Pros of living in a big city. What are the disadvantages of living in a village?

You change your whole life, its entire way of life, you leave friends, habits, activities and entertainment... Before you decide to do this, you need to think it over carefully, weigh all the pros and cons.

Living outside the city: pros and cons

Life in a country house better than life in a city apartment. Put on one side of the scale the garden right outside the window, the bathhouse, the air, the beautiful landscape around, and on the other - the bustle of the city, noise, smog, traffic jams, noisy neighbors above... It seems there is no point in even doubting that you should move urgently. But not everything is so simple, and only people who have lived for a long time both in a city apartment and in a house outside the city can objectively judge the pros and cons of moving out of town

We collected their reviews on FORUMHOUSE and got a complete picture of the advantages and disadvantages of country life.

Disadvantages of living outside the city

Those who have lived outside the city for a long time honestly warn neophytes: this is not such a paradise rural life. It is full of all sorts of shortcomings and difficulties.

Minus: schools and development programs

This is the most important thing. I want to give my children the best: good school, sports sections, music and art education, children's educational programs with excellent teachers. There are two options: settle not so far from the city and take your children to classes, which is actually a real feat for both parents and children. Or take it as an axiom that the village kindergarten, studying in a regular rural school and a music class in the regional center will not be the worst start in life for a child. The quality of education in an ordinary rural school is inferior to a good city one, but this is partly compensated by the clean village air, distance from highways and traffic jams. As user FORUMHOUSE says tver_vic, Studies have been conducted on the connection between delayed human development and hypoxia in childhood. It turned out that children from the suburbs think faster and absorb information better than children from the city center.

Cons: work

Find a source of income in big city you can always. Far from the city it is more difficult. If it is not possible to exchange a city job for an equivalent one, it may become big problem; you will have to go to work in the city. Based on this, one of the criteria for choosing a site for permanent residence should be the availability of a convenient train station. According to reviews from FORUMHOUSE users who live outside the city and travel to their offices five days a week, it is better that it is a 10-minute drive to a convenient terminus than a 20-minute walk from the settlements where the train stops once a day, full of passengers. The scheme “from home by car to the station - from the station to the city by train” is also convenient because you don’t have to stand in traffic jams at the entrance to the city.

But people who have extensive experience in country life advise that when choosing a site not to focus too much on the place of work: the job can suddenly change, but the house... A house is a home!


I judge by my dacha neighbors who live in their houses year-round. At first we went to the city every day to work. Then many gradually switched to “earning money remotely” or looking for adequate work in the nearest district. Although it is an hour's drive from us to the city center, road repairs, traffic jams and possible daily delays to offices began to stress them out.

Cons: medical assistance

When identifying the disadvantages of living outside the city, we must not forget that in many villages there are not even first aid stations, let alone clinics.


You have a toothache and need to drive about an hour into the city, and then look for somewhere to hang out. I think not everyone will like it.

But it is not recommended to rely on this when buying a house. Anyway, in most rural hospitals there is one specialist - a therapist, who in most cases sends patients to the regional center. Therefore, it should be possible, if something happens, to quickly get to district hospital. The qualifications of the doctors there are enough to cope with ordinary diseases, and if, God forbid, it’s serious, then you can take a referral to the city.

Cons: neighbors

In the city, you can live on one site for years and not know the name of your neighbor. This won't work in the village. Relationships with neighbors are important here, and how comfortable your life will be depends on which ones you get. Thieves, drunkards, quarrelsome bores, and curious gossips may get caught... The old proverb “if you don’t buy a house, buy a neighbor” is as relevant in country life as it was 200 years ago.

Minus: rural boredom

City dwellers, keen on the idea of ​​moving “out into nature”, often think that they can easily come to terms with the absence of nearby government agencies, theater, clubs, large stores, a gym near the house, and then it turns out that all this is terribly missing. Living outside the city for three summer months and living there permanently are completely different things. What if it turns out that you are a complete urbanist and simply cannot live without city noise?

