How to treat ear with boric acid? Boric acid is a universal antiseptic. Boric acid in the ear is 3 percent.

We associate boric acid exclusively with ear problems, since currently this drug is used mainly as an antiseptic in the fight against inflammation of the hearing organs. How to use this medication correctly? How to treat the ear with boric acid so as not to harm it?

The disinfecting effect of the drug was discovered in the mid-19th century, and since then it has been actively used as an antiseptic, antibacterial and antifungal agent. Such a wide spectrum of action of this substance is ideal for combating the most common ear problems.

  1. It inhibits the growth and rate of development of bacteria and fungi, acting on them at the cellular level. This substance effectively folds the protein, but only when directly applied to the colonies.
  2. Acid in its pure form does not smell, and its colorlessness makes its use “hygienic and aesthetic”, since the substance does not leave marks on linen and surfaces.
  3. Boric acid for ears is available in the form of pure powder and alcohol solution. For home treatment, it is better to use the latter option, since the industrial drug is diluted in safe proportions. If you create your own infusion of powder, there is a risk of making a mistake in the ratio. In this case, you are guaranteed a severe burn to the ear canal.
  4. Solutions come in different concentrations. The medical industry produces forms in 0.5, 1, 2 and 3%.

But boric acid is very toxic and should be used only externally. Due to its harmful effects, even in Soviet times, the use of alcohol solutions and pure substances was prohibited for children, pregnant and lactating women.

When is it used?

Currently, boric acid solutions are used to treat the ears, but only for otitis externa. The toxicity and saturation of the alcohol tincture does not allow the use of this remedy to combat inflammatory processes that have arisen near or behind the eardrum.

Since the substance penetrates through the skin cells lining the ear canal and is immediately released into the bloodstream, and is also removed from the body for a long time (up to 7 days), so that an overdose does not occur, it is important to strictly follow the instructions of the ENT specialist and not get carried away by excessively instilling the solution into the inflamed ear.

Use for otitis media

Boric acid for otitis is prescribed exclusively for the treatment of the external form. If you have inflammation of the middle ear and damage or perforation of the eardrum, this solution cannot be used and is even dangerous.

Typically, a 3% boric acid solution is used to treat otitis externa. Due to the pronounced toxic effect, the drug should not be used for longer than 7 days. Usually, with complex treatment, the inflammation should go away during this time.

Use for sulfur plugs

A 3% alcohol solution of boric acid is actively used by specialists to remove sulfur plugs. Due to anatomical features, improper cleaning of the ear canals, and water ingress, sulfur can accumulate in the passages and cause hearing impairment.

In such cases, an ENT specialist may recommend that you drip the finished drug into your ears. Boric acid cannot remove wax buildup on its own, but it is effective in softening the plug and allowing it to come out naturally, such as through chewing.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

As already mentioned, the use of boric alcohol for the ears is unacceptable when carrying or breastfeeding a baby. If a pregnant woman has an earache, she should not self-medicate using “old-fashioned” methods, rather than risk her health and go for a consultation with an ENT specialist.

The specialist will examine the condition of the auditory organ, determine the cause of inflammation and prescribe medications that are permitted in this situation. The main thing is not to delay and not allow the disease to develop to such forms that only antibiotics can cope with.

The question of whether it is possible to drip boric alcohol into a baby’s ear will be decided by his treating pediatrician or children’s ENT specialist. Experts will proceed from the age of the baby and the location of the inflammation. But most often, doctors are against giving boric alcohol to a child because of the high toxicity of the drug. Most likely, the specialist will replace ear treatment with boric acid with a safer and more effective option.

Treatment rules

Boric alcohol can be placed in the ear by moistening a cotton swab with the solution and instilled directly into the ear canal.

To compress the ear with boric acid, apply 3-5 drops of the product to a piece of cotton wool and place tightly in the ear canal of the sore ear.

  • The use of boric acid in the form of compresses is repeated up to 3 times a day - no more often - since the substance is toxic and quickly and for a long time concentrates in the blood.
  • In addition, too much use of the solution can lead to burns to the surface of the skin inside the ear canal. Thus, if boric acid is put into the ear too often, another painful problem of the dermis will be added to the inflammatory process.
  • The duration of ear treatment with boric alcohol compresses does not exceed 5 days. If the deadline has expired and the pain in the ear canal has not gone away, seek a second consultation with an ENT specialist.

But, since treatment of ears with boric alcohol will be more effective if the solution goes directly to the inflammation, the best solution for ear pain is to instill the drug into the ear canal.

How to bury?

