Abdominal pain and diarrhea during menstruation. How to treat diarrhea during menstruation? Diarrhea and delayed menstruation

It is well known that representatives of the fairer sex are more often than men susceptible to intestinal disorders, which is associated with physiological characteristics female body. Such disturbances in the functioning of the intestines often manifest themselves in the form of constipation or diarrhea, including during menstruation, which certainly will not improve the girl’s health good mood. The first days of menstruation in women are always accompanied by great discomfort and general weakness, and if menstruation occurs simultaneously with gastrointestinal disorders, this causes even more discomfort.

The appearance of loose stools is possible in a variety of circumstances, but a woman may have an absolutely logical question: are these two processes related to each other? Let's figure out what is the cause of diarrhea during critical days whether diarrhea is possible before or after menstruation, and how you can alleviate your situation.

When pathology is to blame

Not everyone knows that diarrhea on the first day of menstruation is not always normal. physiological phenomenon. Quite often, such a reaction of the body may indicate the presence of one or another pathology, although with the same probability it may be a banal coincidence.

If loose stool begins a week before menstruation or on the eve of menstruation, this may be due to:

  • increased levels of progesterone, which relaxes muscle tissue and intestinal muscles, as a result of which diarrhea can occur even with normal nutrition and the absence of pathologies;
  • taking painkillers that relieve pain in the menstrual period, but produce a laxative effect;
  • reception hormonal contraceptives, which provide several placebo tablets in each package, the use of which can contribute to a malfunction in the body.

If you experience loose stools even after your period, this is a serious reason to consult a doctor, since in this case the gastrointestinal disorder is not associated with hormonal changes. Moreover, it is necessary to undergo an urgent examination if you do not know the exact causes, and the symptoms of diarrhea are accompanied by pungent odor stools, changes in their color, the presence of mucus, blood or watery inclusions in the stool.

Causes of diarrhea during menstruation

Why diarrhea during menstruation is quite simple to explain. Firstly, during menstruation, the pelvic organs are actively filled with blood, as a result of which the muscles of the uterus begin to contract intensively. As a result, such metamorphoses in a woman’s body affect intestinal motility. Secondly, before bleeding begins, the tone increases vagus nerve, which, in turn, can manifest itself in the form profuse sweating, freezing extremities or “non-standard behavior” of the intestines. The third, no less common cause of diarrhea is a sharp change in a woman’s taste preferences: she may begin to eat food that is unusual for the stomach, which will contribute to a laxative effect.

In this case:

  • stools are more liquid;
  • diarrhea begins before menstruation and can continue even during menstruation;
  • after 2-3 days, any symptoms of indigestion disappear without a trace.

The influence of hormones on intestinal health

As mentioned earlier, the cause of diarrhea on menstrual days may be a change hormonal levels. Second phase menstrual cycle(after ovulation) is a period when the concentration of progesterone in a woman’s body quickly increases, and the level of prostaglandins also increases. These hormones are responsible for the muscles of the bladder, intestines and uterus, therefore, to help women reproductive organs remove bloody discharge; it reduces the tone of the muscles of all organs located near the uterus. As a result, there may be more frequent urination or diarrhea.

Please note that hormonal changes and disruptions should not occur regularly, otherwise this may indicate the development of a serious gynecological disease.

The effect of stress on diarrhea

Serious nervous disorders can affect the functioning of all human organs, and the gastrointestinal tract is no exception. As you know, during menstruation women typically experience sharp changes in the mood, and if a serious stressful situation also occurred during this period, it is likely that the body may react with the occurrence of loose stools. In most cases, diarrhea is the result of psychological experiences and is observed on the first day of menstruation. Please note that the diarrhea will stop immediately after the woman calms down: this is the most main feature that the disorder is psychosomatic in nature. The following symptoms may occur:

  • urges are observed immediately after eating or during eating;
  • causes discomfort;
  • headache;
  • pain below or to the side of the navel;
  • characteristic of nervous disorder signs (“lump” in the throat, trembling in the body, numbness of the arms and legs, intermittent breathing, etc.).

WITH physiological point vision, this reaction is explained by the production of adrenaline and other chemicals, characteristic of any stressful situations, as a result of which the peristalsis of the intestinal walls accelerates, and the person suffers from loose stools. If the cause of a malfunction in the gastrointestinal tract is a nervous disorder, the simultaneous appearance bloody discharge and liquid bowel movements is more a coincidence than an interdependence.

