Is there pain when surgical sutures are dissolved? When will the sutures in the perineum heal after childbirth, and what will help relieve the pain? How to speed up the healing of a seam

During natural birth, if the child is large or comes out in a non-standard way, for example, butt forward, ruptures may occur birth canal, perineum. In some cases, doctors themselves make a small incision in the perineum during childbirth, if otherwise the child cannot be born. Immediately after birth, these incisions are closed with sutures. They add additional discomfort and pain after childbirth, and stitches in the perineum are a separate story that needs to be experienced.

Such sutures can be placed on the cervix without anesthesia: its sensitivity in the postpartum period is reduced, but on the perineum without anesthesia it will be difficult to do. And in this case it applies local anesthesia. But if epidural anesthesia was used during childbirth, it works long time, and there is no need for additional pain relief when suturing. Sutures after childbirth can be placed on the cervix, vagina, and perineum. But precisely in the latter case The most severe discomfort and pain may be felt.

How long does it take for wounds to heal after sutures during childbirth, and is it possible to speed up this process? In general, everything is individual, it depends on many factors, and not least, on the correctness of the patient’s compliance with precautionary measures. For some things heal faster, for others slower. The speed of healing is also affected by their location and the type of surgical threads that were used. As a rule, catgut is used to apply internal sutures, which dissolves on its own. In this case, everything heals on average in 2 weeks. If surgical threads are used that do not dissolve, for example, nylon, they are removed on the 5-6th day after application. And the healing process itself can take from 2 to 4 weeks, and in some cases even longer.

Almost all “affected” mothers are concerned about the question: how to heal sutures faster after childbirth? The speed of healing also depends on the patient herself, on whether she follows all the rules for caring for the injured area, precautions to avoid infection, and not to re-injure these areas. She should be informed about all this in the maternity hospital.

If microbes get on post-mortem wounds, inflammation and suppuration may occur, which will significantly prolong the healing period.

Why can stitches hurt?

This is a normal phenomenon, because there was a gap. After the anesthesia wears off, the stitches may begin to hurt. The fact is that most young mothers breastfeed their children, so painkillers are contraindicated for them. The doctor may prescribe medications with local action in order to somehow alleviate the patient’s plight. However, if everything is in order, there are no complications, and the woman follows all the rules, the pain should go away very soon. After suturing, you cannot sit normally for the first week. This must be done with caution and put stress on the buttock that is located on the opposite side of the seam. You can sit on the toilet almost immediately, but do not linger on it for too long and do not push too hard.

You need to make sure that everything is fine with them, they are not infected, they have not festered. Otherwise, if this does happen, you need to consult a doctor. He will most likely prescribe special antiseptic drugs. The sutures may hurt due to the fact that the woman sits for a long time, which is undesirable in the first 2 weeks after childbirth. You can take a reclining position or lie on your side.

Often they may hurt during bowel movements. For this reason, women should avoid constipation. To do this, she must monitor her diet and take, if necessary, approved laxatives.

If the pain is severe, accompanied by itching, redness, and suppuration, you should immediately consult a doctor to prevent the development of more serious complications.

Sometimes, even a year later, the stitches after childbirth make themselves felt, especially when there is additional stress on them.

How to care for postpartum stitches

There is nothing particularly complicated. After each visit to the toilet, a woman must wash herself. The procedure must be repeated 2 times a day using warm water. For now, you should forget about thongs and other fashionable shapewear. It should be free, comfortable, made of natural, high-quality materials. Sitting, with the exception of the toilet when visiting the toilet, should begin only after 2 weeks and do this gradually, very carefully, without sudden movements, so that it does not hurt and the stitches do not come apart.

Women are also prohibited from any physical activity, lifting, and carrying heavy objects; they will also need to abstain from sex for 1-1.5 months. Many women, for the sake of their sexual partner, just so as not to upset him, neglect this rule, making it worse only for themselves. But it is worth remembering that an understanding man will not insist on intimacy.

What to do if the seam comes apart

If the seam has come apart, you shouldn’t do anything on your own. It is necessary to call a doctor at home, if possible, or ambulance. Usually, the stitches are re-sutured. If the wound has already healed, the doctor can simply prescribe special medications ( vaginal suppositories, ointments) with a wound-healing effect.

The doctor usually talks about when the woman will need to come to him to remove the threads even when applying stitches. If everything is in order, no complications or other problems arose during the healing process, the sutures are removed exactly after the specified period.

