Modern methods of treating depression. Psychological help for depression: what and why an Art Therapy specialist does with depressed and anxious people

The concept of “depression” is familiar to everyone. Depression – from the Latin “to press”, “to suppress”, is a mental disorder that is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. Depersonalization is a violation of awareness of one’s “I”, clients say: “it’s not me who is doing this,” “I don’t feel my body,” “I don’t feel...”
  2. Asthenia is the loss of the ability to feel and experience joy. A person cannot identify his feeling, say it in words.
  3. Anxiety
  4. Impaired thinking (sluggish thoughts, negative thoughts, pessimism)
  5. Motor retardation
  6. Loss of interest in life
  7. Decreased self-esteem

When working with people suffering from depression, conversational techniques are ineffective. Depressed clients are usually characterized by a lack of vital energy, it is difficult for them to speak, and it is difficult for them to analyze. Cognitive methods work poorly here. Why do I use art therapy? Because any result of the client’s creativity is already an achievement for him. The client did something with HIS OWN hands. As you know, in a state of depression it is difficult for people to do basic things, including issues of personal hygiene (difficulty getting out of bed, brushing their teeth, etc.). The result of any creativity increases self-esteem. Art therapy allows you to show the client what they can do. And he can do a lot of things: draw, create, create, realize the cause of his depression, he can change himself and his life.

In my work, I often resort to one very effective technique, which is excellent both for working with depression and for working with psychosomatics. Many have heard about the term “Internal Picture of Illness” (IPI) - this is the attitude of the sick person to his illness. But few people focus on the Internal Picture of Health (IPH) – the individual’s attitude towards health. People who have been ill for a long time, unfortunately, do not know what VKZ is. To help you see yourself as healthy, visualize and capture the image of health, experience the positive emotions that accompany health, and realize the secondary benefits of illness - this is the task of a psychologist. And the “Creating an image of illness and health” technique helps to cope with this task.

Description of technology. The psychologist asks the client to draw his illness and his health on one sheet of paper. The psychologist here acts not only as an observer and analyzer of creativity, but also influences the progress of the task. What should you pay attention to? First, the images of illness and health must be significantly different. If a client has drawn two completely identical dead trees, you need to ask why health looks so unattractive to the client. Ask the client to “bring brightness” to health, to revive it. Secondly, the internal picture of health should not contain winter symbols: cold colors, the theme of death, non-existence, etc. The picture of health should evoke positive emotions. The psychologist helps the client change the picture of health into an image that is pleasing to the eye. The standard color scheme for the client is as follows: VKB – in blue, VKZ – in green. This can be explained by the symbolism of flowers, blue color corresponds to illness, and green to health.

Thirdly, if the client depicts on a piece of paper the image of the disease is larger than the image of health, or the image of the disease suppresses the image of health, it is necessary to modify the image of health: expand, sprout thick green branches of health that penetrate and break the disease.

When both pictures are ready, and the picture of health is significantly different from the image of illness, ask the client to immerse himself in the image of health, to feel health in his body, to be in health. This exercise can be done several times.

Further, when the client is already focused on recovery, because in this state he feels cozy, comfortable, and experiences positive emotions, we can move on to analyzing the secondary benefits of the disease. To do this, the client is given 15 minutes of time, during which he should write down all the associations that arise on the topic of his illness. Each psychologist has developed his own subtleties in determining the client’s “hot spots”; the analysis of associations is always an individual process, so I do not consider it advisable to describe this technique in detail.

4.3. Methods of art therapeutic correction of depressive states and aggression in children and adolescents

4.3. Methods of art therapeutic correction of depressive states and aggression in children and adolescents

If there are signs of depression and aggressiveness in the drawings of children and adolescents, the use of methods of art therapeutic prevention and correction should be preceded by a thorough study of the causes and mechanisms of these manifestations. It is quite possible, for example, that the signs of depression or aggressiveness noted in the drawings reflect the subject’s short-term reaction to the situation. The expression of aggressiveness in fantasies and drawings may be a consequence of the activation of psychological defense and coping mechanisms and be adaptive in nature, helping the child psychologically cope with a traumatic situation. In this case, the art therapist should sometimes even support these manifestations and create conditions for the client’s feelings and fantasies to respond in drawing, writing stories, dramatization and games.

It is also very important that the art therapist, when appropriate, helps the client to realize that manifestations of depression or aggressiveness, including in his drawings and games, reflect his characteristic ways of responding, and to understand which of them are adaptive and which are not. maladaptive character.

If depression is endogenous in nature, i.e., associated, for example, with a psychiatric illness such as manic-depressive psychosis, or has pronounced clinical manifestations, art therapy during the stages of exacerbation of the disease may be impossible. In some cases, the client needs primarily biological therapy (in particular, treatment with antidepressants). But even if depression has biological underpinnings and is of a recurring, “circular” nature, at certain stages of treatment psychotherapy can also play an important stabilizing role. At the same time, work can be carried out in the direction of a better understanding by the client of his premorbid characteristics, i.e., characteristics of his character that make him more “vulnerable” to certain stressors. At the same time, it is important to show the client that he can cope with these stressors by developing some natural or acquired as a result of family upbringing, the influence of society and culture, and “neutralizing” and correcting others.

When working with children and adolescents who have residual (after a depressive episode) or reactive subsyndromal manifestations of depression, it is important to develop in them mechanisms for active regulation of emotions, including through the use of relaxation techniques, active imagination and self-hypnosis (autogenic training). The development of such techniques during art therapy sessions is facilitated by reliance on the visual-figurative nature of the activity and positive reinforcement of skills. Neutralizing frustrating moments and focusing on positive ones is very important when working with depressed clients. An art therapist can use suggestion, as well as create a favorable mood, both by skillfully using certain techniques, games and exercises, and by giving the client positive feedback.

Gradually, as the client develops skills in regulating emotions and creates a sense of safety in the art therapy room, the specialist can resort to dosed frustrating influences and increase the level of work-related stress. This can be done by including the client in a group and using interactive tasks in which the client will be forced to confront his unpleasant feelings and other group members. This will stimulate him to improve his skills in expressing and regulating emotions associated with interpersonal interactions. At the same time, the group can act as the most important factor in emotional support for a depressed client and help enhance the therapeutic effectiveness of the work.

Considering the large number of different factors in the biopsychosociogenesis of depression, including microsocial factors, successful treatment and prevention will hardly be possible without studying the child’s family, the approaches parents use to raising him and, if necessary, their correction. In some cases, it may be necessary to use family art therapy techniques.

Art therapy provides rich opportunities for working with manifestations of aggression. Due to the predominantly projective-symbolic nature of the tools contained in its arsenal, it allows the client to express a variety of feelings more safely than using other psychotherapeutic approaches. Art therapy is especially effective when working with children who are less successful than adults in expressing their feelings in words. Visual media allows the client to objectify his feelings in the product he creates (even if it is relatively chaotic) and thereby contribute to their awareness and control over them.

Even if the aggressiveness is “pathological” in nature, the art therapist can provide the client with the opportunity to respond to affect without causing harm to others or the environment in which this occurs, using various materials and forms of visual and other creative expression. If, however, the art therapist does not strive to help the client gradually move from brutal and chaotic forms of expression to symbolic and metaphorical, more integrated forms of visual activity and does not pay due attention to working through the client’s feelings characteristic of “pathological” aggressors' methods of unconscious, impulsive response to affects can not only be preserved, but also intensified.

An important prerequisite for the client to refuse impulsive, uncontrolled expression and develop his skills of “containing” affects is the art therapist’s ability to empathically accept various emotional manifestations of the client and verbally, non-judgmentally “reflect” his feelings. In some cases, the art therapist must, however, limit the client, reminding him of the need to comply with pre-agreed working conditions - for example, if the client’s expression threatens others (the art therapist, group members), himself, office equipment, personal items or creative products. activities of other clients. The client's destructive actions regarding his own products are potentially acceptable, but whenever the client expresses his desire to destroy the drawing or does so without warning, the art therapist should, if possible, clarify his feelings and motives.

In cases where a client during classes for one reason or another does not find possible means of responding to aggression, the art therapist can help him with this by resorting to certain materials, games and exercises. One of the most suitable materials in this case is clay. The client can use very expressive methods of manipulating it, such as punching, kneading a large piece of clay, destroying previously created images, etc.

Various drawing techniques are very expressive. doodles, for example, when a client, for sometimes a long time (until the anger “cools down” and he himself gets tired), scratches with his eyes closed or open on paper or draws “whirls” with circular movements. Various options are very similar to the technique of drawing doodles "body painting" when the client creates strokes or imprints of paint on paper using parts of his body (including palms, feet). All of these work options can be accompanied by a cathartic effect.

The arsenal of art therapeutic techniques for responding to affects can be expanded through the use of elements body-movement and music therapy when, for example, the client moves in an energetic dance (sometimes also performing destructive actions, such as hitting a “whip” created from a piece of rope - it is important to ensure that it does not break surrounding objects and does not cause bodily harm to anyone ) or performs improvisation on the drum.

At a certain point in the work, when the affect can be “brought down,” it is important to encourage the client to use verbal means of expressing feelings. These can be metaphorical and poetic statements, role-playing monologues and dialogues, the creation of the so-called cathartic writing using a limited set of emotionally charged words or phrases, graphically designed in poster form.

It is also very useful to invite the client to express feelings and fantasies in a metaphorical visual, musical or kinesthetic form - for example, create a series of drawings or a musical composition on the theme "natural elements" in particular, to depict fire in various, including destructive, manifestations.

When working with “aggressors,” one should not ignore those forms of activity of a child or adolescent that allow him to constructively express feelings and satisfy the need for recognition and self-affirmation outside of art therapeutic activities, for example, playing sports, reacting affects to substitute objects.

When working with manifestations of aggressiveness, it is important to help the client master more effective psychological defense and coping mechanisms. Art therapy itself is closely related to a number of effective protective mechanisms, including those described by I.M. Nikolskaya (Nikolskaya, 2005) mechanisms of psychological defense in children, such as substitution, sublimation, dreams (fantasizing).

