What are antihistamines and how to take them. Review of first and second generation antihistamines, rational approach to use in clinical practice. List of histamines.

Many home first aid kits contain medications whose purpose and mechanism of action people do not understand. Antihistamines are also such drugs. Most allergy sufferers choose their own medications, calculate the dosage and course of therapy, without consulting a specialist.

Antihistamines - what are they in simple words?

This term is often misunderstood. Many people think that these are just allergy drugs, but they are intended to treat other diseases. Antihistamines are a group of medications that block the immune response to external stimuli. These include not only allergens, but also viruses, fungi and bacteria (infectious agents), and toxins. The medications in question prevent the occurrence of:

  • swelling of the mucous membranes of the nose and throat;
  • redness, blisters on the skin;
  • itching;
  • excessive secretion of gastric juice;
  • narrowing of blood vessels;
  • muscle spasms;
  • swelling.

How do antihistamines work?

Main protective role leukocytes or white cells play in the human body blood cells. There are several types of them, one of the most important is mast cells. After maturation, they circulate through the bloodstream and are embedded in connective tissues, becoming part of immune system. When dangerous substances enter the body, mast cells release histamine. This chemical substance, necessary for the regulation of digestive processes, oxygen metabolism and blood circulation. Its excess leads to the appearance allergic reactions.

For histamine to provoke negative symptoms, it must be absorbed by the body. For this purpose, there are special H1 receptors located in inner shell blood vessels, smooth muscle cells and nervous system. How antihistamines work: the active ingredients of these medications “deceive” H1 receptors. Their structure and structure are very similar to the substance in question. Medicines compete with histamine and are absorbed by receptors instead of it, without causing allergic reactions.

As a result, the chemical that causes the unwanted symptoms remains in an inactive state in the blood and is later eliminated naturally. The antihistamine effect depends on how many H1 receptors the drug has managed to block. For this reason, it is important to begin treatment as soon as the first allergy symptoms appear.

The duration of therapy depends on the generation of the medication and the severity of pathological signs. The doctor must decide how long to take antihistamines. Some medications can be used for no more than 6-7 days; modern pharmacological agents of the latest generation are less toxic, so their use is allowed for 1 year. Before taking it, it is important to consult a specialist. Antihistamines can accumulate in the body and cause poisoning. Some people subsequently develop allergies to these medications.

How often can you take antihistamines?

Most manufacturers of the described products produce them in a convenient dosage, suggesting use only once a day. The question of how to take antihistamines, depending on the frequency of occurrence of negative clinical manifestations, is decided with the doctor. The presented group of medications belongs to symptomatic methods therapy. They must be used every time signs of illness occur.

New antihistamines can also be used as prophylaxis. If contact with the allergen cannot be avoided ( poplar fluff, ragweed flowering, etc.), you should use the medicine in advance. Taking antihistamines in advance will not only soften negative symptoms, but eliminate their occurrence. The H1 receptors will already be blocked when the immune system tries to mount a defense response.

Antihistamines - list

The very first drug of this group was synthesized in 1942 (Phenbenzamine). From this moment on, a massive study of substances capable of blocking H1 receptors began. To date, there are 4 generations of antihistamines. Early versions of medications are rarely used due to unwanted side effects and toxic effects on the body. Modern medicines are characterized by maximum safety and quick results.

1st generation antihistamines - list

This view pharmacological agents has a short-term effect (up to 8 hours), can be addictive, and sometimes provokes poisoning. 1st generation antihistamines remain popular only because of their low cost and pronounced sedative (calming) effect. Names:

  • Daedalon;
  • Bicarfen;
  • Suprastin;
  • Tavegil;
  • Diazolin;
  • Clemastine;
  • Diprazine;
  • Loredix;
  • Pipolfen;
  • Setastin;
  • Dimebon;
  • Cyproheptadine;
  • Fenkarol;
  • Peritol;
  • Quifenadine;
  • Dimetinden;
  • and others.

Antihistamines 2nd generation - list

35 years later, the first H1 receptor blocker was released without sedation or toxic effects on the body. Unlike their predecessors, 2nd generation antihistamines work much longer (12-24 hours), are not addictive and do not depend on food and alcohol intake. They provoke fewer dangerous side effects and do not block other receptors in tissues and blood vessels. New generation antihistamines - list:

  • Taldan;
  • Astemizole;
  • Terfenadine;
  • Bronal;
  • Allergodil;
  • Fexofenadine;
  • Rupafin;
  • Trexil;
  • Loratadine;
  • Histadil;
  • Zyrtec;
  • Ebastine;
  • Astemisan;
  • Clarisens;
  • Gistalong;
  • Cetrin;
  • Semprex;
  • Kestin;
  • Akrivastine;
  • Gismanal;
  • Cetirizine;
  • Levocabastine;
  • Azelastine;
  • Histimet;
  • Loragexal;
  • Claridol;
  • Rupatadine;
  • Lomilan and analogues.

Antihistamines 3rd generation

Based on previous drugs, scientists obtained stereoisomers and metabolites (derivatives). At first, these antihistamines were positioned as a new subgroup of medications or 3rd generation:

  • Glenceth;
  • Xizal;
  • Caeser;
  • Suprastinex;
  • Fexofast;
  • Zodak Express;
  • L-Cet;
  • Loratek;
  • Fexadine;
  • Erius;
  • Desal;
  • NeoClaritin;
  • Lordestin;
  • Telfast;
  • Fexofen;
  • Allegra.

Later, this classification caused controversy and controversy in the scientific community. To make a final decision regarding the transferred funds, a group of experts was assembled for independent clinical trials. According to the evaluation criteria, third generation allergy drugs should not affect the functioning of the central nervous system, produce a toxic effect on the heart, liver and blood vessels and interact with other medications. According to research results, none of these drugs meets these requirements.

4th generation antihistamines - list

Some sources include Telfast, Suprastinex and Erius as this type of pharmacological agent, but this is an erroneous statement. Antihistamines of the 4th generation have not yet been developed, as well as the third. There are only improved forms and derivatives of previous versions of medications. The most modern drugs so far are 2nd generation drugs.

The selection of funds from the described group should be carried out by a specialist. Some people benefit from 1st generation allergy medications due to the sedative effect required; other patients do not need this effect. Likewise, the doctor recommends the dosage form of the medication depending on the symptoms present. Systemic drugs are prescribed for severe signs of the disease; in other cases, local remedies can be used.

Antihistamine tablets

Oral medications are necessary to quickly relieve clinical manifestations of pathology that affect several body systems. Antihistamines for internal reception begin to act within an hour and effectively relieve swelling of the throat and other mucous membranes, relieve runny nose, lacrimation and skin symptoms diseases.

Effective and safe allergy pills:

  • Fexofen;
  • Alercis;
  • Cetrilev;
  • Altiva;
  • Rolinosis;
  • Telfast;
  • Amertil;
  • Eden;
  • Fexofast;
  • Cetrin;
  • Allergomax;
  • Zodak;
  • Tigofast;
  • Allertek;
  • Cetrinal;
  • Eridez;
  • Trexil Neo;
  • Zilola;
  • L-Cet;
  • Alerzin;
  • Glenceth;
  • Xizal;
  • Aleron Neo;
  • Lordes;
  • Erius;
  • Allergostop;
  • Fribris and others.

Antihistamine drops

Both topical and systemic drugs. Allergy drops for oral administration;

  • Zyrtec;
  • Desal;
  • Fenistil;
  • Zodak;
  • Xizal;
  • Parlazin;
  • Zaditor;
  • Allergonix and analogues.

Antihistamines local drugs for the nose:

  • Tizin Allergy;
  • Allergodil;
  • Lecrolin;
  • Cromohexal;
  • Sanorin Analergin;
  • Vibrocil and others.

Currently various manifestations More than 85% of the total population of the entire planet is susceptible to allergies, and in the last few decades there has been a marked increase in the number of people with allergies. This is probably due to the development of the industry producing chemical products, which themselves are common allergens or creating conditions for the formation of allergic reactions due to dysfunction of the endocrine and nervous systems.

