Placing leeches on the head. Hirudotherapy (treatment with leeches) - benefits and harms, indications and contraindications, schemes for using medicinal leeches for various diseases, reviews from doctors

In the previous article, I told you that treatment with leeches has a powerful effect on the human body, healing it. This is true. Medicinal leeches seem to sense where they need to attach and stick only to active biological points of the body. The leech bites the skin and injects its rich saliva into the wound. healing properties, which destroy pathological processes inside the body.

And people who use this treatment experience another remarkable effect. The enzymes contained in the saliva of a leech thin the blood, due to which, at the site of the bite, after the leech falls off, slight bleeding continues, which contributes to the release of stagnant blood, in which many toxins usually accumulate and harmful substances.

It is no coincidence that people note that at the first sessions of hirudotherapy, the blood oozes dark (stagnant), and after a few procedures it changes its color and becomes scarlet, which indicates its cleansing. Read the beginning of the article about hirudotherapy.

Today in the article:

  1. Hirudotherapy at home.
  2. The main points of treatment with leeches at home.
  3. What diseases are treated at home?

Hirudotherapy at home.

Leeches can be treated at home. But first you need to undergo an examination and find out if there are any contraindications to such treatment.

leech replanting scheme

Hirudotherapy at home is much more effective if leeches are planted on reflex points used for acupressure and acupuncture.

Experts note that medicinal leeches themselves look for a place of suction; it is enough to land it near the required point and, while moving, it will find a place of stronger influence. But don’t really let it wander around the body, don’t forget that they are mobile and agile and they need an eye, yes an eye.

First wipe the skin with a swab moistened with boiled warm water. If leeches land on hairy areas of the body, the hair is first shaved off. Suction areas can be lightly massaged to increase blood circulation. So that the worm can quickly smell blood and warmth.

For one session, usually from 2 to 10 hungry leeches are planted, it all depends on the purpose for which the leech is placed. They are carefully removed from the jar of water using tweezers or your hand. If you take them out with your hand, you need to take them by the head so that it does not have time to dig into your fingers. And transfer it to the planting site.

To make it easier to plant leeches in a specific place, you can use a test tube or syringe with a cut end. The leech is first placed in a vessel, which is applied directly to the desired point.

If medicinal leeches refuse to stick, you can lightly moisten the skin with sweet water or glucose. If they continue to be picky, then you will have to prick the landing site with a needle so that the leech can feel the blood. When planting on active biological points, puncturing the skin with a needle is mandatory.

Treatment is carried out in courses, which can range from 2 to 14 treatment sessions, depending on the disease. The duration of the treatment session lasts up to 40 minutes. Sometimes, when they are full, the leeches fall off on their own. If the time is up and she continues to suck blood, to disconnect it, it is enough to touch her body with a swab moistened with alcohol, iodine or vinegar.

Important to know: Before treatment, you must stop smoking and alcohol, do not wear perfume or use skin creams, or wash with scented gels and shampoos. Cleaning should not be done on the eve of procedures. detergents, leaving a scent on your skin and hair for a long time.

Don't eat spicy food the day before fried foods. Food from vegetables, cereals, fruits, and nuts would be preferable.

Medicinal leeches are sensitive to foreign odors and are picky; they may not accept the proposed procedure and refuse to eat. People have repeatedly noticed that when they smell something, leeches sink to the bottom and hide behind each other!

medicinal leeches

The wound is not treated with anything, covered with a sterile disc or napkin and a pressure bandage is applied. It happens that itchy skin appears at the site of the bite. In such cases, mix Vaseline oil With ammonia and lubricate the skin around the wound.

You can wash only three days after the procedure. After a shower, treat the wounds with iodine or brilliant green.

Keep leeches in clean, filtered water, which is changed daily. Leeches may lose their activity if sunlight falls on them.

The main points of treatment with leeches at home:

At home, it is better to arrange it in the stage of remission or after a course of medication.

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to thoroughly study the relevant literature. Choose one hirudotherapist author and follow his advice, since there are now many hirudotherapists and everyone has their own vision and point of view on treatment with these bloodsuckers. There is no need to be particularly upset about this. The main thing is to believe that the leech will definitely help.

And where you first plant the leech (on the kidneys or on the tailbone) does not play a special role, the main thing is to follow the planting pattern so as not to cause bleeding.

Get yours practical experience for treatment with leeches.

Don't force the leech to land exactly where you expect it to. Let the leech choose the suction site itself. A radius of 2-3 centimeters is quite acceptable, but avoid biting into a vein.

If you are placing leeches for your relative or friend, then after planting the leeches, observe their behavior. The leech may fall off prematurely and the wound will bleed; it is necessary to apply a sterile napkin to it. In addition, the leech is agile; while moving, it can crawl into the nose, ears, and mouth (since a person often falls asleep during a hirudotherapy session).

It's interesting thatSometimes during hirudotherapy, the medicinal leeches themselves fall asleep. It can be seen from their body that the muscular system does not work; the leech becomes sluggish, although it does not fall off. In this case, you need to gently stroke her back with your finger until she starts sucking blood again. But if she falls away, it means that she is full or she didn’t like something.

It happens that after the first sessions of treatment with leeches, people feel dizzy and feel weak and lack strength. Blood pressure may drop at this time. But there is no need to be afraid of this, this acceptable reaction, which is no longer observed in subsequent sessions. On the contrary, after the third and fourth treatment sessions, people feel an increase in strength and energy and restoration inner harmony body.

Treatment at home is best done in the morning. After all, after the session the wounds bleed, by the evening they will gradually begin to heal and you will be able to sleep more peacefully. Experts recommend not to engage in heavy work after leech treatment sessions. physical work and avoid exercising.

