There has been pressure in my temples for several days. Why does there be a pressing feeling in the temples? Main causes of temporal pain

A woman holding her temples seems to us like a character from melodramas or sentimental novels, but what to do if the head in the temple area constantly hurts?

Why does the head hurt in the temple area?

A headache in the temple area can occur for a variety of reasons. Many of us are familiar with the heaviness and pain in our temples, a feeling of pressure on the eyeballs or a feeling of “pulling” the head with an iron hoop. If such pain appears occasionally, after severe overwork or lack of sleep, then there is no particular cause for concern, but if pain in the temples becomes regular or its attacks prevent you from working or resting calmly, you should urgently consult a specialist.

The main causes of pain in the temples

1. Cerebrovascular accident– spasms and periodic malnutrition of the brain are the most common cause of pain in the temples. Many factors can provoke vasoconstriction - from a sharp change in weather conditions to vegetative-vascular dystonia, a disease that foreign doctors do not officially recognize. It is because of impaired cerebral circulation that pulsation in the temporal region may appear in the evening hours, with prolonged fatigue and nervous overstrain. A sharp spasm of blood vessels causes irritation of the nerve endings located in the walls of arteries and veins and provokes a severe headache. Moreover, such pain is typical for any age:
- in childhood they arise due to congenital disorders of vascular tone caused by prematurity, intracranial hypertension and other similar reasons;
- in adolescence, cerebrovascular accidents can be caused by excessive stress on a fragile body, stressful situations, hormonal changes and poor lifestyle - lack of sleep, drinking alcohol, smoking and visiting entertainment venues with very loud music;
— young people suffer from vascular spasm due to nervous strain and excessive fatigue;
- after 30 years, cerebrovascular accident can be caused by vascular atherosclerosis and chronic vascular pathology, which develops against the background of frequent diseases and pressure changes.

2. Increased blood pressure– the second most common cause of pain in the temporal region is arterial hypertension. More than half of people over 30 years of age are susceptible to it, and with each passing year, the percentage of patients suffering from “pressure” becomes higher. Arterial hypertension is characterized by a severe headache, concentrated in the back of the head or in the temporal region on both sides, the temples “pulse”, unpleasant sensations can be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, paleness of the face, darkness before the eyes and a feeling that there is “pressure on the eyes” from the inside. With advanced hypertension, crises with loss of consciousness, sudden disruption of cerebral circulation and the development of complications are possible. High blood pressure can be caused by excess weight, increased cholesterol levels in the blood, hormonal imbalance and other factors. And a sharp increase in blood pressure can be caused by stress, excessive physical activity or nervous experience, as well as changes in the weather and a large lunch with alcohol.

3. Colds– headache in the temporal region, accompanied by general malaise – a sure sign of the onset of influenza or ARVI. In this case, the head not only hurts, it “burns”, it is impossible to perform any work activity, and the patient experiences weakness and a desire to lie down.

Recipe for the occasion::

4. Migraine– a vascular disease, the cause of which has not yet been established. Migraine attacks are characterized by severe pain on one side of the head, often in the temporal region; the patient feels as if his head is being “pierced” by a hot rod, and the pain not only inside the head, but also “radiates” to the eye area. With a migraine, the patient may experience nausea and vomiting, a sharp exacerbation of perception - fear of light and noise, irritation from smells, tastes, and so on.

5. Intoxication– a severe headache may be associated with poisoning or intoxication of the body with alcohol, food or drugs. There is a list of food products that can cause a headache within 30-60 minutes after eating them - these are all kinds of dyes and preservatives, “generously” added to canned food, sauces, sweets and other products, as well as foods with a large amount of nitrites (fast -food, smoked meat and fish) and chocolate. Despite all the health benefits of cocoa beans, eating chocolate in large quantities is not recommended; it can cause a headache or migraine.

6. Hormonal changes– diseases of the internal secretion organs and hormonal changes in the body can cause severe headaches in pregnant women, adolescents, women during menopause and women before menstruation.

7. Neurological diseases– diseases of the central nervous system and brain are often accompanied by severe constant headaches, tinnitus, dizziness, impaired coordination of movements and fine motor skills.

