Spray for scratches and abrasions. The best healing ointment for open wounds

IN everyday life We often encounter cuts, bruises, cracks, burns and abrasions on the skin. The complexity of the damage lies in the penetration of infection into the open wound and the discomfort that causes painful sensations. Therefore, it is important to treat the wound in a timely manner to speed up the healing process. Correctly selected healing ointments will help get rid of complications.

Why are wounds a danger to human health?

Accidental cuts with a kitchen knife, broken knees in children, bruises, bruises and other wounds to varying degrees gravity poses a risk to human health. In people young wounds heal quickly. In mature and older people, damage skin heal longer. This is due to human physiology, since venous insufficiency is observed in the body.

If you receive an injury, it is important to treat it immediately antiseptic composition or seek medical help. It is difficult for the victim to determine the size and depth of the wound, so he needs professional help. Below are the main stages of wound healing:

    Any tissue damage triggers an inflammatory reaction in the form of pus and the formation of pathogens. The area around the injury swells and causes painful sensations. Toxins enter the bloodstream, general infection. Possible increase in body temperature. At this stage, it is unacceptable to use fat-based skin healing ointments. They form a film on the surface of the dermis that prevents the outflow of exudate. Doctors recommend using drugs that contain an antibiotic: Levomekol, Levosin, Streptolaven, Maramistin ointment.

    The regeneration process is characterized by the formation of a barrier. Correctly used healing agent provides the wound with reliable protection from penetration secondary infection. At this stage, it is recommended to use the following drugs: Salicylic ointment, D-Panthenol, Actovegin, Bepanten, Solcoseryl.

    Scarring of the wound indicates resorption of the damage. It is recommended to use hydrophilic aerosols, gels and creams. The drugs prevent the wound from coming into contact with harmful or irritating substances. For this purpose, Contractubex, Dermatix, Clearvin are used.

Means for rapid wound healing

First aid in case of injury should be provided by a doctor. But if it is not nearby, you can treat the damage to the skin yourself, since a timely and correctly performed cleansing process is the key to fast healing.

Initially, the wound is cleaned of dirt and tissue fibers. For this purpose, you can use tweezers treated with alcohol or a gauze sponge. You need to wash the wound with a solution of Chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide or a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

After primary processing, if the wound does not bleed or secrete pus, then it can be treated with ointment. If the wound is wet, then it needs regular treatment with antiseptic agents.

Ointments for the treatment of purulent wounds

The formation of pus indicates a secondary infection. Should be used special ointments for treatment purulent wounds:

    Ichthyol ointment can destroy pathogenic bacteria and microbes. The drug has analgesic properties. It prevents the wound from festering. The basis of the ointment is ichthyol, which effectively draws out the purulent contents in the wound, so the healing process occurs much faster;

    Aimed at accelerating the maturation of the abscess and drawing out accumulated secretions. The drug has mild antiseptic properties. The ointment is applied to the wound in the form of compresses and bandages;

    Synthomycion ointment is based on the action of an antibiotic, which helps heal wounds from boils, ulcers and burns;

    Streptocide ointment consists of sulfanilomide, which has a bactericidal effect;

Streptocide ointment, like the other drugs listed above, should not be used by women during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Children under 12 years of age and people who experience kidney failure.

    Contains an antibiotic that promotes tissue regeneration.

Add to list potent drugs that help fight purulent wounds, you should include ointments: Iruksol, Eplan, Solcoseryl, Baneocin. The composition of the drugs includes powerful antibiotics which help effectively resist infection.

Ointments for healing purulent wounds should be applied several times a day. The course of treatment depends on the individual predisposition of the body to the effects of the main component in the drug. Highlight side effects the work of antibiotics: the formation of peeling, itching, rash, urticaria.

Products for healing dry wounds

As soon as the wound has stopped secreting ichor and has become covered with a thin crust, it is necessary to use drugs that are aimed at treating dry wounds. Doctors recommend using Solcoseryl ointment. The drug covers the wound with a transparent film, which creates a protective barrier against infection. The active elements of the ointment are directly involved in the process of skin cell regeneration.