What diseases are treated at home?

In the previous article: effective ways treatment various ailments, it was told what diseases can be treated with leeches. But not all of these diseases can be treated at home. Now I want to focus only on those problems that can be treated at home using leeches.

Hirudotherapy for cardiovascular diseases.

No one doubts that slagging of blood vessels causes a lot of diseases. Deposits of harmful substances on the walls of blood vessels slow down the speed of blood movement, reduce the metabolic process, thereby increasing the process of deposition.

Medicinal leeches are one of the the best means influence on the process of vascular cleansing. They stick to a small capillary and, starting to suck blood through it, accelerate the movement of the general flow in the bloodstream. And at the same time, salivary enzymes are injected into the blood, which not only thin it, but also help dissolve deposits on the walls of blood vessels.

Under the influence of enzymes, swelling subsides, hematomas and even blood clots resolve. Blood clots are dissolved by the salivary enzyme destabilase. And another enzyme, orgelase, promotes the formation of new tiny capillaries.

When cleansing blood vessels, leeches are placed on the heart area. For varicose veins, leeches are planted next to the diseased veins, but not on them. For atherosclerosis, a disease of the blood vessels of the brain, leeches are planted behind the ears, on the temporal areas, parietal tubercles, sacrum and coccyx area. Blood supply to the brain improves and restores venous drainage blood, deposits in the spine dissolve.

Treatment trophic ulcers leeches.

Treatment of trophic ulcers with leeches at home is carried out only if a person’s blood sugar is stabilized (for ulcers associated with diabetes mellitus). Be sure to plant several leeches on an arm or leg to observe how the person responds to treatment.

Leeches are placed on the sacrum and coccyx. At home, experts do not recommend applying leeches to the ulcers themselves; this can only be entrusted to hirudotherapists, in special cases.

Treatment of skin diseases.

Placing medicinal leeches on inflamed skin helps restore microcirculation, accelerates the movement of lymph and its outflow from the sore spot, enhances skin regeneration. The skin turns pink, becomes younger, becomes soft and elastic, elastic and smooth. The scars gradually dissolve.

the use of leeches in cosmetology

Leeches are placed on the inflamed areas, 3-8 pieces each. The first few sessions are carried out daily, then treatment is carried out every other day. So for rosacea, 6-10 procedures are prescribed.

For psoriasis, the treatment is unique. It is carried out with and without bloodletting. Usually they practice 2 courses per year. But one course will require up to 150 leeches.

Hirudotherapy in cosmetology.

Leeches have also become popular in cosmetology. They are used to remove wrinkles and rejuvenate the skin. Best effect against leeches is achieved if they are planted on biologically active points. Used to tighten the oval face collar area, eyelid area and area behind the ears, between the eyebrows and under the jaw.

Procedures are carried out every other day to give the body a break to recover. A total of up to 10 hirudotherapy sessions are recommended.

You can plant leeches on your face yourself, but it is better to do this in beauty salon. Already after the first procedures, the condition of the skin changes, the severity of wrinkles decreases.

Watch the video:

Application in gynecology.

Modern gynecological clinics almost everywhere now use leeches for treatment gynecological diseases. After all, leeches can even treat diseases that traditional medicine only decides surgically. Cysts on the ovaries and nodes associated with uterine fibroids resolve, and the patency of the fallopian tubes is restored.

It is not recommended to treat such diseases at home. But preventive treatment You can spend it at home to protect yourself from inflammatory processes genitourinary system.

Preventive treatment is popular in young families for conception healthy baby, then both parents undergo treatment at home. Leeches help reduce risk ectopic pregnancy and bearing a healthy baby. And in men, sperm motility and health are increased. Leeches are planted on the lower abdomen or on the sacrum (2-5 pieces), the course of treatment is up to a week.

  • At eye disease, leeches are planted on the temporal region, at the level of the eye section or on mastoid processes.
  • For liver and gallbladder diseases- on the area of ​​the right hypochondrium and on the tailbone.
  • For radiculitis and inflammation of the nerve roots- on both sides of the spine. For inflammation of the joints - around the joints.
  • With inflammation of the joints in the hands, with panaritium- on the sore area.
  • For headaches, high blood pressure and tinnitus, it is enough to apply only 2-3 leeches, which immediately bring relief.

Watch the video on how and where to place leeches for headaches:

Medicinal leeches are very sensitive not only to odors, they also sense a person’s mood and this is reflected in her activity. It is advisable to carry out treatment with leeches in a good mood, so as not to disturb the bioenergy of the leech and its ability to restore the human energy field.

I wish you health and longevity!

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Treatment with medicinal leeches has been known since ancient times. Proven high efficiency hirudotherapy for various diseases.

Pharmaceutical leech is used in medicine ( Hirudo medicinalis officinalis) and medicinal (Hirudo medicinalis medicinalis). They are currently grown in artificial conditions and are used as an antihypertensive and antithrombotic agent.

The leech's body ends with suction cups on both sides. The back one is designed for movement and attachment, it is always visible and has no holes. The anterior one becomes noticeable at the moment of suction to the patient’s body. This suction cup is designed for nutrition - in its depth there is a hole that leads into the oral cavity.

When bitten, a three-rayed wound is formed, from which 5 to 15 ml of blood is sucked (the volume depends on the time of suction).

IN oral cavity Leeches have three jaws (one dorsal and two lateral), which are muscular ridges, along the edges of which chitinous denticles are located.