8. Psychogenic factors— nervous disorder and constant stress can cause dull pain in the temples, nausea, lack of appetite, irritation and sleep problems.

9. Less commonly, headaches in the temple area occur due to tumors and other brain diseases, inflammation of the temporal artery or cervical osteochondrosis

Headache in temples - what to do

Only a doctor can prescribe complete treatment after examination and diagnosis, but before seeking medical help, you can try to cope with headaches at home:
- in case of sharp pain, change your body position, try to straighten your shoulders, neck and give yourself the opportunity to relax;
- give your eyes and brain a rest - lie in a darkened room or with a black blindfold.
- fresh air and a walk can cope with headaches;
- cold compress on the forehead and temples;
- chamomile tea or any green tea;
— massage and self-massage in the temple area and general head massage;
- take a painkiller or antispasmodic and, of course, consult a doctor.

There is no such person who would not be bothered at least once by a headache. This pathology has become a companion to all humanity, and it brings discomfort and unpleasant sensations. Doctors are sure that this is one of the pains that is contraindicated to endure. If there is pressure in your temples, you should immediately take medicine and then undergo an examination to find out the cause of the disease. You should not postpone your visit to the doctor if the following factors occur:

  • the pain appears regularly
  • does not stop for a day or more
  • discomfort and pain increase
  • not only puts pressure on the head, but also causes dizziness and nausea

After stopping the attack, you need to visit a specialist. Pressing pain in the temple is a sign of a serious illness that a doctor can diagnose based on the results of the examination. Qualified treatment can restore the normal functioning of the entire body and relieve the patient of headaches.


You should immediately consult a doctor if there is a lot of pressure in your temples, these are the causes of discomfort and the development of pain. There are many factors that provoke the development of pain in the temple area.

This disease affects people aged 30 to 50 years, with reduced immunity. The vital activity of such patients in this age category leads to a decrease in overall activity, as a result of which many diseases develop.

Doctors nowadays identify several main reasons for headaches and pressure in the temples:

  • infectious and viral diseases
  • poisoning with alcoholic drinks and drugs
  • hormonal imbalance
  • insufficient rest and sleep
  • high consumption of canned food and spicy foods
  • nearsightedness and farsightedness can cause pressure in the temples and a feeling of slight dizziness
  • dental problems
  • development of otitis and sinusitis
  • dysfunction in the nerve roots that are located in the neck, jaw and collar area can compress the head and cause pain
  • migraine
  • hypotension
  • increased pressure inside the skull

Often the temple becomes painful due to the development of factors from the external environment. Due to pain, a person sometimes cannot eat food for 24 hours, which complicates the situation. Cause vasospasm and pain in the temporal region by moving up more than 3 kilometers. In this situation, intracranial pressure increases and the temples may be compressed. More than 10% of passengers complain of headaches while flying on an airliner. Sometimes the pain may continue for several hours.


The doctor will be able to tell why there is pressure on the temple after a preliminary examination and examination of the patient. The nature of the pain can be throbbing, pressing and sharp in one or two temples. Painful sensations can last for several hours or days. The intensity of pain depends on the individual characteristics of the body. Common symptoms of pain development are:

When you need to urgently go to the doctor

If the pain is not constant and goes away after taking an analgesic, then there is no particular reason for concern and an urgent trip to a specialist. Sometimes there is pressure in the temple area due to changes in atmospheric pressure and the approach of rain. It is recommended to contact a specialist in the following situations:

  • pain has a specific location
  • discomfort occurs in the morning or evening
  • the painful sensation increases
  • During the attack, the general condition worsens and other symptoms appear
  • a headache in the temples may indicate the presence of another disease, so it is not recommended to be treated without a doctor’s prescription

Self-relieving pain attack

Only after diagnosis and examination, a specialist will be able to prescribe qualified treatment for headaches in the temple area. Before this, you can take a painkiller, having first read the instructions and studied all the contraindications. If you experience frequent pain, you should reconsider your diet. Many products contain chemical compounds that lead to the development of pain in the temples. This includes the following elements:

  • tyramine, which is found in cheese, sausage, chocolate and tends to accumulate in the body
  • monosodium glutamate, in addition to oriental cuisine, it is added to fast food and chips
  • caffeine causes tension in the temples and increases blood pressure

Together with the use of drug treatment, traditional medicine is prescribed. If you often feel pressure on your temples, then traditional medicine recipes can help relieve the condition. They cannot remove the cause of the disease, but they will introduce auxiliary measures. Recipes:

  • Essential oil of mint and lavender. Take a few drops of oil and rub lightly into the temple area. Or use an aroma lamp and breathe in essential oils.
  • You can prepare a tincture with aloe and chicory juice.
  • It is also recommended to place a cabbage leaf on the forehead area and wrap your head with a wool scarf.

Complications of headaches

Patients have the erroneous concept that one harmless pill that can relieve heaviness and pain in the head will eliminate the cause of the disease. There are several serious diseases, a symptom of which is pain in the temples:

  • cerebral atherosclerosis
  • cerebrovascular accident
  • increased hypertension
  • malignant neoplasms

At the first visit, the specialist will not be able to establish a diagnosis and the patient will need to undergo additional examination. If the cause is not eliminated in time and treatment is not started, when the pain in the temples is of a compressed nature, then this can cost the patient his life. Especially older people should pay attention to frequent pain in the temporal region and immediately consult a doctor.


Why your head hurts and you can find out the causes of discomfort after carrying out diagnostic measures. The treatment depends on the degree of the disease and its symptoms. Sometimes it is enough for the patient to rub his temples with his index finger and the pain will stop on its own. But this technique can only relieve minor pain. Acupressure should be performed in a quiet and darkened room, using about 12 pressures on the pain points in the temples.

If you have a severe headache, you can apply hot and cold compresses directly to the temporal area. This will help you relax and relieve tension in your head in a short period of time. It is recommended to perform the procedure for 15 minutes. In most cases, the methods listed are enough to relieve tension and reduce the intensity of pain.

Many people do not think that when working at a computer for a long time, reading a book or driving a car, their eyes can get tired. As a result, pain appears in the temples. If a person has such a way of life, then it is not surprising that headaches become his companion.

You need to give your eyes a rest and blink more often. When you work on the night shift, you definitely need to rest and sleep during the day. Lack of sleep accumulates and leads to the fact that the pain in the temples can be quite intense.

If you often have a headache and a pressing pain in your temples, you should consult a doctor. An osteopath can conduct an examination and prescribe treatment. If diagnosis is not made in time and treatment is not started, more serious complications can develop and lead the patient to disability and even death. You should not self-medicate for headaches and take painkillers without prescription. Only a specialist based on the results of the examination and diagnosis will be able to prescribe treatment.

Prevention of pain in the temples

If you often feel pressure in your temples, first of all, you need to follow a certain diet and exclude the following foods from your diet:

  • all types of smoked meats
  • nuts
  • coffee and strong tea
  • red wine
  • chocolate
  • spices and seasonings
  • products containing sugar substitute
  • ventilate the room well before going to bed
  • move more and walk
  • if there is pressure in the temples after a sleepless night, then it is necessary to normalize rest and sleep
  • If you experience unpleasant sensations in your head, you should relax and be in silence
  • do a head massage yourself
  • rub lavender and mint oil into whiskey
  • drink tea with soothing herbs
  • apply a cold compress of mint and lavender to your forehead
  • avoid drinking alcohol and smoking
  • play sports and follow many rules of a healthy lifestyle

If you avoid stress and eat a balanced diet, then headaches will not bother you. What to do if there is pressure in the temples, a specialist will tell you after examining and examining the patient.

First aid for pain in the head and temples

Painful sensations in the temples are a fairly common symptom that is characteristic of many pathologies of the brain and blood vessels. First of all, before starting treatment, you need to undergo an examination. You should not self-medicate, which will lead to the development of serious illnesses and may result in death.

At the beginning of the attack, there is pain in the temples and pressure on the eyes, during migraine, which is considered one of the common diseases of the brain. You can’t tolerate headaches, according to experts.

