How long do Labrador retrievers live at home? How long do Labradors live?

The lifespan of a dog, like a person, largely depends on its activity, quality of nutrition, timely treatment and disease prevention. That is why how many years they live largely depends on the thorough care and care on the part of the owner.

How long do Labrador retrievers live?

The average lifespan of a pet is from twelve to fourteen years. You should understand that for about a third of your life you will have to constantly consult with a specialist. It so happens that to a large extent, how many years dogs live depends on your careful monitoring of your pet’s health.

This applies to active pastime, nutrition and timely detection of various diseases and disorders in the dog’s health. The fact is that after growing up, the dog’s body begins to present “surprises” and a visit to the veterinarian should not be delayed.

How many years do Labradors live - everything is in the hands of the owner

The difference between the minimum and maximum number of years that Labradors usually live is approximately five. Some pets, with good care, can live several years longer, others do not live to see ten.

Labrador is an amazing dog that is especially popular among dog breeders. Thanks to his good-natured and completely non-conflict disposition, he is perfect for the role of a companion and an ordinary pet. That’s why it is increasingly started by residents of city apartments and families with children. In today's article we will tell you what Labradors look like and how many years they live.

A little history

Experts have still not been able to establish the exact origin of this breed. According to one of the most plausible versions, their homeland is localized in the eastern part of the Canadian coast. If you believe this theory, then Labradors appeared as a result of crossing Basque dogs and Viking dogs. Europeans who accidentally landed on the island were captivated by the working qualities of these animals and their ability to operate equally effectively both in the water and on the shore.

Subsequently, these dogs were divided into two branches, very different in appearance. The first had a large body covered with long shaggy hair. The local population actively used them to transport goods. The second ones did not have such a massive body, but short, stiff hair. They were characterized by incredible dexterity and love of water. It was these animals that became the ancestors of modern Labradors.

In 1830, they began to be brought to England and bred as a separate breed. To consolidate the required qualities, they were crossed with foxhounds, setters and the independent breed was recognized in 1904, and twelve years later an official standard was developed, according to which only black dogs had the right to exist. A little later, changes were made to it, allowing the breeding of fawn and chocolate dogs.


Those who are interested in how many years Labradors live should understand that they are considered quite large dogs, which means that their lifespan will be slightly shorter than that of their smaller counterparts. However, representatives of this breed cannot boast of outstanding dimensions. Depending on gender, their height ranges from 50-57 cm, and their weight is 25-36 kg. On a wide wedge-shaped head with well-defined brow ridges, flat cheekbones and a moderately convex forehead, there are brown almond-shaped eyes framed by fully pigmented eyelids and medium-sized triangular hanging ears.

Under a tightly built rectangular body with a tucked groin line and a deep chest there are two pairs of strong, straight limbs with arched toes. The straight, not too long neck smoothly flows into pronounced withers, a wide, elongated back, a relatively short loin and croup, ending at the base of a gradually tapering tail.

Coat and color

Representatives of this breed were bred to work in water. Therefore, how many years Labradors live depends largely on the type of their coat. It should be rigid, water-repellent and fit as closely as possible to the body. Too soft a coat and a poor undercoat will quickly get wet and the dog may get sick, which will significantly shorten his life.

As for color, the standard allows the existence of black, chocolate and fawn individuals. In the first case, there may be a small white mark on the dog’s chest, in the second the shade varies from liver to dark brown, in the third the color intensity changes from almost white to deep red.

Behavioral features

Representatives of this breed are very active and cheerful animals. They quickly become attached to their owners and do not tolerate forced separation well. Those who want to find out what affects how many years Labradors live at home need to remember that a dog that is regularly left alone can develop stress, shortening its already short life.

These are real family dogs who love to frolic with children and are able to peacefully coexist with other animals, including cats. They are very loving and friendly. These dogs are ready to bestow their attention on everyone around them and never show aggression. They are very balanced, reliable and intelligent. However, due to their non-conflict and kind disposition, they are not suitable for the role of guards. Instead, they excel at serving as companions, nannies, guide dogs, rescuers, and hunters.

Features of care

How many years Labradors live at home directly depends on the conditions under which they are kept. Before you bring your puppy, you need to take care of its safety. Since small representatives of this breed are very active and curious, you should remove all wires, sharp and small objects away. Otherwise, the dog may be injured and even die.