The influence of hygiene (excessive use of antibacterial and other potent drugs), depriving the human body of contact with many, which weakens the immune system (especially in childhood).

It should be remembered that allergy is a highly individual disease with inadequate reactions of the body to a variety of allergens that cause different painful symptoms V different times at different people. Allergic reactions underlie quite serious illnesses, including, and, and may also accompany certain infections (infectious allergies).

Causes of allergies

Allergy itself can be recognized by a sudden lacrimation , sneezing, redness of the skin and other unexpected painful manifestations. Most often, such allergic symptoms occur during direct contact with a specific allergen substance recognized human body as the causative agent of the disease, as a result of which counteraction mechanisms are launched in it.

Modern doctors consider allergens to be both substances that exhibit a direct allergenic effect and agents that can increase the effect of other allergens.

A person's response to exposure to various allergens largely depends on genetic factors. individual characteristics his immune system . Reviews of numerous studies indicate the presence of a hereditary allergic predisposition. So, parents suffering from allergies are much more likely to give birth to a child with a similar pathology than a healthy married couple.

Main causes of allergies:

  • waste products of domestic ticks;
  • pollen of various flowering plants;
  • foreign protein compounds contained in or;
  • impact sun rays, cold;
  • dust (book, household, street);
  • disputes between different fungi or mold ;
  • animal hair (mainly characteristic of cats, rabbits, dogs, chinchillas);
  • chemical detergents and cleaners;
  • medicinal drugs (,);
  • food products, mainly eggs, fruits (oranges, persimmons, lemons), milk, nuts, wheat, seafood, soybeans, berries (viburnum, grapes, strawberries);
  • insect/arthropod bites;
  • latex;
  • cosmetics;
  • psychological/emotional;
  • unhealthy lifestyle.

Types and symptoms of allergies

Respiratory allergies

A form of allergy characteristic of the influence of allergens entering the body from the outside during breathing. Such substances are collectively called - aeroallergens , which include pollen, fine dust, and various gases. This can also include respiratory tract allergies.

Symptoms of such painful conditions are: pulmonary wheezing, itching in the nose, severe, sometimes. The main negative symptoms manifest themselves in the form and bronchial asthma .


Form skin allergies, accompanied by various skin irritations and rashes. Occurs due to exposure to such allergens as: medications, aeroallergens, food, household chemicals, cosmetics.

Manifested by redness skin, severe swelling, itching, blistering, peeling, type rashes, dry skin.

Allergic conjunctivitis

A form of allergy due to exposure to various allergens, in which the organs of vision are mainly affected and negative eye symptoms are noted.

The main symptoms manifest themselves in the form of: skin swelling in the periorbital area, burning sensation in the eyes, increased tearfulness.


Anaphylactic shock

The most dangerous form allergies that can develop in a few seconds or over a period of up to five hours. The main causes of this condition are insect bites and the use of untested medications.

External forms (gel) are used mainly for skin itching ( itchy dermatoses ), caused by insect bites, as well as acquired due to itchy eczema, urticaria, contact allergy(for detergents, washing powder, synthetic or rough clothing fabric, etc.).

These external preparations are ineffective and are rarely used in the treatment of chronic skin allergic forms(for example, when ). In combination with diet, these remedies can be recommended for initial stages treatment exudative-catarrhal diathesis moderate in nature (when a baby develops a rash on the face associated with nutrition).

Local combined agents in the form eye drops (Ophthalmol , ), including first generation antihistamines, are used in the treatment allergic conjunctivitis , as well as those accompanied by conjunctivitis.

Such drops remove such negative symptoms as: redness and swelling of the eyelids, itching and watery eyes, while simultaneously providing antimicrobial effect. In turn, nasal drops cope quite well with the manifestations of allergic rhinitis in all its forms (including hay fever ).

Side effects

Negative effects are mainly characteristic of systemic drugs, however, due to long-term use, they can also be observed when using external/local agents (especially in pediatrics).

Most often, first generation antihistamines accompany:

  • strong sedatives /sleeping pills effects;
  • decreased muscle tone;
  • psychomotor agitation (especially in children and adults with long-term use);
  • potentiation (increase) the effects of alcohol, sleeping pills And analgesic funds;
  • /headaches;
  • local anesthetic effect;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • anticholinergic effects (tremor of fingers, dry mouth, constipation, rapid heartbeat, visual disturbances);
  • nausea/vomiting, abdominal pain;
  • addictive .

Due to their hypnotic effect, drugs of this generation are not recommended for pupils, students, drivers and people involved in potentially dangerous species activities.

All such drugs cause a specific reaction tachyphylaxis (addiction), which is expressed by a noticeable decrease in effectiveness during long-term use and requires replacing the active ingredient of the drug with another substance every 20 days.


In certain cases, doctors have learned to use some of the above-described disadvantages of 1st generation drugs to their advantage.

For example, sedative /hypnotic the effect of these medications will be useful in allergic diseases with parallel unbearable skin itching ( atopic dermatitis during an exacerbation), bringing long-awaited sleep into the patient’s life.

Anticholinergic effects , including dry mucous membranes, is useful during therapy bronchitis (from allergic cough) And rhinitis (from a runny nose), accompanied by copious discharge of liquid secretion.

All first-generation drugs, even those produced abroad, are quite inexpensive, and domestic manufacturers produce even cheaper analogues.


Due to pronounced negative systemic effects and the body’s addiction to the active ingredient of the drug, 1st generation drugs are not suitable for long-term therapy.

Drowsiness And sedative effect seriously limits the number of patients to whom these drugs can be prescribed.

List of 1st generation antihistamines, table

Active Ingredient Trade names of drugs Release form
  • Allergin ;
  • Grandim ;
  • Diphenhydramine
  • pills;
  • injection solution;
  • rectal suppositories;
  • oral granules
  • 1 month (for suppositories and injections);
  • 3 years (for tablets)
external gel 0 months
  • Ophthalmol ;
  • Betadrine ;
  • Dithadrine ;
  • combined
eye drops
  • 2 years;
  • 0 months (for Ophthalmola )
  • Subrestin ;
  • Supramin ;
  • pills;
  • injection solution
1 month
  • Bravegil ;
  • Rivtagil
  • pills;
  • injection solution;
  • syrup
  • 6 years (for tablets);
  • 1 year (for syrup)
  • Pipolzin
  • pills;
  • dragee;
  • injection solution
2 months
Pheniramine Avil
  • pills;
  • syrup;
  • injection solution
  • 12 years (for tablets);
  • 0 months (for syrup)
  • capsules;
  • oral drops;
  • gel;
  • emulsion (external)
  • 1 month (for drops);
  • 12 years (for capsules);
  • 0 months (for external forms)
  • drops;
  • spray;
  • gel (nasal)
  • 1 month (for drops);
  • 6 years (for gel and spray)
  • pills;
  • syrup
  • 2 years (for tablets);
  • 6 months (for syrup)
  • pills;
  • dragee
  • 1 year (for tablets);
  • 3 years (for pills)
Hifenadine pills 3 years

2nd generation drugs

As in the previous case, the list of second-generation antihistamines for allergies is mainly represented by oral dosage forms.

Pills ( , Gistalong , ), syrups ( , ) drops ( , Parlazin , Cetirizine ) capsules ( Semprex ) and suspensions ( , ) are used for almost all types of allergic manifestations, both for the treatment of adult patients and for the treatment of children.

Also on the pharmaceutical market there are eye drops of this generation of antihistamines, which are used for therapy allergic conjunctivitis in any form. These drops relieve the negative symptoms of rhinitis within 20 minutes, are not characterized by serious side effects, and help improve mucociliary clearance.