During the development of pain, it is necessary to take an anesthetic that will relieve the symptom of the disease in a short period and improve the patient’s condition. It is not recommended to drink an unfamiliar analgesic that may be recommended at a pharmacy. Only the doctor, based on the results of the examination, will prescribe the appropriate medicine individually for each patient. If you have a headache in your temples in the evening, sometimes it’s enough just to go to bed and fall asleep.

For many people, weak coffee helps relieve tension in the head and pain in the temples. Just don’t get carried away with such a drink and use a sugar substitute, which is the main cause of intense pain in the temples. A cup of green tea or chamomile decoction will help relieve fatigue.

Taking vitamin M and cherry or orange juice also helps. You can quickly calm down by walking in the fresh air or playing sports. Before going to bed, you should ventilate your bedroom well, otherwise the lack of oxygen will lead to pain in your temples.

Almost 80% of patients come to see a doctor with complaints about regularly appearing. Such pains are very unpleasant, your hands automatically reach for your temples, you want to squeeze, crush and rub them. Pain in the temples can be isolated, or it can constantly bother a person. The intensity of the type of pain in question is so pronounced that even very strong people, ready to endure any discomfort, are forced to take painkillers. And this, in principle, is not prohibited! But even if pain in the temples is periodic and painkillers have the desired effect, it is worth visiting a doctor and finding out the cause of the condition in question - it may be a symptom of a progressive pathology.

Table of contents:

Causes of headaches in the temples

Cerebral angiodystonia

With this term, doctors classify disorders of the tone of a vascular branch, and pathological changes can affect both venous and arterial vessels. The pain is localized not only in the temples; it often spreads to the back of the head and the frontal part. In addition to the pronounced condition under consideration, cerebral angiodystonia is characterized by:

  • weakness of the upper and lower extremities;
  • numbness in fingers;
  • and sense of smell;

Pain in the temples with cerebral angiodystonia will be characterized as aching and dull, with a feeling of “ache.” Against the background of pain, spontaneous depression and a feeling of loss of control over one’s emotions may occur.


characterized not only by pain in the temporal region of the head, but also by stool disorder and weakness. Temporal pain is especially intense when poisoned by alcoholic beverages.

The condition in question may also be present with phtholates, bisphenol A, styrene - all these toxic substances are present in low-quality building materials, toys, furniture, and household appliances.

Please note: Chronic poisoning of the body leads not only to constant pain in the temples, but also to pathological damage to internal organs and systems. And this is fraught with the development of acute cardiovascular diseases, liver and kidney dysfunction.

Autonomic dysfunctions

These are failures in the functions of the human body, which are normally performed automatically. In principle, such disorders can affect all systems and organs, but headaches in the temples are provoked by the syndrome of cerebrovascular disorders. For this syndrome, the characteristic symptoms are tinnitus and frequent.

Temporal arteritis

This disease is characterized by the development of an inflammatory process on the membranes of the carotid and temporal arteries; people over the age of 50 are more often susceptible to such disorders. This disease develops acutely - the patient is worried about general malaise, increased body temperature, and insomnia. Headache in the temples against the background of temporal arteritis is characterized as pulsating, intense, it occurs at night or in the afternoon; an acute attack of the condition in question may occur during talking or chewing.


With such an illness, pain in the temples is not only present, it is literally debilitating in its intensity. The pain is always throbbing, may be present in the left or right temple, the duration of the attack can be several minutes or several hours - this indicator is individual. There are no organic lesions with migraine, but the symptoms are always very pronounced. Overwork, lack of sleep and excessive consumption of spicy and salty foods can trigger another migraine attack.

In addition to pain in the temples, migraines are characterized by:

  • nausea;
  • photophobia;
  • loss of spatial orientation;
  • irritability;
  • increased sensitivity to smells and sounds.

Trigeminal neuralgia

In this case, the nerve fibers of the skull are affected; people over the age of 40 are usually susceptible to this disease. If it occurs in a chronic form, then it is manifested by attacks of intense pain in the temples with lumbago lasting 10-120 seconds. An attack occurs spontaneously - for example, during a conversation, while washing or shaving.

