Vitamins for weakness and drowsiness. What vitamin complexes will help a woman overcome fatigue and weakness? Sources of active ingredients and vitamins

Drowsiness, lethargy, and fatigue interfere with work, study, and prevent you from enjoying life. They may be signs serious violations in the body, so you definitely need to get tested. In the absence pathological abnormalities You can increase your vitality with vitamin complexes. Even with adequate nutrition, a person does not always receive enough useful substances that can combat fatigue. Vitamins for fatigue and drowsiness will help increase performance, endurance, and lift your spirits. Elderly people, systematically sleep-deprived students and workaholics need to regularly take poly vitamin complexes during the winter-spring period.

Fatigue and apathy are caused by a deficiency of several vitamins, therefore it is necessary to take complexes containing them. When choosing a drug, you need to pay attention to the composition. Important role in maintaining good mood and high performance are occupied by:

  • Vitamins of group B. With a deficiency, drowsiness, insomnia, apathy, constant fatigue are observed, and metabolism is disrupted. Thiamine B1 is called the vitality vitamin, biotin (B7) is needed for the synthesis of hemoglobin and glucose, which supplies energy nerve cells and the brain.
  • Vitamin C. Lack of ascorbic acid leads to rapid fatigue and decreased immunity. Ascorbic acid promotes the release of norepinephrine, which increases tone and improves mood.
  • Vitamin D. Deficiency is felt in winter period, a prolonged feeling of fatigue appears, the heart beats faster, and sleep becomes restless. Independent production of the substance decreases with age. If you compensate for the lack of vitamin D, you will become stronger bone tissue and immunity, despondency and lethargy will pass.

To maintain efficiency and metabolism, iron, calcium, zinc, magnesium, and potassium are needed. A lack of minerals is manifested by drowsiness, loss of strength, and irritability. In mineral and vitamin complexes, the compatibility of the components is taken into account to ensure maximum effect.

Review of energizing products

There are many vitamin preparations in pharmacies and online stores that reduce the symptoms of fatigue. When choosing, read the label on the package and consider your lifestyle. Some medications, when interacting with the components of vitamin complexes, give an enhanced or weakened effect. The therapist will tell you what vitamins to take so as not to harm your health. Multivitamins should not be taken continuously. There are breaks between courses. With constant use, the body stops absorbing vitamins and minerals from food products. Choose your medications famous manufacturers using natural ingredients.

Alphabet Energy

The vitamin complex is recommended for people who work physically and mentally hard. Each tablet has a specific effect on the body. The morning dose contains thiamine, eleutherococcus extract, schisandra seeds, folic acid. Substances relieve drowsiness, stimulate mental activity. The daily dose helps maintain performance under high loads, improves energy metabolism. The evening tablet helps restore strength after work and strengthens the immune system. The drug is contraindicated for insomnia, pregnancy, nervous excitability, hypertension.


The drug contains vitamins B, D, tocopherol, ascorbic acid and eight minerals involved in metabolic processes. Duovit is indicated during pregnancy and lactation, high physical activity, poor nutrition, seasonal deficiency of fruits and vegetables, postoperative recovery. The vitamin and mineral complex is suitable for people working under stress and increased fatigue, athletes, will help young mothers cope with fatigue.


Balanced multivitamin complex for normalization the most important processes contains 13 vitamins and 9 minerals in the body. Due to complex impact resistance to stress, endurance increases, fatigue decreases. Experts recommend taking Selmevit to maintain efficiency and vigor, increase activity, and strengthen immunity. After using the drug, the body becomes resistant to unfavorable conditions environment.


The remedy for lethargy and drowsiness contains salbutiamine (synthetic vitamin derivative B1). Enerion is effective for vitamin deficiencies, asthenic conditions, mental and physical fatigue. The drug works quite quickly. After a week of taking it, heaviness in the body disappears, appetite and mood improve. Enerion improves attention and increases the resistance of brain tissue to oxygen deficiency. The product helps to recover from severe infectious and viral diseases.


