Neurosis asthenic syndrome treatment for teenagers. Causes, symptoms and treatment of asthenic neurosis

Neurasthenia is a pathological condition (mental illness) that develops against the background of prolonged stress or physical overload. The risk group mainly includes people aged 20-40 years. Asthenic neurosis manifests itself as nervous weakness caused by strong experiences, infectious diseases or other stresses on the body.

Who are neurasthenics?

Signs of neurasthenia are most often recorded in women and men over 20 years of age. Basically, the pathological condition develops in able-bodied people. The development of mental disorders in this group of patients is due to increased mental or physical activity.

There is also a reactive type of neurasthenia (asthenic neurosis). The appearance of this form of pathological condition is caused by severe stress or psychological trauma. In particular, the sudden death of a loved one can lead to asthenic neurosis. The reactive type of disorder is detected in both adults and children.

It is quite difficult to determine why a person becomes neurotic: the difference in mental disorders often lies in mild clinical symptoms.

Also, in order to diagnose pathological disorders, it is important to establish the causative factor and form of neurasthenia.

Forms of neurasthenia

Asthenic neurosis, depending on the stage of development, can take on the following forms:

  • hypersthenic;
  • irritable weakness;
  • hyposthenic.

The hypersthenic form develops at the initial stage. This type of neuro-asthenic syndrome is difficult to diagnose, as a result of which adequate treatment is not carried out. With hypersthenic neurasthenia, the following phenomena are observed:

  • emotional lability;
  • increased irritability;
  • excessive excitability.

With this form of neurasthenia, patients often lose their temper, regularly lash out at their own environment, and insult loved ones. Irritation is caused by common phenomena:

  • conversations;
  • various sounds;
  • large crowds of people and more.

Patients with this type of disorder experience decreased performance. This disorder is associated with absent-mindedness and lack of concentration. Patients with the initial form of the disorder cannot perform a certain activity for a long time. They need something to distract their attention. After this, the person experiences difficulty engaging in work activities.

At the same time, cerebral neurasthenia causes sleep disturbances, manifested in the form of:

  • problems falling asleep;
  • disturbing dreams;
  • frequent awakenings in the middle of the night.

The consequences of the described phenomena are:

The following violations may also occur:

  • problems with remembering information;
  • constant heaviness in the head;
  • feeling of discomfort in the body.

Irritable weakness develops if appropriate treatment of the first type of neurasthenia has not been carried out. Also, this form of the disorder occurs in people with a strong nervous system. At the second stage of development of the pathological condition, increased irritability is noted, which is quickly replaced by mental exhaustion. Often patients cry after active expression of emotions.

Mental disorders manifest themselves in various situations. People with this form of nervous disorder are not able to normally enter into a working rhythm: any activity causes difficulties, which is explained by the person’s inability to concentrate on anything specific. Constant nervous tension forces sick people to leave their activities, feeling their own powerlessness.

An important feature of this form of neurasthenia is that even a long rest does not change the situation for the better.

Patients, trying to correct the current circumstances, return to work many times during the day. However, these attempts can cause the patient to become completely exhausted.

The hyposthenic form of neurasthenia in anxious and suspicious people often develops immediately, bypassing the stages described above. This stage is characterized by the following features:

  • physical and mental weakness;
  • lethargy;
  • passive behavior;
  • lack of interests;
  • constantly in a bad mood.

Patients with hyposthenic neurasthenia experience persistent sadness. Patients are in a state of vague anxiety. Patients experience emotional instability and complete inability to perform work. People in this state are more focused on their own experiences and internal sensations.

In the absence of treatment, chronic neurasthenia occurs. It is also possible to develop depression. Adequate treatment can normalize sleep and eliminate attacks of neurasthenic syndrome.

Causes of nervous disorder

The causes of neurasthenia are of various types. Basically, the pathological condition develops against the background of prolonged physical or mental stress. The syndrome may also appear in people who have experienced severe stress.

Regardless of the form of neurasthenia, the reasons for the development of the pathological condition may be hidden in a malfunction of the body. Mental disorders of various types arise against the background of:

Neurasthenia is characterized by the relationship between a person’s personality and his lifestyle. More often, a mental disorder is detected in thin people who have not previously experienced intense physical or mental stress. Neurotic manifestations are often diagnosed in patients who have recently begun to live independently (separate from their parents).

