Breast pain after embryo transfer. Embryo implantation

In an effort to find long-awaited sensations after embryo transfer, expectant mothers listen to their bodies, hoping to feel the slightest symptoms completed pregnancy. They try to feel the successful implantation of the embryo after the IVF procedure by any changes in well-being. Women are especially sensitive to their condition, for whom in vitro fertilization is the last hope of having a baby.

Specialists performing embryo transfer are confident that women’s new sensations are caused by the action of hormonal support agents that promote better survival of the embryo and some pain after the puncture. Whether there are any manifestations of implantation itself after embryo transfer or whether there are no sensations is a controversial issue.

Embryo transfer

Usually, the most complete and healthy embryos are used for transplantation, although their survival rate does not exceed 40%. The use of 5-day-old embryos is considered favorable; in this case, you can count on pregnancy in 50% of cases. It is not always possible to preserve the embryo in an artificial test tube environment for 5 days, so it is more popular to use it at 3 days of age. The transfer of embryos into the uterine cavity occurs through cervical canal using a catheter. After the procedure, you may experience the following symptoms:

  1. Pain in the lower abdomen and a feeling of tightness, especially in those women whose periods are painful. In no case should you endure pain after embryo transfer, since this condition threatens the development of uterine hypertonicity, as a result of which the embryo will not be able to attach to its mucous membrane and pregnancy will not occur. To prevent similar situation it is necessary to use drugs that relieve pain, such as no-spa or papaverine.
  2. Increase in body temperature after the end of the embryo transfer process.

Characteristic signs of pregnancy after embryo transfer

The first sensations after embryo transfer are not much different from the pregnancy obtained naturally. This may be previously unusual sensations after transfer in a successful protocol in the form of painful tension in the lower back and lower abdomen. These include the following:

However, after the embryo transfer procedure, it is not recommended to rely only on indirect signs pregnancy. Quite often similar symptoms belong to premenstrual syndrome.

Therefore, if you feel like before your period, in order to calm down, you can use pregnancy detection test strips, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. But 100% certainty of the pregnancy result after embryo transfer during IVF can only be achieved by testing for hCG hormones (human chorionic gonadotropin). A considerable percentage of women after embryo transfer during IVF do not feel almost any symptoms of pregnancy, and to dispel all doubts it is best to resort to this analysis.

There are situations, for example, with late implantation, when during pregnancy slight bleeding may occur, which can be mistakenly considered menstruation. However, you need to remember that implantation bleeding is not profuse, rather spotting, which is different from normal menstruation.

Types of implantation

Implantation processes, depending on the period of attachment of the embryo to the wall of the uterus, can be late, in which it occurs 10 days after ovulation, and early - after 6–7 days. In the case of embryo transfer during IVF, late implantation occurs, since the embryo enters the unusual environment of the mother’s body and needs some time to adapt. In order to choose the place of attachment to the uterus for the development of pregnancy, the embryo also needs several days. According to experts, implantation after embryo transfer occurs on days 5–8.

During this period, a woman should take special care to maintain pregnancy and not take hot bath and any warming procedures, limit physical activity and lifting weights, observe correct mode, spend more time walking, eat well. Avoid hypothermia and contact with sick people, do not have sex, and it is best to adhere to bed rest for several days.

Objective sensations as a result of embryo transfer

The appearance of abdominal pain after the IVF procedure should not be scary, but this condition should not be ignored either. Since the nature of the pain is very specific, there is no certainty: what are these, symptoms of pregnancy after a successful embryo transfer, or the appearance of pain is a sign that the end is approaching? menstrual cycle and therefore – a new beginning.
Objective sensations that confirm the presence of pregnancy:

  • as a result of embryo transfer, an increase in basal temperature is observed;
  • body temperature can also rise to 37–37.9;
  • Carrying out tests after embryo transfer can reveal the presence of hCG in the blood and urine.

It is necessary to take into account the nature of pain, discharge, the magnitude and duration of the increase in temperature after the embryo transfer procedure. Sometimes for implantation symptoms and further development pregnancy, signs of other pathologies are accepted. If you have the slightest doubt about the successful transfer of embryos, you should consult your gynecologist.