Second generation antihistamines have a number of advantages over their predecessors:

  • prolonged action (high efficiency remains for 24 hours, which allows the patient to take the recommended dose of the drug indicated for him only once a day);
  • all therapeutic agents of this generation are not adsorbed by the gastrointestinal tract with food;
  • minimal impact sedative /sleeping pills effect, due to the impossibility of the active ingredients of medicinal products passing through the blood-brain barrier;
  • during therapy, physical activity and mental activity the patient is practically not affected;
  • anticholinergic effect (tremor of fingers, dry mouth, constipation, rapid heartbeat, visual disturbances) occurs very rarely;
  • all second-generation drugs are not addictive and can be used for quite a long time (3-12 months) without changing the active substance (for example, throughout seasonal allergies as long as it takes until the allergen disappears);
  • upon cessation of treatment, therapeutic effectiveness remains for another week.

Side effects

Among the negative effects of 2nd generation antihistamines, the most serious is considered cardiotoxic effect , manifesting itself in varying degrees of severity and requiring control over the patient’s cardiac activity during therapy.

Cardiotoxic effect becomes possible due to the ability of drugs of this generation to act on cardiac potassium channels, blocking them. The risk of this effect increases with impaired liver function, concurrent use antifungal agents, antidepressants , macrolides , as well as the use grapefruit juice. Naturally, such drugs are contraindicated for elderly patients and patients with disorders of the cardiovascular system.

Other most common negative side effects:

  • impaired liver function;
  • fatigue;
  • nausea;
  • swelling ;
  • asthenia;
  • phenomena;
  • nervous excitability and sedation (in children).


Due to minimal negative systemic action and effect tachyphylaxis (addiction), 2nd generation drugs are ideally suited for long-term use and have proven themselves well in the treatment of allergies seasonal rhinoconjunctivitis And rhinitis , hay fever, atopic dermatitis (V complex therapy in the subacute stage) and bronchial asthma .

These medications can be prescribed to schoolchildren and students during educational process, because they do not reduce their concentration.

Prolonged effectiveness, observed over 24 hours (which allows you to avoid unnecessary doses, but limit them to 1 time per day).


Due to the relatively short practice of use, all possible positive/ negative effects second-generation drugs have not been studied as well as their predecessors. In particular, for this reason, most of them, according to the instructions for use, are contraindicated under 2 years of age, and the rest should not be given to children under six months.

List of 2nd generation antihistamines, table

Active Ingredient Trade names of drugs Release form Age restrictions for use
  • Lovanik ;
  • Clarisan ;
  • pills;
  • syrup;
  • oral suspension
  • 3 years (for tablets);
  • 1 year (for syrup and suspension)
Cetirizine Alerza pills 6 years
  • Zyrtec ;
  • pills;
  • oral drops
  • 6 years (for tablets);
  • 6 months (for drops)
  • pills;
  • syrup
  • 6 years (for tablets);
  • 2 years (for syrup)
  • pills;
  • syrup;
  • oral drops
  • 6 years (for tablets);
  • 1 year (for syrup and drops)
Akrivastine Semprex capsules 12 years old
  • Trexil ;
  • Bronal
pills 3 years
  • pills;
  • syrup;
  • oral suspension
3 years
  • Elert
pills 6 years
  • eye drops;
  • nasal spray
  • 4 years (for drops);
  • 6 years (for spray)
  • Astemizole ;
  • Gistalong
pills 2 years
  • pills;
  • oral suspension
2 years

3rd generation drugs

The entire list of allergy drugs of the new generation (third) can, in principle, be attributed to previous therapeutic agents, because the active ingredients of these drugs are pharmacologically active metabolites of some already known main ingredients of the latest generation (second) described above.

However, new generation antiallergic drugs were the last to enter the pharmaceutical market and many sources position them as 3rd and even 4th generation antihistamines.

The spectrum of positive effects of this generation of drugs covers almost all allergic manifestations known today. Tablets (,), syrups ( Eden , ), oral drops and solutions ( , ) can be used for therapy hay fever , allergic rhinitis , dermatological reactions and other allergic manifestations.

New generation antihistamines, in comparison with their predecessors, are characterized by the greatest selectivity (selectivity) of their action exclusively aimed at peripheral H1 receptors. It is thanks to this that their high antiallergic effectiveness can be traced, along with the absence of side effects inherent in 1st and 2nd generation drugs.

The distinctive characteristics of such medicines are:

  • rapid absorption in the gastrointestinal tract along with high bioavailability, which help neutralize allergic reactions in the shortest possible time;
  • drops, syrups and tablets do not cause and only when taken in excessive doses can lead to the development sedative actions;
  • the patient’s performance and response remain at a high level;
  • none cardiotoxic effects , which will make it possible to prescribe drugs of this generation to elderly patients;
  • there is no addictive effect, which makes it possible to use these medications for a long time long period time;
  • there is practically no interaction with concurrently taken drugs from other pharmaceutical groups;
  • the absorption of therapeutic agents does not depend on the time of food intake;
  • active ingredients are excreted in unchanged form, relieving the load on the kidneys and liver.

Side effects

In rare cases, it is possible to develop:

  • nausea;
  • prolongation of the QT interval ;
  • headaches/dizziness;
  • increased appetite;
  • skin hyperemia;
  • dry mucous membranes.


Long-lasting and rapid action, virtually no negative side effects (manifested as anticholinergic effects and suppression of the nervous system), once daily dosage.


Like all relatively new drugs, the disadvantage of these drugs is incomplete clinical data regarding the safety of their use (especially in pediatrics). The price of drugs of this generation can be several times higher than the cost of their predecessors.

List of antihistamines 3-4 generations, table

Active Ingredient Trade names of drugs Release form Age restrictions for use
  • Trexyl Neo
pills 12 years old
  • Eden ;
  • Lordes ;
  • Fribris ;
  • pills;
  • syrup
  • 12 years (for tablets);
  • 1 year (for syrup)
  • Desal ;
  • Alernova
  • pills;
  • oral suspension
  • 12 years (for tablets);
  • 1 year (for suspension)
  • pills;
  • oral drops
  • 6 years (for tablets);
  • 1 year (for drops)
  • Zodak Express ;
  • Caeser ;
pills 6 years
  • Allegra ;
  • Dinox ;
  • Fexofast ;
  • Allergo
pills 6 years

Modern pediatrics, in its practice of treating allergies in children, uses antihistamine antiallergic drugs for children of all three generations. In the younger age group, the most used oral dosage forms are children's drops and syrups; tablets are prescribed to children at a more conscious age, most often from 6 years of age.

Some nasal and eye allergy drops for children can be used from birth.

  • In the countries of the post-Soviet space, especially in acute period allergies, pediatricians often prefer to use 1st generation of antihistamines for children up to one year old. Such drugs are characterized by rapid effectiveness and rapid elimination. They have been used in pediatrics for quite a long time, their positive and negative effects have been well studied, most of them are considered relatively safe (if taken as prescribed by a doctor, without exceeding the recommended doses), many drugs in this group can be used for newborns. If liquids are unavailable dosage forms Children under one year of age are allowed to take medications in the form of tablets, previously divided into parts recommended by the doctor and crushed. The most popular and effective drugs systemic action of first generation antihistamines are recognized: , .
  • Antihistamines 2nd generation are characterized by a longer duration of action, due to which they can be used once every 24 hours. Such drugs are more suitable for long-term therapy. They rarely lead to sleeping pills /sedative effect and other side effects inherent in 1st generation medications. Such medications are prescribed for children from 1 year of age (rarely from 6 months), since their effect on the body of infants has not been studied enough. In this generation, pediatricians most often use the following drugs: Zyrtec , .
  • 3rd generation antihistamines very different high efficiency and even less side effects. Liquid preparations of this generation (syrups, drops), due to their novelty, are used for the treatment of chronic allergic processes in children only when they reach the age of 12 months. Third generation children's medicines include: Eden , Desal .

Parents should remember that giving their child antiallergic drugs on their own is strictly prohibited. As Dr. Komarovsky wrote in his article: “ ... antihistamines can only be prescribed by a doctor and used strictly in accordance with his instructions«.