Symptoms of neurasthenia

Symptoms of neurasthenia manifest themselves in the form of vegetative and mental disorders. A characteristic sign of a pathological disorder is constant pressure on the head (the so-called neurasthenic helmet). Neurosthenics in this state seem to be wearing some kind of helmet that interferes with normal life activities.

The following symptoms and signs of neurasthenic syndrome are also distinguished:

  • attacks of dizziness;
  • decreased performance;
  • increased fatigue;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • memory problems;
  • state of anxiety;
  • unreasonable fears;
  • decreased self-esteem.

These are general signs of neurasthenia, characteristic of all patients.

Mental disorders cause dysfunction of the cardiovascular system, which manifests itself in the following clinical symptoms:

  • attacks of tachycardia (rapid heart rate);
  • feeling of heartbeat;
  • chest pain;
  • blood pressure surges;
  • paleness or redness of the skin.

These symptoms occur unexpectedly and are usually associated with the patient’s anxiety. In addition, patients are unable to wait long or restrain themselves.

A common occurrence is the appearance of signs of neurasthenia in women. The nature of the clinical picture in this case does not differ from that described above. The presence of mental disorders in women may be indicated by:

In men, neurasthenia manifests itself mainly as symptoms of a functional disorder. Most often, it is in this category of patients that irritable weakness is recorded, which has a chronic course. The presence of a neurotic syndrome in a man is indicated by the following phenomena:

  • constant muscle pain;
  • inability to concentrate on anything for more than 5-10 minutes;
  • increased fatigue;
  • prolonged headaches;
  • inability to solve simple logical problems.

Neurasthenia occurs in the form of attacks or worries for several months or years. The likelihood of developing the second form of the pathological condition depends on the individual characteristics of the patient, the presence of concomitant diseases and other factors.

How is neurasthenia diagnosed?

Asthenic neurosis requires adequate treatment. Therefore, before selecting a treatment regimen, it is necessary to differentiate this disorder from other mental disorders.

Diagnosis of neurasthenia requires the participation of a neurologist.

The doctor assesses the patient's condition based on the patient's complaints. When making a diagnosis, it is important to exclude somatic pathologies, the initial stage of development of which causes the type of mental disorder in question:

  • infectious diseases of a chronic nature;
  • severe intoxication;
  • brain pathologies (tumor, tissue inflammation, neuroinfections).

To assess the patient's condition, a brain examination is performed using MRI or CT. Rheoencephalography is also necessary. This method allows you to determine the nature of cerebral circulation, thereby eliminating organic damage to the central nervous system.

Neurasthenia requires an integrated approach to diagnosis. Therefore, if necessary, doctors of other specializations are involved in examining the patient.

How to treat neurasthenia?

With asthenic neurosis, symptoms and treatment are determined depending on the form of mental disorder. Also, when selecting a treatment regimen, it is important to take into account the causative factor. Without analyzing the occurrence of the disease, it is impossible to achieve a positive result.

Which doctor treats neurasthenia is determined based on the diagnostic results. Psychiatrists and psychotherapists deal with this disorder. Treatment of neurasthenic syndrome should be started only if all diseases of which this disorder is a symptom have been excluded.

When treating a pathological condition, it is necessary to give preference not only to sedatives, but also to other methods.

Treatment must be supplemented with lifestyle correction.

To achieve full recovery, the patient must follow a clear daily routine, sleep at least 8 hours (fall asleep before 10 pm) and consume more vitamins. The patient should also (if possible) change the environment.

Drug treatment

Treatment of neurasthenia should be carried out taking into account the current form of the pathological condition. For the hypersthenic type of disorder, tranquilizers are prescribed to eliminate anxiety and fear. Drug treatment of neurasthenia with drugs from this group improves sleep and suppresses other symptoms.

The following medications are used in the treatment of hypersthenic form:

  • "Chlordiapoxide", "Diazepam" (have sedative properties);
  • "Oxazepam" (alleviates fears);
  • "Phenozepam", "Lorazepam" (eliminate anxiety);
  • "Nitrazepam" (increases sleep quality);
  • "Medazepam" (calms);
  • "Afobazole" (used to restore mental state).

