Treatment of cystitis with the inexpensive drug furazolidone. Does Furazolidone help with cystitis, and what is its mechanism of action? Furazolidone for cystitis instructions

Cystitis - inflammatory disease, occurring in the bladder and caused by pathogenic microorganisms. The symptoms of this disease are very unpleasant: intense cutting pain and frequent, difficult urination. Modern medicine has many medications to eliminate this pathology, one of such drugs is Furazolidone for cystitis.

Causes of the disease

Cystitis is called inflammation bacterial nature, occurring in the mucous membrane of the bladder. This is the most common disease affecting organs excretory system. Most often, acute cystitis occurs in young girls and women.

Factors leading to the occurrence of the disease include:

  • Hypothermia is the main reason contributing to the development of bladder inflammation.
  • A sedentary lifestyle leads to difficulty in blood circulation in the pelvis, which promotes the proliferation of pathogens.

  • Chronic gynecological diseases, frequent constipation, untreated venereal diseases.
  • Decreased immunity chronic pathologies(caries, tonsillitis), diabetes.
  • Abuse of products that lead to irritation and inflammation of the mucous membrane urinary tract(spicy, spicy food).
  • Unprotected sexual intercourse and neglect of the rules of personal hygiene of the genitals.

Anyone can get cystitis, and if left untreated, the disease progresses with severity. unpleasant symptoms and leads to serious complications. If you have inflammation of the bladder, you should consult a doctor for an examination and prescription. suitable treatment. Furazolidone is considered the most effective and well-proven drug.

Symptoms of cystitis

This disease is manifested by a number of characteristic unpleasant symptoms:

  1. Frequent urination.
  2. Pain above the pubis, in the perineal area.
  3. Difficulty urinating, bloody or purulent discharge in the urine.
  4. Increased body temperature to 37-38 degrees, weakness.

If you suspect cystitis, you should not self-medicate. It is necessary to contact a gynecologist or urologist in order to select the correct and effective therapy.

Furazolidone for cystitis is one of the most effective medications often prescribed by a doctor.

Diagnosis of cystitis

To pick up effective treatment, it is important to determine the cause of the disease; for this purpose, a gynecologist or urologist prescribes:

  • General analysis urine.
  • Detailed blood test.
  • Bacteriological culture of urine.
  • Determination of sensitivity to antibiotics.
  • Smear on the flora of the urinary tract.

If necessary, the gynecologist may additionally prescribe cystoscopy or ultrasound of the kidneys and pelvic organs. After identifying the factor that caused the disease, the doctor will prescribe effective therapy, consisting of an antibiotic and symptomatic treatment(antiseptics, painkillers and antipyretics).

Furazolidone for bladder diseases

For cystitis, the use of Furazolidone tablets, an antibiotic, is popular. wide range, also effective against Trichomonas and some types of fungi. Furazolidone also has an analgesic effect and relieves inflammation. Relief of symptoms occurs from the first days of using the drug.

The drug belongs to nitrofuran derivatives and can be used in the treatment of infectious lesions genitourinary organs, diseases of the digestive tract and inflammatory skin diseases.

Admission rules

Furazolidone is presented in the form of small light yellow round tablets, each of which contains 0.05 g of active substance. The instructions for use inform that the effect of the product is determined by its dosage. In small quantities, Furazolidone has a bacteriostatic effect, in large quantities it has a bactericidal effect.

The standard course of therapy is 2 tablets three times a day for 5 days. According to indications, the doctor may extend the use of the drug. The medicine must be taken 30 minutes after meals, in the dosage prescribed by the attending physician. Tablets should not be taken with a large number clean water without gas.

The doctor selects the frequency and duration of taking Furazolidone individually, taking into account the intensity of inflammation and the etiology of the disease.

Adverse reactions

The daily dosage is no more than 16 tablets of 0.05 g each. To avoid intoxication, it is not recommended to take more than 4 tablets at a time. The drug cannot be used for pathologies of the kidneys, liver, or if you have an allergic reaction to its components.