Cluster pain

They have a serial manifestation and can be repeated several times throughout the day. As a rule, an attack of cluster pain in the temples begins with a blockage of the ear on one side, then the intensity of the pain increases, and an acute pulsation occurs in the temple. Against the background of cluster pain, redness of the face, blockage of the nasal cavity, and a sharp increase in sweating inevitably develop.

In addition, the following can cause pain in the temples:

Headache in the temples: what to do

This phenomenon not only brings discomfort to a person’s life, but can also be a symptom of a dangerous pathological condition. If temporal pain appears regularly, then you should seek qualified medical help from a neurologist. . After a full examination, the specialist will make a diagnosis, identify the cause of pain in the temples and prescribe effective treatment.

In general, methods for eliminating pain in the temples directly depend on the cause of their occurrence:

It is worth noting that to eliminate pain in the temples of unknown etiology and temporarily relieve an attack, you can take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which include Ibuprofen,. They will relieve the inflammatory reaction and eliminate side symptoms. But this solution to the problem is temporary! Seeing a doctor is necessary because non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs specifically eliminate pain, but not the cause of its occurrence.

Pain in the temples can also be nonspecific, that is, it occurs after too much emotional shock or a busy day. And in this case, you do not need to take any medications, you just need to do the following:

  • lie in a horizontal position in a room with darkened windows;
  • turn off the loud music, try to relax;
  • turn on the aroma lamp - the aromas of orange, apple and vanilla will help you calm your psycho-emotional background as much as possible.

Pain in the temples can be spontaneous, but it can also be present constantly. This condition most often indicates the development of a pathology, which can be quite serious and occur with complications. You should not risk your own health and take painkillers without prior medical prescription; you must undergo an examination and identify the true cause of pain in your temples.

Tsygankova Yana Aleksandrovna, medical observer, therapist of the highest qualification category

When a headache occurs in the temples, it does not bring very strong discomfort, unlike other types of headaches. However, this problem can have very serious consequences or be a sign of serious illness. In this regard, you need to consult with a specialist and find out why your temples hurt and what needs to be done about this problem. An interesting fact is that pain in the temples can appear at the most inopportune moment. Very often it occurs in the early morning directly during sleep, which leads to the person waking up.

Pain in the temples can be quite severe, but this rarely happens. In most cases, the painful sensations are pulsating, they are slightly dull and can occur in turn in each temple, and then in both at the same time. This is due to the fact that the temporal artery is located in the temple area. How intense and frequent the headache is depends on the individual characteristics of each person. Moreover, the duration also varies: from several minutes to several hours.

Very often, headaches occur in the temple area due to problems with the nerve endings that are located in the neck, upper back and jaw. These nerve endings have a direct connection with the nerves that are located in a person’s forehead and temples. Due to the fact that even a slight pressure occurs on one or more of these nerves, a person experiences pain in the temples, which puts pressure on the eyes.

At the same time, experts have studied this issue quite well and come to the conclusion that if temples hurt, there may be other reasons - multiple diseases that provoke the appearance of this unpleasant symptom.

Most infectious diseases are accompanied by pain in the temple area. These include fever, sore throat, flu and many others.


Migraines often cause intense pain that radiates to a person's eyes, and can occur in one part of the head or in both. In severe cases, it is also combined with nausea and even vomiting. During a migraine, the eyes hurt greatly, which affects the quality of vision, the person is irritated by everything, has problems walking, reacts painfully to bright light, taste sensations increase, and smells are better sensed. A migraine attack can last for half an hour or several hours. Most people suffer from migraines, but they do not suspect it, and therefore cannot cure the disease. If you notice suspicious symptoms, it is advisable to consult a specialist, because only with the help of doctors can an accurate diagnosis be made and the cause of the pain determined.

Poisoning or intoxication of the body is very often accompanied not only by severe stomach upset, but also by increased blood pressure and a headache. In addition, there is severe nausea, including vomiting. Most often, a person experiences alcohol intoxication. It is for this reason that in the morning there is a very severe headache in the temple area or in all its parts.

