own physical properties hydrogen peroxide is colorless liquid, which tastes like something metallic. This is an excellent solvent. A highly concentrated solution is classified as an explosive substance.

What is the formula of hydrogen peroxide? - H 2 O 2 . This seemingly simple composition determines the physical and chemical properties a substance that is highly soluble in water and alcohol. On biological tissues Hydrogen peroxide acts as an antiseptic and a good disinfectant.

Hydrogen peroxide contains only two atoms of oxygen and hydrogen, but thanks to specific bonds in the molecule, the active substance is obtained.

Indications for use

In most cases, hydrogen peroxide is used externally to treat wounds. Why? - as already noted, this is a powerful oxidizing agent. Due to this property, hydrogen peroxide solution has a negative effect on living organisms. In medicine, there is a concept - a bactericidal effect, that is, when a medicine kills microorganisms and even stops the growth of living cells.

What is the mechanism of action of hydrogen peroxide? When it comes into contact with tissue, active oxygen is released, which has an important antimicrobial property in this case.

But in some way this remedy also works against humans. How does hydrogen peroxide work on a wound? Contrary to popular belief that the solution promotes healing, it does not perform this function. The drug has a negative effect on microorganisms and human tissue, namely it inhibits the formation of new cells during the wound healing process.

What other indications for use do hydrogen peroxide have?

The main task of peroxide is to fight microorganisms on wound surfaces. Therefore, the main form of hydrogen peroxide release is all kinds of solutions of various concentrations.

Possible side effects

In case correct use The drug is well tolerated and does not cause any problems. But if you deviate from the general recommendations or apply it not according to the instructions, complications are possible.

With the exception of allergies, all other side effects from the use of the solution are the result of its improper use.


The solution is not a type of drug that needs to be taken daily, but it also has limitations in use.

What are the contraindications to the use of hydrogen peroxide?

  1. Large venous and arterial bleeding- in this case, the drug is simply ineffective.
  2. It should not be used if you have a history of allergic reactions in humans after use.
  3. It is better not to prescribe hydrogen peroxide during pregnancy (for gynecological diseases and for gargling with sore throat), since there is no reliable data on its safety for future babies. Although treatment of small superficial wounds is not prohibited.
  4. It is not advisable for children under 12 years of age to use the solution.
  5. According to the instructions, this is a liquid for external use only. You cannot drink it or introduce it into the body by other means. Otherwise, complications are possible, one of which is embolism - “clogging” of blood vessels with gas released as a result of the release of oxygen, which can lead to death.

What should you do if you get burned by hydrogen peroxide? Minor superficial burns can be treated at home with Dexpanthenol ointment or spray. If large defects or burns of the mucous membranes appear, you need to seek help from a doctor.

What else you need to know about the drug

Under normal conditions, this is a solution, but depending on the purpose of its use, only its percentage composition changes. For medical purposes, 3% is more often used. Sometimes in the pharmacy you can find tablets called “Hydroperit” - this is a solid form of peroxide mixed with urea.

How to properly store hydrogen peroxide at home? You need to remember a few simple rules.

  1. It is strictly forbidden for children to give the drug into their hands, that is, it must be kept out of their reach.
  2. They also don’t place it in the light, but it’s better to keep it in some dark cabinet.
  3. The optimal storage temperature is no higher than 25 ºC.

Are there analogues of hydrogen peroxide? There are no solutions with a similar composition, but chlorhexidine or the drug Miramistin are sometimes used for disinfection.

How you can and cannot use peroxide - answers to frequently asked questions

Find new uses disinfectant solutions And medicines- this is the task of doctors and pharmacologists. You should not try to do this on your own, because it is difficult to predict the consequences of such experiments. A seemingly safe substance sometimes also threatens human health.

You can find a lot on the Internet folk recipes, which talks about the “miraculous” healing properties of hydrogen peroxide. Some of them are harmless, but some are clearly dangerous to health.

Understanding the mechanism of operation of the solution and its effect on living tissues, we can assume the consequences of such traditional treatment. How to behave in case of complications that arise when using peroxide, and when you should not use it? When does a solution do no harm and at the same time be useful? And is there traditional methods its use, which is better to avoid? We'll find out now.