There are leeches around the pharynx and anterior part of the intestine. salivary glands. Their ducts open into the channels of chitinous denticles, with the help of which the leech bites through the skin (to a depth of 1-1.5 mm). At the same time the secret is released salivary glands. Some of the saliva is absorbed into the patient's blood.

Digestion occurs slowly. It is enough for a leech to pump blood well once to maintain vital functions within a year. The low rate of digestion is explained by the action of substances that suppress the activity of proteolytic enzymes contained in the secretion of the salivary glands.

Leeches have taste, smell and touch. React to sugar, blood and others chemical compounds. They sense even slight movement of water and move towards the source of vibrations.

How do medicinal leeches act on the human body?

When bitten on wound surface the secretion of the salivary glands enters - a liquid with a unique composition.

Studies have shown that leeches secrete the following substances:

  • hirudin – suppresses the effect of thrombin, slows down blood clotting;
  • inhibitors of trypsin, plasmin, elastase and chymazine;
  • hyaluronidase;
  • apyrase;
  • collagenase;
  • destabilase;
  • triglyceridase.

The blood flowing from the wound does not clot for the first few minutes after removing the leech. The reason for this phenomenon is the action of the secretion of the salivary glands, which blocks the adhesion and aggregation of platelets.

As the blood flows out, the active substances are washed away. Hemostasis is restored, the effect on platelets stops. This leads to stopping bleeding.

Part of the secretion is absorbed into the capillary network.

Therapeutic effect:

  • thrombolytic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • reduces blood clotting;
  • eliminates pain;
  • stimulates the immune system;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • promotes resorption of adhesions;
  • restores damaged nerve endings;
  • lowers blood pressure.

Proper use of hirudotherapy ensures good result in the treatment of many diseases.

When are leeches used?

Indications for hirudotherapy:

  • problems cardiovascular system(coronary heart disease, hypertension I-III, heart failure I-II degrees);
  • respiratory diseases (chronic sinusitis and bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma);
  • dysfunction gastrointestinal tract, gastritis, pancreatitis;
  • and biliary tract;
  • neurological problems (neuroses, central nervous system injuries and peripheral nerves, multiple sclerosis);
  • gynecological diseases;
  • problems with blood vessels(thrombophlebitis, obliterating endarteritis, hemorrhoids);
  • diseases of the urinary system (enuresis, prostatitis, chronic cystitis);
  • skin problems (neurodermatitis, eczema, psoriasis);
  • glaucoma;
  • prevention postoperative complications(lymphostasis, thrombosis, infiltrates);
  • endocrine diseases (menopause, obesity, hyperthyroidism);
  • scleroderma, systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • dental problems (periodontitis, caries, periodontal disease);
  • arthrosis and arthritis.

Attention! Hirudotherapy is used only as prescribed by a doctor! In some cases, the use of leeches is dangerous for the patient!


  • anemia;
  • leukemia;
  • diseases with blood clotting disorders;
  • erosive gastritis;
  • gastrointestinal tumors;
  • subacute bacterial endocarditis;
  • significant loss of body weight;
  • pregnancy;
  • individual intolerance to the secretion of the salivary glands of the medicinal leech;
  • hypotension;
  • tuberculosis (active forms);
  • alcohol intoxication;
  • condition after surgery on the spine and brain.

These contraindications are the result of numerous clinical studies.

What needs to be done to keep leeches healthy?

Observe the following rules in hirudotherapy rooms:

  1. The room should be well lit, without strong odors medicines and disinfectants.
  2. Sudden temperature fluctuations are unacceptable.
  3. Wide-necked glass vessels (three liters) are used to keep leeches. fresh water per hundred individuals).
  4. The vessel must be covered with a calico napkin or a double layer of gauze and bandaged tightly. This is done to prevent the leeches from spreading.
  5. The water must be clean, without chlorine and heavy metal salts. Prepared 2 days before use. The water must be changed daily.
  6. An important requirement is maximum cleanliness. The vessels are stored in a cool place, protected from sunlight.
  7. If the leeches become less active, it is recommended to change the water twice a day.

Subject to storage conditions, individuals remain active for six months.

Quality criteria

Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to examine the leech. The best specimens are used for treatment.

Basic indicators of good vital activity:

Weight The normal weight of a healthy leech is from 0.5 to 3 grams.
Contractile reflex Examination:
  • if you hold a leech in your palm, it quickly contracts, the body becomes short and dense;
  • when the palm is opened, it returns to its original state in a short period of time (from 5 to 15 seconds);
  • the process is repeated as the individual is re-compressed and released.
Mobility Good indicators:
  • once in a vessel with water, it swims animatedly;
  • after some time it rises along the walls of the vessel, trying to get out;
  • if you put your hand in the water, a healthy individual quickly swims up and attaches itself using the rear suction cup (the front one makes searching movements to determine the area where the skin has been bitten);
  • does not fall off when shaken off.

How to place leeches correctly?

For patients with chronic diseases The following treatment regimen is recommended: the course is 10 procedures (the intervals between hirudotherapy sessions are 3-4 days). After this, a break is taken for 3 months (the activity of the secretion remains for a long time).

Secrets of "Doctor Duremar"

Sequence of actions:

  1. Select the number of leeches required for the procedure and rinse them thoroughly clean water and transplant into a separate vessel.
  2. Clean the patient's skin using a cotton swab moistened with alcohol. Severe hyperemia should appear. Not recommended for use as bait various substances(glucose, sugar), warmed skin is enough to stimulate. If the leech does not stick, it is of poor quality or has not had time to get hungry.
  3. Wait 15 seconds for the alcohol vapor to dissipate.
  4. Place the leech on the area of ​​skin selected for the procedure.
  5. After suction (usually it takes 1 to 3 minutes), place a layer of cotton wool under the point of application so that the liquid flowing from the leech’s body does not bother the patient.

