What vaccination after measles, rubella, mumps. The only protection against measles, rubella and mumps is vaccination! Features of contagious infectious diseases

destruction of the gene pool: global defaults


Let's continue our acquaintance with the products of the Pasteur Institute.

Over the course of more than a century, this brainchild of a French adventurer turned into a gigantic financial empire and had branches in all parts of the world. Of the vaccines used today in the Russian Federation, at least two thirds were made by the Pasteur-Merrier laboratory.

In previous issues, we gave several examples of the harm vaccination can cause to individuals and entire nations. Examples of this kind are carefully hidden from the population of the Russian Federation and for the time being were hidden in the West. But when the most dangerous diseases, previously completely eradicated in one country or another, appear en masse after mass vaccination, it is difficult to hide it.


40 years ago there was a chance to turn away from the dead-end path that practical medicine had followed since the 19th century, since Pasteur’s famous experiment with sheep (falsified, as we remember) and put an end to the consequences of a protracted adventure.

We have already mentioned that in 1960, American researchers discovered the SV40 monkey virus in the kidneys of green monkeys and rhesus monkeys, from which the polio vaccine is produced, which was then found in the blood of vaccinated people. In the following years, it was found that a foreign virus, harmless to monkeys, causes cancer in humans. What followed was a cascade of discoveries. In 1962, the same virus was discovered in the United States in chicken embryos (material for vaccines against measles and yellow fever), causing leukemia in humans. In the same year, scientists from the Department of Social Medicine (UK) and the American Public Health Service studied huge layers of official statistics from 1952-53 and identified a sharp jump in mortality from leukemia in children aged 2 to 4 years in all highly developed countries. Need I say that it was precisely this group that was vaccinated without exception in those years? In 1963, Americans discovered another carcinogenic (cancer-causing) virus in the kidneys of dogs - another source of the measles vaccine. And in 1981, already in Germany, the notorious SV40 was identified in brain tumors of vaccinated people, and in 25 percent of cases, both the natural monkey virus and its new form, derived from the natural one, were present in the tissues...

In general, after numerous discoveries of this kind, the scientific community (and primarily from the Pasteur Institute) was faced with a choice: to silently continue, turning a blind eye, to make money from the crazy idea of ​​the adventurer Pasteur, or to close up shop and repent. But the third way was chosen. In an effort to maintain turnover and profits, the business was given an idea even more absurd than Pasteur’s: that if the human body is populated not with viruses, but only with their shells, the body will “remember” their shape and will henceforth produce antibodies that have “memory” for it. Of course, there was no convincing evidence of this, but on the whole the scientific world breathed a sigh of relief, since everyone understood: there was no benefit from these protein films, but at least there was no harm either. Hopes turned out to be in vain, because quite soon a lot of data was received that the body not only acquires a new one, but loses its own “memory”, becoming vulnerable to infections that it successfully coped with before vaccination...

And another unpleasant phenomenon was brought to life by the countless vaccinations of both species that the human race underwent in the twentieth century: diverse mutations of animal and human viruses, mixed in an unpredictable way, giving rise to diverse, previously unseen forms of disease. Today everyone is tense in anticipation of the next variety of “bird flu” with the ability to be transmitted from person to person (as they were recently tense about “SARS”). But back in 1966, a striking example of adenovirus 7 (influenza virus) was described, which, together with SV40, forms a hybrid containing the genetic material of the first and the shell of the second, that is, it has pronounced oncological properties. And in the late 1990s, a huge scandal erupted in the United States when tens of thousands of American soldiers were injected with an influenza vaccine contaminated with SV40, after which the government had to urgently withdraw from sale a huge amount of this and other contaminated “envelope” vaccines and sue the experimental subjects and their relatives.

And now we will continue to get acquainted with information about the vaccines used in our country, which was hidden from the population of the USSR and the Russian Federation.

Trivaccine as a triple blow to next generations

In a few years, most countries of the world will finally get rid of the century-and-a-half-old obsession called “vaccination.” In Scandinavian and some Asian countries, the “discovery” of the fraudster Pasteur is already being effectively withdrawn from the health care arsenal. In the United States, the process of pharmaceutical companies refusing to produce vaccines is gaining momentum, and those who still produce them are in a state of continuous litigation with the parents of dead and maimed children, and therefore are forced to endlessly expand the list of contraindications for their products. And only at “one sixth”, in the former Soviet Union, time goes backwards. There are more and more vaccines. The attitude towards “refusenik” parents is becoming stricter.

According to the law, vaccinations in Russia are voluntary, but in real life, today a child will not be allowed into any kindergarten without the required set of vaccinations. At the same time, the incidence of all those diseases against which the younger generation is vaccinated, both in kindergartens and in schools, is growing significantly.

What to do? Only one thing: enlighten yourself. We continue the story about the most widespread, mandatory, inevitable vaccinations.


(rubella, measles, mumps)

In the Russian Federation, this vaccine against three diseases is mandatory given to children upon reaching 12 months of age, then repeated every 9 years. In addition, they convincingly insist on vaccination against each disease separately.

Parents, of course, are not given any opportunity to refuse vaccinations. To the most harmful ones, who have heard something about the pointlessness of vaccination, the dangers of vaccinations and their legal right to refuse, health workers tell legends about the dangers.

Mumps (colloquially piggy ), according to health workers, is dangerous for boys. If they are not vaccinated in childhood, they will become infertile after infection as adults.

People not vaccinated with virusesmeasles, according to legend, risk complications such as encephalitis and expose themselves to a 10 percent chance of death if infected.

Rubellais most dangerous during pregnancy, since - to quote “educational” literature for parents - “almost always leads to the birth of a child with defects and deformities (deafness, heart defects, mental retardation).”

What's true and what's false? Let's look at each disease in order.