How to know about a successful pregnancy

Often women wait for some unprecedented sensation to appear after embryo transfer with successful implantation. But most often, in healthy body this procedure is almost asymptomatic and you may find some bright manifestations pregnancy fails. Primary symptoms usually appear 11–14 days after implantation and manifest themselves as normal pregnancy. It is recommended to monitor basal temperature, which is usually increased after embryo transfer. If within a few days basal temperature does not rise and remains below 37 0, then most likely you will be disappointed.

Embryo development after IVF and feelings by day of pregnancy

During development natural pregnancy all processes of ovulation, implantation and further development of the embryo throughout pregnancy have been sufficiently studied. To make it easier to imagine the picture after embryo transfer during IVF, it is necessary to understand its entire mechanism day by day. The development of embryo transfer is slightly different for 3 and 5 day old embryos. This difference is due to the fact that on the 3rd day after the embryo transfer, it still exists due to nutrition in the egg, and starting from the 5th day, the shell of the egg bursts and it passes into the blastocyst stage, beginning its existence as follows: day zero is considered the day of embryo transfer , i.e. cryotransfer, when healthy embryos are transferred to the uterus. From days 1 to 4, the blastocyst begins its movement, emerging from the shell, attaching to the walls of the uterus and implanting into it, thereby beginning the process of cell division and implantation.

Feelings after embryo transfer on the 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th day of pregnancy

On the 5th day after embryo transfer, implantation as such ends. The embryo has taken root and germ cells and placenta begin to form. Starting from the 6th day, the expanding placenta begins to produce the hormone hCG, not yet in large quantities, but already present in the body. But already from the 7th day, the active growth of this hormone begins, which continues to grow on the 8th day.

What changes in sensations occur on days 9, 10, 11, 12 of pregnancy?

On days 9–10, the amount of the hCG hormone increases, simultaneously with the development of the fetus, and on days 11 and 12, counting from the moment of embryo transfer, a final conclusion can be made as to whether the embryo transfer was successful and whether pregnancy took place.

You can finally be congratulated: the exciting IVF procedure is completed, and in the next 2 weeks the chances of becoming a mother are greater than ever. The waiting is tedious, and if after embryo transfer your stomach hurts like before your period, then panic is the most appropriate word to describe the state of your nervous system.

The doctor insisted on emotional calm and positive thinking, but how to remain calm in the face of uncertainty?

Abdominal pain after IVF bothers 80% of women, so try to reduce your anxiety and get ready to absorb the information.

Pain may occur immediately after the transfer or several days later. For some it goes away quickly, for others it persists for weeks. Pain can vary in intensity and there may be several reasons for its occurrence.

Pulling in the lower abdomen after transplantation

Pain in the lower abdomen, which persists for several weeks after fertilization, is due to the following reasons:

  1. mechanical damage to the ovaries during IVF;
  2. ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome;
  3. possible attachment of the fetus;
  4. bloating and constipation;
  5. changes hormonal levels;
  6. enlarged uterus;
  7. constipation and increased gas formation.

Mechanical damage

The IVF protocol involves the simultaneous growth of several. Normally, only one egg matures each month. At artificial stimulation their number can reach 20 or more. To obtain mature eggs, each follicle is punctured, which is essentially a microtrauma. Therefore, you should not be surprised at the occurrence of pain immediately after IVF.

Hyperstimulation syndrome

Hyperstimulation syndrome – possible complication associated with exceeding the dose of drugs. Except nagging pain accompanied by swelling, abdominal enlargement, changes in stool, and appetite.

With mild and moderate severity The course of adjustments in nutrition and daily routine turns out to be sufficient for treatment. Symptoms accompanying hyperstimulation syndrome may persist for several weeks.

Attachment of the fetus

Most desired reason is the attachment of the embryo. Many women whose IVF outcome was positive noted the appearance of nagging pain and slight bleeding in the first days after transplantation.

Enlarged uterus

The uterus, especially in cases where several embryos mature in it, increases significantly. The ligaments that support it are stretched, causing pain in the lower abdomen. The placenta grows and develops, changing hormonal levels.