The advantage of Solcoseryl ointment is the formation of smooth skin without scars or damage. The drug can be used by pregnant and lactating women. The product is applied to the damaged area 5 – 6 times a day.

List of healing ointments for the face

Injuries to the face are no less common than injuries to any other part of the body. Damage to the skin forms scars and spoils appearance. To get rid of traces of wounds on the skin of the face, you should immediately begin treating the wound and treating it.

Healing ointment for the face stimulates the regeneration process. For this purpose, Contratubeks, Levosin, Sulfagin, Spasatel, Xeroform are used. Skin injuries should not be taken lightly. It is much easier to take timely measures to ensure that the skin is restored as soon as possible:

    Open wounds on the face should not be treated with iodine or alcohol, as the drugs cause burns (the wound will take much longer to heal);

    To wash the wound, boric acid or potassium permanganate dissolved in warm water should be used;

    The use of medications will provide an additional bonus to treatment.

A healing product for the face is selected strictly according to individual characteristics the patient and his problems. It is important to understand that frequent use of the drug is addictive, so it will be useless.

And in the video, doctors talk about the problem in more detail:

Anti-inflammatory ointments for wounds in children

Children lead an active lifestyle, so they often get injured. Wounds are worn different character: from a shallow scratch to a large complex burn. Baby skin needs special treatment due to its receptivity and sensitivity. Before applying any drug, the damage must be treated with an antiseptic composition. In this case, hydrogen peroxide, Chlorhexidine, a solution of potassium permanganate or miramistin are used.

    Methyluracil ointment 10% can speed up the regeneration process, relieve inflammation, swelling and pain. The drug can be used from the first days of a child’s life. The active elements of the drug are not absorbed into the blood, and therefore do not pose a danger to the child’s health. It is recommended to use the drug for up to 20 days as dressings or lotions;

    Solcoseryl or Actovegin are aimed at renewing skin cells. The active element of the preparations is an organic extract from calf blood. It is aimed at increasing oxygen supply to cells in tissues. The drug can be used for a long period of time, it is not addictive;

    Levomekol contains an antibiotic. The component destroys pathogenic bacteria and also accelerates the process of cell renewal.

Natural wound healing occurs in as soon as possible, if the wound has been treated and the necessary medications have been selected. Damage heals poorly if repeated intoxication occurs or the patient’s body lacks vitamins.

Wounds, abrasions and burns accompany a person throughout his life. Such injuries can be treated with ointment for scratches and abrasions. Before providing first aid, you need to learn how to properly treat the injured area of ​​skin so as not to cause harm to health and quickly eliminate the consequences of the injury. To do this, you need to understand what a scratch, abrasion and cut are. After all, each of these injuries requires specific treatment.

First steps for scratches and cuts

A cut is a through injury to the skin in any way. sharp object(knife, glass shard, etc.). When a cut occurs, in most cases, not only all layers of the skin are damaged, but also the underlying tissue.

A scratch is the mildest type of cut, in which only the upper layers of the skin are damaged. In most cases, scratches do not cause severe discomfort or pain and go away fairly quickly. In a scratched area, as a rule, only the top layer of skin is damaged; its deeper layers are less often affected.

An abrasion, unlike scratches, has a larger area of ​​damage to the upper layers of the epidermis.

There are several types of remedies and treatments available to treat these injuries. Usually, abrasions and scratches do not require special treatment. For example, for minor injuries, you can treat the wound with iodine or brilliant green and apply a sterile bandage to it.

Before applying ointment or any other medicine, you need to clean it of dirt and, if necessary, foreign bodies. Important: the abrasion must be washed with warm water and soap. You can use hydrogen peroxide (3%) for cleansing.

Most often, abrasions heal very quickly. But if, when using iodine or brilliant green, the expected therapeutic result does not heal, for example, the scratch continues to bleed, you can use a bactericidal patch, but not for long, since the skin needs access to air for rapid healing.

Along with these simple steps, you can start using an ointment or gel to quickly heal abrasions and scratches. Such products are sold in pharmacies in free access and are quite inexpensive.