* Mumps (mumps)

Piggy a relatively harmless viral disease, completely common in childhood. With this disease, one or both salivary glands located in front and below the ears become swollen. Swellingbegins after 2-3 days and disappears on the 6-7th day of illness. Sometimes one gland may be affected first, and after 10-12 days second. Mumps does not require treatment. It is enough to keep the child in bed for 2-3 days and feed him soft food. The disease goes away on its own. With any variant of mumps, lifelong immunity is developed.

Pediatricians defend the vaccine, arguing that although mumps is not a serious childhood disease, children without immunity can get it as adults and then develop inflammation of the testicles - orchitis, which can sometimes cause infertility.

In reality, orchitis very rarely leads to infertility, but even when it does, it is limited to one testicle, while the ability of the second testicle to produce sperm can double the world's population. And that's not all. No one knows whether the immunity induced by the mumps vaccine actually continues into adulthood. There is no evidence of this (as, indeed, there is no evidence of the effectiveness of any vaccinations), but there is evidence of very severe side effects of this vaccination: allergic reactions in the form of rash, itching and bruising, symptoms of damage to the central nervous system in the form of febrile convulsions, one-sided sensory deafness and encephalitis. True, the risk of the most severe consequences is small, but it is real. In contrast to the thrice invented risk of infertility.


Measles is more severe than mumps, accompanied by a rash, photophobia, and a high temperature and headache may last for 3-4 days. No treatment is required other than rest and plenty of fluids. The windows need to be curtained if your eyes hurt. The disease goes away in a week, the rash and fever disappear in 3-4 days.

Health workers insist the vaccine is necessary to prevent measles encephalitis, which can occur in one in 1,000 cases. This is true, but only for Sudan and Bangladesh, that is, for countries where the population lives in poverty and children are hungry. And, for example, in the USA, measles develops into encephalitis in 1 case out of 100,000. But much more often in the same States, the use of measles vaccine leads to encephalopathy withcomplications such as subacute sclerosing panencephalitis, which causes irreversible, fatal brain damage. Other (sometimes fatal) complications associated with measles vaccine include ataxia (inability to coordinate muscle activity), mental retardation, aseptic meningitis, convulsions, and hemiparesis (paralysis of one side of the body). Secondary complications associated with the vaccine can be even more frightening. They include encephalitis, juvenile diabetes, multiple sclerosis. In addition, certain components found in all “live” vaccines, including measles,can hide in human tissues for years, and later cause appearance of cancer.

The history of the appearance of the measles vaccine in the United States is full of fog, which the medical community managed to dispel only in the 1990s. Statistics were published showing that measles had been eradicated long before the vaccine was introduced in 1963. In particular, the death rate from measles decreased from 13.3 cases per 100,000 people in 1900 to 0.03 cases by 1956. According to a recent study in 30 states, more than half of children who contracted measles were properly vaccinated. Moreover, according to WHO, the chances of getting measles are about 15 times higher in children who are vaccinated against measles. In other words, the vaccine does not prevent measles, but promotes it.

The last mass epidemic of measles was the pandemic in California in the mid-1990s, which, as usual, arose immediately after the appearance of a new type of measles vaccine in this state. Comrade Schwarzenegger's predecessor ordered that all children over the age of 6 months be vaccinated. The public objected. The pharmaceutical-bureaucratic mafia insisted. Doctors began to vaccinate every child who came into their hands, but, taking advantage of their official position, they did not vaccinate their own children. There was a scandal that, as usual, revealed both the “double standards” of modern society and the corrupt nature of modern medicine, dependent on the state and pharmaceutical mafia. But this is already a matter of politics, and for science the issue of the measles vaccine has long been resolved. Not in favor of the vaccine.

* Rubella

Rubella is a safe childhood disease that does not require medical intervention. The temperature rises, a runny nose appears, and only a rash on the face and body, which disappears after 2-3 days, lets you know that we are talking about another disease, and not a common cold. The patient needs to rest and drink, no other treatment is required.

By forcing people to get vaccinated, health workers are afraid not of the disease, but of the possibility of harm to the fetus if a woman becomes infected in the first trimester of pregnancy.

The vaccine, designed, according to the mafia, to protect children from a harmless disease, turns out to have completely inadequate side effects:arthritis, arthralgia (joint pain), polyneuritis, manifested by pain or numbness in the peripheral nerves. More often, symptoms are temporary, but can last for months and appear no earlier than two months after vaccination. Because of this, parents may not associate the symptoms that appear with the vaccination.

The biggest danger of the rubella vaccine is that it can leave expectant mothers without natural immunity from the disease. Vaccination not only does not prevent, but, on the contrary, increases the risk of disease during childbearing years and harm to unborn children. Research shows that many women who received the rubella vaccine as children do not have blood-tested immunity as adults. Even the majority of children who were vaccinated 4-5 years ago do not have it.

Currently, doctors who remember the Hippocratic Oath have become active in all states. In some places it was successful. For example, in Connecticut, whereIt was practically possible to cross rubella off the list of mandatory, legally established vaccinations. In some places - not very much. Thus, published inJournal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) study showed in California that over 90 percent of female obstetricians refused to get this vaccine for themselves. The logic is clear: if you can’t disobey the mafia, at least take care of publicizing the issue. And since there is such publicity, it is clear that not today, but tomorrow the trivaccine against measles-rubella-mumps will be canceled in America.

But what about things in our beloved Papua New Russia?

If in the States all the noise described above was caused by only one brand name vaccineM- M- RII, then in The Russian mafia is quietly destroying the gene pool with the help of a whole range of vaccines. It's the same triple vaccineM- M- RIIAmerican company Merck-Sharp and Dome Idea and the English triple vaccine Priorix SmithKline Beecham, live rubella vaccines Rudivax Franco-Swiss company Aventis Pasteur and Ervevax from the named English manufacturer, measles vaccine Ruwax from the founders of vaccination from the Pasteur-Mérier corporation (France) and a whole family of Russian live vaccines: ZhPV- from mumps, ZhKV- from measles, ZhKKV- from measles and rubella, ZhKPV - from rubella and mumps. In a word, genocide.

