Neuralgia of the intercostal nerve treatment. Symptoms and treatment of pinched intercostal nerve

The most common disease among diseases nervous system- This is intercostal neuralgia. She is capable of inflicting the most severe and excruciating pain on her patient. This pathology is a consequence of compression or irritation of the intercostal nerves, which leads to pain in the sternum. Many people who have never encountered this disease may confuse attacks of neuralgia with various heart diseases. Today I will tell you about the symptoms, causes and treatment of this disease, because if it is not recognized in a timely manner and treated, the consequences will not be long in coming.

The causes of this disease are as usual inflammatory diseases and taking certain medications. Very often develops in the process age-related changes, against the background of diabetes mellitus, pathological conditions of the spine and ribs, as well as a lack of B vitamins. People of any age and gender are susceptible to this disease. Hypothermia of the body, constant stress and nervous strain can also lead to neuralgia, including intercostal neuralgia.

Main reasons:

  • Chronic and acute diseases of the nervous system;
  • The presence of infectious foci in the body;
  • Long-term use of some medicines;
  • Spinal injuries and chest;
  • Neoplasms, hernias and cysts of the spine.

The most common cause of neuralgia is still osteochondrosis. thoracic. Advanced osteochondrosis leads to pathologies of the spine and surrounding nerves and muscles. This is when intercostal neuralgia begins to manifest itself.

Intercostal neuralgia symptoms and treatment at home

Now let's find out about the main symptoms of this neurological disease. Main sign- This is a characteristic pain that is localized in the chest area. The more nerves affected by pinched nerves, the stronger and more extensive the pain will be. It can even radiate to the lower back or shoulder blade area.

The affected area itself may be swollen, pale, and there is a change in skin sensitivity. Distinctive feature pain with intercostal neuralgia is that it is very strong and constant. To many it even seems unbearable. Next, I will tell you how neuralgia manifests itself and how to treat it at home.

Intercostal neuralgia - symptoms

The first signs of neuralgia are, of course, pain in the chest. The pain can be on one side of the sternum or bilateral. The pain is so strong and acute that the patient feels as if it permeates the entire body. In this case, there is a feeling of burning, numbness and tingling of the skin. During a deep breath, the pain intensifies significantly. The main thing is not to confuse neuralgia with acute diseases other organs. For example, symptoms may resemble renal colic or a heart attack.

What should you do if you have these symptoms? Immediately call a doctor at home, and if the pain intensifies on the left side, then it is better to call ambulance. After the ECG is done, the doctor will be able to diagnose accurate diagnosis(rule out heart disease).

Which doctor treats intercostal neuralgia - neurologist. Of course, you can seek help from a therapist, but more accurate diagnosis can only carry out narrow specialist for nervous diseases.

How to treat intercostal neuralgia

In this section of the article we will look at how to treat and how to treat this disease. Treatment is complex and consists of taking painkillers, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic drugs. Warming ointments and gels that have a distracting effect are also used. Has proven itself well against neuralgia acupressure.

Basic treatment:

Pain relief - includes taking analgesics for 3-5 days. For very severe and excruciating pain, the doctor can make a special blockade (injecting novocaine or lidocaine into the affected area);

Treatment of the inflammatory process - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used for these purposes. These can be either tablets or injections. Usually, the doctor first prescribes injections in the first 3 days, and for further treatment- also a remedy, but in tablets. Voltaren, nimesulide, diclofenac, movalis, and so on - these are all drugs with anti-inflammatory effects;

Relieving muscle spasms - mydocalm, baclofen or baclosan (take 1 tablet 3 times a day for no more than 7 days);

Vitamin therapy - with similar diseases Doctors always prescribe B vitamins (combilipen, milgamma).

Today, you can buy special patches in pharmacies. They are able to relieve pain for 12 hours, reduce swelling and fight inflammation. They are attached to the lesion for 12 hours, then removed and a 12-hour break is taken. It is very convenient to use various medicinal ointments and creams. I will write about this form of medication in more detail below, in another section of the article.

Magnetic therapy has a good effect. If you have an ALMAG device, be sure to use it for home treatment. A course of 5-7 procedures will be enough to relieve pain and inflammation. Read the instructions for using the device at home

How to treat intercostal neuralgia during pregnancy

Unfortunately, women during pregnancy can also develop this disease. How intercostal neuralgia manifests itself in pregnant women - the symptoms are standard. What medications will be used to treat neuralgia in pregnant women directly depends on the severity of the situation.

Very often it is possible to cure with gentle methods, which include taking vitamins, massage and rubbing ointments. You should not self-medicate; only a specialist can prescribe therapy.

Exists huge variety special types of exercises for neuralgia for pregnant women, which help restore blood flow in the spine and joints, relieve pain and improve well-being.

How to treat intercostal neuralgia at home

Any form of intercostal neuralgia can be treated at home. It is enough to take medications prescribed by your doctor and stay in bed. Most often used for home treatment various ointments and gels, taking tablets. The most acute phase the disease lasts no more than 5 days - it is during this period that it is important not to burden the body and follow the recommendations of a specialist.

