Is late ovulation normal or an obstacle to the desired pregnancy? Signs and causes of late ovulation, the likelihood of conception and determining the duration of pregnancy How to understand that there was late ovulation.

Determining the maturation period of the egg is important not only when planning pregnancy - a change in the date of release of the oocyte from the follicle may indicate development pathological process V female body. When should ovulation occur? What reasons lead to a shift to the 23rd, 25th and even 30th day of the cycle? Is it possible to get pregnant with “delayed” ovulation?

When does ovulation occur normally and in what case is it considered late?

In a healthy woman reproductive age Ovulation occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle. With a classic 28-day cycle, the egg leaves the follicle on the 14th day, but if regular cycle in a woman it lasts 32 days, it can be expected on the 16th day. If the egg leaves the follicle with a delay of 3–5 days (for example, on days 20–25), then there is reason to say that the woman is experiencing late ovulation.

When is “late” ovulation a normal option, and when is it a symptom of pathology?

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In some cases, the egg is “late” not due to illness, but due to physiological reasons. Failure of the menstrual cycle and its displacement is considered normal occurrence V postpartum period, usually the condition of a young mother normalizes itself over time. The following factors can also cause late ovulation:

  • concomitant diseases - infectious disease, cold, worsened chronic pathology can lead not only to missed deadlines, but also to an anovulatory cycle (after recovery, everything will return to normal);
  • frequent changes of time zones and/or long flights;
  • adaptation to a changing climate;
  • constant overwork;
  • strong feelings.

IN in rare cases late maturation of eggs is individual feature woman's body. Many couples who turn to fertility specialists because pregnancy does not occur learn about pathological late ovulation in the woman.

In most cases, such a violation is the result of diseases, which include:

  • pathology endocrine system leading to hormonal imbalance;
  • polycystic ovaries;
  • infections of the reproductive system;
  • adenomyosis;
  • endometriosis;
  • inflammation of female organs reproductive system acute or chronic course.

How to determine the date of ovulation?

For couples planning to have a child, determining the date of oocyte maturation is of particular importance. However, if the egg leaves the follicle later than normal or a woman has an irregular menstrual cycle, then you cannot rely only on calculation, so you should also pay attention to the characteristic symptoms and use methods such as measuring basal temperature, ultrasound of the ovaries, and an ovulation test.

For most women, ovulation is accompanied by characteristic symptoms, which helps determine readiness to conceive even if ovulation shifts. Rupture of the follicle may be accompanied by mild pain in the lower abdomen, which quickly passes. By the time of ovulation, the amount of discharge increases, which becomes similar to raw egg yolk according to consistency.

Before ovulation, there is an increase in sexual desire - this is how the body prepares for fertilization of the oocyte. Some note increased sensitivity of the mammary glands, which may increase slightly in size.

Another sign of ovulation - premenstrual syndrome(the woman becomes irritable and very emotional, her mood changes often and suddenly).

Basal temperature measurement

To determine ovulation by basal temperature, you will first need to build a temperature graph. To do this you need to measure the temperature rectally every morning at the same time (before getting out of bed) for 3-4 months, and record the results in a special table. Before the egg leaves the follicle, basal temperature values ​​increase within 0.5–1 degrees.

Ultrasound examination of the ovaries

Ultrasound examination of the ovaries is one of the most accurate ways to determine ovulation. Usually the doctor prescribes the test, but when planning a pregnancy, a woman can ask the doctor to write out a referral for an ultrasound scan. To prepare for pregnancy, research begins on the 8th day of the cycle, and by the middle of it it becomes possible to detect ovulation.

Ovulation tests

Ovulation tests, which are sold in pharmacies, show high accuracy. According to the principle of action, they are similar to tests for determining pregnancy, but the special substance with which the strip is impregnated reacts not to hCG, but to LH (luteinizing hormone, the level of which increases during ovulation). If the egg has left the follicle and the body is ready for conception, the test will show 2 stripes.

Does the time of ovulation affect the possibility of conception?

Is it possible to get pregnant if you ovulate late? It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally. If the shift in the date of release of the egg is not associated with pathologies of the female reproductive system, a woman can successfully become pregnant, but she should remember that conception will occur later. It is imperative to warn the gynecologist that there is a shift in ovulation, so that he takes this feature into account when monitoring fetal development.

It should be borne in mind that late ovulation, even caused physiological reasons, can make it difficult to conceive and jeopardize pregnancy.

