What to do if new shoes rub blisters on your heels. Wet calluses on the heels treatment How to quickly cure a callus on the heel

Often due to skin friction inner surface shoes or clothing on the skin of the foot (heel, toes, etc.) a water callus or “dropsy” forms. These are formations that bring extremely uncomfortable conditions to its owner, which manifest themselves in the form of pain upon rupture.

Causal factors

A wet callus on the foot can form as a result of the following factors:

  1. Wearing uncomfortable (constraining, hard and uncomfortable) shoes. Dropsy forms in the place where the surface of the skin and shoes is in most contact with each other - the heel, toes, etc.
  1. The development of a bubble is possible when excessive sweating lower limbs. Hypersensitive skin can also aggravate this condition.

Symptomatic picture

- a bubble with liquid transparent contents, which, with slight pressure, can lead to severe pain and burning sensation. In case of rupture and secondary infection, the pain may increase. This situation can lead to unpleasant and dangerous consequences in the absence of adequate treatment.

This is a formation that rises above the skin surface, has a whitish tint and a soft consistency, and quickly fills with liquid contents. Spontaneous healing in the form of a dry callus after rupture is possible.

In case of connecting a secondary infectious process the skin around the wound surface becomes hyperemic. And the transparent contents, in turn, become cloudy, until pus forms. In this case pain syndrome increases by an order of magnitude, which brings significant discomfort, especially when wearing shoes.

If the bubble ruptures, it takes on the appearance of a red, weeping wound surface.

Therapeutic measures

  1. Treatment of non-infected callus. It should be processed antiseptic solution in the form of hydrogen peroxide, iodine, brilliant green solution, furatsilin or sodium permanganate solution. Such treatment is necessary to prevent the addition of an infectious agent, which can be streptococcus or staphylococcus. At the end of treatment, it is recommended to cover it with a bactericidal patch or sterile bandage.

From the moment dropsy forms, you should change shoes to more comfortable ones to avoid further mechanical impact on the wound.

Under exclusion conditions further damage places may spontaneously heal within 48-72 hours.

  1. Piercing procedure

A normal, uninfected callus still causes discomfort to a person because it is a protruding formation (especially if on the surface of the heel) and it interferes with wearing shoes. Therefore, it is recommended to undergo a piercing procedure. It can also be carried out at home, however, the rules of asepsis must be observed. It consists of the following manipulations:

  • Pre-treatment of formation and adjacent healthy skin antiseptic agents indicated in the previous section.
  • Sterilize a sharp piercing object. This can be a sewing needle or pin. Sterilization is carried out using the holding method sharp object in the same solution or in the thickness of the fire.
  • The puncture of the formation itself is carried out almost horizontally, parallel to the plane skin to prevent injury to the day of dropsy.
  • Release the bubble from the liquid contents by pressing on its surface through a sterile napkin (sterile bandages, napkins, etc. are available in the pharmacy chain). In this case, it is strictly forbidden to remove the skin of the bladder.
  • Upon completion of the piercing, you should again disinfect the surface of the already collapsed bladder and apply a bactericidal patch or bandage for 24 hours.

If the formation is refilled with liquid contents, the piercing procedure should be repeated.

  1. Treatment of an infected callus. The addition of a secondary infectious agent is possible if the rules of asepsis are insufficiently observed when primary processing or skin care rules. This is especially true in the summer, when shoes are as open as possible and infection can easily get into the shoes. wound surface.

Infection manifests itself in increased pain, hyperemia and an increase in the temperature of adjacent healthy skin and the occurrence of purulent discharge from the wound. In more severe cases, when large areas are damaged and immunity is reduced, the patient may have an increase in body temperature.

In this case, treatment consists of local use of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs. In case of fever, mandatory contact with the appropriate medical institution for medical help, as this is fraught with serious problems.

  1. Traditional methods. This technique is allowed in the case of uncomplicated secondary infection education:
    • It is recommended to treat such a pathology on the heel with the help of aloe, Kalanchoe, and plantain. In the first two cases, the cut surface of the plant (pulp) is applied to the damaged heel, in the third - a compress of plantain juice.
    • You can apply lemon pulp or peel once a day. This then needs to be secured with adhesive tape.
    • To regenerate a burst callus, you can use a decoction of calendula. Before going to bed, take baths and apply calendula-based cream.
    • It is recommended to lubricate the damaged area with a mixture of oils tea tree and vegetable in a ratio of 1:3. Frequency: up to 4 times a day.
    • Apply potato pulp to the surface of the bladder and secure with a bandage overnight.