We collected these questions based on the interest of users that they turn to the search engine. Some of them are puzzling, but since there is a demand for such information, it must be satisfied.

  1. Is it possible to drink hydrogen peroxide for medicinal purposes? - even a small amount of solution if ingested will lead to numerous burns of the mucous membranes, abdominal pain, and stool upset. And this is provided that the solution enters the body in small quantities. What happens if you drink a lot of hydrogen peroxide? This can lead to blockage of blood vessels with gases and death. A lethal dose when ingested is considered to be 50–100 ml of a 30% solution, but this is all individual - for some, a smaller dose will lead to death.
  2. What happens if you inject hydrogen peroxide into a vein? No doctor will perform such a procedure, since the solution is not intended for intramuscular or intravenous administration. The outcome is difficult to predict. Perhaps loss of a limb, impaired microcirculation, and death. It all depends on the amount of substance administered.
  3. Is it possible to wipe your face with hydrogen peroxide? Sometimes it is used to lighten freckles. How is this procedure tolerated? Everything is individual. It’s better to start with a weak solution and try it on a separate, inconspicuous area, so that you don’t have to pay a lot of money to cosmetologists to correct defects.
  4. What happens if you wash your hair with hydrogen peroxide? This is an easy and cheap way to go blonde, but your hair may fall out.
  5. Plants can be treated with a diluted peroxide solution - irrigate them during growth to additionally saturate the soil with oxygen.
  6. In everyday life, surfaces are treated to combat mold, but such disinfection does not last long.
  7. Does hydrogen peroxide help with acne? No, since the solution does not affect the mechanism of formation of excess sebum. In this case, you need to understand the cause of the rash.
  8. Is it possible to rinse your nose with hydrogen peroxide? No, you can’t rinse, weak ones are more suitable for mucous membranes saline solutions. But if nosebleeds occur, it should be used.
  9. Can nail fungus be cured with hydrogen peroxide? No, otherwise it would be simple, everyone available method getting rid of fungus. The solution will not affect deep tissues and will not be absorbed into the nail like fungus - which is the main cause of deformation of the nail plate. More effective measures are needed here.
  10. Does hydrogen peroxide stop bleeding or not? Yes, during the foaming process, blood clots form, which successfully helps to cope with minor bleeding. But if damaged large vessels peroxide will be absolutely useless.
  11. Is it possible to brush your teeth with hydrogen peroxide? Previously, a weak solution was used to whiten teeth, but the effect was not permanent. But peroxide is not suitable for cleaning germs.
  12. What happens if hydrogen peroxide gets into your eyes? A burn to the mucous membranes, and sometimes even loss of vision, threatens a person who accidentally spills the substance into his eyes. When exposed to tissue, a process of oxidation and destruction occurs, which, with prolonged contact, can lead to the above-mentioned consequences. What to do if hydrogen peroxide gets into your eyes? First you need to rinse a large number water, then if pain occurs, you can treat it with Lidocaine drops, after which it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor.
  13. Is it possible to burn herpes with hydrogen peroxide? In this case, special ones are better suited antiviral drugs, which will relieve the cause of the rash.
  14. Can I use expired hydrogen peroxide? It is suitable for treating plants or soil, but for disinfection it is better to take fresh one.
  15. What to do if a child drinks hydrogen peroxide? In this case, it is better to call immediately ambulance or take your baby to the nearest hospital for examination.
  16. Can a burn be treated with hydrogen peroxide? The instructions contain such recommendations, but you need to approach everything wisely, a highly concentrated solution can be harmful.
  17. Why does hydrogen peroxide cause skin to turn white? When the solution comes into contact with the skin, it oxidizes and its surface layer is partially destroyed, which is noticeable to the eye - that is, white spots appear. Active oxygen, which is released during tissue treatment, has depigmenting properties.
  18. Why does hydrogen peroxide foam on a wound? When a solution interacts with wound surface and with the microorganisms located on it, a reaction occurs with the enzyme catalase, as a result of which foam is formed.
  19. Can hydrogen peroxide burn your skin? Yes, prolonged exposure to a concentrated solution will damage the skin.