The dietary supplement contains zinc, selenium, iron, hop extract, and ginseng. Natural components protect against stress, increase vitality, and prevent exhaustion of the nervous system. Revien activates thought processes, reduces psycho emotional stress. After taking it, physical activity and mood improve, irritability is suppressed, apathy and anxiety disappear. Dietary supplement is recommended for chronic fatigue, constant drowsiness, physical and mental stress.

Vitrum Energy

A mixture of vitamins, minerals, ginseng extract improves the functioning of the nervous and endocrine system, increases the body's energy resources. Each substance enhances and complements the action of the other. Vitrum Energy is used for the prevention and treatment of chronic fatigue, sexual dysfunction, stress, drowsiness, and decreased performance. The product helps cope with serious condition field of illness, surgical intervention, increases resistance to colds.

Vitrum Centuri

One tablet contains 12 vitamins and 12 microelements that eliminate the causes of drowsiness and ensure the improvement of the cardiovascular system. The effect of a multivitamin complex will be appreciated by people who complain of apathy and loss of strength. Vitrum Centuri has a positive effect on the functioning of all body systems, relieves the effects of stress and chronic fatigue, prevents development oncological diseases. The drug is recommended for older people to boost immunity, prevent the development of atherosclerosis and vitamin deficiency.


The complex contains B vitamins, alpha-tocopherol, nicotinamide. Multivitamins help restore strength after mental and physical activity, increase activity, relieve drowsiness and fatigue. They are used to improve well-being and replenish vitamin deficiencies in winter. Helps quickly recover after intense sports. Macrovit can be taken during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Doppel Hertz Energotonic

The composition of the elixir with an aromatic odor and pleasant taste includes vitamins, minerals, essential oils, plant tinctures. More than 30 components strengthen, energize the body, and promote concentration. The elixir is prescribed for anemic conditions, decreased performance, combination treatment diseases of the cardiovascular system. The components of the tincture improve the activity of the central nervous system and overall well-being.


The dietary supplement in the form of tablets contains vitamins, amino acids, and vitamins necessary for vigor. minerals, ginseng extract. Dynamisan has a complex effect: reduces the risk of developing depression, stimulates energy production in tissues, supports immune system, helps improve memory and performance. Biologically active additive effective for improving general condition in old age, during the rehabilitation period after surgical treatment, with weakened sexual function.


A multivitamin complex is taken during a period of weakening of the body, when one feels tired and drowsy. After a course of treatment, energy balance is restored and metabolic processes. Supradin increases endurance, the functioning of the nervous system and hematopoietic organs, and stabilizes blood pressure. The components included in the composition contribute to the formation of energy reserves, improvement of attention and learning indicators. The product is useful for people leading an active lifestyle.

Multi-tabs active

The vitamin complex is effective for high fatigue, asthenic syndrome, low ability to work, constant psycho-emotional stress. Multi-Tabs Active supports sexual activity, helps cope with high physical and intellectual stress, recover from illness, long-term sports training. Vitamin K included in the complex helps strengthen vascular walls, prevention of osteoporosis.


A general tonic based on dried royal jelly of bees, consisting of vitamins, minerals, hormones, enzymes, carbohydrates. Apilak increases resistance to stress, helps preserve memory, and harmonizes blood pressure. The product accelerates recovery from viral diseases, stimulates metabolism and hematopoiesis. Royal jelly useful for increased fatigue and drowsiness, loss of appetite, chronic fatigue syndrome, hypotension. In old age, Apilak helps improve appetite, well-being, and blood supply to the brain.


The multivitamin complex stabilizes the functioning of the nervous system and can be used against physical and emotional fatigue and drowsiness. The extract of ginkgo biloba leaves included in the composition rejuvenates cells, normalizes the condition of brain vessels, increases concentration, and improves mood. Complivit helps to resist infectious and viral diseases, stressful situations, high loads, helps improve vision.