Each of us periodically develops dry calluses on our heels throughout our lives. This is a consequence of heavy loads on the feet, wearing shoes with thin or hard soles, high heels, and uncomfortable shoes. Despite the fact that dry callus does not cause a person special harm, its formation should not be ignored and it is better to begin its treatment as quickly as possible. Because over time, the callus will harden, which contributes to the appearance of pain and burning in the heel area, both when walking and at rest. The skin on the heels will turn yellow, peel and look very unsightly.

To keep your heels soft and attractive, you need to get rid of dry calluses!

What is dry callus?

A dry callus on the heel is an accumulation of keratinized, dead skin cells on the heel as a result of prolonged friction against the sole of the shoe.

The callus has a circular appearance yellow formation over the skin of the heel. It is hard and rough to the touch. Usually its presence does not cause pain. However, if the callus is left untreated, over time it can become chafing and cause discomfort when walking.

The reasons for the formation of calluses, as already mentioned, are most often long walking (especially if a person is also overweight), wearing narrow, uncomfortable shoes, high heels, shoes with hard soles or backs. At the same time, the appearance of calluses can also be a consequence of certain diseases, for example: arthritis of the foot, diabetes, infection with foot fungus.


In medicine, there are two types of dry calluses:

  • regular (flat);
  • callus with a core (core).

An ordinary callus is a uniform, circular growth of keratinized, yellowish skin on the heel.

A callus with a core most often has no big size, but it grows deep into the skin. Outwardly, it looks like a growth of keratinized skin, slightly convex in the middle, with barely visible black spots deep in the skin (the core of the callus). An ingrown callus, unlike a regular callus, causes painful sensations, which can manifest themselves both during movement and in a state of calm.

The skin around calluses is often slightly red. An ordinary callus at the initial stage of formation may not have a pronounced yellow color, then it can be identified by a clearly visible skin pattern and slight inflammation of the surrounding skin.

The sooner you start treating dry callus, the easier and faster you can get rid of it!

This photo shows core calluses

Treating dry calluses on the heels

Dry calluses can be treated at home.

The best treatment is the use of foot baths.

A bath for steaming calluses is made as follows. Fill a container with water so that it completely covers your feet. The water should be warm enough, but not hot! So that you can lower your legs into it without discomfort. Steam your heels for 15-20 minutes. It’s better to put a kettle with boiled water nearby hot water so that if the water starts to cool, add hotter water. You should add a couple of tablespoons of soap shavings to the water (or dissolve a piece of it in it). After steaming, wipe your feet dry. Treat the heel with a pumice stone or a grater for dead skin.

A better effect can be achieved if auxiliary components are added to the bath, for example:

  • sea ​​salt (in a 1:1 consistency - 1 tablespoon of salt per liter of water). Salt relaxes the legs, relieves pain and promotes better removal keratinization;
  • with milk or cream (a glass of milk or a dessert spoon of cream per liter of water). Promotes better softening of the skin;
  • baking soda (2.5 teaspoons of soda per liter of water). Softens dead skin very well;
  • chamomile, celandine, St. John's wort, rose hips (pour 2 tablespoons of the component with a glass of boiling water, leave for 15-20 minutes, then add to the bath);
  • Mustard (half a teaspoon of mustard powder per liter of water).

Foot baths are very pleasant and effective way remove not too old dry calluses

In addition, to make the treatment more effective, after applying the baths, lotions should be applied to the damaged area. Very good reviews Compresses made from the following components are used:

  • Aloe – cut an aloe leaf in half lengthwise and apply the juicy side to the callus. Or pass the leaf through a meat grinder, apply it to a piece of gauze or bandage and apply it to the damaged area, secure with a plaster or bandage;
  • Potato pulp - pass a small potato through a meat grinder and apply the pulp to the callus;
  • Pulp or juice of onion or garlic.
  • Propolis with bee honey. Mix a little propolis with honey and heat a little so that the propolis is completely dissolved. Soak a swab of sterile gauze or bandage with the mixture, apply to the callus and secure with a bandage or bandage.