You should learn more about which means are the most effective. The most popular ointments for scratches and abrasions are:

  • "Levomekol";
  • "Rescuer";
  • "Solcoseryl";
  • "Actovegin" and others.

All of them have good healing properties and contain various active substances.

Treatment of wounds with Levomekol ointment

This product is released in the form of an ointment. It is often recommended by doctors to patients with various skin lesions. The ointment quickly removes scratches and has an antibacterial effect. It contains an antibiotic that accelerates the healing of abrasions and enhances skin restoration.

"Levomekol" is very often used in surgery when treatment of complex deep wounds with suppuration is required. It is applied to surgical sutures, which ensures their rapid fusion and healing.

It is advisable to use the ointment in the presence of purulent wounds, especially if they are infected with pathogens. The product is indicated for patients with trophic ulcers, boils and other skin diseases accompanied by complicated inflammatory processes and suppuration. "Levomekol" heals well even first and second degree burns.

The product is intended for external use. The cream is applied in a thin layer to the damaged area, after which the lubricated surface is covered with a bactericidal bandage. For abrasions, the ointment is applied several times a day.

The product helps cure cuts, calluses, eczema, and bedsores. It is often used to lubricate sutures after surgery.

Healing ointment "Solcoseryl"

This product provides rapid healing of scratches and other types of wounds on the skin. "Solcoseryl" promotes rapid absorption of oxygen by epidermal cells, activates metabolic processes in damaged tissues, accelerating their recovery. This ointment is used for external use only. Solcoseryl has another positive property - it is able to increase collagen synthesis.

This ointment can be used for skin burns of the 1st-2nd degree. It also effectively fights superficial abrasions, deep scratches and cuts.
It is recommended to use this product when radiation injuries, frostbite of the skin, bedsores and trophic ulcers.

When using Solcoseryl ointment, please note that it should be used when the wound begins to dry out after granulation has occurred. If it is necessary to apply to trophic ulcers, first carefully remove dead tissue, and only then apply the ointment.

It is important to know that this ointment does not have antimicrobial action, therefore it cannot be applied to an untreated purulent wound. First you need to treat the damaged area, then apply a thin layer of ointment and a sterile bandage.

Other effective means: “Actovegin”, “Rescuer”

"Actovegin" helps to cure all types of wounds and bruises. It accelerates metabolic processes in tissues, resulting in better skin restoration. The ointment promotes rapid growth of the superficial layers of skin at the wound site.

The use of Actovegin is indicated for ulcers, bedsores and burns. It is important to note that the ointment does not have a toxic effect on the body. At the same time, it heals deep injuries, wounds, abrasions well, eliminating inflammatory processes. The product is often used for inflammation of the mucous membranes. It is also effective for burns of various types.

This drug can be used to treat areas of the body before skin grafting. Ointment shows good results in the treatment of bedsores that occur in immobile patients.

The ointment is used as prophylactic in the treatment of oncology using the method radiation therapy, along with this, it is used for blood stagnation and venous insufficiency.

The drug is available in different forms. To heal deep wounds, first use 20% Actovegin gel. After which treatment is continued with 5% Actovegin ointment. A sterile bandage must be applied to the site where the drug is applied, repeating this procedure once a day.

One more thing good remedy for abrasions - this is the famous “Rescuer” balm. He is considered the most popular drug, intended for the treatment of various skin lesions.

It is especially relevant if there are small children in the family.
The product not only speeds up the healing process of abrasions, but also relieves pain. The balm helps heal scratches, cuts and frostbite on the skin. In addition, it is no less effective for skin inflammation, burns, calluses and hematomas. This balm is universal. It can even be used to relieve itching and inflammation from various insect bites.

When is a doctor needed?

If the injury is minor, you do not need to see a doctor. Simply wash the damaged area of ​​skin, disinfect it and, if necessary, apply a bactericidal bandage. In a few days the slight abrasion will go away.

But there are also cases when it is impossible to do without the intervention of a qualified doctor. Because it can be harmful to your health.

Such cases include the presence of severe or pulsating bleeding. It is recommended to visit a doctor if the wound is on the face or other area of ​​skin where a scar is not desired.