  1. For instillation into the ear, a 3% alcohol solution of boric acid is used.
  2. Before dripping the drug into the ear, you need to warm it in your hand so that warm droplets get into the ear canal. You can also draw the solution into a pipette and place the instrument with the liquid in warm water.
  3. For one ear, use no more than 3 drops of boric alcohol.
  4. Due to its rather aggressive effect on the skin, boric alcohol should be instilled into the ears no more than 2 times a day.
  5. Before treating the ear with boric alcohol, you should rinse the ear canal with hydrogen peroxide. A 3% antiseptic solution should be dripped into the sore ear and lie on the opposite side for about 10 minutes. After this, turn over so that the liquid flows out, and carefully and thoroughly wipe the sink and accessible area of ​​the ear canal with a cotton pad to remove all moisture from the skin.
  6. After a cleansing procedure with hydrogen peroxide, a solution of boric acid can be instilled into the ear canal in the dosage specified by the doctor or the instructions for use. For the substance to work well, you need to lie quietly for about a quarter of an hour.
  7. After the procedure of instilling boric acid into the ear, the ear canal should be covered with a piece of cotton wool for about 2 hours.

As a rule, in the initial stages of development of external otitis, the solution helps quickly: it is enough to drip boric acid into the ear for 1-2 days. After using it, the pain noticeably subsides, since the substance stops the development of bacteria. To completely stop the inflammation, you should continue to drip boric acid into your ear for another 2-3 days.

If boric acid therapy does not help and the ear pain worsens, stop using the solution and consult an ENT specialist. Probably, the effect of this substance is not enough to overcome inflammation, and you will need to take antibacterial medications.

Boric alcohol or acid, which is sold in pharmacies, is a cheap but effective remedy. It relieves ear pain. When used correctly, it can be used safely for a short period of time to treat non-suppurative otitis in the initial stage, conjunctivitis and pediculosis. Boric acid is dripped into the ear and inserted using a turunda. There are a number of contraindications, so the use of the drug is recommended only after examination by an ENT specialist. This is especially true for children.

In pharmacies, boric acid itself is sold in powder form, which dissolves in 70% boric alcohol, which is why you can often see the name “Boric acid” on a bottle with an inorganic substance. In addition to the solution used to treat ears, there is also boric ointment.

You should not try to make the solution yourself, as the acid contains poisonous toxins. Incorrect proportions will lead to burns.

For compresses and instillation into the ears, doses of 0.5%, 1%, 2% and 3% and acids are suitable. 5% should be abandoned.

Here are some properties of the drug:

In the USSR, the medicine was considered almost a miracle cure due to its ability to kill pathogenic flora. It penetrates the affected organs through the mucous membrane, wound or skin and does not allow microbes to multiply. Half of the drug is eliminated within a day, the rest within a week.

A little later, scientists found out that boric acid is toxic and has a detrimental effect especially on children’s bodies. The kidneys are most affected. Vomiting and diarrhea may occur, and the central nervous system is seriously affected, which is why a number of countries have severely limited the possibility of treatment with boric alcohol.

In modern Russia, boric acid can be purchased without a prescription, but it should not be used without an ENT prescription. Follow dosages strictly.

In fact, opinions differ as to whether boric acid is instilled into the ears or inserted there in the form of soaked cotton wool.

Some doctors claim that it is indeed possible to instill boric acid into the ear canals. However, it is the drops that can cause a burn, an unpleasant burning sensation, so it is better not to take risks, but to use compresses, preheated in a water bath or simply in your hands.

Indications for use

The substance in the form of an alcohol solution is a disinfectant and antiseptic, which also has a warming effect, which is why it is so popular in the treatment of uncomplicated otitis. A water-based solution is instilled into adults for conjunctivitis and weeping eczema.

Boric acid with 10% glycerin is used to eliminate diaper rash. But ointment is used as a cure for lice.

Remember that the drug should be used externally only. Under no circumstances should you drink it, as this will lead to death.

In Russia, boric acid is still prescribed by ENT doctors to quickly eliminate ear diseases. The drug is instilled into the ear canal or inserted with a turunda, which allows you to quickly cure non-purulent otitis media. The method is effective due to its ability to warm the sore ear and kill germs.

Instructions for use

Due to identified contraindications, the drug is prescribed only to adults in combination with antibiotics for the treatment of otitis media. In this case, it is allowed to both instill and insert turundas into the ears, as well as make compresses.

The instructions for the boric acid solution clearly state that you should not drip it, but roll the cotton wool into lumps, and then moisten it in a heated substance and insert it into the ear. No time specified. But, as a doctor, I can say that this is 2 hours maximum. For children, this period is halved.

Tampon or turunda

To warm up the ear with otitis media, follow simple instructions.

  1. You need to buy cotton wool and boric alcohol 2% at the pharmacy.
  2. Heat the substance (7-8 drops) in a water bath for 15 seconds.
  3. Roll a small oblong ball from cotton wool, resembling an icicle in shape.
  4. Insert into ears and keep for no more than 2 hours.

For greater effect, hydrogen peroxide should be used before use. They clean the ear with it, washing away wax and pus.