Taking into account the fact that many “pathological” aggressors have reduced self-esteem, and aggression is often combined with manifestations of a depressive state, in parallel with corrective influences, the art therapist should carry out work aimed at increasing the client’s self-esteem and instilling hope in him, including emphasizing his attention to positive qualities his personality, moments of success in the past and present, as well as external resources. Various techniques can be used for this. self-portrait(realistic, metaphorical, abstract) and creating drawings on such topics as “A person dear to me”, “Favorite corner of nature”, “Pleasant dream (fantasy)”, etc. A positive attitude during classes can be strengthened, and feelings guilt, self-deprecation and anger (including at oneself) can be weakened by skillfully using music of a certain nature (so-called “trophotropic”, soothing music), which can serve either as an unobtrusively sounding background or as a stimulus for creating drawings.

If an aggressive child or adolescent is able to work in a group and comply with group norms, his gradual inclusion in interactive forms of visual and other creative activities can be of great importance. This will contribute to the development of his socially significant skills (the ability to take into account the needs of another, enter into constructive interaction with him, sometimes compromise, defend his interests without resorting to violence). Appendix 2 to this book presents a number of art therapeutic techniques, games and exercises that are designed for both individual and joint activities. Many of them can be used when working with aggressive children and adolescents.

Once again, I would like to remind you that without a thorough study of the causes and mechanisms of aggressive behavior of a child or adolescent, various provoking factors and risk factors (biological, psychological, cultural and social), and, accordingly, the construction of an intervention program adequate to the biopsychosociogenesis of the disorder, the work of art -therapist will not only be ineffective, but also harmful. It can cause physical, psychological and moral harm to the client.

Art therapy methods for getting rid of autumn depression

We can say that the foundations of art therapy were laid by Sigmund Freud and Carl Gustave Jung. They argued that the unconscious is expressed in symbolic images. The term “art therapy” was introduced in 1938 by the English physician and artist Adrian Hill, who treated tuberculosis patients with art. And it became a separate area of ​​psychotherapy in the 70s of the last century. Since then, this method has been used to solve various personal problems, get rid of stress, and autumn depression.

Art therapy methods: how it works

The essence of art therapy is self-expression, which we so lack in our adult lives. Moreover, you can express yourself in a variety of ways: drawing, folding funny origami figures out of paper, working with clay, dancing or playing musical instruments.

And the main thing here is not to learn academic drawing or to perfectly master this or that dance, but to throw out emotions, turn off the brain and turn on the sensory perception of the world. “The purpose of art therapy is not the development of certain artistic skills, the study of techniques, as well as entertainment and leisure activities” , - speaks Anna She, director of the first specialized art therapy studio “SAMO”, practicing art therapist, member of the American Art Therapy Association.

Therefore, it is wrong to think that any creativity is art therapy. “Art therapy begins when creativity helps a person better understand himself and find contact with the world around him,” says Anna She.

It is better to start practicing art therapy under the guidance of a specialist (art therapist) who will help you relax, express yourself and identify your problems. Sometimes people benefit most from those art therapy methods that they initially do not want to do at all. A specialist will also help you fall in love with and master them. But later, when you understand what exactly helps you feel better, it will be easier to use this method yourself to lift your mood.

Art therapy: methods of combating autumn depression by biotype

To understand which art therapy method will allow you to better open up and understand yourself, we advise you to focus on the biotype that we determined at the beginning of the program.

As we know rabbits In times of stress, you need to act quickly. Therefore, when autumn depression worsens, you can choose an art therapy method completely spontaneously. The main thing is not to slow down. It may well be that just a couple of hours with a brush or in the dance hall will turn your day from the “worst” to the perfect one.

To the bears in moments of bad mood, it is best to immerse yourself in creativity headlong: start doing something leisurely, thoughtfully and scrupulously. Say, embroider, assemble a complex mosaic, or sew a patchwork quilt.

Foxes You can choose both the method of art therapy and the time that is worth spending on it.

Art therapy against depression. Stories with pictures

I had the opportunity to do an internship with a good art therapist in a psychiatric clinic. I had the opportunity to observe his work, as well as participate in the work myself as a co-therapist. Group therapy, semi-open group of up to 9 people, twice a week for 6 weeks.

50-year-old patient X. with a main diagnosis of depression has been treated in various clinics three times already. The first time he interrupted therapy without completing it. After this, the depression went so far that he stopped going to work, did not wash, and did not get out of bed. Secondary therapy helped him for a while. The last time he voluntarily wished to undergo treatment.

His complaints were typical of depression: constant fatigue, obsessive negative thoughts, a pessimistic outlook for the future, fears, lack of interest in anything, sleep disturbances, complaints of forgetfulness and poor concentration. My appetite was fine.

Married, three children, the youngest, 10 years old, is autistic. The patient's mother was an alcoholic and was raised from the age of 6 by his father, later by his father and stepmother. My father was very stern and cruel. The patient said that he never heard praise from his father; physical contact with him was carried out only through beatings. As a child, he felt very lonely, unprotected and unhappy. He didn't say anything about his mother.

Patient X. is a rather plump, large man with rough facial features, black unkempt hair, and an unfriendly and incredulous look from under his brows. He spoke very little and in monosyllables. The face did not show feelings, it looked like a mask, but the reactions of the body showed how difficult it was for him to restrain himself if he did not like something. Every little thing drove him crazy. He gave the impression of a volcano, ready to explode at any moment.

He found himself in an already established group of “experienced patients” with a high level of trust, where he felt an initially friendly attitude towards himself. He soon began to demonstrate a desire to support other patients, however, he maintained quite a large physical distance from people. Insufficient distance from another person caused him uncontrollable irritation; he absolutely could not stand even casual physical contact with others, especially men. In this case, his irritability increased many times over, and he began to choke.

The patient was quite educated in the field of psychology, because I read a lot of specialized literature to help myself, in addition, he had a good sense of people, so he made very apt comments regarding other patients; he analyzed his condition in great detail and called it “flight into depression.”

During one of the last hours of therapy, the patient suddenly had a memory of the sexual abuse he had experienced. This happened while one of the patients was talking about the fact of sexual abuse of a child. The patient suddenly felt unwell, he needed to urgently leave the room, but he promised us to return soon. When he came back, he stated that strange things were happening to him, and he did not understand what it was. He described his sensations as pressure in the chest, a strong heartbeat, lack of air, wild rage and complete chaos in his thoughts. We assumed that the patient's story had unsettled him. And then he said: “I remembered, I also experienced this as a child, but I completely forgot about it. It was a stranger in the forest." Later he voiced his guess that the figure of the rapist merged with the figure of his father into a single image. Now it became clear why he reacted so sharply to insufficient distance with men.

Motivation, as is known, is directly dependent on the strength of suffering. For the third time in the clinic, the patient was ready to do everything to ease his suffering. He also had great trust in the therapists and the group. I will present a series of his most significant drawings in chronological order. He did not comment on the first images, but during the drawing process it was clear that he was doing very important internal work.

The first drawing has many elements typical of paintings by people with schizophrenia: symmetry, frames with ornaments, eyes, many symbols that only the artist can understand. In the center there is a triangle connecting the letters I-C-H (“I”), as if embodying the desire to collect one’s disintegrating “I” together. There is an attempt to create order and structure, which, however, fails. The drawing gives off a feeling of a heap of details and chaos. Unfortunately, the patient did not provide any explanation for the image. One can only guess what the scissors, letter, house or tree mean.

The second drawing gives the impression of much more order. The patient asks questions to which there are no answers. How does it work? Not working? - about the water mill. Who are you? – addressed to a black object floating on the river. The desire for certainty is visible; there are many signatures in the drawing. A rather mechanistic approach to reality is reflected by regulators (volume, for example) and switches. Even a snail is a mechanism—a clock. The water mill in the center of the picture does not work, its rotation is interfered with by a chain and, possibly, ivy climbing along its axis. The parts of the picture are not connected to each other in any way. Judging by the picture, it can be assumed that the patient was characterized by logical thinking, which at the moment has problems with functioning. It also suggests a conclusion about the insufficiency of the emotional sphere.

In the next picture, the viewer sees a brick wall of an empty cell room and a window with shutters. One half of it, however, is open and through it you can see, albeit sketchy, but still the outside world. Even the sun is shining and the birds are flying. The tree image is always a very telling piece. In this case, it is very schematic - only an outline - the branches grow chaotically from nowhere. However, there are ripe fruits on the tree. The river is carefully lined with stones - control, boundaries. The bridge to another hidden, unknown shore does not yet look very inviting, rather dangerous. The symbol of an open window itself is positive, as a sign of the beginning of contact with the world, in this case, with therapists and the group. Large empty fields at the top and bottom were left by the patient.

The next hour the topic “My path” was given. The patient came to therapy very irritated. It was clear how difficult it was for him to complete the task. He had to make considerable efforts on himself. At the end of the hour, while discussing the drawings, he again did not want to say anything. However, his drawing speaks for itself, and he also wrote explanations for individual images. The blue and red stripes are twisted into a knot, pierced by railway tracks directed towards the upper right corner. It should be noted that in the two previous drawings the river had the same direction. The paths, however, break off before reaching the edge of the picture, while on the left side the image extends beyond the boundaries of the sheet. The right side, as you know, symbolizes the future. At the bottom it says, “I feel like I'm tied up in a knot and my emotions are on a rollercoaster ride.” A very figurative description of an extremely contradictory, highly emotional state.

In yellow it says, “Please treat me like I’m a dandelion” (meaning a dandelion with fluff).

“Who am I” is written next to a small rope-tied box in the bottom right corner. Sitting in a cramped and dark sealed box, it is indeed difficult to figure out who is sitting there. And you can’t go out.

The sad face of a strange creature is painted on the balloon. I suggested that the patient was symbolically representing his autistic son, to whom he was very attached. The child was seriously ill; he probably felt it as something ephemeral, little material, ready to fly away at any moment. The most positive thing about the drawing is that the noose, which looks threatening, has not yet been tied, which means there is still an opportunity to change the situation.