In the first minutes after biting the skin, the patient feels pain. Subsequently, the discomfort disappears, since the secretion of the salivary glands contains an anesthetic substance.

Basic methods:

Attention! It is unacceptable to use a pumped leech on another patient!

For staging you can use:

  • test tube;
  • small glass (volume no more than 100 ml);
  • 20 ml disposable syringe with front part removed.

After the procedure, the leeches are destroyed, for which they are placed in a vessel with a 10% chloramine solution. A sterile napkin is applied to the wound. Disposable gloves are required when working!

Schemes for placing leeches for diseases of the liver and gall bladder

Key points:

Gallbladder problems Place two leeches on the tailbone area, closer to the anus.

Liver diseases From 10 to 15 individuals are placed along an oblique line to the right from the xiphoid process of the sternum to the VI thoracic vertebra.

They also place one leech on the lower edge of the VI, VII, and VIII ribs.

One or two individuals are placed two centimeters below the edge of the costal arch along the mid-axillary line.

If leeches are placed along a vertical line, you must start from the bottom point. The patient's position should be as comfortable as possible.

Complications of hirudotherapy

During the procedure, both adverse reactions and complications are possible. The hirudotherapy room should have everything necessary to provide first aid.

Often found:

  • skin redness;
  • edema;
  • local increase in temperature at the site of the bite;
  • enlargement of nearby lymph nodes.

Adverse reaction - answer immune system on the secretion of the salivary glands. In this case, a large release of histamine occurs. Usually clinical manifestations adverse reaction appear 8 hours after 3-4 sessions.

In this situation it will help:

  • cold compress (a teaspoon of baking soda per glass of water);
  • treat the wound with a 5% solution of potassium permanganate;
  • antihistamines (“Suprastin”);
  • cleansing procedures (enemas).

Complications occur very rarely:


Wound infection with the development of purulent inflammation Reasons:
  • failure to comply with hygiene rules;
  • errors in care;
  • violations of sanitary and hygienic standards during the procedure.

Treatment: antibiotics, opening and drainage of the purulent focus.

Bleeding Pathological bleeding during hirudotherapy – lasting more than 2 days.

Reasons for the development of complications:

  • placement of a leech over a superficially located large blood vessel.

Help: pressure bandage, suturing the wound.

Allergic reaction The most dangerous complication.

May develop:

  • hives;
  • Quincke's edema;
  • anaphylactic shock (often ends in the death of the patient).

If an allergic reaction is suspected, the session is stopped immediately.

The hirudotherapy room should have the necessary medications to assist with anaphylactic shock.

A prerequisite for starting treatment with leeches is a preliminary study of the coagulogram and general analysis blood!


Various varieties are produced from medicinal leeches in Russia. medical supplies. The secretion of the salivary glands is used to prepare cosmetics: creams, shampoos and gels.

Offers from pharmaceutical companies:

"Piyavit" Available in capsules.

The active component of the drug is a powder that is obtained from the secretion of the salivary glands of a medicinal leech (in laboratory conditions).

Indications for use:

  • thrombophlebitis of superficial veins;
  • bruises and hematomas (consequences of injury);
  • varicose veins;
  • diabetic angiopathy (as part of complex treatment).

Capsules are intended for oral administration. The dose is selected by the doctor individually for each patient.


  • hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • pregnancy;
  • individual intolerance to components.

The drug is not intended for the treatment of children.

Gel "Girudo" Made from medicinal leeches grown artificially. The individuals did not come into contact with the skin of humans or animals and did not have access to the environment.

Therapeutic effect:

  • promotes fast healing wounds and burns;
  • improves microcirculation;
  • reduces pain;
  • eliminates swelling;
  • promotes the resorption of hemorrhages,
  • helps with headaches.

Application: Apply a thin layer to clean skin. In order for the drug to be better absorbed, you need to massage it lightly.

Used when complex treatment the following diseases:

  • thrombophlebitis;
  • trophic ulcer;
  • anal fissure;
  • varicose veins;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • burns;
  • hematomas of traumatic origin;
  • psoriasis (plaque form);
  • bedsores;
  • at plastic surgery(for better healing of the skin flap).

Rectal suppositories "Girudo" Contains medicinal leech extract and cocoa butter.


  • fissures of the anus and rectum;
  • external and internal hemorrhoids;
  • inflammatory diseases of the large intestine.

Application: the suppository is inserted into the rectum.

Side effect: pain and itching may occur. In this case, an oil enema is recommended (it will stop the effect of the medicine).

All medications are used only as prescribed by a doctor!

Frequently asked questions

Are all leeches suitable for treatment?

Good afternoon I have suffered from varicose veins for many years. I read about the benefits of hirudotherapy and would like to try it. But it's so expensive! I saw a lot of leeches in the pond at our dacha. What if I catch a few?

Hello! For hirudotherapy, special medical leeches are used; other types are not suitable for treatment. Hirudo medicinalis are grown in artificial conditions and do not have contact with the environment (therefore they cannot be carriers of various diseases). Also, do not forget that for effective procedure the leech must be hungry (in wildlife it is impossible to control this fact).

What is needed to open an office?

Good afternoon I want to do hirudotherapy, I heard that they make good money from this. What is needed for this? I have average medical education.


In order to obtain a license, you must:

  • higher medical education (pediatrics, general medicine);
  • complete hirudotherapy courses (at least 144 training hours).

One of the directions traditional medicine, which was once popular, but today has almost fallen into disuse, is considered hirudotherapy. The method is based on the use of leeches to treat a wide variety of pathologies. The procedure technique involves installing worms at certain points human body, depending on which one or another effect on the body occurs. This method has contraindications.