For a cut on the hand or wrist, accompanied by dizziness, nausea or vomiting, as well as an increase in body temperature, you should medical care. If it is clear that the wound is deep enough (more than 2 cm) and requires stitches, you should definitely consult a doctor.

A visit to a specialist is no less important if the wound cannot be washed until the dirt completely disappears and foreign objects. Also, if you can’t stop the bleeding within 10-15 minutes after the injury.

It’s hard to even count how many times we get wounds in our lives. It all starts in childhood: scratches, broken knees, cuts... Adults are also not immune to skin damage - these include cuts from kitchen knives and the consequences of repairs. Therefore, every home should have a healing ointment for open wounds. Which one exactly?

Advantages and abilities of wound healing ointments

A wound is not even a window, but an open door for infections. Therefore, it is so important to take timely and correct measures so that the integrity of the skin is restored and healing begins.

After initial treatment (rinsing with hydrogen peroxide, applying a sterile bandage), care must be taken to ensure rapid skin regeneration. And here a healing ointment for open wounds will come to the rescue. It is relevant even when a tiny scratch appears, not to mention a deep wound. What effect does the ointment have? It produces this effect:

  • restores damaged tissue;
  • reduces inflammation;
  • relieves pain;
  • improves metabolic processes.

If you immediately (2-3 days after the injury) use a drug with wound-healing properties, you can avoid not only dangerous consequences(suppuration, infection), but also scars.

Pharmacy wound-healing ointments for open wounds: names and brief description

Choice pharmaceuticals with a healing effect in the form of ointments is very diverse. But the following have won the best reputation.

  • Solcoseryl. The ointment is made from calf blood extract. It stimulates collagen formation. If the wound is fresh, then Solcoseryl gel is more suitable. When a dry crust appears, you should switch to ointment: it activates healing for burns, cuts, scratches and abrasions, and prevents the appearance of rough scars. Treat a clean wound with ointment 2-3 times a day; You can apply a disinfected bandage. The cost of the ointment is up to 190 rubles. Similar remedy with the same composition - Actovegin - is somewhat lower in price than its Swiss prototype. You will have to pay about 100-130 rubles for it.
  • Levomikol is a classic ointment that heals wounds and abrasions. She has long won the unconditional trust of doctors and patients. Perfectly heals the epidermis and is an antibiotic local action, therefore it will not allow inflammation to develop. Levomikol is applied to a dry wound in a thin layer 1-3 times a day; you can make a bandage. A 40-gram tube of this product will lighten your wallet by only 90 rubles.
  • Eplan. Universal ointment. It has an anti-infective and healing effect, reduces swelling in case of bruise, effectively relieves pain, has a detrimental effect on certain mushrooms and microorganisms. Can be used at all stages of wound treatment (except bleeding ones). Treatment with Eplan is carried out 2 times a day, by applying ointment to a clean injured area. The price of the medicine is from 150 to 180 rubles.
  • Baneocin. It contains 2 antibiotics and lanolin, so it prevents viruses and bacteria from multiplying and prevents the crust from cracking on the wound. Baneocin is applied 3 times daily until complete healing. You can buy the ointment without a prescription for 290-350 rubles.
  • Ichthyol. It acts very quickly: wound healing will begin within a few hours. If it is open, then such a drug is used when it flares up inflammatory process. The product is evenly distributed over the surface and covered with a gauze cloth on top. It should be changed several times a day.

These are the “top” healing ointments for wounds, which are also used by surgeons. They have confirmed their healing potential and are home emergency aid for open damage skin.