Within the next hour of therapy, the patient began to speak. He said that his greatest desire is to establish emotional contact with his sick son. The boy has good interaction with his mother. Patient X. tried in every way to gain the child’s trust, but he failed. When he hugs his child, he feels as if he was hugging himself as a child. Thus, he seems to receive what he was deprived of in childhood. It seems that it was the sick boy who became his great teacher in life. First of all, for his sake the patient performed daily feats. The painful inner work he did aroused great respect. It was akin to surgery without anesthesia.

The art therapist asked the patient to recreate a family situation by making figures of people significant to him and arranging them accordingly on the board. The patient had never worked with clay before, but his confidence in the therapist was so great that he immediately began to work without questioning. It was very interesting to observe how attentively the patient listened to the task and how immersed and concentrated he sculpted. The figures were created literally in one go. Patient X. moved them along the board several times until he achieved a satisfactory result. Ready!

There were three figures on the board: the patient himself, his son and his father. The figures were surprisingly expressive, the self-portrait bore a great resemblance to the original. Patient X. gave an explanation of the composition. He himself holds a stick in his hand, this is a staff to lean on on the way.


He perceives his son more like a plant, but not in a negative sense. The child is immersed in his own world; he is absent from our world. The figure of the father is located in the corner: something similar to a turtle sits in a rocking chair and smokes a cigar. There is a stone on his head. Although this figure was relatively small and located in the background, there was a sense of danger and power emanating from it. Patient X. asked the group about their impression of the composition. The answers were as follows:

  • The father figure is dominant
  • The stick in the hand of the patient figure looks quite aggressive, more for striking than for support
  • The father figure is quite small and does not belong to the group
  • All the figures have something on their heads
  • The face of the sculpture depicting the patient expresses anguish and the eyes are closed
  • My son has no face at all and part of his head is missing
  • The legs of patient X's figure cannot carry the body, i.e. he's pretty still
  • The overall impression is difficult

Patient X. listened very carefully to the answers, the expression on his face was satisfied. In general, he took over the leadership role and was apparently completely at ease. Looking at him, one could very well imagine how he previously led the team.

The question was asked whether he was completely satisfied with the composition or whether he would like to change anything. Without responding, Patient X suddenly grabbed the father figure and threw it into the trash container. The whole group said in one breath: “Ah!” After some time, when we all realized this fact, many breathed a sigh of relief and noticed that the atmosphere in the room became much lighter.

We asked the patient whether he really no longer needed a father figure. He answered enthusiastically: “No! I don't need him anymore. He stood behind me like an evil spirit and ruined my life. I won’t allow this anymore!” The patient felt liberated and the group rejoiced for him. He said family and his sick child are very important to him. He doesn’t know how to play with children because he didn’t learn as a child, so he needs to learn now.

In the last hour of therapy, the topic “I am like a tree” was proposed. The picture shows a large tree that looks like a birch. There is a house on a tree. The author explained: “I have to put things in order in my small space. It is important for me that this is a half-timbered house, nice and cozy. Although it is very windy, raining and lightning flashes, the sun is shining at the same time. From my little house I can see far and I see many possibilities. There is a lot of fresh air around, I love fresh air. I wouldn’t like to be visited much, but for those who are dear to me, there is a small door downstairs.”

If you analyze the drawing, you will notice that the tree consists only of an outline, it is almost transparent, and is not yet material enough. There are few branches and leaves on the tree, some leaves are falling off, but the leaves are green and quite concrete. The thick branches and top of the tree are interrupted, the tree looks like a man with a house-like head. The patient painted the grass strips last. You can notice that the left one, relating to the side of the past, is brown, as if burned, and the right one, symbolizing the future, is green. The house stands crookedly on the tree, the beams are located rather chaotically, it really still needs to be put in order. The sun is too big and looks more like a heater. In drawing analysis, we are not talking about the ability or inability to draw. Not much has changed here. The structure and symbolism of the drawing has changed radically. The difference from the first drawings was obvious, as were the changes in the patient's behavior.

The drawing is clearly structured and differentiated, the parts obey one general idea. The symbolism of the picture indicates the emergence of hope and prospects for the future (green leaves, grass, a good view from the house). Judging by the tree and the ground, stability was clearly not enough. A lot of fresh air for a patient with respiratory problems means relief, he can breathe freely. His fears have clearly subsided: powerful natural forces no longer frighten him, he does not see them as a danger, but rather views them as an invitation to fight. He spoke about this with enthusiasm, as if he was impatient to begin the confrontation as soon as possible. There was a feeling that he was striving towards a goal. This goal clearly lay outside the hospital.

Positive changes in behavior were very noticeable: if at the beginning of therapy the patient was deeply depressed, full of distrust of people, now he smiled, joked, willingly communicated with people, and responded adequately to various situations. Of course, this was the collective work of many therapists at the clinic. However, the patient himself stated that art therapy helped him the most.

The question with my father remained open for me. Most likely, patient X. will still have to pull the turtle-shaped figure out of the trash heap in order to deal with his introjects. However, this may be later; at the moment there was a feeling that the therapy was completely completed.

Katherine Graddy's research disproves the myth that Picasso's Blue Period is linked to the death of his close friend

Among those interested in creativity Pablo Picasso There is a widespread myth that it is after suicide Carlos Casagemas, a close friend of the artist, the Spanish genius began his famous “blue period”, imbued with deep melancholy.

According to a recent study Catherine Graddy, a professor of economics at Brandeis University in Massachusetts, this approach is obviously misleading. She analyzed sales statistics and the history of museum acquisitions of 12 thousand works of art created between 1900 and 1920.

As a result, the researcher discovered that works created by artists within a year of the death of a loved one are much cheaper at auction than creations by the same authors that appeared during calmer periods of life.

Moreover, there are not so many paintings painted by artists in the first two years after any bereavement. “The concept of a ‘flow state,’ where one immerses oneself while being fully engaged in the creative process, has gained widespread acceptance among psychologists,” Graddy writes in the book Death, Bereavement, and Creativity). However, despair is "the real enemy of flow" and thus "death and serious bereavement, in contrast, can suppress creative impulses."

Kathryn Graddy. Death, Bereavement, and Creativity / Brandeis University. Working Paper Series. 2015. Vol. 89. In English

Depression. ART therapy.


27 entries

What is art therapy? Let's figure it out!
Art therapy is, in fact, not something new; it is a set of tools that allows you to solve many problems very successfully, which was previously used by especially talented therapists and doctors. Show in full... Now this direction in therapy is gaining more and more weight and importance. Art therapy has recently attracted increasing attention throughout the world and is beginning to occupy a worthy place in the range of means aimed at restoring human health.

Therapy with visual arts, music, folklore, fairy tales, etc. has always existed implicitly.

The relaxation that people received from attending various “cultural events” is in fact a direct therapeutic effect. The indirect effect could be much more powerful and could bring about much more serious health improvements in the human body. People have guessed about all this for a long time.

Art therapy allows you to:

Develop spontaneity and improve attention, memory, thinking;

Explore your life experiences from an unusual perspective;

Solving problems is easy and beautiful;

Learn to communicate using visual, motor, and audio means;

Art therapy is not just drawing lessons, but free creativity, using various techniques, techniques, materials that help adults and children throw out their fears, emotions, relieve tension, anxiety, and create their own healing symbols.

You can draw with anything - cereals, pebbles, shells, crumpled paper... you are given those materials, paints, and themes that are sure to lead to a successful result.

Art therapy methods for getting rid of autumn depression

We can say that the foundations of art therapy were laid by Sigmund Freud and Carl Gustave Jung. They argued that the unconscious is expressed in symbolic images. The term “art therapy” was introduced in 1938 by the English physician and artist Adrian Hill, who treated tuberculosis patients with art. And it became a separate area of ​​psychotherapy in the 70s of the last century. Since then, this method has been used to solve various personal problems, get rid of stress, and autumn depression.

Art therapy methods: how it works

The essence of art therapy is self-expression, which we so lack in our adult lives. Moreover, you can express yourself in a variety of ways: drawing, folding funny origami figures out of paper, working with clay, dancing or playing musical instruments.

And the main thing here is not to learn academic drawing or to perfectly master this or that dance, but to throw out emotions, turn off the brain and turn on the sensory perception of the world. “The purpose of art therapy is not the development of certain artistic skills, the study of techniques, as well as entertainment and leisure activities” , - speaks Anna She, director of the first specialized art therapy studio “SAMO”, practicing art therapist, member of the American Art Therapy Association.

Therefore, it is wrong to think that any creativity is art therapy. “Art therapy begins when creativity helps a person better understand himself and find contact with the world around him,” says Anna She.

It is better to start practicing art therapy under the guidance of a specialist (art therapist) who will help you relax, express yourself and identify your problems. Sometimes people benefit most from those art therapy methods that they initially do not want to do at all. A specialist will also help you fall in love with and master them. But later, when you understand what exactly helps you feel better, it will be easier to use this method yourself to lift your mood.

Art therapy: methods of combating autumn depression by biotype

To understand which art therapy method will allow you to better open up and understand yourself, we advise you to focus on the biotype that we determined at the beginning of the program.

As we know rabbits In times of stress, you need to act quickly. Therefore, when autumn depression worsens, you can choose an art therapy method completely spontaneously. The main thing is not to slow down. It may well be that just a couple of hours with a brush or in the dance hall will turn your day from the “worst” to the perfect one.

To the bears in moments of bad mood, it is best to immerse yourself in creativity headlong: start doing something leisurely, thoughtfully and scrupulously. Say, embroider, assemble a complex mosaic, or sew a patchwork quilt.

Foxes You can choose both the method of art therapy and the time that is worth spending on it.

Art therapy techniques for working with depression

We invite you to take part in a practical one-day seminar
psychiatrists, psychotherapists, psychologists, social workers and teachers, students of relevant specialties and everyone who wants to master the techniques and methods of art therapy;

The seminar is dedicated to working with depression using art therapy techniques:
Depression is a serious illness and treating depression is not easy, but it is possible.

