How to get rid of the fear of falling. Feeling anxious for no reason

Sometimes the feeling of anxiety ceases to be rational and literally takes us prisoner. And then we worry about everything: starting from probability sudden cold baby before global warming... the site is about how to get rid of bad thoughts and drive away feelings constant anxiety.

“Hello. I ask you for help. I am in almost constant anxiety about my nine-year-old daughter. I am very afraid that something will suddenly happen to her.

Feelings of anxiety arise spontaneously during particularly happy moments. Or after reading the next terrible news on the Internet (killed, stabbed, set on fire, etc.). Violence and aggression are the main themes of the media.

Knowing that thoughts are material, I simply go crazy: it’s impossible not to think..."

Fear or other strong emotions cause a person to jump to conclusions. Thus, we generalize completely unrelated facts, draw conclusions from isolated cases, and for some reason we try on everything that happened somewhere and with someone in our own lives.

An anxious person tends to worry about the most insignificant things and see disasters and horrors in everything. To reduce anxiety, such a person comes up with various rituals.

For example, he checks whether the front door is closed 10 times, controls his loved ones by calling them every half hour, does not allow children to walk with their peers, introducing dire consequences such communication...

An anxious person is sure that the world is very dangerous and full of threats. He sees obstacles in everything and expects problems.

It must be said that the means mass media greatly contribute to this perception, feeding us daily stories about the horrors happening in the world.

So it turns out that anxious people live, constantly worrying about the future and trying to protect themselves and their loved ones from possible troubles. They spend a lot of effort, time and emotions on this.

Unfortunately, in most cases these efforts lead to nervous disorders, depression (after all, a person thinks about bad things all the time) and irritation of loved ones (after all, they are constantly monitored).

It turns out that anxious person Life is hard on all sides. But despite this, he continues to worry because he cannot do otherwise.

It depicts everything that happens around and has meaning for us, everything that we take on faith or feel: this is our perception, what we call experience or the sum of ideas about reality.

The picture of the world is created from childhood and it describes in detail what is possible for us in this life and what is not.

The child’s picture is created based on the picture of the people around him - parents, friends, teachers, etc. And with this map he goes through life.

With the passage of time and the emergence of new experience, this map expands, but the whole paradox is that all subsequent events are perceived by a person from the point of view of previous experience, the boundaries of which are very difficult to go beyond.

The world consists of thoughts and is in the head. Any picture of the world “comes to life” with frequent attention to it.

Replaying horror stories in your head about yourself or your loved ones is absolutely futile - the energy of fear can only aggravate the situation. What we think about is what we most often encounter in life.

By changing your thoughts, you begin to behave differently and achieve different results.

The fact that you have the power to create your experiences rather than simply react to external circumstances or memories of the past means that you have wide choice, the opportunity to manage your life and create your own future.

Therefore, a good way to get rid of anxiety is shift your focus to a positive direction.

Firstly, if possible Eliminate bad news from your life.

Don’t watch or read crime stories, reports about disasters and wars, because you yourself create a reason for fear by plunging into negativity.

Turn off the TV, skip articles on this topic. There is no benefit from this information, but your impressionability begins to paint terrible pictures.

Create a positive information field for yourself, concentrate on on the positive side life.

Eliminate negativity from your life

  1. Favorable exchange

4 ways to beat anxiety

The appearance of fear is largely ensured by a person’s imagination and ability to associate. When you worry, your imagination draws pictures of a terrible future.

Pictures can be huge in size and remain in front of your eyes all the time. What if an unpleasant picture is replaced with a pleasant one?

Imagine a situation that brings back pleasant memories for you. As you vividly imagine this joyful experience, determine how you feel.

Pay attention to your feelings again. Have they changed? Maybe they have become stronger?

Now let the imagination recede, become smaller, more sketchy, weaker, until it shrinks almost to the size of a postage stamp.

How do you feel now? Once you have determined this, return the image to its original position.

What happens to most people is this: when a positive experience approaches, positive feelings intensify, and when it moves away, they weaken significantly.

If you want to experience positive emotions more intensely, simply bring them closer to the eyes of your imagination.

But if you want the experiences to be less intense, you can move them away from you.

You can do the same with anxiety, pushing unpleasant pictures far, far away or turning them into a barely noticeable point.

You can take temporary systems: What significance does this event have in 5 years? In two years? Tomorrow? Right now? In general, everything depends on the specific situation, and logic is not necessary here.

  1. Affirmations

Very helpful in regulating your emotional state positive statements, called affirmations.

For example, as soon as you catch yourself negative thoughts, immediately repeat the phrase “I and my loved ones are always and everywhere safe,” repeat as many times as necessary to calm down.

You can come up with any phrases that suit your situation. The main thing is that they are positive and in the present tense.

If something is constantly bothering you, repeat affirmations every day in any free minute - this is the only way you can achieve a positive effect.

By learning to manage your condition, you can not only get rid of anxiety, but also open your life to a whole rainbow of positive emotions, which, in turn, will attract a lot of pleasant situations into your life!

Ekaterina Gorshkova,

My greetings to everyone. There is probably no person who has never experienced a feeling of fear in his life. This is not only fear in a dark alley, but also fear of a performance, going to the board, fear of flying on an airplane, and you yourself can add a lot of things to this list. Let's find ways together, what to do and how to get rid of obsessive fear.

What are the fears?