Changing food habits

Critical days can be real “stress” for the stomach and intestines for another reason. Many women may experience changes in food preferences during this period, resulting in diarrhea caused by:

  1. Excessive use food. Increased appetite during menstruation is not uncommon, and not all women hold back: many of them try to pamper themselves somehow, which is why they prefer junk food healthy, they eat more than usual or mix incompatible foods, causing irritability of the intestinal walls and diarrhea.
  2. Sugar. Excessive consumption of sweets entails stimulation of processes such as fermentation, bloating and flatulence. If, in addition to products containing large number sugar, the girl drinks a lot of water, then the stool acquires a liquid consistency, and by the time her period begins, diarrhea begins.
  3. Fried, fatty and spicy. A reaction similar to a “sugar riot” can be expected from the intestines when eating foods fried with a large number oil or seasoned with hot spices (such as chili pepper).

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Is this a familiar situation? In this case, there may be diarrhea before menstruation with a 90% probability. Spare your intestines on the eve of menstruation, but do not provoke it on other days to avoid troubles.

Relief methods

For disorders intestinal tract First of all, it is necessary to determine the cause of the problem. If such a reaction in the body is caused hormonal disorders, conventional medications not only will not help, but can also provoke no less unpleasant consequence- constipation. The cause of all troubles - nervous breakdown? Take herbal tinctures homemade(from chamomile, yarrow or oak bark). These medicinal plants will have a bactericidal, soothing and simultaneous astringent effect on the intestines, and you will be able to quickly recover from a nervous disorder. Moreover:

  1. Review your diet. During menstrual bleeding and on the eve of menstruation, it is not recommended to eat fried, spicy, excessively salty or sweet foods. Temporarily avoid fruits, dairy products and other foods that cause bowel relaxation. If diarrhea has already occurred, go on a strict diet. Your menu should only contain Lenten dishes, For example, applesauce without sugar, jelly, dried bread, boiled meat, steamed cutlets or low-fat kefir.
  2. Drink plenty of water at room temperature. Excessively hot or cold drinks also provoke intestinal irritability, so it is recommended to take only slightly warm water, as well as rosehip or nettle infusions.

The onset of menstruation and diarrhea is a very unpleasant phenomenon, but if the cause is hormonal changes, you will not be able to prevent it. Wait 2-3 days. Most likely, the diarrhea will end, and the intestines will be able to function normally as before.

When is it time to see a doctor

Diarrhea during menstruation is not dangerous. The only cause for concern is prolonged diarrhea(more than three days), which does not end even with the end of menstruation. The development of pathological processes is evidenced by noticeable abdominal pain, bloody impurities in feces and other changes uncharacteristic of feces (including other, more dark color). These may be obvious symptoms of an intestinal infection, so don't medical care can't get by. With such signs, professional diagnosis is required (stool and urine analysis, as well as ultrasound).

Please note that in some cases you should consult a doctor even during menstruation:

  • the stool has acquired a greenish tint;
  • bowel movements are accompanied by foam and blood;
  • defecation causes severe pain;
  • in addition to diarrhea, the woman suffers from nausea and vomiting.

With such factors, you should not wait until your menstruation ends - get examined at the clinic.

Not every woman can boast feeling great during menstruation. It happens that a disorder may be added to the usual irritability and pain in the lower abdomen gastrointestinal tract with all the ensuing consequences - diarrhea, nausea, vomiting. Diarrhea during menstruation is a common and uncomfortable phenomenon, but still treatable.

Why does diarrhea occur during menstruation?

The reasons for the appearance of loose stools during menstruation are individual for each female body. Some may experience diarrhea during menstruation, others - before their onset. Some people are luckier than others and diarrhea accompanies them only on the first day, or even bypasses them altogether. Let’s try to figure out what’s happening in the intestines at this moment.

