Indications for hospitalization for therapy. Indications for emergency hospitalization of patients

Unfortunately, no matter how afraid a person is of hospitals and doctors, sooner or later everyone ends up in a hospital ward. If your attending physician recommends undergoing examination and treatment in a hospital hospital, you should not immediately refuse this opportunity. It is best to think everything over carefully, weigh it and make a decision in a calm environment with a clear and sober head.

Indications for hospitalization

The doctor may recommend hospitalization in cases where the medical and diagnostic procedures necessary for the patient cannot be performed at home or in a clinic at the place of residence. Such procedures include the need for constant medical supervision and medical manipulation.

In the case where the patient lives alone and is not able to independently follow all the doctor’s recommendations and ensure his safety, hospitalization in a medical institution is also carried out. Providing emergency medical care is an indication for emergency hospitalization, since otherwise irreparable damage may be caused to the patient's health.

Carrying out surgical interventions and providing cardiac care are also indication for hospitalization sick. The presence of a viral or bacterial infection, which can negatively affect the health of people around the patient, may cause the patient to be hospitalized in a special department of a medical institution.

Planned hospitalization is carried out when it is necessary to conduct a thorough examination of the patient and determine further treatment tactics.

Indications for psychiatric hospitalization

Serious disturbances in a person’s psychological state are indication for hospitalization sick. It is worth noting that hospitalization of a person is permissible only with the consent of the patient. Unfortunately, serious deviations in a person’s mental health do not give him the opportunity to adequately assess the current situation and make the right decision.

For patients with psychiatric disorders, a procedure is provided for registration of hospitalization by a legal representative or by court decision, for which the patient’s relatives or government authorities must apply to the court.

Hospitalization in a day hospital

If the patient’s health condition allows, medical care can be provided in a day hospital at a medical institution or a commercial medical clinic. In a day hospital, all necessary diagnostic examinations and therapeutic procedures, rehabilitation and a range of health treatments can be carried out.

It is unacceptable for patients before and after surgery, cardiac patients and patients with psychological pathologies to be in the day hospital. Pregnant women with suspected natural abortion, identified pathologies, as well as in case of exacerbation of chronic diseases are hospitalized in the obstetrics and gynecology department of a medical institution or in a maternity hospital.

Hospitalization procedure

As part of a planned hospitalization, the patient can independently reach a medical facility or use the ambulance service. When registering at a public medical institution, it is recommended to have a passport, medical insurance policy, a doctor’s referral and the results of previous examinations.

In case of emergency hospitalization, the patient is registered without presenting documents. Upon admission to a medical facility, blood and urine are collected from the patient for clinical examinations, and an X-ray examination, ultrasound examination and ECG are performed. In the future, the doctor can refer the patient for additional studies that will allow a more clear and correct diagnosis of the disease and effective treatment. The length of stay in a medical facility depends on the severity of the disease and the effectiveness of the treatment used.

You can get more detailed information about the reasons for hospitalization, medical institutions in the city, undergo an examination and get advice from specialists at our medical center. The use of high-tech diagnostic equipment and many years of experience of our doctors will allow us to conduct a full examination and select the necessary treatment.

Related materials:

Emergency hospitalization is carried out within the first two hours after the ambulance team is called to the patient. It is necessary for acute conditions or sudden exacerbations of chronic diseases that require urgent medical attention. The selection of a medical institution in each specific situation is determined by doctors, based on the urgency of the disease, the availability of places in the selected clinic and other parameters. In the future, when the patient’s condition has stabilized, it is possible to transfer him to another hospital.

A patient can be urgently hospitalized either in a commercial hospital or in a city hospital. Today, more and more people choose hospitalization on a paid basis, which has a number of advantages. However, the peculiarity of emergency hospitalization is its spontaneity, when the patient simply does not have time to choose in advance the method of delivery to the medical facility and its type.