Rinsing or cleaning your ears with peroxide will help prevent earwax from building up in your ears.

Using a compress

  1. Take a bottle and use a pipette to take a small amount of medication.
  2. Place 1-2 drops in each ear.
  3. After this, insert cotton wool (lumps) into your ear and hold for 2 hours

The most common method, in addition to the two described above, is to use it in the form of drops. Boric acid is instilled into the ear; no other means are required.

Adults who have been examined by an ENT specialist should use drops no more than 2-3 times a day for 2 hours.

The procedure is not recommended for children over seven years of age without examination by a pediatrician. Especially in the form of drops. It is best to make a compress or insert tampons into the ears.

For purulent otitis in adults, the number of daily doses can be doubled.

If you feel unwell, call an ambulance immediately. Boric acid is not the safest drug of all those presented in domestic pharmacology today.

What is the duration of treatment?

Otitis media has many different types. Therefore, in order not to remain deaf at all, get examined by an ENT specialist. And then start treatment.

The duration of use of boric alcohol cannot exceed seven days, otherwise the body will suffer quite severe damage. The disease itself, from the first day to the last, can last from a week to two, depending on the presence or absence of pathologies.

Children's otitis lasts longer. The ears may shoot for 3-5 days.

How to bury correctly - step-by-step instructions

To avoid harm to yourself or your child, follow the clear recommendations of the doctor who examined you or your child. Do not exceed a reasonable dose and do not try to buy powder, mix with water and drop into your ears. Be sure to buy a ready-made 2% solution. In the case of severe ear diseases, a 3% solution of boric acid is allowed.

  1. Heat the substance in a water bath, measuring out a small amount with a pipette and placing it in a glass container.
  2. Next, you should pipette the solution and drop 3-4 drops into each pass.

If you feel a burning sensation, followed by nausea, dizziness, or headaches, call an ambulance immediately! The drug may well cause swelling of the mucous membrane in case of overdose or high sensitivity.

Can it be used in childhood?

Boric acid is strictly contraindicated for children under one year of age, that is, infants. And then, depending on the recommendations of doctors, you can use it at your own risk and peril.

In cases of simple ear inflammation and in the absence of fever, I usually prescribe the insertion of cotton balls, which are moistened with a small amount of boric alcohol. It relieves pain and warms up well.

According to doctors, in general, with the correct dosage, boric alcohol will not cause a negative effect. The medicine will help calm the child and make it possible to fall asleep during pain.

The use of boric acid while breastfeeding is strictly prohibited. During lactation, the substance will enter the baby’s body and cause intoxication.

If you have ear disease during pregnancy, you should also avoid using the drug.

Contraindications and side effects

The drug is strictly contraindicated for people with urolithiasis and other kidney diseases. It is strictly forbidden to use boric acid during lactation and give it to children under one year of age. Use with caution for children under 3 years of age.

In case of drug poisoning, chronic intoxication occurs. Vomiting and diarrhea begin. Spots form on the skin. Rarely, shock and coma, headaches, and confusion are possible. All this indicates an overdose and an effect on the central nervous system.

With prolonged use, exhaustion, swelling, eczema, female cycle disorders and anemia may occur.

In cases of overdose, a blood transfusion is urgently required.

Ear diseases are often accompanied by acute pain and fever. Mothers, without consulting an ENT specialist, take boric alcohol from supplies and drop it into their children’s ears, which eventually causes the children’s temperature to become so high that simple otitis media eventually leads to convulsions and complications in the ears. Parents, be careful with medications!

Analogues of the drug

A solution of boric acid is a cheap drug, but truly toxic. If it is possible to replace it, then it is better to do so.

To relieve pain, the drug Otipax or Polydex with lidocaine and phenazone is instilled into the ears. The latter blocks the proliferation of bacteria and relieves swelling, lidocaine dulls pain.

Suitable for use by both adults and children.

Sofradex (drops for eyes and ears), Anauran and Combinil can be prescribed as antibiotics. The latter are available only with a doctor's prescription.


There are different types of ear diseases. Otitis can also be purulent, external and internal. Boric alcohol can temporarily relieve some symptoms and mild forms of otitis, but you cannot self-medicate without consulting an ENT specialist, since boric acid can cause severe reactions and poison the body.

Boric acid is a topical antiseptic drug available in several forms for ease of use. The solution is used externally only, oral use can cause severe intoxication, and deaths have been known as a result of internal use.

Description of the drug

What is boric acid? It is a monobasic weak inorganic acid, widely used not only for medical purposes, but also in everyday life and in agriculture.

The use of boric acid in medicine is to treat the skin for dermatitis, mycoses, abrasions, pimples, and acne. It is also used in the treatment of otitis media in the initial stages of the disease.

In everyday life and agriculture it is used as part of complex insecticidal prevention of plants, as an insect repellent.

