Kel Andrey Aleksandrovich chiropractor reviews. Method for treating aseptic necrosis of the femoral head

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For a long time I suffered from osteochondrosis of the spine. I'm healing hard. I feel my prices are sometimes worse. And I really want to get rid of the pain! All of us I hear the name of a young Moscow doctor, a specialist in manual therapy, Andrei Kel. They say that her hands do miracles... But today there are so many “miracle workers” that it’s hard to believe in them. Please tell us about Kels in -Health-.
I. LUPANLINA, Odntsono, Moscow region


We invited Andrei Aleksandrovich Kel to the editorial office. He works at the Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute named after M. F. Vladimirsky, and teaches classes at the Faculty of Manual Medicine of the Independent University JSC "Accept". Vice-President of the Moscow Association of Manual Medicine. Graduate of the 1st Moscow medical institute, surgeon. He is 34 years old, / recent years given to manual medicine. Took the minds of thousands of people.
This person is surprisingly calm, friendly, smiling. The movements of small hands with sensitive fingers (they say they are the hands of a surgeon) are leisurely and precise.
- So, Andrei Alexandrovich, how are things going with miracles?
- Excellent! - our guest laughs. - But seriously, it is not by chance that vertebrology - the science of diseases of the spine - has become an independent discipline. A patient who has been pushed around between neurologists, surgeons, and orthopedists perceives the relief of his suffering by a manualist as a miracle. I am rather a vertebrologist who knows a whole range of manual techniques, including my own.
“We’ve somehow become accustomed to thinking that a chiropractor’s abilities are innate. And not every doctor can be a good manualist. Is that so?
— A true master in any matter is a bit of a fan. Only one thing should be innate - fanaticism, certain spiritual qualities, completely tuned to serving the cause that a person chooses. And hand sensitivity can be developed and everything else can be learned. Of course, you need a clear and competent educational process. We organized this at our faculty. By the way, a new appointment with doctors was announced in the last issue of your magazine.
I understand that it is not so easy to convey the subtleties of manual art. It is no coincidence that there are still few recognized students among famous doctor Kasyan. Nikolai Andreevich himself -
giant, this is a man - poster, slogan! He sees the patient for 40 seconds, several subtle movements and often a miracle." But you can’t get a teaching word out of him. I went to Kobelyaki twice. I already worked, I was famous. And, understanding a lot, having read about a lot in the special, including foreign literature, I have already purposefully tried to consider and independently comprehend Kasyan’s techniques. Some of them can be adopted by all manualists. Something... Oh. There is so much unknown here -
Well, not even modern science explains everything.
What I am deeply convinced of is that a chiropractor must be a widely erudite physician and work closely with colleagues. This is a specialist who knows well the lesions of the articular, ligamentous, and muscular apparatus human body
and neurological, and orthopedic, and oncological, and even tuberculosis nature. In turn, the chiropractor helps the neurologist or orthopedist reduce the suffering of his patient.
patient, restoring blood flow in the vessels, relaxing the muscles, releasing the pinched nerve root... That is why it is so important to prepare doctors who can foresee any complication, in some cases refuse intervention, in some cases - in the interests of the patient, neglect the standard list of contraindications .
For example, there is a long debate about a complete ban on manual therapy for discogenic pathology. Nevertheless, only I know of more than hundreds of cases when a ma-chualist returned a patient with a hernia to work intervertebral disc.
- What is this? Can any manualist “reduce” a herniated disc?
- No, not any and not by any method. I use my own method, the so-called barrel method. A barrel is a cask. Imagine how they move - roll a heavy barrel. With similar movements we act locally on the segments of the spine. The effect is soft - painless, differentiated, non-traumatic for tissues. Our credo: treatment should be a joy.
In fact, for each technical technique, and I use a whole complex of osteopathic and chiropractic methods of Western schools, Russian “impact” methods of manual medicine, there are indications. And each method produces a set of different effects. Targeted choice of one method or another optimizes the effect in this way. that the doctor has a psychotherapeutic, reflexotherapeutic, hypno-suggestive and even extrasensory effect on the patient.
