What to sell to make money? Best selling products. What is profitable to sell? How to buy a ready-made store? What to do after buying a car


Hello! In this article we will talk about how to buy an apartment correctly.

Today you will learn:

  1. How does primary housing differ from secondary housing?
  2. How to choose an apartment and estimate its cost;
  3. What are the different ways to buy an apartment?
  4. How to buy an apartment with a mortgage or maternity capital;
  5. How to check an apartment before buying;
  6. How to prepare all the documents yourself and when you need to seek help from a realtor.

Owning an apartment is the dream of many. This is freedom, and comfort, and... The real estate market never stands still; there is always supply, as well as demand. But the wider the river, the more stones there are at its bottom. Deception, fraud, mistakes due to carelessness - all this can turn the holiday of acquisition into a major failure.

You should approach the purchase of an apartment with all responsibility, because there is a lot of money and long-term investments at stake.

What you need to know when choosing housing

Before you start choosing a living space, make a list of the minimum characteristics that will be put forward as requirements for “candidates”.

For example, these could be:

  • Low noise level;
  • Proximity to public transport stops or metro stations;
  • Large insulated balcony or windows on the south side;
  • Availability of equipped parking or children's playground.

Don't be afraid to prioritize. If the most important thing for you is fresh air and proximity to the park, but an offer is coming in for a luxury renovated apartment, but next to an industrial zone, it is better to continue looking for other options.

The real estate market is wide even in small towns, and it is not impossible to new apartment met several parameters that are important to you.

Start your journey to a new living space with our step-by-step instructions:

  1. Determine the required characteristics of the apartment(dimensions, location). In addition, it is worth narrowing your search in advance by deciding whether you will be looking for an apartment on the primary or secondary market, and if it’s secondary, then what repairs and furniture should it have? Having set your requirements, do not deviate from them, tempted by tempting offers from cunning sellers who will try to sell something that is not what you really need.
  2. Determine the amount, which you are willing to spend on buying an apartment. Let this amount be small less than that, what you actually have “in your pocket”, because in addition to the main expenses, additional expenses may arise (for example, repairs or the purchase of furniture). You should not consider offers starting with the cheapest options. As a rule, cheap apartments have their own skeletons hidden in closets. Finding a good deal without a catch is, of course, possible, but the chances are comparable to winning the lottery.
  3. Choose the most suitable source of funding. Pay immediately in cash, take out a mortgage or installments – we’ll talk more about these options below.
  4. Decide how you will look for housing: do everything yourself or use the services of a realtor or intermediary. For independent search, there are also two options: place your own advertisement for the purchase of an apartment, or look for advertisements for sale.
  5. Explore several priority options. It is always better to have a choice, therefore, even if you liked the first apartment and were satisfied with all the parameters, then do not rush to conclude an agreement, but look at a few more. Perhaps you will remain unconvinced and return to the first option, but you will also be confident that this proposal was truly the best. During the inspection, pay attention to:
  • Location area ( public transport, shops, schools);
  • Condition of the house (garbage chute, elevator, entrance, yard, parking lot);
  • Condition of the living space (walls, floor and ceiling, plumbing, wiring, windows and balcony, temperature, lighting and sound insulation);
  • Neighbours.
  1. Make a deal. Check whether you and the seller have all the necessary papers. Conclude and submit all documents to the registering state authority. And finally, sign the deed of transferring the apartment into ownership of the buyer.

As a guarantee that both parties will complete the transaction, the buyer can transfer a deposit to the seller (about 5% of the transaction amount). It is not returned to the buyer if he decides to refuse the transaction. If the seller refuses, he returns the deposit in double amount.

All the details of the deposit are described in a special agreement, which is drawn up in two copies. The fact of transfer of the deposit is confirmed by a receipt - the seller leaves it to the buyer.

Primary or secondary housing

The entire real estate market can be divided into two main groups:

  • Primary housing (new buildings) are apartments in newly built buildings that belong to the developer and have not yet been owned by individuals. Such living space does not yet have its own history and its future appearance largely depends on the buyer;
  • Secondary – owned individual(seller).

Primary housing costs noticeably less, but there are a number of possible risks associated with it:

  • Disputed rights to land (if construction began on land with a disputed status, even a completed house can be demolished or transferred to third parties, leaving the shareholders with nothing);
  • Suspension or freezing of construction;
  • Savings on materials (for example, the use of cheap wiring, pipes, heating systems), which will become noticeable only after the house is put into operation;
  • Re-sale of one residential space.

Primary housing

Secondary housing

Owner - developer or contractor

Owned by an individual (or persons)

The living space is in its original condition

Previous owners may have broken or damaged something

Possible negative consequences savings for the developer (poor sound insulation, poor heating in winter), which cannot be immediately verified

The shortcomings of the structure have already been identified, but they are often kept silent

Requires cosmetic repairs. Setup is expensive

Repairs are cheaper and may not be required at all.

Age - new apartments

The house can be completely new, or it can be a hundred years old.

No problems with documents or registration of former residents

Possible problems with documents, fraud. Distributed legal proceedings about non-coordination of the sale of real estate with the persons registered in it

Not required major renovation or modernization

Forced major repairs may be required (if the building is not new)

The process of registering rights to own real estate is more complicated and longer

Registration of owner's rights is faster, you can register immediately

The developer may freeze construction

To move in, there is no need to wait a long time for the building to be put into operation.