Calluses should be treated with baths with lotions every day. In total, depending on the age of the callus, from 7 to 15 procedures will be required. During treatment, you should avoid uncomfortable shoes and high heels.

Special plasters will also help get rid of calluses: Compeed, Salipod, Cosmos, AV-PLAST. The patches must be applied after taking steam baths on clean, dry skin.

Treatment with ointments

A callus with a core is more difficult to treat because it grows deep into the skin. Therefore, ointments will help get rid of it faster. In addition, their use is good because they eliminate inflammation caused by the core (root) of the callus and have an analgesic effect.

Popular ointments in the fight against dry calluses are:

  • Salicylic;
  • Bensalitin;
  • Antimozolin;
  • Anti-callus paste “5 days”.

There are situations when you can’t hover your legs ( elevated temperature body, other interfering diseases). In these cases, to soften the skin, you can use vegetable oils (olive, sunflower, flaxseed). It is necessary to generously moisten a piece of gauze or bandage with one of these products and apply it to the callus, secure with a plaster or bandage.

Shown in the photo Salicylic ointment– an excellent product for removing dry calluses! It also has a good anti-inflammatory and healing effect

Features of the treatment of calluses with a rod

As already noted, core calluses are much more difficult to treat.

When the use of the above remedies does not help, you need to contact a specialist to remove such a callus.

There are several methods for removing calluses with a rod:

  • Laser;
  • Nitric;
  • Drilling with a special device;
  • Electrocoagulation;
  • Radio wave method.

Most effective method– laser. It is painless, completely eliminates the risk of infection, helps remove germs, and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

If the callus is small, it can be removed in one session.

Contraindications to laser therapy:

  • Diabetes;
  • The presence of damage to the skin of the heel in the form of open wounds;
  • Tumor processes;
  • Pregnancy.

Removing calluses with liquid nitrogen is painful. Afterwards, a certain period will be required for the wound to heal. This method is contraindicated for the treatment of large or multiple calluses. Liquid nitrogen helps to narrow blood vessels in the area of ​​the callus and impair blood circulation, due to which after some time (a week or a week and a half) the callus dies.

Also in specialized salons you can be offered the service of drilling out a callus with a rod using a special device with a cutter. Afterwards, anti-inflammatory drugs are applied to the wound and secured with a bandage.

The electrocoagulation method consists of influencing the callus electric shock. Its action helps to separate the keratinized callus from the heel.

The radio wave method promotes the evaporation of the callus and its core using radio waves.

It is best to treat callus with the help of a specialist.


You cannot cut the callus with scissors or a razor. She needs to be treated!

If, after using steam baths, you plan to apply ointments or pastes from folk remedies to the callus, you should not clean your heel with a pumice stone.

You need to get rid of calluses as soon as you find them. The larger the callus, the more difficult it is to cure it later. It is also possible to experience pain and discomfort when walking.

Until the callus is cured, avoid uncomfortable, hard shoes, use a patch before going out, and try to reduce the load on the damaged heel.

You can also remove dry calluses in a beauty salon using a pedicure machine.

A callus on the heel appears due to uncomfortable shoes, with rough seams with inside, irregular gait, flat feet, in those who love high heels and those suffering from obesity and edema. There are very painful watery blisters which can be treated with medication or physical therapy. In this article we will look at everything possible ways getting rid of this problem.

Symptoms of calluses on heels

First, the skin on the heels becomes red, swollen and dry. Then pain appears when pressing and rubbing. And only after this a bubble forms, which sooner or later bursts, exposing the red wound surface. It becomes impossible to walk. It is better not to bring it to this stage, as it can cause a very severe infection.

Dry callus on the heel

As we age, the skin loses moisture and cannot withstand daily harmful influences. environment. Because of this, it is easily injured, especially on the heels.