— And how quickly does this effect occur?
- Relief - immediately. For some, within a few hours. And more often - in a day or after 2 - 3 sessions. At all full term rehabilitation after our treatment is one and a half years. Therefore, at this time, sudden movements, prolonged stay in an uncomfortable position are undesirable, and alcohol is very dangerous.
— Just as it was once a common opinion that all diseases are caused by nerves, now you hear more often - from
spine. Is there something to this?
- Yes and no. Yes, because indeed spinal diseases can support or even cause various diseases. There are areas of the spine, changes in which indicate pathology in a particular organ. No, because any organ affects the condition to a greater or lesser extent individual systems. The polymosaic nature of the reflex relationships of the human body is increasingly being revealed. It is no coincidence that the auriculo (ear), ling (tongue), chiro (hand), sub (parts of the foot), and irido (eye) - diagnostics and treatment - are developing so rapidly.
The spine is more accessible for doctor intervention. If, say, for manipulations in the area of ​​the iris of the eye, very precise microtechnology is needed, then for the treatment of the spine, hands are sufficient for now. And what is important is that it is relatively easier to train a specialist.
— Could you, Andrey Alexandrovich, give our readers some advice?
- With pleasure. First of all, remember your posture at least three times a day. Imagine that you are performing a ballroom dance, or prancing on a horse, or fencing. Even just imagining the brave guardsman, you will involuntarily straighten up. There is an opinion that your posture is determined by your inherent feeling self-esteem. I beg to differ with this statement. On the contrary, good posture gives rise to self-esteem. A lackey's posture leads to a lackey's attitude. Haven’t you noticed that a person humiliated by everyday life, starting to make trouble, straightens his shoulders?
From the point of view healthy image life a few minutes a day of walking at a marching pace - good exercise to unload the spine. If you are sitting, don't waste time either. For 4-5 seconds, tighten your gluteal muscles, tuck your stomach, try to forcefully push your legs apart, while simultaneously resisting with your hands. This will make your posture more harmonious.
One more piece of advice for the elderly. Resist the urge to slouch, keep your elbows bent, your shoulders together. Straighten more often elbow joints, bend back to pre-
brushes as active muscle movement, and passively (for example, leaning your palms against the wall), “spread” your fingers as much as possible, turn your shoulders. Regular repetition of these exercises, even in line or in the kitchen, reflexively leads to improved posture.
Be careful with bags in transport. It rocked, someone pushed - and the unstable position ends in injury ligamentous apparatus, joints of the spine. The same on slippery sidewalks in winter, on polished subway floors and in street crossings. In my opinion, even a bag hanging asymmetrically on the shoulder, pressed closely to the body, in such a situation is better than a load in two hands.
Keep in mind that you should never slap someone on the back or below the back of a person lifting something heavy from the floor. A sharp shout while a person is lifting a heavy object or carrying a load in an awkward position can also lead to trouble.
I'll warn you about the question
about the benefits of covers for the driver's seat from massage!,a-ricks. The driver's position on the balls becomes unstable; he slides on them every time he presses the gas or brake. On the other hand, a person does not sweat on such a seat, and, according to supporters of this device, constant massage prevents prostatitis. So choose for yourself. If you are comfortable, use a cape.
— Andrey Alexandrovich, in conclusion, a question that our readers will certainly ask: how to get to you for treatment?
— When MONICA is created regional center manual medicine, which will perform therapeutic, advisory, scientific and organizational and methodological functions. Permanent doctor's appointment, several times a week - my consultations. Together with the faculty of advanced training of doctors of MONIKI, our faculty of the Independent University is beginning the primary specialization of doctors in manual medicine in the amount of 720 hours. So there will soon be many well-trained doctors in all parts of the country. And it is not at all necessary for a sick person to travel far for help.

