Bloodless method of castration. Methods of castration of males

There are a large number of ways to castrate males, and the search for the most easy to implement and effective methods continues. However, in principle, all existing methods of castration of males can be divided into two main groups - bloody and bloodless (percutaneous).

Bloody methods of castration of animals. These methods are widely used in practice. They may be accompanied by complete removal of the testes and appendages or partial removal of elements of the gonads (parenchyma, tails of the appendage).

Castration with removal of testes and appendages. Castration with removal of the testes and appendages can be performed by open and closed methods; with cutting off the scrotum and preserving it. In most animals, the testes and appendages are removed through an incision in the scrotum, and only in old sheep amputation is used.

Open method. When castration is performed using this method, all layers of the scrotum are cut, including the common tunica vaginalis, the thickened part of the transitional ligament is cut, and the testes are removed along with the appendages by unscrewing, ligating with a ligature, crossing with a knife, or tearing off the spermatic cord. The choice of one or another method of cutting the spermatic cord is made taking into account the type and age of the animal. With this method of castration, the vaginal canal remains open and the abdominal cavity communicates with the external environment.

In some cases, with the open method of castration, the common tunica vaginalis is partially or completely removed (during castration of camels, old rams, during adhesions between the common and proper tunica vaginalis).

Closed method. When castrating in a closed way, the scrotum is cut to the common vaginal membrane, i.e., only the skin, the muscular-elastic membrane and the fascia of the scrotum are cut. The common tunica vaginalis is not opened, but is bluntly separated from the wall of the scrotum towards the inguinal ring, where it is tied with a ligature or compressed with flaps along with the spermatic cord. The common tunica vaginalis and spermatic cord are cut below the ligature or flappers. The technique of castration of males using a closed method is described in the section of laboratory and practical exercises, p. 139, 142.

Partial castation by the formation of appendages and the connective tissue base of the testes. With this method of castration proposed by prof. A. A. Bayburtsyan, only the parenchyma of the testes is removed, while the appendages and connective tissue base of the testes are preserved. As a result of such castration, spermatogenic function ceases and the hormonal function of the gonads is preserved, which contributes to better growth and development of animals. This method is recommended for castrating lambs.

Castration is performed using this method as follows. After strengthening the animal, preparing the surgical field and fixing the testes in the scrotum with the left hand or a forceps, all the membranes of the scrotum and testis are pierced with an abdominal or pointed scalpel to a depth of 0.5 to 1.5 mm (depending on the type of animal). The puncture is made on the surface of the testis opposite the body of the epididymis in the middle third of its greater curvature. After the puncture, turn the scalpel, without removing it from the testis, 90-180° around its longitudinal axis. The parenchyma of the testis is squeezed out through the resulting surgical wound. This is done with half-bent fingers (index, middle and thumb) of the right hand, and when fixing the testis with a forceps, with the fingers of both hands.

With incomplete removal of the parenchyma, regeneration of the testes and the expression of sexual reflexes by the animal are possible.

Percutaneous (subcutaneous) methods of castration. With percutaneous methods of castration, the cessation of testicular function is carried out without removing them from the body. These methods are based on cessation of blood circulation and innervation of the testes.

At different times, the following methods have been developed and proposed: 1) subcutaneous twisting of the spermatic cords (shepherd’s method “bistournage”); 2) subcutaneous tearing of the spermatic cords (Kazakh “tartu” method, Chernomorskov method); 3) compression of the spermatic cords with Burdizzo, Golensky, Telyatnikov forceps (Fig. 78), Alma-Ata model forceps, etc.; 4) applying a subcutaneous ligature to the spermatic cords; 5) compression of the vascular part of the spermatic cord with a duralumin bracket according to I. E. Povazhenko; 6) subcutaneous crushing of the spermatic cords by tapping; 7) crushing the parenchyma of the testes with Mochalovsky forceps; 8) termination of the function of the gonads by chemical means (for example, injection into the vein of the spermatic cords of a 12% solution of sodium chloride or Lugolev solution according to M. N. Kirillov.)

Of the listed methods, the most widely used are the castration methods proposed by I. A. Telyatnikov, A. I. Mochalovsky, A. G. Chernomorskov, as well as castration using forceps of the Alma-Ata model. Chemical methods of castration did not justify themselves.

Castration with Telyatnikov forceps. With this method of castration, the spermatic cords are crushed (crushed) with special forceps (Fig. 78, 8), without damaging the skin of the scrotum at the site of their application. Testes, deprived of nutrition and innervation, are resorbed within 3-5 months in rams and 4-7 months in bulls. Using this method, it is better to castrate rams and kids at the age of 2-5 months, bulls - 2-5 months, reindeer - 10-12 months.

The rams are fixed in a lateral position, and the steers in a standing position. The castration technique is described in a laboratory-practical lesson (see p. 139).

Castration with forceps of the Alma-Ata model, Golensky and Burditsco. During castration, these forceps, as with the previous method, crush the spermatic cords without disturbing the integrity of the skin of the scrotum.

Rice. 78. Tools for castration:

Compression method of castration according to A. N. Mochalovsky. Using special forceps (Fig. 78, 7) the parenchyma of the testes is crushed without disturbing the integrity of the scrotum. The destroyed parenchyma of the testes is a source of biogenic stimulants and hormones, which has a beneficial effect on the growth and development of animals. This method is used to castrate lambs and bulls aged 2-5 months.

The operation is performed as follows. The rams are fixed in a lateral or vertically sitting position, and the bulls - only in a lateral lying position. One testis is placed into the cavity of the cup-shaped arm of the forceps, passing the spermatic cord along with the skin of the neck of the scrotum into its notch. By pressing the handle of the forceps (the second one rests on the ground), the testis is compressed (Fig.: 79). In this case, the own vaginal and white tissues are torn the membrane of the testis, and its crushed parenchyma is discharged into the cavity of the common vaginal membrane. The skin and general tunica vaginalis remain intact. The ovarian parenchyma should turn into a mushy, fluctuating mass. Undestroyed and non-extruded areas of parenchyma are destroyed by hand.