How much does it cost to buy an apartment

Only real estate sellers in your city can answer this question. On the territory of the Russian Federation the price of one square meter varies greatly by region.

According to regional real estate agencies, it can be calculated that in 2017 the average cost per square meter of an apartment in Russian cities ranges from 25,000 to 220,000 rubles. From small settlements to the capital.

When planning a budget for the purchase of living space, do not forget to include possible additional expenses:

  • Realtor commission (up to 3%);
  • Re-registration of documents;
  • Repair of premises;
  • Purchase of furniture and other household goods.

How to estimate the cost of an apartment and not overpay

To estimate the cost of an apartment, you can seek help from realtors or experienced intermediaries.

Little trick : introducing yourself as a seller, call several real estate agencies and describe the parameters of the apartment you are interested in. Experts will give their estimated value. All you have to do is compare the prices received with the available offers and conclude whether the price is too high or is within acceptable limits.

To evaluate the offer, you need to understand what the cost of the apartment depends on.

We list the main parameters:

  • Number of floors of the building and the floor on which the living space is located;
  • Age of the building, its features (courtyard, basement);
  • Adjacent territory;
  • The area and its infrastructure;
  • Apartment layout;
  • Number of rooms;
  • Total footage of residential and non-residential premises;
  • The presence and condition of a balcony or loggia;
  • Heating;
  • Separate or shared bathroom;
  • Average amount of utility bills.

It is enough to compare several offers with similar parameters to conclude whether the price is too high or is within reasonable limits.

Who to buy an apartment from

In the case of purchasing housing, not only the methods of financing and payment may differ, but also the persons or companies acting as the seller may be completely different. Let's consider from whom, and according to what schemes apartments are most often purchased today.

Buying an apartment from a developer

This method can result in significant risks. You can reduce them to a minimum if you carefully check all documents and information about the developer. He must have a positive reputation and as many successfully completed projects as possible. Among the papers special attention Consideration should be given to obtaining a building permit to connect the house to communications. We'll talk more about buying an apartment in a new building below.

Purchasing real estate from a contractor in a new building

Apartments become the property of a contractor (an enterprise that takes part in the construction of a house or the supply of materials) as payment for services when the developer does not have the opportunity to pay in any other way. While construction is underway, the apartments are still the property of the developer, and they are transferred to the contractor after all work is completed.

Contractors only accept cash payments for a limited time.

Contractors sell the apartments obtained in this way at market value or with noticeable discounts (up to 20%), which allows them to quickly sell the living space and receive their payment for the work, but without the “gain”. In practice, the quick sale of apartments is more important for the developer than the markup.

For the buyer, this method is less risky than buying from a developer; after a transaction with the contractor, the apartment immediately becomes the property of the new owner. The transaction is formalized using an agreement for the assignment of the right to claim real estate.

Purchasing housing from the owner, without intermediaries

This popular option involves concluding a purchase and sale agreement without the participation of a realtor or other persons in the transaction. Two persons agree and pay between themselves: the seller and the buyer.

The seller can be:

  • Sole owner;
  • Several people (shared ownership);
  • Spouses (when an apartment is purchased during marriage, it becomes joint property).

With such a scheme, it is very important to carefully check the apartment, and after concluding the contract, submit all papers for registration to government bodies(MFC).

If possible, make copies of all documents.

Always ask the owner:

  • How did he become the owner of the apartment?
  • Does the apartment have other owners?
  • How many people are registered in the apartment?
  • Have all debts (utilities) been paid off?

Buying property directly from the owner includes a small bonus in the form of the opportunity to bargain. Most sellers deliberately offer a slightly inflated price, hoping that if the buyer is not satisfied with something, a small discount will fix everything.

Bargain only in person, do not do this over the phone.

First of all, convince the seller that you like the apartment and are ready to buy it, listing its advantages, then gradually move on to noticeable disadvantages. Ask for a price slightly lower than what you actually expect, but don’t go too far, and most likely you will be able to come to a compromise that will allow you to save tens of thousands of rubles on repairs or the purchase of furniture.

The preparation of documents for the purchase of an apartment must be done by the seller, the buyer pays a state fee (2000 rubles). It is advisable for the seller to also take part in the formation of the purchase and sale agreement.

Even if you decide to complete the transaction yourself, it is recommended that you show the purchase and sale agreement to an independent lawyer before signing.

Where can I complete a purchase and sale transaction?

Ownership of an apartment is formalized by submitting documents to the MFC or the Rosreestr department.

The following are submitted to the registration department:

  • Passports of the seller and buyer;
  • Purchase and sale agreement;
  • Application for state registration transfer of ownership of an apartment (a sample is available on the Rosreestr website);
  • Cadastral passport (if not previously surrendered);
  • Receipt for payment of state duty;
  • Consent to the sale of real estate from the seller’s spouse (notarized);
  • Consent of parents or guardianship if the seller is a minor.

State registration lasts no more than three months, after which the buyer receives the legal status of home owner.

When should you use a realtor?

A trusted person can search for an apartment. Usually, if the future owner of the property cannot or does not want to deal with the entire process on his own, a realtor is hired. He will help you choose options and tell you how to properly arrange the purchase and sale of an apartment.

If you are limited in funds and want to stay within the minimum budget, carefully consider the option of choosing an apartment yourself. If the risks are not high, this method will significantly help you save money.