Minus: do it yourself

You need to be prepared for the fact that a house is no more comfortable than an apartment - it is a completely different comfort. A beautiful spacious house, a bathhouse, a vegetable garden and a green lawn come with the need to maintain it all. You can no longer call a plumber from the housing office. Many people see advantages in this: living outside the city is more difficult, and yes, you will have to sort out the boiler yourself, but you will be sure that in the midst of frost there will not be problems with heating. You have to monitor the condition of your well or borehole yourself, but the water will not be turned off three times a year for two weeks for mysterious maintenance work.

tver_vic User FORUMHOUSE

No one will wash the stairs for you, sweep the yard, remove the grass, remove the snow, take care of the heating, check or clean the septic tank.

Disadvantage: car addiction

Without a car, at least some kind, it is almost impossible to live outside the city; reviews from members of our portal have confirmed this many times. What if the car needs repairs, especially not quickly? You also need to think about this, including when choosing a site, so that, if anything happens, you don’t have to walk five kilometers to the station.

Living outside the city: advantages

Discouraging others from rash decisions, describing shortcomings village life, the former townspeople themselves in 99% of cases say: “But we will never return back to the city.” What makes people put up with the lack of urban joys? What is so special about this “life on earth”? As it turned out, this is what is important for the “immigrants”.

Plus: you're a homeowner

For families, especially young ones, who do not have money for an apartment in the near or long term, buying a plot of land outside the city often becomes the only opportunity to become a homeowner. Usually they start by purchasing a plot, then raise money for construction - and as they say on FORUMHOUSE, “ family construction - best way raising children and achieving harmony in a young family" It becomes possible to build a house with a larger area than would be the area of ​​a city apartment comparable in price. And by building a house for three generations - your parents, you, your children, you get one more, simply invaluable advantage: your children grow up in a big happy family, and your parents, constantly seeing their grandchildren in front of them, have a goal in life, and they have incentive to live longer. Your family continues, and you yourself build this “bridge across eternity.”

Plus: high status

Your own house outside the city is not at all like an apartment in a high-rise building, and, as he says beutiflet,“those who have the financial ability to escape from this anthill do so without hesitation.”

Beutiflet User FORUMHOUSE

It all depends on a person’s lifestyle and his aspirations, but in our village (20 km and 15 minutes from the Moscow Ring Road) the poorest villager is, on average, wealthier than the richest city dweller in my house in Moscow.

Plus: comfort

No matter where you build or buy a house, in the suburbs or in the middle of nowhere, it still won’t be a village like the 1980s. Nowadays, in any private home, all the so-called “city amenities” are available, from a warm water closet to the Internet. Moreover, in your own home you will control the heating, and not “the guy at the valve”: if it’s cold, turn it on, if it’s hot, turn it off.

tver_vic User FORUMHOUSE

Making a decent toilet-shower is now very simple: a septic tank and a well. TV? At least hang the house with plates. Internet? No question - at least three options.

Plus: happiness of life on earth

Only because of him can you move out of town. You woke up, went out - and you’re in your garden, there’s silence all around, fresh air and other environmental cleanliness. Many former townspeople complain that at first they could not sleep because of the birds, “the nightingales sing like mad, in different voices.” In the city, we no longer notice the noise of cars and industrial enterprises - the countryside silence, in which the trills of birds and the chirping of grasshoppers stand out, at first seems like some kind of luxury. Children play with dogs, feed rabbits, run on soft green grass rather than on a concrete playground. The baby sleeps in a stroller on the porch, and at this time the mother can calmly do household chores. Outside the city, you begin to understand that you have lived a significant part of your life in some artificial conditions and deprived myself of a lot.

Plus: no neighbors

Only your family lives in your house. On weekends, you won’t be woken up by the grinding of a drill from the neighbors on the left, or loud music from the neighbors downstairs, or the traditional family scandal from the neighbors on the right. No one turns on the music at full blast, no one screams, no one stomps over your head, and you will never be flooded again... When you real owner in your home, it gives you a feeling of freedom and independence.

OlegNovosel User FORUMHOUSE

The child got sick. WITH high temperature. Some sick person sneezed in the elevator. If we lived in a house, there would be less chance of catching some kind of infection.

Some people dream of life in a metropolis, others cannot stand the hustle and bustle of a big city and want to leave it. How to accept right decision and understand whether this option is right for you? To do this, consider all the advantages and disadvantages of living in a metropolis.