Here are a few simple ways How you can cure a callus on your heel yourself. You can do salt baths. You can go to a beauty salon. There you will receive a medical pedicure or liquid nitrogen will be used for removal. You can apply an onion dipped in vinegar to the callus. You can cut an aloe leaf and apply it to the callus overnight. You can massage your feet with vegetable oil. A few drops vinegar essence drop on the callus and cover with a band-aid. After several such procedures, the callus will disappear. Soap and soda foot baths are also effective. Applying grated helps raw potatoes To problem area for the night. Grind 2 aspirin tablets into powder, apply to the callus and leave for an hour. Lard with garlic also helps. Grind the garlic and apply it to a piece of lard, apply the “garlic” part to the callus and bandage your foot overnight. You can use a Kalanchoe leaf, peeled from the film. Its pulp is applied to the callus overnight. Helps too homemade ointment from baked garlic with butter in a 1:1 ratio. Porridge of calendula leaves and hot water helps get rid of the problem in a few days.

You can also steam your feet in water and tie a lemon peel to the callus overnight.

Take salicylic acid, propolis and 96-degree alcohol in equal quantities and when heated, dissolve the propolis in alcohol. Add salicylic acid and stir until the mixture is spreadable. Store it in a tightly sealed container.

Heat 50 propolis and the juice of one lemon, store the resulting mixture in the refrigerator. Apply to the callus daily until it falls off.

In the morning, apply a ripe tomato to the callus.

Apply fresh resin to the callus and cover with a band-aid. Change the dressing after 24 hours.

You need to put an egg in a glass with vinegar and wait about a week until it completely dissolves. The resulting liquid should be applied to the callus.

Apply garlic or lemon oil to the callus with a cotton swab, and you will see how it disappears on its own in a few days!

The best way to prevent dry calluses is to take care of your feet and wear comfortable shoes. Especially if you have flat feet. Replenish your supply of vitamins, especially A and E. Also, calluses are signs of arthritis and osteoarthritis.

Wet callus on heel

A wet callus on the heel will form if the appearance of a dry callus is ignored. The main factor in its appearance is prolonged friction. The slightest touch to a wet callus increases the pain. When squeezed, the bubble ruptures, forming a wound. Redness, pain and pus indicate an infection. If infected, you need to contact a surgeon. He will perform the treatment and apply a bandage.

To ensure that you never have wet calluses on your feet, choose your shoes carefully, try them on, and walk around the store in them before purchasing. Wear closed shoes with toes. Fight sweaty feet by dusting them with talcum powder.

You can pierce the callus if it is very large. Before puncturing, the needle must be held over the fire.

A good remedy for wet calluses is the Compeed patch. It just needs to be applied to the wound. Treatment will take 3-4 days. The patch can be removed if it begins to lag.

If the callus bursts on its own, burn it with brilliant green.

Here are some folk remedies.

Fix a plantain leaf on the wound by kneading it in your hands.

A paste of grated green peas can also help you. Simply apply it to the callus.

Callus on the heel

A callus is a dense formation on the skin that resembles a lump. To cure a callus, buy a Salipod patch at the pharmacy and glue it exactly to the size on the “cap” of the callus. The callus under the patch comes out along with the rod. The recess that is formed from the exit of the rod must be sealed with a regular plaster until it disappears.

The rod usually does not develop immediately, but when the condition is already advanced. If you notice that a callus has appeared, steam your foot in water and liquid soap and drop it on the callus. citric acid or celandine juice and cover the wound with a bactericidal bandage. It is enough to treat a small callus with pumice and lubricate it with cream. You can try corn liquid, but you need to use it carefully, because... it is an alkaline solution.

A callus often occurs when you have driven a splinter under your skin. In this case, it is better to contact a cosmetologist or dermatologist. Foot problems are treated by a specialist podiatrist. He removes the callus using a cutter. Sign up for a hardware pedicure. Sometimes laser treatment or freezing with liquid nitrogen is recommended. A liquid nitrogen - colorless liquid, has no smell. It is applied to the skin for about a minute. To avoid having to deal with this problem, keep your shoes and socks clean and remove splinters in a timely manner. Do not visit the bathhouse or swimming pool without slippers. The cause of the callus may be a dermatotropic virus, which is how it is transmitted. Calluses can also be caused by orthopedic problems, joint problems, and flat feet.

Callus on the heel

Callus on the heel forms after healing of the fracture. This is not a disease, but a natural process, a reaction of the body aimed at fast healing fracture To alleviate the condition after a fracture, doctors recommend limiting exercise and conducting courses of magnetotherapy and electrophoresis. All these procedures are prescribed by a traumatologist. Callus indicates the beginning of healing of the fracture. It is very clearly visible on an x-ray.

