What to do if you are worried. What to do if your knee joint is bothering you? How is the puncture performed? What is the insidious disease of synovitis?

Many patients are concerned about what to do if their pancreas hurts. If you are often bothered by pain, then you need to know a few basic rules in order to help yourself. In some cases, these rules will help you maintain health, even life. Pain syndrome indicates various diseases pancreas. Such pain can cause a person to experience painful sensations in the left hypochondrium region.

If you have pain in the pancreas, you just can’t get by. Especially if the disease has acquired. It is necessary to urgently seek help from a specialist. He will appoint. If the pancreas hurts, then it may have a negative impact on the digestive processes in the intestines.

If you start the disease, it can lead to. And in order to cure a disease of such a complex type, it will take a lot of time and effort.

Only a doctor can answer the question of what to do if the pancreas is bothering you. After these tests you are given a diagnosis. The cause of problems with the pancreas can be a number of diseases. The list of such diseases is quite wide, and therefore, without knowing exactly how the gland hurts, you will not be able to correctly express your complaints to a specialist. Most factors indicate acute form pancreatitis or inflammatory process in the tissue.

Symptoms of pancreatitis

The most frequent illness pancreas is. The patient will feel unbearable pain in the abdomen and ribs. There may also be loose stool, nausea, vomiting, and increased. IN in rare cases A person may develop jaundice against the background of this disease, which affects the liver.

Often, the symptoms of pancreatitis may coincide with the symptoms of other diseases, for example, osteochondrosis, stomach ulcers, herpes zoster, etc.

But still, these diseases can be distinguished from each other by some symptoms. If a patient has shingles, then, in addition to pain, he will have rashes all over his body.

Diabetes mellitus is a disease that is associated with the pancreas. The disease occurs in people whose bodies cannot produce insulin on their own. Therefore, doctors prescribe special insulin injections.

In addition to all of the above diseases, the patient may begin to develop pancreatic cancer. Symptoms of this disease, as a rule, appear only on late stages. Here are some symptoms of emerging diseases:

  • When the liver is damaged (jaundice), the sclera of the patient's eyes become yellow.
  • Severe abdominal pain that radiates to the back.
  • Constant malaise, weakness, sudden weight loss.
  • Loose stools.

Causes of pancreatic cancer - smoking, frequent use meat products, diabetes and chronic pancreatitis.

Causes of pain and symptoms of the inflammatory process

A patient with pancreatitis experiences a number of symptoms that allow us to accurately determine the nature of the inflammation occurring in the body. The main reasons indicating a problem with the pancreas include:



These and some other reasons may arise due to poor nutrition and drinking large amounts of alcoholic beverages.

Pain in the pancreas in a child

Pancreatic disease occurs not only in adults. It happens even in newborns. At the same time, the disease itself does not proceed in the same way as in an adult. Acute pancreatitis in children is very rare and is asymptomatic. This disease can be diagnosed using ultrasound or blood tests. Reasons for contacting a doctor may include changes in the baby’s behavior, loss of appetite, tearfulness and drowsiness.

Treatment in adults and children

If your pancreas is sick due to an inflammatory process, then you are worried about pancreatitis.

  • Do not eat anything for a whole day. This will help relieve the pancreas and slow down the production of enzymes.
  • It is necessary to put ice on the abdominal area. This will eliminate the formation of edema in the abdominal area.
  • Drink only what it contains large number alkalis. You need to drink about 2 liters of liquid throughout the whole day.
  • In order to relieve the troubling spasm, a specialist may schedule an appointment.

At acute pancreatitis the patient should be under the supervision of a doctor.

In order to cure pancreatitis of the pancreas in a child, it is necessary to provide him correct mode nutrition and rest. Under no circumstances should you self-medicate. This can be dangerous for the baby. At the first signs of pancreatitis, you should urgently consult a specialist.