The process itself is relatively painless. Internal seams As a rule, they are not removed from catgut; they dissolve on their own. Other types of surgical sutures can also be removed relatively painlessly. Although it all depends pain threshold every single woman. In the vast majority of cases, no anesthesia is required. The woman feels a slight tingling, burning sensation. If a woman is in pain, the doctor may use a local anesthetic to make the procedure easier for her. After the sutures are removed, you should also continue to carefully monitor intimate hygiene, avoid strenuous physical activity until the wounds are completely healed and healed.

How long does it take for external sutures to heal after childbirth, and how does the recovery period generally go in the video:

Any operation is a serious intervention in the functioning of the body, after which time for rehabilitation is simply necessary. Stitches are one of the consequences surgical intervention, which requires serious care and compliance with specialist recommendations. In this article you will find out whether you should worry if it hurts surgical suture, how to monitor your health and prevent complications.

The seam hurts

Why do stitches hurt?

Unpleasant sensations and discomfort in the area of ​​surgical procedures are absolutely normal. Damaged nerve endings of soft tissues are restored, grow together, and full recovery required certain time. How long do the stitches hurt? It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously, because the result depends on a number of factors:

  • severity of the operation;
  • localization of wounds;
  • surgeon's qualifications;
  • compliance sanitary standards during surgery;
  • compliance with all doctor’s recommendations (personal hygiene, bed rest, etc.).

On average, surgical sutures can bother the patient for 7-10 days. For example, seams after caesarean section removed on the 7th day, the same as after appendicitis. During rehabilitation, it is necessary to adhere to the rules of personal hygiene and scar treatment:

  • During the first week, it is not recommended to wet the area of ​​manipulation; it is recommended to completely protect the wound from water;
  • treating the area with an antiseptic (any as prescribed by a doctor: alcohol, iodine, furatsilin, etc.), using a sterile dressing, medications aimed at tissue regeneration (contractubex, bepanthen, etc.);
  • proper daily routine, healthy eating.

The seam hurts: what to do?

Do not self-medicate. Unfortunately, pain in the area of ​​the old suture is the first sign of the appearance of scar tissue. In addition, dehiscence, swelling, discoloration, suppuration, elevated temperature body, discharge from the suture - all these symptoms indicate the necessary hospitalization.

For any person, surgery is a serious step. Next after her postoperative period no less complex and dangerous. Sometimes it lasts for a long time. If long period The stitch hurts after surgery, you need to see a doctor.

Causes of pain

Unpleasant sensations and pain at the suture site can occur after any surgical intervention. Are damaged nerve fibers soft tissues, the sensitivity of the injured part of the body increases. This process is natural and understandable - they grow together damaged tissue, the stitches are healing.

But if over time the pain only intensifies, and the temperature periodically rises, this is a reason to seek help. Internal tissue suppuration may occur even if the external incision is closed.

Why does the seam hurt after surgical operation and how long will it take for it to heal? This directly depends on the complexity and duration of the operation, the qualifications of the surgeon, and the cleanliness of the instruments and materials used. Pain may occur for the following reasons:

  • the seam area has been rubbed by clothing;
  • formation of adhesions, hernias;
  • inflammation at the site of the ligature - the body rejects the threads;
  • divergence of internal seams due to muscle tension;
  • aching pain as a reaction to sudden change weather conditions.

Duration of pain

IMPORTANT TO KNOW: Pain and crunching in the joints over time can lead to dire consequences- local or complete restriction of movements in the joint up to disability. People, taught by bitter experience, use natural remedy, which is recommended by Professor Bubnovsky... Read the full article.

How long can a stitch hurt? Unpleasant sensations can be constant or occur periodically, for example, with muscle tension, coughing, sneezing. Pain and swelling around the wound may be accompanied by other symptoms. The stitches may leak fluid or pus. Characterized by general weakness and lethargy, sleep and appetite disturbances, decreased concentration.

It is impossible to say exactly how long the stitch will hurt after surgery. Everyone's deadlines are different. Typically, pain in the suture area lasts a little more than a week, depending on the characteristics of the body. The average healing time for surgical wounds depends on their location:

  • for wounds from abdominal surgery– this is about two weeks;
  • sutures after appendicitis and laparoscopy are tightened after 7 days;
  • circumcision involves a regeneration period of up to 15 days;
  • The sutures in the chest area take a long time to heal;
  • healing of the postpartum suture occurs within 10 days;
  • external sutures after cesarean section are removed on the 6th day.

Seams can be internal and external. The first ones are applied using catgut made from sheep intestines. They dissolve independently in the body. The outer ones are more durable; they are made with natural (silk, linen) or synthetic threads. After a certain time, such sutures are removed. Metal staples are also used. At the same time, you need to understand that connective tissue completely increases within 2–3 months.