Specialist warning! It is advisable that multivitamin complexes be selected by a doctor. Some of them have contraindications. At making the right choice The vitamins will help eliminate the causes of drowsiness, lack of energy, and improve health.

List of used literature:

  • Levin Ya. I., Kovrov G. V. Some modern approaches to the treatment of insomnia // Attending physician. - 2003. - No. 4.
  • Kotova O. V., Ryabokon I. V. Modern aspects therapy for insomnia // Attending physician. - 2013. - No. 5.
  • T. I. Ivanova, Z. A. Kirillova, L. Ya. Rabichev. Insomnia (treatment and prevention). - M.: Medgiz, 1960.

Increased drowsiness or fatigue may indicate a lack of vitamins in the body. Eat foods containing B vitamins. You can buy vitamin complexes, but after consulting a doctor.

Vitamins for fatigue and drowsiness help a person cope with this condition and feel a surge of strength and energy. Poor mood, constant stress, increased drowsiness most often observed in people in autumn and winter. But it may also indicate the presence of a serious illness. Contact your doctor, and after the examination, he will be able to prescribe you the necessary medications.

Vitamins for men and women against fatigue

If you often experience symptoms of fatigue and weakness, pay great attention to B vitamins. With a lack of these vitamins, the body gets tired faster, which contributes to stress and nervousness:

  • Thiamine or vitamin B1. This element provides the body with energy.
  • Riboflavin or B2. Promotes hemoglobin production and plays important role in metabolic processes.
  • Vitamins B3, B5, B7. Extracts necessary energy from food.
  • Pyridoxine or B6. Increases the functioning of the immune system, monitors carbohydrate metabolism.
  • Cobalamin or vitamin B12. Brings the nervous system into normal condition, monitors energy exchange.

You can find vitamins that help with loss of strength and fatigue in many natural products. Eat more fresh vegetables, cereals, fish and meat, dairy products.

If you take vitamins in the form of tablets or capsules, you should not consume them more than normal. An excessive dosage of strength and energy will not add to you and will not eliminate the existing problem.

Vitamins for chronic fatigue

Sometimes fatigue and drowsiness become chronic. In this case, it is difficult to get by with B vitamins alone. Be sure to add to your diet foods containing selenium, zinc, iron, magnesium, vitamins A, C and E. These vitamins will act in combination against stress and chronic fatigue. If you take vitamin complexes and proper nutrition If it does not benefit you, be sure to consult a doctor. He will be able to prescribe medications that have a more significant effect. If you know the symptoms of fatigue and drowsiness, then at the first manifestations of them, increase the foods in your diet with the listed vitamins.

The modern pace of life leaves a certain imprint on human health: a feeling of fatigue, irritability, and sleep disturbances appear. In this case, special measures should be taken vitamins for fatigue that will allow you to save excellent health, vitality. Such complexes contain natural energy sources, which provide an influx of strength, increase performance, and help get rid of weakness, drowsiness.

Taking them on a regular basis significantly reduces the risk of fatigue and chronic fatigue syndrome. In this article, we will look at which vitamins are better to choose and why they are beneficial.

What vitamins help with fatigue?

Most useful for protecting against fatigue and relieving nervous tension the following substances:

  • Vitamin C
  • B vitamins: B1, B6, B12
  • Magnesium
  • Selenium
  • L-carnitine

Vitamin C Known for its benefits to the immune system. Others him important functions: normalization of metabolism, support of redox processes, functioning of the cardiovascular system. With its deficiency, there is a decrease in the body's defenses, the appearance of drowsiness, weakness, irritability, deterioration in the quality of skin, hair, nails. This substance it needs to happen well carbohydrate metabolism and a sufficient amount of energy was generated.