Itching occurs when allergic reactions body and malignant tumors of various origins and nature. There are localized (localized) and general (generalized) itching. Among the many causes of localized itching is scabies, which primarily appears between the toes, on the skin of the abdomen and the flexor side of the wrists, and from there in men it quickly moves to the penis and scrotum. In the absence of itching short term neighboring areas are covered, and ends with the whole body itching, with the exception of hairy part heads and face. Scabies itching intensifies in the evening and at night, at which time the activity of mites increases.

Worried about itching?

Itching when diabetes mellitus, which occurs as a reaction to thrush, is felt in the genital area and anus. Increased level sugar in diabetes, promotes the activity of Candida fungus.

May also be a consequence of tumor and gynecological diseases genitals.

Worried about itching on the feet and toes - fungal infection nails and skin causes itching on the toes and feet.

With hemorrhoids and pinworm infection, itching in anus, and itching in the nose, particularly in children, is also caused by helminthiasis.

Appears due to pediculosis, or too oily skin(seborrhea).

Itching of the legs occurs due to stagnation of blood in the vessels of the lower extremities.

Generalized itching, in turn, appears with allergic or contact dermatitis, urticaria and others allergic diseases, for example, reactions to medications, food, insect bites, in which the body releases histamine, which irritates the nerve endings.

Causes of itching

Dry air, especially in apartments winter period, can also cause general itching. Malignant tumors also cause a similar reaction.

Itching occurs when:

  • psoriasis,
  • helminthiasis,
  • cholestasis and obstructive jaundice,
  • kidney diseases,
  • mental disorders,
  • due to dry skin in old age.

It should also be noted in pregnant women, sometimes observed in the third trimester, as well as itching after chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

Causative agent of itching

Skin itching can increase:

  • increased air dryness,
  • loss of fluid, which can also occur due to various reasons(diarrhea, vomiting high temperature, or limiting fluid intake),
  • contact with fuel oil,
  • mineral oils, etc.,
  • bathing in hot water,
  • use of soaps with detergents, washing powders.

In general, the use of various deodorants, antiperspirants, early addition of oil to the bath, as well as too frequent and long-term appointments baths provoke itching. In addition, a similar reaction can be caused by the wrong selection of clothing (wool, synthetics, coarse fabrics), stress, and the use of antibiotics or drugs.

What to do if you are worried about itching?

Helps reduce or completely eliminate itching basic care skin care and optimizing humidity in the house (using humidifiers or simply a damp towel placed on the radiator). IN hygiene procedures it is important to use moisturizing lotions and creams (or gels with local anesthetic lidocaine), the use of mild soaps, cool baths, adding oil at the end of the bath, application soft remedies for washing.

Underwear and clothing to reduce itching should be made of flannel or other soft fabrics. Psychologically, relaxation and a positive attitude towards the world are important.

Absence visible reasons the appearance and prolonged sensation of itching is a reason to visit a dermatologist. Or maybe see a therapist and endocrinologist.

What to do if you are worried about itching? First of all, when getting rid of itching, you should treat the main cause of its occurrence, which is best determined by a doctor.

However, itching can be temporarily eliminated, for example, by wiping the skin with a weak solution of vinegar, applying a cool cloth or ice, pressure and vibration.

Try acupuncture and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation.

Experts believe that if a person goes to the toilet to urinate 10 times a day, then this is absolutely normal phenomenon. For this reason, competent doctors must take an individual approach to each patient. It is quite difficult to independently identify bladder problems, because frequent urination does not necessarily indicate any defects in the body. Calling a urologist in St. Petersburg will solve all your problems. A quality specialist will easily install correct diagnosis. Calling a urologist at home will help you solve the problem of kidney disease and bladder inflammation.

If you want to understand whether everything is okay with you, first find out how much urine your body produces at a time and whether this affects the amount of fluid consumed. And in the end, does a normal lifestyle suffer from frequent deurination. After you answer these questions, the doctor will find out whether this behavior is normal for your body, or whether we are dealing with pathology.

Frequent urge to urinate can be caused by various pathologies:

  • Urinary tract infection. Urethra or bladder, into which harmful microorganisms have penetrated can cause frequent urination;
  • Heart failure also leads to such symptoms;
  • Diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus;
  • Kidney failure (dead kidney cells make you often walk “small”);
  • If you experience pain when passing urine, this may indicate cystitis.