In 1938, Adrian Hill first coined the term "art therapy", which meant art treatment, when a person could express his emotional state with the help of a brush and paints.
Art therapy According to research results, it is one of the most effective ways to treat depression and neuroses.
Art therapy does not require special skills - it uses the technique of spontaneous action.
Forms of work: individual work, group exercises, guided imagination work

The art therapy method helps a person:

  • know yourself, understand your experiences;
  • reveal the depths of your subconscious;
  • free yourself from problems accumulated over the years of life;
  • learn to trust yourself;
  • establish contact with the superconscious, develop intuition;

In the program:

  • types of art therapy: free drawing, mandalas, fairy tale therapy, music therapy, dance therapy, visual perception;
  • acquaintance with the symbolism of colors and images;
  • the relationship between color and sound, color and emotion, color and fairy tales, color and health;
  • stages of work using the color mandala method: choosing a color, diagnosing mental states;
  • the specifics of using art technologies in working with depression;
  • diagnostic, developmental, educational and therapeutic potential of art therapy;
  • work with self-esteem, positive self-perception;
  • development of psychological stability;
  • separation rituals for depression;
  • relieving tension, reducing anxiety levels;
  • Seminar presenters:

    Tatiana Widawska-Rusnaka, family therapist

    Nadezhda Olekhnovich, family consultant

    Venue: LPPC “Valentia”, Teatra iela 24-2, Daugavpils

    Ask questions or sign up for a seminar possible by phone +371 29165338(LMT), +371 20032546(TELE2), +371 29637681(TELE2)

    or by email mail: ppcvalentia @

    For dates, see events calendar

    With 01.02.2009. year, all seminars are subject to a temporary anti-crisis price:

    • when paying by transfer:15 lats from one participant
    • when paid on the day of the seminar: 18 lats from one participant
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      It is possible to invite teachers to your organization.

      Please inform your colleagues and friends about the seminar!

      At the end of the seminar, a certificate of participation is issued
      A free coffee table and accompanying materials are offered during the seminar.

      The bright side of depression or the use of art therapy

      American psychiatrists have discovered the benefits of depression, Jonah Lehrer, author of How We Make Decisions, reports in The New York Times. The scientific basis for the need for suffering was laid down in his time by Darwin, who was himself susceptible to depression.

      Pain or suffering of any kind, if prolonged, causes depression and weakens the active power, but it is well adapted to protect the living creature from any great or sudden misfortune, Darwin explained in his autobiography. Sometimes it is a depressed state that forces an animal to choose the most favorable course of action, the scientist wrote.

      The mystery of depression is not that it exists: the mind, like the flesh, is not protected from breakdowns. The true paradox of depression has long been considered its widespread prevalence, writes the author.

      While less than 1% of the population suffers from schizophrenia, about 7% experience depression. The persistence of this syndrome and the fact that it appeared to be inherited posed a serious challenge to Darwin's new theory of evolution, the author writes. It is unclear why evolution allows for the inheritance of a disease that prevents procreation.

      But there is an alternative view of depression

      What if it performs a secret beneficial function and attempts to treat it with medicine only make the situation worse?

      Just like a fever that helps the immune system overcome an infection, depression may be an unpleasant defensive reaction to an illness; you can try to cure it with the help of art therapy by buying brushes in an art store, the author suggests.

      University of Virginia psychiatrist Andy Thompson is interested in evolutionary psychology, which attempts to explain human consciousness through the historical evolution of the brain. Thompson began studying the evolutionary roots of depression with Paul Andrews, an evolutionary psychologist at Virginia Commonwealth University.

      The trigger for depression is a thought process called “rumination” - this is obsessive thinking, “chewing” the same thoughts (the term is derived from the Latin rūmināre - “chew the cud”, about cattle).

      In recent decades, psychiatry has considered rumination a dangerous habit: it makes people dwell on their shortcomings and problems, so that the blues drag on, writes the author. According to psychologist Susan Nolen-Hoeksema, people prone to rumination are more likely to develop depression and react more painfully to stress. Rumination also suppresses mental abilities: in a state of depression, a person’s memory worsens, etc.

      All this led scientists to the conclusion that rumination is a waste of mental energy.

      However, Andrews and Thompson, based on an evolutionary approach, suggested that rumination serves some useful function. Rumination is often a reaction to a specific mental blow: for example, the death of a loved one or being fired from a job. In this case, reflection helps prepare for a new lifestyle or learn from mistakes.

      In fact, the radical idea of ​​Andrews and Thompson - the hypothesis that depressive disorder ultimately benefits consciousness - has a long history, the author notes. Aristotle also wrote that all people who achieved perfection in philosophy, poetry, art and politics were prone to melancholy, and some even suffered from it like a disease. This view was revived during the Renaissance, and Keats likened the “world of misery and trouble” to a school that educates the mind by transforming it into the soul.

      The main symptoms of depression are:

    • inability to experience pleasure
    • loss of interest in food,
    • sex
    • and communication
    • They have a constructive side effect: they prevent distraction from the burning problem, Andrews and Thompson concluded. Indeed, with depression, brain activity in the part responsible for concentration is activated, and the stronger the depression, the more active the part. The work of this department also stimulates analytical thinking.

      According to Andrews and Thompson, depression is a way to boost our weak analytical skills, making it easier to focus on a difficult dilemma. If depression did not exist, we would hardly find a way out of difficult situations.

      Wisdom is not given cheaply, but it is paid for with suffering,” notes the author of the article. For example, Thompson advised one of his patients with depression, a young teacher, to analyze his problems at work and make a specific decision - to quit or stay. Together they carefully analyzed the situation, and as soon as the decision was made, the teacher began to improve.

      The publication of Andrews and Thompson's paper in Psychological Review in 2009 split the psychiatric community, with some hailing their idea as a first step toward rethinking depression and others dismissing it as reckless theorizing. Thus, psychiatrist Peter Kramer from Brown University advocates the use of antidepressants and states that romanticization of depression- something like the idealization of consumption at the end of the 19th century.

      According to Kramer, Andrews and Thomson ignore types of depression that do not fit into their evolutionary theory: chronic depression, post-stroke depression, etc. There's a clear difference between a healthy response to stress and a depressed person's, Kramer points out.

      People suffering from severe depression often neglect their appearance, do not wash themselves, and sometimes do not even use the toilet. They do not take good care of their children, noted anthropologist Ed Hagen, noting that the cost of such destructive behavior is too high to be explained by a “thinking break.”

      In fact, the analytical rumination hypothesis is just the most recent attempt to explain the prevalence of depression, the author writes. So, one theory says that depression is a cry for help, a way to get loved ones to come to your rescue. There is a hypothesis that depression is a “sign of defeat” that ensures self-preservation: after the loss of social status, a person is too depressed to take revenge.

      There is also “depressive realism”: according to some studies, depressed people assess reality more truthfully and more accurately predict the future course of events. But none of these explanations are universal.

      In response to criticism, Andrews and Thompson acknowledge that depression is a catch-all term that covers a spectrum of symptoms, and the analytic rumination hypothesis only really applies to patients reacting to a source of acute stress.

      The problem is different, says Thompson. - In our society, depression has begun to be perceived as something that should be avoided in any case, and if it has already begun, it should be relieved with medication. We have been so eager to destigmatize depression that we have stigmatized sadness.

      In recent years, Thomson has been trying to prescribe antidepressants to patients less often.

      He refers to the experience of a woman who herself asked him to reduce the dose.

      Antidepressants help me a lot - I feel much better. But I lived with the same scoundrel and alcoholic, and I still live - it’s just that now he seems quite tolerable to me,” she explained.

      Recent research suggests that antidepressants do not provide much benefit, at least for moderate depression. Those who are treated with chemotherapy are on average twice as likely to get sick again after a course of treatment compared to those who have undergone a course of cognitive psychotherapy in the form of conversations.

      In fact, medications interfere with recovery: they distract patients from solving their problems. You have to keep them on antidepressants forever,” Thompson notes. He describes one patient, a student, who was experiencing severe stress due to his parents' divorce. In addition, the father demanded that his son go to graduate school.

      Since his family already has cases of depression"The standard treatment is immediate administration of antidepressants," Thompson noted. Previously, he would have prescribed medications himself, but now he offered the student help in solving psychological problems.

      Andrews and Thompson's hypothesis fits into general trends in science - attempts to rethink the view of unpleasant experiences and states. Recently, it has been believed that negative thoughts and feelings should be avoided: thus, the school of positive psychology provides a scientific basis for the idea that man is created to be happy.

      However, the latest research on negative moods suggests that sadness has its benefits and that even the most unpleasant experiences serve an important function, the article says.

      Australian psychologist Joe Forgas experimentally proved that people with a negative mood make more reasonable decisions in difficult situations. People in a melancholic mood more accurately assess the truthfulness of rumors, remember the past more clearly, and are much less likely to judge strangers using stereotypical criteria. Forgas conducted one of his experiments in a store - he asked customers to remember trinkets placed at the cash register. It turned out that on gray rainy days and with gloomy music, memory worked better than in sunny weather with rollicking melodies.

      This may also explain the surprising correlation between creativity and depressive disorders. Neuroscientist Nancy Andreasen found formal symptoms of depression in 80% of 30 writers studying at the famous Iowa School of Writing Excellence. Kay Redfield Jamieson came to a similar conclusion based on the biographies of British scientists and artists: successful representatives of creative professions suffer from serious depression 8 times more often than the statistical average.

      Andreasen explains this by saying that perseverance is one of the most important traits of a creator, and depression contributes to concentration on the main idea. Another symptom of depression - self-criticism - also has positive sides, the author says. As Forgas discovered, people in sad moods write in a clearer, more persuasive style because they are more critical of their work.

      Andrews conducted an experiment - he gave 115 students an abstract thinking test. Before and after completing the task, students were tested for their level of “depressive affect.” First, it turned out that those who did not feel depressed before the test became more depressed after completing the tasks: therefore, the very act of facing a difficult task forces one to concentrate and brings on sadness.

      So, depressive disorder is an extreme manifestation of the normal thinking process,” the author notes. Secondly, subjects in a depressed mood showed the best results, at least when they were able to distract themselves from their worries. “Obviously, in a state of depressive affect, the head works better,” concluded Andrews.

      The difficulty is getting people to accept the bitter mixture of despair. Even if pain is useful, the desire to avoid pain remains the strongest instinct, the author concludes.

      Art therapy helps eliminate depression in teenagers.