Painful stitches after cesarean section

After the intervention, the wound is present on the skin, fatty tissue, muscles, and uterine wall. Often women complain that the suture hurts after a cesarean section. Pain makes it difficult for a woman to recover and care for her baby.

The pain is sharp, does not subside, lasts two days, is relieved medications. It gradually decreases discomfort and itching may last for about two weeks. The sensitivity of the skin is impaired, and numbness of the abdomen in the area of ​​the incision may occur. Symptoms disappear completely within six months. Regular inspection of the condition of the seam by a specialist is necessary.

When the suture hurts after a cesarean section for a long time, or complications arise - the suture diverges, swelling, redness appears, the temperature rises, purulent discharge- A visit to the doctor is required. Sometimes the consequences take a long time to make themselves felt. In a few years, fistulas may form from the suture material. The scar thickens, its color changes, and the fistulas periodically fester.

Features of seam care

Restoration of the skin and healing of sutures depends on the body’s immunity and the skin’s ability to regenerate. After laparoscopy, small incisions remain; they are not sutured, but glued together with adhesive tape. A postoperative scar may be large sizes, have drainage, it takes a long time to heal, requires quality care.

Treatment of the wound in a hospital is carried out by medical staff. After discharge, the patient takes care of the suture at home, in accordance with the doctor’s recommendations. In order for the seam to tighten quickly and well, you need to:

  • follow doctor's orders;
  • maintain personal hygiene;
  • adequate sleep is necessary;
  • proper nutrition.

For the first 10 days it is not recommended to take a bath; you can wash in the shower. The scar is carefully dried with a bandage, then treated with an antiseptic. Iodine, brilliant green, Fukortsin, alcohol and others are suitable. You should not use cotton wool for processing, as fibers may remain on the seams. A protracted seam can be lubricated sea ​​buckthorn oil or Levomekol ointment. If the wound is clean and dry, a bandage is not needed.

Circumcision is the most frequently performed procedure by urologists. After the operation, the patient independently makes dressings with Furacilin solution at home. Before removing, the bandage must be soaked in hydrogen peroxide so as not to injure the wounds. When the bandage is easily removed, the dressings are stopped. The wounds can be lubricated with brilliant green or applied antiseptic ointment. To avoid complications and pain in postoperative sutures, circumcision should be performed by an experienced and qualified urologist.

How to get rid of pain

After any violation of the integrity of the skin, scars form. Sometimes they cause not only physical pain, but also emotional discomfort, being cosmetic defect. In the affected area, connective tissue cannot replace healthy skin, since it does not have greasy and sweat glands. Changes also occur in the nerve endings located in the skin. Painful formations – neuromas – appear in the thickness of the suture.

Neuropathic pain syndrome occurs. Pain occurs not only in the scar, but also around it. It can be burning, shooting, and can get worse after coughing or sneezing. In addition to analgesics, they use hormonal drugs, antidepressants. Patients do not tolerate physiotherapeutic procedures well, since the suture is very sensitive to touch. If drug therapy does not have an effect, the scars are removed surgically.

Over time, the seam fades and becomes less noticeable. To restore skin, food must contain enough protein, vitamins and microelements. In summer, the seam should be protected from sun rays, thin delicate skin can get burned. There are drugs in pharmacies that promote the resorption of sutures. The scars can be massaged daily, while rubbing in vitamin E or “Star” balm.

Why does the stitch hurt after surgery?

For any person faced with the need surgical intervention, upcoming surgery- quite a serious step. And the period following the operation, just like the operation itself, is a very important and crucial stage in the recovery process. Quite often postoperative period stretches for a long time, during which all damaged tissues must grow together and the seams heal. However, in some situations the expected does not happen, and the patient begins to be bothered by various painful sensations. So why do the stitches hurt after surgery? And how dangerous is it? In this article we will answer this question for you.

Why does the suture hurt after surgery: reasons

So, pain in the suture area after surgery is a completely natural phenomenon, which is due to the fact that during any surgical intervention the nerve fibers of the soft tissues are damaged, while the sensitivity of the operated part of the body increases, which ultimately leads to painful sensations. With the passage of time, all wounds heal, as a result of which the pain becomes less intense, however, in some cases, the painful sensations not only do not subside, but, on the contrary, become more intense. As a rule, an increase in pain intensity in the postoperative period is also accompanied by an “additional” symptom such as an increase in body temperature. So why might the suture hurt after surgery? There are several reasons for this:

    close contact of clothing and seam;

    the presence of inflammation at the site of the ligature - the body simply “does not perceive” the suture threads;

    the presence of an adhesive process at the suture site;

    divergence of internal seams due to muscle strain.