Experts have identified and described more than 300 phobias. Phobia is obsessive fear, which can bring a person to critical condition. Therefore, we must get rid of them by any means.

Phobias are divided into 8 groups, but if you look at their simplified version, the following types are highlighted:

Children's. Numerous childhood fears also include social phobia.

Teenage. This includes fear of space, thanatophobia, nosophobia, intimophobia (when a young man is so afraid of girls that he does not want to establish any relationships with them, not just intimate ones).

Parental. Constant fear for the child.

They are also divided into mental and physical, which have significant differences. With bodily fear, the body becomes covered with sweat, goosebumps, the heart begins to pound strongly, a feeling of lack of air appears, sleep and appetite are disrupted (you either don’t want to eat anything, or, on the contrary, you eat everything).

When you are mentally frightened, you experience anxiety, apprehension, instability of mood, detachment from the world around you, and even a feeling of your body changing.

Long-term anxiety can lead to illness various kinds. It’s not for nothing that they say that all diseases are caused by nerves. Therefore, it is important to avoid prolonged anxiety or any state of fear.

Methods for getting rid of fear

Anxiety visits every person, some often, some sometimes, no one is immune from this. It’s good sometimes, but what if this condition doesn’t go away? The science of psychology has developed special techniques, various techniques that will help restore peace of mind.

First of all, you should understand that fear is defensive reaction our psyche. Therefore, you won’t be able to get rid of it, you just need to find out the reasons, then it will be easier to deal with anxiety states.

If you are visited intrusive thoughts, then a good way to get rid of them has been developed through loud reading of poetry, prose, music or drawings. Draw on paper everything that bothers you, then tear up these drawings or burn them. Imagine that bad thoughts have gone up in smoke.

Didn't help? Then use auto-training “immersion in anxiety.” For 20 minutes, imagine all the horrors that dictate your thoughts, then try to forget about them forever.

Diving into anxiety

Another way to relieve stress yourself. One of my friends often uses this method. Sit up straight: inhale courage, determination, everything good, and exhale all worries, anxiety, bad thoughts. Imagine how they left your head, immediately get down to business with the knowledge that everything is going well. Helps a lot!

A heartfelt conversation with a friend helps a lot. Communication is a true protector against low mood and various anxieties. Over a cup of tea, tell your friend about what’s bothering you, and you’ll feel like you’ve been reborn! Have you noticed?

Switching to something exciting or fun is also a great distraction. Find something to do that is truly interesting to you. Believe me, you will not have time for anxious thoughts.

If you apply the advice of a psychologist to yourself, you can reduce the number of anxious days.

  1. Don't remember unhappy days, only those when you were happy. Try to stay in this state.
  2. Don't exaggerate the problem. The devil is not as scary as he is painted.
  3. Learn to relax. Aromatherapy, auto-training, sports.
  4. Try to accept the fact that you cannot predict everything, do not think about future problems. My friend is doing very wisely. She says: “When I have something to be upset about, then I will be upset.”
  5. Don't dramatize the situation, don't attract bad option events. Imagine a successful solution to your problem.
  6. You don't see a way out difficult situation? Try to analyze several options for solving the problem. Reach out to other people. You will see, there will definitely be a person who can “resolve” your difficult situation or turn things around so that the problem no longer seems insoluble.
  7. Run away from worries. How to overcome fear? Play sports. Due to bodily tension, the body produces a hormone of happiness.
  8. Communicate with your fear. Try to find out where it came from, you may have come up with it yourself. Drive him away or try to make friends. Don't let it take over you entirely, switch to positive emotions.
  9. Go towards your fear to defeat it. For example, you find it difficult to communicate with people, you feel panic before talking. Then start calling various organizations, talk to strangers, ask questions. If you are afraid of dogs, then watch them from afar. Look at the pictures depicting them: how pretty they are! Then pet a friend's dog. This is very effective method.
  10. If you are afraid of the dark, then when you are afraid, talk to yourself, call yourself by name. You can laugh at yourself, this also helps a lot.

You are the best person

Many people have low self-esteem, which is why they develop complexes. How to get rid of complexes? Remember that stereotypes are created by people. Most likely, they had a lot of complexes, so reveal yourself as an individual.

  • Write down in your notebook what you have achieved. Nothing? This can't happen! You will be surprised at what a full-fledged person you are.
  • Think about yourself only from a positive point of view.
  • Express your opinion, even if someone disagrees with it. You are an individual, so you have your own opinion.
  • Change your lifestyle, change your image, have affairs, fight for a better position. After your first success, your self-esteem will skyrocket.
  • Don't communicate with those who lower your self-esteem.
  • Don't compare yourself to others. You are the most wonderful person, period!

Are you being attacked?

Who is attacking you? Ah, it's a panic attack! Don’t worry, this condition occurs to almost every person. Suddenly you have fear sudden death or fear of illness. You feel it so clearly, it seems to you that it should happen right now. The heart begins to beat faster, and the head begins to spin, almost to the point of nausea.

Some are frightened by the fear of life, others are afraid to even go into the subway, others begin to fear disasters, and for some it becomes difficult to swallow. But the fear of dying is especially frightening.

When attacks of PA are repeated very often, then a person develops new phobias. Let's get rid of them without hospitals, at home.

Traditional medicine knows many ways to get rid of this scourge.