Indications for use

Boric acid is used for the following diseases:

Indications for the use of boric acid are periodic skin diseases - rashes during puberty, acne, pimples. The list of things that boric acid treats also includes candida fungal infections.

Due to the antiseptic and disinfectant properties of boric acid, it is included in multicomponent antiseptics for skin treatment, powders and talcs, as a preservative in ointments.

How it works

All pathologies that boric acid helps with are related to each other by the presence of a pathogen. The causative agent can be streptococcus, staphylococcus, fungus of the Candida family, dermatophyte - all of them are represented by small chain molecules or colonies with a protein coat.

Liquid boric acid is active against these pathogens, as it disrupts the protein shell of these molecules, making it more permeable to external antibiotics.

It should be noted that the solution is not a monotherapy for coccus or fungal infections, but is used as an additional disinfectant.


Since boric acid is excreted exclusively by the kidneys, boric acid solution is contraindicated in patients suffering from pathologies of the kidneys and urinary system, for example, kidney stones, renal failure, stones in the ureters.

Boric acid is contraindicated for pregnant women; when breastfeeding, it is strictly forbidden to treat the mammary glands. Not used to treat newborns. Use with caution when it is necessary to treat a large area of ​​skin.

Release forms

The drug is available in powder form in bags of 25 and 10 grams, in the form of alcohol solutions of ten milliliters with a concentration of 1%, 2% and 3%, glycerin solutions of 25 ml with a concentration of 10%.

Powders are also used to independently prepare an aqueous or alcohol solution in pharmaceutical 96% alcohol. Convenient for external use in ointment form.


Each form of boric acid has its own area of ​​application.


Instructions for using boric acid in powder form: for diaper rash or bedsores, the affected areas of the skin are washed with a weak soap solution, wiped dry and sprinkled with a thin layer of powder. The skin is treated in the same way when overhydrated.

For use on the scalp against excessive oiliness or fungus, it must be used only as part of a moisturizing cream or shampoo, taking into account the proportion: one part of powder to six parts of cream, balm or shampoo, rinsing off after ten minutes.

After surgery on the middle ear, the powder is used with a powder blower - an insufflator - to relieve inflammation and disinfection, but only in a medical facility.

Alcohol solution

An alcohol solution of boric acid is used in the form of drops to treat acute or chronic otitis media. To do this, a narrow gauze swab or special turundas are moistened with a solution and inserted into the ear canal. For otitis media, boric acid reduces inflammation and prevents infection.

A cotton swab soaked in 3% boric acid is used to treat affected areas of the skin for purulent inflammation, eczema, and fungal infections.

Also, a swab moistened in an alcoholic acid solution is used to treat the nail plates for onychomycosis, a fungal infection of the nails on the hands and feet.

Aqueous solution

By dripping a two percent aqueous solution of boric acid onto the wound, you can avoid infection and inflammation. A solution of water with the same concentration is used to rinse the conjunctival sac - the cavity between the front surface of the eyeball and the back surface of the eyelid.

It is effective for inflammation of the eye membrane - conjunctivitis, for which boric acid drops are used. A three percent aqueous solution is also used for eczema, dermatitis, ringworm, and ulcers.

Glycerin solution

A ten percent concentration of glycerin solution is used to eliminate diaper rash and hyperhydration of the skin. For vulvitis, candidiasis and colpitis, it is used as part of syringes and solutions for washing the vagina.


The ointment is effective in the treatment of pediculosis - lice infestation. Apply a thin layer to the surface of the skin without rubbing.

The skin should not come into contact with anything until completely absorbed. The concentration of the active substance in the ointment is 5%.

Acid and alcohol

The question often arises as to whether boric acid and boric alcohol are the same thing. Essentially, boric alcohol is boric acid dissolved in ethyl alcohol. Solutions in other solvents cannot be called boric alcohol.

Preparation of the solution

Sometimes it is convenient to take the drug in powder form in order to prepare the solution yourself. How to dilute boric acid depends on the required concentration of the finished solution.

Instructions for using boric acid powder and preparing solutions from it: prepare an analytical or kitchen balance, a glass and cold boiled or filtered water.

2% solution

To prepare a two percent solution, you need to take 20 grams of powder and dilute it in a liter of water. Based on a glass of water (250 ml) – 5 grams of powder. This solution is most often used to treat conjunctivitis.

3% solution

To prepare a more saturated solution, take 30 grams per liter of water, or 7.5 grams per glass of water. This solution is used to treat eczema, purulent rashes and acne.

10% solution

To prepare a concentrated solution, take one hundred grams of powder per liter of water, or 25 grams per 250 ml glass.

Adverse reactions

In case of overdose, adverse reactions such as skin rash, irritation, itching, nausea or vomiting may occur. Convulsions, headaches, and shock are possible.