Since childhood, our mother taught us about useful and safe medicine- hydrogen peroxide. It was buried in the ear if it hurt, it was used to treat wounds, and when the baby got scratches, it was used to stop the bleeding. Now many are trying to expand the indications for using the solution by drinking it to cleanse the intestines, blood, or treating damaged nails with it. Such propaganda will only lead to the emergence of further irreparable health problems, but these experiments will not bring any benefit.

Ecology of health: Specialists from the H2O2 Treatment Supporters Society have developed the following regimen for taking peroxide...

Hydrogen peroxide released in different forms and concentrations. In our country, they mainly produce perhydrol and hydroperite.

Perhydrol, or Solutio Нdrogenii peroxidi diluta, - the most common form of peroxide solution(contains 2.7-3.3% H2O2), which is sold in pharmacies without a prescription in 25 ml bottles. In medicine, H2O2 solutions are used as an external antiseptic for wounds, cuts and scratches, for washing and rinsing for stomatitis, sore throat, and gynecological diseases. Upon contact with damaged skin and mucous membranes, peroxide breaks down under the influence of catalase, releasing oxygen, killing bacteria and stopping bleeding. It contains stabilizers including lead and phenol.

Hydroperite(Hydroperitum, synonym – Perhydrit) – tablets with 35% peroxide content. It is a combination of hydrogen peroxide and urea. Easily dissolves in water and alcohol, used as rinses and rinses (1-4 tablets per glass of water). One tablet corresponds to 15 ml (1 tablespoon) of a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution.

To obtain a 1% solution 2 tablets should be mixed in 100 ml of water.

Before surgery, surgeons “wash out” with a 1% peroxide solution: Rub 5 ml of liquid with your palms up to your elbows for 5 minutes (a little water is added to form foam), then rinse off. The procedure is repeated twice.

For rinsing your mouth and throat One tablet per glass of water is enough - this produces a 0.25% solution of hydrogen peroxide. (School bullies familiar with chemistry know that to create a home-grown smoke bomb, hydroperite tablets are taken in combination with analgin.)

Tablets are used externally(instead of hydrogen peroxide) as a disinfectant and deodorant for inflammation of the mucous membranes, skin, and some gynecological diseases.

6% H2 O2 in tablets or solution - a component of many lightening hair dyes. Not recommended for internal use.

30% H2 O2 from the class of reagents used for chemical experiments and other scientific experiments. Contains stabilizers. Not suitable for internal use.

There are also concentrations: 32%, 35% and 90% H2O2

Remember that any concentration of peroxide above 10% when taken orally can lead to severe consequences, including damage to the gastrointestinal tract.

External use of hydrogen peroxide

In addition to treating scratches and cuts, hydrogen peroxide is used as a compresses, rubbing and rinsing.

For eczema and psoriasis He also advises lubricating spots and rashes 1-2 times a day until they disappear. This can also get rid of foot fungus and warts.

For otitis media a cotton swab soaked in peroxide helps a lot, which should be placed in sore ear, - first with a 0.5% solution (1 tablet of hydroperite per 100 ml of water), then with a 3% solution.

Peroxide is also relevant as toothpaste additives. To do this, squeeze a little paste onto a saucer, add a little baking soda and a few drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide to it. This product perfectly disinfects and whitens teeth.

H2O2 is also used for the so-called diabetic foot. Many diabetics experience excruciating pain in their feet (this is called diabetic foot). Baths with hydrogen peroxide help them.

For facial care It is recommended to wipe the skin after washing with a cotton swab soaked in 3% peroxide. This procedure restores oxidative reactions in the skin, which are disrupted by washing with hard water, especially with soap. In addition, it is great for acne and pimples. Don’t forget to then rinse your face with cool water (I’ll add on my own behalf: those with very dry skin should not resort to this product).

For storing vegetables Add 30 drops of 3% peroxide to a quarter cup of water. The vegetables are wiped and left for 20-30 minutes, then washed and dried. This destroys pesticides, extends storage and keeps food fresh for a long time.

Use hydrogen peroxide and for wet cleaning in the kitchen. To wash kitchen cabinets, refrigerators, stoves, and 5-liter dishes, add 50 ml of 3% peroxide. In addition to excellent disinfection, another effect occurs - a subtle and pleasant smell of freshness appears in the kitchen.