Antihistamines during pregnancy

Naturally, women with allergies who are planning to get pregnant or are already carrying a child are extremely interested in what kind of allergy pills can be taken during and after this, and is it possible to take such drugs during these periods in principle?

Let's start with the fact that when pregnancy It is better for a woman to avoid taking any medications, since their effects can be dangerous both for pregnant women and for their future offspring. Antihistamine tablets for allergies during pregnancy in the 1st trimester, it is strictly prohibited to take, with the exception of extreme cases that threaten the life of the expectant mother. In the 2nd and 3rd trimester, the use of antihistamines is also allowed with great restrictions, since none of the existing therapeutic antiallergic drugs is 100% safe.

Women with allergies suffering from seasonal allergies , we can recommend planning your time in advance pregnancy when specific allergens are least active. For others, the best option would also be to avoid contact with substances that cause allergic reactions in them. If it is impossible to follow such recommendations, the severity of some allergic manifestations can be reduced by taking natural antihistamines (, and, zinc, pantothenic , And oleic acid) and then only after consulting a doctor.

Membrane stabilizers of mast cells

For the treatment of certain allergic reactions, mainly initial and

Allergy is a companion of progress. The higher the level of hygiene, the more cases of allergies. The more pollution in the air, water and land, the more people suffer from this disease. Fortunately, science does not stand still, and pharmaceutical scientists are creating new and new remedies for allergies. The most effective of which are listed in this top 10.

Antihistamines are of I, II and III generations:

  • I – effective tablets, powders, ointments, but with a large number of side effects. They relieve symptoms quickly, but are not intended for systemic treatment allergies.
  • II – remedies for allergies of a wider spectrum. They act more gently, but also have a number of side effects.
  • III – latest generation allergy medications. They act specifically at the cellular level without affecting the central nervous system. Suitable for long-term treatment. Virtually no side effects.

10. Donormil

Cost: 330 rubles.

Generation: I

Donormil is mainly used as a sleeping pill, but sometimes it is prescribed to allergy sufferers as part of complex therapy. After all, with an exacerbation of allergies, especially accompanied by severe skin itching, it is difficult to get a good night's sleep.

9. Suprastin

150 rub.

Generation: I

One of the oldest allergy remedies on the post-Soviet market. Even with long-term use, it does not cause an overdose and does not accumulate in the blood serum. Bonus: antiemetic and anti-sickness effect.

Cons: short-term therapeutic effect. Like others antiallergic drugs first group of effectiveness, has a sedative effect. And also calls side effects such as tachycardia, as well as dryness of the nasopharynx and oral cavity, which is unlikely to please those suffering from bronchial asthma.

8. Fenistil

370 rub.

Generation: II

Unlike previous medications, Fenistil comes in the form of an emulsion or gel and is applied to the skin. It is not intended to eliminate the causes of allergies, but relieves symptoms - cools, softens, moisturizes and has a weak local anesthetic effect.

7. Loratadine

80 rub.

Generation: II

A domestic and, as a result, inexpensive drug (those who wish can buy it produced in Hungary, a little more expensive). Unlike other drugs of the second group of effectiveness, it is practically devoid of cardiotoxic effects.

Second-generation drugs have a number of advantages compared to previous ones - for example, there is no sedative effect, mental activity remains at the same level. And, most importantly, the prolonged effect of the drug. One tablet per day is enough for people with pollen allergies to feel quite tolerable even during times of wild flowering.

6. Claritin

200 rub.

Generation: II

The active ingredient in Claritin is loratadine. It acts quickly, within half an hour after administration, and lasts a day, which made Claritin one of the most popular and effective means from allergies. For children, the drug is available in the form of syrup. And adult allergy sufferers will appreciate that Claritin does not increase the effects of alcohol on nervous system.

5. Cetrin

240 rub.

Generation: III

In fifth place in the ranking of the most the best means Cetrin is used for allergies. It helps cope with various symptoms practically without side effects, and with bronchial asthma mild degree relieves spasms. The active substance is cetirizine, which differs high ability penetration into the skin. This makes it especially effective when skin manifestations allergies. In addition, cetirizine is an effective third-generation drug, which means it has neither cardiotoxic nor sedative effects.

4. Zodak

200 rub.

Generation: III

Zodak is also made on the basis of cetirizine (like Cetrin), but is produced in the Czech Republic.

3. Zyrtec

320 rub.

Generation: III

A product based on cetirizine produced in Belgium. Some of the most best pills for allergies, a highly effective drug, it acts quickly, eases the course and prevents the development of an allergic attack.

2. Eden

120 rub.

Generation: III

The active substance of Eden is desloratadine, a third group antihistamine, a descendant of loratadine. Like all substances in this group, it practically does not cause drowsiness and does not affect the reaction rate. Excellent for tissue swelling, lacrimation, skin itching. An effective product made in Ukraine.

1. Erius

Average cost of Erius: 500 rubles.

Generation: III

Erius is the most effective third-generation antihistamine. The active substance in Erius is also desloratadine. The drug itself is produced by Bayer, USA, which is easy to guess by looking at the price. It acts quickly and almost immediately, effectively eliminates itching, rashes, runny nose and redness on the skin - one of the most effective allergy pills at the moment.

1. Dexamethasone

Dexamethasone price: from 50 rubles per drops to 150 per set of ampoules.

Dexamethasone can be compared to the heavy artillery among the most effective allergy medications. It is used in in case of emergency when it is necessary to stop a very severe allergic attack or severe inflammation. Along with antiallergic properties, it has anti-inflammatory, immunosuppressive and anti-shock effects.

Remember that self-medication for allergies can lead to a deterioration in your health. There are contraindications. Only an allergist can prescribe medicine for allergies.

Question: Can antiallergic antihistamines cause harm to a person if taken on a regular basis?

Answer: It is better to undergo tests for allergens on the device "Imedis Expert" and further exclude contacts with identified bioresonance test allergens. Also, if possible, be treated by a bioresonance therapist and take homeopathic and bioresonance medications for many years, prescribed during the treatment of bioresonance therapy, as well as during exacerbations or during the allergic season. antihistamines new generation selected by bioresonance test or pendulum.

You need to take new generation antihistamines once a day until allergy symptoms disappear. If contact with the allergen cannot be avoided, then you will have to take an antihistamine (anti-allergic drug) every day, unfortunately there is no escape from this. When contacting an allergen without an antiallergic drug, a severe allergic reaction can develop, which in turn can lead to death, coma, and the allergy can also develop into asthma.

There are people who are on new generations of antihistamines during their lifetime and nothing happens.

Of course, pills are not candy, and antihistamines are no exception. In a state of reaction, do not try to do without them. In any case, allergens will need to be removed from the body in time, and then it may be too late.


Antihistamines are a group of drugs whose principle of action is based on the fact that they block H1 and H2- histamine receptors. This blocking helps reduce the reaction of the human body with a special mediator histamine. What are these medications taken for? Doctors prescribe their use during allergic reactions. Having good antipruritic, antispastic, antiserotonin and local anesthetic effects, antihistamines are excellent for allergies, and also effectively prevent bronchospasms caused by histamine.

In accordance with the time of invention and release on the market, the entire variety of allergy remedies is classified into several levels. Antihistamines are divided into first, second, third and fourth generation drugs. The drugs included in each generation have their own specific characteristics and properties. Their classification is based on the duration of the antihistamine effect, existing contraindications and side effects. The medicine needed for treatment must be selected based on the characteristics of each specific case of the disease.

Generations of antihistamines

First generation antihistamines

1st (first) generation drugs include sedatives. They work at the level of H-1 receptors. Their duration of action is four to five hours, after this period a dose will be required. new dose medications, and the dose should be quite large. Sedating antihistamines, despite their strong effect influence, have a number of disadvantages. For example, they can cause dry mouth, dilated pupils, and blurred vision.