  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. oregano, pour a cup of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes. Before meals, drink 0.5 cups. The course of treatment is 2 months.
  2. Motherwort is an excellent stress reliever. Brew 2 tbsp. l. dry raw materials with 2 cups of water, boil for 20 minutes. Drink a large spoonful daily for a month.
  3. Before going to bed, drink tea made from mint, lemon balm or linden, then you will quickly get rid of nervous tension.

Tincture of peony, valerian or motherwort will help calm the nervous system and normalize sleep.


Inexplicable fear, tension, anxiety for no reason periodically arise in many people. The explanation for causeless anxiety may be chronic fatigue, constant stress, previous or progressive diseases. At the same time, the person feels that he is in danger, but he does not understand what is happening to him.

Why does anxiety appear in the soul for no reason?

Feelings of anxiety and danger are not always pathological mental conditions. Every adult has experienced at least once nervous excitement and anxiety in a situation where it is not possible to cope with a problem that has arisen or in anticipation of a difficult conversation. After solving such issues, the feeling of anxiety goes away. But pathological causeless fear appears independently of external stimuli; it is not caused by real problems, but arises on its own.

Alarming state of mind It overwhelms for no reason when a person gives freedom to his own imagination: it, as a rule, paints the most terrible pictures. At these moments, a person feels helpless, emotionally and physically exhausted, in connection with this, health may deteriorate, and the individual will fall ill. Depending on the symptoms (signs), there are several mental pathologies that are characterized by: increased anxiety.

Panic attack

A panic attack usually occurs in a crowded place ( public transport, institutional building, large store). Visible reasons for occurrence this state no, because at this moment nothing threatens a person’s life or health. Middle age Those suffering from anxiety for no reason are 20-30 years old. Statistics show that women are more often subjected to unreasonable panic.

A possible cause of unreasonable anxiety, according to doctors, may be a person’s prolonged stay in a situation of a psychotraumatic nature, but one-time severe stressful situations cannot be ruled out. A great influence on the predisposition to panic attacks is exerted by heredity, a person’s temperament, his personal characteristics and hormone balance. In addition, anxiety and fear for no reason often appear against the background of diseases. internal organs person. Features of the feeling of panic:

  1. Spontaneous panic. Arises suddenly, without auxiliary circumstances.
  2. Situational panic. Appears against the background of worries due to the onset of a traumatic situation or due to a person’s expectation of some kind of problem.
  3. Conditional situational panic. Manifests itself under the influence of a biological or chemical stimulant (alcohol, hormonal imbalance).

The following are the most common signs of a panic attack:

  • tachycardia (rapid heartbeat);
  • feeling of anxiety in the chest (bloating, painful sensations inside the sternum);
  • “lump in throat”;
  • promotion blood pressure;
  • development ;
  • lack of air;
  • fear of death;
  • hot/cold flushes;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • dizziness;
  • derealization;
  • impaired vision or hearing, coordination;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • spontaneous urination.

Anxiety neurosis

This is a mental disorder and nervous system, the main symptom of which is anxiety. When anxiety neurosis develops, it is diagnosed physiological symptoms, which are associated with work failure autonomic system. Periodically, anxiety increases, sometimes accompanied by panic attacks. Anxiety disorder, as a rule, develops as a result of prolonged mental overload or severe stress. The disease has the following symptoms:

  • feeling of anxiety for no reason (a person is worried about little things);
  • fear;
  • depression;
  • sleep disorders;
  • hypochondria;
  • migraines;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea, digestive problems.

Anxiety syndrome does not always manifest itself in the form independent illness, it often accompanies depression, phobic neurosis, and schizophrenia. This mental illness quickly develops into chronic form, and the symptoms become permanent. Periodically, a person experiences exacerbations, during which panic attacks, irritability, and tearfulness appear. A constant feeling of anxiety can develop into other forms of disorders - hypochondria, obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Hangover anxiety

When drinking alcohol, the body becomes intoxicated, and all organs begin to fight this condition. First, the nervous system takes over - at this time intoxication sets in, which is characterized by mood swings. Afterwards, a hangover syndrome begins, in which all systems of the human body struggle with alcohol. Signs of hangover anxiety include:

  • dizziness;
  • frequent change emotions;
  • nausea, abdominal discomfort;
  • hallucinations;
  • blood pressure surges;
  • arrhythmia;
  • alternation of heat and cold;
  • causeless fear;
  • despair;
  • memory lapses.


This disease can occur in a person of any age and social group. As a rule, depression develops after some kind of traumatic situation or stress. Mental illness may be triggered by severe experiences of failure. TO depressive disorder can lead to emotional shocks: death of a loved one, divorce, serious illness. Sometimes depression appears for no reason. Scientists believe that in such cases the causative agent is neurochemical processes - a failure metabolic process hormones that affect a person’s emotional state.

Manifestations of depression can vary. The disease can be suspected if the following symptoms occur:

  • frequent feelings of anxiety without apparent reason;
  • reluctance to do usual work (apathy);
  • sadness;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • decreased self-esteem;
  • indifference to other people;
  • difficulty concentrating;
  • reluctance to communicate;
  • difficulty in making decisions.

How to get rid of worry and anxiety

Every person periodically experiences feelings of anxiety and fear. If at the same time it becomes difficult for you to overcome these conditions or they differ in duration, which interferes with your work or personal life- You should contact a specialist. Signs that you should not delay going to the doctor:

  • you sometimes have panic attacks for no reason;
  • you feel inexplicable fear;
  • during anxiety, you lose your breath, your blood pressure rises, and you feel dizzy.