Constipation and increased gas production

And constipation and bloating are caused by a decrease in physical activity and poor nutrition.

When should you sound the alarm?

The occurrence of abdominal pain after embryo transfer, as before menstruation, can still serve as a reason for urgent appeal for help in cases:

  1. if the pain has turned from nagging to acute;
  2. if the sensations experienced cannot be called banal discomfort;
  3. if abdominal pain is accompanied by significant bloody discharge.

The symptoms listed do not always mean the worst. They may be due hormonal changes, weak attachment or other reasons. Seeing a doctor will dispel doubts. If necessary, treatment will be prescribed.

If possible, remain calm, follow the doctor’s recommendations, watch your diet, bowel movements, and be attentive to yourself. Don't be afraid to seek help if necessary and avoid self-medication.


The introduction of the embryo into the uterine wall, or its implantation, completes embryogenesis. From this moment on, a fetus is formed from the embryo. This important stage development, on which the successful outcome of pregnancy largely depends.

This process is still little studied, since although the embryo is accessible to scientists (for example, during in vitro fertilization), the process of its penetration into the uterine wall is impossible to see.

In many cases, despite good condition uterus and embryo, its implantation does not occur. This is especially difficult for IVF patients.

Embryogenesis phases

The egg is fertilized in fallopian tube and within 5-7 days it moves along it into the uterine cavity. At this time, it continuously divides, forming cells from which the fruit and its membranes will subsequently develop. The outside of this formation is covered with a protective layer. After entering the uterus, the blastocyst (the so-called formed embryo) must attach to its wall in order to receive oxygen and nutrients from the mother’s body.

On what day does embryo implantation occur after conception?

The embryo enters the uterine cavity 4-5 days after fusion with the sperm. Then it is freed from the outer cells that protected the egg from re-fertilization, and after 1-2 days it penetrates the wall of the organ. Thus, the general time frame for embryo implantation from conception to implantation in the uterus is 6-7 days.

During implantation, the embryo undergoes complex processes, passing from the uterine cavity into its wall. This process is conventionally divided into three phases:

  1. Apposition (attachment).
  2. Attachment.
  3. Invasion (penetration).

After the blastocyst is released from the outer cells, it becomes a freely moving ball. It approaches the surface of the endometrium and attaches to it, despite contractions of the uterine wall and the production of a mucous substance - mucin. This is made possible by highlighting chemicals– cytokines and chemokines that are produced by both the blastocyst and the endometrium.

The production of these substances actively occurs in the first 6 days after ovulation, and in the first phase of the cycle they are practically absent. During the anovulatory cycle, the release of such adhesive substances by the uterus is also minimal.

After the initial apposition, the next stage begins - attachment. It is mediated by integrin receptors on the surface of the endometrium. As a result of their interaction with the embryo, the latter sinks into the wall of the uterus and is “covered” from above by endometrial cells. Integrins in the greatest number present in the uterus immediately after and during the 2nd phase of the cycle. However, their activity is significantly reduced in women with luteal phase deficiency, endometriosis, and infertility unknown origin. In such patients, the blastocyst cannot penetrate the mucous membrane.

At the final stage (10–14 days after conception), the chorion begins to form, which then turns into the placenta. The cells of the embryo dissolve the walls of blood vessels, intermediate tissue and are tightly fixed in the uterine wall.

What happens after the embryo is implanted into the uterus?

At this stage, direct connections are formed between the embryo and the uterine vessels, chorionic villi develop, and joint circulation of the mother and fetus occurs. This embryonic period, which lasts up to 8 weeks. The placenta gradually forms, which begins to function fully from the 20th week of pregnancy.

If the invasion process is disrupted, placental anomalies develop: with deep invasion, placenta accreta is likely, and with superficial invasion, the risk of fetal developmental delays increases.

How long does the embryo implantation process take?

Three successive phases take 2-3 days.

With IVF, all these stages may be somewhat lengthened or shifted in time. Typically, embryos that are 3 and 5 days old are introduced into the uterus. However, their implementation under the mucous membrane can take up to 10 days.