Making your own healing remedies

If you don't trust pharmaceutical drugs, then try making healing compositions yourself. IN people's pharmacy can be found huge amount recipes to help prepare an ointment that heals wounds, abrasions, and sores. Let’s not dwell on those that require “exclusive” herbs; let’s look at simpler herbs. Here available methods their preparation:

  • burdock and celandine. This remedy will be useful for those who are bothered by wounds that do not heal for a long time. You will need 30 g of burdock leaves and 20 g of celandine roots. Grind it all. Add 100 ml vegetable oil. Cook the resulting mixture over low heat for 15 minutes. Strain, cool;
  • propolis ointment. This component should be mixed with any fatty base ( fish oil, butter). Melt the fat (do not boil!). Add finely chopped propolis and cook for another 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. Filter, cool;
  • pine resin, wax, honey, sunflower oil. Combine the ingredients and keep in a water bath until the resin is completely dissolved;
  • eucalyptus leaves (50 g) pour 400 ml of water. Leave for 3 hours. Strain. Before lubricating the wounds, combine 3 tbsp. l. decoction with honey. Apply the ointment to a piece of sterile bandage and apply to the damaged area for 30 minutes.

How should healing ointment be used? Wounds and abrasions, of course, should be examined by a doctor. If it is not possible to contact a specialist, then first the edges of the wound must be treated with brilliant green, iodine or another antiseptic - vodka, cologne. The wound should then be covered with a sterile bandage. After a couple of days, for proper healing, it is advisable to add ointments that stimulate accelerated proliferation (scarring) of the wound.

Always apply wound healing ointments in a thin layer so that they do not interfere with the flow of air. If this rule is broken, the result will not be what you expect. Under a dense layer, the products will begin to “thrive” anaerobic bacteria, which will provoke tissue suppuration.

Healing ointments (manufactured and folk) - necessary remedy emergency assistance. Always keep it in your first aid kit. But remember that homemade remedies perishable, store them in the refrigerator. If the wound is large and deep, do not take risks, rush to a traumatologist or surgeon. You may not be able to cope with this problem on your own, even with the help of reliable ointments.

Even the most attentive parents cannot always protect their child from scratches, cuts and abrasions, especially if the baby prefers active games on fresh air. To protect children from possible complications, must be in home medicine cabinet reliable and effective means for rapid healing of wounds and abrasions.

It is impossible to raise a child without encountering abrasions and wounds on the skin, but if you have effective “rescue products” on hand, healing will be quick and painless

Why are wound healing agents needed?

After injury to the skin, hemostatic and antiseptics. Then it is advisable to use one of the wound-healing drugs, which will help speed up the process of restoration of damaged tissue.

The duration of healing of skin lesions depends on the type of wound. During the regeneration period, new epidermal cells are formed. To do this, it is necessary to ensure good blood circulation and supply to the skin. nutrients. Wound healing drugs have these properties.

Ointments for the treatment of open wounds in children

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  • Levomekol is a widely used antibacterial and antimicrobial agent local action, used to accelerate the healing of purulent wounds, boils, cuts and burns in children over 12 months. The product contains antibacterial components and a substance that stimulates the restoration of skin cells.

  • Solcoseryl and Actovegin are recommended by most pediatricians for the treatment of open wounds - deep scratches, cuts, burns, trophic ulcers. Main active component The drugs are extracted from the blood of calves in the form of low molecular weight peptides and amino acids. The composition of the products promotes the production of collagen in skin cells, enhancing intercellular metabolism and blood circulation, which accelerates the regeneration process. On initial stage treatment, it is recommended to use the drug in the form of a gel. With its help, a protective film is formed on the surface of the wound, through which active substances, but access to oxygen and pathogenic bacteria is difficult.
  • Eplan is a broad-spectrum agent with bactericidal and pronounced analgesic effects. The drug can be used at all stages of treatment of open wounds and burns. The active substances in the product help destroy microbes, which eliminates wound infection and the formation of suppuration.
  • Bacitracin – bactericidal agent, containing 2 topical antibiotics and lanolin. Thanks to the combination of active substances, it is achieved therapeutic effect treatment of skin injuries - cuts, long-term non-healing wounds, ulcers, furunculosis. The drug is safe for children early age and can be used to treat the umbilical wound.

You can apply healing agents open method or with the application of a sterile dressing. The treatment period is about 2 weeks when used 2-3 times a day.