Ointments for intercostal neuralgia

Ointments and gels for neuralgia are used externally. Good effect the treatment will be effective when you rub them in 2-3 times a day. They are able to quickly cure the disease, as they penetrate well deep into the tissue, delivering the necessary substance to the affected area. The question arises, which ointment is best to apply so that the disease goes away quickly. It is very difficult to answer this question, which ointments help better, and which are the most effective and best. All this is individual.

Note! For a better therapeutic effect, use ointments for neuralgia (fastum gel, bystrumgel, dolobene and others) together with an ointment that improves vascular blood supply. For example, capillary. It is enough to mix them in equal proportions and apply to the sore spot. The recovery period will be significantly reduced.

In addition to ointments and gels, you can use dry heat and various warming tinctures and solutions. You can make them yourself, or you can buy them in pharmacies. Liquid validol and menovazin have excellent analgesic effects.

Remember! Not worth taking hot bath or take a steam bath during illness. Water procedures can increase swelling and make you feel worse.

Massage for intercostal neuralgia

It is very useful to do massage (especially acupressure) and therapeutic exercises for neuralgia. Main goal Such procedures include pain relief and relaxation of affected muscles. Massage can be done both on the chest and on the back. The main condition is to first stroke and warm up the muscles, and only then begin to knead the affected area.

During the massage, you should not overdo it; this concerns kneading the most sore spot. It is advisable to conduct massage sessions with a specialist so as not to cause harm. For example, you can ask a neurologist for a referral for a massage (usually it is done in day hospital), or call a paid massage therapist to your home.

Intercostal neuralgia - treatment with folk remedies

After reading various reviews about treatment with folk remedies, I have highlighted several recipes that really help. Here are the main ones:

Vaseline-turpentine mixture. Mix 2 parts Vaseline and 1 part turpentine. With this mixture massage movements rub the sore spot, then wrap yourself in warmth and lie down for a while;

Iodine tincture with glycerin. In a dark glass container, mix pure glycerin and pharmacy tincture iodine, shake thoroughly. It is important that this mixture is not rubbed in, but applied to the sore spot with a cotton swab at night every other day. Repeat the procedure 15 times;

Horseradish or black radish juice (freshly squeezed). It must be rubbed into the sore spot several times a day.

Traditional medicine has been used for several millennia. She can offer us more than 100 ways to get rid of various diseases. It is advisable to use it in addition to the main treatment. After all, there are situations when the disease can progress if it is not treated correctly.

Dear readers, today you learned what intercostal neuralgia is and how it is treated by official and traditional medicine. Take care of yourself and do not allow yourself to develop this disease.

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Intercostal neuralgia (neuritis) is characterized by severe pain that occurs due to compression of the roots spinal nerves. This symptom accompanies an infectious infection, toxic damage body, injury and more. Intercostal neurosis often develops against the background of osteochondrosis or herpes zoster. The nature of the manifestation of the syndrome is determined by the localization zone.

Causes of the disease

The causes of intercostal neuralgia and accompanying symptoms are determined anatomical structure bodies. In the thoracic region there are 12 pairs of nerves arising from spinal cord. These elements consist of sympathetic, sensory and motor fibers. A separate nerve runs in the space between the ribs in the area where the external and internal muscles are located. They provide respiratory function body.

The nerves located in the intercostal space innervate the muscle fibers of the following areas of the body:

  • breast;
  • rib cage;
  • costodiaphragmatic part of the pleura;
  • anterolateral and anterior parts of the abdomen.

The spinal nerves are intertwined, which explains why intercostal neuropathy affects several areas of the body at the same time.

Shingles is one of the most common causes of the disease. The appearance of intercostal neuralgia can also be caused by:

  • osteochondrosis of the spine;
  • injuries and fractures of ribs;
  • pleurisy;
  • chronic vertebrogenic pain syndrome;
  • arthrosis;
  • chest deformation;
  • pathologies of the spine.

In the absence of an inflammatory process caused by herpes zoster, intercostal neuralgia can be caused by irritation or compression of nerve fibers.

This condition develops against the background of:

In addition, intercostal neuralgia manifests itself due to a deficiency of B vitamins, which is often observed against the background of metabolic disorders. These same pathologies and a number of others can cause intercostal nerve pinching in women. In adults, this condition also occurs with excessive alcohol abuse. The appearance of intercostal neuralgia in children is explained by pathologies of the digestive system, diabetes mellitus, and hypothermia.

Symptoms of neuralgia

With intercostal neurosis, the symptoms are determined depending on the reasons that led to it. The leading sign of a pinched nerve is pain (thoracalgia) in the chest. Unpleasant sensations often radiate to other parts of the body.

Pain syndrome resembles an electric shock or “lumbago” and clearly spreads from the spine to the sternum. The intensity of pain varies depending on the degree of nerve damage.

IN serious cases when the causative factor provokes a constant spasmodic contraction muscle fibers- this leads to the development of dystonia. There is an increase in pain associated with any movements in the chest: coughing, heavy breathing, sneezing. Intercostal dystonia is relieved by pressing on the problem area. In this case, the amplitude with which the chest moves decreases, thereby reducing the intensity of unpleasant sensations.