In the front and back parts The worm has suckers. With one of them, he bites through the victim’s skin and begins to absorb blood until completely saturated. The peculiarity of the animal is that it is capable of not eating for several months. These individuals are used in hirudotherapy because they reach a level of hunger that is sufficient for their effective use.

The therapeutic effect consists of introducing into the patient’s body active substances that enter the leech’s saliva. Among them are enzymes and components that help improve mood, appetite, give vigor, and normalize sleep. In total - more than 100 useful elements. Numerous studies have revealed a direct dependence of human immunity on the use of hirudotherapy. This is confirmed by the relatively rapid recovery from certain diseases.

Medical leech


Leeches are used to treat many ailments. List of indications for the use of hirudotherapy:

  • thrombosis of arteries and veins;
  • gynecological diseases (uterine fibroids, infertility);
  • bronchial asthma;
  • pulmonary problems (pneumonia);
  • neurological ailments (neuroses, migraines);
  • haemorrhoids.

It is effective to place leeches when varicose veins: discomfort is relieved, swelling is significantly reduced. Penetrating into the blood, the beneficial enzyme hirudin thins it and reduces its ability to clot. As a result of this effect, the risk of blood clots that exists with varicose veins is significantly reduced.

Hirudotherapy is used for hypertension. The effect is achieved through bloodletting. Leeches suck out some blood, thereby lowering blood pressure. Symptoms such as headaches, tinnitus, and heart pain are eliminated. Decrease high blood pressure It also has a positive effect on the liver: disorders that occur in many of its diseases are reduced.

An effective method is to lose weight using leeches. In this case, metabolic processes are normalized and metabolism is accelerated. This method is also useful for the overall health of the skin, giving it a natural color.


This treatment method does not large number contraindications. Side effects during hirudotherapy are often associated with the patient experiencing allergic reaction both on leeches and on the enzymes they produce that get under the skin. Not recommended similar treatment if available:

  • hypotension;
  • oncological diseases;
  • poisoning;
  • pregnancy;
  • anemia;
  • immunodeficiency states.

The placement of medicinal leeches is contraindicated for persons suffering from hemophilia, that is, poor blood clotting. With this disease, it can flow continuously from the formed wound, which is very dangerous for health. Also, you should not be treated in this way if internal bleeding, for example, if the patient has an open stomach ulcer.

The use of leeches for the treatment of patients with hemophilia is prohibited. Hirudotherapy should not be used for anemia: the patient’s blood is poor in red blood cells and platelets, and after the procedure there will be even fewer of them. Pregnancy is a contraindication. Very in rare cases Individual intolerance to the components of leech saliva occurs.

Carrying out hirudotherapy

Many people decide to use treatment with leeches on their own, at home, but before doing so, it is advisable to take a short training course from people who do this constantly. Specialists will teach you how to handle animals and how to properly carry out the procedure to achieve the best results.

You can buy leeches at the pharmacy. You should choose those individuals that are fast and active. Sluggish worms with a sticky surface are not suitable for treatment. You need to take for therapy the healthiest and most attractive in appearance.

If the procedure is carried out at home, then certain rules should be strictly followed. In order for the animal to attach tightly, the surface must first be rubbed until slightly reddened. Fever skin will attract leeches.

Hirudotherapists try to place leeches so that they affect certain points on the body. The most useful places for the location of worms are those whose stimulation leads to the cure of a specific disease.

There is a certain technique for placing leeches, when they are arranged in a special pattern. According to it, the worms are placed at various points. Typically, such places are determined by the doctor strictly individually. Modern hirudotherapy uses several schemes at once, depending on the location of the disease and its severity. The number of leeches per session depends on the purpose for which they are used. Usually 2-10 hungry individuals are introduced at a time.

Treatment is carried out in courses from 2 to 14 sessions, each lasting 40 minutes. Leeches are removed from a jar of water using tweezers or by hand. IN the latter case you need to act quickly so that they do not dig into your fingers. You can make it easier to plant the worms by using a test tube or syringe with a cut end. The leech is placed in the body of the vessel, then applied to the desired point. It disappears on its own after it is full. You can help it fall off by touching it with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol or iodine.


Depending on the pathology that needs to be cured, the places where leeches are placed are selected. For example, with thrombosis cerebral vessels or hypertension they can be placed on the mastoid processes located on the head - approximately 1 cm behind the ears. They should not be placed close to the sink, as this is where they pass superficial veins which will lead to bleeding.

In case of eye disease, for example, retinal detachment, worms are also placed on the face. In the same way, swelling and unhealthy skin color are eliminated. You can put them for rejuvenation in different places on the face:

  • cheeks;
  • chin.

To treat cardiovascular pathologies, leeches are applied to the area of ​​​​the projection of the heart on the left side of the chest. In a similar way, they are placed to cleanse the body of toxins. Annelids have been used since ancient times to relieve ischemic pain. This result of their use is due to the fact that hirudin is released with leech saliva, which dilates blood vessels and improves blood circulation. The method is especially effective for angina pectoris, in a pre-infarction state.

Hirudotherapy is useful for stagnation in the liver area. In such cases, leeches are helpful when placed in the lower abdomen or on the patient's side. For varicose veins, worms are placed on the leg along the diseased veins, and not on them themselves.

Treatment with leeches is the oldest method of treating many, often completely diverse, diseases. Despite the fact that this method of treatment refers to methods alternative medicine, its unique medicinal properties recognized as official medicine. This influence on a person is also indicated by popular name these organisms are a “living pharmacy”.