Callus on a child's heel

To cure a callus on a child’s heel, you just need to take it and cover it with a band-aid. Children's body It recovers very quickly, the callus will heal quickly. To prevent calluses from appearing in the future, it is very important to choose shoes for your child that are made of genuine leather and that are wide enough. You should choose cotton socks and wash them as often as possible. Inflammation of the callus can lead to infection.

If the callus does not go away on its own, peel a piece of lemon, apply it to the callus and bandage it. Do this before you put your child to bed at night. You can also use aloe pulp: just put a little gruel from the crushed leaves of the plant on a cotton pad and bandage it with a bandage, also better at night, since the child is active during the day. You can also apply a cut fig to the sore spot.

What to do for calluses on the heels?

Calluses on the heels bring us discomfort and pain and get on our nerves. Especially women. Ladies really want to have smooth legs. Calluses often overshadow the joy of buying new shoes. What to do and how to treat such a callus?

The skin can be lubricated with vegetable oil. If a blister appears, it cannot be cut off. You can make a bath with ammonia. Propolis mixed with fat or bread crumb soaked in vinegar also helps. You can also make baths with potassium permanganate. The solution should be slightly pink, and you should not keep your feet in it for more than 20 minutes. As soon as redness appears, you need to make a bath of soda (2 tablespoons) and 5 drops of chamomile oil. Steam your feet for 20 minutes and cover the abrasions with a callus plaster. You can spray the callus with Panthenol spray.

Soak onion peels in vinegar for 14 days and apply to the sore spot.

You can boil a few prunes in milk and also apply them to the callus.

To prevent calluses, eating 200 g per day is enough. raw carrots. It contains vitamin A, which is so important for the skin. Wear quality comfortable shoes, and leave high heels for the holidays. In shoes that do not fit properly, the foot either fidgets or is severely compressed. Use wool or cotton socks. Socks need to be changed every day. When playing golf or driving or cycling for long periods of time, be sure to also wear gloves on your hands. They sell special gel insoles for calluses.

Here are some more recipes. Take 50 g of bran and 50 ml of milk and apply the mixture to the callus for half an hour, then lubricate the problem area with sea buckthorn oil.

You can also mix fish fat and aloe juice in a 1:1 ratio. Secure a cotton pad soaked in this mixture with a bandage.

Prepare a decoction of oak bark 1:5 and wrap your leg in a cloth soaked in this decoction.

2 tbsp. spoons of St. John's wort infusion per liter of water will help get rid of calluses, abrasions, corns and cracks. It's enough to just make foot baths.

Baths of potato peelings also help. They take a glass per liter of water, boil them, and then, after cooling, immerse their feet in this water for 25 minutes, after which the feet are wiped and cream is applied. Excellent product to combat calluses and cracks on the feet.

To prevent calluses from appearing, your feet should be regularly treated with pumice stone and smeared with foot cream.

If there is no improvement after a week of treatment, you need to see a doctor. If inflammation and pus appear, surgical cleaning of the wound and application of a bandage is necessary.

Plaster for calluses on heels

Most often, calluses bother you in the summer the right skin between the toes and on the heels. A callus patch can come to your aid. It is fixed to the skin more securely than a regular patch, does not come off and speeds up healing. Invisible on the skin. Forms a gel environment that relieves pain. Acts like a second skin.

Ointment for calluses on heels

Calluses on the heels can be removed with Super Antimozolin ointment. It contains lactic acid. The ointment is applied in a thick layer, the leg is covered with compress paper and a sock is put on top. After three hours, the skin that falls off must be peeled off with a pumice stone.

Bensalitin ointment is applied to the callus, sealed with a band-aid and left for three hours, then the bandage is removed.

You can make a compress from castor oil and glycerin mixed in equal parts. You must wear a sock on top. It is better to do such compresses at night.

There are three types of calluses that can appear on the heels:

  1. dry callus– is a yellowish, hard lump formed from dead skin cells. It often goes unnoticed because it does not cause discomfort when walking. Specific treatment does not require.
  2. Wet callus- subcutaneous translucent blister with liquid inside. May cause pain when pressed. After the bubble bursts, it hurts to step on it. In its place, a wound forms, requiring treatment with an antiseptic and proper care.
  3. Internal– is a painful compaction (abrasion) with a rod inside. She looks like plantar wart. Always causes discomfort and often requires medical treatment.