It is worth considering that, despite the fact that the incision is externally tightened, at the same time internal tissue suppuration may occur, which is why if pain regularly occurs in the suture area, as well as with periodic increases in body temperature, you should consult your doctor .

Duration of pain in the suture area after surgery

Of course, the duration of pain in the suture area after surgery directly depends on the duration and complexity of the procedure itself, which is why it is not possible to say exactly how long the healing time will take. In addition, an important role in this issue is played by individual characteristics body.

In the first postoperative days, regardless of what kind of operation the patient underwent, pain in the area of ​​the sutures is usually quite intense. At the same time, for any muscle tension, as well as when sneezing or coughing, such pain will only intensify. In addition to the pain itself, the patient may also be accompanied by symptoms such as general malaise and weakness, drowsiness, and loss of appetite.

So how long should stitches take to heal? As we already said, this period healing largely depends on the type of surgery. Next we will give approximate period healing of sutures after certain surgical procedures:

    Caesarean section: sutures heal on about 6 days;

    Postpartum suture- approximately on the tenth day;

    Circumcision procedure - approximately on the 15th day;

    Removal of the appendix and latoroscopy – the sutures heal on the 7th day;

    Abdominal surgery - the sutures heal after about two weeks.

It is also worth noting that the seams can be internal and external. Internal sutures are made from sheep intestines, which allows them to simply dissolve in the body; external seams, in turn, are made of synthetic or natural threads (silk, linen), which requires their subsequent removal. As a rule, external sutures are removed approximately 10-14 days after the operation itself, but the connective tissue “grows” only after several months.

How to care for a suture after surgery

Of course, at the moment while you are in medical institution, all care is provided by the clinic staff, and your main task during this period is to show any physical activity. After discharge, the suture care process can be done at home on your own, and you will only need to visit your doctor occasionally. In order for the healing process to proceed quickly, it is necessary to adhere to all the doctor’s instructions and recommendations; You should also listen to the following tips:

    observe the rules of personal hygiene;

    avoid excessive activity and muscle strain;

    provide yourself with proper nutrition;

    regularly treat the scar with an antiseptic, such as brilliant green, iodine or fucorcin;

    periodically the scar can be lubricated with levomekol or sea buckthorn oil;

    Avoid exposure to direct sunlight directly on the area in which the seam is located;

    after complete healing of the sutures, scars remain in this place, which last for quite a long period, and in order to speed up this process, you can resort to daily massaging of this area. Rubbing vitamin E or Zvezdochka balm into the scar also helps speed up the restoration of the skin.

What to do if the stitch hurts after surgery?

What to do if the stitch hurts after surgery? This question is often asked by people who have undergone surgery. Often, pain in the abdominal area is not related to the complicated course of tissue scarring. It can occur during the process of wound healing, skin fusion, and the return of organs to their usual places. Pain in such cases should not be a cause for concern; it is completely normal. However, it also happens that discomfort does not leave a person even several months after surgery.

Cause of the problem

If the cosmetic stitch begins to hurt several weeks or even months after surgery, you should consult a doctor. There can be quite a few reasons for this phenomenon. First of all this inflammatory processes related to accession bacterial infection. The appearance of unpleasant sensations depends on the characteristics of the body, susceptibility to stressful situations, presence of irregularities in work immune system. An important role is played by the qualifications of the surgeons, the complexity of the intervention, the type of instruments used, the technique of applying suture material and the correctness of all manipulations.

Normally, the surgical suture should hurt for no more than 7 days, minor deviations from this values ​​are acceptable. Skin and muscle tissue people may differ, so be sure to tell the exact duration pain syndrome impossible.

It is necessary to consult a doctor if discomfort persists for several weeks. It is possible that errors were made during the surgical intervention, as a result of which an acute inflammatory process developed.

If the pain cannot be relieved with standard painkillers, you must undergo full examination. The operation may need to be repeated.

The suture almost always hurts after surgery if it was a cavity operation. In such cases, not only the skin and subcutaneous tissue, but also muscle tissue and large vessels. To reduce the intensity of unpleasant sensations, the doctor prescribes special medications and procedures, the use of which requires compliance with a number of rules. During the treatment period, it is recommended to refrain from driving a car, especially if a person is not sure how he will behave in emergency situations. Slow walks are useful, but it is recommended to avoid climbing stairs.