A chiropractor is a unique specialist who, using his hands and special techniques, diagnoses, corrects, and treats a wide variety of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. When you contact a chiropractor in Moscow, you can count on him to help you with your spine, hands and feet, fingers, and all joints of the upper and lower extremities.

Children are brought to a chiropractor in Moscow in order to promptly identify developmental abnormalities. Since these pathologies can be caused by the most for various reasons and deviations in the functioning of other organs and systems, the chiropractor works closely with neurologists, surgeons and representatives of other areas of medicine.

What do chiropractors do?

Chiropractors use their hands to heal. Massage helps in many situations. It relieves clubfoot, flat feet, and torticollis. A good chiropractor helps you cope with any pathology, even the most serious and advanced ones. People come to him with the following problems:

  • poor posture;
  • radiculitis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • curvature of the spine;
  • scoliosis;
  • flat feet;
  • arthrosis of the joints;
  • inflammation of the sciatic nerve;
  • injuries and hernias of the spine.

In addition to the musculoskeletal system, chiropractors in Moscow help with diseases related to neurology. These could be:

  • dizziness, migraines and headaches;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • chronic and acute pain syndromes;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome.

Chiropractors are consulted with diagnoses of:

  • intervertebral disc herniation;
  • kyphosis;
  • osteoporosis;
  • humeroscapular periarthrosis;
  • neurological manifestations of osteochondrosis;
  • acute and chronic pain in the back, shoulders, neck, hip area;
  • restrictions on mobility in any part of the musculoskeletal system, and so on.

What symptoms should you contact a chiropractor for?

As relentless statistics tell us, approximately 90% of the planet's inhabitants suffer from some kind of problem with the spine, pain in different areas of the body, especially in the back. If you do not delay your visit to a chiropractor, then in Moscow you will be able to reduce the percentage similar diseases and not lead to a chronic stage.

The services of a chiropractor are inherently unique, since the assistance is provided with skillful hands, and not only with the help of acquired knowledge. This is how manual therapy differs from traditional techniques. The manual influence of a specialist’s hands on problem areas of the body is absolutely harmless. Contact a chiropractor if you experience:

  • sharp or constant pain in the spine
  • pressure changes;
  • any discomfort in the neck, lower back, chest, pain when turning the head;
  • deterioration of memory, vision, hearing;
  • numbness in fingers, toes, or hands;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • headaches, dizziness;
  • pain in the joints and internal organs, disruption of their functioning, and so on.

Where in Moscow can I get this specialty?

You can become a good chiropractor in Moscow only if you first receive a general medical education and then undergo training at the department of reflexology and manual therapy at one of the Moscow universities, such as:

  • Moscow medical academy named after I.M. Sechenov,
  • RGMU,
  • MGMSU,
  • MSMU named after I.M. Sechenov,
  • RNIMU named after. N.I. Pirogova and others, offering additional training in the field of manual therapy.

Famous Moscow specialists

The path of development led manual therapy from empirical ideas and pragmatic theories proposed by osteopathic and chiropractic schools to the current, progressive stage, when all methods have received scientific basis. Hippocrates also described manual treatment of injuries to the musculoskeletal system. Many peoples practiced walking on their backs. The technique was described by Pushkin in his work “Journey to Arzrum”. On new stage The art of chiropractors developed at the end of the 19th century.

In Russia, the rapid development of manual therapy occurred at the end of the last century, when the first All-Union Symposium on manual therapy was held in the capital and VAMM was created - the All-Union Association of Manual Medicine (then RFAMM). Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences is recognized as the main chiropractor of the Russian Federation. Sitel. Over the years, the art of massage attracted the attention of Botkin, Manassein, Ostroumov, Ratimov, Ott, Maklakov, Bellarminov, Stange, Bekhterev, Turner, Shcherbak and many other talented medical specialists.


Modern man, suffocating in the gentle clutches of civilization, is plunging deeper and deeper into diseases large and small. Despite the constant improvement of everyday life and the unconditional, tremendous successes of medicine, the disease has been and remains an integral part of human life.

Chapter 1. Back pain

Back pain like possible manifestation many, often not similar friends to the friend of diseases, is such a common complaint among our environment today that it seems that almost everyone suffers from the same sore. This feeling is quite close to the truth - indeed, 85% of the world's population suffers from back pain, but the source of this pain is different.

Unquenchable pain will definitely appear at some stage oncological process in the spine itself, and only fatigue will manifest itself after a non-traumatic, but monotonous and prolonged physical work at healthy person. It can sharply worsen after awkward lifting of heavy weights, so much so that for several days it will be impossible to walk to the toilet on your own. In an absolutely amazing way, beyond any reasonable explanation, the back can hurt after a strong nervous shock, and how can one not think about someone’s curse, evil eye or damage? It can be caused by both rheumatism and some infectious and viral diseases. May be “reflected” and indicate some kind of disease internal organ, or perhaps, quite naturally, simply be the result of a direct back injury. Therefore, the complaint “My back hurts...” sounds both in the office of a traumatologist and in the offices of a neurologist, gastroenterologist, orthopedist, surgeon and many other doctors more often than other, specific complaints with which patients turn only to a surgeon or only to a neurologist. To paraphrase the classic, we can say that all healthy people are equally healthy, but sick people each get sick differently.