If deurination is impaired for these reasons, then you urgently need to consult a specialist.

How to cure the problem of frequent urination?

It is necessary to treat the body only after identifying the causes of the painful condition. To do this, you need to conduct a full range of examinations. The doctor prescribes to the patient symptomatic therapy, aimed at treating the pathology that caused these problems. Besides this knowledgeable people It is advised to perform a set of health-improving exercises that strengthen the urinary part of your body. For example, many women noted an improvement in their condition after they completed a course of classes according to the Arnold Keglem system, which was created in the mid-20th century. There is still debate among specialists about the effectiveness of this method, but it really helps many patients.

Many women often face problems of uncontrolled hair loss and excessive brittleness of nails. Of course, every representative of the fair sex is concerned about these phenomena and is trying to get rid of the troubles that have befallen her. However, not everyone knows the right way tidy up your hair and nails. Masks, baths, serums, oils and lotions give only a short-term effect, after which, as a rule, a relapse occurs, which makes it even more offensive.

Only a few realize that it’s all about the adrenal glands, problems in which can cause brittle hair and nails, as well as provoke other abnormalities. As Wikipedia says, the adrenal glands are paired endocrine glands, located above top part human kidney. These organs play vital role in the regulation of metabolism and in the body’s adaptation to unfavorable conditions(reaction to stressful conditions). Serve as a source of adrenaline and norepinephrine.

Are you often nervous and worried? Here you have problems with the adrenal glands and, as a result, brittle hair and nails, as well as bad dream and depressed state.

To normalize the functioning of the adrenal glands, it is necessary to regularly consume special remedy, which can be easily prepared at home. All ingredients are natural, easily accessible, inexpensive and compatible with each other. Their quantity can vary slightly depending on personal taste preferences or attitude towards a particular product.

We are preparing a remedy for hair loss and brittle nails.

Ingredients: 500 ml natural honey; 30 g dried leaves parsley; 200 g Brazil or walnuts; 100 g raisins; 20 g ground ginger.

Preparation: First of all, you need to thoroughly chop and mix the parsley leaves and peeled nuts. The easiest way to do this is in a blender or food processor. After this, you need to add to the resulting mixture natural honey, washed raisins and ground ginger. When all the ingredients are combined, it is necessary to thoroughly mix the resulting mass. It is better to store in glass jar and definitely in the refrigerator.

Usage: The mixture should be consumed two tablespoons in the morning on an empty stomach, fifteen minutes before meals. It is most convenient to do this before breakfast. The frequency of use can vary from two to three times per week.

Depending on the predominance of certain ingredients (in case of slight changes in proportions to your taste), the color of the resulting mass can be from greenish (due to the presence of parsley) to brownish (due to the predominance of nuts and dark honey), and the presence of ginger gives a light island shade. Despite this, some will even find this remedy tasty.

This mixture causes the adrenal glands to function more intensively, normalizes their work and, as a result, improves well-being and general condition bodies. Changes for the better will be felt quite soon. Not only sleep is normalized, but also the condition of hair and nails - they will become healthier, stronger, more beautiful.

Don't ignore the signals your body sends you! On early stages You can always easily deal with the problem. In any case, consult your doctor or local physician about possible intolerance to your body individual ingredients this folk remedy and their combinations.

Be healthy and beautiful!

Ear congestion and throbbing are common symptoms that accompany the disease. varying degrees gravity. This condition is quite uncomfortable and causes significant inconvenience.

This factor provokes a decrease in hearing acuity, causes irritability, affects the quality of sleep, which, in turn, leads to poor health and leads to more severe pathologies. Therefore, you should find the reason why you constantly hear the pulse pounding in your ears, and, if possible, eliminate it.

Cause of pulsation in the ear

Strong and weak pulsation in the organ of hearing can be caused by disruption of part of the organ by chronic or infectious diseases, exposure to external factors.

Treatment for pulsation in the ears begins with identifying the causes that cause it.