  • The uterus and intestines are in close proximity inside abdominal cavity, so a full intestine can interfere with the normal contraction of the walls of the organ. This means that nature itself has provided for more frequent emptying than on ordinary days.
  • The menstrual period is characterized increased level prostaglandins - active substances, enhancing uterine contractions and affecting pain receptors, causing discomfort in the lower abdomen. Prostaglandin can provoke increased contraction not only of the uterine walls, but also smooth muscle intestines, causing diarrhea in the first days of menstruation.
  • Increased appetite and the emergence of new food preferences are another reason possible violation in bowel function. On critical days, a woman can eat a lot of sweets, which leads to fermentation in the intestines, bloating, diarrhea, and in some cases even vomiting. In addition, drinking more fluid than usual thins the stool.
  • Delayed menstruation may also be accompanied by diarrhea. To confirm or exclude pregnancy, it is recommended to use more reliable methods.
  • Blood circulation increases in the pelvic organs, the uterus becomes more swollen and, thereby, stimulates intestinal activity.
  • Diarrhea before menstruation may be one of the manifestations premenstrual syndrome. It should be noted that critical days in such cases are usually more difficult, nausea and vomiting may occur, and pain increases significantly.

Diseases that cause diarrhea

The causes of diarrhea during menstruation are not always natural. Sometimes a symptom occurs as a result pathological changes in the female body. Why is this happening?

  • Bend of the uterus. Abnormal placement and shape of the uterus has an irritating effect on the walls of the intestinal tract. Before menstruation, the organ swells and puts pressure on the intestines, pushing it to cleanse. In a similar way, uterine fibroids can affect peristalsis.
  • Endometriosis. The disease is often accompanied by bloody diarrhea during menstruation. Not only abdominal cramps become painful, but also the process of defecation itself.
  • Cystitis. Infectious disease bladder problems may worsen during menstrual periods. Irritated bladder causes the uterus to contract more actively, while stimulating intestinal motility.
  • Gastrointestinal diseases. Enteritis, colitis and other diseases also usually worsen during menstruation.
  • Algodismenorrhea. Female pathology, in which menstruation is invariably accompanied by severe pain in the abdominal area, diarrhea and vomiting. Deterioration of well-being in this case is possible up to and including loss of legal capacity for the period of menstruation.

When to see a doctor

  • Diarrhea continues for two or more days.
  • Diarrhea is accompanied by severe pain, as well as vomiting and fever (except in cases where the woman has previously been diagnosed with algomenorrhea).
  • The presence of foam, green mucus, blood in loose stools.

Diarrhea and delayed menstruation

Very often, diarrhea during a delay indicates the onset of special condition female body. It's about about pregnancy.

At the same time, vomiting may occur, frequent urge to urination and slight increase body temperature. In this way, the body self-cleanses and provides comfortable conditions for the development of the fetus. In this case, diarrhea lasts from one to several days.

If pregnancy is ruled out, but there is delay and intestinal upset, do not panic. In some cases, this condition occurs for natural reasons:

  • psycho-emotional shock, stress;
  • failure that occurs due to insufficient saturation of the body with food (for example, a strict diet or fasting in order to lose weight);
  • period of hormonal changes (from the formation of the menstrual cycle to the onset of menopause);
  • discontinuation of oral contraceptives;
  • delay in postpartum period or lactation period.

Less commonly, a delay may signal serious pathologies genital area:

  • inflammatory processes or tumors in the organs of the reproductive system;
  • serious hormonal disorders.

If the delay lasts more than five days, immediately consult a gynecologist.

How to treat diarrhea during menstruation

You should not rush into taking anti-diarrheal tablets unless diarrhea is caused food poisoning or an intestinal infection. As already mentioned, intestinal disorder during the menstrual period has completely different reasons for its development.

But methods that can alleviate a woman’s condition still exist.

A woman’s body can be unpredictable, especially during menstruation. He “rewards” some with a bad mood, others - hypersensitivity mammary glands, abdominal pain, dizziness, and sometimes abnormal bowel movements. Why does diarrhea occur during menstruation? What is this - physiology or pathological process? Let's talk.

Causes of diarrhea during menstrual periods

Over the course of a month, a woman’s hormonal background undergoes serious changes. The body prepares for pregnancy, and if conception does not occur, renewal of the endometrium (mucous membrane) of the uterus begins. The old mucous membrane breaks down and leaves the genital tract, which is called menstruation.

A few days before menstruation, the hormone of femininity and beauty - estrogen - reaches its minimum values, and the level of progesterone, on the contrary, increases. The smooth muscles of the uterus begin to contract, bleeding go outside.