With prolonged use, stomatitis, tissue swelling in the treated areas, and eczema may develop. Disorders of the menstrual cycle, convulsions, and anemia may develop.

Before use, it is imperative to consult a doctor, as individual intolerance or a history of contraindications is possible.

Application in cosmetology

The most popular area for which boric acid is needed is cosmetology. For skin diseases during hormonal changes - pregnancy, puberty, menopause - the skin is treated with the drug in combination with other components.

Features of application

The skin affected by purulent rashes, foci of inflammation of the epidermis or fungus needs to be disinfected and eliminate inflammation - this is why alcoholic boric acid is needed.

Application at night is most effective, as application in the morning can lead to dry and flaky skin. Pre-affected areas must be cleaned of cosmetics and care products.

At first, the number of rashes may increase, which is considered a normal skin reaction - the pores are cleansed, toxins come to the surface of the skin.


A mask is the most popular type of cosmetic product with this drug. To prepare, take half a teaspoon of powder, 50 ml of glycerin and the same amount of water. Mix to a paste-like consistency and apply to cleansed skin of the face, chest or hands.

After drying, wash off with warm running water and apply no more than twice a week.


To prepare, take 50 ml of boric acid and the same amount of salicylic acid solution, mix, add half a teaspoon of streptocide - you can buy it in tablets and grind it into powder yourself, or immediately purchase it in powder form.

All components are mixed in a dark glass bottle, shaken and moistened with a cotton swab before use - treatment of the affected areas is carried out only in a targeted manner.


To prepare a thicker product, you need to take 50 ml of an aqueous solution and the same amount of salicylic acid, half a teaspoon of erythromycin and the same amount of zinc ointment. Thoroughly mix all the components and use the resulting ointment to wipe areas with ulcers, pimples, acne, both hormonal and infectious in origin.

Eye wash

To wash the eyes with conjunctivitis, you need to dissolve a teaspoon of powder in a glass of boiled or distilled water, then stir thoroughly so that no sediment remains. Moisten a cotton swab in the resulting solution and apply to closed eyes. When rinsing both eyes, use two different swabs.

For rinsing ears

When diagnosing otitis, which is not accompanied by a violation of the eardrum, rinsing the auricle is often prescribed. To do this, according to the doctor's instructions, you need to instill one or two drops into each ear, tilting your head to the side.

Typically, ready-made solutions are produced with a dropper dispenser. If the solution was prepared at home, you can use a regular medical pipette. Treatment of the auricle should not be accompanied by pain.

Special instructions

Avoid contact with mucous membranes. When treating the eyelid, it is necessary to carefully squeeze out the cotton swab so that the solution does not drip from it or be wrung out. In case of contact with eyes, rinse with warm running water; in case of prolonged redness, consult a doctor and stop use.


The cost of boric acid varies depending on the manufacturer, volume and type of solution - aqueous, glycerin or alcohol. The cost of the drug in powder form varies from 9 to 25 rubles, in the form of an alcohol solution - from 11 to 30 rubles, in the form of a glycerin solution - from 15 to 30 rubles, aqueous solutions - up to 25 rubles per bottle.

First, let's figure out what it is - boric acid and the alcohol of the same name. Boric acid H3BO3 is produced in the form of a fine-crystalline, colorless powder. Sold in pharmacies as powder (10g and 25g), aqueous or alcoholic solution (3% and 5%).

Boric acid:

  1. has an antimicrobial effect;
  2. has a disinfecting effect;
  3. fights viruses and fungi.

This drug is used as a disinfectant in medicine and cosmetology.. As an external remedy it is used to treat fungal diseases on the skin, pediculosis, acne (acme), and ear diseases.

Reference! In terms of the degree of impact on pathogenic microorganisms, the aqueous solution and the alcohol solution are identical. For a mild course of the disease, a 3% solution is used, for a complex course of the disease, a 5% solution is used.

In their effect on the body, an aqueous solution and an alcohol solution differ significantly. Alcohol has a strong analgesic effect.

The high degree of penetration and proximity of the ear to the brain can cause:

  • short-term dizziness;
  • confusion;
  • mild degree of intoxication.

Types of ear diseases

The second name of boric acid - selective - arose due to the fact that selective acid is actively and successfully used to treat ear diseases.


The most common ear disease is otitis media.. It could be:

  1. external (there is an inflammatory process in the external ear);
  2. middle (the surface of the middle ear is affected);
  3. internal (deep penetration of infection, usually as a consequence of advanced otitis media).

Otitis is an inflammatory process in the ear. Otitis media can occur as a result of colds, as well as as a result of infection with water or as a result of a scratch received from a nail or a cotton swab.

The presence of infection in the ear canal causes a disease called otitis externa. Treatment of external otitis is similar to the treatment of any other area of ​​the skin - the surface is open, inflammation in the form of a pimple is accessible.