How to resist pressure from vaccinators?

If they refuse to admit your unvaccinated child to school, kindergarten and other institutions (or you to the maternity hospital), hand over to the administration of the institution your written refusal of vaccinations (in free form), accompany this action with a request for a motivated response in writing and calmly inform that a similar statement will be sent to the top officials of the city and regional health authorities. If you are not impressed, please send your application to refuse vaccination to the first persons. Remember that all regional and regional health authorities received instructions from Moscow to comply with the requirement of the law on the right to refuse vaccinations. If they dismiss it there too, you will have to look for another institution for the child. And if you are not accepted into the maternity hospital, start giving birth right in the administrator’s office. They won’t go anywhere - they will accept. They don't need a scandal either. www. liveinternet. ru / users /4084478/ post 195297668/

I apologize for the inconvenience and possible broken links; this post has been deleted or made inaccessible more than once. I hope that the information has already spread sufficiently on the Internet, and now these “miracles” are over.

Health, blessings and good luck to everyone who reads this material, and to those who are dear to you!

Vaccinations in infancy make it possible to avoid dangerous diseases or make it easier to survive an infection when it enters the body. Vaccination is given to healthy babies after examination by a pediatrician. A good doctor will recommend observing the child’s reaction for several days, monitoring the temperature and general condition, and taking antihistamines to avoid allergic reactions.

Despite these measures, some parents still experience side effects, particularly from the MMR vaccine. What causes them, how do they manifest themselves, and can they be avoided? Maybe it’s better to refuse vaccination altogether? This and much more should be understood in detail.

MMR vaccination is given to all children over 12 months of age.

Decoding PDA

The task of healthcare is to take preventive measures against diseases that may lead to an epidemic in a particular city and beyond. The compulsory vaccination calendar includes an injection against measles, mumps and rubella (abbreviation MMR). These diseases kill and disable more than 150 thousand people around the world every year.

The measles, mumps and rubella vaccination plan for children should be followed if the child is healthy and there is no reason to postpone the injection for the future. It can be done in conjunction with other vaccines (BCG, tetanus, Haemophilus influenzae). The indication is the age of the small patient - from 12 months.

CCP is not compatible with blood products and immunoglobulins. Between these injections there should be a pause of 2-3 months (the order of administration is not important).

What are the dangers of measles, rubella and mumps?

To refuse vaccinations means to jeopardize the baby’s health. When he comes into contact with his mother and father, who were vaccinated in childhood, the risk of infection is minimal. However, an infection can await a baby in public transport, a clinic, or a kindergarten. By vaccinating a child, parents help him avoid serious diseases with dangerous and sometimes irreparable complications.


Children and adults are susceptible to the disease; it is transmitted by airborne droplets and from mother to fetus. Initial symptoms are similar to a common viral infection. Later, a red rash appears on the body, which disappears without a trace within three days. In young children, rubella usually goes away without consequences.

In adults, complications are observed - increased permeability of blood vessels, hemorrhages, encephalomyelitis with loss of consciousness, convulsions, and even fatal paralysis. If an expectant mother contracts rubella, her baby may subsequently experience pneumonia, hemorrhages, and damage to internal organs, which in 30% of cases ends tragically.


Mumps (mumps) is an infectious disease caused by a paramyxovirus, related to the influenza virus. It is transmitted by airborne droplets and is characterized by inflammation of the salivary and parotid glands, leading to swelling of the face. The first signs appear 2 weeks after infection. The consequences of the disease are dangerous, and its treatment should be carried out from beginning to end, under the supervision of a doctor.

Parotitis in a child

Common complications of mumps include: inflammation of the thyroid gland and gonads, diabetes, pancreatitis, secondary penetration of the virus into the bloodstream, serous meningitis, complete damage to a number of glands and organs.


The measles virus enters the body through airborne droplets and manifests itself 9-11 days after contact with a sick person. Children are more likely to experience this disease, but adults are also at risk. People who are not vaccinated against the disease get sick with one hundred percent probability. Those who recover receive lasting, lifelong immunity.

Measles is fraught with complications such as blindness, encephalitis, otitis media, inflammation of the cervical lymph nodes, and bronchopneumonia. Treatment under the supervision of a doctor reduces the risk of complications, but even this does not always help to avoid them.

Imported and domestic MMR vaccines

Modern medicine offers several types of MMR vaccinations. The preparations contain live viruses and their combined analogues.

They are selected taking into account the characteristics of the child’s body and risk factors. Based on the number of components, serums are divided into 3 types:

  • Monocomponent. The vaccine will provide immunity against one of the diseases. Vaccines against measles, mumps and rubella are administered by different injections and cannot be mixed. An example is the Russian measles vaccine L-16 based on quail egg protein, the L-3 vaccine or the Czech Pavivak for mumps. There are foreign vaccines against rubella, called Sll (India), Ervevax (England), Rudivax (France).
  • Two-component. Combined drugs against measles-rubella or measles-mumps. They are supplemented by injection of one missing drug. Vaccinations are given to different parts of the body. An example is an associated divaccine against measles and mumps (Russia).
  • Three-component. Ready-made drugs include 3 weakened viruses and, with one injection, protect against three infections at once. For example, a vaccine called Priorix (Belgium) has gained a reputation as the most effective and safe. Another popular vaccine is MMR II (USA), which has been used for a longer time and has been well studied for negative reactions.

Vaccination with domestic drugs against measles, mumps and rubella takes place in municipal clinics. The drugs include a weakened virus. They are not inferior in effectiveness to foreign analogues, are well tolerated and do not cause side effects. Their disadvantage is the absence of the measles component, and the measles vaccination must be done separately.

The live combination vaccine Priorix has virtually no adverse reactions

Imported purified 3-in-1 preparations are more convenient, but they should be purchased independently - for example, the live combination vaccine Priorix, which reduces the time for vaccination and has low reactogenicity. Pediatricians often recommend this particular drug, and parents often purchase Priorix, which helps avoid post-vaccination complications.