B vitamins provide all metabolic processes, including energy production, processing of fats, proteins, carbohydrates. They are important for the functioning of the nervous system and stable transmission of impulses. It is no coincidence that when severe stress are the first to split B vitamins. They are prescribed for chronic fatigue syndrome, as these substances can increase vitality. For example, B1 necessary to convert glucose into energy. B2, B3, B5, B7 ensure good metabolism and the release of nutrients from food. B6, B12 play an important role in the functioning of the nervous system, helping to avoid excessive nervous tension.

Magnesium- an important mineral for our body. It is beneficial for the nervous system, regulates transmission nerve impulses, protects against stress. It is often called the "element of tranquility" for the benefits it provides in prevention nervous breakdowns. It is necessary for the heart, as it regulates rhythm and contractions.

Zinc- a microelement that supports the functioning of almost all body systems. It promotes protein synthesis, participates in metabolism, and is necessary for the immune system. Zinc improves brain function, increases concentration. With a deficiency of this mineral, memory impairment and mental fatigue may occur. Therefore, it is important that it enters the body regularly.

Seleniumimportant participant metabolism in the body, obtaining energy. It provides wellness, cheerfulness. Combines well with vitamin C and strengthens the immune system. Essential as an antioxidant to combat free radicals. Improves the functioning of the reproductive system in men and women, has a beneficial effect on reproductive function.

Chromium- a microelement that is not synthesized in the body and must be supplied with food. The problem is that food contains it in microscopic doses. The benefits of chromium for the body are very significant: it is necessary for maintaining normal level blood sugar, processing glucose into energy, digestion of fats and carbohydrates. Chromium plays an important role in work thyroid gland, and a way to even “replace” iodine if a person is deficient in this mineral. Thanks to chromium intake, efficiency, vigor and overall well-being increase. Without this mineral, the synthesis of nucleic acids is impossible.

L-carnitine is a vitamin-like compound often used by professional athletes. This substance activates the production of energy in the body, allowing for a rush of energy. vitality and increase tone. It is often used in the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome, since few substances can match it in the ability to saturate cells with energy. In addition, L-carnitine is extremely useful for male infertility, helps to increase the chances of conception.

Complexes with vitamins for energy and tone

We get vitamins and minerals in very small quantities from food. This is why it is so important to add special complexes to your diet that contain the necessary substances in sufficient quantities.


A special drug from Vision to increase vigor and tone. Contains several medicinal plants, as well as minerals that help improve energy status.

Compound: vitamin C, chromium, cola, guarana, spirulina, Eleutherococcus senticosus, caffeine, eleutherosides.

Each plant in the complex is a strong natural energy booster and provides a surge of vitality. Taking the drug significantly increases performance and reduces fatigue.

Main properties of Chromevital+ Vision:

  1. Has a tonic effect.
  2. Stimulates energy production in the body.
  3. Increases mental and physical performance.
  4. Helps get rid of increased fatigue.
  5. Normalizes blood sugar levels thanks to chromium.
  6. Renders restorative effect, increases immunity and body resistance.

Lamin Vision

A drug for men that helps overcome signs of fatigue and provides a boost of energy for the whole day. This complex contains L-carnitine, thanks to which literally every cell of the body is charged with energy.

Compound: vitamin C, l-carnitine, Eleutherococcus senticosus, Paraguayan tea, pollen.


Preparation Revieneffective protection nervous system from stress, strength for every day. The complex contains medicinal herbs that help reduce nervous tension, protect against feelings of apathy and depressed mood.

Compound: yeast with selenium, zinc gluconate, iron gluconate, common hops, black thyme, ginseng.

Thanks to a unique combination of minerals (zinc, selenium and iron), as well as rare medicinal herbs, the complex promotes effective fight against chronic fatigue syndrome, which is often caused not so much by fatigue as by disruption of the nervous system.