      Symptoms of depression

      Teenagers are characterized by excessive maximalism, which occurs due to hormonal changes. Depression is often disguised as the maximalism of adolescence. As a result, the diagnosis is not established immediately, which can lead to serious consequences.

      Parents need to find an approach to children suffering from depression in order to help and seek medical help in a timely manner. To do this, you need to know what symptoms are characteristic of depressive disorders.

      Main signs

      In the depressive state of adolescence, the following signs appear:

      • a person constantly secludes himself, stops communicating not only with parents, but also with peers;
      • sleep is disturbed, appetite disappears;
      • any parental remark causes uncontrollable tearfulness in the teenager. The same reaction goes to harmless jokes from peers;
      • the attitude towards other people changes, becoming overly aggressive and irritable;
      • teenagers give up their favorite activity and lie around all day. They lose interest in everything that happens around them;
      • anxiety appears, a feeling of helplessness, a feeling that you did everything wrong, fear;
      • suicidal thoughts arise. The teenager looks for any information where the topic of suicide is visible, carefully considers each case.

      The signs of teenage depression are different from those of adults. An adult in a depressed state is more despondent, and his mood is depressed. In the transition period the opposite is true. A depressed teenager is aggressive, irritable, often becomes angry, and may use violence.

      Depressive symptoms and causes of their occurrence

      A family psychologist is able to identify teenage depression by symptoms, which have two types:

      Very severe fatigue that lasts more than one week and cannot be managed

      difficulties in making decisions;

      inability to concentrate on solving a specific task;

      anxiety, attacks of fear;

      a feeling of uselessness and uselessness of existence;

      constant thoughts of suicide;

      increased appetite, or, conversely, lack thereof;

      Depression is diagnosed if 2 main and 3 additional signs are identified.

      Causes of depression

      Parents wonder why their child becomes depressed, believing that there is no reason for this. But there are reasons:

      • a sharp change in the hormonal environment, which can cause disturbances in the endocrine system;
      • there is no mutual understanding and trust in parents;
      • problems with school performance;
      • conflicts with classmates;
      • lack of understanding on the part of teachers;
      • acute rejection of one's appearance.

      The listed reasons are the main ones. But depressive states can arise against the background of diseases that are neurological or endocrine in nature:

      • after a skull injury;
      • infectious pathologies of the central nervous system;
      • against the background of diabetes mellitus;
      • insufficient amount of B vitamins in the body;
      • rapid muscle fatigue (myasthenia gravis);
      • inflammatory processes of peripheral nerve fibers;
      • for epilepsy.

      Specialists in their work are faced with a problem when it is impossible to diagnose depression based on psychological and somatic signs. Then we talk about depressive states that affect the body from the inside.

      Creative therapy in the treatment of depression

      There are various methods to eliminate depressive symptoms. Art therapy is an effective way to combat depression. Any recommendations from specialists should be followed by teenagers. Parents need to monitor their implementation. If treatment is carried out using medication, you should not skip taking medications.

      Psychotherapy uses complex techniques to eliminate depressive conditions. An effective method in the fight against the disease is art therapy.

      Art therapy for depression is a cure using various artistic means.

      The main varieties during a complex technique aimed at eliminating depression include the following types of creativity:

      1. painting. These are not only drawings, but also graphics, painting;
      2. painting with special paints on the body - body art;
      3. modeling with plasticine or clay;
      4. music lessons;
      5. dancing;
      6. photographing;
      7. working through the plots of fairy tales together with a psychologist;
      8. creating sand figures.

      With the help of a drawing, a teenager can express emotions that he wanted, but cannot talk about. A specialist in the colors used in the drawing will be able to determine the child’s character and understand his emotional state. When considering what is drawn, the force of pressure of the brush or pencil and what exactly the teenager depicted is important.

      When a teenager discusses a fairy tale plot and his own vision of the image with a psychotherapist, he learns to overcome anxiety and fight fears. During discussions, symptoms of depression are effectively reduced.

      Sand therapy allows a teenager to express his emotions and desires. The child can tell what the image depicted in the sand means and why new lines were used in constructing the figures. As a result of reasoning, he gradually comes to understand what was the reason for his aggressive behavior. Already after the first session there is a noticeable improvement in the condition.

      Directions for artistic correction are selected individually, depending on the form in which depression occurs. With the help of art therapy, it is possible to understand the cause of depression and direct the teenager’s attention to a normal existence in society.

      Sometimes art therapy does not completely eliminate the symptoms of the disease, but helps the child get rid of negative emotions. This is a pleasant way of treatment, although it can hardly be called easy.

      It is important that during art therapy sessions, during depression, the teenager is not required to create perfect, professional drawings or sculptures. Art classes allow you to take your mind off the constant negativity, from the nagging questions present in teenage thoughts. In the process of creating creative objects, a child of adolescence learns to make decisions and take responsibility for his actions.

      It is necessary that in the process of eliminating a depressive state, parents find an approach to the child and are able to change their attitude towards him and learn to understand each other. Without mutual understanding, it is unlikely that the expected result will be achieved.

      Teenage depression

      Adolescent depression is a child mental disorder characterized by the depressive triad - motor retardation, bad mood and impaired thinking.

      A depressive state is often confused with teenage maximalism and hormonal changes. But if the disease is recognized early, teenage depression is highly treatable.

      How to recognize the enemy

      Parents of teenagers need to know the main symptoms and signs of depression in order to detect the disease in time and seek medical help.

      Depressive disorder itself is not so scary; the danger is its consequences, which it can lead to: in severe cases, it can lead to suicide.

      Therefore, parents should be attentive to their children to consider the condition in time and take appropriate action.

      Main features

      1. Desire for solitude. The teenager has no desire to communicate with peers and parents.
      2. Lack of appetite and insomnia.
      3. A teenager’s reaction to comments, jokes from peers, and criticism from parents manifests itself in excessive tearfulness.
      4. Hostile attitude towards others, anger, irritability, turning into aggression.
      5. Wasting time: a child can lie on the bed for hours and show no interest in anything.
      6. A depressing state of fear, helplessness, anxiety.
      7. Increased interest in the topic of suicide: reading books on this topic, watching movies.

      Adult depression differs from teenage depression in that the symptoms of depressive disorder in adults manifest themselves in despondency and depressed mood, while in adolescents an aggressive state is characteristic, accompanied by outbursts of anger and a tendency to violence.

      Symptoms of Depression in Teens

      According to ICD-10, all symptoms of teenage depression are divided into basic (typical) and additional. The disease is diagnosed in the presence of 2 typical and 3 additional symptoms.

      • for 2 weeks or more there is a depressed mood that is not associated with external circumstances;
      • anhedonia – loss of interest in activities that previously brought pleasure;
      • within a month there is severe fatigue.

      Additional symptoms of depression:

      • pessimistic view of things;
      • inability to concentrate and make the right decision;
      • constant anxiety, fear, feelings of guilt and worthlessness;
      • suicidal tendencies;
      • low self-esteem;
      • deterioration of appetite or, conversely, a constant need for snacks;
      • insomnia.

      If the above symptoms do not go away within 2 weeks, the doctor diagnoses the disease as depression. However, if symptoms are severe, the diagnosis can be made earlier.


      Parents believe that there is no reason for teenagers to develop depression. But according to statistics, every 8 teenager is depressed. The causes of the disease can be both harmless and serious problems.

      The main causes of teenage depression:

      • changes in hormonal levels;
      • endocrine disorders;
      • lack of understanding in the family;
      • decreased performance in subjects;
      • conflict situations with classmates;
      • lack of common interests with peers;
      • misunderstanding on the part of teachers;
      • not accepting one's appearance.

      Depression in adolescence can be the result of mental shock that occurs against the background of experiences associated with the loss of a loved one, while being present at a brutal fight or accident. Such teenage depression is reactive in nature.

      Depression can develop against the background of somatic diseases (neurological, endocrine):

      • CNS infections;
      • as a result of traumatic brain injury;
      • epilepsy;
      • myasthenia gravis;
      • with a deficiency of B vitamins;
      • neuritis;
      • hyper- or hypothyroidism;
      • diabetes mellitus;
      • adrenal diseases.

      If psychological, somatic or external causes are not found, then we are talking about depression coming from within - endogenous, arising from a deficiency of norepinephrine, serotonin and dopamine.

      What to do if your teenager is depressed

      Treatment methods for teenage depression vary - from taking medications to psychotherapy, it is important to identify the cause of the depressive state.

      Family psychotherapy is effective if the cause of the disease is related to problems in the family. For a teenager at this time, support from teachers and relatives is important.

      For a video about teenage love, see the article: Teen Love.

      Read how to test for depression here.

      Only a doctor can tell you how to properly treat depression; you cannot self-medicate! The psychologist must carry out psycho-corrective work.

      Its goal is to establish the causes of depression, teach the teenager to be attentive to himself and the ability to cope with negative thoughts.

      Age differences

      A teenager enters adolescence (for some children - earlier), therefore, there is a wave of the next age crisis, which is more complex than the previous ones

      A teenager experiences a hormonal change, and it becomes very difficult for him to control his emotions.

      Growing up children look in the mirror and are critical of their appearance; some develop complexes: girls, for example, are not happy with their figure.

      Often an inferiority complex appears and teenagers withdraw into themselves, become alienated from the whole world, falling into depression. It is important to recognize the disease at an early stage.

      Symptoms of depression in flight:

      • the desire to be alone with oneself;
      • despondency, melancholy;
      • alienation;
      • suffering.

      At the age of 16, the third stage of growing up begins and lasts until the age of 18. During this period, physical and psychological maturation occurs.

      Teenagers feel like adults and act like adults. But their actions and actions are not always approved by their parents and teachers.

      If you do not listen to the child and do not understand his feelings, the teenager becomes depressed. The depressive state in 16-year-old boys and girls occurs as in adults.

      Parents must help the child cope with the disease, otherwise he will try to find peace on the side: he will start using alcohol and drugs.

      What's the best thing to do first?

      It is important for parents to understand that teenage depression is not just a period in a child’s life, and you should not hope that it will go away on its own.

      If you do not recognize an insidious disease in time, it will begin to progress. Adults need to be correct in their relationships with teenagers, show attention, love and care.