In general, Labradors are unpretentious animals that easily adapt to the urban environment. They do not require special conditions of detention. They can be housed either in an apartment or in a covered enclosure, equipped with an insulated booth. As for care, which determines how many years Labrador retrievers live, it comes down to regular treatment of the fur with a special scraper. This simple manipulation allows you to get rid of dead spine and down. You need to bathe your dog when it gets dirty, using shampoo purchased at any pet store. It is also important to systematically trim your dog’s nails and clean his ears.

Nutrition is one of the most important factors affecting how many years Labradors live. Mixed breeds and purebred dogs should be provided with high-quality and well-balanced food.

If you prefer to give your pet industrial food, then it is important to choose products from trusted manufacturers. High-quality dry food always contains meat, but there is not an ounce of corn, wheat or artificial preservatives.

Those who prefer to give their four-legged pet natural food should remember that the basis of such a diet is fresh raw meat (poultry, lamb or beef). In addition, it is recommended to diversify the animal’s menu with buckwheat, rice, vegetables, fermented milk, eggs, offal and low-fat sea fish. It is strictly forbidden to treat your Labrador with long bones, chocolate, baked goods, legumes, smoked meats, pickles, potatoes and onions. River fish, pickled spicy and fried foods should not be on the dog’s menu.


Upbringing also affects how many years Labrador dogs live. An uncontrolled dog faces many dangers not only in the house itself, but also beyond its threshold. Therefore, it is extremely important to set certain boundaries in a timely manner and explain to your ward the rules of behavior. From an early age, the puppy must remember its name and learn to run up to its owner at the first call. It is also important that he is comfortable with the leash and collar.

By the age of one year, your dog should know and unquestioningly carry out at least basic commands, such as “Come to me”, “Place”, “No”, “Near” and “Stay”. Unconditional obedience will save both you and the dog from a lot of trouble. Therefore, do not be lazy and devote at least half an hour a day to training.

Predisposition to diseases

For those who want to find out how many years Labradors live before buying a puppy, it will be interesting that on average this figure ranges from 10-12 years. These dogs are relatively healthy, but they are also susceptible to some diseases.

Often modern Labradors are diagnosed with arthrosis of the knees and dysplasia of the hip joints. Both of these diseases are hereditary or age-related. They are accompanied by lameness and severe pain. Both diseases cannot be cured by medication. You can get rid of it only through surgery.

Also, representatives of this breed are susceptible to progressive retinal atrophy, oncology, atopic dermatitis, epilepsy, panosteitis, osteochondrosis, cataracts and ichthyosis.

When a little puppy appears in a family and brings so much joy and laughter to the family, we want him to please us for as long as possible. Unfortunately, the life expectancy of dogs is too short, but we can do everything possible to try to extend it.

If you chose a Labrador when choosing a four-legged friend, it is unlikely that he will ever give you a reason to regret it, because it is difficult to imagine a better companion than retrievers.

With ready-made food, it is easier to determine the daily intake, since the manufacturers have already done this for you and usually the information is indicated on the packaging. When choosing food, constant access to water is important; if possible, give only purified water.

Labradors can be incredible gluttons and even have a sweet tooth. There is no need to indulge their preferences and overfeed. This will cause them to get fat quickly, which can affect their lifespan.

Tendency to diseases

Regular health monitoring is directly related to how long Labradors live. Dogs are prone to certain diseases, including:

  • hip or elbow dysplasia (sometimes leading to lameness or causing severe pain when walking);
  • retinal atrophy (progressive degeneration of the retina that can lead to blindness);
  • lymphoma or lymphosarcoma;
  • licking granuloma (ulcers appear on the paws caused by constant licking);
  • ear problems (otitis media and others).

Most diseases can be inherited, so it doesn’t hurt to study your pedigree to eliminate the risk of occurrence. To avoid unpleasant consequences, it is necessary to conduct an examination from a veterinarian from time to time, so that if a disease is present, treatment can be started sooner.

Proper care

Labradors, like other breeds, require some care.

Attention should be paid to:

  • wool;
  • ears;
  • skin;
  • eyes.

This breed has an almost waterproof undercoat and thick, short hair. You can comb it once a week; during periods of shedding, daily combing is necessary. Bath as needed; in general, Labradors are clean dogs, but they may not deny themselves the joy of wallowing in a puddle or swamp.

Ears require more careful care. Dogs with floppy ears are more susceptible to dirt and various types of inflammation. Regular cleaning and examination will help to avoid diseases associated with the ears or that may live inside.

The following symptoms may be a reason to contact a veterinarian:

  • the dog constantly scratches its ears or shakes its head;
  • unpleasant odor from the ears;
  • discharge;
  • scratches.