For marinating meat (fish, poultry) placed in any container except aluminum. IN tap water add a little 3% hydrogen peroxide (50 drops per 200 ml of water) and pour it over the product. Leave in the refrigerator for half an hour, then rinse - now you can start cooking. Meat (fish, poultry) with this soaking will get rid of many bacteria and toxins.

For watering household and garden plants add a little 3% hydrogen peroxide to the water (60 ml per 3 liters of water). Water or spray the plants with this composition. This disinfects the soil and protects against pests.

Plants like rainwater much better (due to the presence of hydrogen peroxide) than tap water. However, with increasing air pollution, there are more toxins in it than useful compounds, which also affects the quality of rainwater. To compensate, many farmers in Europe and the United States increase crop yields by spraying them with diluted hydrogen peroxide. You can apply this method to your indoor plants by adding 20 ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide per liter of water. If you want to get an effective and safe insecticide, spray the plants with the following mixture: 100 ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide, 100 g of sugar and 2 liters of water.

Peroxide is used and when washing. H2O2 is an excellent bleach. Three tablespoons of 3% peroxide can be added to washing machine along with powder (for white laundry).

Oral hydrogen peroxide regimens

American version

Specialists from the H2O2 Treatment Supporters Society - ECHO (Ed McCabe, George Williams) have developed the following regimen for taking peroxide. As they themselves note, “...this is just a suggestion, but it is based on many years of experience and reports from thousands of users. Those who choose to move at a slow pace should not expect quick effect, but this is also an option. The program is not set in stone – it can easily be tailored to suit individual needs.” Reception - three times a day.

Day – Number of drops:

  • 1st – 3
  • 2nd – 4
  • 3rd – 5
  • 4th – 6
  • 5th – 7
  • 6th – 8
  • 7th – 9
  • 8th – 10
  • 9th – 12
  • 10th – 14
  • 11th – 16th
  • 12th – 18
  • 13th – 20
  • 14th – 22
  • 15th – 24th
  • 16th – 25

You can stay on 25 drops three times a day from the 16th to the 21st day, after which you can complete the course.

The following options are available for completion:

1) 25 drops once a day for a week;

2) 25 drops once every three days for two weeks;

3) 25 drops every four days for three weeks.

Note: For oral administration, Americans do not use the same peroxide that is sold in pharmacies in the form of a ready-made 3% solution and contains stabilizers, including phenol. They dilute their favorite food grade 35% H2O2 with distilled water to a concentration of 3-3.5%. But pharmacy 3% is also used.

For enemas. Take 2 tablespoons of 3% peroxide per liter of distilled water. In the large intestine, lactobacilli produce hydrogen peroxide, which inhibits the proliferation of Candida bacteria present there. When the latter multiply rapidly and uncontrollably in the intestines, they manage to escape natural control systems and invade other organs, causing the so-called chronic fatigue syndrome and allergic hypersensitivity. Peroxide destroys harmful bacteria and viruses, preventing colon diseases, vaginitis, diseases bladder. It is in such cases that enemas are effective. To achieve sustainable results, you need to restore healthy flora in the intestines - drink more fermented milk products.

For instillation into the nose Add 10-15 drops of peroxide to 1 tablespoon of water. A full pipette should be poured into each nostril. The product is used for colds, sinusitis, sinusitis, flu, and noise in the head.

Domestic version

I. P. Neumyvakin does not recommend taking more than 10 drops orally at a time. And only half an hour before meals or one and a half to two hours after it. You should take peroxide for 10 days and start better in the habituation mode, with 1 drop per dose 3 times a day.

Day – Number of drops (per 2-3 tablespoons):

  • 1st – 1
  • 2nd – 2
  • 3rd – 3
  • 4th – 4
  • 5th – 5
  • 6th – 6
  • 7th – 7
  • 8th – 8
  • 9th – 9
  • 10th – 10

After a 10-day course, a break of 2-3 days is taken. Then, to prevent diseases, take 10 drops three times a day every 3 days for two months.

G. P. Malakhov offers his own treatment regimen.

For the first 10 days, you should drink peroxide according to Neumyvakin’s scheme. Then the same amount of time should remain on 10 drops in half a glass of water before breakfast and in the evening. Then you need to take a break and take the next 10-day course. A healthy person is advised to carry out such preventive courses once every two months.