Many-sided, understandable and incomprehensible, it can appear in a completely healthy person due to a long stay of one of the joints in the extreme position of flexion or extension.
It is quite possible that you had to whitewash the ceiling in your apartment, after which, the next day, you probably had at least a little neck pain. Why did this pain occur? Because of illness? Not really. Just throwing your head back long time, you pulled out your joints cervical region spine into a state of excessive extension. The joint capsules stretched excessively in an unusual direction, resulting in pain in a healthy joint.

The true source is sometimes so thoroughly disguised by a variety of symptoms that, simulating other diseases, it causes serious diagnostic difficulties for doctors.

An incomprehensible patient, a young man of twenty-six years old, appeared in the trauma department of one of the Moscow clinics. In the department, he was treated for his complex fracture of the tibia, which he received while drunk. The bone fragments were compared and the fracture healed successfully. However, a week after admission, he began to complain of severe pain in his back and right side, turned pale, and began to moan. The character of patients in trauma departments is quite typical - most often these are people who received their injuries “drunk,” so the attending physician, accustomed to this turn of events, suspected his patient of delirium tremens (a common thing) and called a psychiatrist-narcologist for a consultation.

An overweight and short of breath narcologist “right away” rejected “his” disease and, after talking with the sick guy for a couple of minutes, wrote an entire novel in the medical history in unreadable handwriting, from which it followed that the patient did not have delirium tremens. Meanwhile, the next temperature measurement showed an increase to 37.3° C, and the area of ​​the outbreak expanded slightly.

Having smoked a couple of cigarettes in the resident’s room, an impromptu consultation consisting of two traumatologists and an anesthesiologist who happened to drop by to see them, decided to call a urologist for a consultation. The urologist professor came accompanied by two assistants and ten students. The consultation was held in the ward with all the luxury of a theatrical lecture, as a result of which a diagnosis was affirmatively made - renal colic. However, objective studies conducted an hour later refuted this diagnosis.

The situation was becoming alarming. The head of the trauma department got involved in solving the problem. With a sweeping gesture, he summoned his friends-managers - a therapist and a surgeon - for a consultation. Imbued with the seriousness of the problem, not wanting to get into an awkward position like an overly self-confident urologist, they examined, questioned and probed the patient for a long time, studied the tests that had accumulated by this time and thoughtfully clicked their tongues.

The therapist threw up his hands, and the surgeon suggested a developing inflammation of the pancreas (“After all, the guy drinks…”). However, here, too, objective research methods did not confirm this assumption. The “drinking guy” became heavier before our eyes, his back pain intensified, his temperature remained at the same alarming and suspicious numbers. He moaned quietly and winced heavily, swearing tiredly.

The next day, a respectable company of all the leading specialists of the hospital gathered in the smoky trauma surgery room. They drank tea with cognac, played chess, smoked, remembered their youth, made thoughtful assumptions about the strange patient using a wild mixture of Latin and truly Russian expressions, ordered tests, and after waiting for their results, made new assumptions. Elderly doctors, tired of the hospital routine, took the incomprehensibility of the disease as a challenge to their professionalism.

Invited from the central venerable clinic vascular surgeon.

After a couple of days of doctors being completely bewildered, the problem resolved itself - shingles rashes appeared on the skin of the patient’s back, where the patient had pain.

As you can see, the problem of a sore back can be so ambiguous that it can be difficult to understand it even for a whole council of highly qualified doctors. Therefore, in this book we will not talk about diseases, but about that banal back pain that can appear when doing routine household chores, sitting for a long time at a student’s desk or computer, or uncomfortable bending of the body. In other words, let's talk about pain that is concentrated in the ligaments and muscles of the back.

A little history

Traditionally, since Old Testament times, banal back pain that appeared after an unsuccessful turn or lifting a heavy object was treated by a chiropractor. In writing ancient Rome There is a story about a famous free gladiator named Casanasta, who suffered from shoulder pain after falling from his chariot. He was cured by the famous Claudius Galen, the gladiator doctor, who, according to today's table of ranks, apparently could be classified as a traumatologist. Galen kneaded his patient's back, pulled his neck, massaged his shoulder, after which the pain went away, and Casanasta returned to his sweet occupation. From this and many other stories it follows that doctors ancient world They were able to deal with the problem quite successfully.