Don’t forget to check your skin for redness, allergies, bald spots, fleas, or even worse, ticks. The dog will itch, lick a paw or other part of the body, and act restless. At the first symptoms, you should not self-medicate.

Labradors' eyes generally do not require as much care as breeds with flattened faces. A small discharge may appear, which can be wiped away with a clean cotton swab or with the addition of a special eye cleaner.

It is important to have periodic examinations by a veterinarian to eliminate the risk of progressive retinal atrophy, which was mentioned above, and cataracts, which are more common in aging dogs.


In general, Labradors are considered quite strong and healthy dogs. Kind, loyal and intelligent animals that will be true friends for the whole family. Do not leave your pet alone at home for a long time; Labradors have a hard time with loneliness.

Hello! We recently bought a house and now have the opportunity to get a dog. We decided to buy a Labrador puppy. I read a lot of positive reviews about the docile nature and friendliness of this breed. They write that Labrador retrievers have a low life expectancy. Tell me, please, how long do Labradors live at home? (Yana)

Unfortunately, the lifespan of any dog ​​differs significantly from that of a human. If we talk specifically about Labradors, representatives of this breed live on average 12-14 years. How many years will a Labrador live at home? There is no clear answer to this question. For some owners who do not raise their pet, do not monitor its diet and do not control health issues, the average life expectancy of the dog is significantly reduced. Such Labrador Retrievers rarely live beyond the age of 10.

However, everything is in your hands. If you are determined to make a friend, not a toy, and provide him with appropriate living conditions, then your pet can live a happy and long life. Beginning dog breeders often wonder how to extend the life of a Labrador retriever? Answer: no way! But there are ways to avoid shortening the years of your pet's life.

So, the main factors influencing the lifespan of a four-legged friend include:

A person cannot influence this factor. However, when buying a puppy, ask the breeders about the dog's pedigree.


The diet for a Labrador must be correct and balanced. This breed is prone to obesity. If you notice that your family pet has begun to gain significant weight, reconsider the feeding diet. According to the recommendations of veterinarians, when feeding a Labrador Retriever, it is necessary to calculate the daily kilocalorie intake and try not to exceed it.

Choose the right type of food - natural food or ready-made food.


A Labrador will live long only if the dog is in good health. Monitor the condition and well-being of your dog, do not miss scheduled preventive examinations at the veterinarian, and get vaccinations on time. Check your dog's fur and skin daily for ticks.

Proper care

This breed is undemanding in care and maintenance. Organize a place to rest and sleep, think over an activity area, and pay more attention to your pet.

As you can see, to a large extent, how many years Labradors live depends solely on the owner of the animal. The more attention you give to your four-legged family friend, the more likely it is that the dog will live a longer and richer life.

Video “Interesting facts about the Labrador breed”

From this video you will learn about what the popular Labrador breed is.

The arrival of a puppy in a family is very joyful event for children, they begin to grow up before our eyes, taking care of their ward. But parents need to prepare their child in advance, tell and explain how they should behave with the animal so that it pleases them for a long time.

How long do Labradors live?

If you listen to the advice of experienced dog breeders, they recommend choosing the Labrador breed. A dog of this breed will become both parents and children's best friend and companion. She is faithful and devoted to her owner.

Description of the breed

Labradors were discovered on the island of Newfoundland, which is why they were originally called that. They conquered everyone with their strength, efficiency and endurance, as well as their flair. They tried to help the sailors in every possible way in any weather, and they just loved water.

Knowing about all their preferences, no one will refuse such a companion in the family. The dog is loyal and intelligent, with a calm character. Loves attention and is very sociable. It can be installed both in private houses and in apartments.

Labradors are considered one of the most popular breeds in the world, and all this is due to their excellent qualities. The color of the dog can be:

  • pale yellow;
  • black;
  • chocolate.

The breed is large, adult male weight can be up to 40 kg, and knots - up to 35 kg. The height of the dog at the withers is 50–60 cm. Such an animal needs enough space to move, maximum comfort for sleeping and eating.

How long do Labradors live? Under normal home conditions, a dog lives from 10 to 14 years.

Despite the fact that the breed is quite large, apartment owners are not afraid to have one. Before deciding to take such a step, you need to think in advance about where the dog will sleep, where he will walk and where his “dining room” will be.

Any secluded corner in the apartment is suitable for relaxation, the main thing is that it is not in the aisle, not in a draft, and not next to a radiator. Bedding for your favorite animal should be prepared in advance, taking into account the fact that the puppy will grow very quickly.

The dog’s “dining room” should be located in the kitchen, in the same secluded corner. There should be at least two bowls, since one of them should contain clean water. Many owners, for hygienic reasons, set up a dog “dining room” in the hallway. There is nothing wrong with this, the main thing is to keep it clean.