Children's vaccination schedule

How many times and where are MMR vaccinations given? Injections are given according to a strictly defined algorithm and according to the existing vaccination schedule:

  • at 12 months or older (if the child was sick and it is not possible to vaccinate exactly one year) - the vaccine is injected into the thigh;
  • at 6 years old - in the shoulder (provided that the baby has not suffered from dangerous diseases for which he is vaccinated);
  • in the absence of contraindications, the vaccine is administered to young girls 16-18 years old on the direction of a doctor;
  • from 22 to 29 years and every 10 years according to schedule.

If by the age of 13 the child has not received a dose of a multicomponent drug that prevents measles, mumps and rubella, the domestic vaccine can be given at any age (we recommend reading:). Subsequent revaccination is prescribed according to the medical calendar, but not earlier than 22 years and no later than 29 years.

At the age of 6 years, the MMR vaccine is given in the shoulder.

How is the MMR vaccine given? For injection, use a disposable syringe into which the vaccine is taken, previously diluted in water for injection. The volume of a single dose of the finished vaccine is 0.5 ml, it is injected subcutaneously into the thigh (for children) or into the shoulder (for older children).

Contraindications for immunization

When issuing a referral for vaccination, the doctor is obliged to take into account vaccine intolerance by certain categories of children. Contraindications for PDA include:

  • intolerance to egg white, vaccine components (kanamycin and neomycin);
  • complications after the first MMR vaccination;
  • ARVI, influenza, viral infection;
  • chemotherapy, radiotherapy, immunosuppression;
  • heart failure;
  • severe blood diseases, pathologies of internal organs;
  • tendency to allergies;
  • pregnancy.

How to prepare for vaccination?

To reduce the risk of side effects and complications after vaccination, you should properly prepare for the procedure.

A couple of days before vaccination, the child should be given an antihistamine.
  • 2-3 days before vaccination, the child should be given an antihistamine (taken for a week);
  • during the preparation period, new foods cannot be introduced into the baby’s diet;
  • if the child is predisposed to febrile convulsions, an antipyretic should be taken immediately after vaccination;
  • take blood and urine tests the day before;
  • prepare an antipyretic and analgesic drug (Nurofen, Panadol) in case the temperature rises;
  • undergo a medical examination, inform the pediatrician if the child had diarrhea or other illness the day before;
  • do not swim for three days after the injection;
  • After the injection, you do not need to immediately leave the clinic - in case of a negative reaction and a sharp deterioration in the child’s well-being, they will immediately help you here.

How is vaccination tolerated by children of different ages?

Negative reactions to the MMR vaccine are often observed, because they contain components of dangerous infections.

When foreign agents enter, the body begins to fight them:

  • body temperature rises to create disastrous conditions for bacteria;
  • weakness appears - all the strength of the child’s body is spent on synthesizing antibodies;
  • Appetite worsens as energy is directed toward fighting infection.

Parents should be prepared for a possible reaction to the vaccine - an increase in temperature up to 40°C, the appearance of a small rash on the cheeks and neck, which will go away on its own within three days. Parents often confuse side effects and complications from vaccinations. There should be no complications such as suppuration of the injection site or rash all over the body.

Normal reaction

What reaction to PDA is considered normal? It may be completely absent or appear slightly. Parents panic even at the slightest change in temperature, so you should figure out what doctors consider normal:

  • slight swelling, increased sensitivity of tissue in the injection area;
  • low-grade fever (37-37.5 °C) after MMR vaccination during the first 5 days;
  • moderate joint pain;
  • headache and cough;
  • restlessness, capriciousness of the child;
  • rashes on the cheeks, neck, palms - as a reaction to measles antigen (rare).

Within 5 days after CCP, a slight increase in temperature is possible

Possible complications

Complications after injection of PDA can be very dangerous and pose a threat to life and health. The most common include:

  • any severe pain that cannot be relieved with Ibuprofen, Paracetamol;
  • temperature above 39°C and associated convulsions;
  • severe vomiting, diarrhea;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • mild measles, rubella or mumps;
  • nosebleeds;
  • intracranial hemorrhages;
  • bronchospasm;
  • bruises and hemorrhages for no reason;
  • rash on the body, like hives;
  • post-vaccination encephalitis (in 1% of cases).

In case of any deterioration in health (high temperature, vomiting, loss of consciousness, rapid breathing, bronchospasm), actions should be extremely fast. It is important to give your child an antihistamine and call an ambulance immediately.

When talking with your doctor, you should definitely indicate the time when the vaccination was given and describe in detail all the symptoms that arose after the injection.

How to cope with side effects after vaccination?

The reaction to the vaccine can be lightning fast or occur within 5-10 days after the injection. A light diet and plenty of fluids will help ease your baby’s condition after vaccination. The immune system is weakened at this time, so you should limit contact with other children and avoid visiting crowded places.

You can go for a walk, because fresh air and physical activity are good for your child. However, you should not play with other children to avoid contracting ARVI. The child should not be allowed to overheat or become hypothermic. You can swim after 3 days. After vaccination, the child is not contagious.

What should parents do if negative reactions could not be avoided? When a baby has a fever, a rash appears all over the body, vomiting and diarrhea occur, an allergic reaction, neurological symptoms are observed, doctors strongly advise against self-medication. You should seek professional medical help - call an ambulance or take the baby to the hospital yourself.

Antipyretic for children Panadol

Before the doctor arrives, you should alleviate the baby’s condition. Panadol and Nurofen in the form of suppositories or suspensions will help relieve the fever by a few degrees. At elevated temperatures (below 40 ºС), compresses should be used (add a spoonful of vinegar to a glass of water and stir). Place gauze soaked in the solution on the baby’s forehead and calves. Compresses need to be changed every 3-5 minutes.