Long flights and transfers adversely affect the well-being even healthy person, in the postoperative period they can lead to severe consequences. You cannot lift weights weighing more than 3 kg, or carry children or animals. After improving the general condition of the body, you can introduce light physical activity into your daily routine. You should avoid visiting bathhouses, saunas and solariums.

Daily care of the postoperative scar is necessary. The seam must be cleaned of dirt and crusts and treated antiseptic solutions and cover with a protective bandage. Slight redness of the affected area is considered normal. You should not peel off the patch yourself; after a certain period of time it will come off on its own. Lumps and a feeling of tightness in the scar area may appear. There is no need to worry, these are natural sensations that accompany the healing process.

Exposure to direct sunlight can disrupt the scarring process, so it is recommended to wear covered clothing in the first months after surgery. In the first days after surgery, blood spots may be found on the bandage. If they are small in size, there is no need to worry. If the scar bleeds heavily, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Do not use any external agents without a doctor's permission. You can shower no earlier than 3 days after surgery. Over the course of several months, the crust comes off the scar and it becomes less hard and bright. Why does the stitch hurt after a cesarean section? This question worries many young mothers who have undergone this operation.

Causes of suture pain after cesarean section

This operation can be produced in several ways. Corporal caesarean section is prescribed for the development of massive bleeding during childbirth. This method is used quite rarely, since it leaves a large scar that expands over time. Corporal surgery - dissection of tissue from midline belly to pubis. A longitudinal incision is made on the wall of the uterus. In the absence of complications, Pfannenstiel laparotomy is used. The incision runs along the suprapubic fold.

Unlike a longitudinal one, a transverse incision becomes less noticeable over time and postoperative pain have lower intensity, which is the main advantage of this operation. The operation is completed with the application of absorbable suture material. For corporal caesarean section postoperative scar must have high strength, so a cosmetic seam is not used in this case. In the first days after surgery, the patient feels sharp pain associated with the presence of incisions in the uterus and abdominal wall. It is practically no different from that of other surgical interventions.

In the postoperative period, the doctor prescribes antibacterial and painkillers. On the first day they are used narcotic analgesics: Tramadol, Morphine, Omnopon. Over time, they are replaced by weaker agents, the action of which is aimed at reducing the intensity pain. It is the pain of the suture after surgery that is the reason why women fear a cesarean section. Unpleasant sensations disappear quickly, you just need to take all the medications prescribed by your doctor and properly care for the suture.

We find out if the stitch hurts after surgery, what should I do?

Doctors are often asked the question: if the stitch hurts after surgery, what should I do? Sometimes it happens that abdominal pain has nothing to do with the stitches. It can be from the fact that wounds are healing, from skin fusion, from undergone surgery. In this case, the pain is justified and is absolutely normal in this situation. However, it may happen that the pain does not go away for quite a long time.

Duration of suture pain after surgery

Pain after surgery may arise from huge amount factors affecting the human body and its tolerance to such stressful situations. It all depends on the professionalism of the surgeons, on the complexity of the operation, on the objects used during it, on the sutures themselves, the correctness of their application and material, but these are not all the factors that provoke pain.

Basically, the stitches hurt for about a week, maybe a little more. But the features should be taken into account human body: They are individual for everyone, so you can never say for sure.

And that's completely normal. It’s another matter if the pain does not go away for a long period of time. Perhaps something was accidentally done wrong during the operation, and now there is an inflammatory process. Well, if the pain is so severe that no painkiller helps, then you need to immediately visit a doctor so that he can figure it out and tell you exactly why the pain does not go away.

Suture pain after abdominal surgery

Suture pain after abdominal surgery torments many people. To get rid of it, doctors recommend following several rules that will be presented in this text. It is contraindicated to start driving unless you stop taking painkillers. Moreover, in no case should you get behind the wheel unless you are absolutely sure that emergency situation handle the controls. In addition, all kinds of walking and climbing stairs are allowed. Travel abroad should be avoided: intolerance to long journeys or flights is possible. It is strictly forbidden to lift weights over 5 kg, as well as children, women and heavy animals. If the state of the body is in in perfect order, it is allowed to do a little light exercise. It is better not to visit saunas, steam baths and swimming pools for some time.

Any surgical intervention involves tissue dissection. In order for the wound to heal faster and more accurately, stitches are placed, and then scars are formed in their place. This process is inevitably accompanied by itching, tingling, as well as cutting, shooting and other extremely unpleasant sensations. Usually they last no more than 2-3 weeks, but sometimes they bother the patient for months or even years.