In the hyposthenic form of asthenic syndrome, treatment can be supplemented with antipsychotics, which have a more powerful and calming effect on the nervous system:

  • "Sonapax";
  • "Haloperidol";
  • "Melleril";
  • "Triftazine"

Antidepressants are used to improve mood:

Antidepressants relieve the main symptoms of a mental disorder. However, long-term treatment with drugs of this group suppresses sexual desire. In addition, uncontrolled use of antidepressants negatively affects the general condition of the body.

During the treatment of asthenic neurosis, side effects may occur. Therefore, it is recommended to take some medications under the supervision of a doctor. This refers to psychostimulant medications that stimulate the nervous system.

In the treatment of neurasthenia in women, drugs aimed at restoring hormonal balance are often used. The disorder of the latter often provokes mental disorders.


If neurasthenia and its symptoms appear, treatment is recommended at the initial stage of development of the pathological condition. This will avoid a number of negative consequences and quickly restore the patient’s mental activity.

Asthenic neurosis requires complex treatment. In addition to medications, psychotherapeutic intervention is necessary to eliminate nervous disorders. The following methods are used in the treatment of nervous asthenia:

Psychotherapeutic intervention helps to completely eliminate the manifestations of asthenic syndrome, including dysfunction of the cardiovascular system.

Treatment with folk remedies at home

Treatment of neurasthenia involves taking measures aimed at restoring the functioning of the nervous system. This can be achieved by using traditional medicine. There are several ways to cure neurasthenia yourself. Herbal decoctions are considered the most effective.

In the treatment of neurasthenia at home, the following are used:

There are other ways to get rid of neurasthenia. Peppermint or lemon balm teas are used to treat mental disorders.

Forecast and prevention of neurasthenia

The success of treatment (neurasthenia) directly depends on the behavior and desire of the person. This disorder is dangerous because without adequate therapy, the causes that caused the psychological disorder continue to affect the patient. As a result, the neurasthenic syndrome intensifies.

In the absence of proper and complete treatment, this disorder suppresses the immune system, as a result of which the patient becomes susceptible to the development of bacterial or infectious pathologies.

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According to the All-Russian Labor Safety Week conference, more than 40% of Russians suffer from stress at work. European studies say 36%. And the International Labor Organization states that every 15 seconds, 1 person in the world dies from stress at work.

Asthenic neurosis is the most common disease caused by stress. The general characteristic of the disease is imbalance and exhaustion of the nervous system. Symptoms of asthenic neurosis include increased excitability and fatigue, sleep disturbances and headaches.

Occurs against a background of prolonged physical or mental stress. How long the disorder lasts depends on the form and stage. We will talk about this in the article.

What causes the disorder

High workload

Physical and emotional. A person’s involvement in different circles besides studying is good. But you need to know when to stop. Adults should also be able to refuse to work overtime. After all, with every extra hour of overexertion, asthenic neurosis can threaten.

Emotional turmoil

From this point of view, great joy is no better than great grief - both “shatter” the nervous system.

Duration of irritant

Misunderstanding in the team, tension, fear of error or punishment - all factors seem to fall on the person. Doctors also call hormonal disorders, somatic diseases, infections and intoxication as provocateurs. It is believed that the neurasthenic was initially genetically predisposed to the disease. The condition of the mother during pregnancy is also of great importance.

Forms of neurosis

In neurology, there are three forms of the syndrome. They are also stages of the disease.


This is where asthenic blues begins. A person in this stage is very irritable. He doesn't like everything, and everything makes him nervous. A person loses his attention span - he cannot concentrate, and absent-mindedness appears. With such neurosis, difficulties with sleep appear: waking up often in the middle of the night is the norm for a neurotic person. Gradually, a “neurotic helmet” forms – pain that “embraces” the head.

Irritable weakness

The next step is increased excitability and fatigue. Intolerance to irritating things increases significantly. Sleep becomes even worse, heartburn appears, and appetite disappears. A person may suffer from constipation.


The most difficult stage. If the disease is not treated, a pronounced pathological neurosis appears. The patient is greatly bothered by physical pain. He chronically does not get enough sleep and is extremely tired. Melancholy or anxiety becomes a faithful companion.

How can you diagnose

Diagnosis of the syndrome is carried out similarly in children and adults. Only the manifestations that the doctor pays attention to are different.

If symptoms of neurasthenia are detected, you should consult a neurologist.