The fact is that due to the late release of the oocyte, the duration of the second phase of the cycle - the luteal phase - is significantly reduced (sometimes to critical values), and the female body simply “does not have time” to prepare for pregnancy.

When is it possible to confirm pregnancy during late ovulation?

If a woman knows that ovulation came “late,” this fact should be taken into account when confirming conception. Since fertilization of the egg during late ovulation occurs not in the middle of the cycle, but closer to its end, if there is a delay of several days, doing a test will be useless - even if the woman is pregnant, hCG level in her body will not yet reach sufficiently high values.

Using a pregnancy test

In order for the reagent of a conventional pharmacy pregnancy test to record an increase in the level hCG hormone in a woman’s urine, at least 2 weeks must pass from the moment the egg is released. It is possible to determine that conception has occurred using a test strip if you calculate when it is best to carry out the test.

When calculating, you need to take into account the date of release of the egg (you can focus on the signs and symptoms of ovulation and your own feelings, but the calculation will be more accurate if the woman has undergone tests or relevant tests). The embryo is not fixed in the uterine cavity immediately - about 6-8 days pass between fertilization and attachment. The level of the hCG hormone begins to rise only after ovum established and the development of the embryo began.

Perform a pregnancy test when normal terms Ovulation is recommended in the absence of menstruation for at least 3 days after the expected date of their arrival. For women whose egg release occurs later than normal, the recommended day to use the test strip is no earlier than a week after the expected date of menstruation. If you need to determine pregnancy earlier, it is better to use highly sensitive digital tests.

When ovulation is late, a pregnant woman may get her period. This happens if fertilization occurred at the very end of the cycle, and the fertilized egg simply did not have time to “get” to the uterus by the start date of menstruation. Regulations can begin at the right time and go away as usual or look like scanty spotting.

Using ultrasound

Ultrasound examinations during pregnancy are performed several times - this effective way monitor fetal development and identify many abnormalities in early stages. It is possible to confirm the fact that a woman will soon become a mother with the help of such a study, but there is no need to sign up for the study in the first week of the delay - even the most experienced specialist will not see anything on the screen.

For the doctor to be able to view the fertilized egg on the monitor, at least 4 weeks must have passed from the moment of fertilization. If modern equipment is installed in the ultrasound room, the doctor conducting the examination is experienced and highly qualified, and the woman’s uterus is completely healthy and nothing happens in it. inflammatory processes, you can see the embryo at a period of 3–3.5 weeks.

In most cases, the study is carried out no earlier than the 5th week from the moment of alleged conception. At this time, the doctor will be able to examine the fertilized egg, hear the baby’s heart beating, and conclude that the pregnancy is developing normally and no abnormalities have been identified. For this reason, we can talk about confirming pregnancy using ultrasound during late ovulation only if there is a delay of at least 3 weeks.

How is the gestational age calculated for late ovulation?

Typically, gynecologists take the date of the last menstruation as the “reference point” for pregnancy. This approach can be considered rational during normal ovulation, but if the oocyte leaves the follicle later, the calculation will be incorrect. As a result, the doctor will receive a significant calculation error - up to 3 weeks.

Based on erroneous data, a gynecologist during pregnancy may conclude that the fetus is developing too slowly, with a delay, and will not be able to correctly determine the date of birth. Based on the assumption that the child is lagging behind in development, the gynecologist may prescribe the woman to take what is actually unnecessary hormonal drugs, which will negatively affect both her condition and the health of the baby.

The gynecologist should be informed about late ovulation (even if there is only suspicion). Then the doctor will calculate the gestational age based on the ultrasound results. The doctor will determine the degree of maturity of the fetus, measure its parameters and be able to draw fairly accurate conclusions about the gestational age.


Many women face such a problem as late ovulation, which plays a primary role in the process of pregnancy. The opportunity to experience the joy of motherhood for a female audience is determined a large number external and internal factors. But, they will not have any meaning if their body does not have an egg that is mature and ready for fertilization.

When is ovulation considered late?

This process involves the maturation and release of the egg into the uterus. With a 28-day cycle for the female audience, this occurs approximately on the 14th day. With a 30-day cycle, the release of a mature egg will occur approximately on the 15th day. If the duration of the monthly cycle is 34 days, then the release of the egg will occur no earlier than on the 17th day.

What is late ovulation? Gynecologists say that if after 28 days monthly cycle maturation of the egg is observed approximately on the 18th day, then late ovulation occurs.