Otitis media is much more complicated simply because the structure of the middle ear is quite complex. The causes of otitis media can be: blockage of the Eustachian tube with sulfur or fluid, frequent sore throats, chronic runny nose. Signs that should force the patient to begin treatment are:

  • Noise in the ears/tinnitus.
  • Sharp pain in the ear.
  • Stuffiness that temporarily goes away after yawning.

Access to the middle area is limited, and therefore the easiest way to get to the source of inflammation is instillation. It is important that the disease is not advanced and has an initial, uncomplicated stage of development.

Otolaryngologists prescribe boric acid solution for acute and even chronic external and otitis media. An important condition for the use of boric acid in the treatment is the integrity of the eardrum.

Instructions on how to treat with a 3 percent solution

Before using the drug, you must:

  1. Treat the inner surface of the sore ear with hydrogen peroxide by dropping 3-4 drops and gently wiping with a cotton swab.
  2. The next step in the treatment of otitis media is the instillation of boric acid.
  3. It is recommended to preheat the bottle of solution by holding it in your palms for a while.
  4. Instillation of 3-4 drops of solution (water or alcohol) into the sore ear is done with a pipette.
  5. The exposure time is usually 8-10 minutes, it is advisable to agree with your doctor.
  6. Then the ear is freed from the solution and closed with a cotton swab.

This procedure must be repeated 3 times a day for no more than a week.. At the same time, the disease that caused otitis media should be treated:

  1. strengthen immunity;
  2. treat colds and runny nose.

Sulfur plug

No less painful for a person is the presence of wax plug in the ear.. Sulfur, located in the ear canal, is designed to protect the eardrum from particles that can damage it. The amount of earwax varies from person to person and the presence of excess is not felt by everyone.

For various reasons, excess sulfur can form plugs that block the ear canal and cause pain:

  • short-term hearing loss;
  • throbbing sharp pain.

Ear wax can cause many serious complications. both in the functioning of the hearing organ and the whole organism.

These complications can be of two types:

  1. mechanical;
  2. inflammatory.

Mechanical, as expected, are of the nature of pressure. The plug puts pressure on the eardrum, causing ear pain, pain away from the ear, increased heart rate, upset stomach followed by constipation.

Inflammatory complications occur over a long period of time and have several stages. The first of them is the formation of a closed space between the plug and the membrane, where microbes begin to multiply uncontrollably in the resulting liquid. The conditions for this are ideal - warm, humid, enough nutrients.

With a significant increase in the number of microbes, the body’s defense reaction is triggered. As a result of the attack of leukocytes, microbes die and this accumulation of dead organisms is purulent. The deeper the plug is in the ear canal, the more dangerous the growth of microbes.

Penetration of pus into the area of ​​the inner ear can lead to hearing loss, and further penetration into the brain can lead to meningitis.

In most cases, there are no serious consequences from the accumulation of earwax: acute pain already in the early stages of the disease forces the patient to begin treatment and prevent the development of pathology.

Attention! Using headphones contributes to the formation of sulfur masses.

Ear plug removal should be left to specialists. damage to the eardrum can lead to hearing loss. In a hospital setting, plugs are removed by rinsing the ear canal. When the mechanical method does not give results immediately, doctors use a heated solution of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) to soften and separate the sulfur formation. After 2 hours of “soaking”, it becomes easier to remove the plug by washing.

On average, from 10 to 20 grams of sulfur mass is formed in the human ear per month.

Preventing traffic jams can be done independently. How to use it to soften the formed plug?

Doctors recommend using 3 percent boric acid at home because the first thing it does is soften and swell the sulfur formation. As a result, the shape of the plug changes, which facilitates its independent complete or partial release.

Is it possible to warm the ear or not? If the plug does not come out on its own, you should lie down with the affected ear on a warm heating pad or a bottle of warm water. The sulfur soaked in the healing solution will flow out of the ear canal under the influence of heat..

High cholesterol levels contribute to the compaction of sulfur mass.

When boric acid solution is instilled into the ear, a slight warming effect occurs.(there should be no burning sensation!). When in contact with the walls of the ear canal, boric acid has an antimicrobial and local antiseptic effect.

Cotton swabs, turundas or drops are usually used to introduce a medicinal drug into the ear canal in the treatment of ear diseases.

  • Cotton swab- a piece of gauze or cotton wool placed into a wound or cavity for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. The size of the tampon is selected according to the size of the wound or cavity.
  • Turunda– a flagellum made of cotton wool or gauze (material capable of absorbing). How to put it in a sore ear? With an average diameter of the auditory opening of -5 mm, a turunda should be made by bending a cotton flagellum 2 mm thick in half. In this case, the foreign body will not cause pain. The ear is closed with turundas after the drops are administered, or the turunda itself is impregnated with a medicinal preparation and injected into the outer part of the ear.