Emergency hospitalization for myocardial infarction

Myocardial infarction is the death (necrosis) of the heart muscle due to an acute disturbance of the cardiac blood supply (coronary heart disease). The most characteristic symptom of myocardial infarction is severe on the left side or in the upper abdomen. Pain during a heart attack sometimes radiates to the arm or lower jaw and is constant and long-lasting. Moreover, the pain does not depend in any way on the position of the body and does not decrease after taking nitroglycerin. Additional symptoms accompanying acute pain syndrome are dizziness, general weakness and sweating.

These signs indicate myocardial infarction, which is a direct indication for emergency hospitalization in the cardiology department and urgent treatment. Intensive therapy for myocardial infarction relieves pain, restores the patency of the coronary artery and increases blood supply to the heart muscle.

If you hospitalize within an hour after the onset of symptoms, you can prevent complications of the disease as much as possible. After in-hospital intensive therapy, an individual detailed rehabilitation plan is drawn up for each patient. It is possible to transfer to home treatment or stay in a day hospital.

Emergency hospitalization for stroke

A stroke is an acute disorder of the blood circulation in the brain. Doctors distinguish between two types of stroke: ischemic and hemorrhagic. The first is associated with a complete cessation of blood supply to a separate area of ​​the brain, and the second is associated with extensive hemorrhage in the brain.

A characteristic symptom of a hemorrhagic stroke is severe headache, severe nausea, vomiting, and changes in visual perception. Symptoms of ischemic stroke directly depend on the location of the affected area. This may be a violation of the motor functions of the right or left side of the body. Symptoms such as visual impairment (with a stroke in the occipital region), smell, taste, sound perception (with a stroke in the temporal region), problems with speech and the perception of words are also common.

When symptoms of a stroke appear, the patient needs emergency hospitalization in the neurology department and urgent treatment. The goal of intensive therapy for stroke is to restore brain function, the respiratory system and the cardiovascular system, eliminate cerebral edema, and return to normal electrolyte balance. Wards for stroke patients are always equipped with breathing equipment that monitors breathing and circulatory parameters around the clock.

After emergency measures have been taken, the patient is prescribed individual drug treatment and rehabilitation therapy. In case of stroke, early rehabilitation during the acute period of the disease is of key importance. The sooner the patient is hospitalized, the lower the risk of complications will be and the faster the person will return to a full life.

Emergency hospitalization for renal colic

Renal colic is an acute disturbance of urinary outflow due to blockage of the upper urinary tract by kidney stones. The main symptoms of colic are sudden severe pain in the lower back or lower abdomen, radiating down the course of the ureters. The pain in renal colic is cramping in nature, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, severe weakness, and often painful and frequent urination. Renal colic always requires emergency hospitalization in the urology department and urgent treatment.

As a result of an unforeseen emergency, it is often necessary to continue treatment in hospital. The patient requires hospitalization. Hospitalization may also be required for a number of other conditions that do not require immediate medical attention but require short-term or long-term monitoring by a team of specialists.

Hospitalization may also be required for certain procedures, medical tests, or planned surgeries. But what exactly does hospitalization mean?

Hospitalization department

As a term, hospitalization refers to the process of referring, admitting, and admitting a patient to a hospital. Depending on the condition, patients are placed in the most appropriate department.

For example, children with infections are placed in a children's (pediatric) infectious diseases department, specifically designed to limit the spread of infectious diseases.

Depending on the etiology and type of disease, patients can be hospitalized in the cardiology department (cardiovascular diseases), gastrointestinal department (for diseases of the digestive system), nephrology (kidneys), pulmonary department (for respiratory diseases). The hematology department cares for patients with diseases affecting the blood and lymphatic system.

In the presence of injuries affecting the nervous system with an inflammatory, degenerative, idiopathic, or autoimmune nature, patients are referred to the neurological department. For planned preoperative or emergency surgical treatment, patients are admitted to the surgical department. Hospitalization is also possible in psychiatric wards and specialized clinics designed to treat symptoms and stabilize the mental and emotional state of patients.

Purpose of hospitalization

The primary goal of hospitalization is to meet the patient's needs and maintain optimal health, healing, and recovery, both physically and mentally. Depending on your specific situation and needs, you will receive the medical care you need.