The reasons for the delay in the process of egg maturation may lie in the physiological characteristics of the woman’s body. Also, late ovulation can be triggered by the following factors:

  1. Past diseases genitourinary system having an infectious etiology.
  2. Insufficient body weight.
  3. Hormonal disorders.
  4. Late ovulation occurs when previously using oral contraceptives.
  5. Extreme physical activity.
  6. Ovulation on the 18th day can begin due to nervous shocks and an unstable psycho-emotional background.
  7. Medical and spontaneous abortions.
  8. Recent birth.

Late ovulation can also be affected by a shifted monthly cycle. It may go astray due to changes in climatic conditions, when unbalanced diet, overwork, lack of sleep and stress.

How to recognize a deviation?

The following signs may indicate the presence of delayed ovulation:

  1. Overwork, morally and physically.
  2. Delayed ovulation is associated with hormonal imbalance.
  3. Premenopausal state.
  4. Gynecological and infectious pathologies that have an average or severe degree currents.

Women must take into account the characteristics of their body. If they notice the scant bleeding, then this may indicate the beginning of the release of the egg. After ovulation, they immediately disappear, so they should not cause concern for women. Signs that the egg has begun to be released are painful sensations in the lower abdomen, as well as in the mammary glands. Hardware ultrasound examination or other techniques that can be used independently will help confirm the assumptions.


To determine the beginning of the release of the egg, you can conduct testing yourself, or use the calendar method. Knowing what day of the cycle ovulation occurs on, you can use a calendar to calculate the approximate date of maturation and release of the egg. If the first method is used to determine the moment of release of the egg, then urine should be used for it. After immersing a thin plate in the urine collected in the morning, the woman should wait a few minutes for the test to show one or two stripes. In the first case, the result will be negative, and in the second, positive.

Determination of basal temperature

To determine the exact period of egg maturation, women should regularly measure basal temperature. To do this they should use mercury thermometers, which are inserted into anal hole immediately after waking up in the morning. The results should be recorded daily, and if the temperature drops sharply and rises the next day, it means ovulation has occurred.

How will late ovulation affect conception and pregnancy?

Late ovulation and pregnancy is a fairly common phenomenon experienced by millions of women of reproductive age. But they should know that such a deviation from the norm can affect the process of embryo attachment. Due to the fact that a delay in the maturation of the egg can be caused by infectious gynecological pathologies, their consequences can negatively affect the development of the fetus. To minimize all risks, expectant mothers should contact gynecologists in advance and undergo comprehensive examination and, if indicated, a medicinal course of treatment.

Is it possible to get pregnant?

Is it possible to get pregnant if you ovulate late? This significant event can occur if there is healthy body. If there is no pregnancy for several cycles, women should undergo minor medicinal correction, after which conception will occur almost immediately.

How to calculate the gestational age?

When to take a pregnancy test if the egg is released late? If a woman knows exact date conception, she should wait at least three weeks and then take a pregnancy test if ovulation is late. The express plate needs to be immersed in morning urine and wait until hCG shows the presence or absence of pregnancy.

  1. Take a blood test, the result of which will show the level of hCG during late ovulation.
  2. Undergo an ultrasound examination.
  3. Use the calendar method.
  4. Get examined by a gynecologist.

If a woman decides to use an ultrasound to determine the duration of her pregnancy, then she should take into account one important nuance. If the egg is released late, the fertilized egg will be detected in the uterus at least three weeks after conception. That is why it would not be advisable to undergo an examination before this date. In the case when a woman does not know the exact date of conception, she should undergo an examination by a gynecologist and prescribed by the doctor add 2-3 weeks to the period. After this, you can undergo an ultrasound examination of the uterine cavity.

What to do?

If a woman has not ovulated and is delayed, then she should contact a gynecologist for consultation. Perhaps her egg matured late, and conception occurred before the start of her monthly cycle. The specialist will determine why there are no periods, and if this condition is not related to pregnancy, he will prescribe a course of medication.

In order to normalize the process of egg maturation, a woman must first undergo a comprehensive examination, the results of which will allow the gynecologist to determine the cause of the failure. After this, the specialist will develop for the patient individual scheme therapy that will help eliminate all problems and restore the functionality of the reproductive system.