Pain in the scar after surgery or injury can be either normal or a symptom serious pathologies, requiring urgent medical care. Why do unpleasant sensations occur and how long can they last? What signs should alert you, and what should you ignore? Read the details on the website:

Why discomfort occurs and how to relieve it

All surgical incisions and other tissue damage heal according to the same pattern, undergoing: epithelization of the wound, active fibrillogenesis, maturation and final formation of the scar. Their duration may vary depending on different people, But general features regeneration, possible dangers and the principles of treatment at each stage remain the same.

First week after surgery

Any scar is associated with a violation of tissue integrity: at least the skin, and possibly also the deep dermal layers, fatty tissue, blood vessels and nerve fibers. The time frame for which they occur initial fusion, are individual, depending on the type of intervention, the regenerative abilities of the body, and the quality of wound care. On average, in the absence of complications, they are:

  • appendix removal, laparoscopy, cesarean section - 5-8 days;
  • plastic surgery - 1-2 weeks, depending on complexity and volume.
  • interventions in the sternum - 2-3 weeks;
  • abdominal operations - up to half a month.

During this period, pain in the area where the incisions were made is considered normal occurrence. They signal possible problems only if they are accompanied by additional warning signs:

  • intensification of unpleasant sensations, changing their character to sharp, pulsating, twitching;
  • sudden swelling in the suture area, reddened and hot to the touch skin;
  • temperature rise to 38 degrees or more;
  • chills, headache;
  • separation of the edges of the wound, discharge of pus from it;
  • bleeding.

Such symptoms clearly indicate that healing is not going according to plan. Possible reasons this:

  • Blood or lymph has accumulated in the scar area - due to a surgeon’s mistake in not ligating the vessels well enough, or due to individual characteristics. It is necessary to contact the doctor who performed the operation: he will remove excess fluid with a needle (puncture) or open the wound, evacuate the contents and sew it up again.
  • I got an infection and started purulent inflammation- this can happen both during surgery and after it with blood flow from the lesion chronic inflammation, for example, a carious tooth or appendages. Be sure to see a doctor: the complication can be deadly. Usually you have to open the wound, wash it to remove the pus, and stitch it up again, leaving a drainage for drainage. Antibiotics are required.
  • The stitches turned out to be ineffective. This means that healing is uneven - the edges of the wound do not heal well, cavities form, and the scar tissue is not dense enough. The doctor will re-stitch, recommend means to improve regeneration (vitamins) and drugs to correct general condition body.

First month

At this time, collagen fibers are actively formed, welding the edges of the scar. The process may be accompanied by itching and aching pain, but it should no longer be constant and occurs only when there is a clear impact on the seam - for example, when it is stretched during sudden movements. Such sensations themselves are normal, but it is advisable to avoid their occurrence and postpone serious physical activity. The likelihood of inflammation due to infection during this period is already low, but another problem may appear - a ligature fistula.

After the operation, sutures are applied in layers: to muscles or ligaments, subcutaneous tissue, and dermis. In the future, in many cases, only superficial ones are removed, the rest either resolve over time or remain forever. Sometimes this suture material is rejected by the body - this happens when the composition of the thread is intolerant or if it turns out to be unsterile. Then inflammation begins, but limited, in a small area. A so-called granuloma is formed - a dense nodule, red and swollen. Gradually, pus accumulates in it, and the patient begins to feel pain varying intensity, sometimes very strong. When the formation breaks through, the threads that caused the problem may also come out with its contents. But sometimes suppuration continues for several weeks - then the area of ​​tissue with the fistula must be surgically removed.

From the second month to a year

The scar begins to “ripen”: the collagen fibers in it line up into a dense matrix, the amount of blood vessels. After about 6-12 months it takes on its final form. Pain, as a normal option, can persist all this time, but this happens quite rarely. Possible reasons include:

  • Deep tissue damage - due to a violation of the integrity of the blood vessels, the pressure in them increases, so some scars hurt even several years after the operation. Provoking factors are weather changes, rubbing with clothes.
  • Weight gain - when you gain weight, the skin stretches, including in the scar area, which always causes severe discomfort.
  • Playing sports - this is especially true if the injuries or cuts are located in actively moving areas: fingers, knees, elbows or buttocks. Unpleasant symptoms appear during training and then gradually subside. In addition, due to excessive activity, the internal seams can come apart - this immediately causes severe pain.

In addition, it is at the maturation stage that it can begin to form (this occurs with an individual predisposition and/or traumatic external influences on the operated area) - the scar becomes convex, voluminous, periodically itches and hurts.