Using medications for fear and anxiety

To treat anxiety and get rid of feelings of fear that arise for no reason, a doctor may prescribe a course drug therapy. However, taking medications is most effective when combined with psychotherapy. Treat anxiety and fear exclusively medicines inappropriate. Compared to people using mixed type therapy, patients who only take pills are more likely to relapse.

The initial stage of mental illness is usually treated with mild antidepressants. If the doctor notices positive effect, then maintenance therapy is prescribed lasting from six months to 12 months. Types of drugs, doses and time of administration (in the morning or at night) are prescribed exclusively individually for each patient. In severe cases of the disease, pills for anxiety and fear are not suitable, so the patient is placed in a hospital, where antipsychotics, antidepressants and insulin are injected.

Drugs that have a tranquilizing effect, but are sold in pharmacies without a doctor’s prescription, include:

  1. « ». Take 1 tablet three times a day, the duration of the course of treatment for causeless anxiety is prescribed by the doctor.
  2. « ». Take 2 tablets daily. The course lasts 2-3 weeks.
  3. « » . Take 1-2 tablets three times a day as prescribed by your doctor. The duration of treatment is determined depending on the patient’s condition and clinical picture.
  4. "Persen." The drug is taken 2-3 times a day, 2-3 tablets. Treatment for causeless anxiety, feelings of panic, restlessness, and fear lasts no more than 6-8 weeks.

Using psychotherapy for anxiety disorders

An effective way to treat causeless anxiety and panic attacks is cognitive therapy. behavioral psychotherapy. It aims to transform unwanted behavior. As a rule, it is possible to cure a mental disorder in 5-20 sessions with a specialist. Doctor after diagnostic tests and taking tests by the patient, helps a person remove negative thinking models, irrational beliefs that fuel the resulting feeling of anxiety.

Cognitive psychotherapy focuses on the patient's cognition and thinking, not just their behavior. During therapy, a person struggles with his fears in a controlled, safe environment. Through repeated immersion in a situation that causes fear in the patient, he gains more and more control over what is happening. A direct look at the problem (fear) does not cause damage; on the contrary, feelings of anxiety and worry are gradually leveled out.

Features of treatment

Anxiety responds well to therapy. The same applies to fear without reason, and to achieve positive results succeeds in short term. Among the most effective techniques that can relieve anxiety disorders include: hypnosis, consistent desensitization, confrontation, behavioral psychotherapy, physical rehabilitation. The specialist chooses the choice of treatment based on the type and severity of the mental disorder.

Generalized anxiety disorder

If in phobias fear is associated with a certain object, then anxiety with generalized anxiety disorder(GAD) covers all aspects of life. It is not as strong as during panic attacks, but it is longer lasting, and therefore more painful and difficult to bear. This mental disorder is treated in several ways:

  1. . This technique is considered the most effective for the treatment of causeless feelings of anxiety in GAD.
  2. Exposure and reaction prevention. The method is based on the principle of living anxiety, that is, a person completely succumbs to fear without trying to overcome it. For example, the patient tends to get nervous when one of his relatives is delayed, imagining the worst that could happen (the loved one had an accident, he was overtaken by a heart attack). Instead of worrying, the patient should succumb to panic, experience fear in to the fullest. Over time, the symptom will become less intense or disappear altogether.

Panic attacks and anxiety

Treatment of anxiety that occurs without a reason for fear can be carried out by taking medications - tranquilizers. With their help, symptoms are quickly eliminated, including sleep disturbances and mood swings. However, such drugs have an impressive list side effects. There is another group of medications for mental disorders such as feelings of causeless anxiety and panic. These drugs are not potent; they are based on medicinal herbs: chamomile, motherwort, birch leaves, valerian.

Drug therapy is not advanced, since psychotherapy has been recognized as more effective in combating anxiety. At an appointment with a specialist, the patient finds out exactly what is happening to him, which is why the problems began (causes of fear, anxiety, panic). Afterwards, the doctor selects appropriate methods for treating the mental disorder. As a rule, therapy includes drugs that eliminate the symptoms of panic attacks, anxiety (pills) and a course of psychotherapeutic treatment.

Video: How to Deal with Unexplained Worry and Worry

Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make treatment recommendations based on individual characteristics specific patient.

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God! Where is he? I should have returned home half an hour ago! Didn't call, didn't warn. That's it!.. Something happened.

The heart contracts, tears flow from the eyes, and the imagination helpfully draws scenes one more terrible than the other. Uncontrollable anxiety - constant worry about any, even the most insignificant reason - every time it covers us with a wave of fear and ruins the lives of us and our loved ones. Intellectually, we basically understand that everything will be fine, but we can’t help ourselves. System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan will help you find out how to get rid of anxiety.

When anxiety gets in the way of life

In certain circumstances, we all feel a sense of anxiety and concern for loved ones. It's okay to have real reasons- serious illness, important events or life troubles. Once the reasons go away, we can easily get rid of anxiety and fears.

But what to do if there is no justified reason, and anxiety arises, and suddenly, out of nowhere. This state fills everything. We cannot think and communicate adequately, we cannot sleep and eat. Horrible scenarios appear in our heads as terrible images of misfortunes, disasters involving loved ones.

Anxiety and fear become our constant companions, poisoning the lives of not only us, but also the people about whom we worry. We try to somehow relieve stress - we try to get to the bottom of the cause of anxiety, we persuade ourselves not to worry, but to hope for the best. In general, we do everything to relieve anxiety and get rid of it forever, including visiting doctors and taking medications.