After assessing the baby’s condition, the emergency doctor will prescribe a course of treatment or recommend hospitalization. In case of severe reactions the following will be prescribed:

  • for anaphylaxis - adrenaline injections;
  • in case of loss of consciousness, cardiovascular failure, respiratory failure - hospitalization;
  • for itching and rash - antihistamines (Suprastin, Fenistil, Cetrin and others).

If the reaction to the vaccine is insignificant, redness, swelling in the injection area, muscle pain, fever up to 39ºC are observed, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Ibuprofen) should be taken. If after two days the condition does not improve (the fever remains up to 38.5 ºС, bleeding or swelling in the injection area does not disappear), you should immediately show the baby to a doctor.

MMR vaccination is one of the mandatory vaccination schedules. In 95% of cases it protects against infectious diseases and complications caused by them. Getting vaccinated is much safer than getting infections and complications. If you follow preventive measures and medical recommendations, vaccination will be beneficial and provide reliable protection against infections.

Infections such as measles, rubella and mumps are contagious diseases of viral etymology (origin) that affect only one biological species on earth - humans.

The route of infection is through airborne droplets or direct close contact with the patient. All three diseases are typical for young children (under 10 years of age).

A child between five and seven years old is at risk. The article provides brief information about these diseases and vaccination against them.

One of the most contagious diseases, which in the last century was the most common childhood disease.

The danger is the development in many cases of complications:

  • pneumonia;
  • encephalitis;
  • even death in the absence of treatment in severe cases.

For a pregnant woman who did not have measles in childhood, this increases the risk of miscarriage, low birth weight of the newborn, and some pathologies of its development. The disease is also dangerous for older people.


Infection (mumps or mumps) penetrates the brain and spinal cord, sometimes testicular tumors develop in men, and even more rarely, unilateral hearing loss.


This disease is also called “German” measles. Typical for all age categories. Manifests itself in the form of a skin rash, enlarged lymph nodes, and is rarely accompanied by fever. The disease is dangerous for pregnant women, especially in the first trimester - the fetus may develop heart abnormalities, cataracts, mental retardation and deafness.

Indications for measles-rubella-mumps vaccination

To carry out vaccination in the Russian Federation, a special, time-optimal national calendar has been developed.


  • When the child reaches one year.
  • At the age of six to strengthen immunity against the above diseases.
  • From 15 to 17 years old.
  • In the period from 22 to 29 years.
  • Adults are from 32 to 39 years old.
  • Every 10th anniversary (after the indicated optimal dates for vaccination).

What should be done if a child does not have any vaccinations upon reaching the age of 13?

Vaccination is carried out at the age of thirteen, and revaccination is subsequently carried out based on the national calendar schedule, as described above.

How are vaccinations carried out?

The injection should be administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly.

Until the age of three, the injection area is the outer surface of the thigh.

After three years - in the shoulder.

Help for parents. Reports of numerous neurological adverse effects from all over the world as a result of mass vaccination have caused great public concern.

Discussion of this topic and demands from parents to conduct more serious medical research on the safety of the vaccines used have significantly reduced the number of vaccinations, for example, in Britain. The trend (declining immunization rates) was especially observed in the most economically developed regions (from 92% to 83% over twenty years).

Official position on mass vaccination

The reason for the percentage increase in measles incidence is a drop in the level of vaccination of the population.

People fear that the risk of negative consequences from universal immunization exceeds the possible consequences of measles itself. Official statistics indicate that this disease claims 745,000 children's lives a year, primarily in third world countries.

About the Calendar.

How to conduct vaccination courses?

  • Year of birth before 1957 - do not need due to the fact that they have already had these diseases.
  • People without vaccinations with a year of birth after the above date (1957), who have not had these diseases, receive two vaccinations with a minimum interval of one month (in adolescence).
  • One vaccination is enough (for adults).

The result of immunization of adolescents:

  • Females receive much-needed protection against rubella for themselves and their future children.
  • All vaccinated children achieve lasting immunity.
  • A barrier is created for mumps (in males), which is important in terms of preventing risks to reproductive function.

Measles-rubella-mumps. Types of drugs for vaccination

It is generally accepted that modern drugs for vaccination against the listed diseases are practically safe and have a high effect with a minimum of side effects that negatively affect health. Chickenpox vaccination is usually added to this set of vaccines. Live viral vaccines (or its analogues) are prescribed based on all risk factors present.

There are several types of drugs. Their effect directly depends on the presence of certain types of weakened viruses in them. Modern tools use only those viruses that can provide high results.

Vaccinations can be:

  1. Three-component.
  2. Two-component.
  3. Monocomponent.

This factor indicates a certain degree of interchangeability of means for mass vaccination. All drugs are consistent with the list of requirements (from the World Health Organization).


  • Three-component, including all three weakened viruses (measles, rubella, mumps). The benefit of using such a drug is the administration of one injection.
  • A two-component product uses a combination of measles-rubella or measles-mumps. This requires additional administration of a monocomponent agent that is not included in the main injection. This drug is injected into another part of the body.
  • A monocomponent product is a barrier for only one type of infectious pathogen (or measles, or mumps, or rubella). Such vaccinations (necessarily by separate injections) should be administered to different areas of the body.

Domestic vaccines and foreign analogues. What are the differences?