Did you know? Leech is a full-fledged medical product, and this fact has been recognized since 1990.

The body of the medicinal leech is smooth and elongated, reaching a length of 3 to 13 cm and a width of 1 cm, in abdominal area a little flat.

The body structure is ring-shaped, like earthworm, but less segmented. The body can be black, dark green or gray, brown-red with contrasting body color stripes of yellow, red or black.

The anterior and posterior ends of the body have suckers:

  • the front one is designed for attachment (suction) to objects; the mouth is located in the center of it. In the mouth opening there are three serrated plates designed to break the integrity of the skin and suck out blood;
  • the back one is designed to attach the body when moving.

These organisms have male and female sexual characteristics and are hermaphrodites, but for reproduction (laying eggs) they need the participation of a second individual.

There is no point in looking for medical specimens on wide sale - this is not a mass-produced product, although some pharmacies sell them. It is recommended to use these organisms under the guidance of a specialist in working with leeches (hirudotherapist) in a medical institution.
This approach will help avoid purchasing " poor quality goods", because Unscrupulous scammers, under the guise of medical supplies, supply ordinary “river” ones.

Important! Ordinary freshwater (or river) leeches do not benefit the human body.

Supplies for hirudotherapy sessions are made from special biofactories where leeches are grown under sterile conditions. Such cultivation makes them safe and “tame,” which greatly simplifies the work of health workers with them.

The safety of the procedures performed will be indicated by the immediate disposal of organisms by a healthcare worker immediately after use.

The benefits of hirudotherapy sessions depend not only on the bloodletting process taking place, but also on the contents of the salivary glands of leeches, the composition of which is unique and invaluable. At the moment of biting the skin and in the process of consuming blood, they enter the human body biologically. active substances contained in saliva. Among these substances, the most useful:

  • anticoagulant hirudin, which prevents blood clotting. In addition to thinning, it helps cleanse the blood of blood clots and blood clots;
  • the enzyme hyaluronidase, which increases the permeability of tissues and blood vessels to incoming active substances;

Did you know?Leeches are afraid of noise; excitement from high vibrations depletes and weakens their body, which can lead to their death.

  • enzyme destabilase, helping to reduce inflammatory processes in the body;
  • enzyme asperase, which helps reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol and prevents the formation cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels. This effect accelerates metabolic processes in the body, which promotes weight loss.

In one session, each leech consumes from 15 to 20 ml of blood, and no more than 7 individuals are used. As a result, the volume of blood in the human body decreases, but at the same time the supply of oxygen and nutrients increases.

Also, hirudotherapy is often compared to acupuncture sessions. The thing is that leeches stick only biologically active points(acupuncture) not on the body, which is comparable to the effect of punctures. This positive influence on the body also occurs in modern alternative medicine.

Indications for treatment are disturbances in the functioning of the body associated with:

  • with a metabolic failure to normalize it;
  • with violations in endocrine system to resolve it and receive normal indicators analyses;
  • with spinal diseases to improve physiological norms and increasing the amplitude of actions;
  • with disorders in the hematopoietic system, in particular, to reduce the likelihood of blood clots;
  • with genitourinary diseases, to obtain positive result treatment.

In addition, it is possible to use hirudotherapy sessions as prophylactic to rejuvenate the body and maintain energy balance.

The mechanism of action of a leech is that enzymes and other active substances contained in the saliva of a leech, in the process of saturation, enter the human body and spread to nearby tissues and organs, where they begin their effect.
A feature of this mechanism is the fact that biologically active substances begin to act in the place where it is needed.

Hirudotherapy as additional method Treatments are prescribed for diseases:

  • in the field of gynecology for the treatment chronic inflammation appendages, endometriosis, cystitis, infertility;
  • in the field of dermatology for the treatment of dermatitis, psoriasis, allergic manifestations on the skin acne and acne;

  • in the field of cardiology and neurology with coronary disease heart disease, hypertension, atherosclerosis;
  • in the field of endocrinology, especially in diabetes mellitus;
  • in the field of urology for the treatment renal colic, hemorrhoids, prostatitis;
  • in the field of ophthalmology for the treatment of glaucoma and keratitis;
  • in the field of phlebology for treatment varicose veins veins and thrombophlebitis;
  • in the field of rheumatology for the treatment of rheumatic carditis, arthritis, hernias and other diseases of the spine.

It is impossible to list all the diseases that a leech can cure, because... therapeutic and side effects depend on the characteristics of each person’s body.

Important! Same leech when used different people will not transmit possible infections and diseases from one person to another because the blood she consumes cannot get back into the wound.

Contraindications for treatment

Despite the overall positive effect on a person and his body, hirudotherapy has some contraindications. Sessions cannot be held:

  • for chronic hypotension (low blood pressure);
  • with diagnosed hemophilia;
  • with anemia (anemia);
  • after a stroke or heart attack;
  • for cancer in severe forms;
  • during pregnancy;
  • with individual intolerance.

Start using leeches at home without preliminary preparation not worth it. It is recommended to obtain in advance necessary information about the rules for setting up with a specialist, because The process of hirudotherapy has its own characteristics.

To conduct home hirudotherapy sessions you will need:

  • leeches;
  • a jar of water where well-fed individuals will be placed;
  • tweezers;
  • a test tube or small glass vessel with a narrow neck for placing individuals there before staging;
  • dressings (cotton swabs, bandages);
  • hydrogen peroxide.

Did you know? Blood consumed by a leech can remain in its digestive organs for more than 3 months, without coagulating and without signs of rotting.

Despite the fact that leeches can feel active biological points on the body, you can adjust the placement location, but with prior consultation with a specialist. Each disease for which they are used has its own area for treatment.