WITH medical point In terms of vision, implantation continues until the placenta is completely formed, that is, until the 20th week of pregnancy. All harmful factors acting at this time on expectant mother, can disrupt the process of placenta formation and cause further deviations in the development of the fetus.


Many women are interested in becoming pregnant and eagerly await signs of successful implantation. They are divided into subjective (feelings), objective ( external changes) and laboratory.

Is it possible to feel the implantation of an embryo?

Yes, during the invasion process the wall of the uterus and its vessels are damaged. Therefore, very slight bleeding may occur. Blood is released into minimum quantity, and may go unnoticed.

A woman may feel discomfort in the lower abdomen, pulling or aching pain spreading to the lower back, along inner surface thighs, her temperature rises to 37.5°C.

Other possible sensations during embryo implantation:

  • irritability, drowsiness, weakness;
  • general malaise and fatigue, lack of strength;
  • signs reminiscent of;
  • metallic taste in the mouth and nausea;
  • piercing or cutting pains, mild, reminiscent of itching or scratching.

Most of these symptoms are caused sudden change hormonal levels, in particular, the production of hCG that has begun and is increasing every day. This is a physiological process.

When an embryo is implanted, the discharge may be in the form of a blood smear on the underwear or minor inclusions in the usual discharge from the genital tract. It is not bleeding and does not require the use of sanitary pads. The discharge has no odor or foreign impurities.

All these signs are nonspecific and can be observed with various diseases. Therefore, when they appear, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

To confirm the implantation of the embryo in the uterine wall, hCG testing in urine or blood is used. These tests are repeated if necessary to ensure normal development pregnancy due to an increase in the level of this hormone.

Symptoms of embryo implantation into the uterus are normally mild. If carried out, they may be missing. When intense pain and/or bleeding, you should immediately consult a doctor, as this may be a sign of miscarriage and become life-threatening for the woman.

Self-determination of implantation

Measuring basal temperature will help determine possible implantation if such a procedure is carried out regularly, for 6 or more cycles. In the first phase of the cycle, the temperature in the rectum is low, about 36-36.5°C. At the moment of ovulation it sharply increases to 37°C. If the cell released from the ovary has been fertilized and the embryo has implanted into the wall of the uterus, upon implantation of the embryo, the basal temperature will briefly (literally within 1 day) decrease by 1-1.5°. This usually occurs 6-12 days after ovulation. This phenomenon is called implantation retraction and with great accuracy confirms the implantation of the embryo into the uterine wall.

In the following days, the temperature in the rectum will increase again and will remain within 37°C for the next 3 months. This is due to high level progesterone, which is produced by the corpus luteum of pregnancy.

If, after a sudden decrease in the second phase of the cycle, the temperature does not rise again, this will indicate a lack of consolidation of the embryo or termination of pregnancy.

- a fairly accurate way to recognize ovulation and embryo implantation. It is used not only in the usual practice of gynecologists, but also after in vitro fertilization. IN the latter case The information content of this method is lower, because a woman’s body is under the influence of hormones.

Violations of the embryo implantation process

In some cases, the fertilized egg becomes ready to be implanted into the uterus earlier than necessary. Early implantation of the embryo occurs, ending in most cases. The embryo is freed from the outer cells and attaches to the wall of the tube, without having time to pass into the uterus. This usually occurs 4-5 days after fertilization or 6-7 days after ovulation.

While developing, the embryo maintains its existence corpus luteum pregnancy in the ovary. Then, due to the thin walls of the pipe, the destruction of its vessels by the growing fertilized egg the latter is rejected, the level of hormones drops, the mucous membrane of the uterus separates and comes out.

If the embryo still managed to get into the uterus, its walls are not yet ready to accept it, so it is expelled out, and pregnancy does not occur.

Late implantation is observed 10 or more days after fertilization and is often accompanied by moderate bleeding, which women mistake for regular menstruation. Magnification helps to diagnose pregnancy with late embryo implantation. hCG level. Late implantation of the embryo can be observed during in vitro fertilization.