The spread and improvement of this skill was prevented by the active Christianization of Europe. In the Middle Ages, during the era of the Holy Inquisition, curiosity was considered heresy and all inquisitive people, usually on Saturdays, in front of a general gathering of people, on main square, burned at the stake. Therefore, in those twilight times, many scientific directions stopped in their development. However, due to constant traumatic epidemics - wars, the need to eliminate pain in joints and muscles was extremely high. That's why individual techniques chiropractors were nevertheless retained in the hands of medieval doctors who knew how to set dislocated joints of the limbs, and considered this exclusively their professional work.

In a more foreseeable era, when from universal doctors a cohort of orthopedists and traumatologists emerged, work on the joints and muscles of the extremities became an obligatory part of their narrow specialization. However, conservative therapeutic treatment backs remained the lot of the underground work of healers.

Just recently, about thirty years ago, a patient with a chronic back problem was the most unloved patient among neurologists. We, today, can only be surprised at the amazing limitations and deformation of the professional consciousness of that time, which rejected real techniques eliminating back pain.

At the end of the seventies, an elderly neuropathologist professor known throughout the country received a patient in her office in the presence of several residents and novice doctors. The patient was a young man of about thirty-five who complained of constant pain “radiating” to his right buttock and thigh. His suffering had lasted for several years, during which he managed to be treated by many neurologists, but the disease, having stopped a little, continued to torment him, each time with new passion. "Cute!" - the professor told him after the examination - “Darling! And don't try any more... It's not fatal, but It will never go away. It will always hurt, so stop worrying and don’t think... It will be a little better, a little worse, but it won’t go away completely... So stop going to the doctors...”

Protected by her regalia, position and age, the professor said out loud what any neurologist would like to say to such a patient, but did not dare. I would like to say this because we are the only ones who can fight chronic illness. medicines and massage, the main weapon of a neurologist, is a thankless task. I didn’t dare say it because to say it out loud would mean admitting my professional failure. It must be said that a neurologist who is not involved in manual therapy, dislike for this category of patients remains to this day.

Orthopedists in the seventies also did not like patients with chronic back pain. They, orthopedists, are surgeons by vocation, serious and dashing guys. They were the first to feel one of the causes of the problem in the literal sense of the word - by operating on the spine for intervertebral hernias. Online access to a herniated spine in those years was carried out through abdominal cavity. This means that in order to “get closer” to the hernial protrusion it was necessary to open the abdominal cavity, move the intestines and then... The operations were difficult, but interesting, with a large number complications. However, if there was nothing to operate on, the orthopedist automatically lost all interest in the patient with a bad back and referred him to a neurologist.

Unsettled by the explanation that “This will never go away,” offended by the negligence of neurologists and orthopedists, patients went to a healer who practiced chiropractic care. Legends were passed down from mouth to mouth about the supernatural ability to treat the back, some village grandmothers or healers who always lived in Darkness-Tarakan, receiving their patients in complete secrecy and raising sick people literally from their deathbeds. At what level did these work? traditional healers, is actually unknown. Probably among them there were also skillful ones who intuitively did not do anything stupid, but there were others... Perhaps the number positive results their work was overshadowed by the same number of failures or complications. However, the very fact of pain relief after manipulation of the joints and ligaments of the spine aroused interest among professional doctors, and the very technique of these manipulations, preserved in the hands of healers, made it possible to overcome the zero cycle of medical ignorance in order to further improve and develop methods conservative treatment sore back. One of the ways self-deliverance for back pain and will be discussed in this book.

New handy doctor - chiropractor

So, a specialist who treats back pain is today called a chiropractor. Manus - in Latin, means "hand". Hence the name - manual, that is, one that heals with hands.

The first graduation of certified chiropractors in Russia occurred in 1982. For many years, the status of these specialists within the medical “crowd” was very uncertain, and only in 1998 the chiropractor was officially included in the register medical specialties and became a full-fledged doctor, such as a neurologist, internist and surgeon.

In Russia, today there are more than 18,000 chiropractors, and this army continues to grow as the demand for relief from back pain increases every day. According to American chiropractors and osteopaths (as chiropractors without medical education are called in America), in the United States, over the past 10 years, the need for specialists to eliminate back pain has increased 163 times! There is no reason to think that this need is less in Russia.