Main properties of the drug Revien:

  • Protects against stress, apathy, irritability.
  • Reduces negative impact nervous tension on the body.
  • Effectively protects against chronic fatigue.
  • Normalizes energy metabolism and the production of necessary energy for every day.
  • Has a tonic and invigorating effect.
In conclusion

Many people live in a stressful rhythm. They do a lot of work every day and experience stress. Many people feel tired. This leads to apathy, drowsiness, and irritability. Not only does it suffer nervous system, but also the entire body. All this can easily develop into serious illnesschronic fatigue syndrome. This problem will require treatment. Prevent its occurrence and improve it general condition the body will be helped vitamins for fatigue.

Chronic fatigue syndrome is common condition modern man. Dynamic life sometimes squeezes all the juice out of people. And sometimes, in order to overcome the state of loss of strength, you need to hold out until the night, sometimes until the weekend, in other cases this is not enough, only a long vacation can save you. But it happens that all this does not help or it is far from the long-awaited vacation, and the body needs urgent additional help. Several basic questions arise: why does fatigue occur, how to deal with it, and are there pills for fatigue? Due to the frequency and scope of the problem, these topics require more detailed explanation. Females are more likely to suffer from constant fatigue (statistically, four times more often than males). The reasons for this condition are very diverse.

Bad habits, poor diet as causes of overwork

Our lifestyle largely determines our health and activity. People who lead a sedentary lifestyle are more prone to overwork, physical laziness and mental apathy. The same applies to those who abuse nicotine, alcohol, and overeating. Such people constantly complain about loss of strength.

How could it be otherwise if the body spends most of its energy restoring activity after alcohol intoxication. The cardiovascular system, which must supply oxygen through the blood to all cells and tissues, is forced to work many times more intensely, since the body is regularly poisoned by nicotine. And if you add to this overweight or eating junk food, how can a small heart cope with such a significant load?

What are the remedies for laziness and fatigue? The main thing here is to recognize the wrong lifestyle and eliminate the symptoms before they cause more serious, irreversible processes in the body. Bad habits need to be minimized, or better yet eliminated, by playing sports, losing excess weight and, of course, eating right. It’s not difficult to do this, the main thing is to awaken your willpower.

It wouldn't hurt to have a drink vitamin preparations, containing vitamins B12, B5, D3, Omega-3 acids, as well as magnesium and zinc minerals. Your body’s gratitude will not take long to arrive; the reward will be excellent health.

External factors that provoke constant fatigue and exhaustion

External factors that can provoke exhaustion of the body include:

  • sudden change in weather;
  • polluted environment megacities;
  • magnetic storms;
  • change of climate zone.

Only an absolute minority of people (not childhood) boasts a lack of response to changes in weather, climatic conditions, oxygen starvation. Even in the recent past, talk of influence magnetic storms on people’s well-being were considered almost quackery, but now it is a scientifically proven fact. Processes occurring in space and affecting the earth's magnetic field have negative action on the health status of its population. This is especially felt by older people, experiencing fatigue and weakness.

What is the remedy for fatigue? During such periods, walking on a walk will help better than any medicine for fatigue. fresh air, even if you have to do it through force, or even better, accustom yourself to hardening. Sometimes aromatic coffee or green tea. However, the first one should be drunk in small quantities in the absence of a persistent increase in indicators blood pressure. The second, if there is sufficient caffeine content to feel invigorated, additionally has antioxidant properties.

If you feel low, you can take a pill for depression and fatigue. Grandaxin is popular among women because it is a medicine that relieves fatigue and relieves autonomic disorders.

Diseases that cause loss of strength and groups of drugs for fatigue

Depression, constant fatigue, apathy, dizziness are common symptoms of many diseases. This is our body’s reaction to negative interference in its work. external factors, viruses, bacteria, infections, etc. A person will look for cures for sleep and fatigue for the following diseases:

  • cardiovascular system;
  • thyroid gland;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • depression;
  • vitamin deficiency, etc.

Each of the ailments has its own comprehensive treatment regimen. Since it is necessary to treat, first of all, the original source of the disease, and at the same time select medications for fatigue and weakness. Modern medicine offers wide range medical supplies of a similar direction.