Drowsiness and decreased tone may occur, which means that it is impossible to take these drugs while driving a car or other activities that require high concentration. They also enhance the effect of taking other sedatives, hypnotics and painkillers. The effect of alcohol mixed with sedatives is also intensifying. Majority antihistamines first generation are interchangeable.

Their use is advisable when allergic problems arise with the respiratory system, for example, coughing or nasal congestion. It is worth paying attention to the fact that antihistamines belonging to the first generation are good at fighting cough. This makes it advisable to use them for bronchitis.

They will also be useful to those people who suffer chronic diseases associated with difficulty breathing. Their use in bronchial asthma is quite effective. They can also have a fairly good effect in the treatment of acute allergic reactions. So, for example, their use would be appropriate for urticaria. The most common among them are:





You can also often find peritol, pipolfen and fenkarol on sale.

Second generation antihistamines

2nd (second) generation drugs are called non-sedatives. They do not have such a large list of side effects as the drugs that make up the first generation of antihistamines. These are medications that do not cause drowsiness or reduce brain activity, and do not have anticholinergic effects. Their use for itchy skin and allergic rashes gives a good effect.

However, their significant drawback is the cardiotoxic effect that these drugs can cause. Therefore, non-sedating drugs are prescribed only on an outpatient basis. Under no circumstances should they be taken by people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system. Names of the most common non-sedative drugs:







Third generation antihistamines

Antihistamines of the 3rd (third) generation are also otherwise called active metabolites. They have strong antihistamine properties and have virtually no contraindications. The standard set of these medications includes:




These drugs do not have a cardiotoxic effect, unlike second-generation drugs. Their use gives positive effect for asthma and acute allergic reactions. They are also effective in treating dermatological diseases. Quite often, third-generation antihistamines are prescribed by doctors for psoriasis.

New generation medications are the most effective and harmless antihistamines. They are non-addictive, safe for the cardiovascular system, and also have long period actions. They are classified as the fourth generation of antihistamines.

Fourth generation antihistamines

4th (fourth) generation drugs have a small list of contraindications, which mainly include pregnancy and childhood, but, nevertheless, it is worth reading the instructions and consulting with a specialist before starting treatment. The list of these drugs includes:




Based on them they produce more medications that can be purchased at a pharmacy if necessary. These include erius, xysal, lordestin and telfast.

Release forms of antihistamines

There are several forms of release of drugs that block histamine receptors. In most cases, the most convenient type to use is tablets and capsules. However, on pharmacy shelves you can also find antihistamines in ampoules, suppositories, drops and even syrups. The action of each of them is unique, so choose the most suitable form Only a doctor can help you take the medicine.

Treatment of children with antihistamines

As is known, children are more susceptible to allergic diseases than adults. A qualified allergist should select and prescribe medications for children. Many of them have children in their list of contraindications, so if necessary, they must be used with particular care when planning a course of treatment. Children's bodies can react quite sharply to the effects of the medicine, so the child's well-being during the period of their use must be monitored very carefully. If side effects occur, you should immediately stop taking the drug and consult a doctor.

Both somewhat outdated medications and more modern ones are suitable for treating children. The drugs included in the first generation are mainly used for urgent relief acute symptoms allergies. During long-term use, more modern means are usually used.

Antihistamines are usually not available in special “children’s” forms. The same medications are used to treat children as for adults, but in smaller doses. Drugs such as Zyrtec and ketotifen are usually prescribed from the time the child reaches the age of six months, all others - from two years. Do not forget that a child should take medications under the supervision of an adult.

In case of illness small child the selection of antihistamines becomes much more complicated. For newborns, medications that have a slight sedative effect, that is, first-generation drugs, may be suitable. The most commonly used in the treatment of very young children is suprastin. It is safe for both babies and older children, as well as for nursing mothers and pregnant women. Depending on the disease and condition of the child’s body, the doctor may prescribe him to take Tavegil or Fenkarol, and in case of an allergic skin reaction, an antihistamine cream. The same medications are suitable for infants as for newborns.

Antihistamines during pregnancy and lactation

Due to the increased production of cortisol in a woman’s body, allergies during the period of bearing a child are quite rare, but, nevertheless, some women still face this problem. During pregnancy, taking absolutely all medications must be agreed with your doctor. This also applies to allergy medications, which have a fairly wide range of side effects and can harm the child. The use of antihistamines is strictly prohibited in the first trimester of pregnancy; in the second and third trimesters they can be consumed, however, observing the necessary precautions.

Unintentional penetration of the medicine into the child’s body is possible not only during pregnancy, but also during breastfeeding. During lactation, the use of antihistamines is extremely undesirable and is prescribed only in the most emergency cases. The question of what product a nursing woman will use can only be decided by a doctor. Even the newest and most modern medications can cause irreparable harm, so under no circumstances self-medicate by feeding your baby your milk.

Side effects of antihistamines

As mentioned earlier, each person’s body is individual, and only a specialist can choose the right treatment. Taking the wrong medicine for a person and violating the dosage can seriously harm your health. The harm of antihistamines can manifest itself, in addition to the usual side effects for them such as drowsiness, runny nose and cough, in violation of the timing of ovulation in women, the occurrence of allergic edema and asthma. Therefore, be sure to consult your doctor before you start taking the medicine, and strictly follow the instructions for taking it.

Drug treatment of allergies, antihistamines

How do antihistamines work?

Antihistamines of the “old” and “new” generations

What is the difference between the 1st, 2nd and 3rd generations of antihistamines

Basics of drug therapy

There is such a substance - histamine. It is released during an allergic reaction and is responsible for the development of unpleasant symptoms: from skin manifestations to very severe life-threatening reactions such as anaphylactic shock. This is why antiallergy drugs are called ANTIhistamine.

They block histamine receptors and thereby stop the development of allergy symptoms.

Depending on the type of reaction, antihistamines are prescribed by injection (if severe forms) and inside (for milder cases). This is understandable: if we administer a medicine using an intramuscular or intravenous injection, it instantly enters the bloodstream and starts working. And if we take this medicine, time must pass before the active substance is absorbed into the blood from the gastrointestinal tract.

All anti-allergy medications can be divided into several groups:

1. Symptomatic medications.

2. Medicines for the treatment of chronic allergic inflammation in the affected organ.

3. Medicines for local therapy.

Symptomatic medications are intended to alleviate the course of allergic diseases. The leading place among them belongs to drugs called antihistamines.

These drugs counteract the damaging effects of the main mediator of allergic reactions, histamine. Today, doctors have three generations of antihistamines, differing in their characteristics.

The selection of antihistamines is carried out individually, taking into account the nature of food allergies, the age of the child and the nature of concomitant diseases. TO symptomatic drugs also, for example, include bronchodilators. They are used for attacks of bronchial asthma.

Antihistamines for the treatment of chronic allergic inflammation in the affected organ are divided into non-hormonal and hormonal. The latest drugs are more powerful and effective.

The prescription of drugs in this group depends on the clinical manifestations of food allergies, the severity of the disease, and the age of the child. It must be remembered that these drugs are generally effective only with long-term regular use.

We must remember that drug therapy for food allergies is a long process; you need to patiently and persistently follow medical recommendations.

We must also remember that some treatment methods for food allergies are absolutely contraindicated and can be harmful to the child. Thus, for food allergies, treatment with herbs and many drugs is contraindicated. traditional medicine, and psychotherapy and reflexology, except for bioresonance treatment, have almost no significant effect.

Treatment with herbs and drugs based on them increases the risk of developing an allergy to pollen in the future. The same “service” can be provided biologically active additives, which often contain plant components.

Antihistamines are standard therapy for atopic dermatitis. They are used as additional remedy for external treatment for severe itching and accompanying rashes.

Antihistamines are divided into three generations:

means of the 1st “old” generation;

means of the 2nd and 3rd generations (“new” generation).