Ovulation detection

Women can determine the beginning of the release of an egg by the following signs:

  • the color, consistency and structure of the discharge changes;
  • strong sexual desire appears;
  • basal temperature changes;
  • there is lifting, opening and softening of the cervix;
  • pain appears in the mammary glands;
  • the concentration of luteinizing hormone in the blood increases;
  • may appear nagging pain in the lower abdomen;
  • there is an exacerbation of smell, taste and vision;
  • irritability and emotionality increases;
  • headaches, etc. may occur.

Cycle recovery

Can there be late ovulation if the monthly cycle is disrupted? A broken cycle is one of the main reasons for delayed egg development. To restore it, women must contact specialists and undergo comprehensive diagnostics, and then start taking the prescribed medications:

  1. Estrogen-containing tablets “Folliculina”, “Estropherma”, “Proginova”.
  2. Containing steroid hormones tablets "Urozhestan", "Duphaston", "Pregnina".
  3. Normalizing the cycle and stimulating ovulation, tablets “Clostilbegita”, “Clomiphene”.
  4. Homeopathic remedies “Mastodinon”, “Remens”.
  5. Vitamin and mineral complexes.
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Many women do not pay attention to it, especially if this process occurs without painful signs.

Exact dates usually become necessary for those representatives of the fair sex who are starting or for some reason cannot conceive a child for a long time.

The ovulatory period occurs in the body of every healthy woman, but it can be timely or late.

    Phases of the menstrual cycle

    To understand what “late” means, you need to remember that the menstrual cycle consists of the following phases:

  1. Menstrual- begins with the first days of menstruation, the same day is the beginning of a new cycle. During this period, the functional layer of the endometrium is rejected.
  2. Follicular phase - follicle growth occurs under the influence of an increase in the hormone estrogen. The dominant follicle is determined, from which the mature one will subsequently emerge.
  3. The most short phase - ovulatory, lasts about three days. During this period, the amount of estrogen reaches its peak and luteinizing hormone begins to be produced, the follicle bursts and emerges mature and ready for pregnancy, which takes 12-24 hours, in rare cases reaches 48 hours.
  4. The cycle ends luteal phase. During this period, thanks to the formed corpus luteum in the body, the hormone progesterone is produced, under the influence of which it increases, this is necessary for successful implantation to the wall of the uterus. If it didn't happen, corpus luteum dissolves, and accordingly the production of the hormone progesterone stops, which leads to the destruction of the endometrium. And the cycle begins all over again.

The phases of the menstrual cycle have their own duration. For example, follicular phase can range from 7 to 22 days, with an average of 14.

REFERENCE! In a healthy woman, the length of the luteal phase has a certain framework and lasts 12–16 days (mostly 14 days); if the period is less than 12 days, then this may be a deviation from the norm and indicate possible pathologies.

What does late ovulation mean?

If we subtract the luteal phase from a woman’s cycle, which differs in its constant duration, then we get a day at normal . For example, if the menstrual cycle is 32 days, then minus the luteal phase (14 days), it will be on the 18th day +/- 2 days. This process is timely.

But if, with a 32-day cycle, exit occurs on day 21 or later, then this type counts late. Important role When determining the timing of the ovulatory process, the duration of the cycle plays a role, which can range from 24 to 36 days.

NOTE! If the cycle is 36 days and begins on days 20–24, this is not a deviation, but a natural feature of the body.

With a 28 day cycle

In women with a stable 28-day menstrual cycle, the release occurs in the middle - on the 14th day +/- 2 days. Late for a given cycle will be if occurs after 17 days and later.Single moments of delayed exit do not always indicate any deviations in the female body; sometimes this happens even in completely healthy girls.

With a 30 day cycle

Late with a cycle of 30 days occurs after the 19th day of the cycle. If this period fluctuates between 14–18 days, then this is the norm for this length of the cycle. If the cycle is unstable, and the ovulatory period begins closer to its end, then it is recommended undergo examination and identify the causes of violations.

Late ovulation and delayed menstruation

Delayed menstruation in most women is associated with pregnancy, but conception in in this case there may not be. Provoke late ovulatory period may: taking medications, contraception, some diseases, as well as frequent stressful situations. Late in combination with a delay in menstruation can occur even in healthy girls, but this phenomenon should not be permanent.

NOTE! Even frequent colds and medications taken during treatment. In this case, this factor indicates excessive sensitivity of the body and is an individual feature.