Having tried both as a preventive course, I settled on 5 drops of pharmaceutical peroxide - 3 times a day for 10 days. Then I took a break for 10 days and took another 10-day course. I repeated the course 4 times a year, once every 3 months. In case of diluting hydroperite tablets in bottled drinking water(non-carbonated!) Before the formation of a 3% solution, I drank 10 drops of this mixture in a quarter glass of water 3 times a day (same course). Hydroperite can be freely purchased in pharmacies.

I'll say right away: I don’t think it’s worth taking more than 5 drops of pharmaceutical 3% peroxide per dose ( daily dose in this case it is about 15, maximum – 20 drops). Even if the content of phenol and lead there is negligible, they often enter our body even without peroxide - with dirty air and water, canned food and other delights modern life, however, you shouldn’t overdo it with this small amount.

However, each organism is individual. If you do not feel any effect when taking small doses of H2O2, try increasing the dose by one drop per dose until you feel a beneficial effect. And vice versa, if the dose clearly brings discomfort, reduce it by one drop per dose until they disappear. The number of drops at which you feel a surge of energy in the absence side effects, and there is your optimal dose.

What you need to know when taking hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)

  • Why do people drink peroxide on an empty stomach? It is important that the H2O2 solution enters an empty stomach (either an hour before a meal or three hours after a meal). Otherwise, from her interaction with food bacteria Heartburn and even vomiting may occur. In addition, some studies have shown that if H2O2 reacts with iron molecules in the stomach and a small amount vitamin C deposited on its walls, this creates harmful hydroxyl compounds.
  • Some people, taking H2O2 just before bed, for a long time can't sleep. This is due to a surge of energy caused by increased oxygen in the body. Therefore, try not to consume peroxide before a night's rest.
  • In the first days, taking peroxide may cause mild nausea, which will disappear soon. If this does not happen, there is still no need to interrupt the course - you need to reduce the dose until the nausea completely disappears and complete the process. This is how a healing crisis occurs - when dead bacteria and their toxins quickly leave your body, some (not all) people may experience fatigue, diarrhea, dizziness, fever, nausea. This is not at all necessary, but it is possible. If you leave everything halfway, you will not finish off all the “enemies”, but will only strengthen them. Use low-fat kefir(up to 2%) or unsweetened yogurt helps get rid of nausea and restores beneficial bacterial microflora in the stomach.
  • It is highly undesirable to combine peroxide courses with smoking.- in this case, they will do more harm than good.
  • Taking peroxide orally is absolutely contraindicated if you have undergone an organ transplant operation. H2O2 strongly stimulates immune system, and she can violently “revolt” against the “stranger,” rejecting him.

Hydrogen peroxide baths

There is a theory according to which digestive tract the effect of H2O2 weakens, and when taking a bath, peroxide acts through the entire surface of the skin.

If you hesitate to take peroxide internally or experience too much discomfort, then resort to baths. To prepare them, you can use either a 3% solution or hydroperite tablets.

It is recommended to add 500 ml of 3% peroxide (10 bottles of 50 ml each), previously diluted in water, to the bath. You need to pour the liquid into a bathtub previously filled with warm water and lie in it for 15-20 minutes. Instead of 3% peroxide, you can use 20 tablets of hydroperite. For a tonic effect, add half a cup of sea salt and baking soda to the water.

After a bath it is useful to take a cold shower to healing effect peroxide add ozone, bubbles of which are present in streams of cold water. E.-K. Rosenow emphasized in his research that the combined use of hydrogen peroxide and ozone gives a synergistic effect - in other words, they enhance each other's effects.

Intravenous administration of hydrogen peroxide

Intravenous administration of H2O2 was first used in 1920 in India, when the British doctor T.‑H. Oliver treated 25 Indian patients with pneumonia in critical condition. After the procedure, the mortality rate among them dropped to 48% compared to the standard (at that time) 80%.

In a hospital setting this is done as follows. 3% hydrogen peroxide is diluted with 200 ml of saline solution (0.03% is obtained). Inject slowly intravenously, starting with 2 ml and gradually increasing to 10 ml. The dose may vary depending on the severity of the disease.