Antihistamine drugs of the 1st “old” generation

1st generation antihistamines are more often used to treat acute reactions in the treatment of itchy allergic dermatoses. Most of them are available in solutions in ampoules, but there are forms in tablets, syrups and powders

Antihistamines of the 1st “old” generation (oral forms)

Chloropyramine, Clemastine, Dimetindene, Quifenadine, Hifenadine, Mebhydrolin, Ketotifen.

Disadvantages of old generation antihistamines:

Incomplete connection with H1 receptors, as a result of which relatively high doses are required;

Short duration of action - taken several times a day

Development of addiction - it is necessary to alternate drugs of different groups every 10-14 days

Sedative and hypnotic effect

Antihistamine drugs of the 2nd and 3rd “new” generations

Loratodine, cyterizine, fexofenadine, desloratadine.

Currently, “new” antihistamine drugs, that is, 2nd and 3rd generations, are widely used in the treatment of atopic dermatitis.

Antihistamine drugs of the 2nd and 3rd generations are used for basic and anti-relapse therapy.

Antihistamines of the “new” generation do not have sedative and hypnotic effects. They have a selective effect, causing blockade of only H1-histamine receptors. Their duration of action is up to 24 hours, so most of these drugs are prescribed once a day.

After taking most antihistamines, their residual effect can continue for one week after discontinuation (this circumstance must be taken into account when conducting an allergy examination). A significant difference between the “new” generation of antihistamines is that they have not only an H1-blocking effect, but also antiallergic and anti-inflammatory effects.

If long-term use is necessary, use only “new” generation antihistamines

The absence of undesirable side effects characteristic of the first antihistamines allows us to significantly expand the list of indications for the use of modern H1-antagonists.

Advantages of 2nd generation antihistamines compared to 1st:

Quick onset of action (from 30 minutes - acute cases);

Can be taken at any time of the day (including in the first half of the day) good absorption from digestive tract Possibility of use in children early age long duration antihistamine effect (up to 24 hours), which allows you to take the drug once a day.

No blockade of other types of receptors

Lack of penetration through the blood-brain barrier into therapeutic doses

Lack of connection with food intake

No addiction, even with long-term use (3 to 6 months)

Practically complete absence side effects associated with effects on the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

The use of antihistamines in the treatment of children with atopic dermatitis.

Children after one year of age are usually prescribed drugs of a new generation.

Drugs of the “new” generation, which are approved for use in children from 6 months of age, are antihistamines based on cetirizine (generic active ingredient).


Since allergies are an immune disorder, allergic rhinitis and bronchial asthma can be treated with vaccines made from allergens to which the child is hypersensitive. Indications for vaccination are determined based on the results of skin tests with allergens.

The vaccine is administered according to a special scheme subcutaneously or instilled under the tongue. This treatment is only applicable to children over 5 years of age and should be carried out by an allergist.

And finally, the most interesting question: Do allergy medications cause allergies? Yes! We won't go into technical details the occurrence of complex mechanisms that can lead to such a development of events.

Let's just say that allergies to antihistamines are extremely rare, but they do happen. There is only one way out - change the drug.

Antihistamines are a group of drugs that competitively block histamine receptors in the body, which leads to inhibition of the effects mediated by it.

Histamine is a neurotransmitter that can influence respiratory tract(causing swelling of the nasal mucosa, bronchospasm), skin (itching, blistering-hyperemic reaction), gastrointestinal tract (intestinal colic, stimulation of gastric secretion), cardiovascular system (dilation capillary vessels, increased vascular permeability, hypotension, impaired heart rate), smooth muscles.

An increase in its influence is caused by allergic reactions, so antihistamines are used to combat allergy symptoms. Another area of ​​their use is symptomatic therapy/elimination of symptoms for colds.

Currently, there are three groups of drugs (according to the receptors they block):

H1 blockers - used in the treatment of allergic diseases.

H2 blockers - used in the treatment of stomach diseases (help reduce gastric secretion).

H3 blockers - used in the treatment of neurological diseases.

Among them, cetrin (cetirizine), fenkarol (hifenadine), diphenhydramine, clemastine, suprastin stop the emission (for example, cromoglycic acid) or the action (like diphenhydramine) of histamines.

Available in the form of tablets, nasal spray, drops, including eye drops, solution in ampoules for intramuscular injection(usually for emergency therapy) .

There are several generations of antihistamines. With each generation, the number and strength of side effects and the likelihood of addiction decreases, and the duration of action increases.

First generation

Before buying medicine - paracetamol, ibuprofen, antiallergic (antihistamine) drugs, cold and runny nose remedies, you need to know:


Analgesic, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory agent. Active substance is paraacetaminophenol, based on which different countries release many others similar drugs, such as acetaminophen, panadol, efferalgan, myalgin, paramol, pilaren, etc.

Benefit. In its action, paracetamol is in many ways close to aspirin, but has less pronounced side effects. It does not reduce blood viscosity, so it is safe to use in preparation for and after surgery.

It is less likely to cause allergic reactions than aspirin and is less irritating to the stomach. Paracetamol is part of many combination drugs in combination with aspirin, analgin, caffeine, etc. It is available in the form of tablets, capsules, mixtures, syrup, “effervescent” powders (panadol, panadone).

Possible harm. When combined with alcohol, it can damage and even destroy the liver. Therefore, like aspirin, it is dangerous to take for people who regularly drink alcohol. Paracetamol has a negative effect on the liver even if it is taken in violation of the norm (in case of an overdose).

Exit. Take no more than 2 g per day (4 tablets of 500 mg) - People who drink alcohol daily should avoid taking paracetamol.


Has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. Ibuprofen is the active ingredient in drugs such as Brufen, Arthril, Advil, Naproxen, etc. These drugs are chemically identical, but differ in the duration of the therapeutic effect.

Benefit. Help with fever, muscle and joint pain (rheumatoid arthritis, arthrosis, etc.)

Possible harm. If the body is severely dehydrated as a result of severe physical work, heat or taking diuretics, then ibuprofen can have a negative effect on the kidneys. The risk of kidney damage increases with regular use of ibuprofen.

Long-term use of ibuprofen is dangerous for the stomach. In people who regularly drink alcohol, taking ibuprofen can affect the liver.

Exit. Try to avoid dehydration. When taking ibuprofen, you need to monitor your kidney function. In no case exceed the permissible daily intake (6 tablets of ibuprofen, 200 mg each, or 2 tablets of naproxen, 220 mg each).

Antiallergic (antihistamine) drugs

Drugs in this group are intended for people suffering from hay fever (hay fever), asthma, urticaria or other allergic diseases.

Benefit. They relieve a runny nose, sneezing, sore throat, coughing and choking, unbearable itching and other symptoms of these diseases.

Possible harm. Most of the common drugs in this group, such as suprastin, tavegil, diphenhydramine, zaditen, peritol, etc., have a sedative effect, that is, they cause drowsiness, inhibition of reactions, and general weakness. Therefore, they are dangerous for car drivers, pilots, operators, dispatchers, etc., that is, people who require constant attention and quick reaction in difficult situations.

Exit. To avoid the risk, you should take new generation antihistamines, not drowsy and inhibition of reactions, such as claritin, kestin, which act for 12-24 hours. Antihistamines, which have a sedative effect, are best taken in the afternoon and at night.

Remedies for runny nose

The effect of drugs such as sanorin, naphthyzin, galazolin, otrivin, etc. is that they constrict the blood vessels in the swollen mucous membrane of the nasal passages, as a result of which the nasal passages themselves expand.

Benefit. With a cold, the runny nose weakens or stops, breathing through the nose is restored, and the headache goes away.

Possible harm. When taking these medications, blood vessels not only in the nose narrow, as a result of which blood pressure may increase in patients with hypertension.

This is especially dangerous for hypertensive patients, since the drugs they take to reduce blood pressure the medications will be ineffective. In addition, drugs in this group are dangerous for those who take antidepressants such as pyrazidol, pirlindol, nialamide.