Who are the intermediaries?

People often refer to realtors who work unofficially as intermediaries.

Sometimes these are novice realtors, thus gaining a client base and gaining the necessary experience. Intermediaries take a smaller percentage, but do not provide guarantees and are not responsible for the work.

In addition, they do not undertake to solve problems that arise (for example, the seller delays in providing documents) when realtors control the transaction at all stages.

How to buy an apartment without being scammed. How to choose a realtor

If you decide to use the help of a realtor, choose him carefully. The larger the agency, the more reliable it is, the larger their base, but at the same time the prices for their services increase proportionally.

Positive indicators are the company’s membership in the guild of realtors and the status of a special partner of the mortgage bank.

Decent agency:

  • Takes his work seriously;
  • Gives certain guarantees and states them in the contract;
  • Has been on the market for a long time;
  • Has the necessary technical equipment (computers in the office);
  • It has a full staff of trained employees, and is ready to provide another realtor if the first one does not suit you;
  • Maintains order in the office.

WITH legal point In our opinion, it is safer if the contract specifies the name of the organization, and not just the name of a specific realtor.

A realtor can take an advance from the client, but its size must be reasonable (no more than 100,000 rubles). When the agent receives an advance, be sure to document it and note in the contract that the advance is included in the realtor’s total remuneration. Be sure to indicate the amount itself in the contract, if possible as a fixed amount, and not as a percentage.

  • The realtor undertakes to provide at least three options that meet the client’s initial (preferably recorded in writing) requirements;
  • If the client refuses three options, he is entitled to a refund of part of the advance.

Carefully review the contract with the realtor. It is normal if it contains the following points:

  • The buyer provides the realtor with the requirements for the apartment and their changes in writing;
  • Upon completion of the work, the client must sign;
  • It is permissible to involve third parties - these are professionals who will help the realtor - lawyers, advocates;
  • The realtor's professional liability is insured.

The following points should be of concern; it is better to ask to remove them from the contract:

  • The buyer is prohibited from communicating with the seller or his representatives;
  • The penalty for unilateral termination of the contract exceeds 6% of the cost of the apartment.

How to check an apartment before buying

Before drawing up a purchase and sale agreement, you must carefully check your future living space. Deception and omissions can await the buyer everywhere: from the swollen laminate under the bed to current water pipes. And even more so, you won’t end up with problems if the deception is hidden in the papers: for example, there are still registered residents in the apartment.

Do not take the word of either sellers or realtors - always ask for documentary evidence.

Before you buy an apartment on the secondary market, necessary:

  • Confirm the seller's ownership of the apartment and request a certificate of the method of obtaining this right (purchase agreement, certificate of inheritance);
  • If the sale is handled by a trusted person, you must carefully check the authenticity and validity of the power of attorney. Meet with the owner at least once and find out whether he agrees with the sale of his property, whether he himself issued a power of attorney;
  • Find out how many owners the apartment has changed and how often it was resold ( frequent change owners for short terms- an unkind sign, most likely there is something wrong with this apartment) - the seller must order an extract from the Unified State Register from the Federal Registration Service or the MFC and provide it to the buyer;
  • Request a certificate stating that no one is registered in the apartment (extract from the house register);
  • To check whether the apartment is listed in the will of one of the owners, whether it has the status of being seized or mortgaged, and whether there are other encumbrances on the apartment (for example, whether it is the subject of a legal dispute) - this can be done on the Rosreestr website, using an electronic extract from Unified State Register;
  • Check the area and layout of the apartment (cadastral passport with floor plan of the building, explication);
  • Check the legality of redevelopment and re-equipment (replacement of gas equipment) - to do this, check the furnishings of the apartment with the technical plan;
  • Make sure that the apartment has no debts to management company or an owners' association;
  • If you previously purchased an apartment through participation in a housing cooperative, then a certificate of full payment of the share is required;
  • Check whether the living space is for rent, since such an apartment cannot be sold until the end of the lease agreement;
  • If the owner is married, it is worth obtaining and notarizing the spouse’s consent to the sale of property, which may be in the status of joint property;
  • Obtain permission to sell from the owner's parents or guardians if he has not reached the age of majority.

If you purchase a share of the property (only one owner out of several is selling his part of the apartment), then be sure to receive a waiver document from all other owners confirming that they are not interested in a priority purchase.

Primary housing also needs to be carefully checked before purchasing, we will talk about this below.

Buying an apartment in a building under construction

In most cases, buying an apartment in a building that is just under construction will cost much less than other options. An agreement based on the principle of equity participation helps to achieve tangible savings. The buyer invests in construction, and upon completion becomes the owner.

But there are high risks in such a transaction. An unscrupulous developer can freeze construction, declare himself bankrupt, get sued for illegal construction, or even abscond with the shareholders’ money.

In the legislation of the Russian Federation, issues are described in Federal law No. 214. However, it only applies if the buyer has a formal share participation agreement. Avoid relations with a developer who refuses to enter into an agreement or offers instead another agreement not approved by law.

A participant in shared construction has the right (and he is obliged to do this for his own safety) to check the following documents:

  • Constituent documents of the developer company (their details must match the details on the shared construction agreement);
  • TIN and OGRN of the company constructing the building;
  • Financial and economic reporting;
  • Balance sheets, distribution of profits and expenses for the last three years;
  • Audit conclusion for last year work of a construction company.