Depending on the stage of development of the pathology that caused neuralgia, pain may manifest itself in the form of burning and tingling. IN advanced cases patients report numbness in problem area.

If the intercostal nerves experience pressure, then clinical picture supplemented:

  • redness and paleness of the skin;
  • local hyperhidrosis (increased sweating).

The development of neuralgia is characterized by a paroxysmal course, the duration of which is 2-3 minutes.

During this period, patients try to hold their breath to reduce the intensity of symptoms. Between attacks, sensations in the form of “goosebumps” and tickling occur in the problem area.

Intercostal neuralgia on the left side

With intercostal neuralgia on the left, symptoms also manifest themselves in the form of intense pain, the nature of which depends on the factor of its manifestation. Unpleasant sensations radiate to the heart area, so thoracalgia is often mistaken for signs of myocardial infarction.

The development of left-sided intercostal neuralgia in men and women is accompanied by different symptoms. In women, the pain syndrome affects the mammary glands, and attacks in men pass faster.

The localization and intensity of pain with intercostal neuralgia in the heart region depends on the number of affected nerves. In some cases discomfort acquire an encircling character.

How to recognize intercostal neuralgia?

Since it is quite difficult to distinguish intercostal neuralgia from cardiac pathology, in order to exclude the latter in case of pain in the sternum, an ECG is prescribed. Also, to differentiate neuralgia from myocardial infarction, you must take a nitroglycerin tablet. This drug does not help cope with intercostal neuralgia, so the intensity of the pain syndrome does not subside.

Neuralgia in the heart area is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • pain syndrome, the intensity of which does not change when performing movements;
  • blood pressure surges;
  • tachycardia.

These symptoms are not typical for intercostal neuralgia. It is distinguished from cardiac pathologies following symptoms:

  • strict localization of pain in the left side of the body (with a heart attack, it sometimes spreads to other areas);
  • muscle spasms;
  • increased pain when making movements, coughing, sneezing;
  • the pain syndrome lasts for a day or more;
  • decreased skin sensitivity in the problem area.

In contrast to the clinical picture when the intercostal nerve is pinched, the symptoms of cardiac pathologies are short-term. Discomfort in the sternum disappears after a few minutes or hours, but a number of symptoms coincide with manifestations of heart disease:

  • dyspnea;
  • attacks of dizziness;
  • paleness of the skin;
  • fainting.

The appearance of shortness of breath during intercostal neuralgia and other symptoms described above is explained oxygen starvation due to insufficient air supply to the lungs. In cardiac pathologies, these phenomena are caused by impaired circulation in the body.

Symptoms of neuralgia (except for pain), unlike myocardial infarction and other heart diseases, do not always appear

For example, shortness of breath is a concern only if the nerve bundles responsible for motor functions are affected.

In case of pain on the left side, it is always carried out additional examination patient. It is important to rule out heart disease before determining how to relieve intercostal neuralgia.

Intercostal muscle pinching on the right

With intercostal neuralgia, symptoms on the right often occur with liver damage and inflammation of the appendix. This is explained by the fact that these conditions are characterized by intense pain in this area.

If neuralgia appears on the right under the ribs caused by liver pathologies, in addition to pain, the patient experiences the following symptoms (depending on the type of disease):

  • increased body temperature;
  • enlargement of local lymph nodes;
  • yellowing of the skin;
  • darkening of urine;
  • organ disorder gastrointestinal tract;
  • increased fatigue;
  • nosebleeds, etc.

The development of intercostal neuralgia on the right and in front is due to the course of pathologies of the thyroid gland. Women with such a lesion require consultation with a mammologist. Often intercostal nerves provoke painful sensations due to breast diseases.

The following symptoms indicate pathology of the thyroid gland:

  • the appearance of goiter;
  • sudden change in weight;
  • arrhythmia;
  • fatigue;
  • hair loss;
  • hot flashes or chills;
  • skin problems.

The appearance of discomfort with right side under the scapula may indicate pulmonary pathologies. The course of these diseases is accompanied by:

  • violation of voice timbre;
  • cough;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • increased body temperature;
  • constant fatigue;
  • shortness of breath.

Neuralgia on the right behind is explained by pinching lower sections intercostal nerves.

Pain in this area can also be a consequence of kidney disease, and in addition to discomfort in the lumbar region, the following pathologies may appear:

  • change in urine volume;
  • increased body temperature;
  • pain when urinating;
  • swelling on different parts bodies.

The appearance of pain on the right side is explained by the course of many diseases. Moreover, some of similar pathologies signs of neuralgia are characteristic. In particular, the intensity pain may intensify when changing position, which is detected mainly against the background of compression of nerve fibers.

Distinguish neurological disorder from other pathologies it is possible by local hyperhidrosis. Active work sweat glands in certain areas of the body is often caused by compression of nerve bundles. However, an accurate diagnosis can only be made after a comprehensive examination of the patient.