A woman does not always endure such metamorphoses easily. Like a pregnant woman, her gastronomic preferences change, which in itself can cause diarrhea. But what else can cause bowel dysfunction? There are several physiological causes of diarrhea during menstrual periods:

In 95% of cases it is physiological reasons cause increased bowel movements during menstruation. Upon completion menstrual bleeding the disorder disappears, so there is usually no reason to see a doctor. In this case, diarrhea is even useful to some extent, because the body is naturally cleansed of toxins and other harmful substances, weight decreases slightly, excess water is removed.

How to treat diarrhea during menstruation?

Although diarrhea during menstruation does not cause significant harm to the body, it does not make it more comfortable. However, you should remember that taking pills is not an option in this case.

Medicines for
to quickly stop diarrhea, such as Imodium or Loperamide, can provoke another problem - constipation. It’s better to take the usual “No-shpu”. It effectively relieves spasms, and can be taken when there is severe pain or pulling in the stomach.

What else can you do to alleviate your condition? Standard rules will help you get rid of diarrhea:

  1. Give preference to boiled, stewed food, as well as steamed dishes.
  2. Keep your food fresh.
  3. Limit your consumption fresh vegetables, fruits, sweets, baked goods, coffee and alcoholic beverages.
  4. Cook porridge in water - rice, oatmeal or buckwheat.
  5. Drink jelly, eat soups, lean meat, cottage cheese, day-old bread.
  6. Don't overeat, eat small meals 5 times a day.
  7. Try to worry and be less nervous. If emotions run high, take a sedative (for example, Valerian).
  8. Maintain a sleep and rest schedule. Full sleep must last at least 8 hours.

Advice. Be careful
to the signals of your body. If, in addition to diarrhea, other symptoms occur during menstruation unpleasant symptoms, then you should immediately be wary. For example, vomiting, elevated body temperature, and mucus in the stool may indicate an intestinal infection.

What if pathology is to blame?

Sometimes diarrhea may not be associated with menstruation at all. Intestinal infection or the development of a gastrointestinal tract disease simply coincidentally falls on the “red days of the calendar.” What most often causes diarrhea:

  • poisoning;
  • intestinal infections;
  • taking antibiotics (side effect);
  • pancreatitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • colitis;
  • enteritis;
  • gastritis.

Diarrhea may be caused
and gynecological problems. Abnormal bowel movements are often observed with endometriosis, uterine flexion, algodismenorrhea, and cystitis. Due to decreased immunity during menstrual periods, women often experience worsening chronic diseases, and new ones are easily developed.

When to sound the alarm?

Of course, short-term diarrhea is not a reason to see a doctor. However, if it does not stop for a long time, there are other alarming symptoms, then you should definitely consult a specialist. When to be wary:

  • stool is dark, white or green, smells bad;
  • there is mucus in the stool, blood streaks, pieces of undigested food;
  • severe stomach pain;
  • body temperature increased;
  • vomiting began;
  • the woman feels severely unwell and weak;
  • diarrhea lasts more than 2 days.3

In this case, treatment is prescribed individually. First, it will be necessary to establish the cause of diarrhea during menstruation. They will help you find out why it arose laboratory tests and ultrasound. Only then will the woman be prescribed certain medications.

Abnormal bowel movements during menstruation do not always indicate pathology. This peculiar reaction of the body is observed in every fifth person. And although fluctuations in hormones in the blood cannot be avoided, bowel function can be regulated by a regular diet and proper nutrition.

Critical days make few people happy feeling good. And if, in addition to weakness, irritability and abdominal discomfort, signs of indigestion are added, this causes particular concern. Why does diarrhea occur regularly during menstruation, although nothing similar is observed on other days? This question can be answered completely differently in each situation.

Read in this article

Causes of indigestion during menstrual periods

The menstrual period is characterized by a special composition of hormones. It is they who control the renewal of the uterine mucosa. Under the influence of gestagens, it begins to contract, trying to free itself from its internal coating. Changes in hormonal balance (and not only them) can explain several causes of diarrhea before and during menstruation:

  • Relaxation of the smooth muscles of the uterus. This necessary condition her for abbreviations. Nothing should interfere with the activity of the organ, including a full intestine. Nature intended it so that he should be released better than on other days.
  • High prostaglandin levels. These substances also stimulate contractility of the uterus, but also irritate pain receptors. Therefore, if a woman experiences noticeable abdominal pain and notices diarrhea on the first day of her period, prostaglandins should be blamed. The intestines also have smooth muscles that are susceptible to their influence. He relaxes, feces are removed from him more easily than in other periods.
  • Overeating and... During menstruation, many women's appetite increases and they begin to crave sweets. If you do not resist the urge to chew constantly, it is possible that the intestines will rebel. Sugar, which is absorbed in larger quantities than usual, also contributes to this. It causes fermentation in the organ, which can result in bloating due to gases and cause diarrhea. If a girl prefers salty foods these days, she will have to drink a lot. This will cause swelling, including internal organs, and will also make stool more liquid.
  • Stress. Before menstruation, many women perceive any problems more acutely, it is easier to bring them to tears or extreme irritation. The reaction to emotions may be increased intestinal motility, hence diarrhea.
  • Pregnancy. There are more reliable signs to identify it, but diarrhea due to a delay in menstruation can also occur after conception. And hormones play a role in this, in particular, growing progesterone. It is able to act on the intestines as a laxative. And the increased appetite of the expectant mother contributes to this.
  • Increased blood circulation in the pelvis. This characteristic feature menstruation and the days preceding it. The rush of blood is also caused by hormones, it makes the uterus more swollen. The peculiarities of its location can make the effect on the intestines quite noticeable, pushing its activity.
  • Manifestation of PMS. This problem is hormonal and can occur even before menstruation. are different, but among them it is quite likely that a symptom such as diarrhea will appear a week before menstruation. The critical days themselves for such girls can be more difficult than for others, that is, with severe pain, nausea, and sharp psycho-emotional symptoms.

When pathology is to blame

Nausea and diarrhea during menstruation are not always natural signs hormonal changes. Their culprits may be infectious diseases digestive organs, sometimes these signs indicate a problem in the field of gynecology or urinary system, among which:

Problem Reasons
Bend of the uterus With this feature of the body, the reproductive organ itself has an irritating effect on the intestinal walls. The uterus swells on the eve of menstruation, its changed position leads to contact with this area digestive system, pushing him to cleanse. Myoma can have a similar effect if it is located on the outer part of the organ. Indeed, in this case, the pressure on the intestines will be even more intense. In an effort to get rid of it, he will increase motor skills, that is, diarrhea will occur.
The presence of cells similar to the uterine lining in the intestines causes bloody diarrhea to become common during menstruation. Throughout the menstrual period there are cramps in the abdomen, defecation is also painful.
Cystitis It would seem that a bladder infection should not be related to the condition of the intestines. But during menstruation the disease can worsen. An irritated bladder forces the uterus to contract more actively. And the reproductive organ also disturbs the intestines with intense movements, stimulating its motility.
Problems with the digestion itself If a woman has irritable bowel syndrome, colitis, enteritis, these diseases can also remind themselves precisely on critical days. Decreased immunity during the premenstrual period, dietary errors, and changes in hormonal balance can provoke an exacerbation.
This gynecological problem, requiring clarification of the reasons why it arose. Its main manifestation is, but there are also many additional symptoms, including vomiting and diarrhea during menstruation.
Intestinal infection It can happen any day. But the premenstrual period, with its inherent suppression of immunity, makes the disease more likely.

Relief methods

If the problem is caused only hormonal reasons, you should not immediately take Imodium or Loperamide. These drugs are intended for the rapid cessation of diarrhea in pathological conditions of digestion as components of complex treatment. But menstruation is not a disease. And the pills in in this case can provoke another, no less unpleasant extreme -.

However, there are ways to stop diarrhea during menstruation so that you don’t have to spend the first couple of days “hugging the toilet”:

  • Control your appetite, watch what is on the dinner table. All food should be freshly prepared, preferably boiled and stewed, not fried. Less salt and sugar.
  • It is better for the period before menstruation and during critical days to give up heavy fatty foods, spicy seasonings that help loosen stool. It also makes sense to limit vegetables in your diet, which are known for their intestinal-relaxing properties. These are apples, bananas, dried apricots, raisins, plums and prunes, cucumbers, beets. Kefir will not be useful now either.
  • Give preference in food to porridges with water (oatmeal, well-cooked buckwheat, rice). They will help protect the intestinal mucosa from being washed out, as they have a fixing effect. You just don't need to add sugar and butter to them. Does not irritate the intestines jelly, strong warm tea, dried white bread, lean meat (preferably in the form of cutlets), low-fat cottage cheese, soups.
  • Even healthy food need to be consumed little by little. You shouldn’t overdo it at night; this is a direct path to intestinal irritation.
  • In order not to succumb to emotions that provoke diarrhea, you can take Valerian throughout the premenstrual period and during menstruation. You should also try to get enough sleep these days.
  • Diarrhea during menstruation will not bother you if you drink decoctions of chamomile, oak bark, and yarrow. Herbs have a bactericidal, soothing and astringent effect on the intestines. Prepare one of the decoctions, measuring 2 tbsp. l. herbs per 200 ml of water. After boiling for 15 minutes in a water bath and cooling to a comfortable temperature, the product can be drunk. 3-4 tbsp per day will be enough. l.
  • Water should be drunk at room temperature, as cold liquid, as well as hot tea, stimulate digestion. This may make diarrhea worse. And it’s best not just to filter the water, but to boil it.
  • Avoid physical activity. Movement also enhances intestinal motility. It is more beneficial to lie down, but if it gets boring, a quiet walk in the fresh air will be enough.
  • No-Spa will help with cramps in the intestines. It has a relaxing effect, but if you take a couple of tablets, the effect will not be strong. And the pain will be eliminated.

It was found that signs of digestive disorders, including diarrhea and nausea, during menstruation are more common in those who have appropriate diagnoses. That's why timely treatment pathologies of the stomach and intestines will also help make critical days calmer.

When is it time to see a doctor

Since intestinal problems cannot always be explained by natural causes, a woman has to turn to doctors to get rid of diarrhea. When sensitive issue should I take you to a specialist? There are several signs that leave no other solution other than seeing a doctor:

  • Duration of diarrhea for more than 2 days. If the cause is hormonal disturbances, diarrhea does not last longer.
  • Severe abdominal pain accompanying the symptom. If vomiting is present, severe weakness, temperature, a doctor is needed urgently.
  • Repeated stools with foam, blood, and greens. Dark feces with an unpleasant and atypical odor is also not the norm, even on menstrual days.

Loose stools during menstruation are not always a sign of illness. And if measures are taken to normalize intestinal function, this manifestation will be eliminated.

Intestinal disorder, manifested by diarrhea and rumbling in the stomach... Diarrhea and menstruation: causes, prevention.

  • nausea, vomiting; bloating, diarrhea; increased or reduced temperature; loss of performance, poor health

  • Everyone experiences bowel problems. However, diarrhea during menstruation becomes a cause of discomfort, since the menstrual cycle is accompanied by other symptoms - general weakness, increased irritability, frequent mood swings. Therefore, combined with all the symptoms, diarrhea becomes a serious problem.

    Why do I have diarrhea during menstruation?

    Diarrhea before menstruation may be various reasons. In addition to hormonal changes, stool disorders also lead to physiological factors. Possible reasons:

    • contraction of the uterine muscles;
    • changes in hormonal levels;
    • improper diet;
    • diseases of the stomach and intestines;
    • rush of blood to the pelvic organs;
    • bend of the uterus.

    Changes in the body due to the menstrual cycle can lead to intestinal disorders. Only after determining the exact cause of diarrhea can adequate therapy be prescribed.

    Poor nutrition

    With the arrival of menstruation, a woman’s food preferences may change. Diarrhea during menstruation can occur due to improper, non-standard nutrition for a woman. Some girls start eating a lot often, while others resort to serious culinary experiments. Hormonal fluctuations force a woman to consume foods that she had not even thought about eating before. Therefore, the digestive organs are stressed, peristalsis increases, which causes diarrhea.

    Uterine contractions

    Before menstruation, preparation processes take place in the uterus for the detachment of the functional mucous layer. With the arrival of menstruation, activity muscle contractions The uterus extends to the intestines because they are located close to each other. There is no need to treat this condition - diarrhea goes away on its own.


    Some diseases long time are asymptomatic, but after the onset of menstruation they begin to actively manifest themselves. The sensitivity of the female body during this period increases significantly. Common symptoms of a bowel disorder are:

    • nausea;
    • vomit;
    • pain in the abdomen.

    If a woman believes that stool disturbances are due to some disease, she needs to undergo diagnostics and therapy prescribed by a specialist.

    Also, the cause of bowel dysfunction may be another serious pathological condition:

    • endometriosis;
    • cystitis;
    • enteritis and colitis;
    • intestinal infections.