In a hospital, in addition to doctors (your primary care physician and other specialists), you will also meet nurses (perhaps the first health care workers you encounter when you walk through the doors of a hospital).

They will take care at the appointed time of the appropriate dose of the medicine prescribed by your doctor (whether for oral or injection use), and will accompany you to the appropriate laboratories and premises to carry out the necessary procedures.

In addition to nurses in a number of hospitals, you will also meet pre-med medical students, medical specialists, and others. In addition to doctors and nurses, the core team that will take care of you may include physical therapists, nutritionists, psychologists, and others.

Indications for hospitalization

Indications for hospitalization are numerous and vary depending on the needs of the patient (it is necessary to diagnose a specific disease, conduct the necessary tests, provide treatment).

Forms of hospitalization

In general, depending on the patient's current situation, hospitalization may be urgent or planned:

  • Emergency hospitalization: Occurs in conditions that are potentially life-threatening, require urgent surgical treatment, or when the patient's general condition is severe and requires monitoring of vital signs. Emergency hospitalization of a patient is usually ordered by the ambulance team on duty or in the emergency room. Examples of the need for emergency hospitalization include, for example, Addisonian crisis, anaphylactic shock, myocardial infarction, pulmonary collapse, eclampsia, acute appendicitis, and others.
  • Planned hospitalization: allows you to specify the day of admission to the hospital. It is required to perform planned operations, chronic diseases, conduct research, periodic blood transfusions, hemodialysis. The documentation for hospitalization includes a corresponding direction, according to which the planned hospital stay is most often issued by a specialist or the corresponding chronic disease is treated. The patient has time to prepare (the necessary set of items, accessories, documentation, as well as time for purely mental and emotional preparation) and choose the appropriate day. Planned hospitalization, for example, is used for surgical treatment of glaucoma, progression of psoriasis, chronic nephritis syndrome, chronic renal failure and others.

The need for urgent or planned hospitalization is determined by the appropriate physician, with standardized regimens.

Admission to a psychiatric hospital

For example, in patients with mental illness, some of the main indications for hospitalization include:

  • suicidal thoughts and experiments
  • visual or auditory hallucinations
  • delusions (believing things that are not true)
  • problems with a certain addiction (alcohol, drugs)
  • patients do not eat or sleep for more than 5 days
  • patients are unable to take care of themselves (or have no one to take care of them)

Hospitalization may be voluntary or involuntary depending on the severity of the patient's symptoms.

Some of the major indications for hospitalization include life-threatening acute metabolic complications of diabetes, newly diagnosed diabetes in children and adolescents, severe chronic complications requiring intensive care, newly diagnosed or uncontrolled diabetes during pregnancy, and others.

Indications for hospitalization can also be divided into:

  • medical: patient diagnosis, stage of disease, presence of concomitant diseases, general condition
  • social: the patient's condition also allows for home treatment, but due to the inability to buy medicine and the lack of someone to take care of him, he needs to be hospitalized and cared for in a hospital

Regardless of the reasons for hospitalization, the upcoming hospital stay (especially for a first-time hospitalization) conceals many questions, uncertainties and causes of anxiety for patients.

What to take to the hospital when hospitalized

How to prepare for an upcoming planned hospitalization and stay in the hospital?

In the event of a planned hospitalization, the patient has time to take care of his luggage and provide everything necessary to facilitate his stay in the hospital, as well as prepare the necessary documents from an administrative point of view.

Upon admission to the hospital, you will need:

  • Some documents: identity card, prescription booklet (for chronic diseases), referral for hospitalization, epicrisis and documents from previous hospitalizations, results of recent studies;
  • Small amount of cash: You are not advised to bring large amounts of cash with you, as some other patients may not be particularly sympathetic and card payment is not always possible. You have food in the hospital, but you may need a little money for coffee, tea, food, newspapers and magazines and much more.
  • Clothing: you need to take a nightgown, changing clothes, underwear, slippers,
    reading glasses (in case you need them)
  • A pen and a small notebook: if questions arise for your treating staff, you can save them, and you may need a pen, and if you like crossword puzzles
  • Toiletries: toothpaste and toothbrush, soap, deodorant, shampoo, comb or hair brush, and everything you need to maintain daily hygiene
  • Anti-boredom: During your hospital stay you will have a lot of free time, so it is useful to find a way to avoid boredom in advance by taking your favorite books, magazines, and in some cases you can pick up knitting to fill your time
    photographs or small personal items of sentimental value: leaving your home frequently, especially over a longer period, can make you feel lonely and isolated, the list is roughly identical (items taken to recreate a familiar and cozy home, favorite toys, entertaining games).