      If the moment is missed and the teenager has all the symptoms of depression, it is necessary to seek help from a psychotherapist or psychologist.

      1. Support needed. Parents must show their child that they are always on his side. You shouldn't ask too many questions, because teenagers don't like pressure and excessive patronage. However, parents must let the teenager know that in any situation he will receive the necessary support.
      2. Listening skills. When talking with a teenager, you should not criticize or draw your own conclusions. Unsolicited advice and ultimatums will not do any good.
      3. When communicating with a teenager, you need to be gentle, but persistent. Teenagers in a depressed state “withdraw into themselves” and do not want to hear about such a disease as depression, but parents should gradually encourage the child to talk. During communication, you need to emphasize your concern and willingness to listen.
      4. It is necessary to acknowledge his feelings. If a teenager's problems and feelings seem ridiculous or irrational to parents, they should not even try to establish communication, but they should accept his feelings. The teenager must understand that what he feels is taken seriously by his parents.

      Teenage depression - treatment

      Treatment of adolescent depressive disorder is based on the following basic methods:

      • conducting psychotherapy;
      • drug treatment;
      • family therapy.

      The effectiveness of the methods depends on their comprehensive application and the child’s desire to get rid of the disease.

      Contacting specialists

      The choice of treatment method depends on many factors. It is necessary to take into account what type of depression attack is, the extent of the disease, and the causes of its occurrence.

      A depressive state can occur in a complex form: a teenager does not perceive reality, cannot function normally, and has a tendency towards suicidal actions. In this case, hospitalization in a psychiatric clinic is recommended.

      Teenage depression and how to deal with it: types of psychotherapy used in treatment:

      • interpersonal – aimed at strengthening connections between the teenager and others;
      • family – teaches all family members to overcome anxiety and fear;
      • Cognitive-behavioral – teaches you to get rid of bad thoughts and be positive;
      • Problem solving – aimed at teaching teenagers to cope with life’s difficulties.

      Drug therapy is carried out as a last resort; the psychotherapist is obliged to make sure that the child has suicidal thoughts. Medicines are prescribed as a last resort and only for severe depression.

      Many parents place their hopes on antidepressants, believing that no other methods can lift their teenager out of this state.

      But medication is not the only way to treat depression. In addition, antidepressants have a lot of side effects.

      They can only alleviate the symptoms for a short time, and then the body gets used to them, sleep is disturbed, and increased fatigue and drowsiness are observed. In some adolescents, they increase their aggressive state.

      Video: Teenage Depression

      During studies, it was noticed that taking antidepressants in adolescence increases the risk of suicidal tendencies, and behavioral disorders are observed.

      If it so happens that the child has been prescribed antidepressants, parents must constantly be “on alert” during the first 2 weeks of the child taking the pills.

      It is necessary to monitor his behavior and, at the slightest worsening of the condition, consult a doctor to discontinue the prescribed drug.

      Family therapy aims to provide training and consultation with all family members.

      Important facts parents should know:

      1. Parents must teach their child to strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations: taking medications as prescribed, attending psychotherapy sessions.
      2. To prevent a relapse of depression, it is important to recognize a relapse of the disease.
      3. It is necessary to feel the child to help him quickly relieve stress.
      4. Know the signs of depression and identify the disease in time to seek help.
      5. If a child shows signs of suicidal behavior, you need to know what to do in this situation.

      Telephone therapy plays an important role and is also effective. Telephone counseling helps identify early depression.

      Art therapy

      Art therapy is a type of treatment based on healing through artistic creativity.

      What are the features of the treatment? While creating works of art, a teenager temporarily distances himself from negative thoughts and rethinks his actions.

      To conduct art therapy, it does not matter whether the artist has talent or not, because its goal is not to create works of global scale.

      Find out how to treat depression in men from the article: depression in men.

      Does depression occur in children? Read here.

      What is the treatment for endogenous depression, see here.

      Art therapy helps to “let off steam” and provides an outlet for negative feelings and aggression. The teenager begins to become aware of his own thoughts, understands the reason for their occurrence, and learns to independently make meaningful decisions.

      Parents play an important role in treating depression in adolescents. Healing is facilitated by the presence of a friendly, calm atmosphere at home, the ability to listen and understand the child. If this is not the case, the treatment process will be lengthy.


      Acquaintance with the described methodology took place at Natalya Sergeevna Fomicheva’s seminars on the topic “Psychology of Depression.”

      The article is posted on the website

      1. Anxiety
      2. Motor retardation
      3. Loss of interest in life
      4. Decreased self-esteem

      When working with people suffering from depression, conversational techniques are ineffective. Depressed clients are usually characterized by a lack of vital energy, it is difficult for them to speak, and it is difficult for them to analyze. Cognitive methods work poorly here. Because any result of the client’s creativity is already an achievement for him. The client did something with HIS OWN hands. As you know, in a state of depression it is difficult for people to do basic things, including issues of personal hygiene (difficulty getting out of bed, brushing their teeth, etc.). The result of any creativity increases self-esteem. Art therapy allows you to show the client what they can do. And he can do a lot of things: draw, create, create, realize the cause of his depression, he can change himself and his life.

      In my work, I often resort to one very effective technique, which is excellent both for working with depression and for working with psychosomatics. Many have heard about the term “Internal Picture of Illness” (IPI) - this is the attitude of the sick person to his illness. But few people focus on the Internal Picture of Health (IPH) – the individual’s attitude towards health. People who have been ill for a long time, unfortunately, do not know what VKZ is. To help you see yourself as healthy, visualize and capture the image of health, experience the positive emotions that accompany health, and realize the secondary benefits of illness - this is the task of a psychologist. And the “Creating an image of illness and health” technique helps to cope with this task.

      Description of technology. The psychologist asks the client to draw his illness and his health on one sheet of paper. The psychologist here acts not only as an observer and analyzer of creativity, but also influences the progress of the task. What should you pay attention to? First, the images of illness and health must be significantly different. If a client has drawn two completely identical dead trees, you need to ask why health looks so unattractive to the client. Ask the client to “bring brightness” to health, to revive it. Secondly, the internal picture of health should not contain winter symbols: cold colors, the theme of death, non-existence, etc. The picture of health should evoke positive emotions. The psychologist helps the client change the picture of health into an image that is pleasing to the eye. The standard color scheme for the client is as follows: VKB – in blue, VKZ – in green. This can be explained by the symbolism of flowers, blue color corresponds to illness, and green to health.

      Further, when the client is already focused on recovery, because in this state he feels cozy, comfortable, and experiences positive emotions, we can move on to analyzing the secondary benefits of the disease. To do this, the client is given 15 minutes of time, during which he should write down all the associations that arise on the topic of his illness. Each psychologist has developed his own subtleties in determining the client’s “hot spots”; the analysis of associations is always an individual process, so I do not consider it advisable to describe this technique in detail.

      Art therapy and creativity as a way to get rid of depression

      There are various ways to overcome accumulated stress. Some people cope with it by venting their emotions, some take a day off from work and devote the day to sleep and relaxation, while others decide to change their surroundings and go on vacation.

      However, creativity has been and remains one of the most effective methods of combating bad mood. It can radically change your inner state, thanks to it you can easily forget about sadness and anxiety.

      Simple techniques like art therapy and creativity can help you overcome bad mood and depression.

      How creativity helps you get rid of depression

      Everyone knows that the creative process brings joy. It doesn’t matter at all what type of creativity you decide to do. This could be drawing, sculpting, writing music, sewing clothes, assembling models and more.

      Modeling is also creativity. When you engage in one of the creative activities, you instantly forget about your worries and anxieties. Your thoughts begin to flow smoothly and unhurriedly, you completely immerse yourself in creativity and stop focusing on your everyday worries.

      Drawing, creating collages, writing poetry are great ways to express yourself, release your thoughts and feelings, and convey them to others. And it is not at all necessary to achieve results in this matter. The main thing is the process itself, as well as the pleasure it brings.

      How exactly should you be creative?

      • If creativity for you is not a way to earn money or create a certain image for yourself, then immediately forget about any boundaries. Your main task is to throw out everything that has accumulated in your soul. Release the situation from your control. If you feel sad in your soul, then it's time to express your feelings. Let them write sad lines on paper or violent splashes of paint on canvas. Create without regard for others. Don't worry about the impression your actions will make on others.
      • A cup of coffee on a napkin Many people mistakenly believe that creativity requires the right time and place. This is wrong. And even more so, you should not focus on certain devices - canvas, sewing machine, parchment paper. At first and in some situations, you can do without it. For example, if sad memories come flooding back to you while having a snack in a cafe, you should not postpone therapy. Let your canvas be a napkin, your paints be coffee grounds, and your brush a wooden stick for stirring the drink. Draw on a napkin what is on your mind - and you will immediately feel that the bad emotions are leaving and you are returning to normal again.
      • If expressing negative feelings while doing creative work doesn't help you, try a different route. And the visualization method will come to the rescue. It works simply. For example, you are nervous before an important interview. In this case, sketch out on paper a short story about a person who successfully completed all the tasks and was hired for the position he desired. After this, you will feel a little better and you can calm down. Of course, no one can guarantee that your interview will ultimately go exactly as you expect. But after visualization, you will take control of your anxiety and be sure to present yourself in the best possible light to your future employer.

      Why art therapy is so important for depression

      The role of creativity in raising your mood is really very great. It not only allows you to express your emotions and take your mind off your daily worries. With its help, we relearn to appreciate the beauty around us.

      A positive outlook is good. When we are depressed, we practically stop paying attention to the world around us. It begins to be perceived by us as a gray and joyless place. But as soon as we pick up a brush, clay or a ballpoint pen, we again notice the beauty around us - the brightness of sunsets, the amazing atmosphere of city streets, the special symmetry of human faces. Thanks to creativity, we develop our own curiosity and bring bright and rich colors into gray everyday life.

      Another advantage of art therapy is that in the process of creativity we always create something - a painting, a figurine, a poem. We store these evidence of the emotions we experience as reminders for ourselves. Reminders of difficult times and how we managed to cope with them. Over time, we get the opportunity to look at our own creations with different eyes, re-experience ancient days, and compare our past selves with our present selves. And if we again feel the approach of depression, then all the same poems and paintings will allow us to cope with a difficult period again.