In Russia, unlike many countries in the world, only a doctor can be a chiropractor. The range of knowledge is very large and has an integrative (systemic) nature. Due to the fact that manual medicine is at the intersection of neurology, orthopedics, rheumatology and physical therapy, the need to master the basics of these disparate disciplines is at the center of their training. The difficult task is made easier by the fact that doctors who come to manual medicine, as a rule, already have specialization and experience in one of these disciplines.

A good chiropractor is not just a healthy, muscular guy who can “crunch” vertebrae, but a clinician with a broad professional outlook and deep clinical thinking. This medical specialization provides the seeking doctor with the opportunity to realize Art in his work. Unfortunately, many other narrow specialists have been forced to forget about art in medicine, whose professional freedom is enslaved by a huge amount of diagnostic and therapeutic equipment, in which they are simply laboratory assistants. Unlike the elements of industrial, computerized medicine, the live, skillful, warm human hands of a chiropractor cannot be replaced by anything!

The technique to which this book is devoted, developed precisely by chiropractors, is used by them and how separate species treatment, and as preparation for spinal manipulation.

Pain problem

One of the obligatory symptoms of back pain is muscle tension. At the moment of exacerbation, the patient himself says that he cannot relax, that is, relax entire muscle groups tensed by the will of some evil fate. At this moment, his posture takes on a strange, bizarre configuration, which is supported by tense muscles. This defensive reaction The muscle sheath is similar to a splint that is applied to the fracture site in order to prevent the displacement of fragments.

It follows that a muscle is not a fool to strain just like that - it begins to work in such a debilitating mode when a certain, painful impulse comes to it - a sign of a vital need to limit the range of movements in a certain place in our body. In this case, after a few hours, the muscle itself becomes the main source of pain.

Since ancient times, long before the ancient Hippocrates, it was established that by mechanically stretching a tense muscle, a person can independently get rid of pain. Most people know how to get rid of pain in the calf muscle, which often occurs during long periods of swimming. To do this, the swimmer grabs the toes and pulls them so as to bend the foot towards the front of the shin. This movement stretches the soleus (gastrocnemius) muscle along its length, as a result of which the pain that arises in it disappears.

This method is suitable for any muscle in our body, therefore, knowing certain points of application of your efforts, you can significantly alleviate your back pain, at least until you see a doctor.

The principle of eliminating pain in a tense muscle

It's very simple. In any case, none of my patients had any problems mastering these simple techniques, but first you need to understand the principle of manipulation itself.

The ends of a muscle are always attached to various bones in order to contract and cause them to move closer together. The bones are connected to each other by a joint, which is the center of this movement.

A painful, contracted muscle is always shortened, and stretching it is painful. But if you first cause a slight tension in this muscle, without shortening it along the length, and then relax it and slowly stretch it, then the painful tension in it will disappear.

However, when pathological, that is, disease-causing processes occur, not just one muscle contracts, but a whole complex of very diverse and often quite distant muscles. Therefore, for the most accessible description of pain relief techniques, we will not delve into the anatomy and physiology of muscles, but will focus on the presence of certain symptoms.

Perhaps this approach is a simplification, but an ordinary person, not burdened with knowledge medical terms, very quickly gets tired of a thorough description of anatomical and physiological parameters, laws and conditions that are uninteresting to him. For an ordinary person, the main thing is to quickly achieve results, in in this case- an anesthetic, and I would redirect those who are especially interested to professional literature.

Now let's move on to studying the subject.

Chapter 2. Pain in the back of the neck

Imagine that you have thrown a quadrangular scarf over your shoulders with the ends up, down and to the sides. The projection of the tissue that covered your shoulders and the triangular flap - part of the neck and back, corresponds to the so-called trapezius muscle. This muscle throws the head back, pulls it to the sides, raises the shoulders, raises and lowers the shoulder blades. It begins to hurt when joint problems arise, both in the cervical and thoracic spine. The pain is very characteristic and many are probably already familiar with it: it arises and worsens when the head is tilted forward, it can stretch from the middle of the back to the back of the head, and it can “pull” part of the neck when tilting towards the opposite shoulder, and even “give” to top part shoulder blades

What to do

The procedure is best performed in a sitting position.

As you exhale, place your hands clasped in a “lock” on the back of your head and, with your own hands, slightly tilt your head forward until an unpleasant pulling pain appears in the back of your neck or the symptoms that I just described.