Ointments for healing abrasions

  • To treat scratches, small cuts and abrasions, ointments containing dexpanthenol are used: D-Panthenol, Dexpanthenol, Bepanten. Active ingredient activates metabolic processes in tissues, stimulates the growth of epidermal cells. When used topically, the substance penetrates deeply into the skin layers, helping to accelerate tissue healing. Preparations based on dexpanthenol are safe for use in infants and young children.
  • Zinc ointment is a common treatment for skin rashes, dermatitis, diaper rash. Main active substance The ointment contains zinc oxide, which has a regenerating, protective, softening and healing effect. The product is applied to problem areas 2-3 times a day.
  • Lassara paste - contains zinc oxide and salicylic acid, is more often used for inflammatory skin processes. The product is applied using a sterile bandage to long time, for example, at night.

It should be noted that you can treat children’s scratches, household wounds, abrasions, sunburn skin. Deep injuries, animal bites, thermal burns large area or intensity (with the formation of bubbles) require urgent medical examination with the solution to the issue of vaccination against tetanus and rabies (we recommend reading:).

  • An ointment for healing wounds on the face must have some essential qualities: stimulate healing and at the same time not irritate the delicate skin of the face. The following drugs meet these criteria:
    • Pantoderm is an external agent with metabolic and anti-inflammatory effects, which is applied in a thin layer directly to the wound;
    • Levomekol is an anti-inflammatory drug with combined action, used on wounds of any type, including those in the presence of purulent discharge;
    • Bruise-OFF – ointment for healing small wounds and scratches in the facial area;
    • Streptocide ointment - helps with purulent inflammation, has an antimicrobial effect.

The listed ointments for wounds are used a few days after injury, and always after consulting a doctor.

  • Antibiotic ointment for wound healing will help in case of danger of infection - pathogenic bacteria entering the wound. Here the rules for choosing a drug are as follows: the more significant the tissue damage, the stronger the antibacterial agent should be.

For example, the well-known Boro Plus cream can be indispensable for minor wounds and cuts. For extensive purulent wounds, preparations for on an ad hoc basis with increased absorption: such ointment-like forms have better penetrating ability and can ensure the rapid removal of exudate from tissues to the outside. Such external agents include Levomekol, Furagel, Povidone-iodine, Nitacid or Streptonitol. The listed medications can be used at almost any stage wound healing.

  • Ointment for wounds after surgery is usually prescribed by a surgeon. Most often, this ointment turns out to be Solcoseryl, a regenerating drug prepared based on the blood extract of dairy calves. Solcoseryl accelerates the granulation stage and improves the properties of epithelial tissue.

An analogue of the above drug is Actovegin ointment, which has a similar composition. The product is applied once a day, it can be applied under a bandage.

Another classic processing purpose postoperative wounds– this is Levomekol. This medication combines the properties of an antibiotic and a regenerating agent. Levomekol is especially often prescribed for the treatment of suppurating wound surfaces.

  • Ointment for deep wound must have high degree absorption, that is, absorbed into the layers of tissue as deeply as possible. External forms such as Solcoseryl, Levomekol, Rihitol, Eplan and Baneocin have a similar property. Most of these ointments are placed inside the wound using tampons or wipes.

Among other drugs, I would like to highlight Dermatix gel separately. It is usually prescribed to treat skin lesions that have healed over time. high probability formation of extensive scars. For application use minimum quantity gel - this is enough for high-quality tightening of the wound surface.

  • Ointment for weeping wounds is selected depending on the stage wound process. So, at the stage of inflammation, when it is necessary to ensure the removal of fluid from tissues, water-soluble drugs are best suited - for example, Levomekol or Levosin. Other liniments are generally not suitable, as they can obstruct the release of liquid.

At the regeneration stage, an ointment can be used to dry the wound, but it will be better if the drug is gel-like. Most often, doctors prefer herbal remedies based on sea buckthorn, rose hips, as well as medicines with silver ions.

  • Nai best ointment for dry wounds - this is Solcoseryl, or Actovegin. The drug is rich in blood components - a protein-free hemoderivative of calf blood. The medication exhibits antihypoxic properties and also enhances intracellular metabolism.

The frequency of applying ointment for dry wounds is twice a day, for at least 12-14 days.