Despite good ovarian activity and regular fertilization of eggs, embryos may not implant into the uterine wall, resulting in infertility. Why embryo implantation does not occur:

  • the thickness of the uterine mucosa is too thick (more than 13 mm);
  • low levels of progesterone in the blood, which is necessary to delay menstruation and maintain pregnancy (read about the causes of deficiency below);
  • lack of nutrients in the blood and, accordingly, in the endometrium;
  • genetic disorders that cause the inability of cells to divide and the death of the embryo at an early stage;
  • violations of hemostasis, that is, increased blood clotting, leading to poor supply nutrients implanting embryo;
  • malformations of the uterus, for example, synechiae (intracavitary adhesions);
  • fragmentation of sperm DNA, leading to the impossibility of normal division of the fertilized egg.

After IVF, the implantation of the embryo does not occur for the following reasons:;

  • diet or fasting;
  • prolonged stress, leading to disruption of the regulation of the entire hormonal system of a woman through its effect on the brain, hypothalamus and pituitary gland;
  • diseases of the pituitary gland accompanied by insufficient production gonadotropic hormone.
  • Preparation for implantation

    To increase the likelihood of pregnancy, every woman, after consulting a doctor, can take prenatal vitamins, medications folic acid, vitamin E.

    During IVF, reproductologists include special drugs in the patient’s management regimen for better implantation embryo:

    • gestagen derivatives;
    • Heparin or its low molecular weight forms;
    • Aspirin and others.

    For the successful development of pregnancy, the psychological comfort of the patient, especially those awaiting implantation, is important. Therefore, it is permissible to use herbal sedatives– motherwort, mint, lemon balm, which can be brewed and added to weak tea. During this period, it is recommended to give up caffeine, alcohol, smoking, and taking medications without a doctor’s prescription.

    Must be observed simple rules, increasing the likelihood of normal implantation of the embryo:

    1. Set up good sleep, if necessary, rest during the day.
    2. Eat more fruits, vegetables, dairy products.
    3. Limit salted, smoked, fried foods.
    4. Refuse to visit the solarium and avoid being in the sun.
    5. Do not engage in sports or other strenuous physical activity.
    6. Provide emotional peace and good mood.
    7. Abstain from sexual activity for a while.
    8. Avoid contact with sick people acute infections, do not visit crowded places, do not travel on public transport.

    The transfer of embryos in the IVF protocol is a long-awaited moment for any woman, because now everything depends only on her body. Now the patient will have to wait 2 weeks to take a pregnancy test and find out whether the embryo has implanted.

    While waiting, expectant mothers always listen to their bodies. Many people are bothered by mood swings, pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, and unusual eating habits appear. Almost all patients complain that their breasts hurt after the transfer. Let's look at what this symptom is associated with and when to sound the alarm.


    During IVF with stimulation of ovulation, a woman’s body experiences enormous stress. Thanks to hormonal drugs Not just one egg matures, as nature intended, but from 4 to 20. Such changes necessarily affect the patient’s well-being.

    After the transfer, the body begins to change even more, hormones begin to be produced to maintain pregnancy. After the fetus attaches, it begins to produce hCG hormone, which provokes the mammary glands to prepare for lactation. As a result, the breasts swell and become very sensitive and painful.

    Symptoms begin to appear a few hours after transferring the five-day ones, or a couple of days after replanting the three-day ones. Breast pain goes away after IVF by about 12 weeks of pregnancy.

    Chest pain after transfer is not always a sign of successful implantation of the fetus. Unpleasant symptoms can also occur against the background of an increase in the amount of progesterone in a woman’s body. Ovulation-stimulating drugs also have a strong effect on breast sensitivity.

    If your breasts hurt after IVF, but pregnancy has not occurred, then the symptom may signal the onset of menstruation. After a miscarriage painful sensations can persist for several days, and sometimes even weeks, this is due to hormonal changes in the female body.

    You should sound the alarm if only one breast hurts and the symptom is severe, redness appears on the mammary gland. This condition may indicate the development of a pathology, for example, a tumor. Therefore, when severe pain You need to visit a doctor as soon as possible and undergo an ultrasound of the breast.

    If your breasts don’t hurt after IVF, then this is normal. U healthy women the period of embryo attachment may not manifest itself in any way, so it is not worth drawing conclusions based on the absence of certain signs of pregnancy.