Begin to inhale slowly, at the same time slightly extending your neck, but preventing this extension with your hands. As a result of this confrontation, tension will arise in the trapezius muscle, but movement, that is, extension of the neck, should not occur at this stage.

Holding your breath for 5-7 seconds, you need to slowly exhale. Along with the slow exhalation, relax just as slowly, while simultaneously tilting your head down with your hands, to the level at which the nagging pain on the back of the neck or between the shoulder blades.

As you begin your next inhalation, repeat everything, but as you exhale, try to lower your head a little lower than last time. If done correctly, this should happen naturally. As the trapezius muscle relaxes, you will be able to move more, and as the pain begins to recede, you will be able to painlessly lower your head much lower than at the beginning of the lesson (but don’t get carried away - not lower than your own knees!).

A few notes about

With what force should you press the back of your head on your hands, and with what force should you resist your own head with your hands? With a similar question, but regarding professionally performed manipulations, my colleague once turned to the patriarch of manual medicine, Czech professor, Karel Levit. In response, Levit rested his index finger on his relaxed shoulder and pressed lightly, while his finger, significantly plunging into the relaxed deltoid muscle shoulder, slightly bent at the joint of the nail phalanx.

However, many readers will not understand this vague description of effort: what does lightly mean? And where to look for this deltoid muscle, and who is this “phalanx”?

Try to bend it with your index finger auricle until it comes into contact with the skin of the temple - this is THAT effort. This effort can also be compared to a light morning stretch on the first day of a long-awaited vacation. However, to those who are not satisfied with these comparisons, I propose to provide muscle tension such power, as if you were not paid money for it.

There is one more clarification that will significantly affect the effectiveness of your independent and irreconcilable fight against pain. While inhaling, you need to raise your eyes upward, as if you want to look at the ceiling that your lovely upstairs neighbors poured yesterday. This small addition will qualitatively improve the extension movement itself, and will not strengthen it, but rather improve it - the movement will become more integral and organic.

You can feel the importance of this friendly eye movement with the help of a simple exercise. Turn your head to the side as far as it will go in such a way that your head cannot turn any further with muscle effort. But as soon as you look over your shoulder in the same direction, your head will turn a few more degrees. In addition, with the help of a friendly movement of the eyes, the image is “imprinted” characteristic movement into the brain, which significantly increases the effectiveness of the procedure.

The same applies to breathing during muscle tension and relaxation. To feel the importance of friendly breathing, try doing the above exercise without using your hands and without tensing your muscles. Relax your neck so that it hangs limply on your chest. Take it slow deep breath and feel how, as you draw air into your chest, the muscles at the back of your neck will tighten slightly and your head will rise slightly. With exhalation, this tendency will change to the opposite - drawn by gravity, the head will drop even lower than before, stretching the already relaxed neck muscles with its weight.

And now, having convinced yourself of the effectiveness of the friendly movement of the eyes and breathing, feel how harmoniously all these movements are combined: inhalation, extension, “eyes to the ceiling” and the subsequent exhalation, bending and “eyes to the floor”.

Last but very important clarification

The muscle relaxation phase in all muscle relaxation procedures should be very smooth and evenly slow. Rapid or uneven relaxation will dramatically reduce the effectiveness of the procedure.

All of the above clarifications significantly affect the effectiveness of your fight against pain. Follow them. Otherwise, small deviations will undo all your great efforts.

A small addition to the main procedure that eliminates pain on the back of the neck can be two more exercises, which it is advisable to perform after the manipulations described above.
The first exercise is to mobilize the joints between the occipital bone and the first cervical vertebra. Mobilization, in this case, means improving mobility. To do this, you need to sit and take your starting position: without bending your neck, turn your head to the side as far as it will go, and your eyes should look straight. From this position, make a quick, short nod downward, simultaneously exhaling and lowering your eyes “to the floor” and instantly returning to the starting position.
In the same way, from the same starting position, an upward nod is made, accompanied by an inhalation, movement of the eyes “to the ceiling” and a quick return to the starting position. These two nods should be done alternately, 3-4 times each.

Following this, you should do another short and very pleasant exercise. Clasp your hands together and place them on your neck so that the joined little fingers of both hands are under the back of your head. Relax your hands and feel their pleasant heaviness. From this position, turn your head in