      As we can see, creativity is one of the most effective and at the same time enjoyable ways to overcome depression and bad mood. And, most importantly, art therapy is accessible to absolutely everyone.

      Happy creativity and good mood!

      Art therapy in working with depression

      • Depersonalization is a violation of awareness of one’s “I”, clients say: “it’s not me who is doing this,” “I don’t feel my body,” “I don’t feel...”

      Why do I use art therapy?

      In my work, I often resort to one very effective technique, which is excellent both for working with depression and for working with psychosomatics. Many have heard about the term “Internal Picture of Illness” (IPI) - this is the attitude of the sick person to his illness. But few people focus on the Internal Picture of Health (IPH) – the individual’s attitude towards health.

      Ask the client to “bring brightness” to health, to revive it. Secondly, the internal picture of health should not contain winter symbols: cold colors, the theme of death, non-existence, etc. The picture of health should evoke positive emotions.

      Modern methods of treating depression

      Some symptoms of depression are often hidden under different masks, such as chronic stress, making it difficult to make a correct diagnosis. Thus, painful sensations in the abdominal area, a feeling of heaviness, headaches that do not go away after taking potent analgesics, pain in the trigeminal nerve, heart, liver and other internal organs can be treated for years. And without much success.

      Treatment of depression is carried out taking into account the severity of the listed symptoms. In some cases, psychotherapeutic conversations are sufficient, in others, especially if deep depression is diagnosed, it is necessary to combine certain medications with them.

      To treat or not to treat depression – that is the question

      Some people believe that depression is complete nonsense and should not even be considered. Like, it’s the same as a mild cold - you lie down for a bit, get mopey and that’s it, it’s time to end it - there’s no need to treat it with medication. In fact, this is not so, since untreated depression can result in chronic alcoholism, drug addiction, and suicide attempts.

      The diagnosis of depression itself can be made by a psychiatrist or psychotherapist, or a clinical psychologist. In some cases, the diagnosis is complicated by the fact that the patient previously had severe emotional or behavioral disorders or disorders associated with impaired thinking, will, and memory.

      Treatment of mild depression is initially carried out under the supervision of a doctor who has prescribed special medications - antidepressants. In addition to antidepressants, treatment for depression also includes purely psychological possibilities for correcting the emotional state of patients. So, among the methods we can name:

      • psychodynamic
      • cognitive behavioral therapy
      • Gestalt therapy
      • music therapy
      • art therapy and other types.

      The choice of one or another method in the treatment of depression depends on the theoretical basis of the specialist himself. The essence comes down to activating the patient’s consciousness and focusing it on other aspects of his being, teaching him the skills to control his own experiences, without focusing on the experiences of stress.

      In more severe cases, especially when it comes to suicide attempts or conversations about it, depression must be treated medicinally using appropriate medications.

      For example, among these are tricyclic antidepressants, which are successfully used to treat not only depression, but also affective personality disorders and behavioral disorders. Typically, major depression requires complex treatment, including active social and physical rehabilitation.

      Psychodynamic approach to the treatment of depression

      The essence of this approach is that a mental health specialist (psychologist or psychotherapist) helps the patient understand the essence of the problem that is bothering him. Let's start with psychoanalysis, which, as noted, treats not the patient himself, but his personal history.

      Historically, psychoanalysis was created by the Austrian psychiatrist Sigmund Freud, who at one time called for treating mental disorders and the effects of stress with drugs using coca. According to his teachings, depression can be treated by helping a person realize what events and experiences from childhood or the recent past led to its formation.

      Psychoanalysts call depression silent hysteria - outwardly a person says nothing, but his silence is stronger than any scream. The roots of this behavior should be sought in childhood, when the child first began to realize that as soon as he made a sad face and stopped his play or other activity, his parents immediately ran to solve his problems. The psychologist helps the patient realize at what age he first began to understand the benefits of such behavior, what the role of parents was in such a situation, and that currently such children's tactics do more harm than good.

      Work with the patient is based on the associative method, which involves operating with spontaneously arising associations. By transferring free associations from the area of ​​the unconscious to the area of ​​consciousness, the psychoanalyst thereby helps the patient get rid of the oppressive effects of depression. The main disadvantage of this method is that sessions last several years and cost the patient a significant amount. And for some, this is also a reason for stress.

      Behavioral approach to treating depression

      Treatment of depression through behavioral therapy focuses on the behavioral aspects of depression. For example, deep depression, the symptoms of which include refusal of social activity, communication, difficulties in expressing emotions, and passive behavior. The psychologist’s task is to break down depressive behavior into individual behavioral acts and teach the patient to get rid of them by learning other, more productive forms of behavior.

      In some cases, behavioral therapy takes about a year or even more if severe depression is identified. The specialist suggests performing actions that were previously completely uncharacteristic of this person - this helps to discover new facets of one’s own behavior and consolidate those that can be designated as productive. The scheme of such “treatment” is based on the stimulus-response relationship. By presenting new stimuli, the therapist modifies the client's responses and reinforces them by presenting appropriate new stimuli.

      Cognitive rational therapy

      Cognitive rational therapy provides treatment for depression by changing the patient's attitudes and attitudes regarding abnormal forms of behavior and thinking. Here the patient is presented with the idea that wrong behavior is the result of wrong thinking and attitude. By changing attitudes, you can change behavior. In particular, if deep depression causes a state of extremely negative perception of the surrounding reality, then by changing certain aspects of it, you can change the person’s condition. A person is most likely to fall into depression if he:

      • tends to overestimate the significance of individual events
      • tends to generalize events that actually have little in common with each other
      • overestimates his own contribution to the development of the current situation
      • sees everything around in black and white, not recognizing halftones and transitions
      • perceives all events as relating to him personally
      • draws conclusions prematurely.

      The therapist’s task in this situation is to show that the patient’s individual attitudes and behavior led to this state. For this purpose, such techniques as bringing the situation to the point of absurdity, “overfeeding” with negative stimuli, and others are used. For example, a person is offered to literally revel in his depressive state, getting used to its symptoms as strongly and deeply as possible. Until the patient gets tired of feeding himself such a situation.

      Shock therapy

      In some cases of depression, treatment requires radical methods. When a person is tormented by the feeling that something wrong is happening to him, with his consent, he can be placed in conditions that differ sharply from the usual. For example, some patients with alcoholism or other forms of addiction experience symptoms such as a feeling of withdrawal, which is accompanied by a pronounced depressive background and other manifestations of acute stress.

      To force him to completely switch, you can use the technique of complete immersion in other conditions, when he will not even have time to indulge in bad thoughts. As a rule, in cases where the patient is faced with the fact that someone else has a situation much worse than him, and that he has more important problems than “mental chewing gum,” the state of depression sharply declines.

      This is especially effective when it comes to intense physical activity or learning new skills.

      In some cases, you can use not only a sharp change in conditions, but also electroconvulsive therapy. The meaning of this effect is to destroy pathological neurochemical connections and formations in the brain through the influence of electric current. There is an impact on the centers that are responsible for the general regulation of mood. However, this method cannot always be recommended, although its effectiveness is quite high - in cases where the disease excludes the use of drugs, improvement occurs in two to three weeks.

      Suggestion techniques in the treatment of depression

      Suggestion techniques are also often used to treat depressive symptoms. The essence of this treatment method is to convince the patient that his condition is the result of negative anchoring.

      Working with the patient's hidden emotional experience, the therapist introduces new, positive attitudes into his consciousness.

      This type of work helps to successfully combat panic attacks and severe phobias. This method is safe for the patient, because it allows you to interrupt the work of depressive attitudes and give him new resources to overcome them. A method that allows one to overcome direct resistance of consciousness is Ericksonian hypnosis. Its difference from classical hypnosis is that the therapist carries out suggestion in a gentle and less directive manner.

      Group psychotherapy

      Most often, when the symptoms of depression go quite far, many therapists recommend undergoing not only individual, but group therapy. The advantages of this type of therapy are that the patient compares his own situation with the situation of other people, learns to emotionally feel their condition and help those who may be in a worse situation than themselves. Many patients receive such feedback from other members of the therapeutic group that, practically without intervention from the therapist, they begin to understand the unproductiveness of their own behavior and independently develop new patterns of attitudes and behavior.

      Occupational therapy for depression

      People often say that depression is a luxury for idle people. There is some truth in this statement, because... The opportunity to engage in active self-criticism arises when a person spends time aimlessly. In light of the fact that nothing positive happens, this leaves a negative imprint on a person’s self-esteem.

      Occupational therapy with a gradual, or, on the contrary, rapid involvement of a person in an active activity process, forces you to rethink the content of your own experiences.

      On the other hand, active physical activity promotes the production of happiness hormones, so this type of therapy brings over time, in addition to strengthening muscles, an increased sense of pleasure from life and overall self-satisfaction. A person seems to challenge himself, proving that he is capable of something more than just lying on the couch in a closed room and reveling in self-pity.

      Gestalt therapy is the key to healing depression

      The essence of the Gestalt approach to treating depression is to help a person structure his life experience in such a way that all his experiences acquire harmonious integrity. Gestalt, in the professional jargon of Gestalt therapists themselves, closes - when the patient receives the feeling that everything happened exactly as it should have happened. All the needs experienced by a person receive the opportunity to be realized when he finally learns to understand them and interpret them in the right way.

      Healing from the symptoms of depression as such occurs at the moment when the patient makes a simple decision - he admits his own responsibility for all events in his own life.

      The main principle - here and now - allows you to work productively with the patient’s negative experiences, structuring them in a new way.

      Body-oriented psychotherapy

      This type of psychotherapy can be called psychodynamic, since it is based on the position that all problems of the patient’s physical, social and mental types are unreacted experiences. Everything that was once blocked and driven into a corner of the subconscious eventually forms special symptoms on the human body - powerful somatic blocks, which lead to a feeling of depression, emotional impoverishment, and bodily constriction.