Rice. 79. Castration using the compression method according to Mochalovsky:

In the first 6 hours after castration, inflammatory edema develops, which disappears after 2-3 days. The parenchyma of the destroyed testicle resolves after 20-40 days.

Method Black Sea a. This method is a modification of the Kazakh “tartu” (pulling) method. It is performed by subcutaneous rupture of the spermatic cord and is used for castration of 2-3-month-old rams and goats at 1-2 months of age.

During castration, the animal is fixed so that it rests on the ground with its ischial tuberosities and the base of its tail at an angle of 40-50°. To do this, the assistant lifts the ram by the thoracic limbs, and the surgeon, with his foot, additionally presses to the ground the limb of the animal on which side he is performing the operation.

The operator grabs the testis with his left hand and pulls it to the bottom of the scrotum. In this case, the spermatic cord becomes tense and can be easily palpated. Then, with the index and middle fingers of the right hand on one side and the thumb on the other, they grasp the spermatic cord through the wall of the neck of the scrotum and with a quick sliding movement directed upward, they break it (Fig. 80). Simultaneously with the spermatic cord, the external levator testis also ruptures, as a result of which the testis descends to the bottom of the scrotum. Do the same with the right testis.

The formation of a healthy and fertile goat population is not complete without culling weak males with a low vitality rate. Allowing such kids to be bred obviously harms the entire herd, since the offspring obtained from them will be of poor quality. Castration allows you to exclude weak and low-breed males from breeding.

Castration of goat kids involves the physical removal of the animal's reproductive organs - the testicles, or non-traumatic castration, with the help of which the goat's sexual function completely atrophies. Castration of males, for the most part, is performed at an early age - up to two to three months, however, the operation is often indicated for adults - aged three to seven years, and recently born kids.

Important! Castration of kids who have reached 4.5-5 months does not relieve the male of sexual behavioral reactions, which can persist for a long time.

What does castration of kids give?

Timely manipulation to remove the testes has a positive effect on the condition of the animal:

  • the kids are freed from aggression, their behavior becomes more balanced, and clashes between males occur less frequently in the herd;
  • the growth of meat mass accelerates, a significant increase in weight gain is recorded;
  • due to the less mobility of animals after castration, the formation of a fat layer is observed, which gives the meat a more delicate taste;
  • after emasculation, males can be kept in the same room with goats without the risk of unwanted insemination;
  • goat meat from a castrated male does not have a specific odor, which increases its consumer qualities.

In addition to improving the livestock, castration is used for animals with traumatic injuries or tumors of the reproductive organs.

Castration is carried out by veterinarians who have experience in performing such operations. The manipulation itself does not pose a danger to the animal, however, if performed unprofessionally, it can bring adverse consequences, including blood poisoning and the death of the male.

Preparing for castration

It is advisable to plan castration of goats for a cool season - spring or autumn. During this period, wound healing and animal recovery occurs quite quickly, and there are practically no insect carriers of infectious and inflammatory diseases.

1-2 days before the expected date of castration of the kid, the following preparatory measures should be carried out:

  • separate the livestock intended for emasculation;
  • carry out an examination of males to identify pathologies of genital development (prolapse of the omentum into the scrotum, the presence of a hernia);
  • regularly measure the temperature of animals;
  • reduce the daily ration by 50-60%, remove concentrated feed and products prone to fermentation (including poor-quality feed) from the menu;
  • If an inguinal hernia is detected, feeding the kids should be completely avoided for 24 hours before surgery.

To avoid negative consequences after castration, it is recommended to prepare a pen for placing goat kids there in the postoperative period - clean and disinfect the room, lay out dry, clean bedding. It is advisable to wash the animals themselves a few hours before castration; after complete drying, it is necessary to remove the hair in the genital area.

Tools for castrating kids

For surgical intervention, special medical instruments are used:

  • abdominal scalpels;
  • straight scissors;
  • ligature silk/catgut;
  • forceps of a certain design (Telyatnikova, Khanina, Burdizio) - for percutaneous (bloodless) castration;
  • elastrator for defertility of kids at an early age;
  • needle holders;
  • intestinal terminals;
  • hemostatic forceps.

In addition to tools, the veterinarian will need sterile saline solution, antibiotics, and pain medications. It is necessary to pre-boil medical instruments in a 1% soda solution for 45-60 minutes. As with any surgical intervention, during the emasculation procedure you will need sterile napkins, cotton wool, and dressings.

Advice: it is advisable to castrate goat kids in the morning in order to be able to monitor the condition of the animal in the postoperative period.

How to castrate goat kids?

Castration of goat kids in infancy entails a decrease in the animal's activity, which leads to rapid weight gain. The use of humane, bloodless techniques allows us to minimize unwanted complications. After castration performed using similar methods, no wound surface is formed, therefore, there is no risk of infection and infection.

In the first 3-4 weeks after bloodless castration, goat kids are in the process of rehabilitation - weight gain occurs quite slowly. After this period, the weight of males increases rapidly.

Adults are castrated less often - most often this manipulation is carried out after goats have been used as producers or sperm donors. Old animals destined for slaughter undergo removal of the testes to improve the quality of the meat. I castrate older goats mainly using the open method, with the obligatory use of anesthetics.

Methods of castration and techniques for performing the procedure

Veterinary practice has many ways to defertilize males. The use of a specific technique depends on the age of the animal, the availability of the necessary tools and the castration specialist.

Table. Methods for castrating kids.