Special situations

Sometimes pain in the scar area is specific reasons- depending on the type of intervention performed and the nature of concomitant pathologies and conditions:

After caesarean section

In the first few days after completion of the operation, the sensations will be extremely unpleasant, for completely natural reasons associated with tissue damage. Complications are indicated by swelling, temperature, and suppuration. But even if healing proceeds normally, such a scar can “ache” for up to a year, especially as a result of physical activity, when the abdominal muscles tense, and during menstruation, when slight spasms of the uterine muscles occur. You can reduce their intensity by taking antispasmodics (No-spa).

If the pain persists even longer, the cause may be endometriosis of the suture, which develops due to the entry of cells from the uterine mucosa during surgery. When the hormonal balance is disturbed, they multiply, forming benign cyst. Often it can be felt as a round, painful formation in the suture area. It must be removed surgically.

After breast surgery

Mastectomy, reduction mammoplasty, mastopexy and other traumatic surgical procedures in the chest area are accompanied by damage different types tissues - muscle, nervous, glandular, etc. Drainage tubes are left at the junction of the wound edges for about a week. The pain during this period is severe and can be relieved with analgesics.

The formed scar can be bothersome due to constant rubbing from an unsuitable bra (in addition, this increases the risk of keloid formation). Therefore, when the doctor allows you to remove the compression garments, it is better to choose soft, wire-free bras - sports or for pregnant women. It is recommended to wear regular ones no earlier than six months later. For mild sensations that are not accompanied by complications, you can use painkillers. In addition to analgesic properties, they have a regenerating effect, accelerating healing.


In expectant mothers, the skin of the abdomen is greatly stretched, and if earlier in this area for one reason or another there were incisions and stitches, pain often occurs. They can be different - both pulling and stabbing, and when the seam diverges - sharp and intense. The maximum danger during pregnancy is: in this case, if there is any discomfort, you should urgently visit the doctor managing the pregnancy. Most likely, an ultrasound will be needed to determine the current thickness of the scar on the uterus - if it becomes too thin, the pregnant woman will be hospitalized and given strict bed rest to prevent suture dehiscence.

Pain in keloid scars

Appearance of scars of this type due to pathological growth connective tissue. Doctors still don’t know exactly why this can happen, but the main risk factors are well known. These include:

  • heredity;
  • dark skin (Fitzpatrick type 4-6);
  • periods of hormonal changes in the body (puberty, pregnancy), as well as various endocrine pathologies;
  • chronic inflammatory processes in the wound;
  • strong edge tension;
  • regular friction or other mechanical impact on the seam.

Keloid does not appear immediately - characteristic features usually appear after 4-6 months of healing. The scar begins to rise above the skin and grow into healthy tissue. Unpleasant sensations of varying intensity appear: from moderate discomfort to severe itching turning into pain.

This condition requires mandatory treatment to stop connective tissue hypertrophy and, if possible, improve appearance scar. It is quite complex and lengthy, usually based on injections of hyaluronidase or steroid drugs. As a preventive measure, it makes sense to use silicone dressings or gels (, etc.) immediately after removing the sutures.

After abdominal operations

If a scar remains after surgery on the peritoneum (removal of the gallbladder, appendicitis), pain may appear due to the formation of a hernia. This usually happens if the patient does not follow the doctor’s recommendations: increases physical activity too early, raises heavy weight. The nature of the unpleasant sensations is bursting or aching, they intensify when coughing, sneezing, or exertion. Gradually, a extensive education, which includes part of the omentum, intestinal loops, and in women, appendages. Treatment is usually surgical.

If the scar hurts for no apparent reason

It happens that moderate and sometimes severe discomfort persists in an already healed area of ​​the body for many years, while there is no inflammation, no fistula, no keloid, or any other factors that could explain the current situation. This pain is called neuroleptic. It occurs when, as a result of damage to nerve fibers, their functioning is disrupted and they send incorrect information to the brain.

At the same time, other signs of “imbalance” of the central nervous system may appear: disturbed sleep, mood swings, loss of sensitivity in certain areas of the skin. In this case, there is no point in taking conventional analgesics - they do not help. Recommended local anesthesia 5% lidocaine (also available in sprays and creams), taking antidepressants, as well as psychotherapy. Unfortunately, remove completely unpleasant symptoms rarely succeeds: good result Treatment is considered to reduce pain to a level that does not significantly affect the patient’s quality of life.