Reasons for appearance

A callus on the heel can appear at almost any age, but especially in older people.

There are several reasons for their occurrence:

  • Inconvenient, incorrectly sized shoes are the most common reason. Uncomfortable shoes cause discomfort when walking and injure the delicate surface of the skin, leading to the formation of calluses (mostly wet ones).
  • Insufficient adherence to personal hygiene rules, especially in winter period a time when the skin often becomes dry and requires additional moisturizing care.
  • Wearing stockings, socks and tights made of synthetic materials that prevent the skin from breathing.
  • Rapid sweating of feet due to physiological characteristics body or wearing shoes made of artificial materials.

Photo of heel callus

Methods and methods of treatment

How to treat? What to do if you have rubbed a callus on your heel? You can get rid of a callus on the heel using conservative or surgical treatment.

How to delete?

Usually, surgical removal In this case, education is carried out extremely rarely. They respond well to treatment at home using external cosmetic products.

A doctor is consulted if a painful internal callus occurs.

Important! It is extremely difficult to remove such a formation yourself, and even if this can be done at home, there is high risk infection of the wound and development of the inflammatory process.

How to remove calluses on heels with surgery? Exist following methods removal:

  1. laser surgery. Today it is the most modern and effective method removing callus with a rod.

    The procedure is carried out after the introduction of a special anesthetic, so there is no discomfort or pain during it. After removal, the doctor treats the wound and applies a medicinal bandage.

    At proper care the wound heals within 2-3 days.

  2. Cryodestruction– removal of the problem area using liquid nitrogen, which is applied to the surface with an applicator or special technical device. The session lasts about 1.5-2 minutes.

    Then the surface is treated with an antiseptic and a therapeutic bandage is applied. Complete healing also occurs within a few days. The method is older, but no less common and effective.

How to cure quickly with pharmaceuticals?

How to quickly heal a callus on the heel? From medications ointments, creams, and tinctures for external use are used to treat calluses. Many of them are made on the basis of natural plant components, therefore they are safe and have virtually no contraindications.

Before using this or that pharmaceutical product, be sure to read the instructions for use, contraindications and possible side effects!

How to treat at home

How to get rid of calluses folk remedies? Among the means traditional medicine found wide application various herbal compresses:

  • from grated raw potatoes and onions;
  • from onion peel, raw garlic and apple cider vinegar;
  • from fresh lemon zest;
  • from garlic and melted lard;
  • from baked garlic;
  • from pine resin;
  • from fresh tomatoes.

The gruel for the compress is wrapped in gauze and applied to the problem area. A tight bandage of sterile bandage is applied on top and left overnight. Often one compress is enough to get rid of the problem.

After removing the bandage, the skin is thoroughly washed under running warm water with baby soap, wiped dry, and treated with an antiseptic.

Most compresses are used for wet calluses.

Features of the treatment of water callus on the heel

  1. The treatment strategy for water bladder is slightly different.
  2. The main task with dry calluses is to achieve maximum softening and moisturizing of the skin in order to remove the rough layer.

When a water bubble forms, there is no need to moisturize the skin. On the contrary, you should open the bubble, treat the wound and dry the problem surface as much as possible.

Yes, this can be done, but only if the bladder is large and tightly filled with subcutaneous fluid. You can make a puncture with a sharp needle, which is held parallel to the surface of the skin.

Before puncturing, the problem area and the needle must be treated with an antiseptic solution. After the puncture, the wound is disinfected and dried.

When to see a doctor?

In most cases, callus treatment is carried out at home., but in some cases mandatory medical attention is required.

  1. If formed internal callus with a rod, causing discomfort and pain when walking.
  2. If, after opening the bubble, a strong inflammatory process with pain and pus formation.

Can a callus go away on its own?

Small lumps that do not cause pain or discomfort do not require special treatment.

The dry surface of the skin can simply be lubricated with moisturizer.

If a small bubble has formed, you can treat it with drying agents (for example, hydrogen peroxide).


To reduce the risk of this problem, it is enough to follow simple preventive measures.