WayAnimal agePreoperative preparation
Bloody open wayAdults – from 3 to 7 yearsMandatory anesthesia with 3% novocaine (10 ml solution) - injection into the scrotum or into each testis
Bloody closed method with scrotal amputationOld animalsAnesthesia is carried out using novocaine 3% and fixing the goat in a dorso-cruciate position
Partial amputation of the testes (removal of parenchymal cell tissue) with preservation of the epididymis and hormonal function of the testiclesAt any ageLocal anesthesia and tying the animal with ropes
Sexual sterilization – elimination of epididymal tails3-4 yearsAnesthesia of the testicles with the introduction of a 4% solution of novocaine

All bloody castration techniques involve cutting the skin of the scrotum and underlying layers. The advantages of these methods are a 100% guarantee of termination of the animal’s sexual function and independence from the age category of the male.

However, surgical intervention should be carried out by an experienced specialist, since improper management of the castration procedure and insufficient knowledge of the anatomical features of the kid can lead to a septic process or prolonged bleeding.

Open method of testicular removal

The open bloody method of removing the testes is the most common method used both on farms and at home. With the open method of castration, the testicles are resection along with the vaginal membrane. To successfully complete the operation, it is recommended to follow the technique and order of its implementation:

  • the kid is fixed with ropes, laying it on its back;
  • up to 10 ml of novocaine solution at a dosage of 0.5% is injected into each testis;
  • after cutting the hair from the animal’s genitals, the surgical field is treated with alcohol iodine tincture;
  • with one hand the scrotum is pulled upward;
  • The top of the scrotal skin is cut off with straight scissors along with the muscular vaginal membrane located underneath it;
  • An arterial clamp is applied to the spermatic cord;
  • the cord is sutured with a ligature 1 cm above the fixation site.

Be aware: it is unacceptable to tie the cord with catgut without suturing the excision site - the silk easily comes off and bleeding may develop.

With the open castration method, the operation is performed for each testis separately. After completing the procedure, the wound should be treated with an antiseptic.

Closed method of castration

The unpopularity of this castration technique is due to its extreme pain for the animal. Most often, closed castration is used for older males whose gonads reach significant sizes over the years. Excessive descent of the testes and stretching of the scrotum can lead to inflammatory processes in the reproductive organs. To avoid diseases, it is recommended to use a closed castration method with simultaneous amputation of the scrotum.

The technique for performing this method is as follows:

  • fixing the kid after first washing the genitals with warm soapy water;
  • trim/shave the hair on the scrotum, treat the surgical site with iodine tincture;
  • inject a solution of novocaine 2%, 10 ml, into each testicle;
  • pull back the skin of the scrotum without affecting the testes;
  • Having retreated 1.5-2 cm, cut off the apical part of the leathery sac with surgical scissors without damaging the vaginal membrane;
  • pull the spermatic cord out of the abdominal cavity and clamp it with a clamp (forceps);
  • below the clamp line, cut off the testes simultaneously with the scrotum;
  • hold the forceps for at least 5 minutes to stop bleeding.

To stimulate rapid wound healing, it is recommended to suture the amputation site with ligature silk. It is mandatory to sprinkle the wound area with streptocide powder or other antiseptic.

Remember: after castration by open or closed method, it is advisable to place the animal in a separate room, with regular inspection for complications.

Bloodless castration

For young goats, the bloodless castration method is more common. The percutaneous castration technique is easily tolerated by animals, does not require a specially prepared site and practically does not allow complications due to infection of open wound surfaces.

In practice, two methods of bloodless castration are common:

  1. Elastration - carried out until the kid reaches three weeks of age.
  2. Destruction of the seminal canal under the influence of specific forceps is allowed if the testicles are small in a kid up to one month of age.


Elastration refers to a castration technology based on compressing the neck of the scrotum with a special rubber ring. The technique for performing the procedure is as follows:

  • the kid is fixed with ropes in the position on its back;
  • the ring is put on the working parts of the tongs;
  • the forceps (elastrator) are expanded to a size that allows you to pass the testicles through them;
  • a thick rubber ring is placed on the base of the scrotum.

A rubber ring fixed to the neck of the scrotum prevents normal blood supply to the testes, as a result of which within 15-20 days the gonads completely atrophy and lose reproductive functions.

Important: to make sure that elastration is successful, you should feel the kid’s testicles after 25-30 minutes - the cold surface of the testicles indicates a cessation of blood supply.

For 2-3 weeks after elastration, the scrotum should be treated with iodine solution or aseptic sprays. After the gonads die, the stump is lubricated with iodine.

Video - Bloodless castration of goat kids

Bloodless castration using forceps

For bloodless castration, various models of forceps are used - Telyatnikova, Khanina, Burdizio. Regardless of the modification, the purpose of using forceps is the same - violating the integrity of the spermatic cord. Percutaneous castration is the most humane, the kids do not experience severe pain and the recovery process takes place in the shortest possible time.

Percutaneous castration technology:

  • securing the kid in the dorsal-sacral position;
  • With your left hand you should feel the place where the forceps are applied - the spermatic cord above the testicles;
  • the forceps are placed as close as possible to the testicles;
  • with a sharp movement, squeeze the handles of the tongs until a specific crunch appears;
  • hold the jaws of the forceps for 7-10 seconds;
  • Similar manipulations are carried out on the second testicle.

Attention: if you do not feel a crunch when squeezing the forceps, then you should move the sponges 1-1.5 cm closer to the testis and repeat the manipulation. Compressing the same area with forceps is unacceptable.

Precautions for castration

Castration is a widespread and uncomplicated procedure. However, performing surgery without proper preparation or the breeder’s inattention to the animal in the postoperative period can lead to dire consequences. The key to successfully emasculating a kid is to take certain precautions:

  • carrying out castration of kids at a young age, before the male reaches the age of 3-4 weeks;
  • if it is necessary to dehydrate an older individual, the use of medical anesthetics is mandatory;
  • after completion of the procedure, the animal needs special care and regular monitoring of its condition;
  • when the first signs of bloody or mucous discharge are detected at the amputation site, it is necessary to transfer the animal to a separate compartment and carry out the necessary rehabilitation;
  • use hemostatic pharmaceuticals - calcium chloride 10%, cavesol;
  • if bleeding increases, the scrotum should be cleaned and straightened, the spermatic cord removed and additional sutures applied;
  • Be sure to use a starvation diet for kids before castration.