Postherpetic intercostal neuralgia

Intercostal neurosis often occurs against the background of activity herpetic infection. More than 90% of the planet's population are considered to be its carriers. After infection, herpes penetrates into the DNA of the nerve fibers of the spinal cord, so after an exacerbation of pathology, pathologies are possible intense pain in the affected area.

The development of intercostal neuralgia, its symptoms and treatment in in this case do not depend on the type of virus. More often, the appearance of pain in the chest area is explained by an exacerbation of herpes zoster (herpes type 3). Less commonly, discomfort occurs due to a relapse of the first or second type of virus. This is explained by the fact that these pathogens mainly affect the face and genitals, respectively.

Postherpetic intercostal neuralgia differs in the nature of the manifestation of pain:

  1. Periodic. They arise abruptly, but pass relatively quickly.
  2. Sustainable. Pain in the chest area is felt until the herpetic rash disappears. Some immunocompromised patients experience discomfort in this area for several months.
  3. Allodic. Pain of this type occurs upon contact with clothing and disappears after the irritant is removed.

Postherpetic neuralgia can be distinguished from other diseases with a similar clinical picture by its characteristic blistering rashes, which develop along the affected nerve. Moreover, pain precedes the appearance of skin tumors. Over time, the intensity of the symptom increases, reaching a maximum during the period when the herpetic rash disappears.

On average, pain subsides within 15-20 days.


The development of intercostal neuralgia requires the participation of a neurologist. This condition requires a comprehensive examination of the patient. Important diagnostic sign the behavior of a sick person is considered: he tilts his torso in healthy side, thereby trying to reduce pressure on the problematic nerve.

With thoracic radiculitis or intercostal neuralgia, the intensity of the pain syndrome increases with palpation of the problem area. However, the latter condition is often characterized by redness or paleness of the skin in the area where the affected nerve lies. To exclude thoracic radiculitis, x-rays are prescribed. If an intervertebral hernia is suspected, an MRI of the spine is performed.

To make a correct diagnosis, intercostal neuralgia must be differentiated from cardiac pathologies (in particular, angina pectoris). Diseases of this type cause squeezing pain that usually occurs after physical activity. The absence of such characteristic feature allows you to exclude heart pathologies even at the examination stage. To confirm the assumptions, the doctor prescribes an ECG.

Diagnosis of pinched nerves between the ribs is complicated by the fact that the clinical picture of such disorders manifests itself as diseases of the pancreas and stomach. To exclude these diseases, blood tests for pancreatic enzymes, gastroscopy and other examinations are performed.

Treatment options

Eliminate discomfort and suppress the inflammatory process. In severe cases, medications are used in the form of injections.

Muscle relaxants are indicated for the treatment of muscle spasms:

  • "Mykodalm";
  • "Sirdalud";
  • "Tolperil."

If necessary, treatment is supplemented with sedatives. Typically, herbal medicines are used to restore the nervous system:

To reduce intensity general symptoms, it is recommended to apply dry heat to the problem area. These can be knitted or woolen items. It is impossible to warm up the affected nerves. This tactic temporarily relieves pain, but as the problem area cools, the intensity of the symptoms will increase.

For intercostal neuralgia it is indicated local treatment, which involves treating the affected area with gels or with an anti-inflammatory effect:

The use of physiotherapy for intercostal neuralgia is effective in cases where it complements medications. In the treatment of the pathological condition the following is used:

  • therapeutic massage;
  • electrophoresis;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • reflexology.

If compression of nerve fibers is caused by intervertebral hernia or a tumor, then it is prescribed surgery. For herpes zoster, vitamin complexes with both local and systemic action are recommended.


For prevention to be effective, it is important to know how to recognize intercostal neuralgia and the causes of the syndrome, as well as which doctor to contact.

You can avoid exacerbation of pain caused by compression or inflammation of nerve fibers if you treat concomitant pathologies in a timely manner and lead an active lifestyle.

In addition, it is necessary to maintain immunity to prevent recurrence of shingles.

If persistent pain occurs in the ribs, spine or lower back, you should immediately seek help from a neurologist.

Possible complications

With advanced intercostal neuralgia, the consequences are determined depending on the reasons that caused it. In the absence of adequate treatment and with the progression of the pathological process that causes pinched nerve fibers, circulatory disorders are possible, which leads to dysfunction internal organs and muscle diseases.

IN extreme cases there is a risk of developing chronic intercostal neuralgia, in which patients have difficulty breathing. Persistent pain syndrome causes sleep problems, depressive state and dysfunction of the heart muscle. In the future it is possible to develop hypertensive crisis and other dangerous conditions.

Severe pain in the ribs prompts a person to go to the doctor to find out how to treat intercostal neuralgia and what medications to suppress the symptoms of the disease.

Intercostal neuralgia does not belong to the category of dangerous diseases. But it develops against the background serious pathologies and develops into serious complications. Neuralgia is caused by intervertebral protrusions and hernias, tuberculosis, diabetes mellitus, multiple sclerosis, tumors.