  • Ointment for a wound in the mouth should have antiseptic properties and not have a toxic effect, since the mucous membrane absorbs medicinal substances much more intense than denser skin. What ointment-like forms exist for use in oral cavity?
  1. Metrogyl Denta is a gel-like drug that contains metronidazole and chlorhexidine, which determines the antimicrobial and antiseptic effect of the drug. With minimal absorption into the tissue, Metrogyl Denta has a healing effect on the oral mucosa and periodontium. The drug is used twice a day for a week, without rinsing.
  2. Cholisal is a dental product with antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. It can be used during pregnancy, in children's or adult practice, however, in children under 12 months of age, Cholisal is used with great caution. The drug is applied after meals, since it is not recommended to drink or eat for the next 2-3 hours after application.
  • Ointment for wound healing diabetes mellitus should be selected by an endocrinologist, because in patients with this disease, wounds always heal problematically and for a long time. Moreover, there is high probability that a purulent or other pathological process will join the wound surface.

In diabetes, massive damage to blood vessels and nerves occurs, and immunity decreases. Therefore, if the patient notices that the damaged tissue area has purulent discharge, or the process of death (necrosis) has begun, then consultation with an endocrinologist should be immediate.

Most often, antiseptic solutions are used to treat wounds in diabetes mellitus, and only after that they resort to the use of ointments - mainly with an antimicrobial effect:

  • Levomekol (applied on a napkin or directly into the wound, daily);
  • Levosin (used to impregnate bandages and tampons until complete healing).

At the same time, an oral course of drugs is administered, aimed at strengthening the body's defenses.

  • Anti-inflammatory ointments for wounds are used in the first stage of wound healing. According to the rating, the following drugs have the best anti-inflammatory effect:
    • Levomekol - destroys infection in the wound, increases local immunity, perfectly restores damaged tissue;
    • Nitacid - contains the antibacterial components Streptocid and Netazol, which allows the ointment to be used for purulent processes, for treating sutures after surgery, for treating abscesses;
    • Balm Rescuer – natural preparation, known for its analgesic, antiseptic and healing properties;
    • Streptolaven - contains ultralysine and the antimicrobial substance Miramistin, therefore it eliminates inflammation even in purulent and necrotic wounds. Can be used for diabetes.
  • Wound numbing ointment is almost never applied to large open wounds. Most often, this remedy is used for minor cuts and scratches (for example, Rescuer balm), or with soft tissue bruises (Clofezon ointment, Sanitas, Voltaren, Gevkamen, Dolgit, Ketoprofen).

The listed medications reduce the severity of the inflammatory process and relieve pain, which is more of a concern immediately after injury.

With an open, weeping wound, it is better to give preference to wound-healing drugs, and pain relief is carried out by injecting the painful area with anesthetics, or using painkillers prescribed by the doctor.

  • Is there an ointment for non-healing wound? When treating non-healing (difficult-to-heal) wounds, one application of ointments, even very strong ones, is not enough. In most cases, the doctor prescribes complex antibiotics, drugs that improve trophic processes, etc. Among ointments, it has proven itself well external preparation with antiseptic properties Methyluracil with miramistin. It is enough to apply this ointment once a day, after pre-treatment antiseptic until completely cured.
  • Antiseptic ointment for wounds, relevant for treatment and prevention infected wounds. This drug inhibits the proliferation of bacteria, eliminates or prevents the inflammatory process, which significantly contributes to prolongation of the damage. The rating of antiseptic ointment preparations is as follows:
    • Bepanten plus - a combination of chlorhexidine and panthenol;
    • Betadine (analogue of Povidone-iodine);
    • Vishnevsky ointment (a combination of tar, xeroform and castor oil);
    • Boro plus cream (a remedy for plant based);
    • Boric ointment (a preparation based on boric acid);
    • ointment Calendula Dr. Theiss.

The above list contains the most common ointment forms, which are most often purchased in pharmacies.