Exit. People suffering from hypertension can take common medications for the common cold only under blood pressure control. In case of increased blood pressure, the dosage of antihypertensive drugs should be increased.

For patients with depression taking the listed antidepressants or similar ones, drugs from this group are contraindicated.

Complex cold preparations using antihistamines

Among the complex anti-cold drugs, the most famous are askofen, citramon, sedalgin, alka-seltzer plus, bicarmint, etc.

Benefit. They help get rid of different symptoms of the disease at the same time: cough, runny nose, pain, fever, allergic manifestations.

Possible harm. When taking complex drugs, the so-called “unexpected overdose” is quite often allowed.

This happens when, in case of a severe cold or headache, in order to increase the effectiveness of treatment, a complex cold medicine containing aspirin is added to the aspirin intake. As a result, it may worsen peptic ulcer or even stomach bleeding occurs.

If, in case of allergic rhinitis, in addition to suprastin, you also take a complex drug containing an antihistamine, then all together it will act as a strong sleeping pill. Sometimes liver disorders are associated with a similar overdose of paracetamol or ibuprofen.

Exit. Before your appointment complex drug for colds, you must carefully read its composition indicated on the package or in the insert, and do not take separately the medications that are included in it.

Antiallergic drugs for children: characteristics, principle of action, benefits and harms

Diazolin (mebhydrolin);

Peritol (cyproheptadine).

In principle, the effectiveness of the above drugs has been confirmed by many years of experience in use, but this same experience indicates a whole bunch of side effects:

All of these drugs affect the central nervous system to a greater or lesser extent, producing sedative and hypnotic effects.

Classic antihistamines dry out the mucous membranes. Dry mouth, viscosity of sputum in the lungs (which is especially dangerous during ARVI, as it seriously increases the risk of developing pneumonia) - not in the best possible way affects the child's condition.

Concomitant use of first generation antiallergic drugs with other medicines enhances the effect of using the latter. Thus, antipyretic, analgesic, sleeping pills. The combination of antihistamines with other drugs that actively affect the functioning of the central nervous system is especially dangerous. In this case, side effects may develop, including fainting. Combination with alcoholic drinks is highly undesirable.

The effect of such drugs, although effective, is limited to 2-3 hours (some last up to 6 hours).

Of course, there are some advantages too. Firstly, first-generation antihistamines are relatively affordable, and secondly, they are excellent for short-term treatment of allergies. That is, if, for example, a child has eaten an excessive amount of chocolate and a short-term antihistamine is required, you can safely use the same Tavegil or Fenkarol.

Most first-generation allergy medications should not be taken orally by nursing mothers; only these can be used local forms- ointment, cream, spray. The exception is Suprastin and Fenkarol (from three months of pregnancy). Each drug has its own characteristic feature, which is important to consider when drawing up a treatment regimen. So, it is not advisable for a baby prone to constipation to use Tavegil; a child suffering from gastrointestinal diseases is prohibited from taking Suprastin; and children with impaired liver function need to be careful when using Fenkarol.

For babies under one year of age, taking first-generation antiallergic drugs is not advisable. For the little ones, there are more modern drugs that are practically safe and very effective.

Principles of action of second-generation antihistamines on the child’s body

The undoubted advantage of second and third generation antiallergic drugs is the absence or minimization of sedative, hypnotic, and CNS inhibitory effects.

In addition, they have a number of other advantages: they do not penetrate the fetoplacental barrier (that is, such drugs can be used during pregnancy);

do not dry out mucous membranes;

do not affect the mental and physical activity of the child;

have a quick and long-lasting (up to 24 hours) therapeutic effect - one tablet is enough to forget about allergy symptoms for the whole day;

in addition to antiallergic, they have antiemetic, antiulcer and other effects (some drugs); do not reduce their effectiveness with long-term use.

Perhaps the only drawback of second-generation antiallergic drugs is their ability to have a negative effect on the children's cardiovascular system. Due to the possible cardiotoxic effect, the use of such drugs is not recommended for children with various pathologies heart and blood vessels.

Among the most prominent representatives of the second generation:

Claritin (loratidine);

Allergy treatment, antihistamines

Diazolin tablets 50 mg No. 20

Diazolin tab. 100 mg No. 10

Suprastin (chloropyramine) is one of the most widely used sedative antihistamines. It has significant antihistamine activity, peripheral anticholinergic and moderate antispasmodic effects.

Effective in most cases for the treatment of seasonal and year-round allergic rhinoconjunctivitis, Quincke's edema, urticaria, atopic dermatitis, eczema, itching of various etiologies; in parenteral form - for the treatment of acute allergic conditions requiring emergency care. It does not accumulate in the blood serum, therefore it does not cause an overdose with long-term use. The effect occurs quickly, but is short-lived; to increase the duration, it is combined with non-sedating H1-blockers.

Suprastin injection solution 2% 1ml amp. No. 5 (Egis, Hungary)

Suprastin tab. 25 mg No. 20 (Egis, Hungary)

Chloropyramine hydrochloride tablet. 25 mg No. 40

Tavegil (clemastine) is a highly effective antihistamine, similar in action to diphenhydramine. It has high anticholinergic activity, but penetrates the blood-brain barrier to a lesser extent.

IN injection form, which can be used as an additional remedy for anaphylactic shock And angioedema, for the prevention and treatment of allergic and pseudoallergic reactions. However, allergies can also occur to tavegil.

Peritol (cyproheptadine), along with an antihistamine, has a significant antiserotonin effect. It is often used for some forms of migraine and increases appetite.

Peritol syrup 2mg/5ml 100ml (Egis, Hungary)

Peritol tab. 4 mg No. 20 (Egis, Hungary)

Pipolfen (promethazine) - pronounced effect on the central nervous system, used as antiemetic and for potentiation of anesthesia.

Pipolfen etc. 25 mg No. 20 (Egis, Hungary)

Pipolfen injection solution 50 mg 2 ml amp. No. 10 (Egis, Hungary)

Diprazine tab. 25 mg No. 20

Fenkarol (quifenadine) - has less antihistamine activity than diphenhydramine, but is also characterized by less penetration through the blood-brain barrier, which determines the lower severity of its sedative properties. In addition, fenkarol not only blocks histamine H1 receptors, but also reduces the content of histamine in tissues. Can be used when developing addiction to other sedating antihistamines.

Fenkarol tab. 25 mg No. 20 (Latvia)

Second generation antihistamines (non-sedating).

Unlike the first generation, they have almost no sedative and anticholinergic effects, do not penetrate the blood-brain barrier, and do not reduce mental and physical activity, are not adsorbed from food products in the gastrointestinal tract, have a high affinity for H1 receptors, have rapid therapeutic effect. However, they exhibit a cardiotoxic effect to varying degrees; when taking them it is required constant monitoring cardiac activity (prescribed on an outpatient basis). They should not be taken by patients with cardiovascular disorders or elderly patients.

The effect occurs quickly and for a longer time (slow release).

When using drugs in therapeutic doses, minimal sedation is observed. Some particularly sensitive individuals may experience moderate drowsiness, which does not require discontinuation of the drug.

Absence of tachyphylaxis (decreased antihistamine activity) with long-term use.

The cardiotoxic effect occurs due to the ability to block potassium channels of the heart muscle; the risk of a cardiotoxic effect increases when antihistamines are combined with antifungals (ketoconazole and intraconazole), macrolides (erythromycin and clarithromycin), antidepressants (fluoxetine, sertraline and paroxetine), and when drinking grapefruit juice , as well as in patients with pronounced violations liver functions.

There are no parenteral forms, only enteral and local dosage forms.

The most common second generation antihistamines are:

Trexyl (terfenadine) is the first second-generation antihistamine, no CNS depressant, but with significant cardiotoxicity and an increased ability to cause fatal arrhythmias.

Trexil tab. 60 mg No. 100 (Ranbaxi, India)

Gistalong (astemizole) is one of the longest-acting drugs in the group (up to 20 days). It is characterized by irreversible binding to H1 receptors. It has virtually no sedative effect and does not interact with alcohol.