The symptoms of neuralgia are such that they can easily be confused with signs renal colic, cholecystitis, angina pectoris. Put correct diagnosis and only a doctor can prescribe treatment based on diagnostic studies.

Use of medicines – main way treatment of intercostal neuralgia. To treat the disease and the cause that caused it, the following is prescribed:

  • pills;
  • injections for intramuscular and intravenous administration;
  • ointments, gels or creams.

The form of medication for intercostal neuralgia is chosen by the doctor. Medicines are prescribed taking into account the severity of the disease, the patient’s well-being and contraindications.

Tablets are considered an ineffective treatment for intercostal neuralgia. In addition, they irritate the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, causing adverse reactions. Erosive gastritis and stomach ulcer - possible harm from uncontrolled use of tablets.

Pain relievers

The primary goal of drug therapy is to relieve pain – the main symptom of the disease. Pills and injections help get rid of prolonged debilitating pain. For pain relief the following is usually prescribed:

  • Spazgan;
  • Analgin;
  • Baralgin;
  • I took it.

To relieve unbearable pain that occurs with swelling of nerve fibers and root compression syndrome, the following is used:

  • Ketoprofen;
  • Ibuprofen;
  • Celebrex;

To relieve pain and prevent new attacks, analgesics are used:

  • Panadol;
  • Tylenone;
  • Pentalgin.

These drugs are available in tablets, injection solutions, in the form of ointments and gels. They are taken in tablets. To quickly relieve pain, injections are given and IVs are placed.

The course of treatment with anesthetics is short, it does not exceed 4-5 days. They disrupt the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Local painkillers

Local anesthetics relieve swelling and pain of a neuralgic nature. They are prescribed for temporary relief of acute pain. Reduce pain and eliminate muscle tension ointments, gels, solutions for injections.

The drugs are applied or injected directly into the lesion. They are used to make blockades. Pain is suppressed with injections of Lidocaine, Novocaine or Xylocaine. Application local anesthetics limited in time. They are highly toxic agents that can cause great harm body. Unbearable pain removed with one-time blockades.

Anti-inflammatory medications

Inflammatory processes occurring in nerve fibers lead to swelling and pain. The swollen tissue puts pressure on the nerves. Pinched nerve roots are accompanied by pain. Relieving inflammation, eliminating pain.

Inflammatory processes are suppressed with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs:

  • Ortofen;
  • Nimesulide;
  • Ketoprofen;
  • Voltaren;
  • Movalis.

The products effectively relieve inflammation. If you use them correctly, according to the scheme given by the doctor, you can get a long lasting stable remission. To eliminate inflammation, take a tablet 2 times a day, give an injection, or use rectal suppositories.

The body's susceptibility to drugs is almost the same. But they are best absorbed through the mucous membranes. Long-term treatment anti-inflammatory drugs cause exacerbation of certain ailments (for example, gastritis or ulcers). They should not be used without a doctor's prescription.

Muscle relaxants

IN drug treatment intercostal neuralgia include muscle relaxants - drugs with a sedative effect. They eliminate pain, relax muscles, and improve the patient’s well-being. Which of them can be used for treatment:

  • Tizanidine;
  • Tolperisone.

The taken muscle relaxant eliminates congestion in muscle tissue and swelling. For treatment, use a drug prescribed by a doctor.

Vitamin therapy

To suppress inflammatory processes, replenish vitamins and minerals, and strengthen the immune system, it is necessary to take special complexes. Medicines with B vitamins are involved in blocking acute inflammatory processes that erupt in nerve tissues. Vitamin complexes relieve muscle spasms, neutralize negative impact medications used.


Painful sensations worsen the well-being of patients, plunge them into a state of prolonged stress, create a feeling of discomfort, and reduce the quality of life. Taking sedative medications for intercostal neuralgia helps relieve nervous tension, relax skeletal muscles, normalize the condition of a sick person.

To this end, in drug therapy you can include a product with a sedative extract medicinal plant. Suitable for treatment:

  • Chamomile;
  • Mint;
  • Motherwort.

Herbs with sedative effect Use separately or prepare collections from them. It is worth drinking infusions and decoctions from them. Have an effective impact pharmaceutical drugs: syrups, tinctures.

They drink a sedative at night. It promotes good sleep, good rest, relieves nervous and muscle tension. Have an excellent relaxing effect essential oils: lavender and mint.

Medicines with bee and snake venom

Eliminate intercostal neuralgia with medicines based on snake oil and bee venom. The effectiveness of ointments and gels with these poisons is quite high. They're warming up skin, accelerate blood circulation, remove metabolic products, and saturate tissues with bioactive substances. The drugs regenerate damaged nerve tissue.

The product with poison is used externally, it is rubbed into the lesions with soft massaging movements, bypassing the heart area. For treatment use:

  • Apisatron. Ointment with bee venom suppresses pain and inflammation, restores blood flow.
  • Viprosal. Ointment with viper venom eliminates pain and improves blood circulation. Camphor and fir, which the drug contains, have an analgesic effect.