The process of hirudotherapy occurs in the following order:

  1. the area of ​​the body where the leeches will be applied must be thoroughly rubbed, warming it up in this way;
  2. The leech, taken by the tail with tweezers, is placed in a glass vessel and applied to the skin in the required place. The vessel does not need to be removed immediately, but should be held on the body a little so that the leech attaches tightly;
  3. The session lasts until the leech is satiated and falls off on its own. Such an individual must be immediately placed in a jar of water. There is another way to conduct a session, when the leech is given the opportunity to suction well, but the process of its saturation is interrupted forcibly by applying a tampon soaked in salt water or iodine solution to the back. This method has positive impact, and blood loss is not allowed;
  4. A clean napkin, a cotton swab and a bandage are applied to the bite site. on the first day, a certain amount of blood may be released from the wound;

Important! At copious discharge If there is blood at the site of the bite, an additional bandage is applied, and the first bandage applied should not be removed, even if it is completely soaked in blood.

Scope of application for applying leeches for certain diseases:

  • in the area chest - for the treatment of heart and vascular diseases;
  • in the area of ​​the liver- for diabetes;
  • at the bottom of the legs- for the treatment of varicose veins;
  • V occipital region heads- for the treatment of hypertension;
  • along the spine- for the treatment of osteochondrosis and hernias;
  • V lower area belly- for the treatment of gynecological and urological diseases.

It is necessary to install leeches at intervals of 5-6 days, while it is important to use no more than 5-7 individuals in one session.

Leeches - unique organisms, capable of benefiting a person through the normal consumption of his blood. For treatment sessions, only the type of medicinal leeches is used, which may differ slightly in their external manifestations, although this makes them positive qualities do not decrease. And do not forget that it is still better to entrust the procedure to a specialist.

Treatment with leeches is the key to ideal well-being, as well as to getting rid of a wide variety of ailments that people have encountered since ancient times.

There is no such person who would not like to always look healthy and strong, but in modern world, this is not always possible.

If you don’t want to take expensive drugs that have different effects on the body negative impacts, it is worth studying the question of how to place leeches at home.

Self-administered hirudotherapy is one of the centuries-tested methods of getting rid of various diseases.

To have a rough idea of ​​the data natural healers, it’s worth understanding what kind of leeches there are. There are about four hundred species of them and about a quarter of them live throughout the country in small bodies of fresh water.

Of the variety of leeches, not all are medicinal. To choose the right option, you should act only through special medical institutions and pharmacies.

The therapeutic effect of leeches is based on the fact that in the process of suction to the skin and blood vessels of a person, they transmit more than 150 biological substances beneficial to health through the blood through their saliva.

As numerous studies have shown, scientists have identified a pattern that in the process of hirudotherapy a person not only loses certain diseases, but the immune system is also significantly strengthened, and recovery from certain pathologies occurs much faster.

The most important thing is to know the points on the body where to place leeches and to understand where you should not place them.

It is significant that properly performed hirudotherapy is not accompanied by side effects . This method of therapy is used to treat a wide variety of diseases.

Among them are:

  • vegetative-vascular dystonia, with headaches and blood pressure;
  • purchased and birth defects hearts;
  • joint diseases;
  • rheumatism;
  • atherosclerosis.

In addition, leeches have a great effect positive action for infertility, as rehabilitation after a stroke.

Hirudotherapy is often used in modern cosmetology for facial rejuvenation, the properties and actions of leeches help very well against wrinkles.

Can be used this method treatment for less complex diseases - colds, you can get rid of cough with bronchitis and get significant relief from sinusitis.

Before starting hirudotherapy treatment at home, it is worth consulting with a doctor who will explain how to place leeches correctly, and also decide whether it is possible to place leeches during menstruation, since it all depends on the nature of the monthly cycle.

The main advantage of this form of treatment is that significant relief can be felt after just two or three sessions of hirudotherapy.

Hirudotherapy - how are leeches treated?

Those who wish to use leech treatment at home must purchase them from a pharmacy. Due to the fact that this is an ordinary living creature, it must be kept in accordance with certain rules.

This should be a glass container that is placed in a dark place.. If this rule is not observed, the leeches will die very quickly.

It is very important to check the general condition of the leeches daily.. IN in good condition the creature curls up into a ball when touched lightly. Such leeches are suitable for use. If there is some lethargy, it is better not to use such leeches.

There are some rules that apply to the person who will undergo treatment. Immediately before the session, you do not need to overeat too much, that is, fill your stomach with too rich food.

The skin should be cleanly washed, but without the use of different fragrances, as foreign odors can repel leeches. This type Bloodsuckers do not like odors, so they should not be present not only on the body, but also in the room. For this reason, you should not use different air fresheners.

Among the rules for conducting the session itself are the following:

Each person has a different body, which is characterized by its own individual characteristics. For this reason, reactions to the procedure may vary.

If there is a slight itching, you need to refrain from scratching it; there is nothing to be afraid of, since this is just a certain reaction of the body to treatment.

It is important to take into account that hirudotherapy performed at home is often accompanied by weakness and slight dizziness. For this reason, it is worth inviting someone close to you during the treatment.

On average, the course of therapy should last from one month to one and a half months. How often can the procedure be performed at this time - every day, with the exception of certain ailments.

After the main treatment, maintenance therapy can be carried out, with the course taking place after two or three days.

After the session, it is strictly forbidden to visit the bathhouse. You can’t even shower after treatment on the same day, only the next.

Features of the treatment of various diseases

The advantage of treatment with leeches is that at home without the use of expensive and complex medicines, you can get rid of a large number of diseases. Here are the most popular of them and the rules for their treatment.