Causes of late ovulation

Most of the factors that cause a late ovulatory period can be corrected with special medications or lifestyle changes. It is enough to identify the circumstances that caused cycle disruption, and eliminate them. Difficulty may arise in the presence of diseases of the reproductive organs. In this case it will be necessary to go through full course treatment.

The reasons for the delay may be the following factors:

  • recent medical abortion;
  • taking certain potent drugs;
  • consequences of miscarriage;
  • recent childbirth;
  • constant stress or abnormalities in the functioning of the nervous system;
  • infections of the body's reproductive system;
  • a sharp change in hormonal levels;
  • taking contraceptives;
  • approximation menopause;
  • changes in climatic conditions;
  • past infectious or viral diseases.

Signs of late ovulation

You can detect it later at home. The most effective method is to conduct special test, which is sold in pharmacies. If a woman regularly measures her basal temperature, then determining the time of onset will also not be difficult for her.

Moreover, every woman childbearing age knows what signs accompany the ovulatory period, therefore its beginning can be identified by a change general condition body. Signs of exit are the following symptoms:

  • changing its size and increasing its sensitivity;
  • characteristic ;
  • increased sexual desire;
  • discomfort in the area, or.

What to do if you ovulate late?

Determine whether there are any deviations in operation internal systems that caused the delay can be done with the help of certain types of examinations. In this case, it is better not to engage in self-diagnosis. Otherwise available diseases will progress and lead to complications, which can be eliminated in advanced stages it will be much more difficult.

  1. examination by a gynecologist;
  2. blood and urine tests.

If the delayed exit is due to reasons such as abortion, miscarriage or recent childbirth, then there is no need to take any medications. Just wait a while and cycle will recover.

REFERENCE! Violation of the timing of the ovulatory period can also occur in a healthy woman due to negative impact factors environment or as a result of changes in the body. Main problem such a state is difficult to calculate auspicious days to conceive a child.

The situation is different if such violations resulted internal diseases or hormonal imbalance . In this case, it is better to consult with a specialist and select special methods restoration of natural processes in the body.

Late ovulation and Duphaston

One of the most common drugs that appointed by specialists at later, is Duphaston.

The drug is available in tablet form and is taken in a special course, which is calculated by the doctor based on test results. Its main property is considered recovery a woman must find out why it arose. It is necessary not only to seek help from a specialist, but also to take measures to change your lifestyle: it is important to control your emotional state and eliminate stress, sex life must be regular, a simple change and giving up bad habits can improve the condition of the body.

When a desired pregnancy is at stake, many women track their basal temperature and calculate the days of ovulation as accurately as possible. Among the methods that the doctor will suggest, it is quite possible - an ultrasound examination, during which the maturation of the follicles is monitored. After all, it is on the day of ovulation that, as a rule, the fate of the next egg is decided.

Normally, it is believed that the day of ovulation is the 14th day before the start of the next cycle. Actually, with a cycle of 28 days, it is equally distant from the beginning and end of each cycle. For a number of reasons, some women have different cycle lengths. big side. And even if the first phase of the cycle is longer than two weeks, the second phase is unchanged. But sometimes, due to gynecological problems or hormonal imbalances, follicles take longer to mature. It turns out that the day of ovulation falls on the 16th or 18th day. A similar delay in the day of ovulation also occurs after a recent birth or abortion, or due to stress.

With a stable cycle, a slight delay should not be alarming. If you are healthy, this may be a feature of a particular organism - a more extended cycle. And this state of affairs does not at all mean infertility. But if the basis is infectious disease or hormonal disorders (for example, with excess testosterone, lack of progesterone) - a reason to be examined in detail.

Causes of late ovulation

The most surprising thing is that the reasons for late ovulation are sometimes not associated with any disruptions in the condition internal organs. Even stress or psychological problems can cause hormonal imbalances and, as a result, menstrual irregularities.

Other causes include sexually transmitted infections and disorders of the pituitary gland (that is, the same hormonal ones). Late ovulation may also be a sign of approaching menopause.

If there is a need to find out exactly what day the date of late ovulation will fall on, you need to know that it, like the usual date of ovulation, can be determined in the same ways: using tests, ultrasound examination, which allows you to assess the degree of maturation of the follicles, using blood tests for hormones , urine tests. To get the most exact result, the tests will have to be done more than once, and over several cycles.

Will late ovulation affect the likelihood of conception?

According to doctors, conception in women with later ovulation also occurs successfully. True, they believe that their likelihood of conceiving in this case is slightly lower. Simply because in this case ovulation occurs only once every one and a half to two months.