Methods of using an alcohol solution for treatment

  1. If ear pain occurs, you can use turundas soaked in a mixture of glycerin and alcohol in a 1:1 ratio. Turundas should be inserted into the ear without pressure, using a screwing motion. 10 minutes of such exposure is enough to reduce or relieve pain.
  2. At the early stage of inflammation of the middle ear, 5% carbolic-glycerin drops are an effective means of combating microbes. Drops increase the elasticity of the eardrum and reduce the pressure of the plug. You should drip 5-10 drops 2-3 times a day. Water getting into the ear can cause a burn.
  3. A warm compress on the ear has an anti-inflammatory effect, has an analgesic effect and helps soften wax. How to warm it up: the gauze should be folded into 4 layers (the size of the gauze napkin is 15*15 cm). Make an incision in the middle to place on the ear. Apply gauze soaked in alcohol to the ear, cover it with oilcloth, and then cover it with a layer of cotton wool to preserve heat. Leave on ear for 6 hours.
  4. Moisten a cotton swab with boric alcohol and place it in the ear, as close to the eardrum as possible. Without removing the tampon from the ear, you can drip 10 drops of boric alcohol onto the tampon 4 times a day without the participation of a doctor. The tampon must be changed once a day.

When is the drug contraindicated?

The ability of boric acid to be easily absorbed by tissues and accumulate in the body creates conditions for intoxication of the body.

It has been found that boric acid penetrates the body especially quickly through the skin and mucous membranes of young children. This means that the use of drugs containing boric acid is contraindicated for children and pregnant women.

Lactation, pregnancy, newborn age, renal failure are reasons to refuse the use of boric acid preparations.

Comparison with glycerin

An alternative to boric acid in the treatment of sulfur plugs is a soda-glycerin mixture. It, like boric acid, is sold in pharmacies. Glycerin has no contraindications and has a moisturizing effect. At the same time, unlike boric acid, it does not carry a medicinal load. It will not relieve inflammation and will not destroy germs.

Where to buy and in what dosage?

Reference! You can purchase boric acid preparations in the form of powder, aqueous and alcohol solutions at any pharmacy without a prescription.

In online pharmacies, the price of boric acid powder 10g is from 23 to 50 rubles, 3% solution 25ml is from 6 to 60 rubles.


Besides, Boric acid is widely used in combination preparations:

  1. Ear drops OTOLORIN.
  2. Ear drops OTINDOL.
  3. OLAZOL, aerosol.


The use of 3% boric acid 2 times a day, 2-3 drops for 5-7 days is optimal and sufficient. Overdose symptoms:

  • vomit;
  • stomach ache;
  • involuntary contraction of muscle tissue;
  • lack of appetite;
  • rapid heartbeat.

Important! In case of an overdose, the body must be cleansed of toxins. Removal of the drug from the body is achieved by gastric lavage or taking sorbating drugs.


The use of boric acid in the treatment of ear diseases in adults has been tested for years and is recommended by doctors; you just need to follow the instructions for use. The use of boric acid and preparations containing boric acid requires compliance with the dosage and is not recommended for children and pregnant/lactating women.

When treating ear pain, it is especially important to remember that disease prevention and ear hygiene will help you avoid complications and never know what ear pain is.

An antiseptic drug for external use - boric acid - is recommended for the treatment of infectious pathologies of the skin, mucous membranes, and ear diseases. Boric powder is used for eye pathologies, in particular conjunctivitis. The product is available in several dosage forms, which have certain indications for use and contraindications. The use of boric acid in medicine, side effects, how to use it correctly - we will consider it in detail in the review.

Composition and release form

The name of the drug is determined by the active substance. In pharmacies you can buy powder, liniment and liquid (solution). The powder contains 100% active ingredient with biological activity. In other forms of release there are auxiliary components.

Release forms:

  • 70% solution of ethyl alcohol, which contains 3% solution of boric acid;
  • Liniment 5%. The composition additionally contains Vaseline. Sold in glass containers.

Worth knowing! Boric acid has been used in medical practice since the 60s of the 19th century as an antiseptic drug that does not irritate wound surfaces and has no taste/odor. In modern medicine, the antibacterial activity of the drug is considered extremely low.

Another form is boric soap. It contains additional substances of plant origin. A cosmetologist can recommend such a product to combat blackheads, pimples, and acne.

Pharmacological action

A solution of boric acid is a powerful antiseptic that helps disinfect the surface of the skin. The liquid has a detrimental effect on pathogenic microorganisms because it disrupts the tertiary molecule of microbial proteins. The substance helps destroy bacteria, viruses, fungi, and is effective against lichen, lice and ticks.

The medicine is recommended for external use only. Ingestion can be fatal. The lethal dosage for an adult is 15-20 grams, and for a child 4-5 g. When used externally, boric acid is partially absorbed into the circulatory system.