Timely castration of kids will provide significant weight gain in a short time, normalize the animal's sexual reactions and guarantee the production of tasty, tender meat without a specific unpleasant odor.

Castration of bulls is carried out for economic purposes. Castration has been shown to significantly increase bone growth. Castrated bulls, or oxen, reach greater weight than uncastrated bulls. They are always calm, used in work and go well for fattening, producing tender and tasty meat.
The best age for castration of bull calves intended for fattening is 2-3 months, and those intended for work - at one and a half to two years. Hot and cold seasons are inconvenient for castration.
Castration of young bulls can be carried out without felling. The bull is tied tightly by the horns, one assistant presses his fingers on the nasal septum, and the other assistant, resting against the lock, presses the bull against the wall. It is more convenient to fell and strengthen adult bulls, as shown in Fig. 240.

Of the castration methods, the most common are: 1) ligature, 2) castration forceps and 3) percutaneous.
Castration for ligature. The bull is strengthened in the left lateral position. The scrotum, prepared in an appropriate way, is pulled back by the top until the folds are straightened. Then, with scissors or a scalpel, they cut off the top of the scrotum 2-3 cm wide. After cutting, both testes protrude from the hole in the scrotum (Fig. 241), covered with common vaginal membranes. The testis is grabbed with forceps, removed from the scrotum, and at the same time, over the other hand, the skin is shifted to the abdominal wall (prepared) in such a way that a ligature can be applied to the spermatic cord, 3-5 cm above the testis. After preparation of the common vaginal membrane, an assistant With one hand he holds the testis with forceps, and with the other, passing the spermatic cord between the fingers, moves the skin to the abdominal wall (Fig. 242). At the same time, the surgeon applies a ligature in the form of a castration loop (fisherman's loop) according to the method proposed by B.M. Obukhov (Fig. 243). The castration loop is applied so that the thread cuts deep into the tissue, otherwise it will fall off. In large bulls prof. Studentsov recommends applying a second ligature 1.5-2 cm below the first on the exposed spermatic cord, after a preliminary circular incision of the common vaginal tunica. The ends of both ligatures are tied together to prevent the spermatic cord from slipping upward.

The second testis is removed in the same order. The castrates remain under observation for 2-3 days. The edges of the wound can be lubricated with creolin, iodoform or lysol ointment. Scented ointments are especially useful in the warm season - then flies do not land on the wound. It is useful to prescribe 20-30-minute wiring 2 times a day from the second day. After 7-10 days the animal can be put to work.

Castration with forceps. This method is more suitable for castration of young bulls. Castration is performed using a lateral incision in the scrotum.
The surgeon grabs the scrotum prepared for the operation with his left hand and tightens the skin at the incision site with his fingers. Then, on the side, a long incision is made with a depth to the vaginal membrane itself (Fig. 244) and the testis is brought out through it, then an incision is made and the transitional ligament is separated. The assistant places forceps on the exposed spermatic cord and squeezes the spermatic cord, after which the surgeon unscrews the testis. The second testis is removed in the same way. You can use an emasculator.

Percutaneous method. Castration is bloodless. The neck of the scrotum is cut off, wiped with alcohol and a ligature is applied in the form of a castration loop. To ensure that the dressing is tight and ensures the separation of the testes, the ligature is tightened using sticks tied to the ends of the ligatures. Sometimes, before applying a ligature, forceps are applied to the neck of the scrotum and the tissue is compressed for five minutes. Then the forceps are removed, and a tight ligature in the form of a castration loop is applied to the formed groove, which is secured with a sea knot. After a few days, the testes fall off along with the scrotum and ligature.

Castration can be carried out by two main methods - bloody And bloodless(percutaneous). Each of them, in turn, includes a number of technically different methods, which depend on the type of animal being operated on, the purpose of castration, the instruments used, etc.

Bloody methods are divided into open (with dissection of the common tunica vaginalis) and closed, in which the common tunica vaginalis is preserved. Bloody methods can also be complete, in which the testes, their appendages and part of the spermatic cords are removed, and partial, in which the testis or its appendage is removed. The open method is used in working animals and livestock of many meat breeds. Its essence lies in the fact that after dissection of all layers of the scrotum (including the common vaginal membrane), the testes are exposed, after which it is removed. The closed method aims to close the entrance to the abdominal cavity from the vaginal canal and prevent prolapse of the viscera, as well as avoid infection of the abdominal cavity.

The closed method is used most often in boars and stallions if excessive expansion of the inguinal rings creates a threat of post-castration prolapse of internal organs through a castration wound. Rabbits are also castrated using a closed method, since enlarged inguinal canals are a specific feature of these animals. This type of castration is also indicated in animals with inguinal hernias. In clinical practice, complete (surgical) castration (orchidectomy) is widely used.

Bloodless ways consist of subcutaneous reproduction of the spermatic cords or testes (the latter is not used in clinical practice) with special forceps. At the same time, such methods can only be called bloodless.

With partial removal of elements of the gonads The secretion of the sex hormone is preserved with the actual cessation of the release and even production of germ cells. The most common types of such castration are:

Resection of the tail of the appendages. Initially it was proposed for the preparation of male samplers of bulls and rams (V.A. Andrievsky, Rosenberger, Tilman). Attempts have been made to use it to improve the fattening of bulls.