  • Hormonal ointment is usually not used for wound healing. This remedy is intended for the treatment of skin diseases such as dermatitis, psoriasis, dermatomyositis, etc. The advisability of using such a drug depends entirely on the doctor’s decision. Among the most popular hormonal ointments can be distinguished:
    • Advantan is an external agent based on methylprednisolone;
    • Elokom is a drug containing the synthetic glucocorticosteroid mometasone furoate;
    • Dermovate is an ointment preparation with the glucocorticoid hormone clobetasol propionate;
    • Lorinden - a drug containing flumethasone (a synthetic glucocorticosteroid);
    • Sinaflan is a liniment based on fluocinolone acetonide.

Hormonal ointments are not intended for self-treatment, since their uncontrolled use can negatively affect the patient’s health.

  • Are ointments used for bleeding wounds? As a rule, if a wound is bleeding, regardless of the degree of bleeding, ointments are not used. Their use begins only when the wound becomes covered with granulation. Therefore, ointment forms for bleeding are not included in the list of the most popular external preparations for the treatment of skin wounds.
  • Ointment for abrasions and wounds for children - which is better? In fact, quite a lot of such means are known, and every family with children chooses the most suitable one in terms of price and quality. Doctors strongly recommend having one of these in your family medicine cabinet. the following drugs:
    • Olazol is a preparation based on sea buckthorn oil, boric acid and chloramphenicol. Suitable for use in children from 2 years of age;
    • Sulfargin is an ointment preparation containing silver sulfadiazine. Used in children's practice from 3 one month old;
    • Actovegin is a medicine made from deproteinized calf blood extract. Often used in pediatrics;
    • Bepanten is an external medicine with provitamin B5 (dexpanthenol). Used from birth.
    • Eplan is a wound healing agent that can be used in children of any age.

When choosing any medications for children, consultation with a pediatrician is mandatory!

  • The final stage of the rating is the most effective recipe ointments for wound healing. It's no secret that recipes traditional medicine often have unique properties. Moreover, they are based on the use of accessible and inexpensive natural ingredients. Let's move directly to the options for preparing homemade ointment forms.
  1. Take an arbitrary amount of melted lard or other fat (for example, vegetable or butter), heat it until hot, but do not bring to a boil. Add crushed propolis and continue cooking for 25-30 minutes over low heat. Then strain and cool. The resulting mass can be used to treat wounds and skin diseases.
  2. Mix the crushed burdock rhizomes with the same processed celandine rhizomes (30 and 20 g, respectively). Pour in 100 g of vegetable oil and boil over low heat for about a quarter of an hour. Next, filter and cool. Use for application 2-3 times a day.
  3. Mix 100 g of vegetable oil, 12 g of wax, 20 g of rosin, 1 g of incense, 1 tbsp. l. fresh butter. Grind everything, put it in a container and boil for 10 minutes, stirring constantly. Cool. This mixture can be used as a bandage, applied to wounds as needed.

What is the best ointment for wounds?

It is impossible to give a definite answer to this question, since each person chooses a drug for himself based on very different preferences:

  • low allergenicity of the drug;
  • Possibility of use for all family members;
  • low or high price category;
  • The “versatility” of the external agent means that it can be used not only for the treatment of wounds, but also for other skin lesions.

Of course, if the ointment for treating the wound is chosen correctly, the healing process will go much faster and more comfortably. It is advisable to immediately consult a doctor for this, especially if the wound is extensive and (or) deep.

For small wounds and cuts, inexpensive wound healing ointments may be useful:

  • Levomekol tube 40 g, cost up to 15 UAH;
  • Vishnevsky liniment tube 40 g, cost – up to 15 UAH;
  • calendula ointment tube 30 g (Fitofarm, Ukraine), cost – up to 10 UAH;
  • Boric ointment 5% tube 25 g – up to 10 UAH.
  • methyluracil ointment 10% tube 25 g, cost – up to 35 UAH;
  • Boro plus antiseptic, cost – up to 35 UAH.

As practice shows, in order for treatment not to be delayed, it is recommended to use integrated approach. For example, an ointment for wound healing can be successfully combined with other dosage forms: gel, antiseptic solutions, oral medications. Since it is extremely important to know when and in what quantities to use certain medications, wound treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a medical specialist.