These ointments are used as prescribed by a doctor. They are not always used for treatment of:

  • lactation;
  • pregnancy;
  • allergies;
  • heart diseases.

Antiviral agents

Problem: how to treat intercostal neuralgia of a viral nature is easily solved. Antiviral medications are used to suppress it. Effectively fight pathology:

  • Amiksin;
  • Remantadine.

Ointments and gels

Remedies for neuralgia in the form of ointments and gels quickly relieve pain. They instantly penetrate through the skin pores into the deep tissues, to the lesion, reduce the severity of pain and eliminate swelling.

External agents stimulate blood circulation, distract from pain, and relieve nervous tension. Thanks to them, blood supply to the sore spot improves, nutrition of damaged tissues, and pain goes away.

To treat intercostal neuralgia use:

  • Fastum-gel. The product relieves pain, stimulates blood flow, and eliminates swelling.
  • Capsicam. The ointment, due to its effective warming effect, accelerates the supply of blood to tissues. It restores tissue trophism and helps replenish nutrients.
  • Finalgon. The ointment warms up. Thanks to her blood vessels are expanding. Blood flow increases. Oxygen and nutrients enter the tissues.
  • Indomethacin, Ortofen, Naklofen, Ibuprofen. Ointments fight inflammation, swelling and pain.
  • Menovazin. The ointment has a pronounced analgesic effect.
  • Chondroxyl. The chondroprotector restores mobility to the spine.

Preference is given to ointments. Their rate of penetration into tissue is higher than that of gels. On early stages and for severe pain, use ointments that can relieve muscle spasms and relax muscles.

Patients suffering from sharp pain, try not to prescribe ointments with a burning effect. By increasing stimulation at the site of the lesion, it is possible to provoke the development of an ischemic crisis or heart attack due to excessive outflow of blood from the coronary vessels.


For neuralgia muscle tissue, surrounding damaged nerve fibers, spasm, their tone is excessively high. Without eliminating muscle spasms, you cannot get rid of pain. Increased tone relieved with antispasmodics:

  • Besalol;
  • Halidor;
  • No-spy;
  • Papazol.

To eliminate spasms, they take pills and give injections.

Intercostal neuralgia requires comprehensive therapeutic treatment. Thanks to it, pain is quickly relieved, the patient’s well-being is improved, and the inflammatory processes that cause the disease are blocked. Prescription of treatment by the doctor - prerequisite. Prescribed medications will give maximum healing effect, will not allow complications to develop.


Thoracalgia, or intercostal neuralgia, is statistically one of the most common reasons occurrence of chest pain. The symptom is characterized by pronounced severity and a tendency to increase in the absence of treatment. It is explained by inflammation, compression, irritation of the nerve roots or endings located in the intercostal space. The intensity of the pain can reach such a level that it is difficult for the patient to move or even breathe. The condition itself does not pose a direct danger to the patient, but it indicates the presence in the body serious problems. For this reason, it is recommended for a patient with suspected neuralgia urgent diagnostics with immediate start of treatment.

During the pain, it is difficult to move or even breathe.

Causes of intercostal neuralgia and risk factors

No one is protected from developing a neurological disease. All persons over 18 years of age are at risk. According to statistics, men suffer from intercostal neuralgia twice as often as women due to increased likelihood getting a back injury due to physical activity.

Medicine identifies a lot of factors that can provoke pathology; its development will take place according to one of two scenarios. The clinical picture of the disease occurs as a result of irritation or pinching of the nerve ending.

Either the nerve directly in the intercostal space or its root at the level of the thoracic spine can be damaged.

Intercostal neuralgia can develop under the influence of the following factors:

  • scoliosis, kyphoscoliosis, osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine;
  • injuries of the chest and spinal column of any severity;
  • protrusion and herniation of intervertebral discs;
  • increased load on the spine, including sedentary work without introducing physical activity;
  • chronic spasm of the back and/or chest muscles;
  • hypothermia of the body, prolonged exposure to drafts;
  • intoxication developing against the background alcohol addiction, taking medications, working in hazardous work, the course of somatic diseases;
  • presence of transferred infectious diseases in the anamnesis;
  • tumor-like formations located in close proximity to nerve roots or endings;
  • a number of diseases of the central nervous system, for example, multiple sclerosis;
  • deficiency of B vitamins, which can occur as a result of poor nutrition or decreased functionality of the digestive system.

The disease may appear due to scoliosis.

The listed moments cause in the body pathological changes that provoke disease syndromes. Treatment methods for intercostal neuralgia depend not only on the characteristics of the clinical picture, but also on the reasons for its development. Only by eliminating or stopping the underlying disease can one count on recovery without subsequent relapses.

Forms of the disease

Thoracalgia syndrome is represented by several types depending on the severity of the disease and its origin. To carry out high-quality treatment, it is important not only to confirm pinching or irritation of the intercostal nerve or its root, but also to assess the specifics of the situation. The patient’s prognosis and treatment tactics will depend on them.

To begin treatment, it is necessary to confirm a pinched intercostal nerve.