Percutaneous violation of the viability and integrity of the spermatic cords- a widespread method of castration of productive animals, which includes the following methods:

  • percutaneous crushing of the spermatic cords is used in large and small ruminants. Subcutaneous crushing of the testes - compression castration (according to A. N. Mochalovsky). Currently not applicable;
  • percutaneous ligation of the spermatic cords - usually used in bulls. Accompanied in some cases by severe swelling;
  • removal of the parenchyma of the testes while preserving their connective tissue base and appendages can be used in rams and bulls (A. A. Baiburtsyan’s method), but is currently performed very rarely;
  • elastration is a method used in lambs in the first days of life. In this case, the scrotum with its contents is completely rejected due to the application of a compressive elastic rubber ring to its neck. Widely practiced abroad.

Bistournage(twisting) of the spermatic cord (creation of artificial cryptorchidism) occupies a special place among percutaneous methods of castration. Some authors believe that this method guarantees success and is not accompanied by any complications. The method is used when the testes are sufficiently developed and can be fixed bimanually through the skin (percutaneously). With this method, conditions are created under which the nutrition and innervation of the testes, their appendages, mesentery and vas deferens are disrupted, as a result of which the testes atrophy and subsequently dissolve.

Bistournage is performed in four steps: 1) the surgeon, grasping the skin of the bottom of the scrotum with his hand and changing the position of the hands upward, quickly moves the testes to the inguinal canal. In this case, the transitional ligament is torn, and the common tunica vaginalis is peeled off from the fascia in places. Then the testes are lowered to the bottom of the scrotum and again shifted upward. Several such techniques ensure that the testes move freely. They easily move to any side when pressed with fingers, when the wall of the scrotum is fixed with the other hand; 2) after this, the testis is rotated along the longitudinal axis so that its upper edge (the head of the epididymis) is directed downward. To do this, fix the lower part of the vascular cone with the left hand, and with the right hand, grasping the bottom of the scrotum, move the testis upward to the left palm. This technique involves displacing the lower edge of the spermatic cord downward with the expectation that the semicircle of the testis, sliding along the fingers of the right hand, moves its lower edge upward and it is in a horizontal position; 3) both previous techniques provide conditions for twisting of the spermatic cord. For this purpose, fixing the spermatic cord with the fingers of the left hand near the appendage, turn the testis in one direction 4...5 times. When performing this technique, the vessels of the testis, its appendage and the vas deferens are torsed. The same is done with the other testis; 4) in conclusion, it is necessary to fix the testes so that the torsioned vessels are obliterated. For this purpose, using the first technique, both testes are pressed to the inguinal canals and held in this position for 2…3 days. To do this, the scrotum, grasped with the left hand, is tied with a soft braid or rope directly under the testes. The degree of compression of the scrotal tissue should be moderate so as not to disrupt blood and lymph circulation.

In the complete absence of blood circulation, the testes dissolve in the following months without complications. Due to the high labor intensity, this operation has not been widely used. Even experienced surgeons spend about 30 minutes to carefully perform all the manipulations, and after 2…3 days it is again necessary to restrain the animal in order to remove the rope from the scrotum.

Piece cryptorchidism can be caused by another method. The operation is performed on bulls 1.5…2 months of age. The testes are pressed as much as possible against the inguinal canal, and they do not develop, but the incretion (internal secretion) of a small amount of testosterone contributes to the intensive development of the animal’s body. Having pressed both testes to the inguinal canal, a rubber ring is placed on the scrotum below them using an elastrator (amputator). After about 15 days, part of the scrotum below the ring is torn away, and the testes remain near the inguinal canal.

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Castration is an operation in which the function of the gonads of males and females is artificially terminated. Most often, during castration, the gonads are removed; in males, cessation of function is also possible through disruption of blood circulation and innervation of the gonads or through partial or complete destruction of them.

Removal of the gonads causes changes in the animal's metabolism and behavior. Castrated animals fatten better, their meat quality improves, and the specific smell disappears (in boars). Horses become calmer and more resilient. Timely castration of males avoids inbreeding and unscheduled inseminations.

Methods of castration of males. All methods of castration can be divided into two main groups - bloody and bloodless.

Bloody way. Used most often. In practice, when using it, the testes and appendages are often completely removed.

This method of castration can be either open or closed.

Open method.

With such castration, all layers of the scrotum are cut (skin, muscular-elastic membrane, fascia of the scrotum) and the common vaginal membrane is dissected - the protrusion of the pariental peritoneum into the cavity of the scrotum for each half of it separately. Through an incision in the common vaginal membrane, the testis is removed, the transitional ligament is identified and its thickened part is cut. After this, the testis is removed in one way or another.

After open castration, the abdominal cavity communicates with the external environment through the vaginal canal. Hence the name of the method.

Closed method.

During castration, only the skin of the scrotum, its muscular-elastic membrane and fascia are cut. The common tunica vaginalis is not opened, but bluntly (with fingers, a scalpel handle in older animals) it is separated from the fascia, starting from the incision site and towards the groin. In this case, the spermatic cord turns out to be covered with a common vaginal membrane, and flappers or a ligature are applied to them.

Percutaneous method of castration. The method is based on stopping blood circulation and innervation of the testes without removing them from the body. For this purpose, various forceps are used - Telyatnikova, Hanina, Burdizzo, etc.; applying a subcutaneous ligature to the spermatic cords; crushing the parenchyma of the testes with Mrchalovsky forceps.

Castration of stallions. Preparing stallions for castration. 1-2 days before castration, the general condition of their body and nutrition is determined. Clinically examined to exclude infectious diseases, diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, and the presence of purulent-necrotic foci. If there is a suspicion of an infectious disease, acute diseases of individual organs and systems, including the genital organs, the presence of purulent-necrotic foci, or general weakness of the body, castration is not performed.

On the eve of castration, the condition of the internal inguinal rings is checked through the rectum. When three or more fingers penetrate the ring, it is considered expanded.