Hospitalization of children

It is recommended that you first familiarize your child with the situation in the hospital, explaining in simple language what they will encounter and what to expect. You should not be afraid, you should not convey your fears and worries.

Some children (mostly between the ages of 3 and 6) perceive hospital stays as punishment for some of their actions. You need to explain to them that the need to stay in the hospital is not a punishment, but a need to be healthy, energetic, and full of desire to play again. Adolescents need an appropriate approach to prevent rebellion and sabotage of medical procedures.

Risks of hospitalization

Hospitalization does not hide certain risks; the dangers are associated with the nature of the manipulations, research and therapeutic strategies.

Possible complications as a result of the test (for example, when receiving blood), unwanted effects resulting from the use of a particular drug or combination of drugs, postoperative infection or bleeding after a certain surgical procedure, hospital-acquired infection, and others.

All known allergic reactions should be reported to reduce the risk of exposure to known allergens, including medications.

In most cases, the risk of side effects of administered drugs is lower than the benefit to the patient, being predominantly mild, predictable and correctable.

Risks for the patient exist if they refuse hospitalization, refuse treatment, or perform certain manipulations. In this case, patients voluntarily expose themselves to an unpredictable risk of serious deterioration in their health. By filling out a refusal application for hospitalization, patients openly declare their unwillingness to be treated, putting themselves and their loved ones at risk.

When a patient is discharged from the hospital, regardless of the length of stay in a medical institution, home therapy and medication are administered, if necessary.

The patient's discharge date is determined by the attending physician depending on the patient's condition, improvement after therapy, basic indicators and other factors. The patient may be prematurely written at his own request, in which case it is necessary to familiarize himself with the risks to which he is exposed.

If readmission is necessary within a short time (readmission) in the same or another hospital, the appropriate procedure is followed. The high number of readmissions in the country indicates poor quality of healthcare (the need for readmission only a couple of weeks after discharge suggests poor initial treatment).

Rules for hospitalization of patients in a hospital

The conditions for the provision of medical care in the State Budgetary Institution of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Intinskaya Central City Hospital” are carried out in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Komi Republic of January 1, 2001 No. 000 “On approval of the territorial program of state guarantees of free provision of medical care to citizens in the territory of the Komi Republic for 2016 and for the planning period 2017 and 2018."

Conditions for the provision of medical care for emergency and urgent indications

Hospitalization in a hospital for emergency and urgent indications is carried out:

Primary care doctors;

Transfer from another medical institution;

Self-referred patients.

Patients with a preliminary or previously established diagnosis are sent to the hospital for hospitalization.

The patient must be examined by a doctor in the emergency department no later than 30 minutes from the moment of treatment, in case of life-threatening conditions - immediately. In cases where the final diagnosis requires dynamic observation and the full scope of emergency treatment and diagnostic measures, the patient is allowed to stay in the emergency department for up to two hours.

Hospitalization of children under 4 years of age is carried out with one of the parents; over 4 years of age, the issue of hospitalization with a legal representative is decided depending on medical indications.

If necessary, one of the parents (legal representatives) or another family member can stay with a sick child under 18 years of age. At the same time, persons caring for a sick child are required to comply with these Rules.

Indications for hospitalization:

· a condition requiring active treatment (resuscitation and intensive care, surgical and conservative treatment);

· a condition requiring active dynamic monitoring;

· need for isolation;

Conducting special types of examinations;

· examination according to the directions of medical commissions of military registration and enlistment offices.