Furazolidone has virtually no side effects and is well tolerated by patients. In some cases it is possible to develop adverse reactions, such as:

  • Bloating, nausea, loss of appetite.
  • Discomfort, painful sensations in the epigastric region.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Skin itching, rashes.

Whenever adverse reactions, you should contact a gynecologist or urologist to adjust the dosage or discontinue the drug. The medicine is not used to treat small children and is prescribed with caution to people who often drive.

Increasing the effectiveness of treatment

Changing your lifestyle and special diet. By changing your diet, you can reduce the symptoms of bladder inflammation and prevent re-infection.

To do this you need:

  1. Exclude smoked, pickled, salted foods.
  2. Avoid eating spices and spicy foods.
  3. Carefully observe personal and intimate hygiene.
  4. Don't get too cold.
  5. As recommended by your doctor, take Canephron and Monurel.

Diet in combination with modern drug Furazolidone quickly relieves unpleasant symptoms, promotes rapid recovery and reduces the likelihood of relapse of the disease.

According to statistics, most women experience cystitis sooner or later, and this disease recurs quite often.

If you notice in yourself characteristic symptoms:, increased urge and constant feeling incomplete emptying of the bladder, it’s time to seek qualified help.

The doctor will refer you for tests and, based on the results, prescribe appropriate treatment. The list of drugs used is quite large, and in some cases a specialist may prescribe Furazolidone for cystitis; this is a proven and quite effective remedy.

Furazolidone - an antibiotic or not? It belongs to antibacterial drugs with a wide spectrum of action, that is, it fights precisely the cause of inflammation of the bladder, because in most cases it is cystitis that causes.

This remedy has been used for many years, it has already proven its effectiveness, which is why modern urologists prescribe it quite often.


WITH scientific point In view, the mechanism of action of Furazolidone is based on the rapid blocking of the process of cellular respiration of microorganisms that cause the inflammatory process.

The great advantage of the drug is its low toxicity; it is quickly and almost completely eliminated from human body with urine, as well as with bile through the intestines.

Furazolidone tablets - what do they help with? Of course, the drug is prescribed not only for cystitis, it has shown high efficiency in the treatment of various diseases genitourinary system(, vaginal mucosa, urethritis), gastrointestinal tract, is often prescribed in the presence of certain skin infections.

Speaking about Furazolidone, indications for use are diseases such as typhoid fever, dysentery, and paratyphoid fever. Less effective Furazolidone against pathogenic microorganisms, causing purulent, anaerobic infections.

Many people are wary of antibiotics because they affect different biochemical processes, associated with the vital activity of not only dangerous, harmful microorganisms, but also beneficial ones, thereby reducing immunity.

Furazolidone does not inhibit immune system, but on the contrary, activates its work, thereby reducing the likelihood of relapse inflammatory process in the bladder.

The specific action of Furazolidone depends on the prescribed dose; it can be bactericidal (at a large dose), bacteriostatic or immunostimulating.

Why doesn't the doctor prescribe Furazolidone for any case of cystitis? This is easy to explain: the drug is most effective for inflammation of the bladder caused by Trichomonas infection.

The fact is that nitrofurans, which are the main active ingredients of the drug, can disrupt the activity of the enzyme systems of these bacteria, inhibit their growth and reproduction. In such cases, Furazolidone and drug analogues are not prescribed.

Furazolidone is available in round form. yellow tablets, which are packaged either in blisters or in regular paper packages, 10 pieces each.

Furazolidone: how to take for cystitis?

Furazolidone has only one form of administration - oral, it is available exclusively in tablets. According to the instructions, the tablets are swallowed whole without chewing.

It is very important to take Furazolidone with plenty of water, this will not only speed up the effect of the drug, but will also help further remove the active substance from the body along with urine.

Also, the need to follow a drinking regime is due to the fact that the drug dries out the skin greatly, which can cause rashes and irritation. So that the antibiotic has minimal effect on digestive tract, it is taken strictly after meals, not on an empty stomach.

Can children use Ferodozolin? Yes, the drug is also prescribed for children, because such insidious disease, like cystitis, also occurs in children, it is usually caused by hypothermia and a general decline in immunity.