  1. In the Russian Federation, a drug for rubella-mumps is produced in the form of an attenuated (live form) vaccine and a component in the form of bird eggs (Japanese quail). The effectiveness of the drug is high and is equal to foreign analogues. The risk of complications does not exceed the risk when using imported vaccines. The downside is the two-component nature of the drug (especially for rubella-mumps). For the full course, two injections are required. The second (additional) vaccination is against measles.
  2. MMR-II (Measles Mumps-Rubella) is produced in America; this is a vaccine that has become most widespread in the Russian Federation and the countries of the former USSR. High degree of effectiveness of antibodies to three viruses - all indicators are close to one hundred percent. Long-term exposure – up to ten years or more. The vaccine is used simultaneously with DPT, DPT and polio, as well as the chickenpox vaccine. All of the above drugs are administered separately and to different places in the body. All other vaccinations are given 30 days apart. Before using MMR-II, it is necessary to test the vaccinated child or adult for sensitivity (allergy to neomycin and chicken eggs). The drug is not administered for primary and secondary immunodeficiency, acute forms of the disease or during an exacerbation of chronic pathology, as well as during gestation.
  3. Priorix is ​​produced in Belgium. In the Russian Federation, the drug is used everywhere. It is characterized by high quality (good cleaning) and minimal risk of negative side effects. Showed good results in children and adults. Contraindications - allergies to neomycin and eggs, contact dermatitis and other allergic manifestations, immunodeficiency, acute respiratory diseases, intestinal problems, with increased body temperature, during exacerbation of chronic diseases, for women - during pregnancy.
  1. The single-component drug (for rubella) "Ervevax" produced in Belgium is a live attenuated drug. The task is to form protection for fifteen days after the procedure. The period of influence is sixteen years. It is considered the best drug for children from one year of age, girls up to thirteen years of age, and adult women during the reproductive period. Ervevax is allowed to be administered together with DPT, DPT, polio, measles and mumps vaccines, but separately and with different syringes (for each injection - a different area of ​​the body). All other vaccinations are recommended only after a month or more. Vaccination is not permitted if you are allergic to neomycin, or for women during pregnancy. Females of childbearing age are recommended to be vaccinated only if protection from conception is guaranteed (pregnancy is allowed after three or more months). Contraindications also include immunodeficiency, taking endogenous immunostimulants (some time before vaccination), acute illnesses and exacerbation of any chronic disease.
  2. In France, the drug Rudivax is produced with a live attenuated vaccine against rubella. The protective effect develops within two weeks and lasts for the next twenty years. Contraindications to the use of the drug are the same as for the Ervevax vaccine.
  3. Three-component vaccines are produced in many countries. They are an immune protective complex against measles, rubella and mumps and have gained popularity all over the world due to their versatility. With the help of one injection, the issue of prevention as a whole is resolved. The disadvantage of vaccines is their high cost and unavailability in regular clinics.

Temporary contraindications to measles-rubella-mumps vaccinations:

  • acute phases of diseases to a characteristically stable state (for all);
  • gestation period (for adult women);
  • at least a month after the administration of one of the blood products (gamma globulin and others, for all groups of vaccinated people);
  • a period of up to 40 days after or before the introduction of the tuberculosis vaccine (not all doctors agree with this point, since studies have not proven a negative effect on the development of tuberculosis due to the use of three-component vaccines).

Unconditional contraindications:

  • allergic reaction to substances such as neomycin, kanamycin, gentamicin (antibiotics);
  • the body's rejection of egg whites;
  • other severe allergic manifestations, including angioedema;
  • neoplasms (tumors) of any nature and location;
  • a negative reaction to a previous vaccination and the presence of severe complications after it;
  • insufficient levels of platelets in the blood (detected during laboratory tests);
  • presence of HIV infection (not in all cases; sometimes such a vaccine, on the contrary, is prescribed to people with HIV);
  • weakening of immune defense after surgery or intensive care.

How to properly prepare for the measles-rubella-mumps vaccine?

If basic health parameters are normal, special preparation for the injection is not necessary.

There are a number of general requirements before vaccination to eliminate the risk of possible complications:

  • If there is a tendency to allergies, children are prescribed one or more antiallergic drugs. The course must be completed three to four days before vaccination.
  • In order to prevent exacerbation of a chronic disease and to prevent damage to the nervous system, the child is prescribed a special two-week preventive course of therapy (beginning on the day of vaccine administration).
  • Against the activation of certain pathological processes, for example, sinusitis or adenoiditis, frequently ill children are prescribed restorative treatment (several days before vaccination and for two weeks after it).
  • Eliminating contact of the vaccinated child with carriers of the infection for fourteen days after the introduction of the vaccine is a necessary condition for its success.
  • The child should be protected from long walks and travel in nature or on public transport for five days after vaccination.

Side effects of the measles-rubella-mumps vaccine

To clarify this issue, we first explain the principle of vaccinations. Artificially weakened but live viruses are specially injected into humans. It is undoubtedly easier for the body to fight them, and the fight itself leads to the development of stable immunity against “real” viruses.

Due to the “weakness” of the virus in the drug, the reaction to it is usually very late, which is why it is called delayed. The body usually reacts to the measles-rubella-mumps vaccine on the fifth to fifteenth day (as the peak of manifestation). The individual factor plays a role here.

List of possible side effects:

  • Pain and swelling at the injection site one or more days after the injection. There is no need to worry - the symptoms should disappear on their own.
  • Signs of fever. The percentage of children and adults who react violently to measles vaccination is small - approximately 10 - 12% of cases. Within a week, symptoms usually disappear completely. Do not be alarmed if the body temperature rises to 39 or even 40C, or if children experience seizures. This is a rare occurrence, but such a reaction, according to vaccination supporters, is not considered abnormal. There is also a question about this. It will be useful for parents to familiarize themselves with it. It is recommended to “bring down” too high a temperature with paracetamol, ibuprofen, nimesulide, suppositories, medicinal syrups, tablets, etc.
  • Attacks of minor coughing and slight sore throat, which disappear on their own after a few days.
  • The appearance of a rash (localization - the whole body or individual areas on it, including the face and neck, arms and buttocks, back and abdomen). The sizes of pink spots of different shades are microscopic. Treating the skin with medicinal ointments or powders does not make sense. This is just a temporary manifestation of the body’s reaction to the weakened viruses of the drug, which does not pose a danger to the vaccinated person and the people around him.
  • The live attenuated mumps virus in the preparation is a factor in the enlargement of ear lymph nodes.
  • Manifestations of allergies, especially in people with a reaction to bird eggs and neomycin.
  • Signs of a mild infection developing.
  • Pain in the joints - this symptomatology is more typical for older people. The duration of possible pain is from one day to one month.
  • Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura is an extremely rare pathology (blood clotting disorder). Symptoms include the appearance of bruises on the skin, changes in color, bleeding from the nose and red microscopic spots. The presence of additional infections is an increased risk factor for ITP after vaccination.