In addition to checking the above documents, follow these steps:

  • Analyze the prices for similar offers from different construction companies (a noticeably low price should alert you - everything has its own reasons);
  • Find out about the developer’s completed and current projects, what is the company’s experience and reputation;
  • Assess your risks by analyzing the construction stage (it is risky to invest money in construction at the foundation pit stage; the project may be frozen even on the eve of the delivery of an almost finished building);
  • If you enter into an agreement not with a representative of the developer, but with an authorized organization, be sure to check its documents, confirmation of the right of representation;
  • Request paperwork from the developer land plot and building permits, check the bank accreditation of new buildings;
  • Check the permits for connecting the house under construction to the water supply, heating system and electrical networks - all these documents are issued construction companies before starting work;
  • Read the project declaration.

When all the documents have been verified and the developer’s reputation is beyond doubt, you can proceed to signing the contract.

In the share participation agreement mandatory are indicated:

  • Developer details;
  • Buyer information;
  • Characteristics of living space;
  • Payment method;
  • Deadline for delivery of the object.

Ways to buy an apartment

There are also several ways to purchase housing. Let's look at the most popular schemes today.

Direct cash purchase

Or borrow, but the point is this method is that the entire amount will be transferred immediately in cash (to the seller himself or through a realtor). This method is the most nerve-wracking. It is difficult to deliver to the place of transaction and transfer such a large amount without worry.

Carefully negotiate the time and place of the transaction, carefully choose the method of travel. Make sure that the purchase agreement is signed immediately after the seller receives the money. It would be useful to have a notary or at least a witness who can confirm the completion of the transaction.

Ownership of the living space passes to the buyer ten days after submitting the documents, upon registration of the transaction.

In this regard, it is better to pay in cash:

  • Against signature before all paperwork is completed;
  • Or after completion of registration of property rights.

There are several ways to reduce the risks when buying an apartment with cash:

  • Rent a safe deposit box, where you put the entire amount, and after receiving ownership, hand over the key to the seller;
  • Use the special service of a notary, when he transfers the entire amount to the seller for a small percentage after completing all the documents;
  • Place the money for safekeeping not in a safe deposit box, but in a current account, with the condition that the bank will transfer it to the seller after signing the agreement.

Buying through a mortgage

A popular option when purchasing a primary home from a developer. Required condition mortgages - high and stable salaries. But with it, you can immediately become the owner of an apartment, even without having the entire required amount at once. The Law “On Mortgage” was adopted in Russia back in 1998, and is still in effect.

How much a mortgage will cost you depends on the region and the conditions of a particular bank. A down payment of 10-40% is often required, and mortgage rates can range from 10-14%.

Don't rush to make a mortgage decision. Even if you prefer to live on the principle of "here and now", you are unlikely to enjoy paying large sums over the next 15-30 years. Ardent opponents of mortgages have dubbed it unacceptable in modern world"money slavery".

If you decide that a mortgage is the ideal option for you, carefully choose a real payment that will not force you into strict savings and abandonment of your usual way of life. As practice shows, only a few people manage to pay off their mortgages ahead of schedule, and constant savings and the need to search lead to prolonged depression.

Experts advise against agreeing to payments exceeding 40% of the total family income.

Pros of a mortgage

Cons of a mortgage

Quick solution to housing issue

Long-term “financial slavery” (up to 50 years). And if monthly amount now seems acceptable, then in ten years you may have to reconsider your lifestyle

Gradual payments in small amounts

Until the full amount is paid, the apartment is pledged to the bank; it can take it back through the court if a dispute arises

Large selection of mortgage lending programs

Not available to everyone. The bank carefully checks the client’s monthly income and solvency

State support for certain segments of the population (for example, payment of part of the loan for the military)

Due to interest (from 11% monthly), a significant final overpayment accumulates (from 70 to 300%)

Fines and penalties for late payments. Up to the seizure of real estate

A painstaking procedure for registration, collecting the necessary documents, a long wait for the bank’s decision

How to choose a bank for a mortgage

There are three parties involved in purchasing a home with a mortgage. This is not only the developer and the buyer, but also the bank providing the mortgage loan. The amount of the mortgage, monthly payments, the percentage of overpayment, and most importantly, whether a particular citizen will be given permission to receive a loan will depend on the bank.

Based on this, consciously choose a bank according to the following questions:

  • What is the possible loan amount?
  • What are acceptable time limits loan repayment?
  • What requirements are put forward to the buyer of an apartment?
  • What is the bank's reputation?
  • Is insurance provided?
  • When and for what violations (delay in payment) can the process of seizure of property begin?

Is it possible to buy an apartment with a mortgage without a down payment?

The fundamental idea of ​​a mortgage is that the buyer must immediately pay part of the cost of the apartment (10-50%). This contribution may be covered by maternity capital; in other cases, you will have to save or borrow funds from other places.

What, then, does advertising say about a mortgage without a down payment? Such offers do exist, but they hide inflated interest rates and risks. For example, the agreement may indicate that the bank has the right to repossess the apartment without returning the money paid for a short delay in payment.

Buying an apartment in installments

An intermediate option between a lump sum payment and a long-term mortgage. It is optimal if you don’t have the entire amount on hand, but it may appear soon. With this payment scheme, the buyer makes a down payment (usually half the full cost), then pays the remaining cost monthly in pre-agreed equal installments. This installment plan lasts from three months to two years.