Labrador puppy needed toilet training. As soon as you notice suspicious movements, immediately lay out newspapers and place the puppy on them. At first, he will only go to the toilet this way, and in this particular place. After each trip to the toilet, praise your ward and give him treats. This way you can teach him to be clean.

Try to take your puppy for walks as often as possible, because an active dog needs space. You can walk your puppy 5-6 times a day, and when he grows up, 2-3 times is enough. When he turns 2 months old, you need to accustom him to a collar.

Your own yard will provide enough space for the animal to move around; of course, this is a better option than a city apartment. Here the dog can be outside all day, and even live.

To avoid causing trouble to your neighbors, it is not enough to simply place a dog mat in front of the door. In this case, the growing animal will dig holes in the yard and under the fence, run to the neighbors and scare them.

Labrador needs spacious enclosure with a large booth, in which the animal can live when it grows up. If the dog will live outside in winter, then the kennel must be insulated so that there are no through holes or drafts in it. Labrador is not a breed that tolerates cold well.

Even if your dog is constantly on the street, in an enclosure, you must take it for walks and give it freedom outside the yard. In a person, a Labrador, first of all, sees a companion.

If there is no urgent need, then can you keep a dog in the house?, and not on the street, in an enclosure. But for this she needs to be trained.

How long do Labradors live?

Factors influencing a dog's lifespan:

  • decent care;
  • good nutrition;
  • taking vitamins;
  • regular walks;
  • daily physical activity;
  • presence of toys in the house;
  • attention of the owners;
  • Regular visits to the veterinarian.

The average lifespan of a Labrador is 12–14 years. During this time, in addition to a balanced diet, the dog needs regular health monitoring. Growing up, the dog’s body begins to present surprises. You can’t self-medicate so as not to completely ruin your dog. You should promptly seek advice from an experienced veterinarian.

From the reasons described above, it becomes clear that the lifespan of a Labrador completely depends on the person. If you treat the dog well, it can live more than 14 years, but if you feed it poorly, don’t give it vitamins and don’t pay attention, then it’s unlikely that such an animal will live 10 years.

If you decide to get a Labrador, then you should only buy a puppy from an experienced, trusted breeder. The puppy's appearance and cockiness are the first signs of good physical health. How long the dog will live depends only on you.

Physical activity

The dog is recommended to have daily walks and exercise to eliminate the problem of excess weight, which will affect his health. A short walk near the house will not be enough for the Labrador, since he considers himself a puppy for almost 3 years. Long runs and active games are needed.

Light physical activity should already be present from the first walks with the puppy. This is very beneficial for the young growing body of the dog. It is advisable to train a Labrador in a large, spacious area where the dog can run and jump without hindrance. During training, a strong contact is established between the dog and its owner.

Any achievement of the dog should be rewarded. In addition to verbal praise, you can use various treats that your dog really likes. And you shouldn’t be offended by a small puppy who doesn’t succeed at first, because he’s like a little child and will be constantly distracted.

A specialist will help determine the number of required loads, but It’s better not to overload the dog.


Like any living creature, a Labrador dog can get sick. Diseases include:

  • dysplasia of the hip and elbow joints;
  • bloating;
  • perianal fistula;
  • lipoma;
  • cataract;
  • lymphosarcoma;
  • allergy;
  • epilepsy.

It is not necessary for your dog to get sick from all diseases, because each dog is individual. If you feed him high-quality food and do not allow him to eat what he found on the road, then the likelihood of bloating disappears.

The dog is very active, loves to jump. For this she needs a lot of space. The Labrador is great on water, loves to swim and loves the water. If you are going to the river with your pet, choose a gentle slope so that it is convenient for the dog to get in and out of the water.

Only a veterinarian can determine the condition of the animal’s musculoskeletal system. To avoid having to contact him for advice, you need to initially correctly formulate your Labrador’s diet. Be sure to include collagen-containing foods and daily physical activity. They will help develop ligaments and joints.

A Labrador should start jumping over obstacles no earlier than 10 months to avoid injury. It's all about his fragile spine and limbs, which become stronger only at 10 months. If you put a Labrador on a chain, his character will change for the worse. He will no longer be so cheerful and sociable.

Once a week, your Labrador's coat should be combed and inspected for rashes, ticks and other pests.Dogs tolerate heat worse than humans Therefore, in the hot season, training should be done early in the morning. And if you are going to the river, be sure to take your Labrador with you - he will be very happy.