Before the operation, shoeed stallions are unshackled and their hooves are trimmed. The skin is well cleaned.

Castration is carried out at any time of the year, but mass events are best carried out in spring or autumn.

Early maturing breed stallions are castrated at 1.5-2 years, and late maturing breeds at 3-4 years.

Fixation of the animal. A stallion can be castrated either in a lying or standing position. When castrating in a lying position, the stallion is felled on his left side, using the Russian method or Reshetnyak's felling.

Anesthesia. Before felling, the stallion is injected with 100-150 ml of a 10% solution of chloral hydrate. This is especially necessary for excitable and violent animals. After cutting and preparing the surgical field, local anesthesia is performed: a 0.5% solution of novocaine is injected intradermally and subcutaneously along the line of the intended incision, and then into the thickness of the testis (Fig. 39) towards the spermatic cord 10 ml of a 3% solution of novocaine . Pain relief occurs within 5-6 minutes.

Open method of castration. After preparing the surgical field to fix the testes, a rubber tube tourniquet is applied to the neck of the scrotum. You can also use a bandage. In some cases, the testis can be fixed with the fingers of the left hand, but this is more labor-intensive. After performing anesthesia, the operation begins. The suture of the scrotum should be located in the middle between the testes.

Using an abdominal scalpel along the entire length of the testis, at a distance of 1.5-2 cm from the suture of the scrotum, the skin, the muscular-elastic membrane and the Cooper's fascia are cut simultaneously. Over the anterior and posterior ends of the testis, incisions are made in the common vaginal membrane with a scalpel, and its middle part is dissected with scissors. This is done so that the incision of the common vaginal membrane is equal to the incision of the skin, which avoids the formation of pockets in which blood and exudate can subsequently accumulate.

Random incisions of the testis are not significant.

The exposed testis is removed from the wound, overcoming the resistance of the external levator testis. The transitional ligament is found and straightened; in the thickened part closer to the common tunica vaginalis, the assistant crosses it with scissors. Holding the testis with your left hand, with your right hand you separate the common tunica vaginalis from the spermatic cord over a distance of 7-10 cm. The released part of the common vaginal membrane is directed towards the inguinal canal. With the spread fingers of the left hand, they push the tissues of the scrotum and common vaginal membrane towards the groin, and with the right hand they hold the testis. Zand forceps or an emasculator are applied to the exposed spermatic cord, directing them from back to front at a distance of 7-9 cm from the testis. After applying the instrument, the assistant with both hands strongly squeezes its handles until failure and holds it, pressing the forceps to the animal’s groin, especially during periods of anxiety. The handles of the Zand forceps are fixed with a bolt after compression.

After crushing the spermatic cord with Zand forceps, the testis is unscrewed by hand or with special clamps. In order for the stump to be as small as possible and the spermatic cord to be separated right at the forceps, it is wrapped in gauze, which prevents the fingers from slipping. After 10-15 revolutions, the testis is separated. Its stump is treated with a 5% alcohol solution of iodine. The Zand forceps are removed carefully, after opening the clamp. The skin of the scrotum is straightened, blood clots are removed from the scrotal cavity, its walls and the edges of the wound are lubricated with a disinfectant ointment or emulsion. The second testis is also removed.

In young stallions and with small testes, sometimes both cords are clamped and unscrewed at the same time. You can use Amosov forceps, which have double jaws, and in this case each spermatic cord is clamped separately.

The use of an emasculator during castration has its own characteristics. It is applied to the exposed spermatic cord, 5-8 cm away from the testis. The emasculator branches have a blunt and a cutting part. The blunt part crushes the spermatic cord, and the cutting part cuts it off. The cutting part of the emasculator should be located on the side of the testis. The handles of the device are slowly squeezed until the testis is cut off and then held in a compressed position for 3-5 minutes. The instrument is removed after slowly opening the handles.

When castrating a stallion in a standing position, it is necessary to use modern anesthesia drugs. For this purpose, the narcotic analgesic butorphanol is used, the active substance of which is tartrate. Analgesic for parenteral use from the group of morphine receptor agonists-antagonists. The analgesic effect of the drug is similar to that of morphine. After intramuscular administration, the effect begins within 10 minutes and lasts for 3-4 hours.

The drug comes into veterinary practice under the name “Torbugesis” and is a purified colorless solution containing butorphanol tartrate 10 mg/ml. It is produced by the English company Willows Francis Veterinary. The drug is administered intravenously and intramuscularly in doses of 0.1 mg per 1 kg of animal weight, which corresponds to 1 ml of solution per 100 kg of horse weight. The drug in the above dosage has virtually no contraindications and does not cause complications.

During surgical interventions, it is advisable to combine butorphanol with sedatives: detomedin (demosedan) or xylazine (rometar). Their combined use makes it possible to reduce the dose of analgesics by 5 times. A stallion weighing 400-500 kg is injected intravenously with 0.5-1 ml of detomidine and 1 ml of butorphanol, mixing the drugs in one syringe. It is very important that the animal is not frightened or in a state of stress, otherwise this dose of drugs may not be enough to produce a narcotic effect. 3 minutes after the administration of the drugs, muscle relaxation and lethargy are noted in the horse. 5 minutes after the injection, you can begin the operation. For better pain relief, 10 ml of a 3% solution of novocaine is injected into the thickness of the testes and 10 ml of novocaine is injected subcutaneously into the incision site. Castration is performed in an open manner using Zand forceps.

The use of butorphanol during castration provides a number of tangible advantages: stallions can be castrated directly in the stall, and therefore there is no need for a special room. In addition, castration can be carried out at any time of the year;

there is no need for numerous assistants, one person standing at the horse’s head is enough; It is not necessary to check the width of the inguinal rings, since the animal does not experience pain, and therefore;

there is no tension in the abdominal wall, and the omentum does not move into castration wounds; During the operation, the animal behaves calmly, providing the veterinary specialist with safe work;

castration of the animal in a standing position and its calm behavior make it possible to fully ensure asepsis during the operation.