Forms of thoracic intercostal neuralgia:

  • vertebrogenic thoracalgia – it is also called vertebral thoracalgia. This is the result of chronic or acute processes V spinal column, the consequence of its damage. Therapy in the vast majority of cases comes down to gentle conservative techniques;
  • musculoskeletal – negative changes occur due to injury or excessive loads on muscles, osteochondral structures. Symptoms of this type of thoracic neuralgia may indicate development in the body autoimmune processes. This form of the disease responds worse to treatment than others;
  • psychogenic – specific consequence chronic stress, prolonged emotional or physical overload. Persons with VSD, increased suspiciousness and emotional lability are predisposed to this form of intercostal neuralgia;
  • chronic - the diagnosis is made provided that the symptoms characteristic of thoracic neuralgia persist for more than three months. The clinical picture is moderate. It manifests itself as pain of mild or moderate intensity against the background of the general well-being of the patient. The disease usually becomes a consequence of degenerative processes in the spine;
  • bilateral - the most severe form of the disease in terms of its course, when the pain syndrome affects both halves of the chest;
  • intercostal neuropathy in pregnant women is a pathology caused by physiological changes in the body of the expectant mother. It becomes the result of displacement of organs due to the growth of the uterus and overload of the spine. In most cases, the problem resolves on its own after childbirth, and until this point it requires gentle conservative treatment.

One type of disease is musculoskeletal.

Diagnosis and subsequent treatment of intercostal neuralgia on the left or right also have certain specifics. For this reason, doctors do not recommend self-medication even if the diagnosis is obvious or moderate severity symptoms.

Symptoms of intercostal neuralgia

The main symptom of intercostal thoracalgia is pain. It is concentrated between the ribs, but can radiate to different parts of the chest or back. The intensity of the sensations varies from moderate to excruciating. In the first case, the pain varies in duration and can even be permanent. Sharp, sharp and burning sensations are usually at their peak for no longer than a few minutes.

The symptom intensifies with physical activity, coughing, sneezing. Sometimes the patient even finds it difficult or scary to breathe. If the symptoms of intercostal neuralgia are localized on the left or right, he tries to alleviate his condition by taking a forced position with an inclination on the affected side.

Palpation of the affected area can increase pain. Over time, it is accompanied by numbness of the skin in the problem area. Additionally, profuse sweating, tearfulness, and sleep problems are noted. Sometimes there are sensations similar to muscle spasms or cramps. Due to physiological characteristics, such signs of intercostal neuralgia are more obvious in women, although they are also detected in men.

Palpation of the problem area can increase pain.

Diagnosis of intercostal neuralgia

In most cases, even a therapist, based on examination and questioning, is able to diagnose intercostal neuralgia. Sometimes, to confirm it, a consultation with a neurologist, orthopedist, or cardiologist is required. An assessment of the condition by a final specialist is necessary to exclude the possibility of the patient developing heart failure.

The following approaches can be used in the diagnostic process:

  • X-ray without contrast to identify problems with the spinal column;
  • CT or MRI are necessary to assess the condition of internal organs;
  • An ECG is performed to check the condition of the heart.

You can exclude the possibility of a patient having heart failure on your own even before visiting a doctor. To do this, it is enough to accept heart drug, for example, nitroglycerin. In case of heart problems, it will relieve pain, but in the case of neuralgia it will not give a significant result.

An ECG is performed to examine the heart.

How long does intercostal neuralgia last on average?

With timely initiation of treatment and correct selection treatment regimens acute symptoms passes within 5-7 days. The complete clinical picture disappears within 10-14 days, depending on the severity of the situation, individual characteristics patient. The exception is the chronic form of intercostal neuralgia. The pain syndrome with it persists for at least three months, although it is of medium or weak degree expressiveness.

Treatment of intercostal neuralgia

Thoracalgia does not pose a direct danger to human health. For this reason, many patients, once convinced that the problem is not in the heart, try to cope with the discomfort on their own.

Doctors insist that any form of intercostal neuralgia of the chest should be treated by a professional.

For the patient to recover, it is not enough to alleviate his condition; it is necessary to eliminate the pinched or inflamed nerve. In order to permanently get rid of the manifestations of intercostal neuralgia, therapy should be carried out aimed at combating the underlying disease - the source of the problem.

Drug therapy

The complete list of medications depends on the causes of intercostal neuralgia. First of all, the patient is selected with drugs whose action is aimed at eliminating the underlying disease. The regimen also includes medications that relieve inflammation and swelling, relieve pain, and restore blood circulation and metabolism in the affected area.

The list of medications depends on the causes of the disease.

To alleviate the condition of intercostal neuralgia, the following drugs are prescribed:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • analgesics;
  • muscle relaxants;
  • neuroprotectors;
  • B vitamins;
  • medicines for local application having a combined effect.

Many drugs from the listed groups are in free access, which is why some patients resort to self-medication. It is important to understand that annotations for medications are provided for specialists. Everyone else can use them for informational purposes only.

Any actions not coordinated with a professional threaten to aggravate the situation.