Effective for chronic allergic diseases, with acute process its use is inappropriate. But the risk of developing serious violations heart rhythm, sometimes fatal. Due to these dangerous side effects Sales of astemizole in the US and some other countries have been suspended.

Astemizole tab. 10mg №10

Gistalong tab. 10mg No. 20 (India)

Semprex (acrivastine) is a drug with high antihistamine activity with minimally expressed sedative and anticholinergic effects. Therapeutic effect achieved quickly, but for a short time.

Semprex caps. 8 mg No. 24 (GlaxoWellcome, UK)

Fenistil (dimetenden) is closest to first-generation antihistamines, but differs from them in having a significantly less pronounced sedative effect, higher antiallergic activity and duration of action than first-generation drugs. There is a gel for external use.

Claritin (loratadine) is one of the most widely purchased second-generation drugs. Its antihistamine activity is higher than that of astemizole and terfenadine due to greater binding strength to peripheral H1 receptors.

There is no sedative effect, it does not potentiate the effect of alcohol. It practically does not interact with other drugs and does not have a cardiotoxic effect. It can be taken by drivers and children from 1 year old.

Claritin syrup 5mg/5ml 120ml (Schering-Plough, USA)

Claritin tab. 10 mg No. 10 (Schering-Plough, USA)

Loratadine tab. 10mg №10

Agistam tab. 10 mg No. 12

Third generation antihistamines (metabolites).

They are active metabolites of second generation antihistamines. They do not have a sedative or cardiotoxic effect. In this regard, the drugs are approved for use by persons whose activities require increased attention.

Zyrtec, cetrin (cetirizine) is a highly selective blocker of peripheral H1 receptors. Cetirizine is almost not metabolized in the body, the rate of its elimination depends on renal function. It penetrates well into the skin and is effective for skin allergies.

The effect appears 2 hours after administration and lasts 24 hours. They do not have a sedative or cardiotoxic effect in therapeutic doses. Prescribe with caution in case of impaired renal function.

Cetrin tab. 10 mg No. 20 (Dr. Reddy's Laboratories, India)

Telfast (fexofenadine) is a metabolite of terfenadine. Does not metabolize in the body, does not interact with medications, does not have a sedative effect and does not affect psychomotor activity. Efficient and maximum safe drug among antihistamines.

Telfast tab. 120 mg No. 10 (Hoechst Marion Roussel)

Telfast tab. 180 mg No. 10 (Hoechst Marion Roussel)

Fenkarol is one of the antihistamines used to treat different types allergies in children and adult patients. In pediatric therapy, the medication is widely used due to its safe concentration of substances.

Side effects occur only in isolated cases. Before using the drug, it is important to exclude the presence of contraindications.

What kind of drug is this?

Fenkarol is an antihistamine used to treat allergic reactions of any etiology. The components included in its composition have a rapid effect on the child’s body, due to which allergy symptoms begin to decrease within one hour after taking the medication. Fenkarol has not only antiallergic, but also antiexudative and antipruritic effects.

Mechanism of action of the drug:

  • reducing the effect of histamine during an allergic reaction;
  • effects only on the peripheral nervous system;
  • prevention of complications of an allergic reaction;
  • elimination of spasm of smooth muscles in the intestines;
  • reduction of toxic effects on the body;
  • restoring balance in the body;
  • increased activity of diamine oxidase;
  • adrenolytic effect;
  • reduction of itching and burning;
  • elimination of swelling;
  • relief general condition child with allergies;
  • normalization of capillary permeability;
  • decrease in hypotensive activity.

Composition and release forms

The drug is available in the form of tablets, powder or solution. One pack may contain two blisters of ten tablets or fifteen sachets of powder for preparing a solution. The active ingredient of Fenkarol, regardless of the form of release, is hifenadine. For the treatment of children, only options in the form of powder or tablets are used.

Auxiliary components:

  • calcium stearate;
  • citric acid;
  • flavorings;
  • sucrose;
  • mannitol;
  • potato starch.

Indications for use

The main area of ​​application of Fenkarol for children is the treatment of allergies and conditions that accompany this disease.

You can start taking it at any stage of symptoms.

If a child has been diagnosed with seasonal allergies, then the drug can be taken in advance during the period of potential exacerbation of the disease.

Indications for use of the drug are the following conditions:

  • dermatoses of various forms and types;
  • allergic;
  • acute or chronic type;
  • swelling of an allergic nature;
  • angioedema;
  • food allergies;
  • hay fever;
  • hay fever;
  • allergic rhinopathy;
  • allergic rhinitis;
  • allergies to medications;
  • allergic bronchospasms.

Contraindications and side effects

A negative reaction of the body in a child may occur if there is hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Accompanied side effects dry mouth, drowsiness, excessive fatigue, headaches or loss of consciousness.

Disturbances may occur in the gastrointestinal tract and may include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or indigestion. In case of an overdose, a bitter taste appears in the mouth.

The following conditions are contraindications for the use of the drug:

  • individual intolerance to individual components;
  • age up to 18 years (for the drug in the form of an injection solution);
  • children under 3 years of age (for tablets);
  • serious pathologies of the digestive system;
  • fructose intolerance;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • deficiency of sucrose in the body;
  • serious pathologies of the liver and kidneys.

Directions for use and dosage for children

For children, only Fenkarol can be used in tablet form. The course of treatment is at least ten days, but can be adjusted by a doctor if there is special indications. The drug is prescribed to children from three years of age.

The use of the medication for newborns and infants is prohibited.

In some cases, the drug is prescribed to children from the age of two, but the dosage is reduced to taking halves or quarters of tablets.

Reception regimen for children:

  • children from three to seven years old the drug is prescribed one tablet twice a day or one sachet once a day;
  • children from seven to twelve years old the dosage is increased to one tablet three times a day or one sachet twice a day (in some cases, the course of treatment for children of this age category may involve taking the drug twice a day);
  • children over twelve years old the drug can be taken two tablets two or three times a day, as well as two sachets twice a day (depending on the stage of the disease and the presence of complications);
  • There should be a period of time between doses of the drug, at least eight hours (if the medication is prescribed twice a day) or twenty-four hours (if the dose is recommended once a day).

Special instructions

Unlike some antiallergic drugs, Fenkarol does not cause drowsiness in the child. It is recommended to take it before eating or an hour after eating. The drug can be used as an addition to complex therapy. The components from its composition do not interfere with the action of most types of medications.

Analogs are cheaper

When selecting analogues of Fenkarol, it is important to take into account the differences in the compositions of such drugs and the concentration of active ingredients. You should not take medications if there are contraindications or suspicions about them. Special attention should be given the recommended age for taking medications as stated in the instructions.

Cheap analogues of Fenkarol include the following medications:

  • Claritin(price from 150 rubles, the drug effectively eliminates lacrimation, runny nose and other allergy symptoms);
  • Aleric(price from 100 rubles, a drug based on loratadine, belonging to the group of antihistamines);
  • Claridol(price from 100 rubles, antihistamine, can be used if a child’s body has a negative reaction to insect bites);
  • Suprastin(price from 120 rubles, antihistamine with wide range actions);
  • Loratadine(price from 50 rubles, has high concentration active ingredients may provoke a negative reaction in the child’s body);
  • Diazolin(price from 60 rubles, in children may cause drowsiness or increased sensitivity to components);
  • Ketotifen(price from 70 rubles, inferior in pharmacological properties to Fenkarol).

Which is better - Suprastin or Fenkarol?

Suprastin and Fenkarol differ in composition, but have similar pharmacological properties. The prescription of drugs depends on the individual characteristics of the child’s body and the stage of development of allergies.

Suprastin is recommended to be taken in the presence of complications or a severe form of the disease. This drug belongs to the first generation antihistamines. For children, Fenkarol is safer, but in some cases its action may not be sufficient to treat severe allergies.