Closed method of castration. Used in stallions with wide inguinal rings to prevent prolapse of internal organs. Flails are placed on the spermatic cord, covered with a common tunica vaginalis. To compress them, an Obiha screw is used.

Instead of brushes, you can use a stitching ligature. Sometimes the spermatic cord, covered with a common tunica vaginalis, is compressed twice with Sand forceps. After removing them, a strong ligature is quickly applied to the compression site. The spermatic cord is crossed 3 fingers below the ligature with scissors or an emasculator.

Castration of bulls.

Preparing for castration. Bulls are usually castrated at 5-6 months of age. When castrating at this age, feeding is not limited; bulls over one year old are prescribed a 12-hour fasting diet. Before castration, a general clinical examination is carried out, and attention is paid to the condition of the genital organs.

Fixation of bulls. When castrated in a standing position, they are tied short to a pole. One assistant holds the animal by the nasal septum, and the other two - on the sides, resting on the jaws. You can capture several bulls at the same time by placing them close to each other. The surgeon must be behind the animal when performing the operation.

It is convenient to castrate bulls, fixed and in a supine position, on the operating table or on the lawn in the left lateral position.

Anesthesia. Anesthesia during castration is used in bulls older than one year; young bulls are more often castrated without anesthesia. 5 ml of a 3% solution of novocaine is injected into the thickness of each testis or spermatic cord. A 0.5% solution of novocaine is injected along the incision line of the scrotum.

Castration technique.

Open castration.

In young bulls, a transverse incision of the scrotal bottom is more often used; in older bulls, a longitudinal incision is made along the long axis of the testis from its upper edge to the apex of the scrotum. The common tunica vaginalis is opened, the testis is removed and the thickened part of the transitional ligament is cut. In adult bulls, a ligature is applied to the spermatic cord or it is unscrewed after applying Sand forceps. In young bulls, in addition, the testes can be unscrewed by clamping the spermatic cords between two Pean tweezers, or they can be removed with an emasculator of the small model of Nikiforov et al.

Closed castration.

The scrotum is pulled back by the top and its bottom is amputated with scissors or a scalpel at a height of 2-3 cm. With light pressure on the scrotum, both testes, covered with a common vaginal membrane, are pushed out. The scrotum is moved to the abdominal wall and a piercing ligature made of silk or catgut is applied to each spermatic cord, covered with a common vaginal membrane, 5-7 cm upward from the testis. The cords are cut off 1.5-2 cm below the ligature.

Bloodless (percutaneous) method of castration using Telyatnikov forceps.

The bulls are fixed in a standing position. The surgeon, standing behind the animal, takes the forceps in his right hand, and with the fingers of his left hand he feels the right spermatic cord, pushes it to the lateral side towards the edge of the scrotal neck and grabs the spermatic cord between the branches of the forceps in the area of ​​the first third of the vascular cone (no closer than 0.5 cm to the testis and no further than 3 cm from it). To reduce pain, the spermatic cord with the scrotum is pulled down. Then, with your hands, moderately but sharply squeeze the ends of the handles of the tongs. The characteristic crunch heard during this process indicates that the cord is crushed and the blood supply to the testis is disrupted. The handles of the forceps are held in a compressed state for 5 s. Then, without changing the position of the animal’s body, the left spermatic cord is felt with the fingers of the left hand and pushed to the lateral side, and forceps are applied to it with the right hand.

At the moment of grasping the spermatic cord, the arms are crossed, the palm of the right hand is facing upward at this time. Subsequently, the operator releases his left hand, turns the ends of the tongs handles towards himself, and then also moderately and sharply squeezes them with both hands. At the site where the forceps were applied, after removing them, a depression is felt, and then after 10-15 minutes a hematoma the size of an acorn appears at this site. If there is no crunch, the forceps are moved 1-2 cm higher and the compression is repeated.

Castration of sheep.

Rams are castrated at 5-6 months of age. The assistant, in a sitting position, fixes the ram on his lap in a dorsal position, holding the front and hind limbs in pairs. The animal can also be restrained in a lying lateral position.

Anesthesia is usually not used in young rams under one year of age. The hair on the scrotum is cut off, the skin at the incision site is treated by lubricating it with a 5% alcohol solution of iodine or another antiseptic or spraying it (aerosol packaging).

Open castration. Grab the skin of the bottom of the scrotum with your fingers and pull it back. Straight scissors cut off the top of the scrotum. It can be cut in longitudinal strips parallel to the seam of the scrotum on the front or side wall, and also cut across the top of the scrotum. After the incision of the scrotum, the common vaginal membrane is dissected, the testis is removed, the transitional ligament is found, it is cut, and a ligature is applied to the spermatic cord. The cord is cut at a distance of 1.5 cm from the ligature.

Closed castration. After incision of the scrotum, without cutting the common vaginal membrane, the testis is removed. The skin of the scrotum is pushed towards the abdominal wall, and a ligature is applied to the spermatic cord, covered with a common vaginal membrane. The spermatic cord is cut off 1-1.5 cm below the place where the ligature is applied.

For large rams, a stitching ligature is applied.

When castrating older rams, the scrotum is completely removed. In old rams, the scrotum hangs down very much and its bottom is often located below the tarsal joints. Therefore, during castration in the usual way, the wounds become contaminated, injured, and as a result, postoperative complications develop.

Castration with application of a ligature to the neck of the scrotum. Animals are fixed in a lateral recumbent position rather than on the operating table. The hair in the neck of the scrotum is cut or shaved. The skin is lubricated with a 5% alcohol solution of iodine. For pain relief, 5 ml of a 3% novocaine solution is injected into the thickness of each spermatic cord and a circular novocaine blockade is performed in the area of ​​the scrotal neck using a 0.5% novocaine solution.