The picture shows the first symptoms of measles, which may resemble some of the side effects of the measles vaccine.


Official medicine refers to the above signs as the natural and active formation of immunity against specific types of infections. Each of these reactions is not considered a pathology, and, therefore, does not require special treatment. Leveling of symptoms over several days or weeks indicates the body’s correct response to weakened viruses.

What can be considered a complication?

Negative reactions after vaccination against measles, mumps and rubella are not an obligatory and characteristic phenomenon. Complications must be distinguished from the intense manifestation of symptoms of severe side effects, for example, a profuse painful rash throughout the body, extremely high body temperature, severe runny nose and cough.

  • anaphylactic shock or rarely - toxic shock from vaccine contamination with microorganisms:
  • hives;
  • myocarditis;
  • severe abdominal pain;
  • a significant increase in swelling at the injection site;
  • increased allergies;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • encephalitis, as a factor in the development of pathology of the nervous system against the background of weak immunity - occurs in one case per million vaccinations;
  • symptoms of aseptic serous meningitis;
  • severe pneumonia;
  • a small number of platelets in the blood compared to the generally accepted norm, which is shown by a laboratory test, but in itself does not manifest itself symptomatically.

Conclusions. There has been a lot of controversy about the possible connection between vaccines (in particular, the drug MMP), introduced into medical practice in the late eighties, and a form of autism, which forms inflammatory processes in the intestines and causes serious mental disorders.

Each of the opponents has his own point of view on this issue.

We are talking about a rather serious scientific split, significantly strengthened with the help of the world media. Many argue that the benefits of taking the vaccine outweigh the potential risks of side effects. It is argued that measles, mumps and rubella, being serious diseases, lead to complications and even disability, and sometimes to death.

In fact, we are witnessing a dispute between statistical probability, expressed in general dispassionate numbers, and the specific preference for vaccination, in which parents are already deliberately exposing the child to the risk of infection with weakened viruses. The list of possible consequences is above in the text.

Choose for yourself.


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Dear visitors of the Farmamir website. This article does not constitute medical advice and should not serve as a substitute for consultation with a physician.


Many parents are very wary of vaccinating young children. I am especially concerned about how the measles-rubella-mumps vaccine is tolerated. Anticipating possible severe reactions, mothers sometimes refuse to give their child a preventive injection. However, these diseases are much more dangerous than short-term ailments from the vaccine.

Temperature after measles-rubella-mumps vaccination

Doctors distinguish between two types of adverse reactions that may occur after administration of the vaccine. Local – pain in the injection area, mild inflammation, “bump”. General – fever, skin rash, runny nose, cough, red throat, enlarged lymph nodes, muscle and joint pain. Such consequences are sure signs of the formation of immune defense against a dangerous triad of diseases. A rise in temperature as a reaction to the measles-rubella-mumps (MMR) vaccine is observed in the first 10 days in approximately 15 out of 100 children.

Moreover, for some it rises only slightly, and this is considered normal. Others may experience fever up to 39-40 degrees. Such cases are rare and are a deviation from the norm. You should not wait for the thermometer to go off scale - as soon as the temperature reaches 38-38.5 degrees, you should immediately use an antipyretic medicine. Children are given Tsefekon suppositories. Paracetamol, Nimesulide, Ibuprofen are effective. A high fever sometimes occurs as a reaction to the measles vaccine. It needs to be reduced with drugs in the form of tablets or syrups.

Rash reaction after measles-rubella-mumps vaccination

Skin pathology that may occur after an injection is not a sign of a child’s infection, but the body’s immune response to the MMR vaccine as a whole or to individual components of the drug. The reaction to the rubella vaccine in children can manifest as a particularly violent rash. More often, small pinkish spots appear in certain areas of the face, neck, arms, back, and buttocks. However, they can literally litter the child’s entire body.

A rash after MMR vaccination occurs for one of three reasons: as an allergic reaction, as a result of rapid reproduction of vaccine viruses in the skin, or a temporary blood clotting disorder. The rashes do not pose any danger; they always disappear on their own, so there is no need to treat the skin with any ointments. This reaction of the body is considered normal. Moreover, a child, even with a very significant rash, is not a carrier of infection and is not contagious either to other children or to adults.

Respiratory effects of the measles-rubella-mumps vaccine

Sometimes a child develops immunity against these infections, accompanied by cold symptoms. Adverse reactions to the measles-rubella-mumps vaccine may include a runny nose, cough, muscle weakness, and swollen lymph nodes. The older the person vaccinated, the more likely he is to develop joint pain. Such symptoms are unpleasant, but do not pose a threat to health and do not require any treatment. You just need to be patient - all these ailments will go away on their own.

Complications of vaccination

Side effects from vaccination can be severe. However, one should not confuse such temporary painful manifestations and complications after the measles-rubella-mumps vaccination, which, although rare, do occur. This:

  • allergic reactions of varying intensity - from urticaria to anaphylactic shock;
  • pneumonia;
  • reactive arthritis;
  • encephalitis;
  • meningitis;
  • myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle);
  • glomerulonephritis.

Complications from vaccinations against CCP in the form of violent allergies can be caused by the antibiotics they contain or the protein of chicken (or quail) eggs, on the basis of which many vaccines are made. Pneumonia sometimes develops in children with chronic inflammatory processes in the respiratory system, since the body's defenses are concentrated on building immunity against CCP.

Encephalitis or meningitis can only affect a very weak child, but this complication occurs in one in a million vaccinated people. The likelihood of developing reactive arthritis is also extremely low. To do this, there must be a predisposition to this pathology, which occurs if the child has had rheumatism. The age of the recipient also matters: the later the vaccine is administered, the greater the likelihood of complications in the form of arthritis.