Some developers themselves offer buyers interest-free installments, while others may request an overpayment of about 10% for such a service.

Purchasing an apartment with maternity capital

Families with more than two children and no other sources of financing for such a large purchase can apply for it. In addition, young families in which one of the spouses is under 30 years of age, and the marriage was concluded less than three years ago or there are children in the family, can resort to maternity capital.

The amount of maternity capital is regularly indexed, which means it is growing. In 2017 it is 453,000 rubles.

The main feature of maternity capital is that cash the young family will receive it two months after the sale and purchase transaction is concluded. Buyers pay the difference between the capital amount and the cost of the apartment themselves, in cash.

It should be understood that maternity capital is not the provision of money in hand. The funds will go to a special account and will be debited in favor of the seller at the time of the transaction.

It is allowed to use maternity capital not only for direct financing when purchasing housing, but also for the first mortgage payment or to repay part of a housing loan.

You can buy both primary and secondary housing with maternity capital.

In order to take advantage of maternity capital, after choosing an apartment you must provide the Pension Fund with:

  • Identity documents of parents and all children;
  • Family certificate;
  • SNILS of one of the parents;
  • A copy of the agreement with the seller (or bank);
  • Seller's account or certificate of debt (if a mortgage was issued);
  • Notarized confirmation that within six months each family member will receive a share of the new property.

It is prohibited to buy real estate from relatives with public money.

As a result of frequent attempts at fraud, maternity capital is prohibited from being used to purchase housing from parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters.

With maternity capital it is possible to buy an apartment from cousins or sisters, but you will still have to prove to the state that its funding will go to improve the child’s living conditions, and not otherwise.

How to buy an apartment if you have no money

Find necessary funds It's quite difficult to buy your own property. And here loans, mortgages and maternity capital come to the rescue. A proven way to save money is to buy an apartment in a building under construction. Even with an overpayment for the loan, its cost will be lower than finished secondary housing.

How to save for an apartment with a salary from 15,000 to 30,000 rubles

Maybe. If you live for several years in affordable housing (usually with your parents) and save every month the same amount as you would pay for repayment mortgage loan, you can save up for an apartment about twice as fast.

That is, if you had to repay the mortgage on a one-room apartment for 16 years, putting aside the amount of payments to the bank, it would be possible to save up for the same living space after 8 years.

Of course, you won’t be living in your own apartment, but you can also start saving for a new purchase (for example, a car) twice as quickly: not 16 years after the mortgage is paid off, but after 8.

What documents are needed to buy an apartment in 2017

To complete a real estate purchase and sale transaction you will need:

  1. Passport of the buyer and seller;
  2. A document confirming ownership of real estate;
  3. Unified housing document (only for Muscovites);
  4. From the seller: a certificate or extracts from the house register confirming the absence of debts and persons registered in the apartment;
  5. Purchase and sale agreement.

Documents when purchasing an apartment with a mortgage

The list of documents when purchasing an apartment with a mortgage is much wider:

  1. Copy of passport;
  2. Expert opinion confirming the cost of the apartment;
  3. Cadastral passport;
  4. Certificate of registration of real estate;
  5. Certificate of family composition;
  6. Certificate of absence of debts;
  7. Application for a mortgage;
  8. Confirmation of solvency.

Notarization of the purchase and sale agreement

In addition to the signatures of the seller and buyer, the contract must be certified by a notary in the following situations:

  • Share for sale;
  • The owner of the apartment is under 18 years of age;
  • The owner is under guardianship (incapacitated).

To do this, any notary is provided with:

  • Passports of the parties to the transaction;
  • Sales and purchase agreement template (without signatures);
  • Certificate of ownership of the apartment, cadastral passport;
  • Permission from the guardian or notification to the remaining participants in the common shared property.

The cost of notarization varies from 0.1% to 0.5% of the contract amount.

Tax deduction after purchasing an apartment

You can get a tax deduction if you work officially and pay income tax.

The tax deduction is 13% of the value of the property, but not more than 260,000 rubles.

You are entitled to return no more than income tax transferred to the budget from your wages(the same 13% of the official salary). You can make a refund over several years until the amount is returned in full.

Documents for tax refund when purchasing an apartment

To receive a tax deduction, you must provide the following documents to the tax office:

  • Passport;
  • Declaration;
  • Application for tax refund;
  • Confirmation of the amount spent on the purchase of the apartment (payment orders, receipts);
  • Certificate from each place of work (if you have several);
  • Agreement of purchase and sale or participation in shared construction;
  • Certificate of state registration of property rights;
  • The act of acceptance and transfer of the apartment;
  • Loan agreement and certificate of withheld interest (if you took out a mortgage).

The document verification procedure takes no more than three months.

Transactions in Russia have huge amount features. For some transactions it is necessary to provide certain documents. For example, an identity card. Without it, it is difficult to imagine a purchase and sale transaction. But there are exceptions. This article will tell you whether a passport is needed when buying a phone in one case or another. What kind of documents might be useful? What features of the transaction are recommended to pay attention to? Understanding the question posed is not so difficult. Especially if you carefully study the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Age to enter into a transaction

The first issue that will have to be taken into account is the age of the buyer. The thing is that often transactions related to purchase and sale are not available to part of the population. It's about about children.