Headaches also occur in situations where a person does not get enough rest or sleep. As numerous studies show, this cause of headaches is the most common, and it is especially relevant for those people who suffer from insomnia.

Quite often, women experience headaches in their temples immediately before the start of their monthly period. As practice shows, during pregnancy attacks of such pain become more frequent, and after childbirth in most women they completely disappear.

Hormonal imbalances in the body can provoke the problem. The pressure changes and the head begins to hurt when, for example, menopause occurs.

If a person has pheochromocytoma, this means that headaches in the temples will be very common. This pain has a strong pulsating character, the attack has different lengths - from five minutes to several hours. If a person suffers from this disease, the adrenal glands begin to produce too much adrenaline. As a result of this, the pressure rises very sharply, the person becomes pale, and sweating bothers him. And, of course, a headache in the temple area. If you do not have any problems with blood pressure, then there is no reason to worry. Otherwise, it is advisable to contact a specialist for examination and consultation.

Causes include low or low blood pressure. During this problem, not only does your head hurt in the temple area, but your hearing also becomes worse; you can hear a buzzing or hissing in your ears. Every year the number of people who suffer from this problem is increasing more and more and some of them have a severe form of intracranial hypotension (low blood pressure).

Recently, people have begun to talk about such a phenomenon as idiopathic intracranial hypertension, which is one of the benign diseases. In this case, painful sensations can occur both in the temples and on both sides of the head. High blood pressure will cause poor health when a person is lying down, and therefore it is advisable for him to be in a semi-lying state - at an angle of 45º. The most important symptom of this problem is a whistling noise that is heard in the head. Most often, intracranial hypertension occurs in those people who have problems with excess weight, so it is important to monitor your kilograms.

Sometimes the temple may hurt due to exposure to certain external factors. Quite often the reasons are the following:

  1. A person can be poisoned by carbon monoxide. In this case, there is pressure on the temples, and pain occurs in both parts of the head. This phenomenon is incredibly life-threatening and requires immediate medical attention.
  2. Sometimes pain in the temples has a pulsating nature due to the fact that a person has not eaten food for more than 24 hours. At the same time, his health deteriorates and he becomes irritable.
  3. Pressing pain in the temples occurs when a person is at an altitude of over 4 kilometers. In this case, intracranial pressure becomes quite high. Some experts believe that at such a height a person does not have enough oxygen. About 30% of people in such situations experience feelings of depression and anxiety.
  4. About 4% of people experience pain in their temples during an airplane flight and for some time afterwards. If we talk about people who fly and spend a lot of time at altitude, then about 20% have constant pain in their temples, it puts pressure on the eyes and brings discomfort.

To date, experts have conducted quite a lot of large studies in which people descended to quite great depths and rose to great heights. As a result of such experiments, it was found that pain in the temples more often occurs when climbing to high altitudes. Most likely, this phenomenon is due to the thin air at altitude and the lack of oxygen that a person experiences.

If you have a headache, for some people it is enough to massage your temples with your index fingers. This helps make the pain less intense or eliminate it altogether. The process of such self-medication must necessarily consist of approximately 6-12 not very strong pressures on those points where pain is felt, which in most cases also puts pressure on the eyes. If necessary, the treatment procedure must be repeated several times throughout the day. Acupressure when there is a headache in the temples, it is advisable to perform it with dim light in a calm and quiet environment. This will slightly increase the effect of treating the problem.

Massage is not the only way to self-medicate and get rid of severe pain in the temples. You can also apply a compress, hot or cold, directly to the temple area. With this manipulation, you can quickly help your muscles relax, which will ease tension and make headaches less intense. It takes about 10-15 minutes to apply cold or heat to the temporal area. This will be quite enough for pain of various types to cease to be felt in the temples, and for the eyes to get rid of pressure.

Throughout the day, do not forget that your eyes should rest from time to time - this will avoid pain in the temple area.


Few people think about the fact that their eyes can get tired if they read for a long time, stay at the computer or drive a car. As a result, your head starts to hurt. If this happens regularly, then the questions about why your head hurts will be quite logical. Try to blink often enough and let your eyes rest for at least a few minutes.