If no side diseases or complications that could provoke changes in the cycle, you are healthy. And a planned pregnancy is a very real prospect. If the reason for late ovulation is hormonal disorders or gynecological problems, for example, a cyst or fibroma, will require treatment under the supervision of a specialist. Because in this case we're talking about about deeper problems that may interfere with pregnancy. Fortunately, with a great desire, using the opportunities modern medicine, most of the above problems can be successfully treated.

By the way, with late ovulation, if conception has occurred, as a rule, discrepancies arise in terms of pregnancy. In this case, they say that the error regarding the scheduled date of birth can range from one week to three.

And another detail: if 14 days pass from ovulation to the start of a new cycle, even with a significantly longer first phase of the cycle, they speak of healthy menstrual cycle. If disruptions occur in the second phase, after ovulation, obviously, there are still cycle disturbances. This means that you need to look for the cause and, together with your doctor, develop a treatment program.

Late ovulation. To treat or not to treat?

Of course, before resorting to radical treatment, for example, using the loparoscopy method, the couple is offered a detailed examination. Moreover, according to doctors, the causes of infertility depend fifty percent on the state of the woman’s health, and exactly the same amount on the health or unhealth of the man.

It is important to understand that late ovulation does not mean guaranteed infertility. But it may indicate a number of other reasons.

Loparoscopic intervention is prescribed not only to eliminate the problem that caused infertility (for example, ovarian cysts), but also for diagnostic purposes. Sometimes a simple ovarian biopsy can have a positive effect on their function and stimulate them. So in the future, drug therapy is not even required.

But even if the need arose surgical intervention, already six months after the operation the couple has the opportunity to successfully conceive a child. And the probability of getting pregnant in this case is estimated at 50-70 percent.

Every woman who takes a responsible approach to pregnancy planning knows that ovulation is one of the the most important processes in the menstrual cycle. This is due to the fact that during ovulation the most high chance get pregnant, compared to other days of the cycle - about 33%. During ovulation, the follicle containing the egg bursts, the mature egg is released and moves along fallopian tube towards the sperm. And if sexual intercourse took place the day before or directly on the day of ovulation, there is a high chance that the egg and sperm will meet and conception will occur.

Due to the fact that the egg only lives for 24 hours, it is extremely important for women planning a pregnancy to know when ovulation occurs in order to increase their chances of conceiving. It would be too simple if all women ovulated the same way, on a certain day of the cycle. Ovulation is an individual process; in some cycles it may not occur at all. But for most women it happens in the middle of the cycle, about 14 days from the start of menstruation.

However, there is such a thing as late ovulation, which occurs after the middle of the cycle. Late ovulation is usually called ovulation, which occurs after the 18th day of the cycle. Let's find out the reasons for late ovulation, and also find out how it affects the possibility of conception and the date of the onset of menstruation. How can you determine when ovulation occurs?

One of them simple ways Determining the day of ovulation is the use of pharmacy ovulation tests. Another method that women planning pregnancy often resort to is daily. By conducting an ultrasound examination, you can track the stages of egg maturation, and by donating blood for the hormone progesterone, you can find out about the onset of ovulation.

If a woman has determined that she is ovulating late, she needs to visit gynecologist to determine the cause of this phenomenon. For some women this is the norm and physiological feature, for others, late ovulation can be caused by a number of specific reasons. Among them are various gynecological diseases, genital and other infections, and hormonal imbalance.

For example, increased testosterone, low estradiol and lack of progesterone provokes slow maturation of the follicle. Late ovulation can also occur after miscarriages, abortions, stress, changes in time zones and climate, and before menopause. Thus, we can conclude that such a phenomenon as late ovulation can be observed in healthy women and in those who suffer from any diseases. Late ovulation is not a cause of infertility; if a woman is healthy, she is capable of conceiving even with late ovulation.

Usually with normal medium length cycle of 28 days, when ovulation occurs in the middle of the cycle, it divides the cycle into two phases of approximately equal length. In the case of late ovulation, the first follicular phase of the cycle may lengthen due to the fact that the follicle may mature more slowly and this most often causes a delay in menstruation. Late ovulation and menstruation are related, since due to slower follicle maturation, the cycle may lengthen and menstruation may begin later. A woman should not be upset if she discovers that she is ovulating late. If there is no reason for late ovulation in the form gynecological diseases, pregnancy is quite possible!