  • Choose comfortable shoes made from natural, high-quality materials.
  • Wear cotton socks and tights.
  • If you have diseases of the musculoskeletal system, you should consult your doctor about the correct selection orthopedic shoes, insole with arch support.
  • Eat right, including more in your diet fresh vegetables and fruits, fish and seafood, dairy products, porridge, vegetable soups.
  • Sometimes you can take baths with chamomile, sage or calendula for prevention, especially when working in a job that requires you to be on your feet for a long time during the day.
  • Take care of the skin of your feet (use moisturizer, pumice stone, take a bath daily).
  • Exercise. Running, cycling, rollerblading, and race walking will improve your health.

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Calluses on the heels are a fairly common problem that can affect men and women of any age. Although calluses do not pose a serious health hazard, they can sometimes cause severe discomfort and may even warrant a visit to the doctor.

Try to comply simple rules prevention that will help protect against this problem. Be healthy.

A callus is a skin formation that appears as a result of prolonged friction. These defects can occur in different parts feet, but the most common place for their localization is the heels. Calluses are caused by wearing uncomfortable shoes on bare feet. In this case, the person is bothered by pain. Many people are concerned about how to remove a callus on the heel.

Types of calluses

Calluses are easy to differentiate from any other skin formations. Dermatologists distinguish three types of defect. They all appear because high blood pressure on an area of ​​skin or rubbing it on shoes.

  • Dry callus. This is a solid formation of keratinized epithelial cells. The area of ​​skin usually becomes lighter and rougher. This type of callus on the heel often has a round shape.
  • Wet callus. The defect has the shape of a bubble filled with liquid. This type has several varieties depending on the contents of the callus. This is usually lymph. With prolonged friction, the bladder fills with blood. If an infection gets inside, an inflammatory process develops. Pus accumulates in a vesicle under the skin.
  • Callus with a core. In the center of such a defect, a spike is formed that grows into the epidermis. These calluses usually form on the soles of the feet.

Defects form gradually. The first symptom is the appearance of burning and discomfort when walking. This means that the shoe has rubbed a callus. Its formation takes place in several stages. First, the skin area turns red due to prolonged friction against a hard surface. Swelling of the heel is often observed. Later, a characteristic blister appears and a wet callus develops on the heel. If the provoking factor is not eliminated, the bubble bursts and a wound forms. Microbes easily penetrate into it.

Treatment of dry calluses

Hot baths help eliminate dry calluses. To decide how to treat a callus on the heel, you need to find out its type. Dry defects are similar to corns. They disappear on their own when there is no pressure on the area of ​​the foot. There are ways to speed up getting rid of dry calluses on the heel. The main principle of therapy is the softening of keratinized skin. After this, the dry defect can be easily removed using improvised means.

  • Oil compresses. Dry callus on the heel goes into as soon as possible if you use this method. Use olive, almond or peach oils. They are applied to clean skin stop, close from above cling film to keep warm. The compress softens, moisturizes and nourishes the epidermis.
  • Hot baths. If uncomfortable shoes have caused a callus on the heel, you can soften your feet in water. For additional moisturizing, oils and esters are added. If there are cracks in the heels, use baking soda or sea ​​salt. This will provide a disinfecting effect.
  • Pumice. Women who prefer dress shoes know how to get rid of calluses on their heels. It is enough to use pumice to remove dead particles of the epidermis. Similar effect at sanding files for feet.
  • Scrub. You can get rid of the stratum corneum using abrasive particles. Crushed apricot kernels or coarse salt are ideal for heels.

An ointment with a keratolytic effect will help speed up the treatment of such defects. Dermatologists advise using products based on salicylic acid.

Treatment of wet calluses

The exposed callus is protected with a plaster. If a water callus appears on the heel, treatment should begin immediately after the defect is discovered. The condition is dangerous due to the possibility of infection of the wound if the blister bursts. This defect has pronounced symptoms. Therapeutic measures are aimed at relieving pain and reducing swelling.

Dermatologists advise piercing the resulting bubble so that the lymph comes out. At home, you can use a syringe needle that has been pre-treated ethyl alcohol. This manipulation eliminates the entry pathogenic microorganisms into damaged tissues. For large bubbles, several punctures are made. The needle is inserted into the callus from the side. Damage to the inner layer of the epidermis must not be allowed. A sterile gauze pad is applied to the affected area of ​​skin. Lymph is removed with light pressure. After this, the wet defect is treated with an antiseptic. Use iodine or brilliant green. It is important to ensure that the substance does not penetrate into the wound itself.