How to take Furazolidone for children? The instructions for use refer to taking Furazolidone four times; of course, the daily dose is much less than for adults; it is calculated as follows: 10 milligrams per kilogram of body weight.

That is, taking Furazolidone tablets according to the instructions for children is calculated as follows: if a child weighs 10 kg, then 100 milligrams of the active substance will be required.

With great dignity this drug is fast action, thanks to which the course of treatment lasts only 3 days. True, then after a three-day break the course may have to be repeated to consolidate the result.

Adults also need to drink whole tablets 4 times a day, two pieces of Furazolidone at a time with a dosage of 100 milligrams, and in some cases an increased single dosage is required, which can reach 400 milligrams, that is, 4 tablets at once.

IN the latter case I have to take 16 tablets a day. The course of treatment in each specific case is selected by the doctor in accordance with clinical picture. As a rule, it varies from 3 to 6 days. Although the drug is not addictive, it is never prescribed for more than 10 days.

When taking Furazolidone, the urine may turn dark yellow, this normal phenomenon, which does not require discontinuation of the drug.


Like any antibiotic, Furazolidone has many contraindications, here is a list of the main ones:

  • intolerance to individual components and the presence allergic reactions on them;
  • heart disease;
  • available serious illnesses liver;
  • lack of glucose and lactose in the body;
  • diseases of the nervous system.

Furazolidone is not prescribed to children under one year of age.

The use of the drug is limited if your work involves activities that require increased attention, for example, driving or dangerous mechanisms, since Furazolidone also acts on the nervous system.

There is also a certain list of side effects, among which the following are most often observed:

  • digestive disorders – diarrhea, vomiting, nausea;
  • headaches;
  • manifestation of allergic reactions, both completely harmless, such as urticaria, and deadly (very in rare cases) – Quincke's edema or anaphylactic shock.

If unpleasant symptoms appear while taking the drug, you should consult a doctor, he may recommend changing the antibiotic.

Taking furazolidone during pregnancy and breastfeeding should be discussed with your doctor, since the instructions indicate that it can only be used if the expected benefit for the mother is noticeably higher than potential threat for a baby or fetus.

How to increase the effectiveness of treatment?

Of course, treatment of cystitis is not limited to taking just one antibiotic; a whole range of measures is needed to quickly overcome the disease.

First of all, you should review your diet and follow a diet with a minimum of salt and spices, which irritate the urethra.

It is also recommended to take decoctions of herbs that have a diuretic effect; herbal teas. Often, the doctor prescribes special complex herbal remedies for the treatment of cystitis, which speed up the healing process and restoration of the genitourinary system.

After finishing taking the antibiotic, the doctor usually prescribes more local remedies– powders or suppositories, which need to be used for 7-10 days.

One of the best means traditional medicine to combat cystitis, recognized by doctors - or cranberry-lingonberry juice.

Inflammation of the bladder (cystitis) is a common disease, the provoking factor of which is most often pathogenic bacteria. The disease is accompanied frequent urination, painful sensations accompanying this process, and other symptoms. There are many medications, used to treat cystitis, but the most effective of them is Furazolidone. This is an excellent antimicrobial agent with antiprotozoal properties, helping to reduce the activity of pathogenic microorganisms. More details about how Furazolidone is used for cystitis will be discussed in this article.

Cystitis is an inflammatory disease of the genitourinary organs, accompanied by damage to the walls of the bladder. The disease affects both men and women, but due to the structural features urethra Cystitis is most often diagnosed in the female half.


There are several main reasons for the development of cystitis. These include:

  • prolonged exposure to low temperature on the pelvic organs;
  • frequent urinary retention (this is a common reason why the disease often occurs in older patients);
  • manifestation of an allergic reaction to certain chemicals. As a rule, allergies occur to intimate hygiene products;
  • infection with bacteria during sexual contact (can occur if one of the partners does not comply with personal hygiene rules);
  • entry of pathogenic microorganisms into the bladder cavity. Often this bacterium is Escherichia coli.