Physiotherapy and exercise therapy

The symptoms of neuralgia weaken under the influence of ultrasound, magnetic and electromagnetic fields, ultraviolet and infrared radiation. Positive effect give various options for electrophoresis in the area of ​​the affected intercostal space. Restrictions on physical activity are introduced only during acute period diseases. In the future it will be useful for the patient therapeutic exercises, swimming, team sports. This allows you to strengthen the muscle corset, get rid of problems with the spine, and restore immunity.

In non-acute cases of the disease, the patient may benefit from therapeutic exercises.

Manual massage

The principles of conventional massage are complemented by direct impact on the affected vertebrae. Chiropractor restores the position of displaced elements and expands the space between them, freeing pinched nerves. The approach is different high efficiency, but all actions should be performed only by a professional. Any experiments threaten with serious complications.


Acupuncture - direction oriental medicine, which acts as an additional treatment for intercostal neuralgia. Stimulation biologically active points using special needles will not eliminate the cause of the problem, but will alleviate the condition.

Possible complications and consequences

Ignoring the disease and trying to limit oneself to feeling better threatens to worsen the cause of the problem. This may be a deterioration in the condition of the spine, transition acute pathology into chronic, spread of the inflammatory process and much more. Additionally, persistent pain syndrome becomes a source of constant stress, negative emotions. The patient’s quality of life decreases, he cannot fully engage in usual activities. All this greatly increases the likelihood of him developing a heart attack, angina pectoris, or hypertensive crisis. Pain syndrome negatively affects the quality of sleep, worsening general condition, reducing performance.

If left untreated, a heart attack may occur.

Folk remedies

Methods alternative medicine have proven their effectiveness in combating manifestations of intercostal neuralgia. Their use should act as additional techniques. Folk remedies should not replace classical medical procedures prescribed by a doctor.

Effective methods of alternative medicine for thoracalgia:

  • rubbing or compresses with radish juice;
  • steamed wormwood lotions;
  • rubbing the affected area with a mashed geranium leaf, followed by warming the area;
  • gauze compress with flaxseed infusion;
  • warm baths with sage and sea salt;
  • drinking chamomile or lemon balm decoction to relax the nervous system.

Chamomile will help you relax.

One of the most effective folk remedies considered a pepper patch. It can be purchased at the pharmacy in ready-made form. To perform the manipulation, it is enough to degrease the painful area with alcohol, dry it, and apply a patch. After a few minutes, the area will start to feel hot, which indicates the medicine has begun to take effect. The duration of the session must be indicated in the instructions or agreed with the doctor. The main thing is not to endure a strong burning sensation, otherwise you may get burned.

Prognosis and prevention

Timely initiation of therapy aimed at combating the symptoms and causes of the disease allows you to completely get rid of intercostal neuralgia. In situations where treatment is aimed only at alleviating the manifestations of the disease, the clinical picture will regularly return, threatening to turn into chronic form. The warning condition is timely treatment diseases that can provoke it. Special attention deserve spinal pathologies, which according to statistics every second person has modern man. Mandatory components of prevention are maintaining healthy image life, physical activity, avoiding hypothermia.

The appearance of signs of intercostal neuralgia is an indication to consult a therapist or neurologist. After diagnosing, the doctor will select a treatment regimen suitable for a particular case, or refer you to a specialist with a more specialized profile.

The most common causes of intercostal neuralgia are the following diseases and states:

  • degenerative changes in intervertebral discs(osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine, protrusion or herniation of the intervertebral disc);
  • muscle diseases, hypothermia or prolonged stay of the body in an uncomfortable position - all these circumstances can lead to muscle spasm and compression of the intercostal nerve by spasmed muscle fibers;
  • posture disorders;
  • curvature of the spine (scoliosis, kyphosis);
  • neoplasms in organs chest cavity or in the spine;
  • damage to the nervous system by any diseases or toxic compounds - conditions in which nerve conduction is disrupted;
  • long-term and severe deficiency of B vitamins;
  • chest or spine injuries;
  • chronic infectious diseases.

Symptoms of intercostal neuralgia

The main symptom of intercostal neuralgia is severe pain in the area of ​​the affected nerve or throughout the chest, if in pathological process Several intercostal nerves are involved. Neuralgia pain is described as sharp, burning. It can be constant or subside during rest and sharply intensify even with minor movements, coughing, laughter.
In addition, with intercostal neuralgia the following symptoms may be observed:

  • burning sensation in the muscles and/or skin in the area of ​​the affected nerve;
  • sensory disturbances in a limited area of ​​the chest, in the shoulder, arm, shoulder blade or neck on the corresponding side (numbness, a feeling of heat or cold, a feeling of crawling or tingling);
  • spontaneous contraction of muscles along the nerve (the muscles twitch on their own);
  • increased sweating;
  • redness or paleness of the skin.

Manifestations of acute intercostal neuralgia are extremely unpleasant, but never threaten human life. But they are able to exactly imitate heart attack which requires emergency medical attention. Only the qualified specialist Therefore, even if you have slight doubts about the origin of the pain, you should contact your doctor as soon as possible.