Types of medical care are determined in accordance with the license of a medical and preventive institution (hereinafter - health care facility) of the established form. In cases where the necessary types of assistance are beyond the capabilities of a health care facility, the patient must be transferred to a health care facility with appropriate capabilities or competent specialists must be involved in treatment.

Conditions for the provision of planned medical care

Planned hospitalization is carried out only if the patient has the results of diagnostic tests, which can be carried out on an outpatient basis, and if it is possible to carry out the necessary examination methods in a health care facility.

The maximum waiting time is determined by the queue for planned hospitalization.

In the clinic referral issued to the patient, the hospital doctor indicates the date of planned hospitalization. If it is impossible to hospitalize the patient on time, the doctor of the department notifies the patient about the postponement of the date of planned hospitalization, and agrees with him on a new date of hospitalization.

The maximum waiting period cannot exceed 30 days from the date the attending physician issues a referral for hospitalization (provided the patient applies for hospitalization within the time frame recommended by the attending physician).

Reception of planned patients is carried out by appointment. Reception of planned patients must coincide with the opening hours of the main offices and services of the medical institution, providing consultations, examinations, and procedures. The waiting time for an appointment is no more than 30 minutes from the time assigned to the patient, with the exception of cases when the doctor is involved in providing emergency care to another patient. Patients should be informed about the expectation of an appointment by the medical staff of the admission department.

During hospitalization, a medical record of the inpatient is drawn up.

Nursing staff are obliged to familiarize the patient and/or his parents with the internal regulations for hospital patients against signature, and pay special attention to the prohibition of smoking and drinking alcohol in the hospital and on its territory.

If the patient refuses hospitalization, the doctor on duty provides the patient with the necessary medical care and makes a record of the patient’s condition, the reasons for the refusal to hospitalize, and the measures taken in the register for registering the admission of patients and refusals to hospitalize.

Requirements for referring a patient during hospitalization

A referral for planned hospitalization is issued on the forms of a medical institution, subject to strict records.

The directions indicate:

Last name, first name, patronymic of the patient in full;

The date of birth is indicated in full (day, month, year of birth);

Administrative district of residence of the patient;

Data of the current compulsory health insurance policy (series, number,
name of the insurance organization that issued the policy) and passport (identity card);

In the absence of a policy - passport data;

The official name of the hospital and department where the patient is sent;

Purpose of hospitalization;

Diagnosis of the underlying disease according to the international classification of diseases;

Examination data according to the mandatory scope of examination of patients,
sent to hospitals (laboratory, instrumental, x-ray,
consultations with specialists in accordance with standards), with
indicating the date;

Information about the epidemiological environment;

Information about preventive vaccinations;

The date the referral was issued, the name of the doctor, the signature of the doctor who issued the referral,
signature of the head of the therapeutic department;

The name of the medical institution that refers the patient to inpatient treatment.

Referral for hospitalization of citizens entitled to receive a set of social services is issued in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated November 22, 2004 No. 000 “On the procedure for providing primary health care to citizens entitled to receive a set of social services "

During planned hospitalization, the patient must have the following documents with him:

2. Birth certificate or passport

3. Medical insurance policy

4. Passport of the legal representative (for incapacitated citizens)

5. Fluorography data, for women - examination by a gynecologist, for men - examination by a surgeon.

6. Vaccination certificate.

8. Complete blood test (Hb, Er, L-leukoformula, clotting time and bleeding duration, platelets).

9. Changeable shoes.

10. Personal hygiene items.

The shelf life of certificates and tests is 10 days, blood for HIV is 3 months, fluorography data is for 1 year.

Children admitted for inpatient treatment must have information about the absence of contacts with infectious patients within 21 days before hospitalization.

The attending physician who referred the patient to the hospital monitors the hospitalization of the patient.