When deciding the issue of measles-rubella-mumps vaccination, many people prefer the Belgian drug Priorix. This vaccine is characterized by a very high degree of purity, effectiveness and minimal side effects. Priorix is ​​well tolerated, has been used in world medical practice for many years, has no complaints and is widely used for vaccinations against CCP in adults and children.

Video: complications from vaccinations

May manifest as cough, rash and fever. Usually this does not lead to serious disorders and goes away on its own within a couple of days. In cases where the body encounters an infection after vaccination, the reaction becomes a post-vaccination complication.


Indications and contraindications

Vaccination is indicated for all children aged 1 year who are healthy at the time of vaccination. Later revaccination is carried out at 6 years. Contraindications are serious health problems.

A child cannot be vaccinated if he/she has:

  • anemia;
  • cancer;
  • congenital and acquired immunodeficiency conditions;
  • acute picture of tuberculosis;
  • decrease in blood platelets;
  • extensive allergy to previous vaccination.

Vaccination can be postponed if an acute illness occurs at the time of the planned vaccination. When the child recovers, he is vaccinated.

In addition, postponing vaccination is necessary in the following cases:

  • high temperature on the eve of vaccination;
  • hormone therapy, which requires subsequent waiting for several weeks;
  • blood transfusion or receiving immunoglobulin, requiring a delay of vaccination for two weeks.

A doctor's supervision to decide on vaccination is required for children with the following underlying diseases:

  • atopic dermatitis;
  • food allergies;
  • rheumatism;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • congenital defects;
  • diseases of the nervous system with persistent symptoms.

Such conditions, under the supervision of a doctor, allow vaccination. It is desirable that the child is in remission. In this case, prior to vaccination, additional consultations are carried out with specialized specialists.

How to prepare for vaccination?

Pre-vaccination actions depend on the individual characteristics of the child’s body. The evening before and on the morning of the vaccination day, you must take your temperature.

It is advisable to conduct a preliminary examination by passing general blood and urine tests. A visit to your local pediatrician is mandatory. 2-3 days before vaccination, sensitive or allergy-prone children are recommended to take antihistamines in age-appropriate dosages.

Breastfeeding women should refrain from introducing new foods into their diet 7 days before and 7 days after vaccination. There should also be no new dishes in baby food for this period. When preparing a child for vaccination, parents should try to protect him from unnecessary contacts in order to avoid the risk of infection.

Reaction to vaccination

The consequences may appear 2-5 days after vaccination against measles, rubella, mumps. The response to a vaccine is usually individual and depends on the level of immunity. The age of the child does not matter.

Normal reaction

In most cases, the vaccination is tolerated satisfactorily, however, local or general reactions are possible. Local post-vaccination manifestations include: redness, thickening or swelling. These signs occur in one percent of children. Redness and swelling go away within a few days, but the induration can remain for up to two months.

There may be general malaise and the appearance of symptoms of intoxication such as:

  • headache; headache;
  • dizziness;
  • weakness;
  • moodiness;
  • nervousness;
  • decreased appetite.

Possible complications

Based on the frequency of occurrence, unpleasant post-vaccination phenomena can be divided into groups. The most common respiratory manifestations are from the upper respiratory tract and rash. The latter can appear from 5 to 13 days after vaccination. Then she disappears without a trace. The rash has a characteristic appearance like rubella. An example is shown in the photo.

Rubella rash Rash due to a reaction to a vaccine

Signs that sometimes appear:

  • allergic reaction (urticaria);
  • convulsions;
  • otitis;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • diarrhea;
  • loose stools;
  • lymphadenopathy;
  • bronchitis;
  • mild mumps.

May occur during mass vaccination:

  • neuritis;
  • encephalitis;
  • arthralgia;
  • arthritis;
  • thrombocytopenic purpura.

Individual reactions:

  • abdominal pain;
  • nausea;
  • vomit.

According to the Russian Union of Pediatricians, vaccination complications may include:

  • encephalomyelitis;
  • encephalopathy;
  • thrombocytopenia;
  • anaphylactic shock.

The theoretical frequency of the listed post-vaccination complications is extremely low and differs by a factor of thousands of times compared to the frequency of complications from infectious diseases themselves.

The famous pediatrician Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky discussed post-vaccination reactions and complications in his program.

How to help a child after vaccination?

If a reaction appears in the form of a rash, it is necessary to organize observation; there is no need to treat its manifestations. The rash usually does not cause much discomfort to the baby, so special ointments are not prescribed. If a child begins to cough after vaccination, it is necessary to provide him with a sufficient amount of fluid and ventilate the room.

The basic rules of conduct after vaccination are to avoid hypothermia and overheating, and not to walk in public places or areas where children are crowded. Clean air, sufficient fluid volume, especially if the child began to cough after vaccination, as well as adapted nutrition will be beneficial. The level of play activity depends on the child’s well-being. It is advisable to start bathing your baby within 24 hours, although a quick shower is possible directly on the day of vaccination.

What to do if side effects occur?

If you observe questionable post-vaccination reactions on the part of the child’s body, parents should inform the local nurse or contact a pediatrician. Only a doctor can decide how to help a child.

In what cases should you consult a doctor?

If you see that the child is getting worse, a high and unbreakable temperature has risen, then be sure to call a doctor. Treatment is carried out only in a hospital setting.

Disease after vaccination

If a child gets sick after vaccination, then take into account the fact that he could have caught the infection in a public place, and the vaccination aggravated the effect of an existing disease.

As for rubella itself, it is worth noting that vaccination does not protect a child from the disease 100%. To a greater extent, this depends on the individual characteristics of children's immunity. When encountering a live strain, a weakened child’s body may not produce enough antibodies and become ill. However, the course of the disease will be much milder than in an unvaccinated person.


Health-saving channel POLISMED. COM presented a recording of a video interview with a pediatrician of the highest category T. M. Mikhailova, which lists reactions to the rubella vaccine in children.

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