      Knowing which blocked emotion leads to the appearance of certain blocks, the therapist can, by influencing certain muscle groups, and forcing the patient to do this consciously, change his emotional state. For example, experiencing depression may be due to the fact that a person has been accustomed throughout his life to suppress feelings of pain or aggression. Since these centers are located close to each other in the human brain, releasing them through muscle feedback helps a person realize what exactly he has experienced during his life - fear or aggression.

      Usually, when experiencing aggression towards their loved ones, a person then feels a sense of guilt. In order to no longer be exposed to this feeling, he learns to suppress the feeling of anger in himself - and at the body level this makes itself felt by pain in the head, neck, and large limbs.

      Art therapy helps fight depression

      For those who are too “tied” to the control of consciousness, the best way to combat depression is art therapy or therapy through art. This doesn’t just mean visiting art exhibitions or creating something unusual with your own hands. We are talking about such familiar things at first glance as modeling from clay or plasticine, performing various kinds of crafts, photographing, writing literary works, and more.

      Moreover, writing has a significant advantage in that it allows one to process unconscious internal conflicts through fictional images - the word acts here as the main means.

      Thus, there are more than enough methods for treating depression. The main thing is that a person has a desire to overcome this state without bringing himself to a state of severe personal crisis, from which it is then almost impossible to get out on his own.

      Art therapy in working with depression

      Art therapy in working with depression

      Acquaintance with the described methodology took place at Natalia Sergeevna Fomicheva’s seminars on the topic “Psychology of Depression.”

      The concept of “depression” is familiar to everyone. Depression – from the Latin “to press”, “to suppress”, is a mental disorder that is accompanied by the following symptoms:

      • Depersonalization is a violation of awareness of one’s “I”, clients say: “it’s not me who is doing this,” “I don’t feel my body,” “I don’t feel...”
      • Asthenia is the loss of the ability to feel and experience joy. A person cannot identify his feeling, say it in words.
      • Anxiety
      • Impaired thinking (sluggish thoughts, negative thoughts, pessimism)
      • Motor retardation
      • Loss of interest in life
      • Decreased self-esteem

      When working with people suffering from depression, conversational techniques are ineffective. Depressed clients are usually characterized by a lack of vital energy, it is difficult for them to speak, and it is difficult for them to analyze. Cognitive methods work poorly here.

      Why do I use art therapy?

      Because any result of the client’s creativity is already an achievement for him. The client did something with HIS OWN hands. As you know, in a state of depression it is difficult for people to do basic things, including issues of personal hygiene (difficulty getting out of bed, brushing their teeth, etc.).

      The result of any creativity increases self-esteem. Art therapy allows you to show the client what they can do. And he can do a lot of things: draw, create, create, realize the cause of his depression, he can change himself and his life.

      Therefore, the most suitable material that should be offered to the client would be oil pastel. These are very bright crayons that allow you to create rich colors with light pressure. The drawings turn out very bright, even if the person did not want such a result.

      In my work, I often resort to one very effective technique, which is excellent both for working with depression and for working with psychosomatics. Many have heard about the term “Internal Picture of Illness” (IPI) - this is the attitude of the sick person to his illness. But few people focus on the Internal Picture of Health (IPH) – the individual’s attitude towards health.

      People who have been ill for a long time, unfortunately, do not know what VKZ is. To help you see yourself as healthy, visualize and capture the image of health, experience the positive emotions that accompany health, and realize the secondary benefits of illness - this is the task of a psychologist. And the “Creating an image of illness and health” technique helps to cope with this task.

      Description of technology. The psychologist asks the client to draw his illness and his health on one sheet of paper. The psychologist here acts not only as an observer and analyzer of creativity, but also influences the progress of the task.

      What should you pay attention to? First, the images of illness and health must be significantly different. If a client has drawn two completely identical dead trees, you need to ask why health looks so unattractive to the client.

      Ask the client to “bring brightness” to health, to revive it. Secondly, the internal picture of health should not contain winter symbols: cold colors, the theme of death, non-existence, etc. The picture of health should evoke positive emotions.

      The psychologist helps the client change the picture of health into an image that is pleasing to the eye. The standard color scheme for the client is as follows: VKB – in blue, VKZ – in green. This can be explained by the symbolism of flowers, blue color corresponds to illness, and green to health.

      Thirdly, if the client depicts on a piece of paper the image of the disease is larger than the image of health, or the image of the disease suppresses the image of health, it is necessary to modify the image of health: expand, sprout thick green branches of health that penetrate and break the disease.

      When both pictures are ready, and the picture of health is significantly different from the image of illness, ask the client to immerse himself in the image of health, to feel health in his body, to be in health. This exercise can be done several times.

      Further, when the client is already focused on recovery, because in this state he feels cozy, comfortable, and experiences positive emotions, we can move on to analyzing the secondary benefits of the disease. To do this, the client is given 15 minutes of time, during which he should write down all the associations that arise on the topic of his illness.

      Each psychologist has developed his own subtleties in determining the client’s “hot spots”; the analysis of associations is always an individual process, so I do not consider it advisable to describe this technique in detail.

      Depressive conditions do not only occur in adults. Mental disorder is often observed during the transition period in children, and is accompanied by a dejected mood and lethargy. Art therapy helps eliminate depression in teenagers.

      Symptoms of depression

      Teenagers are characterized by excessive maximalism, which occurs due to hormonal changes. Depression is often disguised as the maximalism of adolescence. As a result, the diagnosis is not established immediately, which can lead to serious consequences.

      Teenagers under 16 often perceive their parents as enemies, and something prevents them from talking about thoughts that bother them. Therefore, parents should pay close attention to the child’s behavior in order to promptly identify the symptoms of an incipient mental disorder. The danger of depressive states during the transitional period in children is that it can lead to suicidal thoughts and their implementation.

      Parents need to find an approach to children suffering from depression in order to help and seek medical help in a timely manner. To do this, you need to know what symptoms are characteristic of depressive disorders.

      Main signs

      In the depressive state of adolescence, the following signs appear:

      • a person constantly secludes himself, stops communicating not only with parents, but also with peers;
      • sleep is disturbed, appetite disappears;
      • any parental remark causes uncontrollable tearfulness in the teenager. The same reaction goes to harmless jokes from peers;
      • the attitude towards other people changes, becoming overly aggressive and irritable;
      • teenagers give up their favorite activity and lie around all day. They lose interest in everything that happens around them;
      • anxiety appears, a feeling of helplessness, a feeling that you did everything wrong, fear;
      • suicidal thoughts arise. The teenager looks for any information where the topic of suicide is visible, carefully considers each case.

      The signs of teenage depression are different from those of adults. An adult in a depressed state is more despondent, and his mood is depressed. In the transition period the opposite is true. A depressed teenager is aggressive, irritable, often becomes angry, and may use violence.

      Depressive symptoms and causes of their occurrence

      A family psychologist is able to identify teenage depression by symptoms, which have two types:

      Depression is diagnosed if 2 main and 3 additional signs are identified.

      Causes of depression

      Parents wonder why their child becomes depressed, believing that there is no reason for this. But there are reasons:

      • a sharp change in the hormonal environment, which can cause disturbances in the endocrine system;
      • there is no mutual understanding and trust in parents;
      • problems with school performance;
      • conflicts with classmates;
      • lack of understanding on the part of teachers;
      • acute rejection of one's appearance.

      The listed reasons are the main ones. But depressive states can arise against the background of diseases that are neurological or endocrine in nature:

      • after a skull injury;
      • infectious pathologies of the central nervous system;
      • against the background of diabetes mellitus;
      • insufficient amount of B vitamins in the body;
      • rapid muscle fatigue (myasthenia gravis);
      • inflammatory processes of peripheral nerve fibers;
      • for epilepsy.

      Specialists in their work are faced with a problem when it is impossible to diagnose depression based on psychological and somatic signs. Then we talk about depressive states that affect the body from the inside.

      Creative therapy in the treatment of depression

      There are various methods to eliminate depressive symptoms. Art therapy is an effective way to combat depression. Any recommendations from specialists should be followed by teenagers. Parents need to monitor their implementation. If treatment is carried out using medication, you should not skip taking medications.

      Psychotherapy uses complex techniques to eliminate depressive conditions. An effective method in the fight against the disease is art therapy.

      Art therapy for depression is a cure using various artistic means.

      The main varieties during a complex technique aimed at eliminating depression include the following types of creativity:

      1. painting. These are not only drawings, but also graphics, painting;
      2. painting with special paints on the body - body art;
      3. modeling with plasticine or clay;
      4. music lessons;
      5. dancing;
      6. photographing;
      7. working through the plots of fairy tales together with a psychologist;
      8. creating sand figures.

      The essence of curing depression with art is that during artistic activities, a teenager gets away from negative thoughts. During creative activities, you can think about life situations and try to rethink your actions.

      With the help of a drawing, a teenager can express emotions that he wanted, but cannot talk about. A specialist in the colors used in the drawing will be able to determine the child’s character and understand his emotional state. When considering what is drawn, the force of pressure of the brush or pencil and what exactly the teenager depicted is important.

      When a teenager discusses a fairy tale plot and his own vision of the image with a psychotherapist, he learns to overcome anxiety and fight fears. During discussions, symptoms of depression are effectively reduced.

      Sand therapy allows a teenager to express his emotions and desires. The child can tell what the image depicted in the sand means and why new lines were used in constructing the figures. As a result of reasoning, he gradually comes to understand what was the reason for his aggressive behavior. Already after the first session there is a noticeable improvement in the condition.

      Directions for artistic correction are selected individually, depending on the form in which depression occurs. With the help of art therapy, it is possible to understand the cause of depression and direct the teenager’s attention to a normal existence in society.

      Sometimes art therapy does not completely eliminate the symptoms of the disease, but helps the child get rid of negative emotions. This is a pleasant way of treatment, although it can hardly be called easy.

      It is important that during art therapy sessions, during depression, the teenager is not required to create perfect, professional drawings or sculptures. Art classes allow you to take your mind off the constant negativity, from the nagging questions present in teenage thoughts. In the process of creating creative objects, a child of adolescence learns to make decisions and take responsibility for his actions.

      It is necessary that in the process of eliminating a depressive state, parents find an approach to the child and are able to change their attitude towards him and learn to understand each other. Without mutual understanding, it is unlikely that the expected result will be achieved.