Indications for use

What is boric acid used for? The use of 3% boric acid is advisable for infectious pathologies of the skin and mucous membranes.
The description of the drug indicates indications for use:

  1. The acute form of otitis media is an infectious pathology of the middle/outer ear. An acid solution is used, it must be diluted in certain proportions.
  2. Skin infections – fungus.
  3. Purulent and inflammatory skin diseases.
  4. Infectious lesions of the organs of vision.
  5. Pediculosis.
  6. Scabies therapy (in complex treatment along with other medications).
  7. Colpitis.

Boric soap is used for acne, for deep cleansing of the skin, restoring lipid balance, and eliminating pigmentation. The cosmetic product protects against skin infection, improves the functionality of the sebaceous glands, destroys fungal and bacterial microflora, and is characterized by a drying effect.

We found out why boric acid is needed. The component is quickly absorbed through the skin and mucous membranes and is slowly eliminated from the human body, therefore during treatment it is necessary to strictly adhere to the dosage recommended by the instructions for use or by the doctor.

Features of application:

  • Dermatitis, eczema. In this case, the acid must be used as a compress. Use boric acid powder, dilute immediately before use;
  • For otitis media, turundas soaked in medicinal liquid are made;
  • To get rid of from acne and blackheads, Apply the solution to a cotton pad and wipe your face twice a day.

Worth knowing! In cosmetology, in most cases, boric acid is used as part of “talkers”. The most effective composition includes: Levomycetin 2 grams + boric acid 2 g + salicylic acid 2 g + 95% alcohol up to 100 ml.

You can use another “chatterbox” recipe. It helps cleanse facial skin, eliminates acne, open comedones, and excessive oily skin. Recipe: 50 ml of boric and salicylic acid, 7 g of Streptocide powder and the same amount of purified sulfur.

Side effects

Since the substance tends to penetrate the systemic bloodstream, there may be not only local, but also systemic side effects. They are especially pronounced in childhood, when used on open wounds.

Possible side effects from use:

  1. Dyspeptic symptoms. These include nausea, vomiting, loose stools, and pain in the abdominal area.
  2. Disorders of the central nervous system manifested by headache, dizziness, confusion of consciousness up to loss of consciousness, and convulsive state.
  3. A sharp drop in blood pressure up to shock, rapid heartbeat, pulse.
  4. Reducing daily diuresis.

There is also a risk of local reactions that occur at the sites where the medication is used. This is skin irritation, desquamation of the epithelium. In some cases, an allergic reaction occurs, accompanied by itching, rashes, and hives. Rarely, but cannot be ruled out, angioedema or anaphylactic shock.


When using the solution over a large area of ​​skin, an overdose develops. It manifests itself with symptoms of acute poisoning - the patient feels sick, vomits, and has loose stools. The picture is complemented by severe abdominal pain. Then the activity of the central nervous system is inhibited, as a result of which confusion of consciousness is revealed, even to the point of fainting. In case of an overdose, blood pressure levels drop sharply, which further aggravates the clinical picture and, accordingly, the patient’s well-being.

Against the background of chronic intoxication (a small amount of the drug is absorbed into the blood, but over a long period of time), anemia develops, the oral mucosa becomes inflamed, and hair falls out. In women, the menstrual cycle is disrupted. In case of overdose, the following are carried out: symptomatic treatment and measures aimed at leveling the substance in the human body. In severe cases, hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis may be required.


Similar preparations (structural) - boric liniment, petroleum jelly with the addition of boric acid, a solution of boric acid in glycerin. Analogs for therapeutic effect include drugs that have an antiseptic effect.


  • Miramistin;
  • Chlorhexidine;
  • Brilliant green solution;
  • Hydrogen peroxide.

Practice shows that antiseptic drugs that are analogues appear to be safer drugs in comparison with boric acid.

For children

In childhood, boric acid can only be used in a hospital setting under the supervision of a medical specialist. Monitoring the concentration of the active substance in the blood is required. If a child has impaired kidney function, the medicine should not be used.

For children over 15 years of age, boric acid is recommended in the form of liniment and solution, but on the condition that the total dosage, regardless of the duration of the therapeutic course, does not exceed two grams - for the entire period, and not per day.

Use during pregnancy

The official instructions for the antiseptic drug indicate that boric acid should not be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Even a single use of the drug during pregnancy can provoke pathological changes in the fetus.

Important! The use of boric acid as an antiseptic medicine for children, pregnant and lactating women was prohibited on February 2, 1987 by the USSR Ministry of Health with the wording: “prohibit the use of boric acid for young children and women during pregnancy and lactation, since the drug has low therapeutic efficacy , but highly toxic."

As a result: boric acid is often used by women to combat acne; this treatment has positive reviews. But there are more effective drugs that do not have side effects, so it is better to use them. Boric acid is sold at the pharmacy and costs $0.3.