Most often, the cause of this type of inflammation is penetration of various types infectious agents type of bacteria, fungi

Among all possible factors contributing to the development of pathology, it is worth highlighting the main ones:

Note! The development of viral, fungal or other types of infections can also trigger the appearance of cystitis. Many doctors claim that the disease can also occur due to mechanical damage spine or development of diabetes.


In medicine, there are two main types of cystitis - acute and chronic. Under acute cystitis any form is meant of this disease, which the patient encountered for the first time and which has not yet become chronic. Many people confuse exacerbation of cystitis with its acute form. This different concepts, since exacerbations of cystitis may indicate serious complications or concomitant pathologies.

Chronic cystitis is usually the result of a complication early stage diseases. Also chronic form the disease develops in the absence of timely medical care or if cystitis is not completely cured. Therefore, to avoid relapses, you cannot stop therapy.


The development of cystitis is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • high temperature;
  • painful sensations in the abdomen, or rather, in the lower part of it;
  • change in urine odor;
  • the appearance of blood in the urine;
  • frequent urge to go to the toilet;
  • burning when urinating.

The development of cystitis in children can manifest itself in the form of daytime urinary incontinence. This is the main sign of a genitourinary tract infection, as other factors usually indicate bedwetting.

Features of the drug

Furazolidone is an effective medicine wide spectrum of action. The drug belongs to the nitrofuran group and has bacteriostatic and bactericidal properties. As noted earlier, Furazolidone is effective means from cystitis. The active component is nitrofuran, a medicinal substance that has a negative effect on pathogens, disrupting them reproductive functions and destroying the enzyme system.

In parallel with the reduction in the activity and proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms, Furazolidone improves the patient’s intestinal microflora. Among all the advantages of the drug, it is worth highlighting it positive impact on the immune system, due to which the body better resists pathogenic bacteria. In addition, the medicinal compounds of the drug are harmless to the kidneys and leave the body fairly quickly.

Indications for use

Various bacteria can provoke the development of cystitis, but most often gram-negative microorganisms act as pathogens, including:

  • staphylococci and streptococci;
  • Klebsiella;
  • coli;
  • enterobacteria.

Pay attention!"Furazolidone" helps to increase the human immune barrier, which is associated with the ability to normalize the phagocytic activity of leukocytes by certain components of the drug.

The main indications for the use of the drug are infectious and inflammatory in nature. Therefore, Furazolidone is used in diagnosing the following pathologies:

  • trichomoniasis;
  • typhoid;
  • urethritis;
  • enterocolitis and others.

"Furazolidone" is antibacterial drug. Since bacteria develop immunity to its active components quite slowly, the medicine is used effectively even during relapses of the pathology.

Instructions for use

To achieve maximum therapeutic effect, Furazolidone should be used according to the manufacturer's instructions. But when drawing up a treatment course, doctors may make certain adjustments, so the dosage and duration of treatment may change. According to the instructions, Furazolidone is administered orally. Moreover, the tablets do not need to be chewed, you just need to wash them down a small amount water, preferably warm. It is better to take the medicine after meals.

The advantage of Furazolidone is that it must be taken with some frequency. The treatment regimen for cystitis is as follows:

  • taking the medicine for 3 days;
  • a short break (3 days should be enough);
  • repeated use of Furazolidone, also for 3 days;
  • passing the necessary laboratory tests.

This treatment regimen involves taking 100 mg of the drug every 6 hours. Of course, dosage regimens may change, but at the same time daily dose The medication should not exceed 800 mg, and the duration of the therapeutic course should not exceed 10 days.

For children

The drug is absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract, therefore, as in the case of adults, children should take Furazolidone orally. After reception medicinal substances actively spread throughout the body and then leave it, excreted in the urine. Therefore, parents do not need to panic if they suddenly notice changes in the color of their child’s urine - this is a common reaction to the use of the drug.

The pediatrician calculates the daily dose of medication based on age and total weight child. The calculation is made according to the following principle: for every kilogram of the patient you need to take 10 ml of the drug. The resulting amount of Furazolidone should be divided into 4 doses. As a rule, the duration of treatment varies from 3 to 5 days, but if necessary, the doctor can extend it (no more than 10 days).