    Hormonal fluctuations

    During your period female body faces serious changes in hormonal levels, in particular an increase in the level of prostaglandin, which is responsible for relaxation smooth muscles. First of all, this process should spread to the uterus, but the intestines also relax, so diarrhea during menstruation is a natural process of cleansing the body.

    Rush of blood

    Menstruation causes serious changes in the body. The rush of blood into the pelvic organs causes an increase in the load on them. As a result, the intestines respond increased load stool disorder.

    Bend of the uterus

    A complete diagnosis in a medical facility can give a woman an answer to the question of what caused diarrhea during menstruation. An examination is necessary when a woman does not have any disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and loose stools are explained by gynecological factors.

    Bend of the uterus is a serious pathological condition that provokes severe pain, diarrhea. Diarrhea may continue even after your period. To date, experts do not know methods for treating this pathology. It is believed that after childbirth the problem may disappear on its own.

    Characteristics of diarrhea

    During menstruation, diarrhea begins in the morning after waking up. Before the onset of menstruation (7 days before), mild bowel irregularities may occur. Closer to menstruation (in 1-2 days), the stool becomes more liquid. Stomach upset may be accompanied by painful sensations varying intensity. After going to the toilet, the attacks of pain subside and the feeling of discomfort disappears.

    It is considered normal if diarrhea begins on the first day of menstruation or the day before it. More than three trips to the toilet are a sign of gastroenterological disorders. It is important to remember that if the diarrhea does not stop at the end of the menstrual cycle, you need to go to medical institution to identify the cause of this problem.

    When is diarrhea a reason to see a doctor?

    If a girl knows the cause of bowel irregularities, she can promptly respond to changes in her body. There are factors that cannot be ignored:

    • frequent bowel movements that do not stop after the first 2-3 days;
    • feces have blood streaks, foam, green fragments;
    • going to the toilet is accompanied by severe pain;
    • periods are accompanied elevated temperature, general weakness, vomiting.

    Diarrhea and delayed menstruation

    Delayed menstruation and diarrhea are most often a sign of pregnancy, which is accompanied by vomiting and unstable temperature. Delayed diarrhea disappears on its own after 5-7 days, without being accompanied by pain. However, do not forget that diarrhea not caused by menstruation can provoke the development of complications. The girl should not panic; she should consider the excreted stool and, if necessary, consult a specialist.

    How to relieve the condition

    Diarrhea during menstruation causes discomfort, so to eliminate it and reduce symptoms, experts recommend following a diet:

    • exclude fatty, spicy, fried foods from the diet;
    • eat more vegetables and fruits;
    • change the amount of food consumed - reduce portions, but increase their quantity;
    • drink more fluids, you can take herbal decoctions;
    • increase the number of moderates physical activity;
    • get rid of irritating factors such as stress, heavy physical activity, and nervous disorders.

    You can eliminate loose stools using fixing products:

    • black tea;
    • rich meat broths;
    • cottage cheese;
    • white bread croutons;
    • buckwheat, rice, oatmeal.

    In cases where diarrhea is accompanied by attacks of nausea and vomiting, you should consult a specialist. This condition may be a sign of serious poisoning. After identifying the cause of this condition, the specialist will recommend the girl the correct, adequate therapy.

    How can the products be used?

    Diarrhea before and during menstruation can be a serious problem. After diagnosis, the specialist can prescribe drug treatment, based on the cause and characteristics of the disorder. You can get rid of diarrhea with:

    • Imodium - the drug helps to normalize the functioning of the intestines and improves the general condition.
    • Probiotics – the drug enters the body along with “friendly bacteria” and helps normalize the intestinal microflora. Remember, probiotics are not a remedy quick impact– it is necessary to undergo a course of therapy prescribed by a specialist.
    • Esterosorbents ( activated carbon, food additives). These products absorb harmful toxins and leave the body. naturally. Most often prescribed for serious poisoning, peptic ulcer, gastritis. It is important to remember that such drugs remove not only harmful substances from the body, but also useful substances. Therefore, it is not recommended to use them for a long time.
    • Antibiotics – needed to treat diarrhea caused by harmful bacteria. Only a doctor can determine which antibiotic will be effective.

    There are many reasons for bowel irregularities during menstruation. When diarrhea appears, there is no need to panic, because it can go away on its own; if this does not happen, it is better to contact a specialist and follow his recommendations.