In people suffering constant fatigue, the right question arises, what to drink when you lose strength and weakness? All existing medications for fatigue can be divided into several groups:

  • sedatives - you need to drink to solve problems with sleep interruptions;
  • antidepressants - recommended for suicidal feelings and depressive states;
  • stimulants - drugs that should be used for disorders of the central nervous system;
  • sedatives - help during depression, apathy;
  • multivitamins - complex tablets, including necessary for the body minerals and trace elements;
  • painkillers - worth taking during an exacerbation pain and spasms against the background of the underlying pathological process.

The doctor may prescribe treatment with one group of medications or several at once, depending on the nature of the symptoms.

List of tablets for body fatigue

When good sleep, rest or a long-awaited vacation does not provide sufficient healing from loss of strength, or there is simply no time or opportunity for aimless relaxation, the person begins to look for alternative methods Treatments are medicinal. What pills exist for overwork and fatigue? Such pharmaceutical products include:

  • Grandaxin - effective remedy, which is used when nervous disorders and neuroses. Able to suppress emotional stress and worries, in return providing calm. It helps women prone to severe mood swings associated with premenstrual syndrome.
  • Glycine is a harmless tablet against laziness and fatigue, suppressing irritability and aggression. Among the positive effects, the amino acid glycine improves the body's reactions and memory without having a hypnotic effect.
  • Tenoten - has an antidepressant effect, relieves anxiety and asthenia. These are effective tablets for fatigue and tiredness, which strengthen the nervous system, stimulate concentration, increase memory and the body’s resistance to negative processes.
  • Supradin is a strong vitamin and mineral complex that provides positive action on the condition of cells, blood vessels, tissues, organs, stimulating mental and physical activity, as well as all metabolic processes of the body.

There are many different brands and manufacturers of vitamin and mineral complexes, as well as stimulants, antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications. But not all medications can have the necessary effect on the body, and sometimes it may happen that they will not affect you at all. in the best possible way. Therefore, upon receiving a qualified medical care, your attending physician individually selects the various anti-fatigue medications that increase tone that you need.

Important! It is very important to see a doctor, because only medical institution are able to prescribe qualified therapy. Self-medication is strictly prohibited to avoid adverse consequences and deterioration

Other Fatigue Treatments

Before buying pills to treat your illness, you can try home remedies for fatigue. First of all, it is tea or coffee. The latter should not be abused. These are energy drinks containing activating components such as caffeine and theophylline. But the intake of these substances into the human body in excessive quantities has a detrimental effect on health, in particular on cardiovascular system And brain activity Moreover, it leads to drug addiction.

IN different parts globe were found various plants with coffee and tea properties. Such herbal helpers that bring vigor include guarana, holly, cola, and ephedra. The alkaloid ephedrine, derived from the latter plant, is not only a known effective vasoconstrictor, but also medicinal product, which awakens brain activity and has a long-lasting invigorating effect.

Also quite useful are those with minimal or no set of side effects herbal components that help invigorate and increase performance, as well as tone the functions of the central nervous system. These are echinacea, lemongrass, ginseng root, rose hips, and Rhodiola rosea. And propolis can be an effective assistant for increasing vigor in the presence of drowsiness.

Amphetamines and analogues of this group are pharmaceuticals, which, when the body is tired, manifests itself strong effect, stimulating it as much as possible, activating reserve energy. But these medications are prohibited due to the fact that:

  • amphetamine withdrawal leads to an even worsening of the loss of strength;
  • causes severe drug addiction;
  • has a strong negative impact on the functioning of the heart muscle, leading to disruptions in blood pressure.

Be attentive to your body, do not forget that drug treatment chronic fatigue gives a temporary, supporting effect. First of all, you need to pay attention to your lifestyle - provide your body with adequate sleep, minimize bad habits, spend more time in the fresh air, eat healthy food and, of course, play sports. Only in such a complex will anti-fatigue tablets provide the long-lasting therapeutic effect your body needs.