Summing up

If the scar bothers you in the first days after surgery or injury, this is normal. All you need to do is take an analgesic and strictly follow the recommendations of your surgeon or attending physician. You should carefully monitor your own condition and the condition of the seam in order to notice in time possible complications, as well as eliminate provoking factors:

  • Change tight underwear and clothes to more spacious ones, made from natural materials, without rough seams.
  • Do not lift heavy objects, do not allow sudden and intense movements.
  • Avoid excessive weight gain.

Sometimes unpleasant sensations, especially when physical activity or mechanical stretching of the scar, can persist for up to 1 year. If at the same time there are no pathological changes, this situation can also be considered a variant of the norm. Any signs of inflammation - redness, swelling, throbbing pain, fever and changes in well-being - require immediate medical attention.

For any person faced with the need for surgical intervention, the upcoming operation is a rather serious step. And the period following the operation, just like the operation itself, is a very important and crucial stage in the recovery process. Quite often, the postoperative period extends for a long time, during which all damaged tissues must grow together and the sutures heal. However, in some situations, the expected does not happen, and the patient begins to be bothered by various painful sensations. So why do the stitches hurt after surgery? And how dangerous is it? In this article we will answer this question for you.

Why does the suture hurt after surgery: reasons

So, pain in the suture area after surgery is a completely natural phenomenon, which is due to the fact that during any surgical intervention the nerve fibers of the soft tissues are damaged, while the sensitivity of the operated part of the body increases, which ultimately leads to painful sensations. With the passage of time, all wounds heal, as a result of which the pain becomes less intense, however, in some cases, the painful sensations not only do not subside, but, on the contrary, become more intense. As a rule, an increase in pain intensity in the postoperative period is also accompanied by an “additional” symptom such as an increase in body temperature. So why might the suture hurt after surgery? There are several reasons for this:

    close contact of clothing and seam;

    the presence of inflammation at the site of the ligature - the body simply “does not perceive” the suture threads;

    the presence of an adhesive process at the suture site;

    divergence of internal seams due to muscle strain.

It is worth considering that, despite the fact that the incision is externally tightened, at the same time internal tissue suppuration may occur, which is why if pain regularly occurs in the suture area, as well as with periodic increases in body temperature, you should consult your doctor .

Duration of pain in the suture area after surgery

Of course, the duration of pain in the suture area after surgery directly depends on the duration and complexity of the procedure itself, which is why it is not possible to say exactly how long the healing time will take. In addition, the individual characteristics of the body play an important role in this matter.

In the first postoperative days, regardless of what kind of operation the patient underwent, pain in the area of ​​the sutures is usually quite intense. Moreover, with any muscle tension, as well as with sneezing or coughing, such pain will only intensify. In addition to the pain itself, the patient may also be accompanied by symptoms such as general malaise and weakness, drowsiness, and loss of appetite.

So how long should stitches take to heal? As we have already said, this healing period largely depends on the type of surgical intervention. Below we give an approximate healing period for sutures after certain surgical procedures:

    Caesarean section: sutures heal on about 6 days;

    Postpartum suture - approximately on the tenth day;

    Circumcision procedure - approximately on the 15th day;

    Removal of the appendix and latoroscopy – the sutures heal on the 7th day;

    Abdominal surgery - the sutures heal after about two weeks.

It is also worth noting that the seams can be internal and external. Internal sutures are made from sheep intestines, which allows them to simply dissolve in the body; external seams, in turn, are made of synthetic or natural threads (silk, linen), which requires their subsequent removal. As a rule, external sutures are removed approximately 10-14 days after the operation itself, but the connective tissue “grows” only after several months.

How to care for a suture after surgery

Of course, while you are in a medical facility, all care is provided by the clinic staff, and your main task during this period is to exercise any physical activity as little as possible. After discharge, the suture care process can be done at home on your own, and you will only need to visit your doctor occasionally. In order for the healing process to proceed quickly, it is necessary to adhere to all the doctor’s instructions and recommendations; You should also listen to the following tips:

    observe the rules of personal hygiene;

    avoid excessive activity and muscle strain;

    provide yourself with proper nutrition;

    regularly treat the scar with an antiseptic, such as brilliant green, iodine or fucorcin;

    periodically the scar can be lubricated with levomekol or sea buckthorn oil;

    Avoid exposure to direct sunlight directly on the area in which the seam is located;

    after complete healing of the sutures, scars remain in this place, which last for quite a long period, and in order to speed up this process, you can resort to daily massaging of this area. Rubbing vitamin E or Zvezdochka balm into the scar also helps speed up the restoration of the skin.