He will prescribe treatment based on:

  1. Patient's complaint. Standard survey procedure.
  2. History. Means the study of medical history, living conditions and hereditary tendencies.
  3. Inspection. An attempt by the doctor to verify the correspondence of complaints to physical manifestations.
  4. Consultations with related specialists. Asthenic neurosis requires complex treatment, so consultation with medical colleagues is necessary.

During the examination, the neurologist may prescribe:

  • Computer tomography of the brain;
  • X-ray;
  • Electroencephalography;

Treatment methods

First, the provoking factor is determined, then it is eliminated. Two methods are used together:


    To relieve irritability - daytime tranquilizers, to suppress headaches - muscle relaxants, to activate the brain and general condition - nootropics and vitamins.


    Used to encourage the patient to rethink irritants. Psychoanalysis and psychotherapy are carried out. During the sessions, the specialist helps the patient resolve internal conflict.

In big cities, with their daily intense physical and mental stress, it is extremely difficult to maintain optimal mental balance. Therefore, it is the urbanized population that is most susceptible to the occurrence of symptoms of so-called chronic fatigue or neurasthenia - an alternative name for such a mental disorder as asthenic neurosis.

This disorder of mental functions occurs in people of both sexes, but men get it much more often. At the same time, its manifestations in women are more dramatic and massive.

Asthenic syndrome, which is characterized by fatigue and loss of strength, is not specific to neurasthenia and can form the basis of many other mental illnesses, starting with depression and ending with schizophrenia, therefore this syndrome in itself is not considered as an independent diagnostic sign, but for diagnosing neurasthenia it is necessary comparison with other patient complaints. Differential diagnosis requires extensive knowledge and experience from the specialist.

In a general sense, neurasthenia is a neurosis characterized by easily occurring irritability and fatigue, as well as decreased productivity in everyday work due to a drop in mental tone.

The reasons causing this condition may be:

  • acute or chronic traumatic situation;
  • intense mental work combined with physiological deprivation (for example, lack of sleep);
  • intrapersonal and interpersonal conflicts;
  • infectious diseases;
  • chronic intoxication (including alcoholism);
  • endocrine disorders;
  • malnutrition.

The neurasthenic process is heterogeneous and occurs in stages. The first manifestations of asthenic neurosis are moderate, they do not lead to significant maladaptation, and if adequate therapeutic measures are taken at this initial stage, aggravation of symptoms can be avoided at subsequent stages of the disease.

There are three main stages of asthenic neurosis:

  • hypersthenic form of neurasthenia;
  • irritable weakness;
  • hyposthenic form.

At the first, hypersthenic stage, unreasonable irritability and increased excitability arise. A person begins to react painfully to the most insignificant stimuli, for example, the sound of the TV or the sound of rain outside the window.

Those around them, surprised by such a person’s loss of self-control, easily fall under the hot hand. It becomes difficult for the patient to cope with professional responsibilities, however, not due to fatigue or exhaustion, but due to scattered attention and distraction from the task, inability to concentrate on it. A person has difficulty falling asleep, often wakes up, and does not feel the usual vigor in the morning. During this period, there are frequent complaints of weakness, fatigue, constant headache, loss of strength, various unpleasant sensations in the body and rapid heartbeat.

At the second stage, the stage of irritable weakness, much more pronounced exhaustion and fatigue are added to excitability and irritability. Reactions of irritation become violent and numerous, and the reasons for this become more insignificant. Cognitive impairments, in particular attention deficits, become obvious to the person himself.

Concentration drops critically, work falls out of hand. The patient still complains of somatic ill health - poor sleep, pain in various parts of the body. In some cases, depression may develop or libido may decrease, leading to impotence in men. If treatment of the disease is not undertaken at this stage, it progresses to the final hyposthenic form.

At the hyposthenic stage of neurasthenia, the manifestations of the disease reach their maximum. Patients experience increasing apathy, impotent weakness, explosive irritability, they are completely absorbed in their unpleasant sensations. Mobilization to carry out everyday tasks is unthinkable for them, since persistent fatigue makes them inactive and passive.

All this gives rise to intense hypochondriacal complaints, of which there is no shortage. The depressive mood background is visible to the naked eye. Anxiety may appear, and in some cases patients become tearful.

Seeking psychiatric help is necessary for such manifestations of asthenic neurosis, since a chronic course with periodic exacerbations can lead to the development of cyclothymia.