Tinnitus appears:

  • when wax accumulates and the ear canal becomes clogged;
  • otitis occurs - inflammatory disease middle ear - the symptoms of which are a violation of the outflow of fluid from the apparatus inner ear and the appearance of pus behind the eardrum;
  • with eustachitis - inflammation of the passage between the ear and nasopharynx;
  • during inflammation eardrum.

All ear diseases cause swelling, which creates a pressure difference between the inner and outer external environment, which causes the ears to become blocked and noise to appear in them. The conversion of acoustic signals into electrical impulses is disrupted, and the perception of sounds deteriorates.

Pulsation in the ears can appear during physical activity and during pregnancy, and can be a symptom of the following diseases.

Arteriovenous malformation

The cause of tinnitus is an abnormal plexus of blood vessels, due to which blood from the capillaries immediately enters the veins.

Arterial hypertension

This sudden changes pressure causes a narrowing of the blood vessels in the brain, its oxygen supply is disrupted, and unpleasant symptoms appear.


A disease in which blood vessels narrow, blood is “pushed” through them, causing a characteristic sound.

There are other reasons for the sensation of pulsation:

  • osteochondrosis cervical region;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • hepatitis of various types;
  • myoclonus – spasmodic contractions soft palate and middle ear;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • lack of sleep;
  • stressful conditions.

Depending on the cause, pulsations in the ear may occur additional symptoms: temperature rise, hearing deteriorates, from ear canal fluid or purulent discharge leaks out, dizziness, loss of coordination, and others. Clinical picture emerges taking into account general symptoms, based on the patient’s complaints and during special studies.

Doctors begin their rounds with an ENT specialist, who diagnoses the absence or presence inflammatory processes in the organ of hearing.

Then you may need consultations with a phoniologist, therapist, cardiologist, neurologist and other specialized specialists.

Without identifying the exact cause and eliminating it, it is impossible to cope with the task of how to remove pulsation in the ear.

Elimination of tinnitus

To eliminate tinnitus, you can only give general recommendations. It is impossible to treat only one symptom without eliminating the root cause that caused it.

For pulsation in the ears during pregnancy - if it is caused by pressure changes - soft sedatives: fennel tea, valerian. Once upon a time, pregnant women were helped to restore peace of mind and eliminate insomnia with the help of Quator’s mixture, but now new remedies have appeared. In this state, it is not advisable to select medications for yourself without medical recommendations - you can harm the fetus.

If the noise is ear canal appears during physical activity or sudden movements of the head, it is most likely worth considering treatment for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine or dysfunction cardiovascular system. Sometimes it is enough to limit the range of movement of the body and neck, do not bend or turn sharply, reduce the intensity physical activity, And unpleasant symptom will disappear.

Treatment of atherosclerosis and arterial hypertension, disruption of the endocrine and cardiovascular systems, osteochondrosis and hepatitis is carried out by relevant specialists.

General purposes for eliminating pulsation in the ears:

  • nootropic drugs that improve blood supply and circulation to the brain;
  • sedatives that relieve irritation;
  • medications for insomnia;
  • antidepressants.

How to be treated without medications?

Diet helps improve your overall condition.

It is usually advised to reduce the amount of fatty foods in the diet, foods that contain cholesterol, and, if possible, give up sweets and spicy seasonings that stimulate activity. nervous system.

If the occurrence of pulsation in the ear is associated with impaired functionality auditory nerve, physiotherapeutic effects are included: electrophoresis, massage of the drum membrane, acoustic massage. In some cases, selection helps to get rid of tinnitus hearing aid. Surgery may be required.

The patient should know that it is not always possible to get rid of this symptom. With degradation of the auditory nerve or rupture of the eardrum, atherosclerosis and arteriovenous malformation, the pulsation will only increase and become permanent.

In this case, you need to prepare in advance for the fact that such a sound will accompany you constantly and - in order to avoid nervous system disorders - develop the habit of living with tinnitus. Psychotherapists advise - on initial stage getting used to a new state - do not remain in silence.