But nothing helps. The feeling of fear and anxiety comes from somewhere inside, and we cannot do anything about it. Our nerves cannot withstand the constant stress created by our fantasies . We feel like we are completely losing control of our lives. Due to unreasonable anxiety states, we begin to live in a fictional reality, similar to horror films. Is it possible to get rid of this nightmare? Yes. So, everything in order...

Systematic substantiation of anxiety and its causes

In order to get rid of constant anxiety and the bad conditions associated with it, you must first of all find out what anxiety is. In the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan there is such a concept - a feeling of security and safety, which is vital for every person from childhood to old age. So, anxiety and its inherent fears are one of the forms of loss of a sense of security.

No matter what scenario our anxiety develops in, it is always associated with the presence of certain vectors - properties and qualities that we inherit from birth. For the owner of the anal vector, the super value is the family - children, parents, spouses. He is terribly afraid that a tragedy will happen to them - someone will die, get sick or get into a disaster. This fear of losing one of the family members, of being left alone - even hypothetically, in fantasy - is the cause of constant uncontrollable anxiety. It is very difficult to get rid of such anxiety.

If a person, in addition to the anal vector, also has a visual one, then in order to feel protected and safe, he needs a strong emotional connection. When the owner of the visual vector is able to sincerely sympathize and empathize with his loved ones, a feeling of causeless anxiety does not arise. He brings his emotions out - from fear for himself to love and compassion for other people.

But if such development does not occur, then the owner of the visual vector experiences such strong fear for yourself and your future, which begins to demand attention from others. Such people fantasize a lot and become very worried if they feel that no one loves them. They begin to pester loved ones with questions, demanding confirmation of their feelings.

Another option is overprotection. If there is no opportunity to realize one’s abilities and knowledge in society, then close people become the only object of their application. Parents are ready to “strangle” the child with their love, not letting them out of their influence for a minute. They are trying to emotionally tie him to themselves, coming up with more and more new rules that he must follow - arriving exactly on time, calling a hundred times a day and reporting where he is and what’s wrong with him.

Guardianship often develops into manipulation of a loved one. Anxiety in such cases can not only be a painful condition, but also turn into emotional blackmail.

Temporary relief and a feeling of calm occur in those short moments when everything goes according to the prescribed scenario, and those around you follow the established rules. However, practice shows that over time, close people begin to violate the established order and get rid of influence and guardianship. Then the feeling of fear and anxiety for one’s future returns with renewed vigor.

All of these cases have one thing in common - a person who is in a constant state of anxiety suffers greatly. Living day after day in states of fear and anxiety, he is deeply unhappy. Life filled with joy and pleasure passes by, leaving him only worry and disappointment. Neither the advice of friends and doctors, nor medications, nor changes in eating style and physical activity help. How then to get rid of constant fear and anxiety?

There is only one answer - you need to become aware of yourself, understand the unconscious desires and abilities that are given to you from birth, and try to realize them. Handicrafts and drawing will help you bring your emotions out. You can create beautiful things that will bring joy to you and the people around you, and pass on the experience and knowledge you have accumulated in various fields of activity - from cooking to gardening.

You will enjoy helping people who need compassion and empathy. By bringing your emotions out, showing love and compassion for them, you won’t even notice how causeless anxiety and fears will disappear from your life.

Letting go of anxiety and starting to live

If you are already tired of all kinds of misfortunes that your imagination draws, then it’s time to part with anxiety and fears. System-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan gives you the opportunity to understand the causes of uncontrollable anxiety and say goodbye to it. The results of hundreds of people who have completed the training, who have gotten rid of anxiety and fears forever, leave no doubt about highest efficiency this knowledge.

“... For years I suffered from causeless anxiety, which often fell on me. Psychologists helped me, but it was as if one hundredth part went away, and then the fears came again. My rational mind gave a logical explanation for half of my fears. But what's the use of these explanations if not normal life. And causeless anxiety in the evenings. By the middle of the course, I began to notice that I began to breathe freely. The clamps are gone. And by the end of the course, I suddenly suddenly noticed that anxiety and fears had left me. No, sometimes, of course, these conditions pile up again, but somehow easily and superficially. And even bewilderment arises, why am I afraid of anything at all.”

Fear is a negative emotion that is inherent in all people. Fear is defense mechanism, which is designed to protect a person from possible dangers. For example, the fear of snakes tells you not to approach dangerous reptiles, and the fear of heights helps you not to fall down.

Feeling fear is as natural as feeling happy or sad. However, it's all about the power of emotion. Fear in situations dangerous to physical or social well-being is normal. It helps you find the strength to solve the problem, become more cautious and careful. It’s another matter when a person experiences strong fear for no reason or suffers from negative obsessive thoughts. Fear interferes with normal social life and has a number of others negative consequences:

· A person is under constant stress, which depletes his mental strength and reduces his resistance to disease;
· There is a tendency to develop mental illnesses – neurosis, psychosis, personality disorders;
· Relationships with significant people, families are destroyed;
· The normal way of life is disrupted - due to fears, a person may stop leaving the house.

According to statistics, phobias and obsessive thoughts are among the most common disorders. They affect about 20% of the population. Moreover, they are more inclined to develop obsessive fears women.
The tendency to develop phobias and obsessive thoughts develops in people of a special character. They are distinguished by anxiety, suspiciousness, impressionability, low self-esteem, and a tendency to creative thinking. It has been noted that increased anxiety, and with it the tendency to develop fears, is inherited.