Note! Despite the harmlessness of tablets for the health of the gastrointestinal tract, which cannot be said about potent antibiotics, Furazolidone is still recommended to be taken after meals. In addition, the medicine itself must be taken generously clean water. This will speed up the absorption process useful substances and, accordingly, will enhance the therapeutic effect.

During pregnancy

If, while carrying a child, a woman encounters a disease such as cystitis, doctors also prescribe Furazolidone. But if in ordinary cases the duration of the treatment course is standard, then during pregnancy it is compiled on an individual basis. A woman should take no more than 4 tablets at a time, 3 times a day. The maximum allowable course of therapy is 14 days.

Before taking the drug, you should study the instructions in detail, which indicate contraindications and possible side effects. Doctors resort to the use of Furazolidone in cases where the benefits of the drug significantly outweigh the possible damage to the health of the mother and her unborn child.

Increased impact

If, in addition to cystitis, the patient has been diagnosed with other diseases, for example, somatic ones, then the doctor is faced with the question of prescribing additional drugs that can enhance the therapeutic effect of Furazolidone and increase its effect on the patient’s body. Below are the most common drugs from this group.

Table. Drugs that enhance the effect of Furazolidone.

Name of the drug, photoDescription

An antibacterial drug used to combat bactericidal infections. Tetracycline is often prescribed together with Furazolidone to enhance the therapeutic effect.

An effective medication that has an antimicrobial effect on the body. Distinctive feature"Ristomycin" is that it can resist a large number microorganisms that are resistant to other antibiotics.

Another antibacterial drug used to treat infectious diseases. Chloramphenicol has virtually no contraindications, so it can be prescribed to children.

An effective antibacterial agent, active ingredients which contributes to the normalization of hemoglobin levels in the body. Often used as part of complex treatment cystitis.

The combination of several drugs can cause not only synergistic but also antagonistic interactions. Therefore, when treating cystitis, this possibility cannot be excluded.

Are there any contraindications

Even though most patients who have used Furazolidone in the treatment of cystitis tolerate the drug well, there are several contraindications to its use:

  • individual intolerance to the drug or its individual components;
  • violation endocrine system, kidney or liver failure;
  • during breastfeeding, Furazolidone is usually not prescribed;
  • availability mental disorders(the medicine can act on the central nervous system, increasing its excitability);
  • combination medicinal product with alcoholic products reduces the effectiveness of therapy, therefore Furazolidone should not be taken after drinking alcohol;
  • development of infectious processes in the urinary tract.

Pay attention! During the treatment of cystitis with Furazolidone, the body's psychomotor reaction is significantly reduced, therefore, during the treatment period, the patient should not drive vehicles.

Side effects

Long-term use of Furazolidone can cause serious complications, including:

  • polyneuritis (multiple damage to nerve endings);
  • development of allergic reactions on the skin;
  • a sharp decrease in the patient’s weight (in rare cases it can lead to anorexia);
  • attacks of nausea and vomiting (these are the most common side effects);
  • development toxic hepatitis(spicy or chronic disease liver).

To avoid serious complications, the tablets must be taken with water, and throughout the day you must follow drinking regime. Disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system can be stopped by taking vitamin complexes.

Video - Instructions for use of "Furazolidone"

  • There can be many causes of inflammation of the bladder mucosa. It is possible to accurately determine the causative agent of the disease only when bacteriological research, but its result becomes known only after a few days, and during this time the disease progresses. Therefore, a broad-spectrum antibacterial drug, Furazolidone, is very often prescribed for cystitis and other inflammations even before the result of a urine test is obtained. Since the disease is most often caused by bacteria, this treatment gives good effect just a few days after it started. The drug has good reviews doctors and patients.

    How does Furazolidone work?

    The drug has active influence on intestinal bacteria, which very often cause inflammation of the bladder. The drug fights many various types pathogenic microorganisms, it is not toxic to the kidneys and is quickly removed from the human body with urine. Tablets for cystitis Furazolidone, unlike many other antibiotics, not only suppress the activity of biochemical reactions in bacterial cells, but also helps to increase immune defense human body.