First, let's look at all the advantages of living in a metropolis:

  1. Interesting and useful acquaintances. Indeed, get to know interesting people and it is much easier to establish promising connections in a big city than in a small one. The metropolis attracts people, especially those who are ambitious, educated, active and purposeful.
  2. Opportunity to get a good education and a prestigious profession. There are more higher-ups in the metropolis educational institutions, and the training is at the highest level, and that is why there are so many out-of-town students here, each of whom dreams of graduating from university, getting a start in life and building a career.
  3. Living in a metropolis gives you discipline. You have to get up early every day to be on time for work, take care of yourself in order to look good, keep yourself in shape in order to attract the attention of the opposite sex.
  4. More options to build personal life and start a family. It’s easier for even the most modest girl in a big city to find her other half, because after all, many male residents of megacities are not shy. The stronger sex also has many more options. There are several explanations for this advantage. Firstly, public places, in which dating usually takes place, there are more in large and developed regions. Secondly, residents inevitably contact and interact with each other. Thirdly, you can register on a dating site and meet with a virtual interlocutor.
  5. Developed infrastructure. In a large city, in every district there are schools and kindergartens, clinics and hospitals, large stores, shopping centers and other institutions necessary for people For full life. Residents of small towns sometimes have to travel to large regional centers to obtain a qualified medical care, solving housing issues and for other reasons.
  6. Various leisure options. In any metropolis there are cinemas, shopping and entertainment centers, restaurants, bars, chains fast food and cafes, museums, water parks, nightclubs, theaters, zoos and much, much more. The entertainment industry is developed, and new establishments are constantly opening where you can have fun, interesting and even usefully spend time.
  7. Availability different categories goods. Many manufacturers and suppliers focus specifically on large cities, and therefore we can safely say that it is possible to purchase almost everything there, including ultra modern gadgets, exotic products and unusual things.
  8. Job. In the metropolis there are much more opportunities to build a career, since many enterprises operate here and various institutions who need employees, including young, active and creative ones. There are much fewer vacancies in the villages.
  9. Opportunity to open a business and develop a business. If you are an enterprising and smart person, then you can become an entrepreneur.
  10. Earnings in megacities are an order of magnitude higher than in small settlements, this is a fact. Therefore, the standard of living is better, which opens up opportunities for development, improvement of status and financial situation.
  11. Opportunity to travel. All megacities have international airports, railway and bus stations. In addition, embassies and travel agencies are located here, so organizing a trip abroad is much easier from here than from the village.


Now let’s look at the disadvantages of living in a big city:

  1. Bad environment. In the metropolis there are many plants, factories and other enterprises whose emissions pollute environment. Some compounds enter the air and are inhaled by people, other substances penetrate into the water and also inevitably rush into people's bodies. In addition, in major cities there are many more cars, the emissions of which also have extremely negative impact on the environmental situation.
  2. When listing all the shortcomings, it is worth including the rhythm of life in their list. In some megacities it is simply crazy, so it will be very difficult for people accustomed to a measured existence to adapt to it. Some, having failed to adapt and learn to constantly rush and keep up, end up changing their place of residence.
  3. Great competition. To get a good position, you need to make a lot of effort, because there are probably several people applying for it. It is important to be able to show yourself with the best side, highlight your positive qualities and prove your capabilities and strength. Not everyone is ready for this.
  4. Frequent illnesses. Unfortunately, residents of megacities get sick much more often than those living in small settlements. Firstly, the frantic rhythm undermines the immune system, as a result of which the body’s defenses weaken and a person cannot withstand attacks pathogenic microorganisms. Secondly, due to crowds of people and high population density, all infectious diseases spread at a rapid pace, which often leads to epidemics. Thirdly, it is sometimes simply impossible to limit contact with sick people, because they are often in close proximity to healthy people.
  5. The modern metropolis is huge amount people, and not everyone likes this feature. If you prefer loneliness, are a modest person, an introvert, or even more so a sociopath who does not know how to exist in society, then you will have a very difficult time.
  6. The next minus is important for car owners. Since many residents have personal transport big cities and has long been not a luxury, but a means of transportation, this inevitably leads to the formation of congestion and traffic jams on the roads. The situation with the road transport situation is much worse: in megacities, traffic is busier, and road accidents occur more often.
  7. A huge flow of information that not everyone can cope with. To keep abreast of events happening in the city and keep up with life, you need to use modern gadgets, regularly study the media, be an active Internet user and be able to process data, filtering out everything unnecessary and highlighting the most important.
  8. Small spaces, cramped conditions. Megacities are quickly built up and populated, new people are constantly coming to them, so at some point you may get the impression of a lack of space, especially if you are used to space and freedom.
  9. People. Since many of them are constantly in a hurry, giving 100% and tired at work, they become withdrawn, irritable and indifferent, and this is sad.