The tendency to develop fear is provoked by a number of changes in the body:

· violation of gamma-aminobutyric acid metabolism;
· increased activity hypothalamic-pituitary system;
· disturbances in the functioning of the neurotransmitter systems (noradrenergic and serotonergic), responsible for the transmission of impulses between nerve cells.

From a neuroscientist's perspective, fear is a neurochemical process. Excitement occurs in the brain, which causes the release of norepinephrine and adrenaline. They have a stimulating effect on the nervous system and change the exchange of neurotransmitters (dopamine and serotonin). The mood drops, anxiety and fear arise.

At the same time, the person experiences unpleasant oppressive feeling in the chest, heart rate increases, skeletal muscles tense. Peripheral spasm blood vessels causes hands and feet to become cold.
Do not ignore the presence of fears and phobias, as they tend to turn into mental disorders. You can deal with fears on your own, or contact a psychologist or psychotherapist.

Drug treatment of fears and phobias used if social therapy (self-help) and psychotherapy have not brought results, as well as with the development of depression. To treat fears and phobias the following are used:
· selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors: paroxetine, citalopram, escitalopram, venlafaxine;
· antidepressants: clomipramine, imipramine;
· benzodiazepines: alprazolam, diazepam, lorazepam. They are used for a short course in combination with antidepressants.
· beta blockers: propranolol. used immediately before a situation that causes fear (flying on an airplane, speaking in front of an audience).

Only a doctor can choose the right drug and its dosage. Self-administration of drugs can cause drug dependence and worsen mental health.

Each psychological school developed her own approach to dealing with fears. All of them are quite effective. Therefore, when you come to a psychologist with the question: “how to get rid of fears?”, you will receive qualified help. Depending on the technique, the process will take from several weeks to several months. However, according to the German Medical Society the most effective is behavioral therapy and exposure method. At the same time, the person is helped to gradually get used to fear. At each session, the person is in a frightening situation longer and longer and performs more complex tasks.

In the same way, you can get rid of fear yourself. In this article we will take a closer look at self-help methods for various types fears and phobias.

How to deal with obsessive thoughts?

Intrusive thoughts or obsessions– These are unwanted involuntary thoughts, images or intentions that arise from time to time and cause negative emotions. Perceiving obsessive thoughts as your own is a sign mental health. It is very important that a person understands that these are his thoughts, and not “voices” or pictures imposed by someone from the outside. Otherwise, psychosis or schizophrenia may be suspected.
Obsessive thoughts arise against a person’s will and cause him severe stress. These could be:

· frightening memories;
· images of illnesses, thoughts about infection dangerous microbes;
· pictures of accidents that happen to loved ones;
· obsessive fears of harming other people (accidentally or intentionally);
· obsessive thoughts, when a person is forced to conduct dialogues with himself.

Obsessive thoughts are often accompanied by obsessive actions - compulsions. These are unique rituals that are designed to protect a person from negative consequences and relieve obsessive thoughts. The most common obsessive actions are hand washing, double checking electrical appliances, turning off the gas stove. If a person has both obsessive thoughts and obsessive actions, that is, reason to assume the presence of obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Causes of obsessive thoughts

1. Overwork– prolonged unbearable mental and physical stress, lack of rest.
2. Experienced stress(dog attack, dismissal from work), which temporarily disrupted the flow of processes in the central nervous system.
3. Losing the meaning of life, aimless existence, low self-esteem are accompanied by negative emotions and a tendency to fruitless reasoning.
4. Features of the brain. They are mainly manifested by a violation of the metabolism of neurotransmitters - serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine.
5. Hereditary factors – the tendency to obsessive thoughts can be inherited.
6. Character accentuations. People with a sensitive, pedantic, astheno-neurotic personality type are prone to the appearance of obsessive thoughts.
7. Features of education– too strict, religious upbringing. In this case, obsessive thoughts and intentions may arise that are fundamentally contrary to upbringing. According to one version, they are a subconscious protest of the individual, and according to another, they are the result of excessive inhibition in the corresponding areas of the brain.
Obsessive thoughts intensify after a serious illness, endocrine diseases, during periods of hormonal changes (pregnancy, breastfeeding, menopause), and during periods of intrafamily problems.

Ways to deal with obsessive thoughts

· Eliminate traumatic situations. It is necessary to give rest to the nervous system, if possible eliminate all irritating factors and avoid stress. The best solution will take a vacation.
· Stop fighting obsessive thoughts. Accept the fact that they sometimes come to mind. The harder you try to fight obsessive thoughts, the more often they appear and the more stress they cause. Mentally tell yourself: “I forgive myself for these thoughts.”
· Deal with intrusive thoughts calmly. Remember that most people experience this condition from time to time. Do not take the thought as a warning or a sign from above. It is just the result of the appearance of excitation in a separate part of the brain. Studies have proven that obsessive thoughts have nothing to do with intuition. Nothing bad happened to people who saw frightening pictures of impending misfortunes. And those who were afraid of their intentions to harm others never carried them out.
· Replace obsessive thoughts with rational ones. Assess how unlikely it is that your fears will come true. Make a plan of actions that you will take if trouble does happen. In this case, you will feel that you are prepared for an unpleasant situation, which will reduce fear.
· Speak, write down, tell obsessive thoughts. Until a thought is put into words, it seems very convincing and frightening. When you voice it or write it down, you will understand how unconvincing and absurd it is. Tell your loved ones about your obsessive thoughts and write them down in a diary.
· Face your fear. Train yourself to do things that cause fear. If you are haunted by obsessive thoughts about infection, gradually accustom yourself to being in public places. If you tend to analyze your statements and blame yourself for them, communicate more with people.
· Learn relaxation techniques. Yoga, autogenic training, meditation, muscle relaxation help balance the processes of inhibition and excitation in the brain. This reduces the risk of the appearance of foci of neurochemical activity that cause obsessions.