If in lately do you feel extreme fatigue and you literally “fall asleep on the go,” while your usual regimen and loads remain unchanged, then the cause of your condition may be vitamin deficiency. This interferes with normal work and is often the cause of developing depression. That is why this condition cannot be ignored. Today we will find out which vitamins are best to take when tired and drowsy.

Vitamins for fatigue and drowsiness

The human body always has an urgent need for vitamins, so, first of all, you should make sure that they are in sufficient quantity came with food. That is why you need to carefully monitor your diet and make sure that everything is present in it. necessary products. Below we will find out which vitamins can cause fatigue and drowsiness, and also learn how to replenish them.

B vitamins

If your body is deficient in B vitamins, you may experience the following sensations.

  1. If you suffer from a vitamin B1 deficiency, you will experience weak muscles, shortness of breath even if you do not go for long walks or climb stairs, and your heart rate will increase.
  2. In the event that your body lacks folic acid, then you will not have enough strength to even do basic work, and insomnia will also appear. In addition, your digestive and nervous system will suffer.
  3. With a lack of vitamin B12, a person experiences fatigue even after good rest. There is a feeling that strength is leaving the body and because of this you constantly want to sleep.

Please note that the lack of the proper amount of B vitamins is especially dangerous during the period of bearing a baby. This not only negatively affects the well-being of the mother, but also the child. The fact is that for this reason the baby’s nervous system may not be formed correctly and this will entail the most negative consequences.

To prevent a deficiency of B vitamins, you need to include foods such as liver, eggs, legumes and dairy and fermented milk products in your diet.

Vitamin C

A deficiency of vitamin C or, as it is also called, ascorbic acid leads not only to fatigue and drowsiness, but also to a weakened immune system. It is because of this that a person cannot work fully and often gets sick. This is especially undesirable during the period of bearing a baby, since the fetus may develop various pathologies, including the most serious ones. That is why during pregnancy it is worth increasing the consumption of foods containing ascorbic acid, but you do not need to consume too much of them, otherwise an allergy may develop. The recommended dose should be checked with your doctor.

If you are deficient in vitamin C, you should include rose hips, citrus fruits, kiwi, black currants, strawberries, wild strawberries and greens in your diet.

Vitamin D

A person experiences a lack of this vitamin in the autumn-winter period. The fact is that his body receives sun rays, which is why there is no shortage of it in late spring and summer. Vitamin D deficiency is especially dangerous for young children. The fact is that he participates in the formation and development skeletal system and its deficiency can lead to rickets. In addition, its absence in the body in the required amount negatively affects the state of the immune system and the person begins to get sick more often.

To prevent vitamin D deficiency, you need to consume fish oil, fish of different varieties, red caviar, eggs, butter and hard cheeses.

Vitamins: solve the problems of chronic fatigue, drowsiness, lethargy and weakness by feeding the body from the inside with substances important for health

Review of vitamin complexes for fatigue and drowsiness

It is not always possible to provide the body with vitamins using food. This is especially true in the autumn-winter period, when local fruits and vegetables disappear. Then you can quickly make up for their deficiency using special means. Below we will find out which vitamins are best to take when tired and drowsy, or rather, which vitamin complexes. We will look at the most popular such tools.


This complex contains the entire necessary set of vitamins and minerals. That is why its regular use will have a positive effect on the nervous and immune systems. Thanks to this, you will get sick less often and stop feeling tired and drowsy.

Bion 3

In addition to the fact that this preparation contains all the vitamins and minerals necessary for the body, it also contains bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. That is why the use of this product will have a positive impact on gastrointestinal tract. It will also help strengthen the immune system and relieve fatigue and drowsiness.

Multi Male

This drug is intended for the stronger half of humanity. It will help men cope with fatigue, relieve drowsiness, and also enhance physical strength and activity.

Knowing which vitamins are best to take when drowsiness and fatigue, you can quickly normalize your condition, and at the same time improve appearance. We have reviewed the most popular such remedies, but before using them you should consult your doctor.