Conditions of hospitalization

General indications for hospitalization are:

Availability of absolute indications for emergency and urgent hospitalization;

Unclear and complex cases without the ability to provide
qualified consultation, including a condition with no effect from
ongoing therapeutic and diagnostic measures, fever for five days,
long-term low-grade fever of unknown etiology, other conditions requiring
additional examination if the cause is established on an outpatient basis

Availability of absolute indications for planned hospitalization (including medical and social care and child care);

Availability of relative indications for planned hospitalization in combination with
inability to provide the necessary examination and treatment for social
conditions in an outpatient setting, the complexity of the diagnostic and treatment process in prehospital conditions, the need to connect specialized types
medical care and services (including surgical treatment or rehabilitation);

The need to conduct various types of examinations or inpatient examinations
if it is impossible to carry them out on an outpatient basis, including: antenatal
therapeutic and preventive screening of pregnant women, VTE, examination according to directions

military registration and enlistment office, courts, other surveys or expert assessments requiring dynamic observation and comprehensive examination.

When referred for inpatient treatment, the following is provided:

In-person examination of the patient by the attending physician;

Preparation of documentation according to established requirements (registration in outpatient
map, referral for hospitalization);

Preliminary examination (results of tests and other studies, X-ray
photographs, extracts from the outpatient card and other documentation that allows one to navigate the patient’s health status) in accordance with the list of mandatory examinations of patients sent for planned hospitalization set out below;

A set of measures to provide emergency assistance, organize anti-epidemic and other measures at the stages of providing medical care to the patient;

Organization of patient transportation in case of emergency and emergencies;

If necessary, accompany the patient to the next stage of care
medical care (with the participation of relatives, medical personnel or
authorized persons);

When determining absolute indications for planned hospitalization, the necessary
outpatient examination is carried out within a period of no more than 10 days;

When determining the relative indications for planned hospitalization, the necessary outpatient examination is carried out at a time convenient for the patient. Time
hospitalization is agreed upon with the patient and the medical institution where the patient is sent.

A condition requiring active treatment (resuscitation and intensive care, surgical and conservative treatment);

Conducting special types of examinations;

Antenatal diagnostic and treatment screening;

Prenatal diagnosis (if it is impossible to carry out on an outpatient basis);

According to the directions of the district military registration and enlistment offices during the initial registration of persons subject to conscription.

Conditions of stay

Patients are accommodated in wards. It is allowed to place patients admitted for emergency reasons outside the ward (corridor hospitalization) for a period of no more than 1 - 2 days. Patients admitted for planned hospitalization are referred to the ward within the first hour from the moment of admission to the hospital.

Organizing the patient’s nutrition, carrying out therapeutic and diagnostic procedures, and providing medications is carried out from the moment of admission to the hospital.

The attending physician is obliged to inform the patient, and in cases of treating minors under 15 years of age, his parents or legal representatives about the course of treatment, prognosis, and the required individual regimen.

The administration of the health care facility is obliged to ensure the storage of the patient’s clothes and personal belongings, excluding theft and damage, until discharge.

The procedure for providing medical care in a hospital

Planned hospitalization is carried out according to the directions of outpatient clinics.

During hospitalization, the admission department staff determines whether the patient has a passport and a compulsory health insurance policy renewed for the current year.

Discharge from hospital

Discharge is made daily, except weekends and holidays, by the attending physician in agreement with the head of the department.

Discharge from hospital is permitted:

If there is an improvement, when due to health reasons the patient can continue treatment in an outpatient clinic or at home without harm to health;

If it is necessary to transfer the patient to another healthcare facility;

At the written request of the parents or other legal representative of the patient, if the discharge does not threaten the life and health of the patient and is not dangerous to others.

Discharge documentation is issued to the patient within three days after discharge from the hospital.

After the patient is discharged from the hospital, the medical record of an inpatient is drawn up and deposited in the hospital archive.

If you need to obtain a certificate of stay (terms of stay) for inpatient treatment, an extract (copy) from medical documents and other documents, you must contact the head of the department in which the patient was treated on the established days and hours of admission. In this case, the patient must submit an application in writing in advance and after a week from the date of filing the application, the patient can receive the requested document.

In case of delivery of unconscious patients (victims) to a healthcare organization without identification documents (birth certificate, passport), or other information allowing to identify the patient, as well as in the event of their death, medical workers are obliged to inform law enforcement authorities at the place hospital location.