Living in a big city has both advantages and disadvantages, so don’t rush to the metropolis if you have doubts and are not ready for change. But new opportunities and prospects may open up before you.

When I studied at the university, there were several people from villages in my group. I always heard that they want to stay in the city, that there are no prospects in the village. I agree with them, I think, basically, all young people are trying to move to the city and take advantage of all the opportunities.

How is rural life different from urban life?

I only came to the village to visit my grandmother during the summer holidays. Of course, their life is completely different. I have lived in the city since birth, but so far the most that attracts me is the acquisition summer cottage. There is a river in our city, and having a small house next to it is quite a good idea.

First of all, in a village or village, the absence of large industrial enterprises is striking. Nowhere will you find a factory in the middle of the village. Sometimes such objects are built outside the city, but, all the same, settlements near them are considered at least an urban-type settlement. Of course, all villagers keep livestock. But one should not think that people in villages and villages still live without any amenities. It all depends on finances; you can build a comfortable house in any village.

One of the biggest differences is the people. Rural population much friendlier and more sociable. For example, I don’t even know all the neighbors in my building, but there people know each other personally.

Pros and cons of living in the city

Each person chooses a place to his liking. But, whatever one may say, living in the city has many advantages:

But not all city residents are satisfied with their lives, and many even seriously think about moving to some village. The reasons are as follows:

  • poor environment;
  • high level crime;
  • heavy workload;
  • deterioration of physical and mental condition.

As a rule, the desire to lead a more relaxed lifestyle among city residents arises with age; I think this is due to fatigue from the too fast pace of life.

TO positive aspects Urban life can be attributed to the presence of a comfortable apartment. In this situation, there are no problems with heating, electricity, or garbage disposal. In addition, the apartment has a cold, hot water and other delights of housing and communal services. As a rule, when living within the city, there are no difficulties with getting to work. If work activity is carried out close to home, you can walk, but if it’s far away, you can get there by metro, taxi, personal car or public transport. Preschool and school institutions are usually located within walking distance from home. A retail outlets can be located directly on the residential ground floor. The city has many entertainment venues.

In addition to the advantages, living in the city also has disadvantages. The apartment, although well-appointed, has limited space. This is especially felt when organizing a feast with a certain number of guests. The walls of the apartment have low sound insulation and do not allow loud music, singing, dancing, as all this disturbs the neighbors. IN multi-storey buildings there is a risk of being flooded by neighbors from above and a risk of flooding the residents themselves ground floor. The courtyards of houses are constantly filled with cars. There is practically no opportunity to breathe clean air in the city.

Advantages and disadvantages of living outside the city

There are many advantages of living outside the city. You can build yourself a house of any size. The main thing is not to limit financial possibilities. You can also arrange it according to at will. It becomes possible to organize parties with any number of guests. You can sing and dance until late - the neighbors will not make any complaints. In addition, guests can be accommodated overnight in guest rooms. It is very convenient that you don’t have to go far to pick up your car, since the garage is located next to the house. Outside the city, you can build your own bathhouse, gazebo, or lay out a lawn. There is an opportunity to start a household plot. An additional advantage is the presence of a river or forest in the nearby area. Away from the city, the air is clean and fresh.

Country life has its difficulties. In most cases, you cannot do without a personal car. Since it is not possible to get to the desired place by public transport, there is a certain dependence on vehicle. Daily gas costs can be daunting. Living outside the city during the cold season can be dangerous. Roads covered with snow do not always allow you to leave even if necessary. In addition to all this, you need to solve the issue of work and education of children - go to the city every day or get settled in your own locality. There is practically no entertainment in such places, which can begin to burden a family leading a secular lifestyle.

Thus, it is much more practical to live in the city. It is convenient to have a country house instead of a summer house. In the summer you can go there to take a break from the hustle and bustle, barbecue, breathe clean air, and, having gained strength, return to your favorite city.