During the healing of a wet callus, carefully observe the rules of hygiene. The wound must be kept clean. When wearing shoes, use a patch. The defect is left open overnight. Free air circulation promotes rapid regeneration skin. Recovery is more intense if you use various ointments. Dermatologists recommend the following:

  • salicylic ointment;
  • Levomekol;
  • Branolind;
  • Superantimozolin;
  • streptocide ointment.

All products are applied daily until full recovery skin at the site of a burst or opened callus. There is a Compid patch. He has therapeutic effect. Its use will allow the defect to heal faster.

Treatment of calluses with a rod

Many people want to know how to quickly cure a callus on the heel. If there is a rod inside the defect, it is better to contact a specialist. The doctor will tell you what to do in such a situation. Reason similar pathology more often it is getting inside a normal callus foreign body or a virus. Dermatologists offer to eliminate defects with the rod in a hospital setting. There are several methods.

  • Laser coagulation. Beam due to impact high temperatures burns out the damaged space deep in the epidermis. The surrounding tissues are not damaged. This is a modern, painless procedure. Heel callus is eliminated quickly, and the skin is easily restored after the intervention.
  • Drilling. The doctor uses cutters of a certain size. The tool is selected individually, based on the diameter of the callus. Antiviral agents must be injected into the resulting wound.
  • Cryodestruction. The technique involves getting rid of calluses on the heels using liquid nitrogen. Changed cells are destroyed by exposure to cold.

All of the above methods are safe and effective. Patients are interested in how to cure calluses with a core at home. The procedure is carried out in several stages. First, you need to steam your feet hot bath. It is useful to add soap shavings mixed with soda to the water. Within half an hour, the skin of the feet softens. After this, the keratinized particles of the epidermis are removed with manicure instruments. Concentrated lemon juice or a drop of vinegar. You can use celandine juice. Next, the wound is sealed with adhesive tape.

Folk recipes

Not everyone knows how to remove a callus on the heel at home. Many are effective folk recipes. Target similar treatment- accelerate the regeneration of healthy tissues and prevent infection. The most popular recipes are shown in the table.

Means Recipe Description Operating principle Duration of treatment
Garlic The clove is crushed and mixed with butter. The gruel is used as a compress if the callus is damaged. The oil softens the skin, and garlic juice has an antibacterial effect. The compress is applied daily for a week.
Aloe The leaf of the plant is cut and applied with the inside to the damaged skin. Aloe juice can accelerate the regeneration of soft tissues. This method helps reduce swelling. Aloe is used every day until complete healing.
Chamomile Dried flowers are filled with water and heated. The resulting decoction is added to the foot bath. A decoction of chamomile can heal existing wounds on the skin. Baths are taken for 5-7 days.
Potato A small piece of tuber is crushed to a pulp. The product is applied to the callus and secured with a gauze bandage. The juice obtained from the tubers can quickly heal the defect. This method reduces pain. The compress is applied for 5 days.
Plantain Fresh leaves You need to grind it to get juice. After this, they are applied to the callus on the heel. Plantain juice increases the rate of skin regeneration. This method allows you to deal with wet calluses. The procedures are performed from 5 to 7 days depending on the size of the defect.

When using any treatment method, it is important to maintain cleanliness. To prevent infection, feet are thoroughly washed with soap and treated antiseptic. For this purpose, use calendula tincture or water solution potassium permanganate.

Preventive measures

Plantain juice promotes skin healing. There is a set of measures to avoid the appearance of skin defects on the heels.

  • Main condition - correct selection shoes Shoes or boots should not be too tight. It is important to ensure that you have a high-quality insole.
  • Shoes will not rub if you use special silicone inserts. You can buy them at the pharmacy.
  • The choice of socks should be approached responsibly. It is better if they do not have seams that cause additional friction. Ideal fibers are cotton, bamboo or linen.
  • It is important to monitor the sweating process. Calluses usually form in humid conditions. For prevention, you can use talc or a special deodorant.
  • Dead cells from the feet need to be removed regularly. For this purpose, baths and scrubs are used. This measure helps prevent the appearance of dry defects.

The appearance of a callus is bad news. It is painful to step on a damaged heel. Healing may be slow. It is important to follow preventive measures. This will avoid chafing.