According to the laws of the Russian Federation, minor citizens have the right to enter into transactions of a certain nature with the permission of their parents after 6 years. From 14 (or after receiving a passport), the list increases. Once you reach the age of majority, you are allowed to conduct any transactions.

How to buy a mobile phone? At what age can you enter into such a deal? In practice, even a teenager can buy himself mobile device. From the age of 14 for sure. But some stores have the right to refuse the transaction. It should be noted that 100% of the time you will be able to buy a mobile or any other gadget in Russia after you reach adulthood.

Making a purchase

Most often, the problem being studied occurs when registering a phone. As already mentioned, when buying a gadget, a purchase and sale occurs. Usually, after completing the transaction, the citizen is given a check. And nothing more. We are talking about going to a regular hardware store.

In practice, there are no problems with purchasing a mobile device in such places. It is necessary to think about whether you need a passport when buying a phone if you plan to purchase a used device. Typically, such transactions require special attention from both the buyer and the seller.

In fact, in practice, no documents are asked from a person. You just need to tell the seller which phone model you want to purchase. Further, everything will depend on the specific place where the transaction is executed.

What you need to buy

How are new phones selling? People often wonder what to take with them to make a deal with a store. What papers may be required from them?

It has already been said that a lot depends on the specific outlet. Most often, a citizen only needs money to register a mobile phone. This will be enough.

Of course, no one will sell the phone at all small child. But a teenager will be able to bring the idea to life. To be on the safe side, you can obtain parental permission for a minor to purchase a mobile phone. This technique will protect you from failure.

Accordingly, an identity card is not such an important document for buying and selling a phone. It is not always necessary. Especially when it comes to a new gadget.

Credit and installments

It is worth noting that the proposed scheme is relevant only for those who decide to immediately buy a phone in a store. Loans and installment plans are separate transactions. It follows that buying a mobile phone will be a little different. What exactly?

Firstly, loans and installment plans are offered exclusively to adult citizens. Secondly, you need to document your income. And this is just the beginning.

Do you need a passport when buying a phone in installments or on credit in a store? Yes, without fail. Without it, a citizen cannot make a purchase. As already mentioned, you will additionally have to bring with you a certificate of income (form 2-NDFL).

From hand

On modern market Some smartphone models are expensive. And they prefer to buy them second-hand. For example, used. Similar situation is not the rarest. In Russia it occurs often - you can see a lot of advertisements for the sale of gadgets, not just mobile phones. What should a future buyer prepare for?

Do you need a passport when buying a phone "from hand"? It all depends on which seller you get. Often, the buyer is required to provide identification. They try not to sell used phones to children.

Accordingly, a passport is required for some operations. It can be neglected if a person immediately pays for a purchase in a store. In other cases, an identity card is one of the main papers involved in the transaction.

With SIM card

Do you need a passport when buying a phone? As already mentioned, for some transactions this is a mandatory document. And sometimes it won't be needed. For example, when paying for an entire (new) purchase in a store, you will not be asked for an ID.

Only exceptions happen everywhere. Therefore, one should not think that the store will not ask the buyer for a passport. It is safe to say that an identity card must be presented when you plan to purchase a device with a built-in SIM card.

The thing is that a phone number requires mandatory registration. A passport is required for this. This means that all persons who have this document have the right to conclude a transaction, unless otherwise specified in the charter of the trading network.

From the card

Some problems may arise when payment is made using a card or by bank transfer. Payment in cash does not require the provision of identification, unless it is a loan or installment plan.

The seller has the right to request a citizen’s passport if new phones are paid for by bank transfer. For example, with bank card. In practice, this phenomenon rarely occurs.

However, this fact will still have to be taken into account. Especially for those who prefer to use contactless payment. To confirm the operation, the PIN code from the card is not asked. Therefore, the seller has the right to require a passport in order to ensure the security of the transaction. There is no need to be surprised by this.

Additional warranty

Do you need a passport when buying a phone? It has already been said that this document is only necessary under certain circumstances. And this is important to consider.

It's safe to say that buying used phones without ID is a risky business. Requesting a passport from the seller (and the buyer too) is important.

In the store, a passport is required not only when applying for a loan or installment plan. It is noted that when purchasing an additional warranty for a device, it is important to have identification with you. Without it, the deal will be refused. More precisely, you can buy a phone without a SIM card, but you can’t buy an additional warranty or number.

Buyer's Reminder

Now you can think about what to look for when buying a phone. This transaction requires attentive attitude consumer. Otherwise, the citizen risks either buying a bad device or even being deceived.

Among the main tips for buying a mobile phone are the following points:

  1. It is best to complete the transaction in official retail networks. You should not buy used gadgets.
  2. If you want to purchase a “used” phone, you must check it before paying. It is recommended to pay attention to the condition of the case, as well as the integrity of the structure. It is best to request documents for your mobile device from the seller. In this case, it is necessary to check serial numbers on the device and in the documentation.
  3. When purchasing from hand, you must ask for identification. It is better if it is a civilian passport.
  4. Be skeptical about low device prices. Mobile phones today they have different price categories. There are expensive models, and not so much. If the gadget itself is expensive, then the reduced cost is a clear indication of the shortcomings of a particular device.
  5. When choosing a model in a store, you can ask to demonstrate the quality of the device. In some cases, it is recommended to try calling from your phone.