    The drug is classified as a nitrofuran derivative. Its active ingredients disrupt cellular respiration in bacteria and reduce the activity of their formation. nucleic acids. When bacteria are exposed to drugs from the nitrofuran group, they release fewer toxic substances into the human blood, so a person’s well-being improves long before the moment when most of the microorganisms are destroyed. This drug is especially effective in the fight against diseases caused by Giardia, Trichomonas, Shigella and Salmonella. Bacterial resistance to furazolidone develops much more slowly than to other drugs.

    Indications, contraindications and side effects of the drug

    Indications for the use of Furazolidone are:

    • Cystitis
    • Paratyphoid
    • Dysentery
    • Food poisoning
    • Giardiasis.

    The drug is contraindicated in the following conditions:

    1. Pregnancy
    2. Lactation
    3. Increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug
    4. Deficiency of the enzyme glucose-6-dehydrogenase
    5. Decompensated renal failure
    6. Age up to 3 years
    7. Chronic renal failure
    8. Liver diseases
    9. Diseases of the nervous system.

    The drug is quite safe, it very rarely causes side effects, but they can still appear. Side effects from Furazolidone:

    • Decreased appetite
    • Anorexia
    • Nausea
    • Vomit
    • Allergic reactions
    • Itchy skin
    • The appearance of a rash on the skin
    • Quincke's edema
    • Inflammation of the nerves - neuritis (in the case of long-term use drug).

    Additional information about the treatment of cystitis is stated in the video:

    How to use the drug, and what to do in case of an overdose?

    Furazolidone is available in the form of tablets intended for oral administration. How to take Furazolidone for cystitis? It is not recommended to chew the tablets; they should be swallowed whole and washed down with plenty of water.

    The drug should be taken only after meals; doctors prescribe it for both adults and children over the age of 3 years. The specialist selects the dose individually for each patient depending on his personal characteristics and severity of the disease. The number of doses per day is from 3 to 4. Children are usually recommended to take tablets 4 times a day, the duration of treatment is 3 days. After a break of 3 days, the course must be repeated. Adults also take the drug 4 times a day, but treatment can take up to 6 days.

    Instructions for use contain information about a possible overdose of the drug, which is expressed in the form of polyneuritis and acute hepatitis. Furazolidone is also recognized as a hematotoxic agent. If the dose is exceeded and warning signs, the appointment should be canceled immediately, the person is advised to drink plenty of fluids, take B vitamins and allergy medications - antihistamines.

    There are many causes of cystitis in women and men. The disease occurs against the background of an inflammatory process on the mucous membrane of the bladder. The culprits in the formation of infectious foci are pathogenic agents that enter the human body from the outside or are part of the natural microflora.

    To determine whether a bacterium belongs to a certain type, it takes several days. For quick fix symptoms, urologists recommend taking furazolidone for cystitis - a broad-spectrum antimicrobial drug.

    Characteristics of the drug

    Furazolidone belongs to pharmacological drugs, which has antimicrobial, bacteriostatic and anti-inflammatory effects. By chemical composition is a derivative of a large class of nitrofurans, antibacterial agents. They are used in the treatment of pathologies caused by gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria, chlamydia and some protozoa.

    Pathogenic pathogens that provoke development in tissues and internal organs purulent and anaerobic infections insensitive to furazolidone. The drug is most active against the following microorganisms:

    • shigella;
    • salmonella;
    • Trichomonas;
    • Giardia;
    • Klebsiella;
    • coli;
    • streptococci;
    • staphylococci.

    Furazolidone can be used for cystitis in the form of tablets or granules to prepare a medicinal solution.

    Furazolidone eliminates one of the symptoms of cystitis - pain in the lower abdomen

    Therapeutic effect of the drug

    The advantages of furazolidone include the slow development of bacterial resistance to it active substance. Also, the drug belongs to the class biologically active substances, which are capable of inhibiting the enzyme of nerve endings. This allows you to maintain the concentration of hormones in the synoptic gap.