You should not go for a bold experiment - inject yourself with pharmacy 3% peroxide, diluting it to the required concentration. Another H2O2 solution is injected into the vein. For this form of treatment, you should find a physician who is familiar with the proper preparation of pharmaceutical grade H2O2 - isotonic intravenous fluid for an IV. American clinics Those involved in peroxide treatment first examine the patient’s body for a long time and carefully. The entire course is carried out in a hospital setting, where the patient is under constant supervision.

The infusion lasts ninety minutes and is given once or three times a week (sometimes five times if the disease is acute). The number and duration of peroxide injections depends on the nature of the disease. During the procedure, the patient experiences a feeling of warmth - and nothing more.

If you inject the solution with a syringe at home, and even with inexperienced hands, the result can be disastrous.

And one more warning. “Absolute contraindications for intravenous and intra-arterial administration of hydrogen peroxide are: afibrinogenemia, capillary toxicosis, thrombocytopenic purpura, hemophilia, hemetic anemia, disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome. However, I want to warn you: intravenous use of hydrogen peroxide is advisable only under medical supervision.” (Neumyvakin I.P. Hydrogen peroxide: myths and reality. St. Petersburg, Dilya, 2007, p. 96.)

Hydrogen peroxide inhalation

“I have been inhaling 3% peroxide for over 13 years. It helped me fight melanoma and prostate cancer at the same time. For the procedure, I use a nasal spray with a spray bottle.

First you need to purchase any nasal spray in a bottle from which you can unscrew the sprayer. Empty the contents and sterilize the bottle in hot soapy water. Then carefully remove all soap.

Pour 3% hydrogen peroxide into an empty and clean bottle and screw on the sprayer. Open your mouth, point the tip towards your throat, press to spray and inhale sharply. Take 5-6 such inhalations (do not spray peroxide into your nose!).

I do this procedure 4-6 times a day. If you want to get rid of the virus, take these inhalations every 2 hours or so. In 36-48 hours the illness will pass.

At 69, my muscles were so stiff that I had difficulty getting out of bed. One day I came across the book “Oxygen Therapy”. I became interested in what was written in it. The book gave three options. It was suggested to dilute peroxide with water and drink, take baths, or see a doctor for intravenous infusions. I didn't like any of these methods.

After a week or two, I decided that the easiest and most effective way was to inhale the 3% peroxide through my mouth and get it into my lungs. I filled an empty spray bottle with pharmacy grade 3% hydrogen peroxide and began to consider the dose. I decided to start with one “puff” 4 times a day. The course took about a month. I soon noticed that I began to breathe freely, inhaling and exhaling without effort. Then I changed the inhalation time. Now I inhaled 2 times in the morning and at night. I used to sleep with open mouth, because breathing through my nose did not provide me with enough air. Soon I noticed that I began to breathe only through my nose.

Since then, my wife and I have been inhaling hydrogen peroxide and have forgotten about colds, muscle spasms and other troubles. You can check how it works by taking the General or biochemical analysis blood before and after a two to three week course of inhalations. You will see that viruses cannot survive in an oxygen-enriched environment."

Many Munro supporters noted that this method of administering peroxide helped them get rid of allergies, asthma, intestinal poisoning, bronchitis, flu, arthritis and some other diseases.

At the same time, inhalation of H2O2 in the indicated concentration has never been tested by doctors in clinics. Some experts in their articles note the potential danger of this method. It is not the concentration itself that causes bad consequences, but other reasons.

Smokers and people taking prescribed (or non-prescribed) medications, may encounter serious problems when using inhalation therapy. When H2O2 enters the lungs, the oxidation reaction supplies some toxic substances directly into the bloodstream. In smokers, this can lead to nicotine overdose, causing heart failure. It is unknown whether a similar reaction occurs with dust and harmful pollutants that typically do not pass through the lungs into the bloodstream. But caution never hurts.

Can be done more gentle inhalations: add peroxide to hot water and breathe through the vapor with your mouth for 1-2 minutes. published

Based on materials from the book by Olga Afanasyeva "Hydrogen peroxide - a natural medicine"