How to get rid of the fear of death?

Fear of death or thanatophobia– one of the most common fears in the world. It is obsessive in nature, so it is quite difficult for a person to control it. Fear of death can occur at any age, and is not always associated with poor health. It is often experienced by teenagers and people 35-50 years old. Moreover, in most cases they have no reason to fear for their existence.

The peculiarity of thanatophobia is that a person does not have the opportunity to face his fear face to face, to get used to it, as happens in cases with the fear of spiders, closed spaces and other phobias. In addition, the person realizes that death is an inevitable outcome, which increases fear.

Causes of fear of death

1. Death loved one one of the most common reasons. During this period, it is difficult for a person to deny the inevitability of death and this leads to the development of fear.
2. Poor health. A serious illness causes a reasonable fear of death. In such a situation, it is especially important to restore a person’s faith in his own strength and recovery, so the help of a psychologist or psychotherapist is necessary.
3. Significant successes, achievements, material well-being which a person is afraid of losing.
4. "Hypnotization" by death. Large quantity information about death in the media, films, computer games suggests that death is something common.
5. Tendency to philosophize. When a person constantly asks himself the question: “Why am I living? What will happen after death?”, then thoughts about death begin to dominate in his mind.
6. Prolonged stay in a stressful environment, especially during periods considered to be crises: the teenage crisis of 12-15 years, the midlife crisis of 35-50 years.
7. Pedantic accentuation of character– people with this personality type are very disciplined, responsible and try to keep all aspects of life under control. But they understand that death is not under their control. This causes them a pathological fear.
8. Fear of the unknown. All people tend to fear the unknown and inexplicable, which is death. This is the reason for the development of fear of death in intelligent and inquisitive people who are looking for a logical explanation for everything.
9. Mental disorders, accompanied by fear of death: obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic fear of the unknown.

How to get rid of the fear of death

Fear of death is easier to cure if its causes can be identified. Psychoanalysis can help with this. For example, if the fear of the death of a loved one is a manifestation of excessive dependence on him, then a psychologist will help you become more independent. If fear is an excuse for not wanting to do anything, moving to a new place, getting a job, then psychocorrection will be aimed at increasing activity.
· Be philosophical about death. Epicurus said: “As long as we exist, there is no death; when there is death, we no longer exist.” No one will be able to avoid death, and no one knows why and when it will happen. It is pointless to try to protect yourself: do not go out, do not fly on planes, because such a lifestyle will not protect you from death. While a person is alive, he should concentrate on everyday problems, and not waste energy and time on fear.
· Believe in God. This gives hope for eternal life. Believers are less afraid of death. They try to lead a righteous lifestyle and believe that they will go to heaven, that their soul is immortal.
· Think about the future. Imagine what will happen after what you fear happens. This technique works if the fear of death is associated with the fear of losing a loved one. Imagine that the worst thing happened. Some period after the loss negative emotions will be very strong. However, life will go on, although it will change. Over time, you will learn to live in a new way and experience joy. Such is the nature of man - he cannot experience the same emotions indefinitely.
· Live life to the fullest. The meaning of the fear of death is to remind a person that it is necessary to live life to the fullest and enjoy it. Focus on what is happening here and now. Try to improve your life, make your childhood dream come true (to travel abroad, find a well-paid job, jump with a parachute). Break the path to your goal into stages and implement them consistently. This approach will help you enjoy life. The more successes in life, the more people happy with life. These thoughts will replace the fear of death.
· Stop being afraid of fear. Give yourself permission to experience it periodically. You have already experienced the fear of death and you can experience it again. Thanks to this attitude, you will soon notice that the feeling of fear begins to come much less often.
At successful treatment The fear of death is replaced by its denial. An inner confidence appears that a person will live forever. At the same time, a person recognizes the theoretical possibility of death, but it seems something distant.

How to get rid of panic fears?

Panic fears predominantly occur in the form panic attacks (panic attacks). They look like acute, sudden attacks of anxiety, which are accompanied by vegetative symptoms(rapid heartbeat, heaviness in the chest, feeling of lack of air). Mostly, a panic attack lasts 15-20 minutes, sometimes up to several hours.

In 5% of the population, panic attacks occur without a significant reason, 1-2 times a month. Sometimes this fear can be a reaction to significant event(threat to life, illness of a child, ride in an elevator). Most often, panic attacks occur at night.

Panic fear is accompanied by symptoms that indicate malfunction vegetative system:

· increased heart rate;
feeling of a “lump in the throat”;
shortness of breath, rapid shallow breathing;
· dizziness ;
· pre-fainting, feeling of heat in the body or chills;
· inability to move;
trembling hands;
Numbness or tingling of the skin;
· sweating ;
· chest pain;
· nausea ;
Difficulty swallowing;
· abdominal pain;
· frequent urination;
· fear of going crazy;
· fear of dying.