    The main effect of furazolidone is to disrupt the processes of cellular respiration of cystitis pathogens. The drug has the following properties:

    • suppresses common pathways of tricarboxylic acid catabolism;
    • inhibits the vital activity of protozoa and bacteria.

    Under such conditions, it becomes impossible for microbes to actively multiply and colonize the mucous membrane of the bladder. Furazolidone begins to act immediately after penetration into gastrointestinal tract. After being absorbed by the mucous membrane, it is transported by the blood stream to bladder to microorganism strains. Once in infectious focus, the drug destroys the membranes of bacteria or cytoplasmic membranes, disrupting their integrity.

    In the course of their life, microbes produce various toxic compounds that penetrate into the bloodstream and spread throughout the body. Taking furazolidone significantly reduces the production of substances toxic to humans and prevents the development of extensive intoxication. As a result, patients begin to feel better even initial stage treatment.

    When used orally, the drug quickly penetrates into liver cells. With the help of special enzymes, it is metabolized to form large conglomerates, and then excreted from the human body with urine and feces. It is in the intestines that furazolidone accumulates in significant concentrations. Therefore, for cystitis, furazolidone is recommended to be taken only in combination with other antimicrobials. It is most effective in therapy infectious diseases in the small and large intestines.

    Furazolidone should be taken with plenty of water.

    How to properly treat cystitis

    How to take furazolidone is decided only by the attending physician, who will examine the patient and study pathologies in the anamnesis. To achieve the maximum therapeutic effect, the drug is combined with antispasmodics (Drotaverine), uroseptics (Canephron) and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Nimesulide).

    Decoctions will help you recover faster medicinal herbs (lingonberry leaf, bear ears).

    For an adult, the optimal dose of furazolidone varies from 2 to 3 tablets 4 times a day after meals. The tablets should be taken without chewing. The course of treatment lasts from 4 to 6 days, depending on the severity of the inflammatory process.

    Chronic cystitis requires more long-term treatment. The daily dose recommended by urologists is 1 g of the drug for 10-14 days. In this case, furazolidone helps well if the patient follows a careful diet that excludes salt, pepper, and strong coffee from the diet. For babies over one year old, the pediatrician calculates the dose as follows: 0.5 tablets per 10 kg of child’s weight. The course of treatment does not last more than a day, and then a break is taken to prevent the development of side effects.

    According to reviews from doctors and patients, furazolidone is usually well tolerated if medical recommendations are followed. The appearance of itching or rashes on the skin serves as a signal to visit medical institution. The doctor will adjust the dosage or select another drug for the treatment of cystitis.

    Furazolidone for cystitis is used only as prescribed by a doctor.

    Contraindications for use

    Furazolidone should not be used in the treatment of patients who have individual sensitivity to the active substance or auxiliary components of the tablets. After consumption, an allergic reaction may develop in the form of redness of the skin, rashes and blisters. All contraindications are based on the rapid pharmacokinetics of furazolidone.

    Furazolidone should not be used to treat cystitis if a person has a history of the following diseases:

    • acute and chronic renal failure;
    • fatty liver, hepatitis, cirrhosis;
    • endocrine pathologies.

    The drug is not used to treat cystitis in pregnant women and women while breastfeeding. The drug is not prescribed to babies under one year of age due to the risk of developing allergic reactions. For such patients, the doctor will select other, gentler drugs.

    Taking furazolidone together with chloramphenicol is contraindicated - hematopoiesis is significantly reduced. And in combination with tetracycline, a nitrofuran derivative provokes mutual enhancement antimicrobial actions, which is not always advisable. It is better not to use furazolidone to treat cystitis in patients with mental illness or neurological disorders.

    The above pathologies increase the risk of side effects:

    • nausea, vomiting, flatulence;
    • loss of appetite, anorexia.

    The instructions for use indicate that frequent use of furazolidone can contribute to the formation malignant tumors. Therefore, it is important to consult a urologist before using the drug to treat cystitis. Taking antimicrobial agents with any alcoholic beverages is strictly prohibited.