What are the common symptoms and signs of neurasthenia?

Regardless of the stage of the pathology, asthenic neurosis is characterized by:

  • asthenic-hypochondriacal and depressive-hypochondriacal complaints;
  • sleep disturbances with superficiality, difficulty falling asleep or frequent awakenings;
  • increased tendon reflexes, eyelid tremor and some other neurological signs;
  • increased sensitivity (hyperesthesia) of the skin;
  • sexual dysfunction in the form of decreased libido, erectile dysfunction, impotence, vaginismus, etc.;
  • patient-perceived cognitive decline.

Despite the abundance of complaints from patients with neurasthenia, their subjective painful perception of their illness as extremely severe, which is caused by a depressive background mood, it is extremely important to convey to them the understanding that asthenia of this type responds well to therapy and can pass without a trace, leaving no changes in the psyche and human personality.

Diagnosis of asthenic disorders

Being a mental illness of the neurotic spectrum, neurasthenia is diagnosed by a specialized specialist. In this case, the psychiatrist must, based on a face-to-face conversation with the patient and his medical history, distinguish the pathology from other related diseases that occur with asthenic syndrome. Such differential diagnosis will allow you to select an adequate therapeutic regimen.

Many people suffering from manifestations of neurasthenia have been trying for a long time to cope with it in other ways, but if the pathology has gone far and requires medical intervention, then such efforts will not bring results.

How is neurasthenia treated and what can you do yourself?

Treatment of asthenic neurosis is complex and involves the application of known efforts by the patient himself, since the first recommendation of therapy is to eliminate the causes that provoked the disease. It is in this matter that, in addition to drug support, you can do a lot yourself.

So, everyone can identify the cause of physical or mental fatigue, irritability and nervousness. If the patient is busy with an overwhelming job with constant rush jobs and hassle, it is worth simply changing it to a simpler and calmer one, which requires vacation and mandatory weekends for proper rest.

If a person falls ill due to constant conflicts and turmoil in the family, it is worth reviewing and adjusting the style of relationships between its members in order to create comfortable conditions at home that are conducive to recovery.

Mental exhaustion due to insufficient and malnutrition (for example, as a result of a special tendency to varied diets) can be well treated by establishing a balanced diet of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and microelements.

Acupuncture and similar alternative medicine methods also sometimes work if the patient believes that it will help him get better. You can resort to massage, therapy with pleasant aromas and music.

In each specific case, it is better to begin treatment of asthenic neurosis immediately; it is reversed, first of all, by changing the patient’s lifestyle with the elimination of all factors that provoke an exacerbation, be it intense intellectual stress or a morally suppressive boss.

In the case of an infectious nature of neurasthenia, it is worth starting with treatment of the underlying disease, and if the genesis is intoxication, it is necessary to exclude the effect of toxic substances on the body.

Regardless of the reasons for the origin of asthenic neurosis, sanatorium-resort treatment is indicated, in which balneotherapy will be an advantage.

Drug therapy and psychotherapeutic assistance

As for psychotherapy, designed to help a sick person eliminate the cause of his condition, it is effective both as individual conversations with a specialist and as group and family therapy.

A psychiatrist, based on the clinical picture of a particular patient, may prescribe:

  • benzodiazepine tranquilizers, which will have a sedative (calming) effect, including reducing excitability and anxiety;
  • small doses of antipsychotics (in extreme cases);
  • antidepressants (if depression develops as a result of the disease).

Of course, side effects may occur during psychotropic therapy, so choosing a suitable regimen may take some time. In severe cases, it is carried out in a hospital setting.

In addition to psychotropic drugs, it is advisable to take general strengthening vitamin and mineral complexes, and in case of apathy, activating herbal tinctures with psychoactive properties, for example, eleutherococcus or Chinese lemongrass.

Prognosis and prevention of the disorder

If all recommendations are followed, the prognosis for asthenic neurosis is positive and complete recovery is highly likely. When provoking chronic factors continue to influence the patient and cause further crises, the disorder can last for decades and significantly affect the quality of life, therefore, when its first symptoms appear, it is worth taking the necessary measures immediately.

The best prevention is social and psychohygienic measures - the creation of favorable living and working conditions, rational career guidance, avoidance of emotional overload and occupational hazards.