The testes, together with the scrotum, are pulled downwards. Sand forceps are applied to the neck of the scrotum and strongly compressed along with the spermatic cords. The forceps are immediately removed, in the area of ​​the groove formed on the skin when compressed by the jaws of the forceps, a stitching ligature (silk No. 8 or No. 10) is applied, while piercing the scrotum along its suture and without affecting the spermatic cords. Then the spermatic cords along with the scrotum are cut 2 cm below the ligature. The stump along with the ligature disappears after 6-8 days.

Castration according to the Khanin method.

The bottom of the scrotum is compressed with the fingers, the testes are pushed towards the external inguinal rings. Stepping 2-3 cm down from the rudimentary milk nipples, a circular incision is made in the scrotal tissue without opening the common vaginal membrane. The scrotum is shifted down, the spermatic cords, covered with a common tunica vaginalis, are isolated separately and Sand forceps are applied to each of them. After compressing the Sand forceps, the spermatic cords are cut off with a scalpel or scissors. After 2-3 minutes, the forceps are removed, the stump is lubricated with a 5% alcohol solution of iodine. The wound is sprinkled with tricillin or other antiseptic powder. Each wound is closed with interrupted sutures or a purse-string suture, which are removed after 7-8 days.

Castration of pigs.

They are castrated at 4-5 months of age to improve fattening, which allows them to obtain 20-30 kg more meat and fat and reduce feed consumption by 10-12% compared to non-castrated animals. Before castration, they are kept on a starvation diet for 12-18 hours. They are often fixed in the left lateral position on an operating table or an improvised table so that the animal’s body is positioned head down at an angle of 45°. In this case, the intestines move down and put pressure on the diaphragm, which makes access to the ovaries easier. In addition, in this position the pigs are less worried.

Anesthesia is carried out with a 0.25-0.5% solution of novocaine along the incision line. Large pigs are injected intravenously with a 5% solution of thiopental at a dose of 1 ml per 4-5 kg ​​of animal weight or intramuscularly with a 2.5% solution of aminazine at a dose of 1 mg per 25 kg of weight.

Castration technique. Surgical access is most often carried out from the right iliac side. The location of the incision is determined 2-3 cm (in farrowed pigs - 5-7 cm) below the maculoca in the ilio-inguinal triangle. In front it is limited by a line running from the macle to the penultimate nipple, and behind it by the anterior contour of the thigh (the anterior edge of the tensor fascia lata) with the pelvic limb pulled back. The operator stands on the side of the limbs of the fixed animal, and in the area of ​​the right iliac makes a vertical or oblique incision from behind downwards and forwards. The skin and fat layer are cut through to the muscles; the length of the incision is 4-7 cm, in giving birth pigs up to 10 cm. The external, internal, oblique and transverse muscles are separated with a scalpel handle along the course of their fibers. Then a finger is inserted into the depth of the wound, the retroperitoneal fat is felt, and then the peritoneum. The peritoneum can be grabbed with tweezers, folded into the wound and cut with scissors.

The index and middle fingers of the left hand are inserted through the surgical wound into the abdominal cavity, they grab the right ovary, remove it through the wound and remove it. It is convenient to remove the ovaries using Nikiforov’s emasculator. If it is not there, the ovaries of gilts 4-5 months old can be unscrewed by placing two tweezers on the ovarian ligament. In older pigs, before removing the ovary, a ligature is placed on its ligament at the end of the uterine horn and tied with a nautical knot, then the ovary is cut off with scissors or a scalpel. The left ovary is removed in the same way.

If it is difficult to detect the ovary, the uterine horn is found and removed. By moving the uterine horn, the ovary is easily found. The second ovary is also easy to find by fingering the uterine horn in the opposite direction.

The operation is completed by applying two rows of knotted sutures; the first on the muscles and peritoneum, the second on the skin. If the incision is not large, you can limit yourself to applying an interrupted suture only to the skin. The wound of the abdominal wall is covered with iodoform or xeroform ointment.

Pigs up to 3 months of age can be castrated by making an incision along the linea alba of the abdomen. Animals are fixed in a dorsal position on an operating table shaped like a trough, installed at an angle of 45-60° to the table surface. The abdominal wall is cut strictly along the white line between the last pair of nipples. The length of the incision is 4-6 cm. In this case, the skin, subcutaneous tissue and fusion of the tendon plates of the abdominal muscles are dissected. Through the incision, the peritoneum is grabbed with tweezers and cut with a scalpel. Using the index and middle fingers, inserted into the abdominal cavity through the wound, the uterine horn is found, and along it the ovary, which is removed from the abdominal cavity and removed using one of the methods described above. The same is done with the second ovary.

Two levels of sutures are applied to the wound of the abdominal wall: the first is continuous or knotted on the peritoneum along with the tendon plate of the abdominal muscles; the second nodular on the skin with subcutaneous tissue.

After surgery, pigs are placed in pens isolated from other animals. The water supply is not limited, but the diet is reduced. From the third day after the operation, they are transferred to the full feeding rate. Animals are subject to veterinary supervision. The sutures are removed on the 7-9th day.

Complications during castration of pigs in the form of peritonitis, hernia, bleeding occur very rarely and are associated with non-compliance with the rules of asepsis and antisepsis or gross violations of the surgical technique.

Complications during castration of males occur more often. They are possible at the time of fixation of animals if it is performed ineptly (fractures, sprains, dislocations, etc.); during castration or immediately after it (bleeding from the stump of the spermatic cord and the vessels of the scrotum, with prolapse of the common vaginal membrane, intestinal loops, omentum, stump of the spermatic cord); at a later date, inflammatory post-castration complications may develop (edema, inflammation of the common vaginal membrane, inflammation of the stump of the spermatic cord, etc.).