Perhaps this is where all the recommendations can end. From now on it is clear what documents are needed to purchase a phone. In reality, you can only get by with money. The transaction being studied is not complex in itself. Therefore, you should be very concerned about the documents provided during this process only when it comes to purchasing used devices. New phones are easier to buy.

The rules for buying weapons in Russia are quite confusing, but it’s not difficult to figure it out - let’s do it together.

What you need to buy a weapon:

  1. Have permanent place residence
  2. Be over 18 years old
  3. Do not register with a drug treatment or psychoneurological clinic
  4. Have no criminal record for an intentional crime
  5. Not have a repeat offense within one year administrative offense which interferes with public order or government
  6. Do not have chronic or protracted mental disorders with persistent or worsening painful manifestations
  7. Have a visual acuity of more than 0.5 in the first eye and below 0.2 in the second or 0.7 in the first eye with no vision in the second
Passing a medical examination

Certificate for "weapons" - certificate 046-1 is issued in medical institutions who have the appropriate license. Subject to availability driver's license, remember where you took the medical examination; usually they also issue certificates for weapons.

It is best to surf the Internet and read reviews. Surely you will find private clinic, where it’s a little more expensive, but it’s fast and affordable high level. There's a lot more to lose state clinic, having sat all day and watched doctors wandering along the corridor in order to smoke or confer.

If you are serving in government agencies, where there is access to weapons - armed forces, Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSB and the like, you can do without a certificate - you need to get a certificate from the military department of the unit, which says that you are assigned some kind of service weapon.

Weapon training

Buying a gun safe

Safe it is the most important condition to buy weapons. What you need to know about a gun safe:

  • You can make a safe yourself, but it’s a hassle to legalize it and comply with the parameters specified in the law “On Weapons.”
  • If you are buying a safe, then you need to buy it from stores that sell only safes. You can buy a better quality safe and spend less.
  • Do not buy a safe for only one barrel - there is a chance that you will buy another one, and then possibly another. Plus cartridges, plus (possibly gunpowder, shot, cartridges, etc.)
  • Think carefully about the location of the safe. The safe must be hidden from view, but be in the so-called " walking distance"People place it in closets, bedrooms, etc.
  • Be sure to attach the safe to the wall. This is safer and will comply with legal requirements.
  • If you have a lot of weapons (or are planning to buy more), it is better to buy two of them. One is the main one, the second is “on duty”

We receive a federal hunting license

This is not necessary, but it won't hurt! It is issued by the ministry natural resources. Find out how to receive it on the Internet.

Visit to the permitting and licensing department (PLO)

The RLO is located in the police department of the area where you live. Citizens' documents are accepted twice - you need to find out the schedule and call.

You will need:

  • 2 photos
  • Envelopes
  • A receipt for payment of the state duty is 150-200 rubles.

You hand over documents for the purchase of weapons and you are given a date when you should call and find out whether it is allowed or not. During this period, RLO checks your past. If this is not the case, then you will receive permission - it is called “brilliant for a smoothbore”.

A license to purchase long-barreled weapons has a validity period of 6 months; during this time you need to either buy a weapon or surrender the license. This is a must, otherwise the district police will torture you. The obtained license to purchase weapons is not renewed, and if lost, it is not restored. A new license is obtained in the same way - the state fee is paid again, and based on the submitted documents, a new license is issued.

Registration of weapons with the RLO

After purchasing a weapon, you must bring the weapon to the RLO within 14 days for registration. Otherwise, they may be subject to administrative liability.

Your weapon will be inspected, your permit will be taken away, and in return you will be given a temporary permit. Now in 10 days you will receive a full weapons license.

Re-registration of weapons

Re-registration of civilian weapons according to the law is carried out every 5 years.

In gun stores

When purchasing a weapon, you will have to present a green card and a personal passport. Without these documents, they won’t even show you a weapon or give it to you. After selecting a weapon, the seller takes the green card, fills out all three parts of it and stamps it.

What you need to know when shopping

People regularly purchase various necessary things in stores. But have any of them ever wondered how? But this is a very serious acquisition. And no one wants to throw money away. Therefore, purchasing stores must be accompanied by an analysis of many factors.

Step-by-step purchase instructions

So, it was decided to invest a certain amount in trading business. But first you have to be patient. Something like purchasing a store cannot be done in a hurry. You need to try to protect yourself as much as possible from punctures.

Step 1. You should carefully select the area for your future retail outlet. If you already have a room in a certain place in mind, you need to observe the flow of people passing by it every day. It is important not only the number of people, but also their potential interest in the goods that are supposed to be sold. So, grocery store will come in handy in a densely populated residential area, near student dormitory, next to large enterprise. It would be ideal to buy a store on a busy, thoroughfare street. And if there is a bus stop or metro station nearby, even better. After all, a retail outlet should attract attention as much as possible more people.

Step 2. Having settled on a specific premises, you need to meet with its owner and discuss the cost of the store, and familiarize yourself with all the documents necessary for the transaction. You should check the papers for the right to own the premises, an extract from the technical passport, BTI plans and the lease agreement for the land under the store, if there is one. It is recommended to look at the table with technical characteristics. If possible, it would not hurt to show these papers to a lawyer you know and determine whether everything is in order with them.

Step 3. After checking the documents, you need to agree with the owner of the premises to sign a preliminary agreement (protocol of intent). At this stage, the final sale date is set and a deposit is paid. If the owner has any problems with paying bills regarding the store or with necessary documents, then before signing the main agreement he must eliminate them.