In addition, the amount of sleep plays a very important role, because it directly affects a person’s well-being. If you sleep less than 6 hours a day, a person will constantly feel very tired. At the same time, severe pain appears, especially in the temple area; it has a pulsating character. Some people report that they can sleep a little and still feel great, but this usually ends very badly and leads to serious health problems. Every person should have the most comfortable and cozy sleeping conditions and sleep preferably 8 hours every night in order to remain healthy and active.

What to do if you have a headache in your temples? In order to quickly eliminate the unpleasant symptom, you can drink a little coffee. This will help eliminate tension. Don’t get too carried away with these drinks, don’t use a lot of sugar substitutes, because this can cause pain in your temples. In order to relieve stress and fatigue, it is better to drink some green tea.

Chamomile tea helps very well in this unpleasant situation. Some people prefer to get rid of headaches in their temples with vitamin M, orange or cherry juice. A great way to relax and calm down is to take a walk in the fresh air or attend yoga.

In addition, you need to ventilate the room in which you spend a lot of time quite often, because it is the lack of oxygen and fresh air that can cause severe headaches. An interesting fact is that with a lack of oxygen, the body’s cells cannot fully function and produce energy, which provokes the appearance of aching pain.

It is better to take special pain medications only when there is no longer a choice, and no treatment methods help.


Which doctor should I contact?

In most cases, people do not want to go to a hospital for consultation and examination, because they are afraid that they may have serious health problems or consider headaches to be nonsense. But you shouldn’t treat your health this way, especially your head. If headaches in the temple area bother you too often, and at the same time they are very intense, then contacting an osteopathic doctor is mandatory. Otherwise, everything may end in the development of the final stages of serious illnesses.

Pay attention to headaches, because this may be the first sign of some deviation from the norm. Thanks to this, it is possible to diagnose health problems in time and begin their treatment, which will depend on what exactly caused the headaches in the temporal region. You should not self-medicate, because this can lead to serious complications that will be very difficult to correct.

Headaches can occur in absolutely anyone. Unpleasant sensations are localized in the forehead, back of the head, temples or spread over the entire surface of the head. If discomfort occurs in the temples, a migraine may be suspected. But this is not always the case. Read about the factors and pathologies that influence the development of such symptoms further in the article.

The following can cause headaches in the temples:

  • influenza, sore throat and other infectious diseases;
  • migraine (acute painful sensations radiating to the eyes and accompanied by photophobia, weakness, nausea);
  • chronic insomnia;
  • endocrine changes during menopause;
  • fluctuations in intracranial pressure;
  • abuse of diets, exhaustion of the body, lack of vitamins;
  • tumor-like formations of the adrenal glands, for example, pheochromocytoma, which provokes surges in blood pressure, pallor of the skin, attacks of pain in the head;
  • alcohol intoxication, accompanied by diarrhea and vomiting;
  • general poisoning of the body, including carbon monoxide;
  • consumption of certain foods and drinks containing monosodium glutamate and nitrites.

Sometimes food is the main provoking factor of cephalalgia. In this case, it is recommended to exclude from your diet:

Typically, deterioration of the condition is observed 15-30 minutes after eating and may be accompanied by increased sweating, overstrain of the facial and jaw muscles, nausea, high blood pressure, and narrowing of blood vessels. As a result, a headache occurs in the temple area.

Pathologies that provoke cephalalgia


These are inflammatory or dystrophic diseases of the joints. Temporal or mandibular arthritis is characterized by periodic exacerbation, brings minor discomfort or occurs in a pronounced form. You can suspect such a pathology based on the following symptoms:

Tension cephalgia

The pathology is expressed in a monotonous pain of a constraining nature, which spreads over the entire surface of the head. Tension cephalgia can be diagnosed by the frequency of its occurrence: up to 3-4 times a week, up to 15 days a month. Discomfort is localized in the back of the head, forehead, and eyes. Often there is a feeling as if there is pressure on the temples.