Diseases of this type are based primarily on severe slagging of blood vessels. Deposits on them can cause blood to flow through them slower and cause even more deposits to build up.

To effectively cleanse blood vessels, leeches should be applied to the following places:

  • projection area of ​​the heart;
  • next to diseased veins, if they are varicose veins;
  • temples and parietal tubercles;
  • area behind the ears and on the sacrum.

As a result of the effect of leeches on these areas of the body, the blood supply to the brain is significantly improved, the outflow of venous blood is completely restored, and various deposits in the spinal area are resolved.

Leech saliva has the property of dissolving various deposits on the walls of blood vessels, as well as thinning the blood.. All this has a positive effect on general condition health.

Treatment of trophic ulcers

Leech therapy against this pathology is carried out if a person’s sugar is completely stabilized. To improve the patient’s condition, leeches should be applied to the tailbone area.

They saturate the blood with useful components, which improves metabolism in diabetes mellitus, which has a positive effect on treatment.

If you apply leeches to inflamed skin, their action will significantly accelerate the movement of lymph and its outflow from the affected area. This will automatically have a positive effect on the regeneration of the skin.

One or two courses of treatment are enough for the affected areas to become pink, firm, smooth and elastic.

To relieve inflammation and heal wounds, leeches should be placed directly on the inflamed areas, about 3-7 pieces each. The first few sessions are carried out every day, then treatment can be carried out every other day.

Leeches are able to provide indispensable assistance in the process of skin rejuvenation and wrinkle removal.

To achieve a general rejuvenating effect, leeches should be planted on biologically active points.

To quickly and effectively tighten the oval of the face, it is better to place bloodsuckers on the eyelid area, on the collar area, behind the ears, under the jaw and between the eyebrows.

The peculiarity of this therapy is that the procedures are carried out every other day, and up to 10 sessions of hirudotherapy may be required in total.

After the first two or three procedures, the condition of the skin improves significantly, the number of wrinkles is significantly reduced.

A large number of modern gynecological clinics Hirudotherapy is used in the treatment of diseases. Leeches are able to cope with pathologies that can only be solved surgically.

Among the main diseases for which hirudotherapy can help are:

  1. Resorption of cysts on the ovaries.
  2. Helps well with uterine fibroids.
  3. Obstruction of the fallopian tubes.
  4. For prostatitis, leeches are also used.

Treatment of these diseases cannot be completely transferred to hirudotherapy.. The therapy can only be used as an adjunct or prophylaxis.

Leeches reduce the risk of ectopic pregnancy and contribute to bearing a healthy baby. There are a large number of other women's diseases, which take place after a course of hirudotherapy, for which leeches are placed in the navel.

In men, sperm motility and overall sperm quality significantly increase. During treatment and prevention, leeches are planted on the sacrum or lower abdomen in an amount of approximately 2-5 pieces.

The total treatment time is a week. According to the doctor's indications, a course through certain time can be repeated.

The listed diseases are far from the only ones that can be effectively treated with leeches. Here are a few more common pathologies and locations of bloodsuckers:

If you are interested in the question of where to place leeches for hemorrhoids, then experts note the possibility of placing them on the area of ​​the coccyx and sacrum.

During treatment with leeches, it is important to remember that leeches are sensitive not only to odors, but also to a person’s mood. The internal mood is directly reflected in the activity of leeches.

Treatment with leeches should be carried out only in a good mood. This is important in order not to disturb the bioenergetics of the human field and to obtain the most positive result from treatment.

To achieve optimal results during hirudotherapy treatment, you should adhere to certain rules regarding nutrition.

During treatment you need to drink as much water as possible.

The use of hirudotherapy significantly improves general exchange water in the human body.

It is useful to drink tea made from nettle leaves, which seriously cleanses the human blood.

It is advisable to include in the diet such healthy products, How:

  • beet juice;
  • mineral water with lemon juice;
  • oatmeal with pieces of dried apricots, bananas, raisins and apples.

A simple diet during hirudotherapy will have an even greater effect if you exclude fried foods, sweets and spicy seasonings, as well as high-fat foods from the diet.

It is advisable to completely abandon bad habits– this is important not only for the duration of the course of hirudotherapy, but also for the rest of the time, for the entire life of a person who strives to lead a healthy lifestyle and eliminate various diseases from it.

Despite the versatility of the treatment and the positive effect produced, there are certain contraindications to the use of hirudotherapy.

Among them are:

Before treatment at home, you must first consult a specialist.. It is important to decide how to apply leeches for certain diseases, how long to keep and how many procedures can be performed.

If certain rules are not followed, treatment will not bring any benefit, but may cause adverse effects.

Treatment during menstruation deserves special attention. With proper use of leeches and in the absence of contraindications, you can significantly improve your overall well-being and relieve pain.

Hirudotherapy is indicated for regular and not very heavy periods, but if heavy bleeding, from similar method treatment should be abandoned.

Summing up

The popularity of hirudotherapy is increasing every year. This is quite reasonable, since the medicinal and therapeutic features One can only be surprised at the number of leeches.

Often a person suffers from several ailments at the same time and has to take a large number of medications.

To reduce the number of pills you take and not have a strong harmful effect on the body, you should pay attention to hirudotherapy. Their positive effect on the human body was confirmed many centuries ago before the development of modern drugs.

Modern man lives in an era information development, high-quality professional services are available to everyone without exception.

Despite this, you should not neglect visiting a hirudotherapist, who will tell you how to properly place leeches and set an individual schedule for each person. All this will help to ensure that you get rid of various pathologies.