Attention! After the preliminary agreement is signed, the buyer has the right to change his mind and abandon his intention, say, to buy a store in Moscow, but then the deposit is automatically lost - it goes to the owner of the premises. If the opposite situation occurs - the owner decided that he himself would still need the outlet and canceled the sale - he is obliged to return the deposit to the buyer in double amount.

Step 4. Signing of the main agreement. Again, you need to carefully study all its points or show the prepared text to a qualified lawyer. After all, documents of this kind often hide insidious nuances that are not noticeable to the untrained eye. If there is nothing to complain about, the deal is concluded and the money is transferred. In the case of cash payments, each party must bring a witness, and the seller must give the buyer a receipt for a specific amount. But the option of non-cash payment through a bank will still be more reliable and transparent. If the sale is made in installments, the dates and amounts of all future payments should be fixed in the contract.

Step 5. After the parties have shaken hands, documents are transferred for registration. It will take about a month to buy a store in St. Petersburg or any other city in our country and officially register it. All registration costs are most often borne by the buyer, or the parties decide to divide them among themselves and stipulate this in advance in the main agreement. And once the certificate of title is received, the buyer can consider himself happy owner store. The seller is given an extract from the Unified Register of Rights, and both parties must sign the document on the delivery and acceptance of the object. The deal is completed!

In some life situations A problem arises when there are not enough material resources. In this case, people often wonder what to sell to make money. Although in some situations, entrepreneurs who are just starting their own business do the same thing.

Products from a Chinese manufacturer

There was a time when buy-sell relationships flourished. However, it has long passed. Currently, in-demand products can be sold using a method such as dropshipping. Its essence is quite simple and does not require virtually any costs from its performer. This is the usual delivery of products from its manufacturer to its buyer. Using this method, you can earn good money by selling products from China. The best-selling products have always been and will be made in China, since their cost is lower than that of other producing countries. The advantage of such a sale is that there is no need to invest your own money, since the goods are paid for in advance by the buyer. This same point guarantees that there will be no downtime of products, they will be in circulation all the time.

Using an Internet bulletin board

Since this is the 21st century, it would be logical to ask the question of what to sell on the Internet to make money. Today there are many free Internet sites that operate on the principle of a bulletin board. In addition, such sites are completely free, which means it costs nothing to post information about selling your product. All these sites are quite similar to each other, and therefore the rules and list of what can be implemented there are approximately the same. Here is a small list of products that you can try to sell through online bulletin boards:

  1. Personal items that have become unnecessary for some reason.
  2. You can buy various products and its resale, receiving interest from the sale.
  3. Sale of goods wholesale.

In addition to using existing platforms, you can create your own Internet portals on which you can post various lucrative offers for selling products. If you ask people who specialize in sales what to sell to make money, they will list roughly the following categories:

  • Gold, silver and other jewelry items, except those owned by the family as heirlooms.
  • You can sell a product such as cosmetics from a large company. True, to do this you need to become a representative of such a company.

What to sell to make good money?

A very interesting option for selling goods can be, at first glance, trash that ordinary people not needed for nothing. However, there is a type of people called collectors. This segment of the population is quite capable of purchasing for a large sum, for example, some kind of badge or coin, which to the average person would seem like a trinket that has no value. In some cases, the answer to the question of what to sell to make money may be antiques and other valuables belonging to different collections. It is more difficult to sell them, since first you need to spend a sum on their purchase, and then find the same collector who will pay even more than the amount for which the item was purchased.

This also includes residents rural areas, since they earn a good income from selling vegetables, fruits, dairy products, etc. Some entrepreneurs buy large volumes of products from villagers, and then resell them within the city limits for more high price. This type of activity can also be attributed to the answer to the question of what is profitable to sell.

What do people buy?

When the question arises about making money by selling something, it is always worth remembering that there are areas that will be in demand always, everywhere, and at any time. What to sell to earn money quickly and a lot? One of these areas is real estate. Selling and buying housing will always be in trend, since no one wants to live on the street. This method of earning money requires certain investments, but the right approach will allow you to quickly return the amount spent and earn interest. We are talking about the resale of private houses, apartments or garages, for example.

When constantly monitoring various advertisements, you may come across one in which the owner writes about the urgent sale of a home, for example. The reason for this may be leaving, reluctance to search for a buyer for a long time, etc. In such cases, sellers are very often ready to make concessions and reduce the amount from the initial one by 10-15%. It is precisely such proposals that you need to look for. Having bought real estate at a reduced price, all that remains is to add interest and resell it. Thus, you can earn a lot of money without doing practically anything.

What can you quickly sell online?

As mentioned earlier, when wondering what to sell to make money, you should turn your attention to the Internet. However, message boards are not all that can generate income. Despite the fact that almost everything that can be bought is available on the Internet, and the demand, as well as the supply, is great, there are areas in which demand is clearly greater than supply. These categories include the following products:

  1. Clothes and shoes for children and teenagers. Such products are always in use, because, as you know, children grow quickly. We have to buy new things almost every year, which means that the demand will be constant and large.
  2. Various products used at home and in offices.
  3. Real estate and cars.
  4. Original and beautiful photographs are less in demand, but still in demand.

Although it is worth noting that it is much more difficult to make money selling photos, since photo banks that accept photographs have very high requirements.