    Many people are frightened by the fact that their breasts suddenly stopped hurting after the transfer. This condition is not a sign of any disorder, it is most likely associated with fast recovery body after hormonal stimulation.

    If pain in the mammary glands after IVF does not give you peace, then you should not endure it in silence. It is recommended to consult a doctor and undergo an ultrasound. The doctor will be able to explain the cause of the ailment and prescribe treatment if necessary. Experts strongly do not recommend worrying and stressing yourself out; stress negatively affects fetal implantation and can lead to another failure.

    The issue of abortion is one of the most hotly debated issues at the intersection of science and morality in any society. Until now, the practice of a complete ban on abortion occurs even in Europe (Ireland); in some other countries, abortion is allowed strictly for medical reasons (Spain, Poland, Israel). According to this indicator, Russia is among the countries with the most liberal legislation. In our country, abortion is freely carried out at the request of a woman up to 12 weeks of pregnancy; it is permitted for social reasons for up to 22 weeks of pregnancy, and if there is medical indications and the woman’s consent applies regardless of the stage of pregnancy.

    The main question around which the debate between supporters and opponents of abortion revolves (perhaps with the exception of termination of pregnancy necessary to save a woman’s life): at what stage of pregnancy does the embryo become a person, a person, that is, does abortion turn from a medical operation into murder?

    According to a study conducted by scientists from the British Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists,

    the embryo cannot experience pain until 24 weeks, that is, an abortion performed before this period cannot be considered murder.

    About the results socially significant research tells The Times.

    Embryo on early stages pregnancy does not experience pain, since the nerve endings in the brain are at the stage of formation and cannot perceive pain signals. This process is completed only by 24 weeks of pregnancy.

    The result marks a defeat for British anti-abortionists in the fight to shorten the gestational age for legal abortion. David Cameron, the current Conservative Prime Minister, has repeatedly stated that his government will be guided only by scientific evidence when it comes to abortion legislation.

    Scientists emphasize that the new study on the timing of the onset of the ability to experience pain in embryos is trustworthy. The work, carried out by a team of obstetricians and gynecologists, was then independently reviewed by their colleagues at other research institutions.

    It showed that nerve endings in the cerebral cortex are in the formative stage before pregnancy at 24 weeks.

    It is this part of the brain that is responsible for the sensation of pain, as well as higher mental functions.

    Opponents of abortion believe that the fact that nerve endings are not fully formed does not provide confidence that the fetus is completely incapable of experiencing pain. However, doctors note that such conclusions are based on studies of premature babies and are not applicable to the embryo in the uterus.

    Another study showed that even after 24 weeks, the fetus is in a naturally “sedated” state and remains unconscious inside the uterus. That is, most likely

    even late abortions caused by abnormalities in fetal development or serious risk for the health of the mother, do not cause pain to the baby in the womb.

    Researchers argue that when artificially terminating a pregnancy at a long term, there is no point in introducing anesthesia, which can be risky for the mother’s body: the fetus is not yet able to feel anything.

    However, these arguments do not convince opponents of abortion.

    “Providing a painless abortion does not in any way justify the fact of termination human life»,

    - says Josephine Quinteval, representative of the Commission on Reproductive Ethics.

    It should be recognized that abortion will never turn into a purely medical problems: Termination (or continuation) of pregnancy has too great an impact on the life of each individual woman and society as a whole.

    According to some data, women who have had an abortion are more likely to have mental disorders(although scientists do not rule out that the relationship is reverse, that is, women who decided to do this initially experienced psychological difficulties). In addition, 95% of women who give birth dead child, previously had either spontaneous or medical abortions.

    Liberal legislation in the field of abortion hits the demographic situation in the state much more strongly. According to Rosstat, in Russia in 2001 there were 136 cases of abortion per 100 children born. Over the past 10 years, statistics have improved somewhat, but only in 2007 the number of births exceeded the number of abortions (100 to 92). In the last pre-crisis year of 2008, there were 81 abortions per 100 births, but due to the worsening social situation, the positive trend stopped.

    According to the UN in 2004, Russia was in first place in the world in the number of abortions (53 abortions per 1000 women).