Tension headache develops as a result of overstrain of the muscles of the neck and face caused by fatigue, curvature of the spine, and depression. The unpleasant sensations are aching, pulsating, and growing in nature. Associated symptoms may include muscle weakness, sleep disturbances, absent-mindedness, and irritability.


An abscess is a purulent inflammation of the tissues of the pharynx and salivary glands. The cause of the disease is a pathological process in the tonsils, adenoids or teeth. Such a disease can be suspected by general malaise, increased body temperature, difficulty opening the mouth, weakness, swelling in the cheeks and neck, decreased appetite, shooting or aching pain in the eyes.

Intracranial hypertension

Increased pressure in the blood vessels often causes cephalalgia in the temple area. To eliminate the alarming symptom, the doctor prescribes special medications that reduce blood pressure.

Trigeminal neuralgia

Neuralgia is characterized by pain in the face that occurs with the slightest irritation: applying makeup, scratching or brushing teeth. Women over 40 years of age are more likely to suffer from this disease. In case of disorders of the trigeminal nerve, the shooting sensations resemble an electric shock and are sudden in nature, lasting up to 5 seconds, spreading to the lower jaw, cheeks, gums, lips. Pain may appear in the left or right temple. Such attacks often repeat for several days in a row.


Inflammation of the tonsils is a common cause of headaches in the temples. The pathology is infectious-allergic in nature and develops most often in children under 15 years of age due to hypothermia. The symptoms of adenoiditis resemble an ordinary sore throat. The inflammatory process is accompanied by increased body temperature, swelling of the posterior palate, cough, and difficulty swallowing. The pain affects the sinuses, ears, or half of the head.


With iron deficiency anemia, there is a decrease in the amount of hemoglobin and the level of red blood cells in the blood. The disease is characterized by pressing pain in the temples, accompanied by dizziness, weakness and pallor of the skin.

Read more about, and also find out how to deal with such ailments and how to avoid them.


The nature of headaches in the temples can be described as paroxysmal, pressing, aching, sharp or dull. As a rule, such a pathological condition is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • nasal congestion;
  • pain in the eye sockets;
  • loss of appetite;
  • feeling irritated;
  • increased sweating;
  • discomfort in the frontal lobe;
  • blurred vision;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • dizziness.

Such negative symptoms can last from a few minutes to 2-3 hours. This depends not only on the individual characteristics of the body, but also on the reasons that caused the discomfort.

Types of Temporal Pain

Unpleasant sensations in the head area are acute or chronic:

  1. The acute form of the disease is expressed in the sudden appearance of symptoms and the severity of their course. This condition is usually treated with analgesics.
  2. Chronic painful sensations are constantly disturbing, have unclear symptoms, and intensify under the influence of external factors.

The origin of pain is:

  • primary (independent disease);
  • secondary (a sign of some pathology).

Unpleasant sensations occur in the following cases:

  • muscle strain;
  • neuralgia;
  • and poor circulation in the arteries;
  • surges in intracranial pressure;
  • nervous system disorder.


Pain in the temples can signal pathological processes in the head, which can be identified using the following methods:


When cephalalgia appears, you should not expect the symptoms to subside on their own or tolerate them for a long time. There are many ways to eliminate this pathological condition.

Medication method

  • "Cavinton";
  • "Teonikol";
  • "Anaprilin."

To reduce intracranial pressure the following are prescribed:

  • "Kapoten";
  • "Enap";
  • "Clonidine."

The following will help relieve pain caused by infectious diseases:

  • "Streptocide";
  • "Inhalipt."

In some cases, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed, including:


The best ways to prevent temple headaches are a healthy lifestyle and giving up bad habits. However, unpleasant sensations cannot always be avoided, because under the influence of external factors and causes beyond our control, they can occur in almost any person.

You can reduce the incidence of this disease by following these recommendations:

Timely consultation with a doctor will help avoid the development of serious diseases and prevent negative consequences.


A headache in the temple area does not necessarily indicate the presence of a dangerous pathology. Perhaps the cause is simple stress or overexertion. However, in case of recurring cases, it is worth visiting a doctor and undergoing a full examination.