In connection with such manifestations, attacks panic fear are mistaken for symptoms of a disease, often cardiac or neurological. Upon examination, these suspicions are not confirmed. In fact, all the painful symptoms of panic fear are associated with the release of adrenaline and overexcitation of the nervous system.
After experiencing a panic attack, a person begins to fear its recurrence. This causes him to avoid situations in which the panic attack first occurred. This behavior can significantly impair the quality of life, making it impossible to travel on public transport or go shopping.

Causes of panic fears

1. Unpleasant situations - flying on an airplane, speaking in front of an audience;
2. Anticipation of an unpleasant situation - a conversation with the boss, fear of a repeat panic attack;
3. Memories of stress experienced;
4. Hormonal changes – adolescence, menopause, pregnancy;
5. Psychological conflict between desire and sense of duty;
6. Difficult period of adaptation - moving, new place of work.
Psychologists believe that a panic attack, despite the fact that it is very difficult for a person to tolerate, is a means of protecting the nervous system. A person who has experienced a panic attack begins to be more attentive to his health, takes vacation or sick leave, and avoids stressful situations and overload.

How to get rid of panic fear

Don't try to avoid panic attacks. Accept that they may appear and be prepared for them. Realize that your sensations are the result of excess adrenaline. They can be extremely unpleasant, but are not fatal. In addition, the attack will not last long. From the moment you stop being afraid of the repetition of panic fear, its attacks will occur less and less often.

Breathing exercises against panic fear
You can quickly alleviate the condition during an attack with the help of breathing exercises.
1. slow breath – 4 seconds;
2. pause – 4 seconds;
3. smooth exhalation – 4 seconds;
4. pause – 4 seconds.
Breathing exercises repeat 15 times daily and during a panic attack. During gymnastics, you need to take a comfortable position and consciously relax all the muscles, especially the face and neck. Such gymnastics acts in several directions at once:
increases the level of carbon dioxide in the blood, which “resets” respiratory center in the brain, slows breathing and heart rate;
· promotes muscle relaxation;
· switches a person’s attention, helps to focus on the present, and not on frightening images.

Persuasion and persuasion

Panic disorders can be successfully treated through persuasion and persuasion. The best option will turn to a psychotherapist, but communication with a loved one on an exciting topic is also quite effective. It is necessary to convince the person that his condition during panic is not dangerous and will pass in a few minutes. That the problems that concern him will be resolved over time and everything will be fine.

Treatment panic fears are engaged in by psychotherapists or psychologists of various directions, practicing psychoanalysis, cognitive therapy, and hypnotherapy.

How to get rid of the fear of the dark?

Fear of the dark or nyctophobia the most common fear on the planet. It affects 10% of adults and over 80% of children. If you are afraid of the dark, it is not the lack of lighting that frightens you, but the dangers that may lurk in the darkness. This happens because the brain does not receive enough information about the environment to analyze it. At the same time, the imagination is activated, which “completes” various dangers.
A person suffering from nyctophobia may panic when the lights suddenly go out. Fear of the dark can transform into a fear of the dark indoors or a fear of the dark outdoors. A person can rationalize his fears by finding various reasons and excuses.

Fear of the dark or fear of the night may be accompanied by the following symptoms:
· Accelerated heartbeat;
· Increased pressure;
· Sweating;
· Trembling in the body.
When fear turns into a mental disorder, the patient begins to clearly “see” invented images, and they move into the category of hallucinations.

Causes of Fear of the Dark

1. Genetic predisposition . For most people, the fear of the dark is inherited from their ancestors. According to statistics, if parents were afraid of the dark, then their children will also be susceptible to nyctophobia.
2. Negative experience. An unpleasant event that a person suffered in the dark is fixed in the subconscious. For example, a child was locked in a dark room. Subsequently, the lack of lighting is associated with the experience of fear. Moreover, it often happens that the initial threat was invented and was the fruit of the child’s overdeveloped imagination.
3. Disturbance of neurochemical processes. Disturbances in the exchange of neurotransmitters (dopamine, serotonin) and adrenaline can provoke the appearance of fears. What kind of fear a person will develop depends on the individual characteristics of higher nervous activity.
4. Constant stress. Long-term nervous tension(conflicts in the family, difficulties at work, session) disrupts the normal functioning of the nervous system. At the same time, fear of the dark can appear even in adults.
5. Fasting, strict diets. There is a version that a shortage of some chemical elements disrupts brain function, which can result in unreasonable fears.
6. Fear of death. This phobia worsens at night and provokes a fear of the dark.

How to get rid of the fear of the dark

· Find the reason for the fear. Try to remember the situation that caused the fear of the dark to appear. It must be imagined in detail, feel all the emotions, and then come up with happy ending(I was locked in a dark room, but then my father came and took me in his arms). It is important to change your thinking to a positive one.
· Pleasant dreams. If the fear of the dark prevents you from falling asleep, then you need to relax, imagine yourself in a calm place, and conjure up other pleasant images.
· Behavioral therapy. The method of gradual habituation has been recognized as successful. Before turning on the light in a dark room, you need to count to 10. Every day, increase the time you spend in the dark by 10-20 seconds.
Fears and phobias can be treated at any age. You can get rid of them yourself, or seek help from a specialist. Patience and working on yourself are guaranteed to yield positive results.